Swim Meet

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

For the next five laps swimming down the pool, the sexual pleasures were unbelievable. After walking back on the seventh lap, Coach Johnson told us to walk two laps around the pool, and bring our towels with us. I didn’t have my towel, since coach took it from me at the start of class. All twelve of us lined up, two side my side. I was in the second row with Christy on my right. Coach Johnson went to her office leaving Tina in charge.

As we walked around the pool with Tina walking up front, at first my penis flopped side to side wrapping around my left leg and then flew across to my right side and partially wrapped around my right leg before flying to the other side, oscillating back and forth. It was enjoyable watching my penis swing side to side wrapping around my legs and the sexual pleasure I was feeling was great, but as we walked about 40 feet down the side of the pool, I kind of kicked my left leg a little bit extra hard and with a twist of my hips, my penis flew straight out and across to the other side and hit Christy, the girl walking next to me on her hand. She was shorter than me. As I immediately apologetically saying, “oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that,”

She giggled and with a big smile on her face she replied, “that’s okay . . . it is huge.”

Christy was a very pretty girl with huge tits. There was only one other girl with larger tits then Christy, and that was Amelia. Amelia, used the dive mount next to mine, and she was behind me as we walked around the pool. Amelia was very cute.

It continued to swing back and forth and the sexual pleasure I was feeling for both being naked and my penis wrapping around my legs was feeling great, until we reached the corner of the pool and turned. My penis hit my right thigh and started bouncing straight out in front of me, bouncing off one leg and then the other, oh, that felt really good. I quickly realized that I had to keep my distance from the girl in front or my penis might hit her. We continued around the pool one lap, and then on the next corner it started swinging side to side again, back and forth wrapping around one leg and then the other. This continued for across the back side of the pool, and as we turned the corner and started to walk the last long stretch of the pool, with my mind in a light blur of sexual pleasures, I don’t know why, but after walking approximately thirty feet, for some strange reason, just showing off or for the fun of it, I started putting a twist in my steps.

As I twisted my hips, my penis flew straight out in front of me all the way to the other side and wrapped around my hips and spanked my left butt cheek. My mind was already in a blur and didn’t expect that and it felt awesome, I twisted my hips again on the next step and my penis flew fast and hard all the way around my hips and spanked my right butt cheek with a loud smack. The sexual pleasure I felt was the most extreme I had ever felt, both my penis getting smacked and my butt getting spanked by my penis. My mind was a blur, as my penis bounced off my butt, I twisted my hip again and it flew around me, wrapped around my hips and spanked my left butt cheek the other direction. I continued to do this four more times, until passing the next corner of the pool, the sexual pleasure was extreme.

As we walked the last short side of the pool along the benches and as the rest headed towards the exit. I walked over to where the coach was standing earlier to look into a bag that was left on the ground since the coach took my towel away from me at the beginning of class. The bag was empty, so I turned to leave and one of the spectators still in the bleachers yelled, “hey, are you looking for your towel?”

I stopped turned in the direction of the bleachers and yelled back, “yes.”

She yelled back, “I think it’s over here.”

I walked in that direction; my penis flopped side to side as I walked over to them. The sexual pleasure I was feeling was still strong. I walked over in front of the spectators and asked, “where?”

She pointed over to something that was behind one of the bleachers half way up. I climbed up the bleachers to where she was pointing at, my penis flopping around erratically side to side each bench I climbed over, and noticed a T-shirt on the lower walking parts of the bleachers. I looked over and said, “no this is not my towel.”

She said, “can that be it on top of the high dive,” pointing at the high dive at the deep end of the pool.

I looked over and replied, “I don’t see what you are pointing at.”

She said, “up on top, you can barely see it.”

I looked again, and replied, “I suppose I can check.” To be honest, I was enjoying climbing around bare ass naked in front of them.

I got down off the bleachers, walked over to the high dive and climbed the ladder. I climbed up far enough that I could see the top was clear. I yelled down, “no, it’s not up here.” I decided to climb the rest of the way onto the high dive and walked out towards the end and stood there for about 15 seconds, lightly bouncing; my penis bounced. Damn, I never dreamed of the day I’d be standing on top of the high dive bare ass naked, it felt exhilarating. I wanted to stand there longer so the girls in the bleachers could watch, but I realized I needed to get to my next class. I stepped off the end of the board and fell straight down into the pool. After surfacing, I swam over to the ladder and climbed up out of the pool.

I then turned and walked towards the exit and hallway. I couldn’t believe I was actually walking down the hallway bare ass naked. I walked past the coach’s office, and just as I was passing the girls changing room door, still walking towards the boys changing room door, I noticed a couple students had just entered the hallway 100 feet down at the other end. Fortunately, the hallway wasn’t that well lit, but I’m sure I was still visible enough that they could see that I was naked. I stepped up my pace and quickly turned into the boys changing room.

I went straight into the showers to take a quick shower. After getting dressed, I was late for Art class, and explained to Miss Johnson, I was delayed because I was looking for my towel. After Art class, I went to the rest of classes for the day until returning home.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

Tomorrow's update will be about Flip Turns. I need to proof read it tomorrow and I'll post it.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »


I was running a little late, as I walked into the Boy’s Changing room, I walked to my locker and took off my shoes and clothes and put them into the locker. I didn’t have my towel since the coach took it yesterday, I was nervously excited, and I walked out the door into the hallway bare ass naked. I walked out into the pool area and immediately noticed almost a dozen girls in the bleachers. I walked over to my bench and sat down.

Coach Johnson announced, “okay, today swimmer six from group two will practice flip turns with Tina, team one, get on your mount. Tomorrow swimmer one from group one will practice flip turns with Tina.”

I got up and walked over to the two lanes on the left-hand side of the pool. I stepped off the edge of the pool into the water. Tina swam over to me and explained to me about flip turns.

She then demonstrated to me several times how to do a flip turn and had me try it a couple times. She told me I did pretty good; then had me swim down to the other end and back to loosen up. I swam down to the other end of the pool and returned. My penis was feeling pleasure from the water flowing over it, and as usual it got firmer.

She told me to try it again so she could watch. This time I did the flip turn in front of her and swam up to her. I noticed she had a huge smile on her face and was giggling. I asked, “is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?”

She giggled and replied, “no, you did good. Try it again a couple more times.”

I swam about 30 feet away and flip turned and swam back and did another flip turn right in front of her. After I surfaced, I asked, “how’d I do that time?”

With a big smile, answered, “it was excellent. Have you done these before?”

I answered, “yes, I’ve been practicing in my neighbor’s pool.”

She told me to swim to the other end, flip turn and return.

Right before I swam towards the other end, I noticed Coach Johnson walking towards us. I swam off towards the other end.

[ What I didn’t know, as Coach Johnson got to the edge of the pool, she told Tina, “tell him to hold his legs closer together and maybe it won’t fly up in the air like that.”
Tina, looked up at coach and replied, “it is just fine the way he’s doing it. I want him to keep doing it just the way he is.”
Coach Johnson smiled, giggled and said, “okay, if that’s what you want.”
Tina with a big smile replied, “I think it’s perfect. Please don’t ask him to change.”
Coach Johnson smiled and replied, “okay. This is on you.” And walked back to her spot. ]

After getting to the other end, I flip turned and swam back to Tina and did another flip turn in front of her.

[ What I didn’t know, was every time I did a flip turn after swimming a while and my penis got firm from the pleasure, while doing the flip turn, my penis would fly up out of the water, through the air in an arc between my legs splashing in the water on the other side. In other words, while flipping, the only thing people would see would be my feet and my penis flying up out of the water, between my legs in an arc, splashing at the other side.” ]

I swam up to her and asked, “how am I doing so far?”

“Perfect,” Tina replied. Tina had me practice flip turns back and forth within a 20-foot spread, ten feet on either side of her for the next 30 minutes.

[ Each time my penis flew up in an arc between my legs and splashed on the other side. ]

Coached announced that swimmers one, two and three from group one are already trained in flip turns and swimmer four from group one will train with Tina tomorrow. Tina is in charge for the walk. I got out of the pool, and joined the others walking two laps around the pool.

While walking around the pool for the first lap, my penis bounced off my thigh out in front of me straight out and falling back to the opposite thigh, each step causing extreme sexual pleasure. As we started walking the back stretch along the deep end of the pool, Christy the girl that I accidentally hit her hand with my penis the day before asked, “why aren’t you walking with a twist like you did yesterday?”

With a slight blush, I replied, “Huh? Oh, that. Why do you ask?”

Behind me I heard Amelia say, “We’d love to see you do that again.”

I couldn’t believe they actually wanted to see me do that, I replied back, “maybe on the last long stretch of walking around the pool.”

