Coed Female Nonviolence Mediation Pact (Chapter 2 - March 1st)

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Coed Female Nonviolence Mediation Pact (Chapter 2 - March 1st)

Post by EthanSwift21 »

Chapter 1

For their second year in college, best friends and roommates, Tasha and Katelyn, had decided to take a sociology course. It was a topic in both their wheelhouses, and they thought it might be fun. During that course they had befriended two guys from the class, Jacob and Felix, and the four had all become fast friends. Partway into the class, they had been assigned a group project, so naturally they all decided to team up. Already knowing each other put them ahead of a lot of the other groups. They had just finished their classes for the day, and were now headed over to the girl’s dormitory in order to start work on the project together.

“Woah! Holy shit! What’s that guy doing!?” Felix asked as they all entered the vestibule of the building. He held his arms out to stop the others from advancing forward.

“Huh?” Katelyn looked at him with confusion.

Jacob had spotted exactly what Felix had been talking about. “What the fuck…? That guy’s naked!” He said, in shock.

“Oh my god!” Katelyn gasped, not believing her eyes. The guy was seated sideways from her position, so nothing much was visible, but it was still quite the shock to her system.

“What the hell is he doing naked!?” Felix added.

“I wonder?…” Katelyn began, but was cut off.

“Haven’t you guys heard of the nonviolence mediation pact?” Tasha asked hurriedly.

“No, what's that?” Jacob asked, bewildered.

“It’s a new policy the campus is trying out this semester.” Tasha explained. “In order to protect the girls living in the dorms, the administration has made a rule that all males need to be nude while visiting the girls’ dormitory.”

“What!?” Felix looked at her like she had grown a second head.

“What are you…?” Katelyn began, only to be cut off again.

“I know. Kinda weird, huh, guys? But it seems to have kept unwanted encounters down so far. That’s what our RA has told me.” Tasha said.

The guys both stared at the naked male for a few moments. He was sitting in the lounge, happily chatting with another young female coed. Nothing improper seemed to be going on, and the guy didn’t appear to be in any distress either.

“You’re really not shitting us, are you?” Jacob turned back to Tasha, finally taking her seriously.

Tasha made a gesture at the naked guy. “No. You can see that for yourself.” Then she got a little half smile on her lips. “I guess this means you guys will have to undress before you come in too.”

“Wait, what!!?” Felix’s eyes nearly came out of his head. “I can’t do that!!”

“Yeah, I think we’ll have to cancel on you for today, girls. We can work on the project another time.” Jacob agreed. “At the library,” he added.

“We’ve already procrastinated enough, guys! This project is due on Friday!” Tasha implored. “We haven’t even started yet! And I know the library is booked up for at least a week.”

“But! But! If we go in there, we have to be naked!?” Felix complained.

“Yes, but that guy is doing just fine.” Tasha pointed to the nude guy once more. “You guys don’t need to be afraid. It’s the rules. You don’t have a choice, so no one is going to think anything negatively about you being naked.”

“Tasha…?” Katelyn grumbled a little.

“Shush Kate. I’m trying to help the guys.” She went back to addressing her male friends. “Look, you guys could get in big trouble for even being this far in the building wearing clothes. I don’t want another girl calling campus police on you. The girl over there has already seen you guys coming in.” She nodded to the girl sitting with the naked guy. “If you guys don’t take your clothes off, she’ll probably make a complaint about you. But if you get undressed like you are supposed to, I’m sure she’ll just let it slide.”

“Shit!! Really?" Jacob looked at Felix in a panic. "I can’t afford to get in trouble, dude. I’ll probably lose my scholarship.”

“Me neither.” Felix nodded in agreement.

“So I guess our only choice is…” Jacob started.

“Our only choice is…” Felix continued.

“To get naked.” Tasha finished for them.

Both guys were nervous wrecks, but saw no other options, and so they began to do just that. It was still early in the semester, so they weren’t wearing too many layers. Both were in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Jacob was the first to take anything off, his shirt, but Felix quickly followed suit. Once he saw his friend was doing it, he knew he had to do it as well. Shirts off, both quickly kicked off their tennis shoes, and then slipped their jeans down their legs while also slipping their socks off as well. That left them in just their underwear. Felix was wearing form fitting boxer briefs, while Jacob had more traditional boxer shorts.

