
Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Post by Datom »


Part I. Back-story

Okay, my name is Dennis Goodwin, but everyone calls me Denny. I live with my Mom and my twin brother. My Dad moved out about a year ago. We’re in the ninth grade at St. Matthew’s High School. We used to go to Maplewood High, but there was some trouble, and we had to switch to St. Matthew’s.

My twin brother is Daniel, but everyone calls him Danny. So we’re Danny and Denny, see? We’re identical twins, and we have a lot of fun with the identical-ness, impersonating each other, providing excuses for each other, and so on. In fact, we got away with a lot, until one day this past April.

I guess having a twin brother kinda gives you moral support, or something. When I think of the stuff we’ve done, sometimes I realize I wouldn’t have dared to do it by myself. I asked Danny about that one time, and he said the same thing—that having me around gave him moral support too.

For instance, there was one time the two of us talked our friend Josh into coming with us down to the college campus in town and peek into the windows of one of the sorority houses. We figured it would be fun to see some college girls in just their undies, or even less. It would have been, except that we got caught. Or rather Josh did. Danny and I managed to get away just in time. What those girls did to poor Josh must have been embarrassing as all hell!

Probably the worst thing we ever did was about a year ago. Mom had to go to a business meeting, and left us with a sitter. A sitter! We were twelve years old, and Mom thought we needed a sitter! She was only about five years older than we were. So once we had the house to ourselves, we tied her up and stripped her, then shackled her to a bed and took naked pictures of her. Then we invited a couple of friends over, and we all took turns screwing her. Don’t worry—she loved every minute of it (or so I thought at the time--you can read her version of it in "Wendi Babysits the Twins" at viewtopic.php?t=4152).

But mostly, we did stuff around school. Like grabbing girls’ asses from behind. Or tickling their belly buttons, when they were wearing crop tops. Just yesterday, as I was going down the hall during class change, I reached over and grabbed Anna Blake’s breast. I just gave it a little squeeze. By the time she yelped, I was twenty feet on down the hall.

Anyway, it’s easier to have fun doing stuff like that when you have a twin brother to urge you on. We figured life was gonna go on like that forever—fun with the girls, and no consequences. We didn’t realize that we were starting to get a reputation—or that that reputation would catch up to us.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

It started one day in school. We had been caught passing notes to each other in class—and Mrs. Grantham blushed when she read them! She’d immediately scribbled out a couple of passes and called the office to tell them that she was sending us down there for some disciplinary action.

Fine with us. We were ready to go take a walk.

As we approached the office, we both slowed down. There’s a bench in front of the office door, about nine feet long. In the middle of the bench there was a girl sitting quietly. We’d seen her a few times before. She had long brown hair, and a prim little face, with almond-shaped eyes, and an innocent little mouth. When we’d seen her before, she’d always been wearing bulky jeans and as sweater. Today she had on a blouse that came down just below her hips, and tights that accentuated her slender perfectly-shaped legs.

Danny and I swung into action.

I sat down right next to her on the bench. “Hi,” I said brightly. “I’ve never seen you around before. What’s your name?”

She turned and looked at me, with a shy little smile. “Hi. I’m Ava,” She blinked. “What’s your name?”

I ignored her question. “Ava,” I repeated. What a nice name.” I slipped my hand behind her neck.

“Thank you,” she said, uncomfortably.

“You’re very pretty,” I observed, as I reached with my other hand and placed it on her thigh.

“Thank you,” she said. Then she looked at me. “Please stop doing that.”

“Doing what?” I said innocently. My fingers were now gently caressing the inside of Ava’s thigh. I continued.

“Rubbing my leg like that.” She reached her hand down to mine and grabbed it. “Please stop.”

“But I thought you liked it,” I said. I stopped caressing, but continued to hold her thigh.

Meanwhile, Danny had sat down on the other side of her. He now reached over and put his hand on her other thigh, with his fingers reaching over to the inside. Before she could grab his hand, he had slid it all the way up to her crotch.

“Hey!” she said quietly. “Please don’t touch me there.” Her voice was shaky.

“We’re not hurting you,” Danny said.

“I think you actually like this,” I added.

Meanwhile, Danny’s fingertips were gently pressing Ava’s crotch, making little circles. Ava was now breathing fast. “Please, she begged in a soft trembling voice. “Please don’t do this to me.”

“Aw, Ava,” I said, “we’re just trying to be friendly.” I squeezed her leg.

“We’re touching you because we like you.” Danny chimed in. “We think you’re pretty.” His finger pressed against the fabric on Ava’s crotch.

Suddenly, Ava jumped up, bumping our hands out of her way, and darted across the hall. There was a girls’ bathroom there, and she quickly slipped inside. The door clunked after her.

Danny looked at me and grinned. “Do you think she liked that?”

“Oh, yeah,” I nodded, grinning back. “She loved every minute of it.” I went across the hall and quietly opened the bathroom door about six inches. “Aaaaay-vaaa!” I called quietly. “Come out, come out, wherever you are.” I chuckled.

I heard sobbing inside the bathroom, then a weak voice, “Please just go away,” More sobbing.

I laughed, and let the bathroom door close.

And just in time. At that moment the office door opened and the secretary poked her head out. “Dennis and Daniel Goodwin!” Miss Ascher glared at us. “Mrs. Grantham sent you down here ten minutes ago! Get in here!”

We were marched into the principal’s office. Mr. Goza, the principal, scolded us for the requisite five minutes about note-passing, and threatened us with being suspended if we ever got caught again. Just like he always did. All routine. The he sent us back to Mrs. Grantham’s classroom.

On the way out, we heard faint sobbing still coming from the girls’ bathroom. We looked at each other and grinned.

“You think we should call in to her?” Danny smirked.

I thought for a second. “Naw,” I said. “We gotta get back to class. Grantham is gonna be pissed if we don’t get there pretty soon.”

. . . . . .

Two and a half hours later we’d forgotten all about it. We were changing classes, and were on the way down the hall to Language Arts, when some guy stopped us. He was about four inches taller than us, and muscular. He stopped right in front of us.

“Hey! Let us through!” I protested.

“You’re gonna make us late for class!” added Danny.

