Fantasy vs Reality (Chapter 2: Secrets Revealed 2/28)

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Fantasy vs Reality (Chapter 1: Pool Day 2/24)

Post by IdentityUnknown »

TeenFan wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 7:57 pm The last sentence of chapter one:
I didn't yet realize how much it was going to become my recurring dream.

It's a great dream to recall later, but I suspect for a while Sam will think it's a nightmare.
That is how I would react at 13 years old. I would be mortified the day it happened, but come to love it while thinking about it
years later.

Please refresh our knowledge by telling us what the age of each character is.
I have deliberately left the ages open to interpretation. The girls are stated to be in high school, not all necessarily in the same grade, but within a year or so of each other. Sam, meanwhile, is only established to be adolescent, but younger than the girls and implied to not yet be in high school.
My True Story: viewtopic.php?t=4978

The Fictionalized Version: viewtopic.php?t=5014
steam train
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Re: Fantasy vs Reality (Chapter 1: Pool Day 2/24)

Post by steam train »

IdentityUnknown wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 8:52 pm
I have deliberately left the ages open to interpretation. The girls are stated to be in high school, not all necessarily in the same grade, but within a year or so of each other. Sam, meanwhile, is only established to be adolescent, but younger than the girls and implied to not yet be in high school.
Great writing, thank you so much for your effort. Personally in my stories, I like to leave little to the imagination but if the story is good enough, as in this case, then I will just let my imagination cover that 😉
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Re: Fantasy vs Reality (Chapter 1: Pool Day 2/24)

Post by Supermario17 »

This is shaping up to be a great story. Keep it up!
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Re: Fantasy vs Reality (Chapter 2: Secrets Revealed 2/28)

Post by IdentityUnknown »

Mom and Grandma had left the house. It was just me and the girls. Even at this point I still hadn’t thought much about my fantasies that day. I was too busy enjoying the pool and the summer weather. And, of course, the beautiful view.

Things went on the same as before for about 10 minutes before the lack of supervision started to kick in. I was walking along the edge of the pool toward the deeper end to jump in when Lucy shoved me unexpectedly into the water. I surfaced to see Lucy and Katie smirking. “Hey Lucy, remember last time I was here?”

“Yeah.” Lucy said, chuckling a bit.

“Why? What happened last time you were here?” Asked Amy, curious what they were referring to.

“Lucy tried to pants Sam.”

I didn’t know why Katie was bringing that up, other than to embarrass me. I didn’t think I wanted to know.

“Lucy! I can’t believe you would do that to him! He must have been so embarrassed!” Amy exclaimed at Lucy.

“Not that embarrassed, he caught his shorts before they came down.” Lucy replied

“Oh. But still” said Amy. Did she sound…just a little disappointed? No, that must have been relief, right?

“Still funny to see him all flustered and blushing about it.” Lucy continued.

“You’d think he’d get used to it. She’s been doing that for years.” Jen added.

“Looks like he remembers.” Said Katie, now looking in my direction. I had started blushing as they talked about my trunks and removing them. Fortunately, blushing was the only way my body was responding.

“Guys, stop it. He’s clearly very uncomfortable. Can we change the subject?”

“Sure Amy. How about we make you uncomfortable? Why did you sound a bit disappointed that Sam kept his shorts on?” Katie asked, finally shifting attention off of me for a moment. But that meant she heard it too.

“Uh..w…what?” Amy stammered “I wasn’t disappointed! I’m glad Lucy failed!”

“Uh huh, so it has nothing to do with that thing you told me the other day?” Katie asked smugly.

“Huh? Now I’m lost.” Jen said, looking to Amy, then Katie.

“Please Katie, can we talk about this later?” Amy pleaded.

“Why? Is there someone here you don’t want hearing it?” Katie pushed. Amy was starting to blush now. “Could it possibly be Sam?” Amy just blushed a bit more and looked downward. “Well you didn’t seem to mind me telling you his secret earlier.” Amy didn’t look up. She was bracing herself. “Amy told me a few days ago that she’s never seen a naked boy in person before.”

“Really?” Lucy asked, incredulous. Amy just gave a small nod.

“It’s actually kind of impressive that you’ve gone this long without seeing a dick by accident or being shown one you didn’t want to see.” Jen added. “Well done avoiding the weirdos.”

“Alright Katie, I think you’ve made all of us uncomfortable now.” Amy said, hoping for mercy. She got it. The subject dropped and we went back to swimming.

A few minutes later Jen decided to distract us from the awkwardness by starting a water gun fight. We were all having fun spraying water at each other and laughing. Katie got on a pool float and started using part of it as cover. Jen seemed to focus on me and Amy, trying to make sure we were too engaged with the action to dwell on our secrets being shared, or worse, to think too much about each other’s secrets.