Both guys were now at the point of no return, and it made them both hesitate. “Come on, guys. You don’t have to be shy. Katelyn and I both have brothers. We’ve seen what guys got. It’s no big deal. I mean, look at how relaxed that guy is about this. You wouldn't want us girls thinking you're too chicken to show a little skin, would ya?” Tasha could see they both needed a little more encouragement and persuasion, trying to appeal to their macho egos.

Both guys took another look, seeing the guy let out a deep belly laugh. Tasha seemed to be right; the other guy seemed to be having no trouble with this situation at all, and neither of them wanted the girls to think they were chicken. They both let out a deep sigh, and then hooked their thumbs into their respective waistbands. They cringed a little and shut their eyes, as they simultaneously pushed their boxers down their hips. The last bit of covering they had quickly slipped down their legs to rest at their ankles, and now the girls could see everything!

Katelyn took in a sharp breath. Now her eyes were the ones bugging out. Tasha just got a satisfied smirk on her lips, wanting to squeal, but she held it in. She knew letting out a sound like that would probably scare off the guys for good. This was a first for both girls, as Tasha had been lying. Neither one had ever seen a man in the flesh before; at least in person.

Both guys opened their eyes to find the girls intently staring at their exposed packages, and quickly covered up in embarrassment. The knowledge that they were both standing naked before two cute coeds was now getting to them, however. Behind their hands, both of them felt a stir, and they could do nothing as their appendages grew into full-blown erections. For a while nothing was said between the four of them. Tasha and Katelyn just stared at the naked guys, wishing they would move their hands out of the way, while the guys stared down at the floor, feeling shame like they’d never felt before in their life! They could only hope the girls wouldn’t find out they had gotten hard.

Tasha broke the silence, as she figured out a way to get the guys to move their hands out of the way, “Guys, I’m sorry to tell you this, but doing that is against the new policy as well. The by-law states that males are not permitted to touch themselves in front of female coeds, as this could be construed as sexual harassment.”

“Huh?” Felix asked, not quite believing her.

“It might look like you guys are trying to play with yourselves in front of us, holding yourselves like that.” Both guys gave a bashful blush, hoping she had meant anything but that, but knowing exactly what she had meant. They slowly dropped their hands from covering their genitals. Now they felt truly ashamed of themselves, as the girls now learned of their arousal.

Tasha was really impressed with the guys now. “Don’t worry guys. Neither of you have anything to be ashamed of. And I mean nothing to be ashamed of at all!” she said with a little giggle, and poked Katelyn with her elbow.

Katelyn eventually got her message. "Oh, uh, yeah. You guys don't have to worry at all." She had to swallow a little, or she was going to start salivating. "They're really…"

"What?" Tasha gave her an amused grin.

"Big…" she finally managed to say. The boys could only blush deeply in response.

Now the girls just stared freely at the guys, taking in any part of the guys’ body they wanted to look at, and look they did. They looked both boys up and down again and again, examining their bare chests and shoulders, their abs and their builds, and every inch of their uncovered manhood, memorizing every little detail they could about their male friends’ bodies. Felix was more nerdy, with glasses and unkempt, scraggly hair. He was a bit scrawny, and his penis was the shorter of the two, but a bit thicker. Jacob had been on the swim team in high school, and while he hadn’t made the team last year, he still kept himself in good shape. His body was lean and muscular, and hardly had any hair. They finally had no choice but to look up, seeing both girls giving them wide grins. For some reason, that made them feel a little bit better about the situation.

“Katelyn, will you get Felix’s clothes, while I get Jacob’s?” Tasha asked.

“What? What are you going to do with our clothes!?” Felix felt his nerves coming back.

“We’re just going to hold on to them for you on the way to our room.” Tasha explained. “We don’t want you guys getting in trouble. I know it will probably be tempting for you to try and cover up.”

“Oh, ok.” Jacob said, stepping out of his boxers finally.

Once the guys' clothes were collected, the girls started leading them into the building proper. The boys were thankful there weren’t too many people around. Just the girl and her naked companion. “Afternoon!” The girl smiled wide, especially at the two new nude guys and their large erections. She gave the group a little wave, then giggled as she looked back at the naked guy seated beside her. The naked guy just gave her a perplexed look, then shrugged his shoulders.

The guys were safe from being seen as they headed up the stairs. Both girls had taken the lead, so they weren’t even in their line of sight at the moment. It wasn’t until they reached the second floor, where the girls’ room was located, that the guys almost bumped into another girl coming out of her room. “Oooo la la!!” The girl smiled big, looking the two nude males up and down in wonder. Then she got a large, appreciative grin as she stared right down at their private parts.