He glared at Danny, then at me. “Are you the two guys that molested my girlfriend?” His voice was a snarl.

“No,” I answered. “We didn’t molest anyone.”

Danny chimed in, “We don’t even know your girlfriend.”

“You know,” the guy went on, “Ava Watson. Long brown hair, kind of medium tall.”

“Oh, her!” Danny let out. Oof! That dummy!

The guy glared at Danny.

I interposed, “We didn’t know that she was your girlfriend.”

“We, ah, saw her, in front of the principal’s office,” Danny volunteered.

Shut up, Danny! I thought to myself.

The guy stared at Danny. He was getting angrier by the second.

“Yeah,” he said. “That’s were she was when the two of you molested her.”

“I told you,” I protested. “We didn’t molest her!”

“She said you groped her! Right in her girl-parts!”

“We were just having a little bit of fun,” Danny explained.

“We didn’t hurt her,” I said.

The guy exploded. “Didn’t hurt her! Are you kidding me? She’s so upset she had to go home early from school!” His face was getting red. “Hell, it took me twenty minutes just to get her to come out of that bathroom!”

He grabbed Danny by the shirt. “I’ve been trying for two months now to persuade her that it was okay for her to wear something to school beside those baggy old jeans. I’ve been trying to get her to feel comfortable wearing something that would make her feel good about her own body!” He shook Danny. “Then you two jerks come along and do this to her!” He let go of Danny’s shirt, almost throwing him to the ground. “I’ve heard about you two punks! You and your antics! And you’re both going to be sorry!”

Danny looked at him, curiously. “Are gonna report us?”

The kid sniffed contemptuously. “Report you? Hah! By the time we get done with you two, you’ll wish we’d reported you!” He stomped off.

I looked at Danny. “I wonder what he meant by that,” I mumbled.

“Yeah,” Danny replied. “And I wonder who ‘we’ is?”

It didn’t take long for us to find out.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Part II. Captured!

Danny and I were leaving school at the end of that day. We were walking down the hall and out the side door, near the sports fields, talking about what we were going to do next.

“Wanna go down to the college and see if we can peek in on a few of the college girls?”

“I guess. Nothing else to do.”

Suddenly, as we walked out the door, I felt a huge hand grab my right arm.

“Hey!” I cried out.

It was the same guy that had so mad at us before. I looked over at Danny and saw that another guy, about the same size had come from the other side of the door and grabbed his left arm. I tried to pull loose, but I couldn’t—this guy was too strong.

Then a third guy came up behind us. He grabbed my left arm and Danny’s right arm.

“Hey!” Danny cried out. “What’s the big idea?”

“Shut up or I’ll break both your arms,” snarled the guy in the middle.

We were both pulling and tugging, trying to get loose, but we couldn’t.

The guy on my right said, “We’re tired of you two Goodwin kids roaming around the school pestering all our girls. It’s time you learned a lesson.”

“Us?” I yelped. “Not us! We never pestered anyone.”

“Yeah, right,” the guy in the middle snarled. “You two have been doing that for too long now. Just yesterday my girlfriend says you grabbed her ass in the hallway.”

“I did not,” I tried to sound indignant. I turned. “Was that you, Danny?”

“Nope,” Danny responded.

“The hell it wasn’t,” the guy snarled.

“And anyway, it didn’t hurt her any,” Danny continued. The guy tightened his grip on Danny

Shut up, Danny! I thought.

“And last week,” the guy on Danny’s left accused. “One of you two reached out in the hall and fingered my girlfriend’s belly button.”

“Oh?” I tried to sound innocent. “Was her belly button showing?”

He glared at me. “Never mind that!” he barked. You two have been doing this all along. Now you’re going to get your just desserts.”

Oh, shoot, I thought. They’re going to beat us up or something., and it’s gonna hurt. We can’t even turn them in—we don’t know their names.

The three boys forcibly escorted us around to the side of the building. There, waiting for us, were about a dozen girls. I recognized a few of them. Most of them were in jeans and tee shirts. A few were wearing their gym shorts and tank tops—those three looked taller and more athletic, like they were on one of the school teams. They grinned evilly at us.

One of the guys announced, “Well, ladies, here they are.” They continued to hold us while two of the girls came up to us. One of them stood in front of me. She looked me up and down.

“Well,” she mused, “we’ll have to get their shirts off.” As the boys held me, she reached out. Her fingers nimbly unbuttoned my shirt, from my neck town to my waist. Then she pulled it out of my pants. The boys slipped my shirt off my arms. Meanwhile, a couple of the other girls, including one of the tall athletic ones, were holding Danny and unbuttoning him. His shirt came off.

Then, one of the boys held me by my arms. The other boys and the girls led Danny over to a short backless bench by the sidewalk. They picked up Danny and laid him on his back on the bench. I could see one of the boys holding his arms down while the girls were taking off his shoes and socks. A couple other girls were doing something at his waist. Then they stood up and a couple of them pulled his pants off. They rolled him over, and one of the guys held his arms while a girl tied up his wrists. Then they turned him on his back again, and I saw a girl push something down on Danny’s face. Another girl had a roll of something—it looked like tape—and pulled off a piece of it and stuck it across Danny’s mouth. All the while the girls were giggling and cooing.

Then they stood Danny up on his feet again. As I looked, I could see that he had nothing on but his underpants. He had worn a pair of pale gray briefs, and he was standing looking uncomfortable.

Then the whole crowd came over to me.

“Your turn,” the tall athletic girl said cheerfully. She and two of the guys forcibly escorted me over to the bench and laid me on my back. I could feel my shoes and sock being removed. I felt another girl’s fingers unsnap my jeans and unzip the zipper. Then my feet and legs were lifted up and my jeans were slid off my legs, leaving me bare-legged.

“Hey!” I yelped. “Let me go!”

They picked me up and flipped me over on my stomach. I felt a sharp slap on my butt cheek.

“That’s for talking,” a girl chuckled.

Two pairs of hands were holding my arms firmly while a cord was slipped around my wrist and tightened. I tried to wiggle my hands, but couldn’t—the cord was too tight.

Then they flipped me over on my back again. There were four girls and two guys hovering over me, looking at my bare body with amused grins.

“Look at him!” snickered one of the boys. “He looks like such a wimp!”

