Samantha Uncontrolled

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Samantha Uncontrolled

Post by Debbifan »

So happy to see the return of this story. I'm sure everyone will be understanding if additions come at a slower pace !

Another excellent chapter. I would perhaps like to see Valeria and Carla ( and Megan ? ) get a little more assertive regarding Sam's continual attempts at covering and her huddled up posture. 'No covering !' Also at some point, maybe Sam gets her clothes back from Valeria's desk ? Very, very temporarily before being forced to take them all off again of course !

Just suggestions, I'm sure I shall be happy with whatever you have in store and am pleased to read about your continued commitment to the story.
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Re: Samantha Uncontrolled

Post by Hooked6 »

Anther great chapter in Samantha's saga! It was worth waiting for!

I particularly loved the emergence of Valeria, Samantha's peer and work rival. Every time I read about Valeria's smiling or laughing at Samantha's predicament indicating that she is totally enjoying her coworker's naked situation at work as well as her control over Sam, it gives me tingles all up my spine! I love that!

Women - ESPECIALLY professional women like Valeria - really know how to push other women's buttons and make the most out of a peer's embarrassment or humiliation, and that is especially true if it is a work rival!

Can't wait to read more. Glad to see, that despite your heavy work schedule, you have been able to find time for us!!


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Re: Samantha Uncontrolled

Post by Rawr112 »

Would be great to see more
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Re: Samantha Uncontrolled

Post by Debbifan »

I'm not normally in favour of bumping topics or pestering an author for an update. But hey, I could do with some cheering up in the midst of the current spam war and little would cheer me up more than an update to Samantha's adventures, or at least a progress report !

I've been reading ( and writing ) this kind of fiction now for longer than I care to remember and it is inevitable that from time to time one gets a little jaded. But a story can still come along in which it is possible to get totally invested and this is one currently for me. So here's hoping all is well with 'mcenf' and that work / real life pressures ease so that we can enjoy further additions to this and Amy's stories.
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Re: Samantha Uncontrolled

Post by mcenf »

Hi everyone,

I know it’s been a while since I posted new chapters, and I understand that I mentioned the pace would be a bit slow. I’m about to finish a new chapter and then translate it, so I hope to have it ready this week.

Thanks for staying tuned and for your patience!
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Samantha Uncontrolled - Chapter 22

Post by mcenf »

Valeria crossed her arms and scanned the server room, evaluating the space as if she were the conductor of a grand orchestra, ready to assign each musician their task. Carla leaned against one of the metal tables, her relaxed pose in stark contrast to my tense, cold, and visibly uncomfortable body. The constant vibrations of the servers and the cold air seeping in from everywhere only intensified my sense of vulnerability.

"Well, girls," Valeria said, adopting a professional tone of voice, though she couldn't hide the slight trace of amusement in her eyes as she looked at me. "We're here because someone has to keep the server area running while Javier and his team are out. Since Samy is the expert on the subject, she'll be in charge of the most important technical tasks."

Carla didn't miss the chance to intervene with a mocking smile. "Oh, of course, our great expert. There won't be any problems... right, Samy?" Her laughter mixed with the buzzing of the machines, echoing in my mind like an endless reverberation.

I couldn't respond. My throat was dry, and the knot in my stomach seemed to tighten even more. I can't do this. How do they expect me to work like this? It was a useless question; I knew that Valeria didn't care about my discomfort.

"Carla," Valeria continued, ignoring my failed attempts to protest, "you'll be in charge of checking the energy records and making sure the emergency generators are in optimal condition. It's a simple job, but important."

Carla nodded, clearly more interested in the implicit humiliation of my assignment than her own. "Of course, Valeria. Leave it to me," she said, throwing me a look that could almost be described as a challenge.

"And I," Valeria added with an authoritative tone, "will take care of supervising and solving any minor issues. Samy," she said, turning to me again with a tone that made my name sound more like a mockery than a professional title, "I need you to work on the server configurations and adjustments. You know how to handle it better than anyone."

My body tensed at those words. For a moment, I considered explaining that I couldn't do it, that my state prevented me from even thinking clearly, but the words didn't come out of my mouth. You're trapped. Just keep going and do what you can, I told myself, trying to gather the little courage I had left.

Valeria's firm steps resonated on the floor as she headed towards a nearby station. Carla had already started checking the shelves, pretending to be absorbed in her task while throwing quick, amused glances in my direction.

I tried to concentrate, to ignore the constant chill running through my body and the discomfort of the cold draft seeping through every corner of the room. I walked towards one of the control terminals, my bare feet softly resonating against the metal floor. The sensation of the cold floor radiated from my soles to my legs, and I had to fight to not visibly shiver.

I leaned over the terminal and turned on the screen. Data began to fill it, and for a moment, I tried to hold on to the familiarity of my work, the cold and direct logic of numbers and commands. But even that betrayed me. The screen seemed to amplify my reflection: my nervous eyes, my trembling lips, my goosebumps. It was as if the monitor constantly reminded me of my vulnerability.

"Everything okay over there, Samy?" Carla asked from the other end of the room. Her casual tone contrasted with the evident amusement in her gaze.

"Of course it's okay," Valeria intervened with a sarcastic smile. "How could it not be? After all, Samy is our expert in the area."

I clenched my lips and nodded slowly, unable to respond otherwise. My hands, cold and clumsy, struggled to handle the controls and make the necessary adjustments. But every move felt awkward, my body trembling not only from the cold but from the constant exposure, from the idea that someone else might walk in at any moment and find me in this state.

I can't do this. This is impossible. My mind repeated those words over and over as I tried to make progress on my task. Every now and then, I felt Carla and Valeria's gazes upon me, judging, evaluating, silently mocking my situation.

"Samy, don't forget that those adjustments are critical," Valeria said with feigned seriousness. "Any mistake could be... disastrous." Her tone was cold, almost clinical, but her eyes shone with a satisfaction that made it clear she enjoyed watching me struggle.

I kept working, or at least trying to, while my mind wrestled between shame and the need to maintain control. The server room, which had always been a place of technical and professional work for me, now felt like a cage, a stage of humiliation from which I couldn't escape.

