( Something happened to cause the original story to be deleted. Special thanks to Hooked6 for finding it and sending it to me. I’ve touched it up a tad to help with continuity.)
Rachael pressed her nose against the living room wall. Her hands were curled at her chest in a sort of praying pose. The white short sleeve shirt stopped around belly button level.
Rachael was tall with long athletic legs, raven dark hair, average size breasts, and a tight, shapely ass. Her charms were on full display as she stood nude from the waist down.
The globes of her butt were glowing a crimson red, courtesy of the spanking administered by her mother.
The sentence was an hour corner time in silent reflection of her misdeeds. Any word from her would add to the time spent at the wall.
For Rachael, she just wanted to put her pants on. She felt naked to the world, and rightly so. Directly behind her was the large picture window. The curtains were pulled apart to let the sunshine in, but that also gave anyone passing near enough to the home to get a lovely view of the half naked girl.
The thought that tormented Rachael the most, however, was someone coming in. Her bare ass on display would surely be the topic of conversation. It wasn’t like someone was just going to ignore it.
The thought had barely formed when the doorbell rang. Rachael froze in fear of who it might be. She silently prayed her mother would not answer the door, but she walked right past her and opened it without hesitation.
“Good morning Sally…Oh dear. I have interrupted something.”
It was the voice of Alice Sharp, the neighbor next door. Rachael wanted to die. She just knew that Alice was staring at her butt.
“A matter of discipline, her mother replied to Alice. Children
Oh Yes,” Alice replied. “I used to do my Amy the same, except I would not allow her the comfort of any clothing.”
“Now there’s a thought. I may have to consider that. Come into the kitchen we will have some coffee, “ her mother chimed.
Rachael breathed a short sigh of relief that she was at least by herself.
What she didn’t see was Debby, a girl she despised, and vice versa, was outside staring in at the window. She was passing by and had looked in to see the sight of Rachael, and quickly fetched her phone to get some pics.
Crouching down behind some shrubs, Debby zoomed in on Rachael’s bare ass.
In moments the pics were circulating to everyone in her contact list, then spread like wildfire on social media. Nearly every student at her high school had now seen her revealing pose.
The fact that it was a Saturday, prevented any staff from seeing them.
“Holy Shit!” That is Rachael, Timmy remarked as he stated stared at the image of his sister.
His girl friend, Brianna giggled. “Damn, that would be embarrassing, but not as much as it would be if you were to walk in on her. She would die. I know I would.”
In wine truth, Rachael didn’t care much about Brianna either. She thought she was not a good match for her brother. Brianna knew it, and knew that her going over would torment Rachael.
Moments later. Timmy and Brianna were on their way there.
Time seemed to drag slowly for Rachael. As Alice left, Rachael thought there appeared to be more traffic on the little street than usual. And was right. Her peers were cruising by staring in the window at the ribald sight.
She felt her mother stop by her. “I think Alice was right. You look rather silly in just your shirt. You can move your hand long enough to take off your shirt and bra. You’ll spend the last thirty minutes of your punishment completely bare!”
Rachael gasped and her mother put a finger to her mouth to signal silence. She was practically in tears as she undid her shirt and let it fall to the ground. Her bra fell as well, leaving her totally naked and ashamed.
Her pert tits jutted outward, and her nipples became hard as the cool air of the house began to waft over them.
Rachael’s face was now the same color as her butt cheeks as she sobbed against the wall.
As the clock slowly inched towards the end of her punishment, Rachael began to feel more at ease. Then the sound of footsteps on the porch were heard. Her heat raced, he face flushed again as the door flung open and Footsteps entered the living room.
Timmy stopped frozen at the sight of his now naked sister. Brianna covered her mouth and giggled softly, knowing how humiliating this was for Rachael.
The sound of Timmy’s voice made Rachael want to run and disappear. Her brother was seeing her naked!
“Hey mom. It’s me and Brianna,” Timmy called out.