“Yeah,” the other boy chuckled. “We could beat his ass with a wet kleenex.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” one of the girls chimed in, “I think he looks kind of cute—in a wimpy sort of way.” She reached down with her finger and touched my nose. Then she ran her finger down across my mouth, down my neck, and onto my chest.

“Hey, Carrie!” one of the boys laughed. “I think he likes when you do that!”

“Yeah,” Carrie chuckled. “He looks so cute in nothing but these little red underpants.” I felt Carrie’s fingertip run down my chest, down my belly, and down to the elastic on my underpants. She turned and look at another girl.

“Hey, Linda,” she grinned. “How do you like these little red underpants?”

I remembered that I was wearing a pair of red briefs today.

Linda cooed, “Ooooh! They’re adorable!” She touched her finger to the front of my underpants. “They’re so little! They barely cover his little-boy parts!” She giggled, and rubbed her finger back and forth on my underpants. I shivered.

“Let me go!” I protested.

“What are we going to do about all that noise?” one of the boys asked. “He talks too much. Any ideas, Tina?”

A tall athletic girl in shorts came over and looked down at me. She grinned. “I have just the thing.”

She reached into a gym bag, and pulled out a piece of pink fabric. “My dirty panties,” she explained, grinning. “The ones I had on in track practice. They’re all sweaty.”

As the boys held me down, Tina leaned over my face. I felt a sudden poke in my butt cheek. As I yelped “Aaagh!” Tina quickly stuffed the panties into my open mouth. Then one of the boys reached over with a piece of brown tape and put it over my mouth, so I couldn’t spit out the panties.

“That’ll keep him quiet,” Tina chuckled, as all the girls laughed at me. I squirmed, and tried to protest, but it just came out “Mmmmmph! Gmmmmph! Mmmmmmmmph!” I could taste a foul salty taste inside my mouth.

“Let’s get him up on his feet,” Tina ordered.

One of the boys took my left arm, and Carrie took my right arm. Together they lifted me up off the bench into a standing position. As I was stood upright, I looked over at Danny. Several girls were restraining him, and I saw that he had a similar piece of brown tape across his mouth.

Carrie came up in front of me. She reached out to my chest and took my nipple between her thumb and forefinger. She chuckled and pinched my nipple. I lurched and yelped, “Mmmmmmph! Mmmmmmph!”

Linda reached over. She had a stick in her hand, about a foot long, like a wand, with two buttons on the handle. She touched my bare bellybutton with the end of the wand and pushed a button. I heard a crackling noise, and felt a sharp sting on my belly. I lurched.

“This is my magic wand,” Linda explained, grinning. “Whenever one of them talks or yells, or doesn’t obey us, I’ll just touch them with my magic wand,” she touched my belly again, and pushed the button. Another crackle and another sting, “and it will punish him for not doing what we want.”

The other girls were laughing. Even the guys guffawed.

“Now,” Tina announced, “There’s just one more thing we have to do.” She touched my underpants with her finger, tickling the front panel near the fly. She grinned. “Let’s see what these boys have inside their little underpants.”

Two of the guys came up behind me and grabbed my arms, restraining me. Tina knelt down in front of me and put her hands on my hips. Then she slid her hands down, taking the elastic in her fingers, pulling down my underpants. All teh girls crowded around, watching me being unveiled. As my penis came into view, there were squeals and giggles from the girls.

“Ooooh! Look at it!”

“It’s so cute!”

One of the guys came up to me, carrying a twelve-inch stick from a tree in his hand. He poked my penis with the stick, and pushed it up, so that everyone could see my naked testicles. He sniffed, contemptuously.

“What a dorky little weenie!”

Another boy came up, “My seven-year-old brother has a bigger dick than that little thing.”

“Aww!” protested one of the girls. “I think it’s cute!” She came up to me and put her finger under my penis, and gently rubbed the underside. “It’s adorable!”

I could hear other girls a couple feet away inspecting Danny’s penis. I heard a lot of similar female voices making similar comments: “It’s so sweet!” “Look how little it is!” “It’s just adorable!”

“Hey! Linda suddenly announced, “Let’s get them over to the baseball field, so we can play with them!”

The whole group, boys and girls, shouted their agreement. “Yeah!” “Let’s go!” “Let’s have some fun with our nude little boys!”
Last edited by Datom on Thu Feb 13, 2025 8:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Comeuppance

Post by NudeBaG »

Last edited by NudeBaG on Thu Feb 13, 2025 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Comeuppance

Post by Datom »

@ nudebag

"Not sure if English is your first language or if you just felt rushed to get this out."

I appreciate your criticism. I know you've read my stories on this site before and liked them, so I'm a little surprised.

I do have to correct that grade issue, and put these twins in ninth grade. Thanks for pointing that out.

As to all the characters, there is going to be a crowd of them. Not all of them are, individually that important. So I try to have a character named by another character, then use the character's name after. Say, I have some girl say "Hey, Linda!" to another girl and then afterward I refer to the other girl as Linda. I felt that several of these girls in the crowd should have names, and tried to use this as a means of introduceing the names. Apparently the device isn't working, if you're having an issue with it. I guess I'll have to look at that again.

I'm hoping the timing will make more sense once the story gets a little further on.

Thanks for the suggestions.
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Re: Comeuppance

Post by steam train »

Datom wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2025 1:55 am @ nudebag

I do have to correct that grade issue, and put these twins in ninth grade. Thanks for pointing that out.
I note you have corrected to 9th grade but of course you didn’t specify the country so like where I reside, high school is 7 to12 so the above didn’t concern me at all.

Enjoyed the first chapter, thank you for posting.
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Re: Comeuppance

Post by NudeBaG »

Datom wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2025 1:55 am @ nudebag

"Not sure if English is your first language or if you just felt rushed to get this out."

I appreciate your criticism. I know you've read my stories on this site before and liked them, so I'm a little surprised.

I do have to correct that grade issue, and put these twins in ninth grade. Thanks for pointing that out.

As to all the characters, there is going to be a crowd of them. Not all of them are, individually that important. So I try to have a character named by another character, then use the character's name after. Say, I have some girl say "Hey, Linda!" to another girl and then afterward I refer to the other girl as Linda. I felt that several of these girls in the crowd should have names, and tried to use this as a means of introduceing the names. Apparently the device isn't working, if you're having an issue with it. I guess I'll have to look at that again.

