Magic (New 3-4-2025)
- Jeepman89
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Re: Magic (New 2-27-2025)
With Mark off to the Middle School, I'm hoping for more exposure from Mark in front of many middle school girls who haven't seen a naked guy before.
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Re: Magic (New 2-27-2025)
Thought the same.Jeepman89 wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2025 2:04 am With Mark off to the Middle School, I'm hoping for more exposure from Mark in front of many middle school girls who haven't seen a naked guy before.
I personally liked it when the girls order Mark to not move in his mind, hope this returns again. Looking forward to see what was planned for Mark and waiting for James turn.
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Re: Magic (New 2-27-2025)
I know lolJeepman89 wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2025 2:04 am With Mark off to the Middle School, I'm hoping for more exposure from Mark in front of many middle school girls who haven't seen a naked guy before.
I’m not (currently) planning for anything big to happen at Wicker Creek Middle (yet).
We still need to get Mark checked out and un injured
I wouldn’t expect Mark to be exposed (too much) at the middle school (yet).
But we’ll definitely be exploring Wicker Creek Middle in depth in the very near future from our main girls and James’ perspective
I know I’ve teased Mark visiting Wicker Creek for a while now, but I’m not quite ready for that visit to play out in full just yet.
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Re: Magic (New 2-27-2025)
Next chapter is running long, but should be up today
Got on a roll and didn’t want to lose momentum, so it’s gonna be a long chapter
Got on a roll and didn’t want to lose momentum, so it’s gonna be a long chapter
- Jeepman89
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Re: Magic (New 2-28-2025)
Magic Chapter 34
(Yeah. I’m headed your way now.) I thought.
I got in the Prius and headed towards Wicker Creek Middle School
I’d made it through the day!
Yeah, I’d had to fight a Sacral Feeder alone, AND got injured, but I survived.
I was still concerned about my penis.
I was regretting not going back to Ms Johanson.
I looked down at my penis as it flopped on to the leather seat between my legs.
It was still really tender.
I pulled out of the parking lot and sighed.
As I drove, I thought about Sam and Carly.
Specifically, Sam.
I’d actually gotten to touch her breast!
My penis twitched.
I winced at the pain.
Again, I regretted not going back to Ms Johanson to see if she could do anything.
I turned down the drive to student pick up.
I spotted them from the moment I turned in-
Christine’s crimson hair,
Emily’s dirty blonde ponytail,
Tanya’s cute bob.
I pulled in behind a gold SUV.
Christine saw me first and nudged Emily.
The girls jogged over to the car.
Christine flung open the passenger door and hopped in.
Emily paused, huffed and walked around the car and climbed in behind me.
Tanya slid in the back next to her.
Christine immediately placed her hand on my thigh!
“Mark. Are you okay?” She asked.
She was looking at my penis.
“Ah!” I gasped as she touched my thigh.
Emily leaned around the driver seat to look at my crotch, putting her hand on my shoulder.
“Mark, you can tell us. You still hurt there, right? I mean your penis and balls?” Emily asked.
I sighed.
“Yeah.” I sighed. “I got hit with a volleyball by one of my friends. She’s REALLY strong.”
“We know.” Emily said, patting her hand on my shoulder.
“You did REALLY well today, Marky.” Christine said sweetly.
“You really did.” Emily said.
I felt warm, calming energy flow through my body.
“Awww! Mark! Your poor cock!” Christine said.
Emily leaned back and Christine moved her hand up to my hip.
“We’ll take care of that as soon as we get home.” Christine said.
“Guys wait!” I looked over to see a little brunette girl running over to my car!
“Shit!” I gasped.
“Great.” Emily sighed.
I looked in front of me.
The Gold SUV was still parked, waiting for pick up.
The petite brunette girl reached the passenger window.
“Did you guys-“ She froze.
“Oh! Oh my gosh!” The girl gasped, stepping back.
“Hey, Helen.” The girls said in unison.
The little brunette stared wide eyed at my naked body in the driver seat.
Christine turned to me and smiled.
Emily also turned to me.
“Oh yeah! Helen, this my brother, Mark. He’s 16!” She said.
“Emily! Your brother is- he’s-!” Helen stared.
“Yeah! He’s naked!” Tanya chirped.
Christine looked at Helen, then at my penis!
“Oh! Helen, have you never seen a naked boy before?” Christine asked.
The girl shook her head. “N-No!”
(Don’t move.) Tanya’s voice echoed in my head.
I looked in the rearview mirror.
Emily winked at me!
“Why don’t you come over to his window and get a better view?” Emily asked.
The girl started walking in front of my car.
“Guys! Come on!” I groaned.
“Relax. Helen’s a nerd.” Emily said smugly.
Christine and Tanya giggled.
I rolled down my window.
“Oh! Woooooow!” Helen sighed, wide eyed.
Christine leaned over me and spoke to Helen.
“Sorry it’s not as big as it usually is. Mark got hurt earlier today. Hmhm!” Christine said.
“It gets bigger?!!!” Helen gasped.
I felt a jolt of pain shoot through my penis!
“Ah!” I winced.
“Oh! It moved!” Helen gasped.
Being exposed to a girl I didn’t know was having an effect, but being hurt down there was keeping the physical reaction to that effect from taking place.
The SUV ahead of us had pulled away.
“Helen, you know the new Wicker Creek uniforms for boys are NO uniform, right?” Emily asked.
“Oh! Wow! You go to Wicker Creek High?” Helen asked, never once taking her eyes off my cock.
“Yeah.” I sighed.
“Cool! Hehe!” She laughed.
“Oh yeah! Did you guys hear? We have 2 new students that are supposed to start this week!” She said.
I already knew it was our new neighbors James and Julie.
“Yeah. We met them already. They’re our new neighbors.” Emily explained.
“Didn’t you see them when they came in to fill out some paper work?” Emily asked.
“No! Shoot!” Helen moaned.
“Yeah, they came in around lunch time.” Tanya added.
“I hope they’re cool.” Helen said.
A horn honked behind us.
(Release) Tanya’s voice echoed in my head.
“We’ll see you later, Helen.” Emily said.
“Oh? Yeah, sorry. See you guys later.” Helen said, stepping back.
I gave a timid wave, then we drove off, heading for home.
“Oooooo! That’s right! Your new neighbors James and Julie start school with us this week!” Christine said.
She squirmed giddily in her seat.
Christine still had her hand on my thigh.
“You guys! We’re getting another naked boy to play with!” Christine squeeled with glee.
I had a realization.
“Wait! If James has to go to school naked too, won’t that attract Sacral Feeders?!” I asked.
The girls calmed down.
“Probably,” Emily said bluntly. “But he doesn’t have the same unlimited sacral energy that you do. So, hopefully, he won’t be as appetizing.”
The girls chuckled.
“Wait! What about YOUR instructors?! What about your classmates?!” I gasped as I started working out the logistics of what poor James was in for.
Emily smirked.
“Mark, we’re WAY ahead of you.” She said smuggly. “You saw how we handled YOUR instructors. You think we wouldn’t do the same with ours?” She said.
“Yeah! Besides, how else would YOU be able to visit at some point like we discussed with Ms Beckinsale?” Christine added.
The girls went on to explain that over the course of the day, as they went from class to class, they used their spellwork on each instructor, just as they had done with mine.
I didn’t know if I was more impressed or horrified by the girls’ thoroughness in thinking ahead.
“Someone should probably warn him about what he’s in for.” I said.
“Nah. He’ll figure it out soon enough. I heard Ms Argus say Headmistress Beckinsale sent a memo and syllabus out already.”
The girls chuckled.
“Mark, when we get home, shower off and meet us in your room.” Emily said.
“Can’t I just rest? I might need to go to the doctor.” I said sheepishly.
Christine rubbed her hand along my thigh.
Warm, calming energy flowed through me.
“Don’t worry Mark. WE’LL take care of you.” She said sweetly.
“So, you had to fight a Sacral Feeder today after all.” Emily said.
“Yeah.” I sighed.
I then remembered history class.