As we turned the corner to the last long stretch of the pool, my penis bounced erratically off to the side and started wrapping around one leg and then back over to the other leg. After a couple more steps, I started putting a twist in my steps.

As I twisted my hips, my penis flew out in front of me all the way to the other side and wrapped around my hips and spanked my left butt cheek. I twisted my hips again on the next step and my penis flew fast and hard all the way around my hips and spanked my right butt cheek with a loud smack. The sexual pleasure I felt was extreme, both my penis getting smacked and my butt getting spanked by my penis. My mind was a blur, as my penis bounced off my butt, I twisted my hip again and it flew around me, wrapped around my hips and spanked my left butt cheek the other direction.

All the time, I could hear Amelia, Christy and one or two other girls giggling.

I continued to do this three more times, the last time, after bouncing off my left butt cheek, I then twisted my hips as hard as I could, my penis flew fast and hard all the way around my hips and with a loud smack, slapping across, spanking both butt cheeks. The pleasure was unbelievable.

As we walked the last short side of the pool along the benches and we headed towards the exit. We walked out the exit and down the hall. The girls turned into their changing room and the last three of us boys to the boys changing room. After a quick shower, I got dressed and went to art class.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

I had to edit this next post. I jumped the gun on the first writing and included something that wasn’t supposed to happen until later on.

It’ll all make sense later on.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

For the next two days, we practiced swimming as we had done previously. On the last day of the week, we started practicing using the flip turns at the deep end of the pool and again at the shallow end and ending up at the deep end. We’d get out of the pool and walk back to our bench’s.

At the end of class on Friday, Coach Johnson announced to the class, “we will be getting ready for an in-house practice meet for the week after next. We have one week to get ready. The in-house practice meet will be after classes for the day and we’ll have an audience of several faculty and approximately 200 students. This in-house practice meet will prepare us for our first meet with Sunvale Summit, 40 miles away. The swim meet that we have with Sunvale Summit will be here next month.”

For Monday and Tuesday, the following week, we practiced swimming laps just as we’ve done for the past week and a half. The spectators in the bleachers increased to about 20 each day.

On Wednesday, on my way to swimming, I was interrupted in the hallway about a school project I was working on. I was running late, but I finally made it to the changing room. As I entered the changing room, I noticed my locker door was already wide open. I quickly got undressed, threw my clothes into the locker and slammed the door shut and quickly made my way to the pool. Coach Johnson was irritated that I was late, and barely made it for my first practice swim lap.

After class and our two laps around the pool, after walking into the changing room, I opened my locker and it was empty. I was shocked and asked the other two boys, “okay, who took my clothes?”

Jim and Steven, both told me they were out in the pool the whole time. Hmmm, I knew they were telling me the truth, so I walked down the hall Coach’s office and told her, “someone stole my clothes.”

She looked at me and replied, “why would someone steel your clothes?”

I answered, “I don’t know. My locker is empty.”

She said, “hmmmmmmmm. Let’s go see.”

We walked down to the changing room, and asked me to check and make sure everyone in the locker room was dressed. I checked and both Jim and Steven were dressed and, on their way, out of the changing room. I looked around and then came out into the hallway and told her, “the coast is clear.”

We walked into the changing room and she followed me to my locker and I opened it and showed her it was empty. She took a deep breath and said, “well, wrap your towel around you and we’ll go to art class. We can call your parents and ask them to bring you some fresh clothes to the main office.”
I was a little bit concerned about walking all the way to art class wearing nothing but a towel, but it also felt a little daring. I’d never been anywhere else in the school naked before. I was feeling a little confused, with a mixture of shyness and daring.

We heard the second-class bell and coach said, “oh crap, we’re late, and we have to get to the other end of the building.”

I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me and tucked it at my waist. We left the changing room in a hurry and were walking fast down the natatorium hallway towards the main hallway. As we entered the main hallway. The main hallway was mostly empty with only a few students behind us going the opposite direction to their class.

Just as we quickly walked into the art class door, Miss Johnson walked straight ahead towards her desk and I followed and turned to right to quickly walk towards my desk. As I entered the room, I bumped my waist on a table next to the door. After quickly walking almost 15 feet from the door, I found myself bare ass naked with my towel falling and sliding on the floor over next to one of the students desk. In an instant, I had a huge mixture of feelings, including embarrassment, and excitement. I was totally embarrassed, yet totally excited. The class laughed and many of the girls had a shocked look on their face. Two of the girls that were also in my swim class giggled.

The whole class and Miss Johnson watched as I stood there naked for a couple seconds and walked back towards my towel. Before I even got half way to my towel, the girl sitting at that desk, reached down and grabbed it, acted as if she was going to hand it to me and with a big smile tossed it towards the other side of the classroom. Standing bare ass naked with my fat penis hanging down past my knees, I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know what to say.

Miss Johnson while walking to the door and closing it, spoke up and said, “hmmmm, you know what, maybe it’s time we do some natural figure drawing. Mike come up here and have a seat on this stool, and everyone can draw you.”

I didn’t know what to say, I especially didn’t expect this. I’d never been bare ass naked anywhere out of the pool are of the school before. After hesitating for few seconds, I slowly walked up front and climbed up on this tall stool and sat down. I rested my feet on some rungs on the stool, with my penis hanging over the over the edge of the stool.

Miss Johnson handed out sheet of drawing paper and pencils and told everyone to draw me, and turn in their drawings at the end of class.

After sitting there for almost an hour, I asked Miss Johnson about my clothes. In a surprised look, she said, “oops, I totally forgot about contacting your parents for your fresh clothes.”

A minute later, the end of class bell rang, I climbed down off the chair and walked over and picked up my towel and wrapped it around me and tucked it in at my waist. I looked at Miss Johnson and asked, “what do I do now for my next class?”

Miss Johnson asked, “what is your next class?”

I told her, “It’s Algebra with Miss Smith.”

Miss Johnson smiled and said, “don’t worry, Miss Smith will understand. I’ll go with you and explain the problem with her.”

We walked down the hall towards Miss Smith’s classroom and I said, “wait, I need to get my book bag from my hallway locker.”

Miss Johnson said, “okay, you get your book bag and I’ll talk to Miss Smith.”

Miss Johnson, walked into Miss Smith’s classroom and I walked past Miss Smith’s classroom to my locker and as I reached in to pick up my book bag from the bottom of my locker, someone bumped me, causing me to lose my balance slightly and as I put my other hand against the locker next to mine, my towel dropped to the floor.

Oh shit, I was standing bare ass naked in the hallway with many kids walking around. I immediately dropped my book bag and reached down and quickly grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me.

Oh shiiitttt. These mixed feeling of extreme embarrassment and excitement is driving me crazy. I’m not sure what to do. I looked around, pick up my book bag off the floor and closed my locker door and walk towards Miss Smith’s classroom holding my algebra book.

As I walked into Miss Smith’s classroom, Miss Smith laughed while Miss Johnson giggled.

She turned to Mis Smith and said, “okay, is there anything else I can do for you? I got to get back for my next art class.”

Miss Smith said, “don’t worry about it, I’ll deal with it. Mike, take your seat. Class, someone stole Mike’s clothes while he as in Swim class.”

I walked over and sat down at my desk. With my towel wrapped around my waist and long enough over my knees, my penis was hidden.

[ Almost. What I didn’t know, the tip of the head of my penis was hung approximately one inch below the edge of the towel. Fortunately, not many noticed. ]

When the end of class bell rang and students got up to leave, I asked Miss Smith if she could help me explain to my next teacher, Mrs. Carlson my English teacher, my predicament. She wrote a note for me to give to Mrs. Carlson.

After attending English class, and Lunch I went to the main office. I asked the lady at the counter, “have my parents brought me some fresh clothes.”

She looked at me and asked, “what clothes?”

“Coach Johnson said she’d have someone contact my parents to drop me off some fresh clothes.”

She replied back, “No. I haven’t seen Miss Johnson since yesterday”

I thought to myself, the day was more than half over and I’ve only got three classes left. By the time my parents get here, the day will be over.

I attended the last three classes, and after I put my books back in my locker, it occurred to me that I need to ride the school bus home. I didn’t think about this and quickly made my way to Miss Johnson’s art classroom. I told her, “my parents never brought my fresh clothes to the main office.”

She looked at me and said, “oh, I completely forgot. I’m sorry.”

I told her, “I need to ride the bus home. Can you tell the bus driver about my situation?”

She answered, “Oh, I didn’t think about that”

She replied, “okay, let’s go.” We walked up to the bus, and Miss Johnson explained to the bus driver the situation.

After the bus dropped me off at the end of the cul-de-sac road, I had to run all the way down the street to home. Fortunately, my parents weren’t home since they work in Sunvale Summit, 40 miles away.