I'm hoping the timing will make more sense once the story gets a little further on.

Thanks for the suggestions.
Gotcha ✌🏻

I apologize for any offense, I’m not sure why this one didn’t hit for me.
I might have been in a brain fog or something🥴
And you’re right,I definitely have liked other stories of yours, don’t know how it didn’t click for me.
And I know how complicated things can get with multiple characters ✌🏻

"Not sure if English is your first language or if you just felt rushed to get this out."

As to that above comment, I have no idea where that came from😓 as reading it back, it’s making more sense.

Fuck me.

Again, I formerly apologize to you for any offense🙏🏻
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Re: Comeuppance

Post by Datom »


No worries! I appreciate the suggestions. And thanks for keeping those eight graders out of the high school! :D

I'm glad you commented. If a device isn't clicking for you as you read, then it's certainly worth my taking a second look at it to make sure it isn't misfiring somehow. I did re-read it, and there are a few spots I definitely need to expand a bit, as well as for me to keep in mind as I work out the next chapters.

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Re: Comeuppance

Post by Datom »

III. Led by the Penis

“Come on!” Let’s get them over to the baseball field!” Let’s have some fun with them!”

Carrie reached down and grabbed my penis between her thumb and her fingers. “Come on, Little Boy!” she chuckled. “Time to punish you!”

I stood still, refusing to move my feet.

“I said, come on!” Carrie shouted, tugging on my penis.

Suddenly I felt a sharp sting on my bare butt cheek. I lurched, and yelped.

I felt the sting again. This time I heard the crackling sound with it. Then I heard Linda’s voice behind me:

“You’re going to get zapped again until you do what you’re told.”

Another sting and another crackling sound. The girls were all watching me, amused.

Carrie tugged at my penis. “Come on!”

Reluctantly I followed Carrie as she led me over by the sidewalk. The other girls followed. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Danny, also being led along; a tall girl in shorts, with brown hair in a ponytail was leading him by his penis. Behind us I could hear Linda, wand at hand, ready to urge on either of us who delayed.

I felt as humiliated as I ever had in my life. Here I was, as naked as a rat, being led by my penis, with about a dozen ogling girls and a couple of guys all around me. A couple of the girls had taken out their cellphones and were taking pictures or videos of me, so they could share my humiliation with their friends.

How could this get worse?

As I was led along the sidewalk, a car pulled up next to us. The front driver’s-side window went down, and the face of Mrs. Grantham peered out.

“Beth! Linda! Carrie!” she called out. “What in the world are you doing?”

Her eyes were looking at the girls, then they focused on my body.

“Oh, nothing, Mrs. Grantham!” Carrie responded. “We’re just punishing Denny and Danny Goodwin!”

“They were sexually harassing some of us again during school!” Beth explained.

Linda chimed in, “So we had to punish them, by humiliating them.”

“Yeah,” added Tina, “So they won’t do it again!”

Mrs. Grantham was looking me over. Her eyes had dropped to my crotch, and she was studying my genitalia.

Carrie, who was still holding me by my penis, explained, “We’re just taking them over to the baseball diamond, so we can show them how humiliating it is.”

Mrs. Grantham turned her eyes toward Linda. “You know this kind of thing is not allowed,” she said tentatively.

“We know,” Linda answered.

“Well, I don’t want you girls to get caught doing this sort of thing. You could get in trouble.”

“We know, Mrs. Grantham. We’ll be careful.”

A long pause. “All right, then. We’ll see you girls in class. Be careful now.” Mrs. Grantham took one last look at my penis, then rolled up her window. The car sped off.

Everyone stood quietly for about fifteen seconds. Then Linda started giggling, followed by Tina and Carrie. Beth and the other girls joined in.

“Mrs. Grantham really liked his little peenie-weenie, didn’t she?” Carrie giggled, playfully squeezing my penis.

“She though it was cute.”

Suddenly I felt a sharp slap on my bare butt cheek. I jumped.

“He’s got a cute little ass,” a girl said from behind me, giggling.

“Hey, I gotta do that,” exclaimed another girl’s voice. I felt another hand slap me on my bare butt, then squeeze. “He slapped me like that in the hallway last Monday, so now I get to do it to him.” More giggling.

By now we were coming up to the school baseball diamond. There was a backstop, that ran parallel to the sidewalk, which itself ran along the side of the parking space. Along the parking space, between the sidewalk and the pavement were small signs reading “Parking for athletic events only.”

The tall girl in shorts, still leading Danny by his penis, led him up and stood him next to the sign. Carrie, still dragging me by my penis, brought me up to the other side. Now Danny and I were standing next to each other, facing the parking lot, with the sign in between us.

I started to walk away, but was stopped by a crackling sound and a sharp sting in my butt. I jumped. All the girls laughed at me.

“Hey, Fella! You’re not going anywhere!” Linda’s voice scolded from behind me.

Hands gripped me. From behind me I felt someone sliding something under my upper left arm. It looked like a red strap, about an inch wide. A girl’s hands slipped it under my underarm, and around Danny’s upper arm, binding our two upper arms together. Danny tried to pull, but he just pulled my arm with his.

Then I felt hands slipping another strap through the arm strap. This other strap was passed around the sign pole, and back. It was tightened, leaving Danny and me pulled back against the pole, side by side.

Then I felt a hand grasping my left ankle. I looked down, and it was a male hand. Meanwhile, a female hand was passing another strap binding my left ankle to Danny’s right ankle. Again, once we were strapped together, the strap was fastened to the signpost.

The girls were giggling, as one of them approached with another strap. She reached between my legs and passed the strap up behind my left thigh, about four inches below my crotch. Again, it was passed around Danny’s right thigh, strapping our thighs together. It felt funny, feeling my brother’s bare thigh against mine. And again, the strap was strapped to the post.

Finally, one of the guys put a strap around my right ankle, with a chain connecting it to my left ankle. Now I could only move my right foot about nine or ten inches.