“Oh yeah. Thanks for helping today. I’m sorry.” I felt a pang of guilt flow through me. “I guess I couldn’t handle things on my own afterall.”
Emily again put her hand on my shoulder.
Tanya put her hand on my other shoulder.
“It’s okay, Mark.” Emily said. “We figured we might need to help you again.”
“Ahem.” Christine cleared her throat. “I figured you might need help.” She emphasized.
Both Emily and Christine’s auras flared.
I felt a tension, or something between them.
Emily took a deep inhale and exhale through her nose.
“You did good today, Mark.” She and Tanya sat back.
We pulled into the driveway.
I felt a warm ‘pulse’ and saw a faint ‘ripple’, like breaking the surface of calm water as we pulled in.
“Good.” Emily said. “Our protection spell is still up.”
“Wait!” I had a realization as I turned off the car. “Why can’t we cast the protection spell around the schools?!” I asked. “Or just me, even?!” I added, hopeful that they simply hadn’t thought of that.
All 3 girls shook their heads.
“One, The schools are just too large an area for us to cover with the spell.” Christine said.
“Two, the target for the spell needs to be ‘fixed’ or stationary.” Tanya added.
“Three, we still need to be able to use you as bait.” Emily said.
Hearing Emily say that hurt.
I thought we reaching a more ‘equal’ understanding.
She must have sensed my feelings, because she unbuckled and wrapped both arms around my seat.
Her hands didn’t reach one another, but she gently patted my chest.
I felt another wave of warm, calming energy flow through me.
“Even if you’re our bait, we promised to protect you.” She said.
Christine again touched my thigh and Tanya touched my shoulder.
More warm, calming energy flowed through me.
“Come on. Let’s get inside and take care of your cock.” Emily patted my chest.
The girls giggled and stepped out of the car.
Emily took my bag, unhooking the keys, and the girls headed up the walkway to our front door.
I got out and quickly walked to join them on our porch.
I glanced at Ms Johnson’s house.
Fortunately, neither she nor Brittany were out.
Emily opened the door and we all got inside.
Mom was still at work, so I was alone with my sister and her friends again.
We sat our bags by the front door and kicked off our shoes.
“Mark, why don’t you go shower real quick, then meet us in your room.” Emily said.
The girls started talking while I did as Emily instructed.
“And grab the coconut oil too!” Emily added as I headed up the stairs.
While washing myself, I inevitably gripped and scrubbed my penis and balls, which were still incredibly tender!
I was getting worried.
It took longer than usual, as I scrubbed more delicately.
After my shower, I dried off and headed to my room, grabbing the tub of coconut oil from under the sink.
The girls were all sitting on my bed, still fully clothed, much to my disappointment.
“Come lay down Mark.” Emily said.
I sighed and walked over to my bed.
I sat the tub of coconut oil on my bedside table.
Tanya stretched her legs out and patted her lap, indicating I was to place my head there.
I did as instructed.
Laying down my penis flopped to the side to lay over my hip.
The movement ached and made me wince.
“Hsssshhh!” I hissed.
“Awww! Don’t worry Marky, we’ve got this.” Christine said sweetly.
Christine and Emily knelt at my hips and hovered their hands over my crotch.
I braced for the next wave of pain that was sure to come, but instead, I felt warm, soothing energy flowing over my genitals.
I looked down.
Emily and Christine’s hands were glowing a faint green.
Emily had her hand between my thighs, and was miming massaging my balls, but not actually touching them!
Christine was holding her hand flat, and hovering it over my penis, moving along the length of my shaft, also not actually touching it!
The pain was rapidly fading away!
Tanya ran her delicate fingers through my hair.
I looked down again at Christine and Emily.
Their hands were still glowing green, but now, my genitals were also faintly glowing green!
And the pain was completely gone!
I sat up, making my penis wobble where it flopped over my hip.
Christine and Emily’s hands stopped glowing and they moved them away to sit with them tucked in their laps.
Christine put her hand on my hip.
“Is that better, Mark?” She smiled sweetly.
I reached down and gently squeezed my shaft.
No pain!
“Yeah! Yeah, that feels A LOT better!” I said.
Emily reached over and grabbed the tub of coconut oil.
She opened it and took a dollop in her fingers.
She then held it out the Christine, who also took a dollop in her fingers.
She closed the tub and set it aside.
Emily and Christine’s hands again began glowing green.
Emily rubbed the coconut oil on my balls and scrotum while Christine rubbed the coconut oil along my shaft and around the head of my penis!
“Ooooooooo! Gaaaah!” I moaned in ecstasy as warm soothing energy enveloped my genitals, coupled with my sister and Christine’s massaging hands.
It didn’t take long at all before I was sporting a full erection!
“Does it still hurt, Mark?” Emily asked.
I just rolled my head back and forth in Tanya’s lap.
“Noooo. Not at alllll.” I moaned.
“Hehehe!” Christine giggled.
“Oh! Chris!” Emily pulled her hands away. “Let’s test your ‘binding ring’.” She said.
“Oh!” Christine looked at my erect penis and bit her lip.
“What?” I asked, coming out of my pre-orgasmic bliss.
Christine looked down and reached her fingers into her school uniform’s shirt pocket.
She pulled out what appeared to be a thin, hemp bracelet of sorts.
Christine took hold of my penis.
I braced myself for her to give me a handjob, but instead, she placed the bracelet over the head of my penis and slid it down my shaft!
She then stretched it over my balls as it reached the base of my cock.
She gently let it constrict into place.
It wasn’t tight or uncomfortable at all.
I suddenly felt a poweful magnetic ‘pulse’ in my pelvis!
Like when I use the tranformation spell!
“Ah!” I gasped.
“Oh!” All three girls gasped as well.
The individualy woven strands of the hemp ring flashed purple, yellow and red for a brief moment!
My erection rapidly subsided, and my penis flopped limply over my hip!
“Wha-! What?!” I gasped.
Christine jumped up and clapped with excitement.
“Holy crap! It worked!” Tanya gasped.
Emily let out a sigh of relief.
“What is this? What happened?!” I gasped.
The girls sensed my concern, and Christine was quick to explain.
“I made this for you, Mark. So you don’t get in trouble at school anymore.” She said sweetly.
I still didn’t understand, and I guess my face must have shown that.
“Don’t worry! Don’t worry!” She again gripped my penis and removed the stretchy woven ring.
She continued holding my penis, and it wasn’t long before she had me back to a full erection.
“Okay, see? I can still get you hard- I mean- you can still get hard! Hmhm!” She held up the woven ring again.
“But as long as you wear this,” She again slid and stretched the ring in place around the base of my shaft and balls.
The individual strands again flashed red, yellow and purple.
I felt that intense magnetic pulse in my pelvis again and my erection again rapidly deflated and my cock went limp once more.
The hemp ring faded back to the normal beige color again.
It matched my skin tone pretty well, actually and my shortly trimmed pubes helped hide it as well.
“-you won’t pop a boner! Hehe!” Christine laughed, but it was a laugh of joy.
Looking at her face, I could see that she truly felt as though she’d done something good.
Finally, my mind caught on to what the purpose of this ‘binding ring’ was, and why Christine was so happy with herself.
I sat up.
“Wait, so as long as I wear this, I won’t get an erection?” I asked.
“Nope!” Christine chirped. “Even if you play with it! See?”
Christine proceeded to grip my penis, and twirl it around like a helicopter!
She then laid it flat on my abs and gently tickled the underside of my shaft!
She even gently tugged on it!
All things that would normally have me rock hard!
It all still FELT amazing, too, but there was no physiological response.
I remained completely flaccid!
Christine let go of me.
“But,” Emily chymed in. “If a Sacral Feeder attacks, you’ll still have to fight.”
“But how can I do that if this ring ‘seals off’ or ‘binds’ my energy or whatever?” I asked.
Emily looked taken a back for a moment, seemingly stunned by my understanding of how the spell worked, but then smirked and shook her head.
“You just take it off, then you can access your energy.” She explained.