The cold seemed to intensify with every second that passed in the server room. I tried to focus on the commands in front of me, on the lines of data scrolling across the screen, but my mind was divided. Every slight breeze, every current of air that escaped from the fans and brushed my exposed skin, reminded me of how vulnerable I was. My hands trembled as I attempted to type precisely, my fingers stiff not only from the cold but from the constant tension coursing through my body.

Around me, the contrast was almost insulting. Valeria, in her elegant business suit, was a perfect image of control and professionalism. Her well-fitted jacket emphasized her confident posture, and her neatly tied-up hair left no room for distractions. Carla, on the other hand, in her comfortable yet formal attire, worked calmly while throwing an occasional playful glance in my direction. Both of them were comfortable and secure, completely unaware of the discomfort I was experiencing.

The noise of the servers, a constant hum that used to be soothing, now seemed deafening. My mind jumped between the tasks and my surroundings, always alert to any possible interruption. If someone comes in... No, I can't think about that. Focus.

"Samy? Are you sure about what you're doing there? It seems like you're taking longer than usual," Carla commented, her voice filled with amusement.

"Leave her," Valeria responded, but her tone was anything but kind. "At this rate, I doubt we can trust her to finish it alone."

I felt my face warming with embarrassment, an ironic sensation considering the cold running through my body. I forced myself to concentrate harder, trying to ignore their comments and the constant trembling in my limbs.

However, fate seemed determined to test me. A subtle but clear alarm sounded in the room. One of the main servers had registered a failure. Valeria turned to me immediately, her gaze serious and dominant.

"Samy, check that server. We need to identify the issue right now," she ordered, with a tone that brooked no argument.

My heart started pounding as I headed towards the server in question. My footsteps echoed on the metal floor, and each movement made me more aware of my state. I crouched in front of the panel and began inspecting the indicators, trying to keep my thoughts under control. But the cold in my body, the feeling of Valeria and Carla's eyes on me, and the general panic of making a mistake left me paralyzed.

"No... I don't know what the problem is," I finally admitted, my voice barely audible. I felt like a shadow of the professional I used to be.

"Really, Samy?" Carla let out an incredulous laugh. "This is basic for you."

"Well, if she can't fix it," Valeria intervened, turning to Carla, "then we might as well call Javier. We need this resolved immediately."

Panic seized me. "No, there's no need, I can—"

But Carla was already on her laptop, ignoring my stammers. "Relax, Samy. Javier will be happy to help us," she said with a mocking tone as she opened the video call application.

I watched helplessly as Carla established the connection. My heart pounded as I saw the screen light up. And then, there he was: Javier, with his slightly pixelated but unmistakable face, sitting in some comfortable place while answering the call.

"Hello, Carla. What's up?" he asked in a professional tone.

"Javier, we have a problem with one of the main servers. Samy was trying to fix it, but she seems to need some guidance," Carla said, emphasizing my nickname with evident satisfaction.

My stomach churned as I heard her mention my name. My entire body seemed to want to merge with the floor as I curled up more, trying to make myself invisible.

"Samantha? Where is she? Is she with you?" Javier asked, leaning slightly towards the camera. The sound of his voice, so familiar, tightened the knot in my throat.

"She's here," Carla replied, glancing in my direction, though luckily, she didn't turn the camera towards me. "But she's... let's say she's a bit busy at the moment."

"Well, give me the server data and let's see what we can do," Javier said, seemingly unaware of anything out of the ordinary.

Carla continued the conversation, explaining the details of the failure while I remained frozen, literally and figuratively, in my corner. Every word I heard reminded me of how far I was from being the professional I used to be. How did I get to this point? How did I allow myself to fall into this situation?

The cold in the room, which used to be a distraction, now felt like a constant punishment as I struggled to maintain my composure. Every time Carla mentioned my name, it was as if the icy air became even sharper, pushing me to the limit of my emotional and physical resistance.

The exchange between Carla and Javier continued, but it soon became evident that the server issue was more complicated than Carla could handle on her own. Valeria, who had been observing with a look of slight impatience, crossed her arms and shot a stern look in my direction.

"Samy," she said firmly, "this is going beyond what Carla can resolve. You're the expert here. It's time for you to step in."

My hands began to tremble. "Me?" My voice came out in a shaky whisper.

"Yes, you," Valeria replied, rolling her eyes. "Javier needs detailed explanations, and you're the only one who can provide them."

"I can't," I babbled, trying to find any excuse not to face the laptop camera. "I'm not ready... I'm not presentable for—"

"Samy, don't be ridiculous," Carla interrupted, her tone condescending and full of mockery. "You just need to come over for a moment and explain the problem. No one expects you to look perfect for a technical video call."

But I knew that wasn't the point. My state, so vulnerable and exposed, was the reason I was paralyzed. The idea that Javier might even suspect the reality filled me with terror. My hands were sweating, my breathing quickened, and my mind struggled to find a way out.

"Stop wasting time," Valeria insisted. "Javier is waiting, and we're not going to keep delaying because of your insecurities."

Carla turned the laptop towards me but kept the camera fixed on her face. "Look, Samy, he doesn't need to see you completely. Just come close enough so he can hear your voice and maybe see your face a little. It doesn't have to be a big deal."

"It's that or we leave the problem unresolved," Valeria added with a cold smile. "And when Beatriz asks why the server failed under your supervision... well, you'll know how to explain it."

The knot in my throat grew bigger. There was no escape. With trembling legs, I slowly moved towards the table where the laptop was. My skin reacted to the cold of the room, and each step seemed to amplify my embarrassment. I made sure to keep my body hunched, with my arms crossed in front of me to cover as much as possible.

"There she is, finally," Carla said with a triumphant smile as I got close enough for Javier to hear me.

I took a deep breath and leaned slightly towards the screen, making sure only my face was visible. "Hello, Javier," I said, my voice trembling, barely recognizable as my own.

"Ah, Samy. You finally show up," he said, smiling. "I've been wondering where you were. Well, tell me, what's going on with the server?"

My brain struggled to focus on his question, but every fiber of my being was focused on maintaining my careful posture, on not making any movement that might reveal my state. "It seems that... there's a conflict in the load balancer configuration," I managed to say, my voice faltering.

"Load balancer configuration? Hm, interesting. Well, that makes sense with what Carla showed me," Javier replied, nodding. Then, with a light tone, he added: "Though, Samy, I have to say, from the way you're dressed, it doesn't look like you're prepared for a room as cold as this one. Don't you have something more comfortable and warm?"