Her mother entered the living room. “I’m sorry for what you are seeing, but Rachael is in trouble and had to be punished.”
“Dang sis, you must have screwed up bad,” Timmy teased.
“It’s alright. I completely understand, “Brianna replied as she shot an evil eye towards Rachael.
As Timmy left to go to the kitchen with his mother, Brianna softly approached Rachael from behind.
“You’re a celebrity she whispered in her ear, and placed the phone in front of Rachael’s face, showing her the pics Debby had taken. I’m just going to get a few of the updated, all nude ones,” Brianna hissed.
Rachael tears streamed down her face as Brianna snapped the pics.
“Who sees these will depend on how you treat me from now on,”she whispered into Rachael’s ear before returning to the couch.
Timmy returned to join Brianna and turned in the TV. Just knowing they were staring at her was torment to Rachael.
Finally her mother came in and announced that she could dress.
Rachel grabbed her things and ran to her bedroom. Her phone was blowing up with replies to the pics.
There was a tap at her door and Rachael opened it to Briana. She reluctantly let her in the room and she sat down.
“ I just wanted you to know who sent all the pics to school. It was Debby.”
That bitch!” It so figures,” Rachael remarked as she hung her head.
“Yea, well, I have a history with her as well. Maybe we could work together on some payback.”
Rachael looked at Brianna rather puzzled.
“What did she do to you?”
Brianna leaned back in the chair. “I was at the lake in my bikini, minding my own business. I guess Debby wanted to impress the brats she was with. They decided to strip me. They caught me up by the spillway when no one was there.”
While the other girls pinned me down, Debby took off my top, then my bottoms. I was told I had to chase and catch them to get it back.”
“They ran me up the path by the picnic tables. People were down there. I can only imagine what they thought when they saw a naked girl chasing some clothed ones begging for her bathing suit.”
“Oh my god. Did you get your suit back?” Rachael asked wide eyed.
“Yea,I finally caught up to them. I had to get on my knees and beg them for them.”
“Anyway, if you want, maybe we can join forces and pay her back.”
“I would love to put that bitch in her place,” Rachael replied.
Brianna nodded her head. “Good. I’ll keep the nudes of you I just took till afterwards. We get her and I’ll delete them.”
“Not that much more. They’ve seen most of me, Rachael shot back.
“I got a close up of your pussy though. I’m sure the boys would love to see that“ Brianna teased.
“So, how we gonna get this bitch?” Rachael inquired.”
The two sat in Rachael’s bedroom creating their plan.
It was the night of the basketball game. Timmy was driving slowly with Rachael and Brianna in the back seat.
“There she is,” Rachael remarked, pointing to Debby walking down a dimly lit street.
Timmy pulled the car close and Rachael and Brianna leaped from the back seat. They pounced on Debby, binding her hands behind her back, and tying her feet together before duct taping her mouth and tossing her into the trunk of the car.
At the football practice field, they took Debby out of the trunk, laid her on the ground, undid the ropes and stripped her Naked.
They both worked together to bind Debby to a flag pole and took revealing pictures.
Rachael held up the bag containing Debby’s clothes.
“Here’s the deal bitch. I’m going to film you issuing an apology for sending those pics. I’m then going to send it to everyone. They will send you naked, but if you are convincing I will untie you and give you your clothes back. If not, I’m going to take your clothes with me and leave you here like this.”
God no, “ Debby sobbed. I will apologize, I swear, just let me put my clothes on. Please don’t let them see me naked.”
“Nope, Rachael beamed triumphantly. Payback’s a bitch. Start talking!”
Debby sobbed and bawled through a tearful apology that made its way onto social media.
Rachael and Brianna watched Debby dress and walk away. It was the beginning of a great friendship.
Corner Time Redux.
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Re: Corner Time Redux.
The original version was good but the back story of what Debby did to Briana makes the payback they get on her much more fun. I think some of the deleted stuff is the site trying clean up the spamming and some non spam is getting caught up in it yesterday the last part of a story I have going on in the ENM was also deleted.
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