“BUUUUUT,” Christine chymed in again. “Since the ring keeps you from popping a boner, you shouldn’t get in trouble in school anymore.” She smiled sweetly.
I further realized Christine’s purpose in giving me this binding ring.
I would, at the very least, be able to stay out of trouble now.
Before I even realized what I was doing, I sat up and pulled Christine into a hug.
“Oh? Oh!” Christine gasped.
I suddenly realized what I was doing and let go, quickly leaning back on the bed.
What was that about?!
I mean, yes, I was deeply grateful for the gift she’d given me, but why had I hugged her?!
Emily huffed and stood up, glaring at Christine and I.
“Ding Dong!” Our doorbell chymed.
Emily hopped up and went to the window.
“Oh!” She said. “It’s Ms Skinner.”
“James and Julie’s mom? What’s she want?” Christine asked.
“Is James with her?!” Tanya asked excitedly.
“I don’t think so.” Emily said. “I don’t see Julie either.”
Emily looked at me and smiled.
“Well, big brother, aren’t you going to answer the door?” She asked.
I looked down at my flaccid penis.
The binding ring was still in place.
I headed downstairs with my sister and her friends.
The bell chymed again as I opened the door.
Ms Skinner did a double take as she regarded my nudity.
“Oh! Good evening, Mark, right?” She asked.
“Hi Ms Skinner.” I said. “Sorry, but my mom’s not home.”
“Oh no dear, I’ve actually come to talk to you.” She looked down at my penis, which fortunately, was remaining flaccid.
“It’s about James.” She said. “Um, this is a bit of a strange conversation. May I come in?”
“Oh, um, sure.” I stepped back and let Ms Skinner in.
I led her to the couch and sat next to her.
“James, Julie and I visited Wicker Creek Middle today.” She said. “We were supposed to pick up their uniforms and syllabus’.”
I nodded for her to continue.
She kept stealing glanced at my crotch.
“Anyway, we were able to get Julie’s uniforms, but as you are very much aware, the uniform for boys is a bit, ‘revealing’. Hmhm!” She chuckled as she looked me up and down.
“James is a bit shy, and is absolutely DREADING having to go to school in such a state. Now, I’m no prude, and I respect your ability to be comfortable on display.”
I almost told her that I was absolutely NOT comfortable, but what would be the point?
“I’ll admit. I’m shocked that this community would allow nudism, or rather INFORCE MALE nudism specifically, but anyway. James has been absolutely distraught at the thought he’ll be going to school in the nude.” Ms Skinner explained.
“It is my understanding that there aren’t many ‘boys’ around here, so I was hoping you would be willing to come talk to James and show him it’s no big deal? I know he’s more your sister’s age, but I was thinking if he sees how another boy handles the situation, it might make the transition easier?” Ms Skinner said.
I looked towards the stairs.
(Go with her! Talk to James!) Emily’s voice echoed.
I sighed.
“Do you wan’t me to come talk to him now?” I asked.
Ms Skinner lit up.
“Oh my! Would you mind? I would GREATLY appreciate that!”
“Sure.” I said.
We stood, and I opened the door for Ms Skinner.
Even though they already knew, I called up the stairs.
“Em, I’m going to the Skinner’s. I’ll be back in a bit. Could you put a pizza in the oven?” I asked.
“Got it!” Emily called back down.
I slipped on my shoes and followed Ms Skinner outside.
The air was starting to cool, but it was still light out.
As we walked down the street, Ms Skinner kept looking down at my penis as it wobbled with each step.
She chuckled a few times.
We turned up their driveway and Ms Skinner led me to their door.
“I do hope you can get through to him. He’s very anxious, and I’m afraid little Julie hasn’t been helping much. I’ll keep her occupied while you and James talk.”
We stepped inside.
“James? Mark is here and would like to talk to you.” She called out.
Julie burst in from the livingroom, running down the hall to greet us.
I slid my shoes off as she rounded the corner.
She gasped and grinned wide seeing me standing there naked.
“Julie, I’m sure you remember Mark from down the street.” Ms Skinner said.
“Yup! I remember! Hehehe!” Julie was grinning wide at my penis.
“No! I’m not coming down!” James called from upstairs.
Ms Skinner looked at me.
I sighed.
“Hey, James?” I called.
No answer.
“You can just go up, first door on the left.” Ms Skinner said.
I headed up the stairs.
Julie made a move to follow, but Ms Skinner grabbed her shoulder.
“Let the boys talk, dear.”
I found James’ door and knocked.
“James? It’s me, Mark.” I said.
“Come in.” James said sullenly.
I opened the door.
For a 13 year old boy, his room was emaculate.
I mean, yeah they just moved in and there were still boxes stacked, but still.
James was sitting on his bed playing a videogame.
“Whoa!” He gasped seeing me naked.
“Your mom asked me to come talk to you.” I said.
I felt incredibly awkward.
Especially as James kept stealing glances at my penis.
“Yeah?” He said.
“So, you start school this week?” I asked.
“Day after tomorrow, yeah.” He said, looking at the floor.
“I guess you know about the school uniforms?” I asked.
He pulled his knees to his chest.
“How can they make us go nude?!” James blurted.
I sighed.
“It’s just the way things are around here.” I shrugged.
I obviously couldn’t tell him everything.
“But, they’re girls!” James said. “They’re ALL girls!”
“Yeah.” I sighed. “And it’s embarassing. I know. But-“ I was really struggling with what to say.
“Try and look at the bright side.” I said.
“What bright side?! Everyone can see your willy and bollucks and bum!” He exclaimed.
“Yeah. Yeah, there’s that.” I said.
I suddenly thought about Sam and my other classmates.
“Hey, at least you’ll be popular. Hehe!” I tried making a joke.
I couldn’t imagine what he was thinking.
I knew what I looked like naked at 13.
The idea of girls seeing my body at that age is terrifying!
“Okay. Look, you can look at it one of 2 ways. Yeah, everyone’s gonna see you naked ALL the time! But just do your best to ignore it.” I said.
I knew that was impossible, but what else could I say?
“Has anyone ever seen you naked before?” I asked.
“No!” James gasped.
“Well, that’s about to change.” I said matter of factly.
“Look, you have a couple days before you have to start school. Why not just go nude around your house? Get used to it before your classmates see you.” I suggested.
I knew when I was his age, that’s how I would start my masturbation routine.
Had he started puberty yet?
“But my mum and sister will see!” He complained.
“Yeah, but they’re your family at least.” I shrugged.
“But I don’t-“ He paused.
“You’ve got-“ He paused again.
James looked down at his crotch.
I did too.
Did I see a twitch?!
“If I-“ James mumbled. “If I get naked now, will you stay until I show mum and Julie?”
I sighed.
Had I actually done it?
Had my off the cuff pep talk worked?
“Sure, James. We guys gotta stick together, right?” I asked.
James nodded.
He stood up.
He gripped the bottom of his shirt and trembled.
“Think of it like ripping off a bandaid.” I suggested.
I had to give James credit.
At least I had my sister and her friends to ease my nerves with their magic.
James took a deep breath and whipped his shirt off.
He was skinny, but had a good frame.
If he worked out, he could pack on a bit of muscle.
He then unbuttoned his jeans and let them drop to the floor.
He stepped out of them.
He was now in just a pair of tight navy blue briefs.
My heart sank for him.
At first glance, it didn’t look like he was that far into puberty yet.
I knew how developed my sister and her friends were, I could only hope James didn’t have anything to be ashamed of.
He was trembling.
He looked up at me, then at my penis.
“Own it.” I said and gave him a nod of solidarity.
James nodded back and pulled his briefs down and off.
He stood up with his eyes closed tight.
I winced.
He was completely hairless, and I don’t think he shaved.
I was also surprised that he was circumcised.
I didn’t think they did that in the UK.
But as to why I winced-
I had only ever seen my own penis, or ones in porn movies.
James’ penis hung flaccid, maybe only 3 inches, with a slight bend to the right.
I didn’t show any signs of worry though, I didn’t to get him down any lower.