“Guys, keep up!” Tasha called, as she and Katelyn were still walking ahead and had pretty much already reached their door. Tasha turned to Katelyn and gave a little knowing giggle, while Katelyn could only shake her head at her friend in amused disbelief.

The guys made a half jog to catch up, while the girls just stood there waiting and watching them. Now, both girls really got a good view, as both guys' erect dicks and tight balls bobbed up and down with each footfall they made. The girl that had come out of her room had not moved either, and watched the guys from behind, enjoying the slight jiggle of their butts as they moved away from her.

Tasha unlocked the door for everyone, but only once the boys had finally caught up. She didn’t want to miss a second of the bobbing. Finally, all four entered the girls’ room, and the guys felt like they gained just a shred of privacy back. Being naked in the girls’ dorm room felt less exposed than being out in the common areas of the stairs and the hallway, where any girl might come out and see them.

“Are you sure this is alright?” Jacob asked, once the door was finally shut. “That girl seemed pretty shocked to see us like this. I mean, the way she reacted…”

“Jake, this rule is pretty new. Not many guys have been around the dorm yet.” Tasha explained. “It’s going to take some time for us girls to get used to all of this manly nakedness, too.” She gave him puppy dog eyes.

“I guess that makes sense.” Felix nodded, but his nerves were still in overdrive after the exposure in front of the girl in the hall.

“Go ahead and sit down, guys. I’ll go get my notes, and we can get started.” Tasha said. Then she went and took Felix’s clothes from Katelyn, bringing them into the other room with her as well.

Both boys went and sat down on the opposite sides of the couch from one another, not sure what else to do. “Are you guys uncomfortable?” Katelyn asked them. “I mean your… Well your…” She made a gesture like she wanted to point at Jacob’s lap. “Is it painful?” She asked bashfully.

“What…? Uh… No, not painful.” Jacob blushed deeply, as he could see Katelyn’s eyes scanning up and down his erection. He had hoped he could get a bit of coverage by sitting down, but there was no such luck for him, as his penis just stuck right up in the air, almost reaching his belly button.

Katelyn turned to address Felix, doing the same thing to him, and looking his erection up and down a few times. His angled so far up, it was resting against his belly. “I mean, they’ve been like that since you guys got undressed…” She explained, almost breathless.


“What!!?” She jumped, turning around to see it was Tasha that had called her name.

“It’s impolite to stare.” Tasha giggled, enjoying the way Katelyn’s face turned crimson red.

“I wasn’t…” Katelyn tried to deny it, but it was written all over her face.

Tasha just giggled, going over to the boys. "Here, look." She held out a pamphlet towards Felix, which he hesitantly took from her.

"The Coed Female Nonviolence Mediation Pact." He read the title. "A promise from male coeds to show proper respect and compassion to their fellow female peers." He flipped it open to find a picture of four students seated at a study table, apparently working on school work. Two guys and two girls. Only the guys were wearing no clothes while the girls were dressed, just like them. The private parts of the guys weren't visible in the picture, but you could tell they were naked from head to toe.

"Let me see that!" Jacob said, taking the pamphlet forcefully from his friend and looking it over closely. "Shit! This really is real!!" He said, almost surprised. "It's even got the dean's signature!"

"Why would you go along with this if it wasn't real?" Tasha asked in amusement, taking the pamphlet back from him.

Jacob's face felt like it was on fire, but he still tried to provide an answer to her. "I thought it was real. It's just… It's really hard to believe, you know?"

"Well believe it!" Tasha smirked as she shook the pamphlet in his face one more time, before heading back to her bedroom once again to put it away. She didn't want the guys getting too good of a look at it.

Without Tasha there, Katelyn found it hard to stop herself from starting again. They're just right there! Sticking all the way up towards the ceiling! And I can see everything, she thought to herself!!

"Naughty Katelyn!" Tasha caught her once again, teasing her with a giggle. Then she turned to look at the guys too. “Well, you guys don’t really mind, right?” She started doing the same thing, scanning each guy's erection up and down. “If we look a little closer? We’ve never seen one before.”

“I thought you said you had brothers!?” Jacob complained.

“Oh, uh, yeah. But they were little last time we saw them, and never… Well, never like that.” Tasha explained.

“Like what?” Jacob asked, feeling bashful again as the girl kept staring at his hard appendage. It made him want to cover up so badly, but he knew he wasn't allowed.