On Thursday, when I got to the boys changing room, undressed, put my clothes into my locker, and walked out into the pool area. Coach Johnson stopped me and asked, “where did you put your clothes yesterday?”

I replied, “I put them in my locker.”

She looked at me and said, “is it possible you put them in someone else’s locker?”

I answered, “no . . . what are you getting at?”

She answered, “Could you have thrown your clothes into a locker next to yours?”

“Oh crap. I just remembered, my locker door was open when I walked into the changing room. I was in a hurry and just threw my clothes into my locker . . . hmmmm. That wasn’t my locker was it?”

She answered, “no, it was someone else’s locker. Your clothes are in a bag next to your bench.”

I asked, “am I in trouble?”

She answered, “no. Everything worked out fine.”

At the end of swimming laps, Coach Johnson asked me to come see her before I get dressed. After walking two laps around the pool, I brought the bag of clothes from yesterday with me and stopped by her office and asked, “is there something wrong?”

She answered, “no, I just want to ask you to come to class and pose again. Some students told me they enjoyed yesterday’s drawing exercise and would like to do it again.”

I said, “sure.”

She said, “did you bring a fresh towel?”

I answered, “yes.”

She said, “okay, get your towel and let’s go.”

I went into the boy’s changing room, put the bag of extra clothes into my locker and got my towel out of my locker, wrapped it around my waist and tucked it in. After getting to the art classroom, Miss Johnson closed the door told the class, “Mike is going to pose for us again today.”

I walked up front and she had a regular chair sat up on top of a box. I removed my towel and sat down. As soon as the end of class bell rang, I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around and tucked it in at my waist. It was crowded in the hallway with kids going to their next class. I was walking as fast as I could, and as I got within 80 feet of the hallway leading to the pool, someone bumped into me causing me to lose my towel. “Oh shit,” I said, looked around for my towel, but it was over 10 feet behind me with another student standing on it. I decided to run bare ass naked the last 70 feet to the pool hallway, and down the pool hallway to the Boy’s changing room and got dressed.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

I forgot to mention at the beginning, when you read this story, it’s more enjoyable if you read it as if you were the main character.

It is you that is experiencing the problems that he is experiencing.

Please comment, how would feel if it was you.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Themarble »

Heya, you have to delete old messages in order to view new ones so my current messages will show up in hold till you delete old ones. When you delete old ones you can then go under your control panel and unhold them.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

I apologize, but I had to edit out about the “in-house practice meet”.

I’ll post the re-written story below, and on the first and second post at the beginning so new readers won’t have to re-read everything.

The reason for editing out the “in-house practice meet” is because most of the material was going to be covered in the next 2 meets, and it seemed repetitive.

I don’t want to give away too much, there are 10 more chapters to come, here are the next three chapters:

Swim Meet with Other school Local

Swim Meet at Other School – Much larger and newer school

Presentation in Gym with Awards
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

Swim Meet

This story is fiction, and it is written in a hybrid format of mostly first person with some separate narration that will be written in brackets.

This story is written with almost no knowledge of swim meets and competitions. It is totally written to fit the story line.

When you read this story, it’s more enjoyable if you read it as if you were the main character.
It is you that is experiencing the problems that he is experiencing.
Please comment, how would feel if it was you.

When I was in Jr. High, 8th grade, my parents owned a house on the edge of a small city, with a couple larger cities about 40 miles away. We lived on a cul-de-sac in a lightly forested area. There were six other houses nearby on the same road, all fenced in with wooden privacy fences. The neighbor next door would pay me to stop by and service their swimming pool and hot tub twice a week.

Half way down the road towards the larger city 40 miles away was an old abandoned/closed down resort/campground with a small lake a couple miles down the road. I was told that it had been closed down for over 20 years.

I started developing interest in girls back in the 5th grade, but I was too shy to ask any of them to be my steady girlfriend, but I did talk to them every chance I could get the nerve too. In 8th grade I was about 5 foot 4 inches tall and very skinny, with approx. 24-inch hips. My hands and feet seemed large compared to the other kids. I believe I was average looking, but teased about being so skinny. I’m not sure why, but I was very shy around everyone. I didn’t have a speech impediment, but I was apprehensive talking to anyone with the exception of a few friends.

On the days I went to the neighbor’s house to clean their pool, I’d wear my swim trunks to make it easier to clean the pool and allow me time to practice my swimming. On many occasions, they’d be away on business trips or vacation.

I learned how to swim when I was young, and was pretty good at it and while the neighbors were away, I’d practice swimming in their pool. On one occasion, while the neighbors were away on a business trip and I was cleaning their pool I found several pool toys at the bottom of the pool and realized I’d have to get into the water to get them out. Because I had plans to go to my friend’s house after cleaning the pool, I was in a hurry, I hadn’t switched into my swim trunks before coming over. I was wearing my jeans and t-shirt.

Although I was a little apprehensive, but I knew no one was around, the thought of getting into the pool wearing only my underwear made me a little nervous. It’s something I’d never done before. I looked around again to make sure no one was around, and stripped down to my boxers, and stepped into the pool at the shallow end, and walked out towards the items in the pool. I swam down into the water at the deep end to retrieve the pool toys and put them up onto the edge of the pool. I swam around for a half hour and got out of the pool and dived into the pool from the deep end. When I dived into the water, my boxers slipped down to my ankles exposing my bare penis to the flowing water. By the time I got to the other end of the pool I quickly pulled my boxers up before I stood up out of the water. I started to feel some odd feelings I’d never felt before. I wasn’t sure what it was and ignored it for now. I practiced swimming for a little while and eventually I climbed out of the pool and quickly slipped my pants back on and finished cleaning up. After a few minutes, I realized that my water-soaked boxers had soaked into my pants, so I ran home and changed to dry clothes.

Later than night, I had a strange dream about the odd feelings that I was experiencing in the pool. I couldn’t figure out what the feelings were about, but it seemed to be pleasurable. The next morning my penis was harder than normal.

There is one other characteristic about myself that I was embarrassed about and I didn’t want anyone to ever see, my penis was huge, flacid, it hung down past my knees and was very thick. To hide it I often wore boxer’s underwear. My swim trunks were made of material that had a lot of wrinkles, blended colors and a brief style liner to help hide my penis by wrapping around my left waist.

Two weeks later when the neighbors were gone and while preparing to go to clean their pool, I had the strangest feeling and decided to wear my boxers under my swim trunks. After cleaning the pool filters and looking around making sure no one was around, I took off my t-shirt and swim trunks and with only my boxer underwear, I walked to the deep end of the pool and nervously hesitated and had this strange desire to duplicate the last time I dived into the pool with my boxer underwear. I dived in and like the last time I dived in, my boxer shorts slipped down my legs exposing my bare penis to the water flow, giving me extreme pleasure. By the time I reached the other end of the pool, I realized my underwear had slipped completely off me, leaving me completely naked. The feeling of being naked in the pool was different and I was enjoying it. I looked around and found my underwear and slipped them back on, climbed out of the pool and again dived into the water. Again, my underwear slipped off me leaving me naked. But the most enjoyable pleasure was the feeling of the water flowing past my penis. I swam around naked for at least an hour before I put my underwear back on and finished cleaning the pool and put my swim trunks back on and left.

The next time the neighbors weren’t around, again I’d dive into the pool with only my underwear. But for the first time I wanted to make it more daring and I climbed out of the pool naked and quickly walked around the pool deck with my penis flopping around.

From that point on, every time the neighbors weren’t around, I’d spend as much time naked in the pool as I could. I especially enjoyed diving into the pool losing my underwear and feeling the water flowing over my penis.

Other times I looked for other places I could skinny dip. I rode my bicycle down to the old abandoned/closed down resort/campground and found a small lake. I explored enough to discover that there was no one there, and enjoyed skinning dipping every chance I could. The most important thing was, I was extremely shy, and didn’t want anyone to see me naked.

During my 9th grade year, since I enjoyed swimming and seemed to be pretty fast swimmer, I decided to join the swim team. Our school had a pool that was built many years ago. It had 8 swimming lanes and 25 yards long. It was actually an addition to the school with a long hallway that led to the natatorium. Many years ago, swimming was an important sport at the school, but lost popularity in the last 20 years. This year there were only two groups of swimmers, The High School freshman/sophomore group and the junior/senior group.

Swimming was my first class of the day followed by Art. The school year started on a Tuesday and the first day was school familiarization in the main gym and then we spent 20 minutes in each class for familiarization. Wednesday was our first day of class, and we spent that day in classroom going over basic swimming techniques, safety and swim meet schedules. Our first swim meet with the other school in Sunvale Sumit, was going to be in approx. two weeks, and our second meet at the other school 40 miles away would be in about a month.