“There. See? Not so bad.” I said.
I couldn’t hide the tremble in my voice.
“It feels off, dusn’ it?” James trembled, keeping his arms to the side.
“Yeah. It does. Haha!” I chuckled.
He also chuckled.
“Why don’t we go talk to your mom and sister?” I said.
I was feeling more and more awkward now, and just wanted to be done!
I’d done what Ms Skinner asked.
James looked panicked.
“I’ll go first.” I said.
I walked back down the stairs to see Ms Skinner and Julie sitting on the couch.
I felt a jolt of panic for James.
What if Julie made fun of him?!
What if Ms Skinner hadn’t primed her?!
Oh well.
It was on James now.
He could own it, or buckle.
Ms Skinner looked at me, hopeful.
“I told James maybe he should go nude around here for a bit, before having to start school.” I said.
Ms Skinner clicked her tongue and slapped her hand to her forehead.
“Gah! Why didn’t I think of that?! Absolutely brilliant Mark!”
I couldn’t help but feel pretty good about that.
“So James is naked?!” Julie grinned excitedly.
She then grinned at my penis.
I looked at the stairs.
No sign of James.
“James, dear? Come on down. Like Mark said, try and get used to it, yeah?” Ms Skinner called.
“Is Julie down there?” James called down.
“Of course dear, where else would she be?” Ms Skinner said, eyeing the bottom of the stairs where I stood.
James finally descended the stairs, cupping his hands over his crotch.
“Huh!” Ms Skinner gasped.
“James! Do NOT play with yourself in front of your sister!” She scolded.
Julie laughed.
“I’m not playing, mum! I’m covering!” James said.
“Your touching! According to the Wicker Creek School policies that’s against the rules!” Ms Skinner snatched a pamphlet from the side table.
Had Headmistress Beckinsale already ammended the Wicker Creek policies to accomodate my new ‘situation’?
“Ugh! Mum! Julie’s there!” James moaned.
“So am I! She’s your sister and I’m your mum! We live here now, and there are new rules, a new way of life! Now, get on with it!”
James sighed and uncovered.
I looked at Julie and Ms Skinner.
Julie’s mouth and eyes were wide.
Ms Skinner cleared her throat.
“Right. There now. Now we can ALLLLLLLL get used to this.”
Julie looked at James, then at me.
She was grinning from ear to ear!
“Right. Mark,” Ms Skinner turned to me. “Thank you SO much for helping out with this!”
Ms Skinner pulled me into a hug.
“Oh! Um, no problem.” I said.
Ms Skinner looked down at my penis as she pulled away, keeping her hands on my shoulders.
“Gah! It’s still mammoth, in’it?! Haha!” She chuckled.
“I gotta get going.” I said.
“Of course of course dear!” Ms Skinner moved and opened the door for me. “Come by ANYTIME! I know he’s younger than you, but I’m sure James would love to have someone around to play videogames with!”
“Oh, um, sure.” I said.
I waved and started briskly back to my house.
It was getting dark, and chilly.
As I walked, I felt my penis shrinking a bit.
I got back home and flung myself inside.
“Mark?” Emily called from the kitchen.
Christine hopped down the hallway, now dressed in a red, full body onesy!
She hugged me.
The warmth of the fabric felt nice.
I reflexively hugged her back.
“Oh!” She squeeked.
I let her go and she stepped back.
She then smiled down at my penis.
She gripped it and pulled me towards the kitchen!
“Hey!” I yelped as she stretched my flaccid penis!
Thankfully, it didn’t hurt too bad.
Tanya was sitting at the table in a yellow full body onesy.
Emily was pulling out plates, dressed in a purple full body onesy.
I was pretty disappointed, considering what their OTHER PJ’s had been.
“Perfect timing bro! Pizza’s almost ready.” She turned to face me.
She looked down at my penis.
“So the binding ring is still working?” Emily asked.
Before I could answer, Christine chymed in.
“Of course it is.” She said bluntly.
“See?” She grabbed my penis and began twirling it around like a helicopter again!
She let go, and my limp penis flopped around.
“See? Nothing!” Christine said proudly.
She then stepped beside me and started rubbing my butt!
“I bet not even the fact that we’re not wearing anything under these onesies can get you hard, right?” Christine smirked at me.
I suddenly felt every bit of excitement I normally would at the thought of the girls naked, but my penis remained flaccid!
The girls trembled and shuttered.
“S-see? You felt that, right?” Christine asked. “But look, no boner!” Christine again gripped my limp penis and gave a few slow tugs!
“Ahhhh!” I moaned.
“Come on! Let’s eat.” Emily said, plating the pizza.
Even though the onesies they were in were baggy, knowing the fact that they were naked beneath them was a huge turn on!
Too bad Christine’s binding ring was working really well!
“So, you talked to James?” Emily asked.
I almost choked, but kept it together.
“Uh huh.” I said.
“How’d it go?!” Tanya asked excitedly.
“Yeah! Does he know everyone is gonna see him naked?!” Christine asked excitedly.
“Uh huh.” I said again, taking another bite.
“I convinced him to just go ahead and start going nude now, so he could try and get used to it.” I said.
The girls all burst into excited giggles.
I was about to take another bite, when I had a terrifying realization.
“Um, if James is like everybody else, won’t making him go naked all the time attract the Sacral Feeders?!” I asked with concern.
Emily sighed and smiled at me.
“While I’m sure James will run into trouble, I’m not TOO worried about that.” She said.
“Why not?!” I asked, surprised by my sister’s dismissive attitude.
“One, we’re close by. Two, we’ll be in school with him, so that’s easy enough to deal with using our magic.” Emily took a sip of her tea.
“And three, he’s not you.” Emily smiled, but there was a slight ‘pain’ there.
“What?! What’s that mean?” I asked.
“Mark, I hate to say this, but the spells we cast on you on Halloween changed you.” Emily said.
“Changed?” I asked, unable to hide my concern.
“Yes, the Sacral Feeders are attracted to and FEED ON the energy of desire, shame, embarassment, lust-pretty much EVERY carnal feeling there is, which I’m SURE James is likely to feel. We are ALL, every one, a potential source for the Sacral Feeders.” Emily raised her finger.
“But, YOU, Mark are special.”
Christine placed her hand on my arm.
I felt the warm, soothing energy radiate through my body, calming me.
“Because of the main spell we cast on you, you have unlimited sexual energy.” Emily said.
Christine squeezed my arm.
“Think of it like this,” Emily said. “James will probably be like, yummy fast food. It’s good, but not very filling. Not even really appetizing.”
I couldn’t help thinking about James’ small genitals at that statement.
I almost chuckled, but knew this was serious.
“Now, sure, if there were nothing else around, he’d absolutely be in trouble.” Emily pointed at me.
“But you, Mark, are a Michelin rated all you can eat buffet!”
“The most delicious fine dining establishment set on unlimited refills. Haha!” Christine added.
Emily put her hands back on the table.
“We’ll obviously keep an eye out for James while we’re at school with him, and if we have to, we can figure something out like we did with you.” Emily said.
Christine huffed.
“We still need to figure out how to close off the Ceremonial Sites, too.” Emily added.
“Are we sure about the locations of the others?” Tanya asked.
“We were right about the shopping center. I’m gonna go ahead and say we are right about the others.” Emily said.
We finished eating and the girls stood up.
“I texted mom already to let her know Tanya and Christine are staying over again.” Emily said. “Drive us to their houses to get some stuff?” She asked.
I knew it wasn’t really a question.
“Sure.” I said.
As the girls ran back upstairs, I heard Tanya.
“I can’t wait to see what James looks like in his school uniform!”
Followed by Emily and Christine giggling.
I winced, and then thought about what the girls at Wicker Creek Middle were going to think about James.
I looked down at my penis, at the ‘seal’ ring that Christine had made me.
This thing could be a game changer for me.
I felt my heart flutter!
Like when Christine touched me.
The girls came back down the stairs.
They were once again dressed in their school uniforms.
Strangley, I foung the baggy onesies to be more attractive.