“Big… Hard…” Tasha said, licking her lips a little. Then it was like a light bulb went off above her head. “I know, we should take, like, ten minutes to look you guys over. Just so we can all get used to this and get it out of the way. Sound good?”

“Look us over?” Felix asked hesitantly, feeling squirming like never before in the pit of his stomach. It was bad enough he couldn’t cover up. Now she wanted to look him over too?

“Yeah. Let’s switch places. We’ll sit down on the couch and you guys can stand in front of us.” Tasha told them her plan.

The guys were too flustered to do much of anything besides follow her directions. This all felt so awkward for them. They both got up, and the two girls took their spots. “Now just stand right here in front of us.” Tasha directed. “Right between our legs.” The boys moved forward, Felix in front of Katelyn, and Jacob in front of Tasha. Jacob made a move with his hands, and it looked to Tasha like he was about to cover up. “No! No covering. Remember? If it's too difficult for you, move your hands behind your back or put them behind your head." Both boys complied with this too, moving their hands behind their backs.

Tasha stared directly into Jacob's eyes, with a smug smirk all over her face. Jacob could only shudder in response. "Good, Jacob. Now I'm going to look down at your bare exposed penis for a while, ok? Be a good boy and stay standing just like that!" Now a bit of smugness had crept into her voice as well. Their eyes were still locked, so Jacob was certain of the moment her gaze went downwards. It sent a sharp shiver up his spine the moment he saw Tasha's eyes lock onto his exposed privates.

"Ok, Felix. I'm going to look at your penis too, ok? Don't worry, it's very beautiful from what I've already seen." Katelyn explained, before taking in the sight of him once more. She was, however, trying to be much kinder and gentler than her friend. Felix felt a combination of tingling and butterflies. She thinks my penis is beautiful, he thought!!!?

Chapter 2
Last edited by EthanSwift21 on Sat Mar 01, 2025 7:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coed Female Nonviolence Mediation Pact

Post by Skylar21 »

Unfortunately there was not such a rule when I was in school. A little CFNM would have made life more interesting. ;)

There is something about that pamphlet the women don't want the boys to see. Nice that the nudity rule is there to force males to show proper respect for the women.

Good story, keep going!
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Re: Coed Female Nonviolence Mediation Pact

Post by EthanSwift21 »

Skylar21 wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2025 9:52 pm Unfortunately there was not such a rule when I was in school. A little CFNM would have made life more interesting. ;)

There is something about that pamphlet the women don't want the boys to see. Nice that the nudity rule is there to force males to show proper respect for the women.

Good story, keep going!
Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it so far! There's definitely more coming soon!
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Coed Female Nonviolence Mediation Pact - Chapter 2

Post by EthanSwift21 »

"I don't know if this is working at all. You guys still seem kind of uncomfortable." Tasha said, finding it hard not to laugh at her male friends. Jacob and Felix had both stripped naked in front of her and her friend Katelyn after she had told them about a new nonviolence mediation pack that didn't allow for males to wear any clothes while visiting the female dorm. The boys were still acting quite bashfully about the new situation they now found themselves in, and Tasha had suggested that they allow the girls to examine them all over to help them get over any feelings of modesty they were expecting.

With the boys standing naked in front of them, hands still behind their backs, Tasha had a fun idea. "I think having both of you in here at the same time is making it take too long for you to get acclimated to being naked. And we’ve got to get to work on our project, so we don’t have much time. Felix, will you go wait in our bedroom?"

Felix didn't need to be asked twice. He was the more shy of the two guys, and jumped at the chance for a moment of privacy. He quickly scampered his way out of the room. Both girls watched him, butt jiggling as he made his retreat, until he disappeared around the corner and shut the door.

Jacob gulped, now the only naked male in the room, as both girls turned their attention to him. Tasha made no attempt to hide what she was doing, as she stared directly at his naked private parts. His cock ached, as he had been hard since he had stripped naked in the front vestibule of the building. Katelyn was trying to be a little more subtle about staring at his hard appendage, but he knew that she too could not keep her eyes off of the parts that made him a man. Knowing that the two pretty coeds were seeing every bit of him that they were not meant to see was making him horny beyond belief!

“Great. Jacob, this should go a little faster now.” Tasha finally spoke. “This way, Katelyn and I can give you our full attention. Isn’t that better?”

“I guess so?” Jacob answered, hoping this would go quickly.