My heart stopped for a second. What? He can't see that I'm naked, just my shoulders. I forced a weak smile, though I felt my face betraying my panic. "Um... I wasn't planning on being here for so long," I improvised. "I thought I'd be in my office, but... I had to come down unexpectedly."

Javier laughed lightly. "Understood. Well, make sure you don't get cold. Now, back to the load balancer..."

As he continued talking, I nodded mechanically, responding just enough to keep the conversation going. Valeria and Carla, to the side, watched with expressions ranging from amusement to malicious entertainment. They knew exactly what they were doing by putting me in this situation, and they showed not a trace of sympathy.

As I tried to focus on what Javier was saying, my breath still shaky and my heart pounding, Carla, with a mocking smile, subtly lowered the laptop camera.

The reflection on the screen captured my image. My naked skin was exposed in the small video call window for just a second, but it was enough for my mind to enter absolute panic.

A sharp shriek escaped my lips as my hands instinctively flew to cover myself. I moved away from the table, my eyes wide, feeling as if the air had vanished from the room.

Carla burst into laughter and, with absolute calm, raised the camera again as if nothing had happened.

"What did you do?!" I exclaimed, my voice trembling, still curled up in terror.

"Relax, Samy," Carla replied with a malicious laugh. "Nothing was seen... well, almost nothing."

Terror still paralyzed me, but then I realized something: Javier wasn't looking at the screen at that moment.

He had turned, apparently responding to someone speaking to him off-camera. He hadn't seen anything.

I felt my stomach twist, a tight knot of shame and pent-up anger in my throat. My cheeks burned like fire.

Valeria let out a faint laugh and crossed her arms. "Wow, Samy. What an exaggerated reaction. You almost gave yourself away."

"You should see your face, you're redder than a server alarm," Carla mocked, readjusting herself in her chair with a satisfied smile.

I could barely breathe. The feeling of vulnerability was so intense that my skin tingled with a constant chill. I forced myself to regain my composure.

Javier, unaware of what had just happened, turned back to the screen. "Well, Samy, did you manage to check the settings?"

I clenched my teeth, trying to contain my trembling and my urge to scream. With the firmest voice I could manage, I replied, "Yes... it's fixed."

"Excellent," Javier said in a relaxed tone. "I knew you could fix it."

I didn't feel relieved at all. I wanted the call to end once and for all.

Finally, Javier gave us the last instructions and then hung up the video call.

The silence that remained in the server room was immediately interrupted by an explosion of laughter from Carla and Valeria.

"God, Samy, you were so close to giving Javier a private show!" Carla held her stomach from laughing so hard.

"And the best part is that he didn't even notice," added Valeria, amused.

I could only shrink back, my body trembling with humiliation, feeling completely defeated.

This is, without a doubt, the worst day of my life...

The dry sound of the video call ending still hung in the air when Valeria let out an exaggerated sigh, as if the conversation with Javier had exhausted her more than necessary. She turned towards me, her expression mixing annoyance with a kind of perverse amusement.

"Well, Samy, I think it's enough of seeing you curled up like a scared bug. I don't understand why you insist so much on covering yourself, after all, we've seen it all."

My skin instantly prickled, not only from the cold of the server room but also from the calculated tone of her voice.

"It's not..." I tried to argue, but Valeria raised a hand, stopping any attempt at an excuse.

"From now on, you'll keep your arms at your sides. I'm tired of seeing you huddled up like a little girl."

My heart stopped for a moment.

"W-what?" I stammered, feeling the air grow even icier against my exposed skin.

Carla let out a muffled giggle, settling into her seat with evident delight.

"Oh, I love this idea. It makes total sense, Samy. If we're already here, why do you keep hiding? It's not like you can make clothes appear out of thin air, right?"

Shame burned within me, a suffocating sensation that contrasted with the icy cold of the room. Keeping my arms at my sides meant giving up the little dignity I had left, it meant accepting that my vulnerability was completely in their hands.

"I can't..." I murmured, not daring to look at them directly.

"Yes, you can," Valeria corrected, with a cold smile. "And you will."

Carla leaned forward, her eyes roaming over me with amusement, as if she was enjoying every second of my misery.

"Come on, Samy, don't waste our time."

Valeria clicked her tongue impatiently.


My throat closed up. The feeling of being trapped grew stronger, as if the air in the server room had become even denser. I knew I had no choice. I took a deep breath, feeling the uncontrollable trembling of my legs, and slowly lowered my arms.

The cold hit me like a slap. A shiver ran through me from head to toe as the skin on my arms, now without shelter, instantly prickled. I felt naked in an even more intense way, as if until that moment I had at least had a faint shield that they had now taken away.

Carla's eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Much better," she said, letting out a laugh.

Valeria simply observed me for a few seconds, with a satisfied expression.

"That's fine," she murmured, as if assessing a well-done job. "I hope you remember to keep it this way for the rest of the day."

My jaw clenched. I knew that any resistance would only motivate them further. So I nodded, feeling the humiliation burn through every fiber of my being.

"Good girl," Valeria whispered condescendingly, before turning her attention back to the laptop.

The air in the room seemed to freeze as I removed my hands from my body, an order that left me exposed in a way I had never imagined. My hands, which had been my shield, now had to remain at my sides, revealing my naked body in all its vulnerability.

My nipples instantly hardened with the cold and embarrassment, and I felt my breasts move slightly with my rapid breathing. The feeling of exposure was overwhelming, as if every part of me was on display for Valeria and Carla.

I felt the icy air touch every inch of my exposed skin. My intimacy, usually hidden, was now in full view, an unwanted invitation to explore my body. The sensation of vulnerability was almost unbearable, and I forced myself to stand firm, to not give in to the impulse to cover up.

The sensation of being exposed in this way was overwhelming, as if every part of my body was screaming its vulnerability. My lips, pink and sensitive, were the center of attention, an unwanted invitation to explore my body.

My skin, which had been exposed to the cold of the room, was now covered in a fine layer of goosebumps from head to toe. Every pore of my body prickled, as if trying to protect me from the cold and the situation I was in.

My arms, which had been crossed over my chest, were now extended at my sides, revealing the goosebumps on my arms and shoulders. My abdomen, normally smooth, now had a rough texture, and my legs, normally firm, trembled slightly, revealing the goosebumps on my thighs and calves.