Knowing they’d been naked under them, it was like I could see them!
I felt an intense wave of arousal pump through me, but my penis remained flaccid!
Emily grabbed the keys.
“Let’s go!” She said cheerfully, opening the door.
(Yeah. I’m headed your way now.) I thought.
I got in the Prius and headed towards Wicker Creek Middle School
I’d made it through the day!
Yeah, I’d had to fight a Sacral Feeder alone, AND got injured, but I survived.
I was still concerned about my penis.
I was regretting not going back to Ms Johanson.
I looked down at my penis as it flopped on to the leather seat between my legs.
It was still really tender.
I pulled out of the parking lot and sighed.
As I drove, I thought about Sam and Carly.
Specifically, Sam.
I’d actually gotten to touch her breast!
My penis twitched.
I winced at the pain.
Again, I regretted not going back to Ms Johanson to see if she could do anything.
I turned down the drive to student pick up.
I spotted them from the moment I turned in-
Christine’s crimson hair,
Emily’s dirty blonde ponytail,
Tanya’s cute bob.
I pulled in behind a gold SUV.
Christine saw me first and nudged Emily.
The girls jogged over to the car.
Christine flung open the passenger door and hopped in.
Emily paused, huffed and walked around the car and climbed in behind me.
Tanya slid in the back next to her.
Christine immediately placed her hand on my thigh!
“Mark. Are you okay?” She asked.
She was looking at my penis.
“Ah!” I gasped as she touched my thigh.
Emily leaned around the driver seat to look at my crotch, putting her hand on my shoulder.
“Mark, you can tell us. You still hurt there, right? I mean your penis and balls?” Emily asked.
I sighed.
“Yeah.” I sighed. “I got hit with a volleyball by one of my friends. She’s REALLY strong.”
“We know.” Emily said, patting her hand on my shoulder.
“You did REALLY well today, Marky.” Christine said sweetly.
“You really did.” Emily said.
I felt warm, calming energy flow through my body.
“Awww! Mark! Your poor cock!” Christine said.
Emily leaned back and Christine moved her hand up to my hip.
“We’ll take care of that as soon as we get home.” Christine said.
“Guys wait!” I looked over to see a little brunette girl running over to my car!
“Shit!” I gasped.
“Great.” Emily sighed.
I looked in front of me.
The Gold SUV was still parked, waiting for pick up.
The petite brunette girl reached the passenger window.
“Did you guys-“ She froze.
“Oh! Oh my gosh!” The girl gasped, stepping back.
“Hey, Helen.” The girls said in unison.
The little brunette stared wide eyed at my naked body in the driver seat.
Christine turned to me and smiled.
Emily also turned to me.
“Oh yeah! Helen, this my brother, Mark. He’s 16!” She said.
“Emily! Your brother is- he’s-!” Helen stared.
“Yeah! He’s naked!” Tanya chirped.
Christine looked at Helen, then at my penis!
“Oh! Helen, have you never seen a naked boy before?” Christine asked.
The girl shook her head. “N-No!”
(Don’t move.) Tanya’s voice echoed in my head.
I looked in the rearview mirror.
Emily winked at me!
“Why don’t you come over to his window and get a better view?” Emily asked.
The girl started walking in front of my car.
“Guys! Come on!” I groaned.
“Relax. Helen’s a nerd.” Emily said smugly.
Christine and Tanya giggled.
I rolled down my window.
“Oh! Woooooow!” Helen sighed, wide eyed.
Christine leaned over me and spoke to Helen.
“Sorry it’s not as big as it usually is. Mark got hurt earlier today. Hmhm!” Christine said.
“It gets bigger?!!!” Helen gasped.
I felt a jolt of pain shoot through my penis!
“Ah!” I winced.
“Oh! It moved!” Helen gasped.
Being exposed to a girl I didn’t know was having an effect, but being hurt down there was keeping the physical reaction to that effect from taking place.
The SUV ahead of us had pulled away.
“Helen, you know the new Wicker Creek uniforms for boys are NO uniform, right?” Emily asked.
“Oh! Wow! You go to Wicker Creek High?” Helen asked, never once taking her eyes off my cock.
“Yeah.” I sighed.
“Cool! Hehe!” She laughed.
“Oh yeah! Did you guys hear? We have 2 new students that are supposed to start this week!” She said.
I already knew it was our new neighbors James and Julie.
“Yeah. We met them already. They’re our new neighbors.” Emily explained.
“Didn’t you see them when they came in to fill out some paper work?” Emily asked.
“No! Shoot!” Helen moaned.
“Yeah, they came in around lunch time.” Tanya added.
“I hope they’re cool.” Helen said.
A horn honked behind us.
(Release) Tanya’s voice echoed in my head.
“We’ll see you later, Helen.” Emily said.
“Oh? Yeah, sorry. See you guys later.” Helen said, stepping back.
I gave a timid wave, then we drove off, heading for home.
“Oooooo! That’s right! Your new neighbors James and Julie start school with us this week!” Christine said.
She squirmed giddily in her seat.
Christine still had her hand on my thigh.
“You guys! We’re getting another naked boy to play with!” Christine squeeled with glee.
I had a realization.
“Wait! If James has to go to school naked too, won’t that attract Sacral Feeders?!” I asked.
The girls calmed down.
“Probably,” Emily said bluntly. “But he doesn’t have the same unlimited sacral energy that you do. So, hopefully, he won’t be as appetizing.”
The girls chuckled.
“Wait! What about YOUR instructors?! What about your classmates?!” I gasped as I started working out the logistics of what poor James was in for.
Emily smirked.
“Mark, we’re WAY ahead of you.” She said smuggly. “You saw how we handled YOUR instructors. You think we wouldn’t do the same with ours?” She said.
“Yeah! Besides, how else would YOU be able to visit at some point like we discussed with Ms Beckinsale?” Christine added.
The girls went on to explain that over the course of the day, as they went from class to class, they used their spellwork on each instructor, just as they had done with mine.
I didn’t know if I was more impressed or horrified by the girls’ thoroughness in thinking ahead.
“Someone should probably warn him about what he’s in for.” I said.
“Nah. He’ll figure it out soon enough. I heard Ms Argus say Headmistress Beckinsale sent a memo and syllabus out already.”
The girls chuckled.
“Mark, when we get home, shower off and meet us in your room.” Emily said.
“Can’t I just rest? I might need to go to the doctor.” I said sheepishly.
Christine rubbed her hand along my thigh.
Warm, calming energy flowed through me.
“Don’t worry Mark. WE’LL take care of you.” She said sweetly.
“So, you had to fight a Sacral Feeder today after all.” Emily said.
“Yeah.” I sighed.
I then remembered history class.
“Oh yeah. Thanks for helping today. I’m sorry.” I felt a pang of guilt flow through me. “I guess I couldn’t handle things on my own afterall.”
Emily again put her hand on my shoulder.
Tanya put her hand on my other shoulder.
“It’s okay, Mark.” Emily said. “We figured we might need to help you again.”
“Ahem.” Christine cleared her throat. “I figured you might need help.” She emphasized.
Both Emily and Christine’s auras flared.
I felt a tension, or something between them.
Emily took a deep inhale and exhale through her nose.
“You did good today, Mark.” She and Tanya sat back.
We pulled into the driveway.
I felt a warm ‘pulse’ and saw a faint ‘ripple’, like breaking the surface of calm water as we pulled in.
“Good.” Emily said. “Our protection spell is still up.”
“Wait!” I had a realization as I turned off the car. “Why can’t we cast the protection spell around the schools?!” I asked. “Or just me, even?!” I added, hopeful that they simply hadn’t thought of that.
All 3 girls shook their heads.
“One, The schools are just too large an area for us to cover with the spell.” Christine said.
“Two, the target for the spell needs to be ‘fixed’ or stationary.” Tanya added.
“Three, we still need to be able to use you as bait.” Emily said.
Hearing Emily say that hurt.
I thought we reaching a more ‘equal’ understanding.