“Oh, absolutely. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, go ahead and put your hands on your head so Katelyn and I can get a good look at you from head to toe.” Tasha couldn't hide her smile, as Jacob did just that. The guys seemed much more open to suggestions once they were naked, and Tasha was taking note of that.

Tasha gave a look towards Katelyn, like she had better say something. Katelyn's cheeks flushed, as she spoke. “Very nice, Jacob. Really, very nice. You look great!” She couldn't help getting a bit of a smile, too, as he blushed at her complimenting him. She was starting to realize that Jacob seemed way more embarrassed to be naked in front of her than she did seeing him naked, and that was giving her more confidence in the situation.

"Does it hurt being so hard for so long?" Tasha asked.

“No, not really.” Jacob responded. “Katelyn already asked us that.”

“Oh you did?” Tasha only glanced at Katelyn for a millisecond before going back to staring at Jacob.

“Yeah, I did.” Katelyn didn't even take her eyes off of him to respond. She was salivating now, lost in how much she was enjoying seeing her friend's penis up close. All bashfulness she had about the guys being naked in front of her had been completely replaced by lust at this point.

Tasha cleared her throat to get Jacob's attention. “So as part of this Coed Female Nonviolence Mediation Pact, since it’s just been in place for a few weeks, they’ve got this survey which we are supposed to give any male visitors. Just so they can make improvements to the program, you know?” Tasha pulled out her phone, looking at it for the survey question.

“Questions?” Jacob asked, finding it difficult to speak clearly. How could he be expected to answer any questions in this position?

“Yeah, they're not personal, and it's all anonymous.” She could see Jacob's shoulders relax a little at her mentioning that it would be anonymous. “Ok, first question. Would you say you are more or less likely to be violent while you are naked?”

Jacob squirmed around a little before answering, finding it difficult not to focus on his nakedness whenever the girls brought it up. “I guess less?”

“Very good. Next question…”

“Tasha?” Katelyn cut her off, finding herself feeling a lot more confident now.


“Don’t you think Jacob should turn around for a bit? I mean, we haven’t even seen his butt yet. If he is ever going to get used to us seeing him naked, we really need to see his butt.” Jacob could feel his eyes getting wide at what the girl was suggesting. Was this the same demure, bashful Katelyn he knew?

“Oh, good point, Katelyn!” Tasha made a small clap with her hands. “Jacob, turn around so we can see your butt. Maybe get down on your knees, too.” Jacob wanted to protest, but felt compelled to do what the girl told him to do for some reason. Getting down on his knees felt degrading, but at least he wasn't showing them his cock and balls for the time being. “There. Cute butt. Really cute. Don’t you think so, Katelyn?”

“Oh, yes! Absolutely very cute, Jacob! Nice butt!” Katelyn let out an elated giggle, not believing those words had actually come from her mouth, while Jacob could feel his face starting to burn. At least the girls couldn't see how much he was blushing at the moment, he thought.

“Next question. On a scale of one to ten, how embarrassed are you, with one being not embarrassed at all and ten being that your heart is pounding, and you really can’t take it?”

Any solace he had taken in facing away from them was quickly lost at this question. “Ummmm, maybe seven???”

“Seven. Very good. Good answer. So mostly embarrassed, but not too bad. Very good.” Tasha said, marking the answer in her phone.

“Tasha, I think he should turn around again so we can see his front. I like looking at your front, Jacob. It’s fun to see you so hard.” Jacob couldn't believe his ears, as the once very sweet Katelyn was now talking about enjoying seeing him hard!

Tasha found herself making a wicked laugh. “Yes, Jacob. Go ahead and turn back around so we can see how hard your dick is again. You can stand up too if you like. But please either keep your hands on your head or behind your back.” This was the kind of treatment he was expecting from Tasha, but that still didn't mean he was anyway comfortable being treated like this. He slowly stood, and made the almost painful turn to face them again, keeping his hands on his head all the while. Now the girls could see how much he was blushing, though their attention seemed to always drift back to his hard cock, even if they looked at his body elsewhere from time to time. Katelyn seemed to get lost in his chest the most, when not staring at his erection.

“Okay, last few questions. And thanks so much for participating, Jacob. I know this will be really helpful feedback. Oh, these all relate to each other, so I can ask them all at once. Would you feel better if you were allowed to have an orgasm, allowing your erection to go down? If so, would you rather have it in the privacy of one of the girls’ rooms or in the common area? And if so, would you rather do it yourself or would you want one of the girls to do it for you?”