Everyone stepped back to take a look at us. I felt completely humiliated, tied up with Danny, completely in the nude, facing the parking lot and the street beyond. Not only were all the girls and guys looking at our naked bodies, but we could be seen from the street by anyone passing by.

“Now,” Carrie said, grinning. “Let’s have a closer look.” She knelt down in front of me and reached out her hand.
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Re: Comeuppance

Post by Datom »

Chapter IV. A Penis Contest

Carrie slipped her hand under my testicles, and started caressing them with her fingers. As she did, another girl came up and stood at my right side. This girl was medium tall, with short dark hair and glasses, and was wearing jeans and a sleeveless blouse. She reached out her right hand and started to pet my chest.

“Ooooh!” she purred. “Cute body!”

As her fingers glided over my nipples, I shivered. She chuckled.

Another girl, blonde, with shoulder-length hair, knelt down beside Carrie. She slipped her hand in between my legs and started stroking the inside of my thigh.

“Look at these legs!” she said. “They’re so slim and cute.” She squeezed my thigh. “I can feel his bone in here.”

“Hey, Lynn,” Carrie said suddenly, “Look at these little hairs right over his penis.” She ran her finger through my pubic hairs. “He’s starting to get pubies!” They both giggled.

Some girls over to my left were examining Danny at the same time. They giggled. “This one does too!”

I shivered as Carrie’s finger ran through my hair. This set off more giggling from the girls.

“Do you like them?” someone in front of Danny asked.

“Actually, I think they’re kind of gross,” Lynn answered, making a face.

“Me too,” Carrie agreed.

“Then let’s shave them off!”

All the girls laughed. Tina reached into her gym bag and pulled out a pink razor. She held it up and grinned.

She looked at the girl whose hand was on my chest.

“Hold him good and tight, Emily. We don’t want him wiggling.”

“We don’t want to cut him.”

As Emily tightened her hand on my chest, Tina held her free hand up to her mouth and slurped her saliva all over her fingertips. Then she rubbed her wet fingers all over the skin right above my penis. I was obviously being prepped for shaving.

Then Emily slid her hand down my bare stomach, and held it tightly on my belly. Tina picked up the tip of my penis in the fingers of her left hand, and held it down, out of the way.

“Off come the hairs!” she giggled.

With Emily holding me, Tina ran the razor slowly across me, scraping off my pubic hairs. I could feel the pull of the razor, as my hairs were shaved off me.

Tina and Emily giggled, as did several of the other girls. Tina stood up and held the razor, with my pubic hairs on the blade, in front of my face.

“See?” she chirped brightly. “All gone!”

Carrie laughed. “He’s as bald as a baby down there.”

“Okay,” Tina said, grinning. “Who wants to shave the other one?”

“I will!” Lynn volunteered. Taking the razor from Tina, she moved in front of Danny and grasped the tip of his penis in her fingers. Holding it down, she dampened his hairs, then proceeded to scrape him clean. All the while she was giggling.

She held up the razor, with Danny’s pubic hairs clinging to it, for everyone to observe..

“Look everybody!” she giggled. “I got his bush!”

All the girls laughed at us. Lynn waved the hair-covered razor like a trophy, for all to see.

“They look so cute, all bald down there!” one of the girls chuckled.

“They look like little boys!” said another.

“Which one is bigger?” someone asked.

Lynn knelt down in front of us again. She took my penis in her left fingers, and Danny’s in her right fingers. She squeezed them both.

“Hard to tell,” she mused. “They look about the same.”

“They do,” Carrie agreed, peering down at our denuded crotches.

Tina stroked her chin. “We’d have to put the two penises side by side to tell for sure.”

“Can we do that?”

“Sure.” Linda put her hands on my shoulder and started urging me forward and to the left. Meanwhile another girl was pushing Danny forward and to the right. Danny and I were folding up together. I could feel his upper arm rubbing against mine, and his thigh rubbing against my thigh as we were pushed together. I stopped, but Linda urged me forward.

“Get going, Little Boy,” she sneered, and her wand touched me and stung my rear end. I moved. The girls all laughed at me.

As we were pushed closer, I felt Danny’s toes on top of my feet. I had to turn my head, partly to keep my nose from bumping into his, and partly because I didn’t want to see his face. I heard him breathing heavily, and I realized I was doing the same thing. My chest was touching Danny’s, and, when one of us took a breath, our bellies rubbed together.

I couldn’t see what was happening down below, but I could feel a girl’s fingertips, fingering my penis. I could also hear a lot of giggling, and some chattering:

“Oooh! Aren’t they cute?”

“This one looks a little bigger.”

“Do you really think so?”

“Hard to tell. We have to put them side by side.”

The fingers slid all the way under my penis, and reached something. Then I felt something long and warm and a little hard, pressing against the left side of my penis. I realized it was Danny’s penis, being held right against mine. It was a creepy feeling.

“They look about the same.”

“Do they?”

The fingers pressed our penises together a couple times. I felt Danny inhale sharply, and I felt his penis twitch.

“Oooh! Look! That one is getting bigger!”

“So is this one!”

I realized that my own body was reacting to the fingering, and that I was indeed getting bigger. I felt the tip of my penis touch something. I realized it was the skin on the lower part of Danny’s abdomen. Then I felt my own abdomen being touched by the tip of Danny’s penis. All of this was the weirdest thing I ever felt.

“Hey! They both got bigger!” Giggling.

“I think they like this!”

The hand squeezed our penises together a couple more times. More giggling.

“If they keep changing sizes, how are we going to tell which one is bigger?”

“Good question.”

Then a voice from the side called out, “Hey, quit holding them together! We wanna see!”

I felt Linda’s hand on my shoulder, pulling me away from Danny. As we were pulled back to our original side-by-side position, still tied to the sign pole, I avoided looking at Danny’s face. Now there were about two dozen girls, as well as a couple of guys, standing, watching us with amusement.

Tina knelt down in front of us. She grasped my penis in her left hand, and Danny’s in her right. She squeezed both our penises, chuckling.

She stood up. “Well, the only way to find out is for us to have a Penis Contest,” she announced.

“Huh?” One of the girls grinned. “A penis contest? How does that work?”

Tina looked around, grinning. “First, we need two girls to volunteer.”

The girls were silent. Then Emily held up her hand. “Me!” she said.