She must have sensed my feelings, because she unbuckled and wrapped both arms around my seat.
Her hands didn’t reach one another, but she gently patted my chest.
I felt another wave of warm, calming energy flow through me.
“Even if you’re our bait, we promised to protect you.” She said.
Christine again touched my thigh and Tanya touched my shoulder.
More warm, calming energy flowed through me.
“Come on. Let’s get inside and take care of your cock.” Emily patted my chest.
The girls giggled and stepped out of the car.
Emily took my bag, unhooking the keys, and the girls headed up the walkway to our front door.
I got out and quickly walked to join them on our porch.
I glanced at Ms Johnson’s house.
Fortunately, neither she nor Brittany were out.
Emily opened the door and we all got inside.
Mom was still at work, so I was alone with my sister and her friends again.
We sat our bags by the front door and kicked off our shoes.
“Mark, why don’t you go shower real quick, then meet us in your room.” Emily said.
The girls started talking while I did as Emily instructed.
“And grab the coconut oil too!” Emily added as I headed up the stairs.
While washing myself, I inevitably gripped and scrubbed my penis and balls, which were still incredibly tender!
I was getting worried.
It took longer than usual, as I scrubbed more delicately.
After my shower, I dried off and headed to my room, grabbing the tub of coconut oil from under the sink.
The girls were all sitting on my bed, still fully clothed, much to my disappointment.
“Come lay down Mark.” Emily said.
I sighed and walked over to my bed.
I sat the tub of coconut oil on my bedside table.
Tanya stretched her legs out and patted her lap, indicating I was to place my head there.
I did as instructed.
Laying down my penis flopped to the side to lay over my hip.
The movement ached and made me wince.
“Hsssshhh!” I hissed.
“Awww! Don’t worry Marky, we’ve got this.” Christine said sweetly.
Christine and Emily knelt at my hips and hovered their hands over my crotch.
I braced for the next wave of pain that was sure to come, but instead, I felt warm, soothing energy flowing over my genitals.
I looked down.
Emily and Christine’s hands were glowing a faint green.
Emily had her hand between my thighs, and was miming massaging my balls, but not actually touching them!
Christine was holding her hand flat, and hovering it over my penis, moving along the length of my shaft, also not actually touching it!
The pain was rapidly fading away!
Tanya ran her delicate fingers through my hair.
I looked down again at Christine and Emily.
Their hands were still glowing green, but now, my genitals were also faintly glowing green!
And the pain was completely gone!
I sat up, making my penis wobble where it flopped over my hip.
Christine and Emily’s hands stopped glowing and they moved them away to sit with them tucked in their laps.
Christine put her hand on my hip.
“Is that better, Mark?” She smiled sweetly.
I reached down and gently squeezed my shaft.
No pain!
“Yeah! Yeah, that feels A LOT better!” I said.
Emily reached over and grabbed the tub of coconut oil.
She opened it and took a dollop in her fingers.
She then held it out the Christine, who also took a dollop in her fingers.
She closed the tub and set it aside.
Emily and Christine’s hands again began glowing green.
Emily rubbed the coconut oil on my balls and scrotum while Christine rubbed the coconut oil along my shaft and around the head of my penis!
“Ooooooooo! Gaaaah!” I moaned in ecstasy as warm soothing energy enveloped my genitals, coupled with my sister and Christine’s massaging hands.
It didn’t take long at all before I was sporting a full erection!
“Does it still hurt, Mark?” Emily asked.
I just rolled my head back and forth in Tanya’s lap.
“Noooo. Not at alllll.” I moaned.
“Hehehe!” Christine giggled.
“Oh! Chris!” Emily pulled her hands away. “Let’s test your ‘binding ring’.” She said.
“Oh!” Christine looked at my erect penis and bit her lip.
“What?” I asked, coming out of my pre-orgasmic bliss.
Christine looked down and reached her fingers into her school uniform’s shirt pocket.
She pulled out what appeared to be a thin, hemp bracelet of sorts.
Christine took hold of my penis.
I braced myself for her to give me a handjob, but instead, she placed the bracelet over the head of my penis and slid it down my shaft!
She then stretched it over my balls as it reached the base of my cock.
She gently let it constrict into place.
It wasn’t tight or uncomfortable at all.
I suddenly felt a poweful magnetic ‘pulse’ in my pelvis!
Like when I use the tranformation spell!
“Ah!” I gasped.
“Oh!” All three girls gasped as well.
The individualy woven strands of the hemp ring flashed purple, yellow and red for a brief moment!
My erection rapidly subsided, and my penis flopped limply over my hip!
“Wha-! What?!” I gasped.
Christine jumped up and clapped with excitement.
“Holy crap! It worked!” Tanya gasped.
Emily let out a sigh of relief.
“What is this? What happened?!” I gasped.
The girls sensed my concern, and Christine was quick to explain.
“I made this for you, Mark. So you don’t get in trouble at school anymore.” She said sweetly.
I still didn’t understand, and I guess my face must have shown that.
“Don’t worry! Don’t worry!” She again gripped my penis and removed the stretchy woven ring.
She continued holding my penis, and it wasn’t long before she had me back to a full erection.
“Okay, see? I can still get you hard- I mean- you can still get hard! Hmhm!” She held up the woven ring again.
“But as long as you wear this,” She again slid and stretched the ring in place around the base of my shaft and balls.
The individual strands again flashed red, yellow and purple.
I felt that intense magnetic pulse in my pelvis again and my erection again rapidly deflated and my cock went limp once more.
The hemp ring faded back to the normal beige color again.
It matched my skin tone pretty well, actually and my shortly trimmed pubes helped hide it as well.
“-you won’t pop a boner! Hehe!” Christine laughed, but it was a laugh of joy.
Looking at her face, I could see that she truly felt as though she’d done something good.
Finally, my mind caught on to what the purpose of this ‘binding ring’ was, and why Christine was so happy with herself.
I sat up.
“Wait, so as long as I wear this, I won’t get an erection?” I asked.
“Nope!” Christine chirped. “Even if you play with it! See?”
Christine proceeded to grip my penis, and twirl it around like a helicopter!
She then laid it flat on my abs and gently tickled the underside of my shaft!
She even gently tugged on it!
All things that would normally have me rock hard!
It all still FELT amazing, too, but there was no physiological response.
I remained completely flaccid!
Christine let go of me.
“But,” Emily chymed in. “If a Sacral Feeder attacks, you’ll still have to fight.”
“But how can I do that if this ring ‘seals off’ or ‘binds’ my energy or whatever?” I asked.
Emily looked taken a back for a moment, seemingly stunned by my understanding of how the spell worked, but then smirked and shook her head.
“You just take it off, then you can access your energy.” She explained.
“BUUUUUT,” Christine chymed in again. “Since the ring keeps you from popping a boner, you shouldn’t get in trouble in school anymore.” She smiled sweetly.
I further realized Christine’s purpose in giving me this binding ring.
I would, at the very least, be able to stay out of trouble now.
Before I even realized what I was doing, I sat up and pulled Christine into a hug.
“Oh? Oh!” Christine gasped.
I suddenly realized what I was doing and let go, quickly leaning back on the bed.
What was that about?!
I mean, yes, I was deeply grateful for the gift she’d given me, but why had I hugged her?!
Emily huffed and stood up, glaring at Christine and I.
“Ding Dong!” Our doorbell chymed.
Emily hopped up and went to the window.
“Oh!” She said. “It’s Ms Skinner.”
“James and Julie’s mom? What’s she want?” Christine asked.
“Is James with her?!” Tanya asked excitedly.
“I don’t think so.” Emily said. “I don’t see Julie either.”
Emily looked at me and smiled.
“Well, big brother, aren’t you going to answer the door?” She asked.
I looked down at my flaccid penis.
The binding ring was still in place.
I headed downstairs with my sister and her friends.
The bell chymed again as I opened the door.
Ms Skinner did a double take as she regarded my nudity.
“Oh! Good evening, Mark, right?” She asked.
“Hi Ms Skinner.” I said. “Sorry, but my mom’s not home.”