My face, which had been tense and serious, now showed an expression of vulnerability, with goosebumps on my cheeks and forehead, and my eyes, which had been fixed on the floor, now looked upwards, revealing the goosebumps on my eyelids and eyebrows.

My entire body was a testament to the tension and shame I felt, every inch of my prickling skin, a visible sign of my inner struggle.

Carla, on the other hand, seemed to lose interest for a few minutes, distracted by her phone, but soon, her gaze returned to me.

"You know what just occurred to me?" she asked, with a smile that sent shivers down my spine.

I didn't respond. I knew whatever she was about to say, I wouldn't like it.

"I'm thirsty," she announced, stretching in her seat with total disinterest. "And so is Valeria, right?"

Valeria barely lifted her gaze from the screen.

"Mmh, yes, a coffee wouldn't hurt."

My stomach knotted with a painful twist.

"Why don't you be a good sport and bring us a couple of coffees from the cafeteria downstairs?" Carla suggested, with innocent enthusiasm.

My heart stopped.

No. No. No.

She couldn't be serious.

"No... you can't ask me to do that," I whispered, feeling terror paralyze me.

"Of course, I can," Carla replied, amused. "And I am."

I looked at Valeria desperately, hoping that maybe, just maybe, she would think the idea was too risky. But her expression was completely neutral, as if she was considering the proposal.

"It would be interesting to see if Samy is brave enough to do it," she finally said, with a calculating tone.

Carla smiled as if she had just won a prize.

"Then it's settled. Come on, Samy, the cafeteria isn't that far."

My head shook in an instinctive denial.

"But... it's working hours... there are people... someone might see me!"

Carla rolled her eyes.

"Of course, there are people, so what? Just go quickly, get the coffee, and come back. Simple as that."

It wasn't simple. It was crazy.

I looked at Valeria one last time, hoping she would stop Carla, but the light smile on her face confirmed otherwise.

"Don't take too long, Samy," she said, settling into her seat.

My entire body trembled.

"I can't do this..."

Carla jumped to her feet, grabbing my arm with an unexpectedly strong grip.

"Yes, you can," she said, with false sweetness. "And you will."

Without giving me time to process it, she dragged me to the server room door. I could barely breathe, each step was a reminder of how vulnerable I was.

When we reached the door, Carla took out the access card and swiped it through the reader.

The sound of the unlock resonated like a blow to my chest.

Carla turned to me, with a radiant smile.

"Ah, I almost forgot. You mustn't cover yourself. Arms at your sides, remember?"

My heart was beating so fast I thought I would faint at that moment.

"I can't do this," I whispered, my voice barely audible.

Carla tilted her head, feigning compassion.

"Oh, poor Samy. Of course, you can. And if you don't... well, you know we can always make things harder for you."

My stomach sank.

I had no choice.

I swallowed hard, feeling my throat as dry as a desert, and looked at the empty hallway ahead of me.

I couldn't believe it.

I was about to go out.


During working hours.

And if someone saw me...

My breath was erratic as I took the first step out of the server room.

There was no turning back.

The sound of the card reader still resonated in my ears when the door slowly opened before me, exposing the sixth-floor hallway. My heart pounded forcefully against my chest, each beat reverberating like a deafening echo in my head.

I can't believe this is happening... I can't...

My bare feet barely touched the cold floor and I already felt a chill running through every inch of my skin. Immediately, my instinct was to wrap my arms around myself, at least to protect myself a little from the icy air and the feeling of being completely exposed in an open space, but just as I started to move, Carla's voice stopped me.

"Remember, Samy. Arms at your sides."

I swallowed, feeling my mouth dry. My muscles tensed to the max as I tried to control the desperate urge to cover myself.

God... this is worse than I imagined...

The hallway stretched out before me, illuminated by the white, cold lights on the ceiling. Unlike the server room, where the hum of the machines dominated the atmosphere, here everything seemed more alive.

And the worst... more dangerous.

From where I was, I could hear the distant murmur of keyboards being tapped, the intermittent sound of phones ringing, and voices coming and going in technical conversations.

The workday was proceeding with total normality on the sixth floor of InnovaData Systems, while I was there... trapped in this nightmare.

I took a deep breath and tried to move, feeling my legs stiff and clumsy, as if each step required a titanic effort.

The feeling of being completely exposed was unbearable. My skin burned, not only from the temperature but also from the hypersensitivity that invaded me. I felt the cold air sliding through every corner of my body, making me shiver in a way I couldn't control. My arms, though forced to remain at my sides, trembled slightly, and my breathing was erratic, interrupted by anxiety and absolute panic.

Each step is a risk...

The hallway seemed endless, and the cafeteria was still not in sight. The echo of my own footsteps resonated loudly, as if announcing my presence to the entire world.

The cameras... The cameras!

My head quickly turned in search of one. I knew there were several distributed at key points in the hallway, but, where exactly were they?

My gaze fixed on one of them, located in the corner, with a small blinking red LED.

Someone was watching.

An even more intense chill ran down my spine.

Carla's friend...

The thought churned my stomach. It was bad enough to be in this situation, but knowing that someone else, a stranger, might be watching me from the security room made my skin tingle with sheer terror.

For a moment, my instinct kicked in again, and I started to lean my torso forward, slightly crossing my arms, seeking a minimum of protection. But as soon as I did, my mind gave me a warning:

No. Valeria would notice. Carla would notice. I can't do anything that will anger them more.

I forced my arms back to my sides.

My skin was so sensitive that every slightest touch of the air made me feel like something invisible was touching me. Every small change in temperature, every draft of air that filtered through the ventilation system, made me shiver.

The noise of a door opening in the distance froze me in my tracks.

My eyes widened and my breath stopped.

No... please, no...

The sound of heels clicking on the floor indicated that someone had just come out of a nearby office. A second later, a female voice started talking, probably on the phone.

I didn't recognize her, but that didn't mean she wasn't someone from the company.

Panic paralyzed me completely. I had nowhere to hide, no escape.

I only had one option left: keep walking.

I forced my legs to move quickly, each step feeling like a leap into the void.

Don't look at me... don't look at me... don't look at me...

I passed by the door of an office, and my heart stopped when I saw the shadow of a person moving on the other side of the frosted glass.

A surge of adrenaline pushed me to move faster.