Beth looked around. “I guess I could.”

“Good,” Tina nodded. “Here’s how it works. First, each of you take a boy.”

“Dibs!” Emily called out, stepping up and poking Danny’s bellybutton with her finger. She grabbed his arm.

“Ah, well, I guess this one is mine, then,” Beth stood next to me, holding me by the arm.

“Okay, then” Tina continued, “Each of you kneel down next to your boy and take his penis in your hand.”

The girls both knelt down. I felt Beth’s fingers sliding under my penis. Her thumb was on top. Meanwhile, her other hand slid up onto my butt cheek, holding me in place from behind. I heard her giggle.

“Now,” Tina went on, “when I say ‘Go!’ each of you start squeezing and rubbing your boy’s penis. Make him squirt for you. Whoever can make her boy squirt the farthest is the winner.”

The girls greeted this with a lot of laughing and hooting.

“You hear that, Davey?” Beth whispered, “I want to see a nice big squirt from you.”

Davey? I thought. At least get my name right!

Beth gave my penis a couple of playful squeezes. I felt like she was priming me.

Meanwhile, Tina was starting. “On your mark---get set—GO!”

I felt Beth squeezing my butt harder. Then she started rubbing me. Her fingers would squeeze my penis near the base, then rub slowly up toward the tip, and it was really stimulating me.

I didn’t really want to be stimulated right now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no stranger to masturbation. I do it all the time. But I do it when I want to do it, to relieve myself. I don’t want it extracted out of me against my will, just to entertain a bunch of horny girls. And I do it in the privacy of my bedroom, or in the bathroom, or once in awhile behind a tree or a shrub—not out in the open, stark naked, for the amusement of a crowd of giggling, hooting, ogling high school girls. Knowing that I was getting longer and harder for them was downright humiliating.

Meanwhile, I could feel Danny’s thigh, still strapped to mine, pulling and tugging, as Emily was manipulating his penis. I could tell he was getting excited.

Suddenly Danny het out a groan, and his body lurched. I looked over and saw that he was ejaculating. It came out of his penis, and landed about a foot in front of him on the ground.

Immediately, the crowd burst into laughter. “Omigod!” “Is that the best he could do?” “That’s pitiful!” “What a dinky little squirt”

Emily was embarrassed. She spanked Danny hard on his butt. You could hear the “slap!” of her hand on his skin. “You loser!” she exclaimed.

“Hey,” Beth called out, “We’re not finished yet!”

I felt Beth’s fingers grasping and sliding down the length of my penis, over and over. She was really getting me stiff.

Then, I felt her other hand slip down off my butt cheek, and down the back of my thigh. Her fingers slipped inside my thigh, and slid up to my crotch. Suddenly I felt her fingers tickling the bottom of my testicles.

That did it for me. I couldn’t hang onto my load any longer. It slipped out of me and dripped straight down, hitting the ground in front of my feet. Beth rubbed harder, but I was now completely empty.

The whole crowd burst into laughter. I felt totally humiliated. Beth was frustrated.

Emily laughed. “I guess I win! My boy squirted farther than Beth’s boy.”

Beth smacked my butt with her left hand, hard. It stung. I lurched up and yelped through the gag. Everyone laughed at me.

“Hey, we’re not finished with them yet!” Linda announced. We have to get them repositioned.”
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Re: Comeuppance

Post by Datom »

Chapter V. Torture

“Let’s get them repositioned,” Linda announced.

Immediately, one of the girls came behind us and started unfastening the straps that held us to the sign. Now Danny and I were free of the signpost, but were still strapped together at our ankles, our arms, and our thighs, and our wrists were still bound behind our backs.

“Now we have to walk them down to that next signpost down there,” Linda indicated.

“Why?” Beth asked.

“Because,” Linda explained, “there’s all this icky semen on the ground over here. We don’t want to be stepping in it.”

One of the girls behind me took ahold of my free shoulder and started turning me. Another girl grabbed Danny’s free arm and started turning him so that he and I were facing in the same direction. Danny hesitated. Then I heard a “crackle!” and felt Danny lurch. I knew he’d just been stung on the butt by Linda’s magic wand. He quickly hobbled up next to me.

It must have been funny to watch us walk. Imagine two thirteen-year-old boys, stark naked, with shaved crotches and limp wiggling penises, trying to coordinate our movements to walk with our inside legs strapped together. We hobbled along the edge of the parking area, until we came to the next signpost. All the while the girls were laughing at us. One girl had her phone out, and was obviously making a video of us.

Then the girl behind me stopped, and backed me up against the sign. Meanwhile, Danny was steered to the other side of the signpost, so that he and I were back-to-back, with the post between us. Carrie put her hand on my chest and pushed me back against the signpost, hard. Then I felt a strap being passed around my free arm, and I realized that they were strapping me to Danny’s other arm. Then they strapped together our ankles, then our thighs.

So there we were, me and Danny, strapped together, back to back, with the narrow signpost between us. The girls were all crowded around us now, taking pictures, pointing at our parts, and giggling.

“Awww!” “They look so CUTE together!” “Our little twin NUDE boys!” “They look like a BOY SANDWICH!” Much laughing.

Danny tried to wiggle. As he did, I felt his butt cheek rubbing against mine. It felt weird.

Lindsay came up and peered at my penis. “Ew!” she made a face. “It’s all slimy!”

Beth knelt down in front of me. She pulled a tissue out of her pocket and spat on it a couple times. Then she took my penis in my hand and started dabbing at it and wiping it. Even in my spent condition I felt a tingle as Beth cleaned me up.

She stood up and nodded her satisfaction.

“There! Nice and clean!” she pronounced. “He’s ready for action.” She chuckled, and tickled my belly with her finger.

Meanwhile, I heard similar sounds from behind me. I could tell that Danny was getting his penis cleaned. I think that whoever was cleaning him must have squeezed his penis at the end, because I felt a lurch from Danny. A girl from Danny’s side exclaimed, “Look at this one, it’s starting to grow again.”

Most of the girls in front of me ran around to see Danny. Beth and Lindsay stayed in front of me. Beth slipped her hand under my penis and testicles.

“I wonder why he’s so small,” she said.