“Oh no dear, I’ve actually come to talk to you.” She looked down at my penis, which fortunately, was remaining flaccid.
“It’s about James.” She said. “Um, this is a bit of a strange conversation. May I come in?”
“Oh, um, sure.” I stepped back and let Ms Skinner in.
I led her to the couch and sat next to her.
“James, Julie and I visited Wicker Creek Middle today.” She said. “We were supposed to pick up their uniforms and syllabus’.”
I nodded for her to continue.
She kept stealing glanced at my crotch.
“Anyway, we were able to get Julie’s uniforms, but as you are very much aware, the uniform for boys is a bit, ‘revealing’. Hmhm!” She chuckled as she looked me up and down.
“James is a bit shy, and is absolutely DREADING having to go to school in such a state. Now, I’m no prude, and I respect your ability to be comfortable on display.”
I almost told her that I was absolutely NOT comfortable, but what would be the point?
“I’ll admit. I’m shocked that this community would allow nudism, or rather INFORCE MALE nudism specifically, but anyway. James has been absolutely distraught at the thought he’ll be going to school in the nude.” Ms Skinner explained.
“It is my understanding that there aren’t many ‘boys’ around here, so I was hoping you would be willing to come talk to James and show him it’s no big deal? I know he’s more your sister’s age, but I was thinking if he sees how another boy handles the situation, it might make the transition easier?” Ms Skinner said.
I looked towards the stairs.
(Go with her! Talk to James!) Emily’s voice echoed.
I sighed.
“Do you wan’t me to come talk to him now?” I asked.
Ms Skinner lit up.
“Oh my! Would you mind? I would GREATLY appreciate that!”
“Sure.” I said.
We stood, and I opened the door for Ms Skinner.
Even though they already knew, I called up the stairs.
“Em, I’m going to the Skinner’s. I’ll be back in a bit. Could you put a pizza in the oven?” I asked.
“Got it!” Emily called back down.
I slipped on my shoes and followed Ms Skinner outside.
The air was starting to cool, but it was still light out.
As we walked down the street, Ms Skinner kept looking down at my penis as it wobbled with each step.
She chuckled a few times.
We turned up their driveway and Ms Skinner led me to their door.
“I do hope you can get through to him. He’s very anxious, and I’m afraid little Julie hasn’t been helping much. I’ll keep her occupied while you and James talk.”
We stepped inside.
“James? Mark is here and would like to talk to you.” She called out.
Julie burst in from the livingroom, running down the hall to greet us.
I slid my shoes off as she rounded the corner.
She gasped and grinned wide seeing me standing there naked.
“Julie, I’m sure you remember Mark from down the street.” Ms Skinner said.
“Yup! I remember! Hehehe!” Julie was grinning wide at my penis.
“No! I’m not coming down!” James called from upstairs.
Ms Skinner looked at me.
I sighed.
“Hey, James?” I called.
No answer.
“You can just go up, first door on the left.” Ms Skinner said.
I headed up the stairs.
Julie made a move to follow, but Ms Skinner grabbed her shoulder.
“Let the boys talk, dear.”
I found James’ door and knocked.
“James? It’s me, Mark.” I said.
“Come in.” James said sullenly.
I opened the door.
For a 13 year old boy, his room was emaculate.
I mean, yeah they just moved in and there were still boxes stacked, but still.
James was sitting on his bed playing a videogame.
“Whoa!” He gasped seeing me naked.
“Your mom asked me to come talk to you.” I said.
I felt incredibly awkward.
Especially as James kept stealing glances at my penis.
“Yeah?” He said.
“So, you start school this week?” I asked.
“Day after tomorrow, yeah.” He said, looking at the floor.
“I guess you know about the school uniforms?” I asked.
He pulled his knees to his chest.
“How can they make us go nude?!” James blurted.
I sighed.
“It’s just the way things are around here.” I shrugged.
I obviously couldn’t tell him everything.
“But, they’re girls!” James said. “They’re ALL girls!”
“Yeah.” I sighed. “And it’s embarassing. I know. But-“ I was really struggling with what to say.
“Try and look at the bright side.” I said.
“What bright side?! Everyone can see your willy and bollucks and bum!” He exclaimed.
“Yeah. Yeah, there’s that.” I said.
I suddenly thought about Sam and my other classmates.
“Hey, at least you’ll be popular. Hehe!” I tried making a joke.
I couldn’t imagine what he was thinking.
I knew what I looked like naked at 13.
The idea of girls seeing my body at that age is terrifying!
“Okay. Look, you can look at it one of 2 ways. Yeah, everyone’s gonna see you naked ALL the time! But just do your best to ignore it.” I said.
I knew that was impossible, but what else could I say?
“Has anyone ever seen you naked before?” I asked.
“No!” James gasped.
“Well, that’s about to change.” I said matter of factly.
“Look, you have a couple days before you have to start school. Why not just go nude around your house? Get used to it before your classmates see you.” I suggested.
I knew when I was his age, that’s how I would start my masturbation routine.
Had he started puberty yet?
“But my mum and sister will see!” He complained.
“Yeah, but they’re your family at least.” I shrugged.
“But I don’t-“ He paused.
“You’ve got-“ He paused again.
James looked down at his crotch.
I did too.
Did I see a twitch?!
“If I-“ James mumbled. “If I get naked now, will you stay until I show mum and Julie?”
I sighed.
Had I actually done it?
Had my off the cuff pep talk worked?
“Sure, James. We guys gotta stick together, right?” I asked.
James nodded.
He stood up.
He gripped the bottom of his shirt and trembled.
“Think of it like ripping off a bandaid.” I suggested.
I had to give James credit.
At least I had my sister and her friends to ease my nerves with their magic.
James took a deep breath and whipped his shirt off.
He was skinny, but had a good frame.
If he worked out, he could pack on a bit of muscle.
He then unbuttoned his jeans and let them drop to the floor.
He stepped out of them.
He was now in just a pair of tight navy blue briefs.
My heart sank for him.
At first glance, it didn’t look like he was that far into puberty yet.
I knew how developed my sister and her friends were, I could only hope James didn’t have anything to be ashamed of.
He was trembling.
He looked up at me, then at my penis.
“Own it.” I said and gave him a nod of solidarity.
James nodded back and pulled his briefs down and off.
He stood up with his eyes closed tight.
I winced.
He was completely hairless, and I don’t think he shaved.
I was also surprised that he was circumcised.
I didn’t think they did that in the UK.
But as to why I winced-
I had only ever seen my own penis, or ones in porn movies.
James’ penis hung flaccid, maybe only 3 inches, with a slight bend to the right.
I didn’t show any signs of worry though, I didn’t to get him down any lower.
“There. See? Not so bad.” I said.
I couldn’t hide the tremble in my voice.
“It feels off, dusn’ it?” James trembled, keeping his arms to the side.
“Yeah. It does. Haha!” I chuckled.
He also chuckled.
“Why don’t we go talk to your mom and sister?” I said.
I was feeling more and more awkward now, and just wanted to be done!
I’d done what Ms Skinner asked.
James looked panicked.
“I’ll go first.” I said.
I walked back down the stairs to see Ms Skinner and Julie sitting on the couch.
I felt a jolt of panic for James.
What if Julie made fun of him?!
What if Ms Skinner hadn’t primed her?!
Oh well.
It was on James now.
He could own it, or buckle.
Ms Skinner looked at me, hopeful.
“I told James maybe he should go nude around here for a bit, before having to start school.” I said.
Ms Skinner clicked her tongue and slapped her hand to her forehead.
“Gah! Why didn’t I think of that?! Absolutely brilliant Mark!”
I couldn’t help but feel pretty good about that.
“So James is naked?!” Julie grinned excitedly.
She then grinned at my penis.
I looked at the stairs.
No sign of James.
“James, dear? Come on down. Like Mark said, try and get used to it, yeah?” Ms Skinner called.
“Is Julie down there?” James called down.
“Of course dear, where else would she be?” Ms Skinner said, eyeing the bottom of the stairs where I stood.
