Swim Meet

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

On Monday, the week before the swim meet, Coach Johnson again announced, “we will be getting ready for the swim meet for Monday of next week. We have one week to get ready. The swim meet will be after classes for the day and we’ll have an audience of almost 500 people.

For the next four days, we practiced our laps as usual. Between the Freshman/Sophomore and Junior/Senior there were twenty students. Out of those twenty, eight were picked to represent the school during the swim meet, four female and four male. Of the forty students from Sunvale Summit, eight were selected to represent their school.

On Friday, I was having mixed emotions concerning being naked in front of a large group of people at the swim meet. Part of me was slightly embarrassed that I’d be naked in front of a large group, yet part of me was excited for the daring exposure. After walking our two laps around the pool, I stopped by the coach’s office and asked if the coach has heard from the district manager concerning my swimsuit problem. Coach Johnson replied, “swimsuit problem?
There is no swimsuit problem.”

I replied, “I mean for the swim meet next week.”

She said, “there is no problem. Your official school swimsuit is natural, and I don’t want to discuss it anymore.”

Swim Meet - Local

At the end of classes on Monday, we all got ready in the changing rooms. I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out to the pool area. There was a huge crowd of over 600 people from both schools sitting in the bleachers. I was nervous, but a little excited. I’d never been bare ass naked in front of so many people before. With my towel still wrapped around me, I sat on the bench in front of the forth diving mount next to a female swimmer.

Coach Johnson walked in front of the bleachers and loudly announced the evening’s events. She explained to the audience that the swimmers consisted of eight students from our school and eight students from Sunvale Summit High School. There will be six races with eight swimmers for each race.

After explaining some more details of the race, the last details she announced, “races will consist of eight female swimmers in group one, and eight male swimmers in group two. Each group will race four times, alternating group one and then group two.” After a short pause she added, “Because of problems with one of our student’s official swimsuit uniform, his new official school uniform is, natural. He will be swimming natural. If anyone has any concerns, please raise your hand and speak up.”

[ No one raised their hand. ]

She announced the eight female swimmers. As the eight female swimmers got up onto their mounts, and into position, coach yelled, “take your marks.” With a short pause, she blew her whistle and the swimmers dove into the pool and swam to the deep end, using the flip turn, they swam back to the shallow end [ five feet deep ] and back to the deep end. They climbed out of the pool and walked back to their bench in front of the dive mounts.

Coach Johnson announced the eight male swimmers. All eight of us male swimmers stood up and walked over to the diving mount. Before I climbed up, I removed my towel, leaving me bare ass naked. There was a silence in the bleachers as I climbed up onto the dive mount. It felt odd standing bare ass naked in front of the crowd for a few seconds before bending over to grab the front of the mount. After a few seconds, coach yelled, “take your marks.” With a short pause, she blew the whistle and we dove into the pool. I swam as hard as I could, my penis felt a lot of pleasure and got firm [ not hard, just firmer than flaccid ]. As I got to the deep end, I did a flip turn to return to the shallow end.

[ Each time I did the flip turn, my penis flew out of the water between my feet in and arc, and splashed into the water on the other side. ]

After reaching the shallow end, I did another flip turn and swam back to the deep end. After touching the wall, I swam over to the ladder and climbed out of the pool. As I stepped onto the deck, turned and started walking back, my penis initially flopped side to side and then as it caught my knee bounced off my thigh straight out, falling down on my opposite thigh, back and forth. In my peripheral vision I noticed the shocked look and smiles of the spectators as I started to pass by. Oh my gosh, I could not believe I was actually walking in front of a full crowd of people bare ass naked with my penis bouncing off my legs. It took a couple seconds and I realized I could hear the sound of camera shutters going off and an occasional flash. Oh my gosh, they are taking pictures of me. I started to tense up with embarrassment, I didn’t expect anyone to take pictures of me. Then I notice a girl with a Super 8 film camera, filming as I walk by. The embarrassment seemed to build slightly until the pleasure I was feeling from my penis slapping against my thighs started to build, and then after a couple more seconds, any embarrassment I was feeling was replaced with enjoying the sexual pleasure of being naked in front of all the spectators. All the way back to my bench, my penis bounced off my thighs, until I turned the corner of the pool and then it started flopping erratically all over the place.

After getting back to my mount, I noticed my towel that I dropped next to the mount was missing and sat down on my bench with my penis drooped over the edge and my penis head laying sideways on the floor. The cute female swimmer sitting next to me with huge breasts from Sunvale Summit looked over at me and glanced down towards my penis, smiled and said, “hello cutie. Do you always swim like that?”

I replied, “yes, my school swimsuit didn’t fit and then it got destroyed by the pool pump”

Group one of the eight girls swam their race and walked back to the benches. Coach Johnson told group two to get on their mount. I climbed up onto the mount looking over to the spectators in the bleachers for a couple seconds before grabbing onto the front of the mount. As soon as she blew the whistle, I dove into the pool and swam as hard as I could. After doing two flip turns, and ending at the deep end wall, I swam over to the ladder and climbed out, and walked past the spectators, as some of them took pictures of me. As I reached the other end of the pool, I sat down next to the cute girl from SunVale Summit.

After the last two races, they announced the winners. I won third place. They asked the winners to climb up on a three-tiered podium. First the girls received their ribbons, then us three boys got up onto the podium. I felt awkward standing naked while Coach Johnson hung the ribbon around my neck.
My Stories here at Pantsing and stripping Forums:

Swim Meet viewtopic.php?t=4967

Closed Pool viewtopic.php?t=1383

Richard, Accidental Nudist viewtopic.php?t=1934
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Themarble »

I hope for more soon! After the swim meet I'm hoping there is more embarrassment for Mike, -he can't get out of this situation!
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