Well it's quite a long time since I made this promise, so I suppose I'd better start telling some of my experiences!Boris_P wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 9:28 am I'll definitely share the James story, plus some of my other experiences of which there are many. Changing for swimming or PE, changing in the classroom, overnight trips and camps, school toilets, friends' sisters, the list is long!
In the last year of primary school, all the classes went for a sports lesson at the local park on Wednesday afternoons, and after the lesson there were compulsory group showers, so we all saw each other bare every week, and, as we were only 10/11 at the time, we were all quite relaxed about it - maybe a little self-conscious the first time, but afterwards no big deal.
However, when I went up to what was then called secondary school (high school these days in most cases I think), there were only two of us from my primary school and everyone else was from different schools. At the first swimming lesson, I started changing as normal and then realised that a lot of the other boys were already wearing their swimming trunks under their trousers. One of my biggest aims at the time was not to stand out from the crowd, to do what everyone else was doing, to fit in with this new group of people, so I was a little concerned that already this was an occasion where I was doing something "different". I kept my shirt on while I removed my trousers and pants, and just hoped that the shirt was long enough to hide my willy from view - after all, if everyone else was keeping theirs hidden, there was no way I wanted to have mine on full view. If everyone else was getting naked too, I had no problem, but as I said, I had no desire to stand out as different. I think I escaped without displaying too much of my most private area, although I'm sure my bare bottom was on full view as I bent forward to get my trunks on. After the lesson everyone changed under a towel, so I did the same, and made sure I wore my trunks to school the following week.
Now, a few weeks later, one of the boys from my class, James, invited me to go swimming with him and his sister (who was in the year above us) at the weekend. I was very pleased to be making a new friend so of course I accepted. When we got there, obviously his sister went to the female changing room, and James and I started changing in the male - just an open room with benches, and baskets where you put your clothes then handed them in for safe keeping (you got a little wristband to collect them). I had got my trunks on under my trousers, assuming that James would be changing the same way - after all, that was what we did at school each week. But to my surprise, he just stripped completely bare - took absolutely everything off, before leisurely pulling his trunks on. At this point my desire not to stand out as "different" took effect again. Although there was only one other person there, I was the less confident one by a long way, and I was acting differently from him. Clearly I couldn't change the fact that I already had my trunks on, so I just go on with it, but I did wonder what he thought, and what might happen when we had finished swimming.
When the time came, I took my time and waited to see what James did, and sure enough he just pulled his trunks off, once more standing there completely exposed. I was torn - I didn't really want him to see everything, but my desire to always fit in with other people took over, and I took a deep breath and stripped off. I noticed him casting the odd glance at my willy and balls, and to be honest I was doing the same to his - it's only natural at that age I think. I could however feel the blood pumping round my brain, telling me that someone could see my most private parts.
A few months later, it was arranged for me to spend the night at James's house. When we were getting changed for bed, I of course remembered the way James changed when we were alone at the pool, and didn't hesitate to remove my pants without covering up. That turned out to be a big mistake as his room had no lock, and his mum just casually strolled into the room at that point to bring him some clean clothes from the laundry. I hastily squatted down, but I know she got an eyeful of everything (not much to see at that age, but even so...)
I just kept telling myself it could have been much worse - it could have been his sister!
This anecdote turned out to be a bit longer than I planned, so apologies for that. I'll write about my other experiences if people are interested.