Meanwhile Lucy was more focused on Katie. Maybe her way of punishing Katie for bringing the energy down. Amy’s water gun ran out, so she sat at the edge of the pool refilling it. That left me as Jen’s sole focus. Lucy’s gun also needed to be refilled, but I didn’t find that out until it was too late.

I took a shot at Jen, but she ducked. The stream instead hit Lucy, who had been several feet away behind Jen, directly in the face. She glared at me and started coming my way without her water gun. “What the hell?! Watch what you’re doing twerp!” She yelled.

“Sorry Lucy! I didn’t see you there. Jen ducked.” I said, trying to deflect some of the anger I saw on Lucy’s face.

“Yeah Lucy, that wasn’t his fault.” Jen was also coming toward me to head off Lucy, explaining what had happened. At that point, Amy was sitting on the edge of the pool and Katie still on her float, both behind me. Lucy and Jen were both in front of me. I tried to step backward slightly, away from Lucy, but the pool was a bit too deep there. I could barely touch the bottom with my toes.

I should have suspected something when Lucy’s anger seemed to suddenly disappear. In the next moment she was diving under the water and reaching for my trunks.

At that moment, two parts of my mind struggled for control. My rational mind argued with my hormones and fantasies. “Quick! Stop our shorts from going down!”

“No, wait, don’t stop her yet. Isn’t this what we’ve wanted?”

“No! Not like this. With Katie AND AMY here?! Jen would be bad enough.”

“Just let them come down a little bit! We don’t have to go all the way.”

“I don’t want to end up being Amy’s first naked boy!”


So that was it. Rationality won out. The risk was too great and having all of these girls see me would be too embarrassing. The problem was that in the time that I took to reach that conclusion Lucy had already grabbed my shorts and was just starting to pull them down. And I hadn’t reacted yet.

Well shit.

By the time my hands started moving my private bits were just about to be uncovered. There wasn’t no way I could stop Lucy getting a peek, but I could still make it a brief one. I tried to grab the waist band in front, in an effort to cover myself while pulling them up. I missed the waist band and just clamped my hands over my groin. I heard a soft gasp behind me, so I looked over my shoulder.

Amy was blushing again. She had dropped her water gun and was staring wide eyed in my direction, but kind of downward. She was staring right at my butt. This distracted me from my shorts reaching my feet. I turned back to look at Jen, who was also staring downward with wide eyes. How much had she seen? I had no idea, the water was pretty disturbed, so it would have been distorted. Maybe Lucy had blocked her view for the few moments before I covered. Then again, maybe Jen had a clear view of my junk too.

Since I was barely able to touch the bottom in that spot, Lucy had virtually no resistance getting my shorts off of my feet and starting to swim away with them. “No way.” I heard Katie say behind me, followed by a splash as she got off her float to dive underwater. Jen started to giggle. Lucy surfaced several feet away and held up my swimsuit like a trophy. Katie surfaced a moment later, calling out “You got him Lucy! Sam’s naked!” And breaking into laughter.

“H-hey! Give those back Lucy!” I said frantically, desperate to get my cover back.

“Come get them then.” Lucy replied with a smirk. I lunged toward her, reaching for my shorts with one hand while keeping myself covered the best I could with the other. She easily tossed them over my head to Jen.

“Jen…please.” I hoped she would have mercy.

“Sorry Sam, this is too good.” She said, still giggling. When I moved toward her she tossed my shorts back to Lucy.

“Guys, give them back to him.” It was the first sound Amy had made since that gasp.

“What’s wrong Amy? It’s your first naked boy! And you haven’t even seen the best part!” Said Lucy, preparing to throw my shorts again.

“Yeah! Besides, the nerd’s been staring at us all day! It’s only fair for him to get ogled too!” Said Katie as she put her hands up. Lucy threw her my trunks. “Ooh, looks like I’ve got them now! What to do, maybe I should just throw them over the fence!” As I was looking toward Katie and wondering how I would get my shorts back I heard someone getting out of the pool behind me. Katie threw my trunks high over my head, and I turned and saw Lucy standing at the top of the pool stairs. She caught my shorts and smugly walked over to the table where she also collected my shirt and my towel.

Jen quickly followed her out of the pool. Katie headed to the ladder, saying “Uh oh, now what are you gonna do?” She joined the other two by the table. “So? Did you see it?”

Jen answered first “Kind of, the water distorted it, but I definitely saw something.” She started giggling again.

“It was only for a second, but I got a clear, close up view.” Lucy laughed.