Jacob felt shocked! He couldn't believe that the school would be asking these kinds of questions! Still, his dick was throbbing, twitching up and down in front of the girls, much to their delight, at the thought of getting off in front of them. “I guess I’d rather do it here than in the common area.” He finally answered, finding his heart racing fast at the idea of finally getting off.

“Excellent. And would you rather get off yourself or have a one of us do it for you?” Tasha made a few marks on her phone, acting almost indifferent to his response.

Jacob found his mouth going dry at having to answer such a question! How could he tell the girls whether he wanted to jerk himself off or have one of them do it!? Either response was totally humiliating! “I don't know if I can answer that!”

“Oh, come on, Jacob, we're friends. We won't tell anyone what your response was, and I can't submit the survey without all questions answered.” Tasha explained.

“Yeah, we promise to keep it a secret.” Katelyn added.

Jacob took a deep breath before responding. “I guess one of you…” he mumbled a little.

“What was that?” Tasha held her palm behind her ear.

“I guess one of you!” Jacob responded more forcefully, but found himself flushed hard in response to the looks the girls gave him.

“Oh, that's cute!” Katelyn replied with a giggle. “Wouldn't that be something, one of us jerking you off?” Katelyn watched with joy as Jacob's dick started bouncing up and down in response! She almost felt like he was a happy dog, wagging his tail for her at all the attention they were giving him.

“Great! Thanks for answering all of my questions, Jacob. You can trade places with Felix now. We'll ask him the same questions.”

“Wait, isn't one of you gonna?...” Jacob started to ask, but found himself being stared at by the girls like he was nuts.

“You didn't really think!?...” Tasha said, before bursting into laughter. Katelyn was laughing too, and Jacob felt totally humiliated for assuming that one of the girls was going to jerk him off. “These are just questions, Jacob! We're not really gonna beat your meat for you! You can do that when you get home!” Jacob was so flustered by now, that he just turned and headed for the bedroom. The girls took the time to calm down and chat a bit, with the guys out of the room for the time being.

“Tasha, what is going on!? I find it hard to believe that the school would really make the guys go naked, especially in proximity to us girls.” Katelyn confronted her a little, but she was also having so much fun, that she wasn't sure she wanted it to end.

“Nah, I just saw an opening and I took it, but don't tell me you've never been curious what Jacob and Felix look like naked. Thanks to me, now we know!” Tasha came clean about her little prank on the boys.

“But they're our friends! How are we going to tell them that you made all this up?”

“Who says we have to tell them?” Tasha got a little mischievous grin on her lips.

“They're going to figure it out when they see other guys walking around here, not naked!” Katelyn furrowed her brow. “How long have you been planning this anyway? You had a brochure all ready to go.”

“I wasn't planning this. Honestly! That pamphlet was just a gag gift one of the other girls in my marketing class made for me. I just took the chance when I saw Pierce posing naked for Gwendolyn in the lounge again.”


“Yeah, Gwendolyn is an art major, and likes doing nude male drawings. Pierce is her boyfriend, I believe. He's got, like, no shame about his body.”

“Ok, but the boys are still going to get suspicious of us.” Katelyn brought the topic back to the guys that were currently naked in the other room.

“Hey! That gives me an idea! What if we do our sociology project on this?” Tasha said, getting a gleam in her eyes.

“On what?”

“On how easy it is to get boys to go along with a fake nudity program. Look, we'll put up fliers all around the dorm building and at the entrances. We'll make more copies of my fake pamphlet, and hand them out to all the girls. We'll even leave a big stack of them in the lounge room of the dormitories, for everyone to find. Then we'll just keep track of the number of guys we see walking around naked here, while keeping our main focus on Jacob and Felix.”

“I don't know? Won't the guys be mad at us once we hand in our project?” Katelyn asked, trying to be sensible.

“We'll tell them the day before the project is due. It's only 3 days. They won't be too mad, especially when we give them each a handjob in return.”

“What!? I'm not comfortable!...” Katelyn reached with outrage, but was cut off by Tasha.

“Oh, don't give me that! You were enjoying it as much as I was! The guys deserve a little something-something for this.”

“Who's doing who?” Katelyn asked, finding her panties getting soaked at the idea of actually touching one of the guys’ hard cocks.

“Hmmmmm?” Tasha scratched her chin. “We'll just let them decide.” Katelyn seemed agreeable to that, so the girls went through their plans for making up fliers and more pamphlets. “Guess we'll need to go to the library after all to use the printers.” She giggled. “Say, shouldn't Felix have been out here by now?” Both girls gave each other a curious look before heading into their bedroom.