We had a small team of only 12 swimmers, and the male coach was busy with football, basketball PE and other activities, so our swimming coach was Miss Johnson. She was an experienced swimmer and very cute, but very strict and demanding. We had a young assistant coach Tina that would spend most of her time teaching us swimming one on one swimming styles, etc. Tina was pretty and voluptuous.

Thursday was our first day to go into the pool. There were three boys and nine girls. As instructed, the day before, we would dive off the diving mount in two groups of six. I was in group two. We all met in the pool area and the teacher told us our assigned locker number and gave us a manila envelope, explaining that our swimsuit uniform was inside the envelope. Miss Johnson told us all to go into the changing rooms and change into our swimming uniform.

All three of us boys went into the boys changing room. I found my locker over near a corner away from the other boys. When I signed up for swimming, I didn’t expect to have to wear a school swimsuit and I had worn my own boxer style swim trunks with liner under my pants. I opened the locker and took off my shoes, socks, shirt and pants and put them into the locker. I hesitated opening the envelope, but decided I needed see what the school swim uniform looked like. I removed the swim suit from the envelope and was surprised to find a very skimpy low waist [hip] speedo style that was so skimpy it was almost like a bikini. Oh crap, this was way too small, the front and back panel was connected with a strip of elastic material that narrowed along the side to approx. one and a half inch wide, and there was no space up front for my penis.

I was so relieved that I wore my own personal boxer swimsuit, because this skimpy thing wasn’t going to work for me. I glanced around and noticed that the other three boys had their swimsuit uniform on and it appeared as though it was a little skimpy, but they were able to fit.

I asked the other boys,” is that going to work for you?”

Jim replied, “it’s a little skimpy but it’ll work.” He commented, “I don’t understand why they made them so small.” He looked at me and asked, “aren’t you going to put yours on?”

I replied, “these aren’t going to work for me. I’m going to wear my own.”

As I put my things into the locker the two of them walked out into the hallway that led to the pool area. After closing my locker, I followed about 30 feet behind them. As I walked out into the pool area, I looked for Coach Miss Johnson and as soon as I found her, I walked over to her and before I could say anything she yelled, “where is your uniform?”

I nervously tried to answer, “they won’t . . . fit . . . m . . .”

Before I could say anymore, she angrily yelled, “I don’t want to hear any excuses, you need to go and change into your uniform NOW!”

I could feel her anger and tried to reply, “but, but, they won’t . . .”

She interrupted me with an even louder and angrier, “I don’t want to hear it, go NOW, and change into your school uniform, otherwise you go without. These uniforms were ordered by the county district manager.”

I was very shaken and nervous and slowly turned around and walked back to the changing room. As I got to my locker and opened it, I picked up the swimsuit stared at for a several seconds and thought this isn’t going to work.

The school speedo swimsuit was all white with the schools red and blue vertical stripe on the right side. The top elastic band was less than one inch wide and the bottom leg opening elastic band was less than a ¼ inch wide.

After a minute, I glanced around the changing room to make sure no one else was in the room. All I could think of was this is not going to work.

I slipped my boxer style swim trunks off, positioned the speedo into my hands and stepped into the swimsuit and pulled them up to my waist. My balls in the small almost nonexistent front pouch and my huge penis drooped over the front edge pointing towards the floor. I was trying to figure out what to do next. After adjusting the swimsuit slightly, I decided to try to slip my penis under the material towards the left side of my body, tucking my penis under the material around my left side, and tucking the last four inches of my penis and head into the back panel of the swimsuit. I adjusted the swimsuit material along the side so that it covered the side of my penis, but from the front, all along the side to the back seat panel, my penis was clearly exposed on the top and the bottom of my penis was exposed along the side. The swimsuit material narrowed down to one and a half inches along the side. My fat penis [over 8+ inches circumference] was clearly exposed on the sides and because the speedo material wasn’t that thick, my penis caused a huge bulge in the front and back panels.

I closed my locker and picked up my towel and walked over to the mirror to get a better look at the fit. On my sides, I could clearly see the top and bottom, actually, the one and a half inches along the side didn’t even cover all of the side of my penis, there was a little more than just the top and bottom of my penis exposed. I wrapped my towel around my waist and hoped that Coach Johnson would change her mind as soon as I showed her my problem.

I walked out to of the changing room, down the hallway, into the natatorium and walked over to Coach Johnson. She was just finishing up a conversation with all the other swimmers. I walked between her and the other students sitting on the benches at the end of the pool.

She looked at me and said, “you missed the diving lesson that Tina gave, make sure you watch closely when the first team dives.”

I replied, “okay, I’ve been practicing diving for over a year.”

She looked down at my towel and said, “let’s see your uniform.”

With everyone else behind me, I glanced around to make sure no one would see as I opened my towel so she could see my swimsuit.

She squinted her eyes and loudly said, “do you think that is funny? Are you trying to play a prank on me? This is not funny!”

I stared back in a surprised look, and all I got out of my mouth between her yelling was a mumbled, “no.”

She continued yelling, “I’m getting sick and tired of these pranks. You think you’re funny? Fine! Go to the bench, you are number six position.”

I glanced down and realized she was looking at the bulge in front and she may have not noticed my left side. I glanced at my left side and realized I hadn’t spread the towel wide enough for her to see my side that well. I looked back up towards her and before I could say anything she yelled, “Go on, get over to your bench . . . wait, give me your towel.”

Before I could object, she reached down and grabbed my towel and yanked it out of my hand and from around my body, and said, “you keep these pranks up and you’ll end up bare.”

I stood there frozen for almost 5 seconds almost in shock, before she yelled, “go on.”

I wasn’t sure what to do. I turned and walked towards the end of the pool where the benches were located and all the swimmers were sitting on. The dive mounts were located about 10 feet in front of the benches. There was one 4-foot-wide bench behind each dive mount.

As I slowly walked, I was thinking, prank? What did she mean by prank. Why is she so mad? What did I do? Oh crap, what am I going to do? They are going to see part of my penis on my left side.

As I was walking towards the benches, she yelled to the swimmers, “okay, group one, get on your designated mount in front of you.”

With half the swimmers moving towards the diving mounts, I walked behind the benches and with all the commotion of some of the swimmers getting up onto their mounts, I avoided any attention as I walked to the bench behind number 6 mount which was on the left side. As I got to the bench, I decided not to sit down and instead lean against a post next to the bench.

The coach walked over to the right side of the pool near the benches.

The six swimmers climbed up onto their mounts and got into position by positioning their right foot on the front edge of the mount, their left foot near the back of the mount, and leaned forward, bending over grabbing the front edge of the mount with their hands.

After a few seconds, she then yelled, “take your marks.” All the swimmers leaned back slightly in anticipation of her blowing her whistle.

Approx. three seconds later she blew her whistle and the swimmers dived off their mount into the water and swam to the end.

Meanwhile Tina the assistant coach was in the unused two left-hand lanes giving one on one training to one of the swimmers from my group in swimming and doing the flip turn at the end. Until we are trained in flip turn, we will only be swimming down to the opposite end and getting out of the pool.

As group one got to the end, they moved towards the right side of the pool dunking under the ropes until they got to the ladder and climbed up out of the water and walked back to the benches.

Coach Johnson, yelled, “okay, group two, get on your designated mount.”

Since one swimmer was in the water with the assistant coach over in the far-left lanes, the five of us walked to and climbed up onto our mounts.

I climbed up onto my diving mount, positioned my right foot on the front edge of the mount, my left foot near the back of the mount, and leaned forward. As I was bending forward and as I grabbed the front edge of the mount, all of a sudden, unexpectedly, my penis slipped out under my swimsuit leg opening and flopped completely out of my swimsuit slapping against my right leg. It was unexpected so it took a couple seconds for me to realize that my penis was completely hanging exposed on my left side. As I heard the coach yell, “take your marks,” is approx. when I realized my penis was out and I thought to myself, oh shit. For a couple seconds, I wasn’t sure what to do, but it occurred to me about the same time I heard the whistle, I could just dive into the water and fix it at the other end.

As I dived off the diving board into the water, I believe I heard a sound like a gasp coming from my left side. The force of jumping forward, my penis flopped back and bounced off my legs, until I splashed into the water. After entering the water, I swam as hard as I could. One distraction that I noticed was the flow of water flowing over my penis. I was trying to concentrate on swimming as fast as I could, but the pleasure my penis was feeling was getting intense. As I reached the end and moved under the ropes towards the right side of the pool, while floating in the water waiting for the others in front of me to get out of the pool, I quickly grabbed my penis and stuffed it back around my waist and into my swimsuit. Making sure that the side was covered best that I could. Before climbing up the pool ladder, I double checked to make sure my penis was secure.