Every meter I covered was a torment. I knew the cafeteria was nearby, but the fear made me perceive the journey as an endless tunnel.

I can't breathe... I can't do this...

The sound of distant laughter made me clench my teeth.

More employees were around.

I could see a door at the end of the hallway that led to the break area, where the cafeteria was located. It was my goal, but reaching it without being seen was a suicidal bet.

My legs trembled, my vision was blurred by stress, and every sound I heard made me feel like I was seconds away from being discovered.

There was only one thing clear.

I couldn't stop.

My heart was pounding so hard I could feel the blood pounding in my ears.

This floor is supposed to be empty... why is there someone in that office?

I didn't remember it. I'm sure there wasn't one here before. The offices on the sixth floor were technical spaces, closed to common staff. This was supposed to be something temporary, perhaps an improvised meeting room or a project module. But the reason didn't matter.

What mattered was that someone was inside.

My bare feet barely made a sound on the cold floor, but the feeling of vulnerability became more unbearable with each step. I knew I couldn't stay still. I had to run before that door opened, before someone looked up and saw me.

My breath was erratic as I clenched my teeth and rushed towards the cafeteria.

I just have to get there... serve the coffee and go back... No one will see me... No one will see me...

But then I heard something that made me wobble.


I couldn't see anyone, but the sound hit me hard, a sharp cackle, followed by another lower and mocking one.

Are they laughing at me?

My face burned with embarrassment and a shiver ran down my spine. Paranoia took over. Perhaps it was just casual laughter from a conversation, something that had nothing to do with me. But... what if someone saw me through one of the windows?

God... I can't think about that now... Just focus on what you have to do.

I reached the cafeteria and hurriedly grabbed two disposable cups. My hands trembled as I pressed the buttons on the vending machine. The drip of coffee filling the cups felt eternal. Every second in this place was a danger.

The machine beeped when it finished. I took the cups with both hands, feeling the warmth against my frozen fingers, and quickly turned towards the exit.

I ran.

The hallway was empty and my chest hurt from the pent-up tension. I was so close to the server room door that I could almost feel the relief of returning, when another door opened a few meters ahead of me.

No... No, no, no...

I stopped abruptly and desperately looked for a hiding place.

Two women came out of the office, walking calmly as they chatted.

“… and it’s almost lunchtime.”

“Yeah, do you want to go to the usual coffee place or try something new?”

My breath was held, my body curled up against the wall. They couldn't see me. Not now.

My entire body was paralyzed.

The two women who had just come out of the office were just a few meters away, walking with complete tranquility as they talked. I, on the other hand, was stuck against the wall, my heart pounding against my chest as if trying to escape my body.

They can't see me... They can't see me...

My hands trembled as I held the coffee cups, feeling the heat seeping through my frozen fingers. I wanted to move, to flee, but any wrong step could give me away.

"... we could order something different today, don't you think?"

"Yeah, but let's not make it anything heavy. I still have to check a couple of emails."

Their voices were getting closer.

A few more seconds and they would turn their heads in my direction.

I'm not going to make it... I'm not going to make it...

Cold sweat slid down my back, mixing with the scorching feeling of embarrassment. My naked skin felt every draft of air as a reminder of how defenseless I was.

Then, one of them took out her phone, and by a miracle, both became distracted looking at the screen as they walked.

It was my chance.

I clenched my teeth, feeling a tremor run down my legs, and I dashed towards the server room. I ran with all my might, with the coffee cups about to spill in my hands.

I reached the door and knocked desperately.

"Open up! Carla, please!"

My voice was barely a frantic whisper. If I made too much noise, it could attract someone else's attention. I knocked again, this time more insistently.

Seconds later, the door finally opened, and Carla's expression was the first thing I saw.

She leaned against the doorframe with a wide smile, her eyes sparkling with fun.

"Well, well... Look at you, Samy. You look like you've been through a storm."

I rushed in, feeling the relief of being back inside the server room. I barely crossed the threshold, letting out a ragged exhalation.

"Almost... almost caught..." I murmured, my voice trembling.

Carla let out a loud laugh, slapping her hand on her stomach.

"Seriously?! God, I would have loved to see that!"

Valeria, who was sitting in her place, lifted her gaze calmly. She wasn't laughing, but her lips curved in a satisfied smile as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Maybe next time they'll get you."

The comment froze my blood.

Carla patted me on the back with enough force to make me stumble.

"Relax, Samy. You're still here, aren't you?"

I just lowered my gaze, my breath still ragged.

Without further words, both of them resumed their work, enjoying their coffee while I stood there, trembling, feeling more humiliated than ever.

The sound of keyboards and the hum of the server room became a monotonous background as time slowly passed by. I could barely concentrate on anything other than the constant cold, the weight of my own vulnerability, and the unbearable sensation of every slight brush of air against my skin.

Then, Carla set her coffee down on the table with a dry sound and stretched indifferently.

"Well, it's lunchtime."

My stomach tightened.

Valeria checked the time on her watch and nodded.

"Right. And we also have to go pick up Megan from school."

My eyes widened.


That was my duty. It was always me who picked up Megan at noon, as part of the trust Beatriz had placed in me. But in my current state, it was impossible.

They knew it.

"I guess today it's our turn again" Carla said with a mocking smile.

I couldn't let this continue. I couldn't go down to the parking lot again like the previous day.

By instinct, I took a step forward, my voice barely leaving my throat.

"Please... Don't make me go down again like that..."

Carla looked at me with amusement, crossing her arms.

"Oh, poor Samy. Don't you want another walk around the building?"

I didn't answer. I just swallowed hard.

Valeria, on the other hand, seemed to consider it with a bit more seriousness. Her eyes slowly scanned me, evaluating me as if she were actually calculating the situation.

Finally, she let out a sigh.

"It's okay," she said calmly. "You're right. We can't risk anyone seeing you this time."

For a moment, I felt relief so strong my legs almost buckled.

"I'll go get your clothes," Valeria continued, adjusting her jacket. "I kept them in my desk on the seventh floor. Wait here."

She turned gracefully and left the server room, closing the door behind her.

The relief only lasted a few seconds.

Carla stayed with me.

She looked at me with a lazy smile, leaning on the table with a hand under her chin.

"You're saved this time, Samy. But I admit it's fun to see you like this leaving the building."

I didn't say anything. I just lowered my gaze, feeling the weight of her stare on me like a burden.