They found the guys seated across from one another, Jacob on Tasha’s bed and Felix on Katelyn’s. “What's wrong guys?” Tasha asked, smiling as she noticed that Jacob was still struggling with an erection. He must have been very turned on about the idea of one of the girls jerking him off. Felix had gone soft in the meantime, having spent longer away from the girls.

“I'm sorry. I guess I'm still a little bashful to be naked in front of you girls.” Felix explained, hanging his head. “Jacob was telling me about the questions he had to answer, and I don't know if I can do that.”

The girls felt like taking some pity on him. “Why don't we put that off until tomorrow?” Katelyn suggested. “Will you be more comfortable being naked if Jacob is with you, Felix?” Katelyn had always gravitated towards Felix and his shyness, feeling a kindred spirit with him. She had a feeling that Felix was nervous about being naked alone with the girls. Felix made a quick nod, confirming her suspicions. “Then we'll all just go into the other room together and work on our project for a bit.” She smiled warmly at him, which Felix found comforting, and he couldn't help smiling back.

Tasha led the quartet back into the other room, having everyone take a seat on the floor in a square. The girls ended up across from one another, and the naked guys the same, so they were all able to relax a little and get to work. Eventually, the guys were relaxed enough to spread themselves out some. They stretched their bare legs to one side, propping themselves up on one of their elbows on the carpet. Katelyn and Tasha followed suit, finding that in this position, their heads ended up aligned with the crotches of the boys. Tasha had an up close view of Jacob's appendage, which had gone down some as they worked, but was now ballooning up to full length again with the pretty girl's proximity to it. Katelyn found herself admiring how cute Felix’s penis looked while flaccid, reminding her of her babysitting days when she was younger. He was a grower, not a shower. His penis couldn't have been even three inches long while soft! She also admired his balls, that seemed big compared to his little penis, and the amount of hair he had down there, and how, even with so much, it hid none of his private parts. She had to compare him to Jacob, who seemed to keep his hair trimmed down there, but then she had heard that swimmers kept all their body hair shaved, and maybe Jacob's was just growing back slowly. Unlike Felix, Jacob’s penis seemed to remain the same size whether hard or soft, just pointing out more when he was excited. Felix finally caught her staring at his privates, unable to control his response as his penis doubled in length! He couldn't help noticing that Katelyn's lips were only about an inch away from his tip, and he found himself imagining what it would feel like if she were to take him into her mouth! Katelyn was infatuated watching his cock growing right before her eyes, and she made a sweet giggle as his hips seemed to shimmy in response to his horniness! It made his bare cock wiggle right in her face!

Sensing that Felix was starting to feel humiliated again, Katelyn did her best to try and comfort her friend. “It's ok, Felix. It's just an erection. All guys get those from time to time, but you're being very brave letting me look at it. It's a very handsome erection, and I'm so happy for you to have shared it with me.” She smiled up at his eyes, watching him shiver slightly in response.

“You really think so?” He asked, not used to girls praising him about any of his looks. To have a girl praising his privates felt almost like a dream!

“Big or small, I think your private parts are really adorable, Felix! I'm so happy I got to see them today!”

Felix could feel himself fluffing up like a rooster. “You are?” He smiled. “Well, um, would you like it if we came back over tomorrow evening too?” Felix stammered, as he realized what he was implying. “To work on the project, I mean! Not to show you my…”

“Felix, I'd love that.” Katelyn giggled, feeling good about the upper hand she had over him. It was certainly helping with her own shyness. “To work on the project, and so that you can show me your cock and balls again!” Katelyn started to laugh at the expression Felix was giving her, but it didn't take too long for him to start laughing too.

“Those two seem to be getting pretty cozy over there.” Tasha whispered into Jacob's penis. She found herself meeting his eyes with a seductive look.

“Yeah, this mediation pack seems like a good idea after all. Once you get past the embarrassment of it all.” He gave her a warm look back, wiggling his hips until she moved her eyes back to his private parts again.

“Mhmm… I won't deny it's a lot of fun for us girls, seeing what you guys have always been hiding from us.” Tasha found herself getting mesmerized by the way his erection was bobbing back and forth in front of her eyes, by the way he moved his hips.

“Yeah, and it'll just be a few more days before you come clean about the truth. It'll be fun until then.”