“Yeah,” Lindsay observed, “he didn’t get very big.”

“Even when he was big he was pretty little.” They both laughed.

“Maybe he’s embarrassed.”

“Sure. He’s embarrassed about his small penis.” Beth fondled my testicles with her fingers.

“That’s probably it. He’s embarrassed about showing us his small penis.”

“That’s too bad.”

Lindsay looked up at me. “Is that it, Davey? Are you embarrassed about your SMALL PENIS?”

Beth’s fingers gently brushed the bottom of my testicles. “You shouldn’t be ASHAMED of your PENIS, Davey.”

Davey? It’s Denny, dammit! If they’re going to molest me they could at least get my name right!

“That’s right, Davey,” Lindsay chuckled. “You SHOULDN’T be EMBARRASSED about your SMALL PENIS.”

“After all,” Beth joined in, “God gave you your SMALL PENIS for a reason.”

“And I’m sure you have many other NICE QUALITIES that make up for your SMALL PENIS.” Lindsay was suppressing a chuckle.

“And don’t worry,” Beth continued,” Some day you might meet a nice girl who actually LIKES SMALL PENISES. Wouldn’t that be NICE?” She brushed the underside of my penis with her fingers.

Two more girls came around and looked at me. They hadn’t been part of the crowd before. They looked at me and squealed, “Ooooh! What a little cutie!”

The girl in the blue top came up by me and took my arm in her left hand. She started running her right hand over my chest. Her finger came to rest on my right nipple.

“Oh, my!” she purred. “Look at the little nippy-nips!” She ran her fingertips across my right nipple.

“They’re so SMALL!” Her fingers were tickling my nipple.

Another girl came up. “Look at the little nippies!”

“They’re so TEENIE-WEENIE!”

“Like little mosquito bites!” giggled another girl as she came up. She reached over to my other nipple and gave it a little pinch. I lurched. They all laughed at me.

“I think he likes it when we play with his little nipples,” said the first girl. She licked her finger, then rubbed her moist fingertip across my nipple. There was a slight breeze, and it made my nipple feel cold. I shivered.

“See? He likes it!” the other girl tittered. “His little nippie is getting nice and perky for us!”

“They’re still not as big as the other one’s nipples,” said the first girl.

“Let’s go see,” and they all went around behind me to look at Danny.

I could hear the comments as they looked Danny over. “Wow! Look at those little nippies!” “I gotta tickle them!” “Cuchi-cuchi-coo!" I could feel Danny's body shiver.

“Wow! They’re getting big!” Another lurch from Danny.

“He doesn’t like when you pinch them!” Laughter.

“Here! I have just the thing!”

I heard some jingling going on behind me, then I felt Danny gasp. A chuckle arose from the girls.

“What are those?”

“Nipple clips. I borrowed them from my mom and her boyfriend.” I felt Danny start to squirm. “They don’t use them, ‘cause my mom says they hurt too much.”

Omigod! I thought. I’ve seen those before. They’re going to put those on Danny?

“Those don’t look like nipple clips.”

I felt Danny’s body flinch. They must be attaching the clips to him, I thought.

“No. These have a remote control. See?”

Danny flinched again. The girls laughed. Then I heard a quiet hum, and I felt Danny’s body quivering.

“Hey! I think he likes it!”

“Sure he does! Look at his little thingee! It got bigger again!”

“Can you turn it on higher?”


The hum got louder. I felt Danny’s body shaking.

“Now, here it is on the highest speed.” Now the hum got even louder. I felt Danny’s body shivering violently. The girls were howling with laughter.

“Look at him wiggle!”

“He’s really shaking!”

“Look at his penis wiggling!”

“I wanna get a picture!”

“Me too!”

The humming continued. I knew Danny was feeling mortified. I know I would have been.

The vibrating continued for a few minutes. Then one of the girls said, “What are we gonna do to the other one?”

A couple of the girls came back around to me. They started looking me up and down. One of the boys was with them. He was holding a pencil. He turned the pencil eraser-end toward me, and prodded my penis a couple times. Then he sniffed.

“I still think that thing looks pretty dinky.”

“I know it does,” one of the girls replied, “but it’s so cute!”

“It looks yummy!” said another one. “Like a little snack.”

They all laughed.

Another girl came around. I knew her from one of my classes. Her name was Abbie Something. She was wearing a pink tee-shirt and shorts, and her hair was in a ponytail. She was carrying a water bottle. She looked me over.

“He’s the one that tickled me,” she observed. “Last week, when I was wearing that crop top. He tickled my stomach.”

“Hey, do you want to be the one who punishes him?” the guy asked.

Abbie grinned. “Sure.” She knelt down in front of me and put down her water bottle. Then she ran her fingers across my stomach. Her fingers felt cold from holding the cold bottle.

“What are you gonna do to him?” one of the girls asked.

Abbie reached into a pocket and pulled out a small bottle. It looked like a medicine bottle. She uncapped the bottle and fished out a little yellow tablet.

“It’s Alka-Seltzer,” she explained. She started breaking the tablet, splitting it into four small pieces. “I saw this on a video, and I’ve always wanted to try it on someone.”

She split the tablet into about four pieces.

“Now I’ll just stick these pieces into his belly button.” With her cold fingers she took the broken Alka-Seltzer tablet and pushed it into my bellybutton. Her cold fingers made me shiver, and the pieces of the tablet itched.

“Now,” she giggled, “I’ll just add water, like the directions say.” She took the water bottle and drew some of the ice water into the straw. Then she touched the end of the straw to my stomach, just above my bellybutton, and let the water drip down over the Alka-Seltzer. She giggled. “Plop-plop, fizz-fizz!”

As the water started to work into the Alka-Seltzer, it tickled—for about two seconds. Then it started to burn. I mean, really burn! I felt like my bellybutton was on fire! I started squirming like crazy! The girls loved it!

“Oooh! Look at him wiggle his belly!”

“That must really tickle!”

They were laughing like crazy! I tried to shout “It burns!” but with me muted, it just came out “Mmmph Bmmmmmmmph!” or something like that. That just made the girls laugh even more.

I squirmed like mad, thrusting my belly out, trying to get the burning stuff out. It felt obscene, and the girls were all laughing like crazy.