Then, Carla tilted her head and her smile widened.

"But don't think the afternoon will be easy for you. Megan and her friend have a special plan for you."

A shiver ran down my spine.

I didn't know what to respond.

I didn't know what they were planning.

But I did know one thing.

Whatever it was... it couldn't be anything good.

The sound of the door opening made my heart flip. Valeria entered with a paper bag in one hand and her usual calm expression.

"Ready, here's what you need to get out," she announced with a carefree tone.

My eyes immediately fixed on the bag. I didn't care if the clothes were wrinkled or uncomfortable, I just wanted something to cover myself with.

Valeria placed it on the table and crossed her arms.

"Come on, get dressed."

I didn't need further instructions. I approached with hurried steps, my skin still burning with embarrassment, and took out what was inside.

A white silk blouse, a fitted gray blazer, black dress pants, and a pair of black leather heels.

That's all.

There was no underwear.

My pearl earrings, my watch, my access card, were not there.

Just enough to not be naked.

My throat tightened.

"And... my other things?" I whispered.

Valeria raised an eyebrow.

"What other things?"

My pulse quickened.

"My underwear... my watch... my card..."

Valeria let out a light laugh.

"I only brought what you need to get out. I don't see why you should worry about the rest."

I clenched my lips tightly. I knew arguing wouldn't serve any purpose. The only thing I could do was to get dressed as quickly as possible.

I took the blouse first and slid it over my body with clumsy movements. The silk fabric, cold against my skin, immediately clung to every curve, making me feel strangely exposed, as if it wasn't enough to cover myself fully.

Then came the pants. I pulled the black fabric up my legs, feeling the discomfort of not wearing anything underneath. Every rub against my naked skin felt strange, a constant sensation of vulnerability I couldn't ignore.

The blazer was the last. I placed it on my shoulders and buttoned it with trembling fingers, trying to regain a sense of control.

But I couldn't.

Because I knew something was missing.

I knew I wasn't fully dressed.

Barely a little more covered than before.

And Valeria knew it too.

She watched me with a subtle smile, her eyes fixed on each of my movements.

"Well, now you look like a decent person to leave the building."

I didn't feel that way.

I didn't feel decent.

I didn't feel safe.

But I had no choice.

The sound of my heels hitting the parking lot floor echoed with a strange sense of unreality. Even though I was dressed, I still felt vulnerable, as if the fabric wasn't enough to make me feel truly clothed. With each step, the lack of my underwear reminded me that this wasn't over.

Valeria walked confidently ahead, with Carla by her side, both chatting with their usual lightness. For them, this was nothing. For me, each step was a reminder of how little control I had.

We got into Valeria's car in our usual formation: her at the wheel, Carla in the passenger seat, and me in the back. They didn't say anything as we left the parking lot, but I could feel Carla's gaze through the mirror, as if she was expecting something from me.

I tried to ignore it and focus on the view of the city passing by the window, but my mind was elsewhere.

Why do I feel like this won't just be a simple lunch?

The drive to Megan's school felt eternal, but finally, the building appeared on the horizon. Valeria parked calmly, as if this were just a routine task.

Megan, as always, was the first to make her presence known. She stood with her arms crossed, talking to Julia and...

My eyes widened in surprise.

Amy was with them.

My reaction was instantaneous, but the worst part was that she looked at me too.

For a second, she seemed surprised, but her expression quickly changed to something darker, pure resentment in her eyes.

God... what is she doing here?

I didn't have much time to process it because Megan was already walking towards the car, followed by Julia and Amy.

"Move over, girls, we're all going in the back," Megan said with authority as she opened the back door, leaving us no choice.

Julia was the first to get in, with a mocking smile as she nudged me slightly as she passed. Amy paused for a second, looking at me with a tense expression.

This can't be good...

Once we were all settled in the back seat, Megan slammed the door shut and turned towards us with her usual smile of satisfaction.

"Well, Sam, I've been thinking about what happened in the park with Amy..."

My stomach clenched.

"And as you know, Amy had a hard time because of you."

My head snapped around.

"That wasn't my fault!"

Megan arched an eyebrow, amused.

"Of course it was. If you hadn't been so selfish, Amy wouldn't have had to go through all that. But since I'm such a good person, I want to help her feel better."

Amy tensed beside me. I did too.

Megan smiled maliciously.

"So, this afternoon, Sam, you're going to do whatever Amy wants you to do."

The silence in the car was instantaneous.

My lips parted, but I didn't know what to say.

Amy also seemed surprised, her mouth slightly open, but it wasn't her who reacted first.

Carla burst out laughing.

"God, Megan, you're brilliant!"

Valeria smiled without taking her eyes off the road.

"A fair solution, no doubt."

My breath quickened.

This can't be happening...

Megan leaned in a little closer.

"What do you say, Amy? Does it seem fair to you?"

Amy didn't respond right away. She looked at me, as if processing what was happening, as if she suddenly had power over me.

Her expression changed.

She wasn't the same terrified Amy I remembered.

Now she had an opportunity in front of her.

And I had no escape.

The car was already in motion, but for me, time seemed to have stopped.

Megan's words hung in the air like an implicit threat, a poison that was just beginning to take effect.

Amy, sitting beside me, still had the same expression of surprise. She didn't fully understand what Megan was referring to.

"Make you do whatever I want?" she repeated in a doubtful tone.

Megan smiled with that arrogant confidence she always had when she knew she was in control of a situation.

"Yes, Amy. Anything you want. And the best part is that you'll do it without that ridiculous office outfit."

Amy blinked, her mind still trying to process the information. She seemed... confused. As if she had expected something else.

Julia, amused, leaned a little closer to Amy and added with a mocking tone:

"I thought you'd be excited. Didn't you want to make Sam know how it feels to be in your place?"

Amy furrowed her brow, as if she was still trying to fit the pieces together in her head.

I, on the other hand, understood instantly.

A cold shiver ran down my spine, and my breath caught in my throat.

No... It can't be...

My hands instinctively clutched the folds of my pants, feeling the fabric still too light on my skin.

"You can't do this, Megan!" I blurted out without thinking, but my voice lacked strength.

Megan looked at me with a raised eyebrow, as if enjoying every second of my reaction.

"Of course I can. Amy deserves this. After all, you were part of what happened to her in the park."