“And?” Katie asked, but Jen seemed just as interested.

“Let’s just say it looked like my little brother still has some growing up to do.” Ouch. Could’ve done without that remark.

“That’s such a mean thing to say!” Amy approached the table, having recovered enough to make her legs work. “You’ve had your fun, now give them back.” She still seemed to be blushing a lot, and kept trying not to look in my direction. Apparently it was difficult for her.

“You’re in quite the hurry to get him dressed, especially after how you stared at his ass.” Katie said, her voice getting sing song as she finished.

“I-I… no… I was just shocked! I sure wasn’t expecting to see Sam’s butt!” Amy replied.

“Don’t lie, you want to see his dick too, don’t you.” Katie teased.

“That’s… it’s not right to Sam!” Amy defended, but she seemed to be losing confidence. She was also starting to blush harder.

“Lucy and Jen saw it. We only got to see his butt. I know I wish he’d been facing the other way.” Amy didn’t respond.

“You girls want to see it?” Lucy asked.

“Yes” said Katie without hesitation.

“What do you mean?” Amy asked quietly.

Lucy explained “Well, we have his clothes and towel right here. If he wants them back he’s going to have to do what we want him to. And if he doesn’t we could probably just drag him out. There are four of us.”

“He’s also listening to us right now. Hi nudie nerd! Why don’t you just come on out of the pool.” Katie said.

“Nah, I think I’m good right here. Can I have my shorts now?”

“Very funny. But you already lost. You’re naked, we have your clothes, and that’s not changing until you come out here.” Lucy threatened.

Oh man. This was getting intense now. They were really talking about making me show them. And they were expecting me to get out of the water now. It was the only chance I had to get closer to my clothes. So, I gritted my teeth and walked up the stairs out of the pool with my hands firmly covering myself.

Four girls were staring at me, completely naked with only my hands to cover. Lucy and Katie were both enjoying humiliating me. Jen was just enjoying watching it all play out. Amy was blushing, but no longer averting her gaze. She too was staring right at me. She spoke up once more “Isn’t this going a bit far?”

“No. It’s just a trade. We have his clothes and want to show you a dick, and he has a dick and wants his clothes. It’s the only thing that makes sense. You were telling me the other day how much you want to finally see a penis, we just want to help make that happen. ” Katie answered.

“Besides, we’re the older ones. Our mom is gone so we’re in charge.” Lucy added. Katie got an evil smile on her face.

She said “Actually, now that I think about it, it sounded like she left Amy in charge.” Lucy shot a look at Katie, clearly wondering why she’d say that. Then I looked at Amy, wide eyed, blushing red, almost shaking. The brief hope I’d felt seemed to slip away. Lucy and Jen saw it too. “So I guess it’s Amy’s choice. Is our fun over or is it just beginning?”

Amy seemed to think about the question. Definitely not a good sign. After pause that may have been seconds but felt like minutes, she muttered a barely audible answer.

“I want to see it. Sorry Sam.”

The other girls cheered as I realized I now had no way out of this. They all looked at me expectantly. “Go on, move those hand Sam.”

“I… I can’t. It’s too embarrassing.”

“Tell you what, how about doing it on three. Always easier to do things on three.” Lucy offered, not that I had any choice.


“Ok, one.” I looked at them. Katie and Lucy were in full evil mode, enjoying every moment of my humiliation. Jen was staring down at my hands and trying not to break back out into giggles. Amy was redder than I’d ever seen. She was laser focused on my hands, like she was trying to burn a hole through them. Her blue eyes seemed even bigger in her glasses. When did she put them back on? Had she been wearing them through the whole conversation? Or did she put them back on just now so she could see me better?

“Two.” My heart was racing. I was living my fantasy. And it was humiliating. I was really doing this. In just seconds my sister and her friends, including my crush’s older sister, were going to be seeing my privates. I closed my eyes. The humiliation was getting to be too much.

“Three!” Without letting myself think too much more about it I dropped my hands and let them see everything.

I probably shouldn’t have shut my eyes.
My True Story: viewtopic.php?t=4978

The Fictionalized Version: viewtopic.php?t=5014
steam train
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Re: Fantasy vs Reality (Chapter 2: Secrets Revealed 2/28)

Post by steam train »

A brilliant 2nd chapter. A very enjoyable and exciting read. Thank you.
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Re: Fantasy vs Reality (Chapter 2: Secrets Revealed 2/28)

Post by Pluto2025 »

Being forced to be shown to someone must surely be more humiliating than being seen. I wonder if Amy's curiosity is satisfied? It was an exciting episode. Thanks.
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