James finally descended the stairs, cupping his hands over his crotch.
“Huh!” Ms Skinner gasped.
“James! Do NOT play with yourself in front of your sister!” She scolded.
Julie laughed.
“I’m not playing, mum! I’m covering!” James said.
“Your touching! According to the Wicker Creek School policies that’s against the rules!” Ms Skinner snatched a pamphlet from the side table.
Had Headmistress Beckinsale already ammended the Wicker Creek policies to accomodate my new ‘situation’?
“Ugh! Mum! Julie’s there!” James moaned.
“So am I! She’s your sister and I’m your mum! We live here now, and there are new rules, a new way of life! Now, get on with it!”
James sighed and uncovered.
I looked at Julie and Ms Skinner.
Julie’s mouth and eyes were wide.
Ms Skinner cleared her throat.
“Right. There now. Now we can ALLLLLLLL get used to this.”
Julie looked at James, then at me.
She was grinning from ear to ear!
“Right. Mark,” Ms Skinner turned to me. “Thank you SO much for helping out with this!”
Ms Skinner pulled me into a hug.
“Oh! Um, no problem.” I said.
Ms Skinner looked down at my penis as she pulled away, keeping her hands on my shoulders.
“Gah! It’s still mammoth, in’it?! Haha!” She chuckled.
“I gotta get going.” I said.
“Of course of course dear!” Ms Skinner moved and opened the door for me. “Come by ANYTIME! I know he’s younger than you, but I’m sure James would love to have someone around to play videogames with!”
“Oh, um, sure.” I said.
I waved and started briskly back to my house.
It was getting dark, and chilly.
As I walked, I felt my penis shrinking a bit.
I got back home and flung myself inside.
“Mark?” Emily called from the kitchen.
Christine hopped down the hallway, now dressed in a red, full body onesy!
She hugged me.
The warmth of the fabric felt nice.
I reflexively hugged her back.
“Oh!” She squeeked.
I let her go and she stepped back.
She then smiled down at my penis.
She gripped it and pulled me towards the kitchen!
“Hey!” I yelped as she stretched my flaccid penis!
Thankfully, it didn’t hurt too bad.
Tanya was sitting at the table in a yellow full body onesy.
Emily was pulling out plates, dressed in a purple full body onesy.
I was pretty disappointed, considering what their OTHER PJ’s had been.
“Perfect timing bro! Pizza’s almost ready.” She turned to face me.
She looked down at my penis.
“So the binding ring is still working?” Emily asked.
Before I could answer, Christine chymed in.
“Of course it is.” She said bluntly.
“See?” She grabbed my penis and began twirling it around like a helicopter again!
She let go, and my limp penis flopped around.
“See? Nothing!” Christine said proudly.
She then stepped beside me and started rubbing my butt!
“I bet not even the fact that we’re not wearing anything under these onesies can get you hard, right?” Christine smirked at me.
I suddenly felt every bit of excitement I normally would at the thought of the girls naked, but my penis remained flaccid!
The girls trembled and shuttered.
“S-see? You felt that, right?” Christine asked. “But look, no boner!” Christine again gripped my limp penis and gave a few slow tugs!
“Ahhhh!” I moaned.
“Come on! Let’s eat.” Emily said, plating the pizza.
Even though the onesies they were in were baggy, knowing the fact that they were naked beneath them was a huge turn on!
Too bad Christine’s binding ring was working really well!
“So, you talked to James?” Emily asked.
I almost choked, but kept it together.
“Uh huh.” I said.
“How’d it go?!” Tanya asked excitedly.
“Yeah! Does he know everyone is gonna see him naked?!” Christine asked excitedly.
“Uh huh.” I said again, taking another bite.
“I convinced him to just go ahead and start going nude now, so he could try and get used to it.” I said.
The girls all burst into excited giggles.
I was about to take another bite, when I had a terrifying realization.
“Um, if James is like everybody else, won’t making him go naked all the time attract the Sacral Feeders?!” I asked with concern.
Emily sighed and smiled at me.
“While I’m sure James will run into trouble, I’m not TOO worried about that.” She said.
“Why not?!” I asked, surprised by my sister’s dismissive attitude.
“One, we’re close by. Two, we’ll be in school with him, so that’s easy enough to deal with using our magic.” Emily took a sip of her tea.
“And three, he’s not you.” Emily smiled, but there was a slight ‘pain’ there.
“What?! What’s that mean?” I asked.
“Mark, I hate to say this, but the spells we cast on you on Halloween changed you.” Emily said.
“Changed?” I asked, unable to hide my concern.
“Yes, the Sacral Feeders are attracted to and FEED ON the energy of desire, shame, embarassment, lust-pretty much EVERY carnal feeling there is, which I’m SURE James is likely to feel. We are ALL, every one, a potential source for the Sacral Feeders.” Emily raised her finger.
“But, YOU, Mark are special.”
Christine placed her hand on my arm.
I felt the warm, soothing energy radiate through my body, calming me.
“Because of the main spell we cast on you, you have unlimited sexual energy.” Emily said.
Christine squeezed my arm.
“Think of it like this,” Emily said. “James will probably be like, yummy fast food. It’s good, but not very filling. Not even really appetizing.”
I couldn’t help thinking about James’ small genitals at that statement.
I almost chuckled, but knew this was serious.
“Now, sure, if there were nothing else around, he’d absolutely be in trouble.” Emily pointed at me.
“But you, Mark, are a Michelin rated all you can eat buffet!”
“The most delicious fine dining establishment set on unlimited refills. Haha!” Christine added.
Emily put her hands back on the table.
“We’ll obviously keep an eye out for James while we’re at school with him, and if we have to, we can figure something out like we did with you.” Emily said.
Christine huffed.
“We still need to figure out how to close off the Ceremonial Sites, too.” Emily added.
“Are we sure about the locations of the others?” Tanya asked.
“We were right about the shopping center. I’m gonna go ahead and say we are right about the others.” Emily said.
We finished eating and the girls stood up.
“I texted mom already to let her know Tanya and Christine are staying over again.” Emily said. “Drive us to their houses to get some stuff?” She asked.
I knew it wasn’t really a question.
“Sure.” I said.
As the girls ran back upstairs, I heard Tanya.
“I can’t wait to see what James looks like in his school uniform!”
Followed by Emily and Christine giggling.
I winced, and then thought about what the girls at Wicker Creek Middle were going to think about James.
I looked down at my penis, at the ‘seal’ ring that Christine had made me.
This thing could be a game changer for me.
I felt my heart flutter!
Like when Christine touched me.
The girls came back down the stairs.
They were once again dressed in their school uniforms.
Strangley, I foung the baggy onesies to be more attractive.
Knowing they’d been naked under them, it was like I could see them!
I felt an intense wave of arousal pump through me, but my penis remained flaccid!
Emily grabbed the keys.
“Let’s go!” She said cheerfully, opening the door.
Last edited by NudeBaG on Sat Mar 01, 2025 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Jeepman89
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Re: Magic (New 2-28-2025)
A very entertaining chapter where we found out all about James and his being uncomfortable with being naked, especially at school. I like that Mark was able to relieve some of his fears and get him to take the big step. It will be interesting to see how he reacts when he has to wear his new uniform at school and how those middle school girls react to seeing him bare ass naked.
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Re: Magic (New 2-28-2025)
Nice chapter as usual nudebag. I can sense the growing tension between Christine and Emily. I wonder where this goes once Sam enters the picture.
Loved to see the (don’t move) back into the story. Personally for me, it makes the story interesting.
The interaction between James and Mark was nice. Looks like James was not so developed. Will the girls tease him about it
Loved to see the (don’t move) back into the story. Personally for me, it makes the story interesting.
The interaction between James and Mark was nice. Looks like James was not so developed. Will the girls tease him about it
- Jeepman89
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Re: Magic (New 2-28-2025)
Hopefully, he is a normally developed 13 year old boy or even better if he's above average especially when he has a boner. I just don't find sph stories exciting at all. That's just me though.
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