I climbed up out of the pool and as I walked back, I was feeling some residue pleasure from when my penis was flowing in the water. After a few seconds walking, I noticed the assistant coach, Tina had gotten out of the pool on the left side of the pool and walked over to the right side of the pool to Miss Johnson. I wasn’t sure, but it appeared as though she was whispering something to the coach. It then occurred to me that the gasp I heard might have been the assistant coach. I continued to walk towards the two of them whispering to each other and then I noticed the coach glancing towards me and then back to the assistant coach. As I passed by the two, I could not make out what they were whispering about, but I suspected it was about me. I walked behind the benches avoiding the other swimmers, to my spot and again leaned against the post next to my bench.

After another minute, the coach yelled, “group one, get on your mount.” While the swimmers were walking towards their mount, the coach and assistant coach walked between the benches and mounts over to the left side of the pool. There was a short delay until the coach got to the left side of the pool, and the assistant coach back into the water. The coach yelled, “take your marks.”

The swimmers leaned back slightly until they heard the whistle blow and dived into the water.

As group one swam to the other end of the pool, I started to get a little nervous. Oh crap, I realized that with the coach on the left-hand side, she’ll see my penis if it falls out again. After a few seconds, I realized that, that might be a good thing. If she sees my problem, maybe she’ll allow me to put my personal swim trunks on instead of these school speedo suits. It might be a good thing, but I was extremely nervous about the coach or anyone seeing my penis.

As the group one swimmers started climbing out of the pool, the coach yelled, “group two, get on your mount.”

I was very nervous, but I kept telling myself, this is a good thing, my problem will be solved if it falls out and she sees it. I walked over to the mount and climbed up onto my diving mount, positioned my right foot on the front edge of the mount, my left foot near the back of the mount and waited until she yelled, for us to take our mark.

As I bent forward and grabbed the front edge of the mount, my penis slipped out under my swimsuit leg opening and flopped completely out of my speedo slapping against my right leg. I tensed up and heard a gasp and “oh my” coming from the coach, and after a slight delay, she finally blew the whistle and I dived into the water.

The force of jumping forward, my penis flopped back along my legs, until I splashed into the water. I wasn’t sure because it happened so fast, but I could swear I felt the head of my penis hit the water before I entered the water. After entering the water, I swam as hard as I could. Again, the pleasure I was feeling from water flowing over my penis was beginning to overwhelm me. As I reached the end and moved over to the ladder, while floating in the water waiting for the others in front of me to get out of the pool, I quickly grabbed my penis and stuffed it back around my waist and into my swimsuit. Making sure that the side was covered best that I could. Before climbing up the pool ladder, I double checked to make sure my penis was secure.

I climbed up the ladder out of the water and walked back to the benches. While I’m walking back, Coach Johnson sent group one off with a blast of her whistle. I walked behind the benches avoiding the other swimmers, to my bench. As I reached and leaned against the pole next to my bench, Coach Johnson walked up to me and said, “I thought you had something stuffed in your swimsuit. I didn’t realize that it was real. I’ll write a letter to the district manager about your swimsuit problem.”

I replied with, “can I wear my personal swim trunks until we hear back?”

She quickly snapped back, “No. You must always swim in your school uniform. When we hear from the district manager with a solution, then we’ll do what she tells us.”

I nervously asked, “but, I . . .”

Before I could get my next comment out, she angrily barked, “I said you’ll wear your school uniform until told otherwise. I don’t want to hear any more from you about this. Is that clear?”

I nervously answered, “yes mam.”

She turned and walked back to the spot she was standing at. After group one climbed out of the pool and were on their way back to the benches, she said, “group two, go to your mount.”

I walked over to the mount and climbed up onto the mount and after placing my right foot on the front edge of the mount, my left foot near the back of the mount, while still standing upright before I could lean forward, my penis slipped out under my swimsuit leg opening and swung around bouncing off my right thigh flopping around back and forth a couple times for almost 4 seconds I was frozen in shock, before I realized that I needed to bend over into my diving position. I quickly grabbed the front edge of the diving mount and waited for coach to blow her whistle.

While waiting for Coach to blow her whistle, it occurred to me that any of group one that might have been looking in my direction while walking back would have seen my penis flopping around for those few seconds.

Before I could dwell on it any more, Coach blew her whistle and I dove into the water. Again, I had this strange sensation that I felt the head of my penis hit the water before I entered the water. I swam as hard as I could, but the intense pleasure I was feeling from the water flowing past my penis was breaking my concentration.

As I reached the end of the pool, as soon as I got to the near the ladder, I quickly stuffed my penis back into my swim suit and climbed out. While walking back I was feeling embarrassed and apprehensive. Coach sent group one as soon as I climbed out.

As soon as I got back, walking behind the benches to avoid the other swimmers, instead of leaning against the post, I sat down on the bench. It was only a few seconds before coach said, “group two, get on your mount.”

As I stood up from the bench and started walking towards the mount, I didn’t get more than 2 steps from the bench and still 10 feet away from the dive mount, and my penis slipped out under my swimsuit leg opening and swung around bouncing off my right thigh. I quickly turned slightly to the left side facing away from the other swimmers but facing coach Johnson and reached down to grabbed my penis to slip it back into my swimsuit. It happened so fast and it took a second to catch my penis while it flopped around, all the time, I heard some yelling. I wasn’t sure what the yelling was all about, I was concentrating on trying to catch my penis and put it back. It took about four seconds and I was able to secure it back into my swimsuit, as I started to make out what was being yelled.

It was the coach that was yelling, “STOP TOUCHING YOURSELF. I SAID STOP TOUCHING YOUR SELF.”

I looked over to see her walking towards me yelling, “NEVER TOUCH YOUR PRIVATE PARTS.”

As she got withing 5 feet of me she continued yelling, “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”

I was almost stuttering trying to figure out what she was yelling about, “wh . . . what?”

She said, “under no circumstance, ever touch your private parts. Do you understand?”

I stared back at her and replied with the only answer I could think of, “yes mam.” I wanted to ask what I was supposed to do, but was too scared to say anything.

I turned and continued to the dive mount and climbed up and got into position. As I leaned forward and grabbed the front of the dive mount, again my penis slipped out smacking against my right leg.

As soon as she blew the whistle, I dove into the water. I swam as well as I could, but I was nervous about her yelling at me, and I still wasn’t sure what she was yelling about.

As soon as I got to the other end, and as soon as I got near the ladder while waiting for the others to climb out, I secured my penis back into my swimsuit, I climbed up out of the pool and walked back towards the bench. Coach sent group one as soon as I climbed out.

This time I didn’t sit down on the bench. I leaned against the post next to the bench, and with a confused look on my face I looked over towards the coach. She walked over and calmly said, “under no circumstance are you ever to touch your private body parts. You can adjust your swimsuit, but you cannot touch your private parts.”

I tried to ask, “but what am I sup . . .”

She interrupted me and repeated, “just leave it.”

She turned and walked back to her spot. I now understood what she said, but it didn’t make sense. I’m supposed to leave it out, exposed?

As soon as group one climbed out of the pool, coach said, “group two, get on your mount.”

I walked over and climbed up onto my mount and got into position and as soon as I grabbed the front of the mount with my hands, my penis slipped out under my swimsuit leg opening and smacked against my right leg. As soon as she blew the whistle, I dove into the water.

Again, I had this strange sensation that I felt the head of my penis hit the water before I entered the water. I’m guessing when I dove into the water, my penis flew back to my knee and bounced back forward before I entered the water. I swam as hard as I could, but the intense pleasure I was feeling from the water flowing past my penis was breaking my concentration.

As soon as I got to the other end and swam near the ladder, I secured my penis back into my swimsuit, I climbed up out of the pool and walked back to the bench. Coach sent group one as soon as I climbed out. I walked back and leaned against the pole next to my bench.

As soon as group one climbed out of the pool, coach announced, “group two, get on your mount.”

I walked over and as I was climbing up onto my mount, my penis slipped out under my swimsuit leg opening and as it flopped around, I quickly climbed up onto the mount and got into my dive position and waited for the whistle. As soon as she blew the whistle, I dove into the water.

As soon as I reached the other end and swam near the ladder, I quickly stuffed my penis back into my swimsuit. After climbing out, the coach announced, “okay that’s it for today. Hang your suit and towel in your locker to dry for tomorrow. Every Friday, you take your swimsuit and towel home to be washed. Oh, and another thing, we don’t have any extra swimsuits, so don’t lose yours or you’ll have to do without.” With a short pause, she announced, “we didn’t have time this week, but starting Monday, the last five minutes of class, you’ll walk two laps around the pool. No running.”

Everyone went to the changing rooms. On my way, coach handed me my towel back that she took in the beginning of class. As I got to the changing room, I went into the shower and took a quick 15 second shower and went to my locker and after drying, took off my swimsuit, hung it and my towel on a hook in the locker and got dressed, and went to my next class which was Art.