I wanted to respond, but my lips parted, unable to find the right words.

Amy, on the other hand, still didn't seem convinced. Not because she was against it, but because she wasn't sure what this really meant...

"But... I thought..."

Her gaze slid towards Julia, seeking confirmation.

Julia smiled in a complicit manner.

"You thought it would be you taking off your clothes as usual, right?"

Amy averted her gaze, her discomfort evident.

"Well... yes..."

Megan laughed softly and placed a hand on Amy's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.

"Relax, Amy. It's not about you this time. This time, it's Sam who has to obey."

Amy slowly turned her head towards me.

I couldn't move.

Fear had me completely trapped, my muscles rigid, the air stuck in my lungs.

And then I understood.

I saw it in their eyes.

The realization finally hit Amy with full force.

For the first time, she wasn't the victim.

For the first time, she was on the other side.

A faint glimmer crossed her eyes, barely perceptible, but it was there.

The power.

The power to have control.

The power to make Sam feel what she felt in the park.

I felt it too.

And it terrified me.

The car continued through the city, but inside, the tension was suffocating.

I could barely breathe.

Megan's words kept echoing in my head, each syllable dripping like poison into my thoughts.

"Sam will do whatever Amy wants."

It couldn't be real. It couldn't be happening.

I tried to find an escape, some way to reason with them, but just seeing Amy's expression made my stomach clench even more.

She remained silent, but something in her face had changed.

The initial confusion was slowly fading, replaced by something else.

Something that froze my blood.


It was subtle, but it was there.

Amy, the same girl who was always terrified, vulnerable, and pleading to be left alone, was now looking at me with a mix of surprise and... curiosity?

For her, I had always been the professional, the untouchable and serious engineer from the office.

Now, however, she had me in front of her, nervous, trembling, with no self-assurance.

And she noticed it.

I noticed it in the way her gaze swept across my face, in the way her breathing changed ever so slightly.

The girls noticed it too.

"Well, Amy," Julia said with a light tone, relishing the discomfort in the air. "Tell us, where do you want to go so Sam can start her challenge?"

I tensed immediately.

"This is ridiculous! You can't do this to me!" I blurted out in desperation, but my voice sounded weak even to me.
Megan turned in her seat with a mocking smile.

"Of course we can. But the important thing here isn't you, Sam. It's Amy. She's the one who decides."

Amy lowered her gaze for a moment, as if considering her options.

Maybe there's still a chance... Maybe she'll choose something simple...

But then she lifted her head, with more determination than I had ever seen from her.

"The Mirador Theater."

My blood froze.

Carla whistled, surprised and delighted at the same time.

"Wow, Amy! I didn't think you'd choose such a public place."

Megan laughed softly, satisfied.

"Good choice. It's a perfect spot to teach Sam a little about embarrassment."

My throat closed up.

The Mirador Theater wasn't just any place. It was one of the most well-known venues in the city, famous for its large-scale events and for being constantly packed with people. Amy knew it, as she had been there, and she stated it without hesitation. It wasn't a random choice. It was a conscious act. I slowly turned towards her, still processing what had just happened, and for the first time, I noticed that her expression was no longer that of a helpless victim. There was no trace of fear in her eyes, not a hint of pity. There was only a newly discovered opportunity and the intention to take advantage of it. A chill ran down my spine. Amy had the upper hand. I was at her mercy. And by the way she was looking at me now, I knew she wasn't going to waste this opportunity.

The car took a new route, leaving no chance for anyone to back out.

Valeria didn't hesitate for a second. She never did. Her firm hands on the steering wheel and her gaze fixed on the road made it clear that she didn't care what was going to happen to Amy and me. For her, this was just another show, an opportunity to see how far I would fall this time.

Carla, Megan, and Julia, on the other hand, couldn't hide their amusement. They laughed, exchanged complicit looks, and from time to time, they would throw in a comment between laughs, as if this were a simple game, something without consequences. For them, it was. For me, it wasn't.

I could barely breathe.

My stomach was in knots, the pressure in my chest growing with every kilometer we advanced. I couldn't stop looking out the window, watching as the cityscape quickly passed by. Each street traveled was one step closer to the Mirador Theater.

A place too crowded. Too dangerous.

My body was rigid, every muscle tense like a spring about to snap. I couldn't do this. I couldn't face what Amy had in mind.

But I also couldn't do anything to stop it.

The journey felt eternal and, at the same time, too short.

Before I realized it, Valeria turned the steering wheel with precision and we entered the area where the theater was located. A huge building, with elegant architecture, and an imposing facade that seemed to look at me with disdain.

There were people.

Too many people.

People walking on the sidewalk, couples taking photos in front of the main entrance, small groups chatting near the posters of the upcoming shows. The image of this place full of life and activity made my throat dry.

Valeria parked in a nearby spot, turned off the engine calmly, and slightly turned towards the group.

"We've arrived."

No one waited for instructions. Megan was the first to open the back door energetically, pushing me a little in the process, making my nerves rise even more. One by one, we got out of the car.

Three of them dressed in school uniforms.

Three of us in work clothes.

And, in the middle of it all, me, trembling in my own skin.

This place wasn't safe.

And now, I was about to find out how far Amy wanted to take this.

The group began walking towards the main entrance of the Mirador Theater, as if there was nothing strange about what they were doing.

I, on the other hand, felt like each step brought me closer to a sentence from which there was no escape.

The theater was one of the most impressive structures in the city. Its polished stone facade and huge windows reflected the afternoon sun's glow, while a series of digital signs showcased upcoming events with eye-catching images. Right at the main entrance, two large glass doors allowed a view of the lobby, where only a couple of people were gathered, chatting by an information desk.

Please, let there not be too many people inside...

My legs barely responded as we approached the door. Valeria, with her indifferent air, stepped forward and pushed it open calmly, allowing us to enter.

The inside of the theater was impressive.

The main lobby was spacious, with high ceilings and decorated with chandeliers that projected a warm glow onto the beige marble floor. On the sides, long red carpets led to different sections of the building: to the left, a bar with a dark wooden elegant counter and some high tables occupied by attendees; to the right, a hallway with framed posters of past productions that the theater had hosted.

In front of us, a grand spiral staircase led to the upper floors, where the rehearsal rooms and administrative offices were located. Further ahead, at the back, the double doors that led to the main auditorium, a space that could fit hundreds of people.