“Yeah, just a few days, but I wish it could last forever…” Tasha found that she wished she could touch herself while watching Jacob wiggle his cock for her like this. “Only a few days, and then we'll come clean…” Tasha said, before realizing what she was saying! She gasped, taking a look at Katelyn and Felix, but they hadn't seemed to have been paying attention to their conversation. She looked back at Jacob, who had a big smile on his face now. “What do you want?”

“I think we'd be better off talking in the bedroom.” Jacob told her, before getting up. “We'll be back in a while. Will you two be alright out here?” Katelyn and Felix hardly responded, just giving him a nod, but that was good enough for him. He held a hand out to Tasha, to help her to her feet, and kept hold as he took her to the bedroom. He didn't want to risk her trying to flee.

Tasha was nervous now, expecting him to be furious with her. “Listen, Jacob, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to take things this far, it just ended up…”

“Tasha,” Jacob stopped her, putting his hands on her shoulders. She couldn't ignore that he was still naked. His clothes were sitting right there on her bed, but he made no move to get them. “I'm not mad. I'm actually kinda flattered that you'd go through such an elaborate scheme just to see me naked.”

“You are?” Tasha was the one blushing now.

“Yeah, the only thing that bothers me is that you teased me so hard about giving me a handjob, only to leave me high and dry.”

Tasha was feeling butterflies in her stomach. “Is that why you brought me in here?”

“Pretty much. Only, I think you owe me a lot more than just a handjob now.” He smirked.

“Jacob, if you think I'm going to have sex with you before even going on a first date, you've got another thing coming!” She exclaimed, folding her arms and glaring at him.

“How about we compromise? A blowjob instead?” She still seemed put off, until he started to say, “and I'll keep going along with your project idea. I won't tell Felix, or any of the other guys you get naked in the next few days.”

“Really?” Tasha found herself sinking to her knees in front of him, eye level with his erection once again. She wrapped one of her hands around it, finding it more pleasing to touch than she had been expecting. She stuck out her pink tongue, letting the tip take a little taste of him on his purple looking helmet. She found that she was not grossed out by it, as she had been expecting, and even started to smile at the idea of giving him a blowjob. “Why?”

“Because you're going to give me a blowjob every day until the project is due, and more after that, I assume.” He moaned as she finally took a bit of him into her mouth.

She gave his hard cock a few sucks, before pulling off. “You won't have any more leverage once we hand in the project. You're not going to be able to make me give you any more blowjobs after that. Hey, how did you find out about the project anyways?” She asked, before licking the sides of his cock from base to tip on each side.

Jacob was squirming with pleasure now, trying to hold back from cumming so quickly. He was so worked up from being naked in front of the girls, and having had to answer those embarrassing questions Tasha had given him earlier, that he was having a difficult time of it. “I hid around the corner and listened to your conversation with Katelyn.” He explained, trusting his hips as she took him into her mouth again. “And I imagine that you'll want to keep doing this as an incentive for me to continue going naked here once the project is through.”

Her lips made a smack, and there was a popping noise as she released his cock from her mouth again. She smirked up at him. “I think we can come to some kind of arrangement with that. I guess you enjoy being naked in front of me and Katelyn, dontcha boy?” She took him back in, testing to see how deeply she could take him. She got about two thirds to the end of his erection before she started to gag and had to pull off. Now that she had a baseline, she started bobbing her head back and forth as she sucked him in her mouth.

Jacob was going crazy with pleasure! He could hardly keep still, and after being so worked up, he hardly lasted a minute with Tasha doing this to him. Tasha was surprised when his cock started pulsing in her mouth, and his ejaculation hit the back of her throat! She made a couple of coughs and released him, and Jacob fell backwards into the bed, but she managed to swallow his cum down with a couple of big gulps.

After a few moments, Tasha hopped up onto the bed with him, laying to his side. They were both parallel to each other, not touching, and perpendicular to the way the bed was normally used. “Not too bad for my first blowjob, huh?” Tasha giggled at him.

Jacob was still in a daze as he calmed down. “That was your first? Shit…” He commented, not realizing. “It was incredible!”

Tasha laughed with joy. “Great! And there's plenty more where that came from. Now here's what we're gonna do…”
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Re: Coed Female Nonviolence Mediation Pact (Chapter 2 - March 1st)

Post by Jeepman89 »

Wow. Quite the turn of events culminating in an actual blowjob.
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Re: Coed Female Nonviolence Mediation Pact (Chapter 2 - March 1st)

Post by docknumber »

Nice story. Loved how the girls tricked their classmates.
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