Miss Johnson also taught the Art class. The Art classroom was at the other end of the building near the gym. After the last class for the day, I rode the school bus home. All evening I dwelled on the day’s events. I was feeling a little stressed because I was extremely embarrassed that I the coach, the assistant and maybe a few others saw my penis.


As I got to school, I proceeded to the changing room to change into my swimsuit. After undressing and slipping on my swimsuit, I hung up my clothes on the hooks in the locker, wrapped my towel around me and walked down the hall to the pool.

Along the right wall of the natatorium there were several bleachers for spectators during the swimming events. Today, I noticed there were two students sitting half way up on the bleachers.

Coach Johnson was busy talking to a couple swimmers. I did a couple warm up exercises and after Coach blew the whistle, all the swimmers except one, went to their assigned bench. I walked over to my bench and leaned against the pole next to my bench and waited.

The number five swimmer next to me that practiced flip turns with Tina yesterday was back and number four swimmer was assigned to practice with Tina today.

After group one dove into the pool, coach Johnson told us to get one our mounts, I walked over to the mount and climbed up onto the mount and after placing my right foot on the front edge of the mount, my left foot near the back of the mount, while still standing upright before I could lean forward, my penis slipped out under my swimsuit leg opening and swung around bouncing off my right thigh. I looked down to see my penis flopping around back and forth a couple times before realizing group one walking back could see, and I quickly leaned forward and grabbed the front edge of the mount. As soon as she blew the whistle, I dove into the water.

As I swam to the other end, the pleasure I was feeling from the water flowing past my penis was great. As soon as I got to the other end and over to the ladder, I quickly stuffed my penis back into my swimsuit, my penis felt more sensitive than usual, it was still feeling the intense pleasure from the water flowing past. As I climbed out of the pool to walk back towards the benches Coach eventually sent group one into the water.

While walking along the pool and almost 30 feet from the corner of the pool, I wasn’t sure, but I believe I felt some movement of my penis slowly slipping out under the swimsuit leg opening. I looked towards my left side and could see most of my penis was exposed drooped down, hanging completely below my swimsuit leg opening wobbling and bouncing. The only thing keeping it from completely flopping out was the head of my penis, it was still being held by the swimsuit back panel. Oh crap, I thought; each step I took I could see my penis wobbling and bouncing along my side and slipping out a little each step I took. I looked around in front of me to see if I could think of a solution. The four other swimmers walking in front of be in the same direction I was walking, and the swimmers from group one dived off their mounts only a couple seconds before.

After a couple steps and getting approximately 20 feet from the corner of the pool, I looked back down towards my left side seeing only my penis head was the only thing holding it from flopping out. Just then, my penis head slipped out of my swimsuit back panel and my penis, now completely exposed, dropped down and across to the other side smacking my right thigh with a smack. I quietly said, “oh crap,” as I instinctively moved my hands towards my penis to grab it. Before grabbing it, I remembered I wasn’t allowed to touch it, and jerked my hands to my side. I continued to walk as my penis bounced off my right thigh straight out in front of me and as I stepped forward, my penis flopped down on my left thigh with another smack. Each step I took my penis would bounce off my thigh straight out and flop down on the opposite thigh. Although I was following the swimmers from group two back to the benches, I believe one of the swimmers from group two that had just sat down, may have noticed my penis bouncing off my thighs. Although I was way past the two spectators in the bleachers when it slipped out, I’m not sure if they noticed.

After passing the benches and walking behind the benches, as I reached my bench, I wasn’t sure what to do. I stood next to the post next to my bench with my back towards the other swimmers facing Coach Johnson. I was so embarrassed I couldn’t look directly at Coach Johnson or anyone for that matter, but I believe in an instant glance in her direction, I believe she was smiling or snickering.

After a short pause, Coach Johnson told group two to get onto our mounts. I hesitated for a few seconds until all the swimmers in group two had stood up and walked towards their mount and then I quickly walked towards my mount, hoping that none of them would notice my penis flopping back and forth until I got up onto my mount and bent over and grabbed the front edge of the mount. As soon as I heard the whistle, I dove off the mount and into the water and swam as hard as I could. After reaching the end and making my way to the ladder, I stuffed my penis around my side and into my swimsuit. I double checked to make sure it was slightly up higher under the one-inch elastic waist band.

After climbing out of the pool and while walking back, I glanced to my side to see that my penis was slightly more exposed on the top side, and stayed secure all the way back to my bench. I was relieved that it didn’t fall out again. I waited leaning on the post next to my bench.

As soon as group one climbed out of the pool and as they were walking back towards the benches, Coach Johnson told group two to get onto our mounts. I climbed up onto my mount and got into position and as soon as she told us to get on our marks, I leaned back slightly and my penis slipped out as before. It was only a few seconds and Coach blew her whistle and we dived into the water. Again, I had this strange sensation that I felt the head of my penis hit the water before I entered the water.

I swam as fast and the pleasure I was feeling from the water flowing past my penis was unbelievable. After reaching the other end of the pool, I swam over to the ladder, I quickly stuffed my penis back into my swimsuit, my penis was feeling very sensitive as it was still feeling the intense pleasure from the water flowing past. As I climbed out of the pool to walk back towards the benches, after less than 10 feet from the ladder, again, I wasn’t sure, but I believe I felt some movement of my penis slowly slipping out under the swimsuit leg opening. I looked towards my left side and could see some of my penis was exposed hanging below the swimsuit leg opening. Each step I took, my penis slipped down a little more, until the whole side of my penis was drooped down, and visible. I was only 20 feet after climbing up the ladder and I had over 70 more feet to get past the benches. I looked around; the other swimmers from group two were in front of me walking the same direction I was, but the two spectators in the bleachers could easily see my penis wobbling, drooped at my leg opening.

It only took another 10 feet and I looked back down towards my left side and I could see my fat penis almost completely exposed, drooped down, wobbling and bouncing along my side, with my penis head barely hanging onto the back panel of my swimsuit.

I hadn’t even reached half way down the side of the pool, and the head of my penis slipped out of the back panel and my penis flopped out in full view of some of the swimmers from group one after they climbed up onto their mounts. “Oh shit,” I whispered; as my penis started bouncing off my thigh with a smack and bouncing straight out in front of me before falling back down hitting the other thigh with a smack, each step I took. I was getting very embarrassed and uncomfortable and I found it hard to look in the direction of anyone that may be looking at my me.

I very quickly glanced around and noticed the two spectators in the bleachers were looking at me with a surprised look on their face, two or three of group one swimmers on their mounts were staring in my direction and I believe Coach Johnson was looking at me. I’m not sure where the gasps came from but I heard one or two. There was nothing I could do except keep walking. As I passed the half way point of the pool, my penis continued to bounce off my thigh with a smack and bounce out pointing straight out in front of me before falling back down to the other thigh. I started to get a little tense, and only looked straight ahead. Within the side vision of my eyes, I could now see most of the group one swimmers staring at me, one or two might have been in their diving position. Why hasn’t Coach Johnson blown the whistle yet?

By the time I reached the end of the pool in front of the benches, all six of group one swimmers were staring at me, and as the first swimmer from group two sat down on her bench, she noticed me with a surprised look on her face. The other swimmers walked to their bench and I was able to slip behind the benches to my bench. By this time, with the exception of two or three people from group two, everyone has seen my penis bouncing off my thighs. As soon as I got to my bench, I was emotionally exhausted and stressed; instead of standing, I decided to just sit down on my bench. My mind was exhausted and I sat with my legs slightly spread with my penis hanging over the edge of the bench. The bench was only about 12” off the deck, and I could feel the head of my penis laying sideways on the cold floor.

Coach Johnson finally told group one swimmers, “take your marks.” She waited almost 5 seconds for the swimmers to get into position, before she blew the whistle. After the swimmers from group one got to the ladder and most had climbed out of the pool, Coach Johnson yelled, “group two, get on your mounts.”

I felt exhausted with stress, but I stood up and walked over to the mount and climbed up onto it, and got into position for the dive. As soon as coach blew the whistle, I dove into the water, although I tried, my efforts were lackluster at best. I was the last one that got down to the end and then making my way to the ladder, I stuffed my penis around my side and into my swimsuit. I double checked to make sure it was slightly up higher under the one-inch elastic waist band.

After climbing out of the pool and while walking back, I glanced to my side to see that my penis was slightly more exposed on the top side, and stayed secure all the way back to my bench. The stress of the previous walk back faded quickly. I was relieved that it didn’t fall out again. Although I was greatly relieved that nothing happened during the walk back, I decided to sit down on my bench and deal with any accidents and consequences when I climbed up onto the mount. Since almost everyone has already seen my penis, what’s another couple seconds if it slips out as I climb up onto the dive mount.