But the most important thing was that the place was quite clear.

There were some employees walking near the reception, and some people sitting at the bar tables, but overall, the theater was not crowded as on a premiere night.

At least that's something good...

The girls moved forward without hesitation, as if they already had a clear idea of where they were going. Amy walked in silence, but her expression was different from the one she had in the car. She seemed more confident, more resolved.

And that scared me even more.

I still didn't know what they expected me to do here.

I couldn't imagine what they had planned.

But whatever it was, I knew it wouldn't be anything good.

The echo of our footsteps resonated in the silent corridors of the theater as we advanced through the side passages. Despite the magnitude of the place, the lack of people in this part of the building gave me a sense of isolation that only worsened my anxiety.

Megan walked with a determined step ahead, with Amy following closely. I was behind, forced to follow them, with every muscle in my body tense with uncertainty.

In the distance, I could still hear the murmur of the lobby and the distant sound of a casual conversation at the bar. But here, in this secluded section of the theater, it was just us.

Finally, Megan stopped in front of a discreet door in the right corridor. It was a small room, surely a storage area or an unused dressing room. Without hesitation, she opened the door and made us enter.

The space was small, with metal shelves on the sides filled with prop boxes and costumes stored in plastic bags. The lighting was dim, with a single lamp on the ceiling casting elongated shadows on the walls.

She closed the door behind us.

My chest rose and fell with short breaths.

Why here? Why did she separate us from the rest?

Amy stood at the entrance, still not saying anything, but her face had a different glow, as if she were slowly processing what was about to happen.

Then Megan broke the silence.

"Well, Sam. Let's get started."

My heart stopped.

Megan smiled and turned towards Amy, placing a hand on her shoulder as if encouraging her.

"It's your turn to say it, Amy. Give the order."

Amy's eyes opened a bit wider, as if she hadn't expected the responsibility to fall entirely on her. She remained silent for a few seconds, her gaze fixed on me, as if she were assessing the situation.

I couldn't stop swallowing.

"Wh-What...?" she murmured finally.

Megan rolled her eyes impatiently.

"Tell her what she has to do. What we said in the car. That she takes everything off."

The air in the room seemed to become heavier.

Amy lowered her gaze, her expression indecisive for a moment. For a second, I thought she might hesitate, that she might back down...

But then, as if something inside her clicked, her face hardened.

She straightened up a bit and took a deep breath.

"Sam... Take off all your clothes and put them in my backpack."

A shiver ran through me from head to toe.

I opened my mouth, but no sound came out.

It was different hearing it from Megan or the other girls. They always had that mocking tone, that condescending attitude that I was already familiar with.

But Amy...

Amy said it firmly. Without hesitating.

Without even blinking.

I shook my head, instinctively backing away.

"No! I can't do that!" I exclaimed, my voice trembling.

Megan let out a low laugh.

"Of course you can, Sam. And you will."

Amy watched me intensely. Not with amusement, nor with Megan or Julia's malice. It was something else. Something deeper. As if she were waiting to feel something, as if she were testing her new power.

I breathed agitatedly, feeling my hands tremble as I hugged myself, as if that could protect me from the situation.

Megan sighed with annoyance.

"Come on, Sam. Don't make this harder. Amy's backpack is there, put everything inside. Blazer, blouse, pants, and those cute heels. Leave nothing outside."

Amy's backpack was open on one of the boxes piled up in the corner of the room.

As if patiently waiting for me to obey.

No... No... No...

I shook my head again, but my mind knew the truth. I knew there was no way out.

I took a deep breath, feeling the air burning my throat, and my trembling hands went to the buttons of the blazer.

My fingers barely had the strength to unbutton it.

Each button I released felt like a nail in my pride.

When I finally took it off, I held it tightly, as if I could still find some excuse not to hand it over.

Megan clicked her tongue.

"Into the backpack, Sam."

I closed my eyes tightly, feeling my skin burning with embarrassment, and finally let it drop inside.

Then, the blouse.

sleeves slid down my arms slowly, the silk leaving my skin even more sensitive to the cold air in the room.

Now only my pants remained.

My breathing became erratic as I slid down the zipper.

Amy didn't avert her gaze.

For the first time, she was on the other side of embarrassment.

And me, with no other option, had to obey.

The silence in the small room was oppressive, barely interrupted by the sound of the fabric sliding against my skin as I finished taking off my pants. My breathing was erratic, interrupted by the anxiety and absolute humiliation that consumed me from within.

I can't believe this is happening... I can't believe I'm doing this…
With clumsy movements, I put the garment inside Amy's backpack, feeling my face burn as my fingers pushed the last fragment of dignity I had left into that reduced space. My heels were the next to go, leaving me completely barefoot on the cold tiled floor.

I stood still.

Without clothes.

Without absolutely anything.

Completely naked from head to toe.
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Re: Samantha Uncontrolled

Post by Debbifan »

Great chapter. The introduction of Amy on this side of the story was masterfully done. It all plays out in the imagination like a movie. Let's hope that Amy's imagination is up to the task ! I'm sure that it will be.

I fully appreciate the time and effort that goes into producing a chapter of this length and quality but rest assured that there are readers who will wait patiently but eagerly for the next instalment.
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Re: Samantha Uncontrolled

Post by Hooked6 »


The scene in the server room; the walk to and from the cafeteria to the surprise of joining Julia, Megan and Amy after picking them up from school and finally the Meridor Theater . . . this chapter was full of tension, excitement and surprises!!! I loved it. Incredibly well written.

Can't wait to see what happens next and what Amy has in store for Samy!


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Re: Samantha Uncontrolled

Post by Debbifan »

Posted these thoughts yesterday ( or something similar ) but the post was lost in the purge / restoration....

....Just a few musings on my favourite current story. I am looking forward very much to how Amy will deal with her new found power over the next couple of hours or so in the Meridor Theatre and do not want that to be rushed in any way :D But thinking beyond that, it would be nice if Amy could join the gang for a while the following day, perhaps back in the office setting. Not as the main instigator on this occasion but simply as an amused and entertained observer who makes the occasional catty remark or suggestion, like Julia and Carla. Megan and Valeria would be back as the driving forces.

A slowly expanding audience of those in the know about Samantha's predicament can only add to her feeling of vulnerability ?
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