“Look at him squirm!”

“Look how his little penis wiggles when he squirms!” More laughter.

“And his little balls too!”

“That’s his punishment for tickling the girls’ bellies.”

“Wow! He’s really wiggling! Like a little worm!”

I noticed a couple girls with their phones out, video-ing me in my humiliation. They would pan the view from my writhing belly slowly down to my naked crotch, then back up, all the way to my face, then back down to my belly again. It was totally humiliating.

After about five minutes of this torture, Abbie stepped back up to me with a tissue. She dabbed in my bellybutton, and got the remaining Alka-Seltzer out. The other girls groaned in disappointment.

“Awww! What are you doing that for?”

Abbie quickly dabbed the rest of the stuff off my stomach and stood back.

I looked behind the crowd of girls. Pulling up into the parking lot was a police cruiser. Good! I thought. The cops! They’ll get me and Danny out of this mess! And even if they take us down to the station, that will still be better than all this humiliation!

As the girls turned around, the car pulled up directly behind them. The door opened, and a uniformed policewoman got out. The door slammed.

The policewoman walked up through the crowd, and looked at the girls, then at me. She had her hand on her nightstick. She was in her late twenties, brown hair, done into a bun, and had a really nice figure. She walked up to me, looked me over, up and down, then turned to the girls.

“All right, ladies. What’s going on here?”
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Re: Comeuppance

Post by Datom »

Chapter VI. Comeuppance

As the policewoman waited for the girls to answer, she strutted around the signpost., looking down. She poked at my stomach with her nightstick, then walked around to have a look at Danny. I guess she must have prodded him a couple times, then she came back and looked at me. Surveying my crotch, she poked her nightstick under my penis and lifted it to allow her to look at my testicles.

“Well?” she asked again. “What’s going on?” She looked at Linda.

Linda spoke up brightly, “Officer, these two boys have been sexually harassing us for weeks now.”

“Oh?” The policewoman looked at her, then at me.

“Yes,” chimed in Carrie. “They’ve been saying lewd things to us, and touching us . . .”

“Yeah, they’ve been grabbing our breasts and our butts and our bellies . . .”

“And they even grab our, you know, our private parts . . .”

It was all tumbling out.

“Yeah,” Linda resumed, “So we decided to teach them a lesson.”

“To show them what it feels like,” added Abbie.

“I see,” the policewoman nodded. She lifted my penis again with her nightstick and peered at it. Then she pulled the stick away and looked around at the girls.

“You know,” she said, “This is the wrong way to go about this. Not only is it a cruel thing to do to these boys, but it’s illegal.” She looked around. “You could all get into a lot of trouble for this. Every one of you who participated. In fact,” she hesitated, “I’m not sure but that I shouldn’t take you all down to the precinct for this.”

The girls all stood silent.

“Here’s what’s going to happen,” she went on. “I’m going to take a ride around my beat. I’ll be back here in an hour” She held up a finger. “One hour. When I get here, if I still see this going on . . .”

A chorus of “You won’t! “We’ll be gone!” We promise!”

The policewoman hesitated. “All right, then. Just so we’re all clear.” She turned and got back into the cruiser. The door slammed and the car drove off.

The girls all looked at each other, then looked at me and Danny. They had very sober looks on their faces. Then Tina burst out:

“That means we can keep these two here for another forty-five or fifty minutes!”

Suddenly they all burst out laughing. “Yeah!” Let’s keep ‘em here!” “This is fun!”

Just then, a new girl came through the crowd. She looked a little older than the rest of the girls, but not much. She had on jean shorts and a pink tee shirt. She walked over to Linda.

“May I borrow this?” she asked, reaching for the shock wand.

“Certainly.” Linda handed it to her.

The girl came up to me and stood in front of me. She looked me up and down, then looked into my face.

“Do you remember me, Denny?” she rubbed the tip of the wand around on my bare nipple.

She looked uncannily familiar. I tried to think of where I knew her from.

“I’m Wendi, remember? I was your babysitter one time.”

Oh, damn! Not her! This is going to be trouble!

“Remember?” Wendi was tracing the tip of the wand around my chest, gently poking and prodding my nipple with it. She spoke softly, so no one else could hear, but tensely. “You should remember. You and your brother over there. You two sure had a lot of fun with me that weekend.”

I nodded. I know she could see the fear in my eyes.

“Remember how you two boys caught me? And how you tied me up?”

She suddenly pushed the button on the wand. There was a “crackle!” sound and a visible spark on my nipple. It stung, and I lurched.

“And remember how you took off all my clothes?” Another “crackle!” and another sting.

Wendi continued, “And remember how you stuffed your dirty underpants in my mouth, and tied me to the bed?” She pushed the button again. “crackle!”-sting!

Wendi moved the tip of the wand down to the middle of my chest. “And remember how much fun you had taking pictures of me in the nude?” “Crackle!” sting!

“And how you blindfolded me, and rubbed your hands all over my bare breast, and all over my belly?” Sting! “And how you rubbed my crotch with your fingers, and stuck your fingers inside me?” Sting!

The tip of the wand was on my stomach now. She was still speaking softly, but bitterly. “And remember how you and your friends took turns raping me?” She jammed the tip of the wand into my bellybutton, which was still sore from the Alka-Seltzer. “You jammed your filthy penises inside of me” Sting! “and squirted your filthy sperm up into my body!” Sting! Sting!

My bellybutton was burning up in screaming pain now. The girls were watching, grinning. But Wendi was relentless. She hissed at me, under her breath.

“You raped me, Dennis Goodwin. You raped me, and you got me pregnant.”

Huh? Pregnant? It had never occurred to me that that could really happen.

Wendi could see the surprise on my face. “You never knew that, did you? Probably you never cared.” She snapped the wand in my bellybutton yet again. I lurched in pain. “It’s a good thing for you that I miscarried. Otherwise, your allowance from your Mommy would be coming to me as child support!”

With her left hand, Wendi took my penis between her thumb and forefinger. She touched the tip of the wand to the tip of my penis, right on the hole.

“I hate you, Dennis Goodwin!” she whispered bitterly.

And still touching the tip of my penis with the wand, she pushed the button.

Again. And again. And again. And . . .
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