My mind was preoccupied on my penis exposure, and it wasn’t until another minute passed and then I realized that Coach Johnson hadn’t blown the whistle to send group one into the water yet. I looked over and noticed she had just finished a conversation with Tina and she immediately yelled, “take your marks,” and blew her whistle three seconds later. Group one dove into the pool and swam to the other end. After they climbed out of the pool, Coach Johnson told group two to get on the mount.

I walked over to the mount and climbed up onto it. To my surprise and relief, my penis didn’t fall out like it did yesterday after sitting on the bench. It wasn’t until I got into my diving position by grabbing the front edge of the mount that my penis slipped out flopped against my right leg which was expected. As soon as she blew the whistle, I dove into the water and I started to feel at ease, and swam as hard as I could. I was feeling a lot of pleasure from the water flowing past my penis. As I reached the end, all the previous stress was finally gone, and my penis was feeling very excited. As I got to the ladder, I heard the coach whistle and looked over towards the coach to see what was going on. The coach said something to one of the other swimmers that was goofing around. When I looked back to the ladder, I noticed that all the swimmers had already climbed out of the pool. I wasn’t concentrating as I quickly stuffed my penis back into my swimsuit. After I climbed up the ladder, and as I placed my right foot onto the deck, I could feel my penis slip out under my swimsuit leg opening and swung around bouncing off my right thigh. I couldn’t believe it; what did I do wrong? I realized I was careless stuffing my penis in my swimsuit and maybe my swimsuit was maybe the elastic band along the leg opening was getting a little stretched. Before moving my left foot out onto the deck, I stood still trying to decide what to do. For a short second, I pondered on stepping back down the ladder into the pool and fix my swimsuit, or . . . or . . . what? That was my only choice, except, I heard the whistle again and noticed all of group one diving into the pool.

I’m not sure what I was thinking, but for some unexplained reason, I stepped out onto the deck with my left foot and turned and started walking towards the other end of the pool. I quickly realized that the coach blowing the whistle distracted me from getting back into the water and fixing my swimsuit, and I quickly found myself with my penis bouncing off my thighs each step I took, smack, smack, smack. My mind was getting a little foggy and numb. I had an opportunity to fix this but I glitched and now I’m walking back with my huge fat penis bouncing off my thighs straight out and falling back against the opposite thigh. The two spectators on the bleachers stared as I walked by and I think they were smiling. I couldn’t believe what I just did, and I decided not to worry about it. With my mind still numb, I noticed something I didn’t notice before, I was feeling sexual pleasure from my penis bouncing off my thighs. I didn’t notice the last time because I was so stressed. I walked all the way back in thoughtless and unthinking mood. For many reasons, including the sexual pleasure I was feeling from my penis bouncing off my thighs, I was not thinking of what I was doing as I turned right after passing the corner of the pool and walked between the benches and diving mounts right in front of my group one swim mates. It wasn’t until I passed the second bench that I realized I was walking only three feet right in front of them with my huge penis bouncing off my thighs. Oh shit, I thought to myself, but continued on, it was too late to turn around and walk behind the last two swimmers sitting on their benches. I finally made it to my bench and sat down. I didn’t feel stressed like I did earlier. I just sat on my bench with my penis hanging over the edge and my penis head laying sideways on the floor. Now I realized that everyone in the pool area has now seen my penis. The only two or three from my group that hadn’t seen it until I walked right in front of them.

After group one climbed out of the pool, Coach Johnson told us to get onto our mounts. I stood up and walked over to my mount and climbed up and stood staring out to the pool for a couple seconds before bending over grabbing the front of the mount. As soon as she blew her whistle, I dove into the pool. I wasn’t feeling stress like the last time and I swam as hard as I could and the sexual pleasure my penis was feeling was unbelievable.

After reaching the end and swimming over to the ladder, I heard the whistle again. I turned to see what was going on and Coach Johnson was yelling at one of the swimmers goofing off. I couldn’t quite make out exactly what she was saying. She was angry this time. The yelling continued for almost 30 seconds. As soon as she finished yelling, she told group one to get onto their dive mounts and turned and walked away from the goofing off swimmer, I turned towards the ladder and noticed that not only did the other swimmers all climb out of the pool, they were almost half way back towards the other end. Oh shit, I moved over to the ladder and quickly climbed up the ladder and as I was about to step out onto the deck, I realized that I forgot to secure my penis in my swimsuit. Of fuck, I thought. I climbed up and I’m now standing at the top of the ladder with my penis out. Not only that, but my left ball is exposed. What the hell, this was 100 percent my fault. I stood at the top of the ladder for almost 10 seconds, and then decided, just go. Just get it over with and go. I stepped out onto the deck and walked with my penis bouncing off my thighs each step I took. I quickly started to feel extreme sexual pleasure of my penis bouncing off my thighs each step I took. I looked down and every step I took it would bounce until it pointed straight out and fall back down to the opposite thigh.

Oh my gosh, the sexual pleasure was even better than what I felt with the water flowing over my penis. Again, I walked all the way back in thoughtless and unthinking mood, this time all that was on my mind was the sexual pleasure from my penis bouncing off my thighs. A couple times I actually kicked with a little extra force in my step causing my penis to fly up farther upwards almost a 45-degree angle up. That was extremely intense. As I reached the end of the pool, again I mindlessly turned and started to walk toward the gap between the benches and mounts, and when I realized what I had done, I tried to change direction towards behind the benches, but it was too late and I almost lost my balance and decided to continue straight to my bench. I walked past all my group mates with my penis bouncing out in front each step until I got to my bench and sat down.

I need to get my mind back on swimming, but with everything that is happening including the extreme sexual pleasure my penis is feeling, I keep messing up. Now everyone has seen my penis at least a couple times, and my group mates have seen it from only 3 feet away. Wait a minute, the gap between the benches and diving mounts is over 10 feet. Why am I walking only three feet away from them. What the fuck am I doing? Why did I do that. I could have walked ten feet away from them, next to the dive mounts. My mind is so overwhelmed, I’m not thinking well. I need to start concentrating on swimming.

As soon as group one climbed out of the pool and was headed back, coach told us to get on our mounts. I stood from sitting on my bench and with my penis flopping side to side, I walked over to the mount and climbed up onto it. I stood upright for a couple seconds, and then got into my diving position. As soon as she blew the whistle, I dove into the water, and swam as hard as I could. The pleasure my penis felt in the water flow was great, but nothing compared to when my penis was bouncing off my thighs. As I reached the end of the pool, and swam over to the ladder, I secured my penis, this time much higher so that it was totally under the 1” elastic band around my waist [actually, hip]. I double checked and even adjusted it slightly higher under the elastic band. I was sure this would keep it from slipping out at my leg opening again.

As soon as the girl in front of me climbed up the ladder, I climbed up and as I reached the top step, and before I stepped out onto the deck, I glanced down to see if everything was okay with my penis. I noticed it was way above the elastic band. My penis was centered on the top edge of the waist band almost all the way around and was showing a lot more over the top of the band. I put it too high. It’s not as bad as walking with my penis completely hanging out, but with the exception of my penis head tucked into the back panel, almost all the way around me they will be able to see the top half of my penis in plain sight. Next time I need to be more careful.

I stepped out onto the deck and as I walked back, I glanced down to my left side and everything seemed to be okay. After only ten feet, I started to feel a slight movement from my penis. I wasn’t sure, so I looked over and from my viewpoint looking down, I couldn’t see the elastic waist band along the side. The elastic waist band had slipped down a little exposing slightly more of the side of my penis, but I didn’t think it would be a problem since my penis head was still tucked in the swimsuit back panel. After four or five more steps, I glanced down again and noticed that my penis was wobbling slightly and I realized that from almost an inch from the front and all along the side of my swimsuit, my penis had completely slipped up above the elastic band, and was resting on the top of the elastic waist band. The front of my penis was still behind the waist band and my penis head was still securely tucked into the swimsuit back panel, but almost all of my penis was totally exposed along the side. I was getting a little nervous because of the wobbling.

I hadn’t even gotten one third of the pool length back and I looked back and watched as the head of my penis kept slipping out so slightly until I could see almost half of my penis head exposed and then, while watching, it slipped out and swung down and over to the right side and waving side to side in front of me. The swimsuit elastic band in front, was holding it up in an arc, keeping my penis from hitting my thighs. For the next three or four steps my penis just swung side to side hanging over the elastic band.

I then started to feel the head of my penis bounce off my thigh, the weight of my penis forced the elastic band down slightly. Each step I took, the weight of my penis forced the elastic band to slip down farther and farther until my penis hung freely and bounced back and forth off my thighs. My penis started to feel the sexual pleasure of smacking against my thighs and bouncing straight out before falling back down to the opposite thigh. I hadn’t even reached the half way point of the pool and the sexual pleasure was building.

On top of the sexual pleasure my penis was feeling from smacking against my thighs, there was another emotional sexual pleasure I started feeling that I didn’t understand. I believe I noticed it very slightly the last walk back to my bench, but I wasn’t sure what it was all about. With both sexual pleasures going on, my mind started to go into a blur.

[ What I didn’t know, was that as the weight of my penis drooped over and hanging over the edge of my swimsuit, forced the elastic band down in front allowing my penis to bounce off my thighs, the swimsuit elastic band all the way around had also slipped down. As I passed the half way point of the pool, my swimsuit in back had slipped down exposing the top half of my butt. Not only my penis exposed out front, but half my butt was also exposed. ]

I continued past the half way point of the pool and the two sexual pleasures I was feeling only became more extreme. My mind was not thinking of anything else but the extreme sexual pleasure, as I continued walking towards the end of the pool.

[ Again, without even knowing it, my swimsuit bottoms continued slipping down little by little. By the time I reached the end of the pool my swimsuit bottoms had slipped down to the top edge of my legs, completely exposing my butt. ]

As I reached the corner of the pool, I wasn’t thinking straight, and I turned to walk between the benches and dive mounts. I was in a blur, the sexual pleasure was too extreme blinding all reason.

[ I didn’t know it, but as I turned to walk past the others, my swimsuit slipped down even more, not only with my butt completely exposed but it had dropped almost two inches down the back of my legs. The only thing holding my swimsuit from falling to the ground was the rough surface of the skin on my balls. After passing three of the benches, my swimsuit even slipped down more in the back and along the sides. ]

As I got within 20 feet of my bench, I slowed my pace down and so that my penis stopped bouncing up into the air and started to only sway side to side slightly. I took much shorter steps until I got to my bench.

[ What I didn’t know was that, the back of my swimsuit had slipped almost eight inches down the back of my legs, just barely hanging on, changing the pace of my walk and allowing my penis to press against the material and my balls was the only thing keeping my swimsuit from falling to the floor. ]

As I got to my bench, I turned and leaned forward slightly to sit down on the bench. As I sat down, something felt odd. I was feeling the surface of the bench on my butt. That isn’t right. I looked towards my back/side and then towards my lap, and that is when I noticed my swimsuit hanging over my legs, hanging down towards the floor. I asked myself. How did this happen? When did this happen? I glanced around the pool area, and then I started to realize that, not only was my penis exposed, but my butt was also exposed. But when did it happen? Was my butt exposed while I was walking past my team mates?

I didn’t have any more time to dwell about my problem because Coach Johnson yelled, “okay group two, get onto your mounts.”

I glanced back down towards my lap, and then a more important question came to mind, how am I going to get to the dive mount without my swimsuit falling to the floor? I could only hope that it wouldn’t. As I stood up my swimsuit held between my penis and balls, did not fall to the floor. I walked over to the mount and climbed up and placed my feet into position for the dive and leaned forward and grabbed the front of the mount. Coach Johnson yelled, “take your marks.”

I leaned back slightly ready for the whistle, and a second before she blew the whistle, I felt something touch my left calf, but didn’t have time to figure out what it was because the coach blew her whistle for us to dive. I dove into the water and swam as hard as I could till, I got to the end.

[ What I didn’t know was, it was my swimsuit that slipped down and fell against my left calf, and as soon as I dove into the water, my swimsuit slipped off my legs and into the pool right in front of the mount. ]

After reaching the end, I reached down to pull up my swimsuit only to find them missing. I had a hunch I lost them while swimming. I treaded water for a couple seconds, and decided my only option was to swim back and find them and put them back on. I swam back in the direction of the mount, but after only about 20 feet, I could hear the sound of a whistle. I stopped and looked in the direction to see Coach Johnson blowing her whistle again, and then yelling, “where are you going?”

[ What I didn’t know was Coach Johnson watched as my swimsuit fell into the pool as I dove off the mount. ]

I replied back, “I . . . I lost my swimsuit. I’m swimming back to find it.”

I must have not said it load enough, because she yelled, “what? Get out of the pool.”

This time I yelled louder, “I lost my swimsuit. I’m trying to find it.”

She walked over to the edge of the pool and looked down into the water and yelled back, “Tina will get them for you, get out of the pool. You can get them when you get back.”

I paused for a couple seconds trying to figure out how to respond, and she yelled again, “go on, get out of the pool, group one is ready to dive.”

I thought to myself, oh crap, and slowly swam towards the ladder. As I swam to the ladder, I nervously pondered; well, everyone has seen my penis, and some of them might have seen some of my butt, but I’ve never been bare ass naked in front of them. As I reached the ladder I hesitated for almost 15 seconds, I was getting more nervous, and tried to think of a solution out of this.

No matter how much I wished for another option, there was none. Coach Johnson, blew her whistle again and yelled, “let’s go, group one is waiting.”

All of group two swimmers had already gotten back and sat down on their benches. I begrudgingly climbed up the ladder and hesitated for a few seconds, as my hips started to emerge above the water. I finally realized, I had no other choice and slowly continued up the ladder until first my butt was completely out of the water and the next step my penis was out of the water. I nervously climbed up the last step and onto the deck, and walked back towards the other end of the pool.

I looked straight ahead and tried not to look at anyone directly. I don’t know why being completely naked in front of everyone seemed more embarrassing then when my penis fell out, but it was. I walked back with my penis smacking against my thighs and bouncing straight out before falling back down to the opposite thigh each step I took.

Before reaching the half way point of the pool, the sexual pleasure my penis felt had overcome my embarrassment, and the other emotional sexual pleasure that I didn’t understand returned. Oh my gosh, the combined sexual pleasures were quickly blurring my thoughts as I continued walking towards the corner of the pool. By the time I reached the corner of the pool, I wasn’t thinking clearly and a total blur and I believe I actually didn’t care, as I turned and walked three feet past my other team mates to my diving mount and looked into the water for my swimsuit. I didn’t see it and asked Coach Johnson, “did you find my swimsuit?”

Coach Johnson walked over and asked Tina, “did you get his swimsuit?”

Tina swam over and she pointed at the return water hole in the pool wall near the top of the pool, giggled and replied, “it went into the return water line to the filter pump.”

[ What I didn’t know, Tina put my swimsuit into the return water hole. ]

Coach replied, “oh my.”
My Stories here at Pantsing and stripping Forums:

Swim Meet viewtopic.php?t=4967

Closed Pool viewtopic.php?t=1383

Richard, Accidental Nudist viewtopic.php?t=1934
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

Part Two

With a surprised look on my face, I looked at Coach Johnson and asked, “huh? . . . Where does that go?”

Coach answered, “that goes back to the filter room. There is a pump basket in the equipment room that will catch it and keep it from going into the pump.”

I asked, “can I go and get it?”

Coach answered, “no the equipment room is locked up for safety reason.” After a short pause, she told me, “I’ll ask the janitor to get it out of the pump basket this weekend.”

I asked, “what am I supposed to do?”

I could hear Tina lightly giggling as Coach glanced at Tina and then looked at me and said, “well, for now you go as you are.”

“Huh?” I replied.

Coach replied, “come see me on Monday, and I’ll give you, your swimsuit. Meanwhile you swim natural.”

“Naked?” I asked.

Coach replied, “yes. Come see me on Monday and I’ll give you back your swimsuit.”

I looked around confused. I wasn’t sure what to say. There were times the extreme sexual pleasure overwhelmed me, but other times, I am still embarrassed being exposed and now bare naked. I turned and walked back to my bench and sat down with my legs spread and my penis drooped over the edge and my penis head laying sideways on the floor.

Group one swimmers had already gotten out of the pool and had returned and sat down on the benches next to group two. All of us were on the benches. I looked over towards Coach Johnson and noticed she and Tina were quietly talking to each other. It only took another couple seconds and Coach yelled, “group two, get on your mounts.”

I stood up and walked over to my mount and climbed up and just stood looking out over the pool. After a couple seconds, coach yelled, “take your marks.”

I bent over and grabbed the front of the mount and leaned back slightly. She blew the whistle and I dove into the pool. Again, I had this strange sensation that I felt the head of my penis hit the water before I entered the water. I swam as hard as I could till I got to the other end. I swam to the ladder and waited for the other swimmers to climb up the ladder. I was feeling a little awkward with my penis floating freely in the water as I waited behind the other swimmers to get out. As soon the last swimmer climbed up the ladder, I slowly climbed up the ladder and I hesitated for a few seconds as my hips started to emerge above the water line. For some reason, I’m not sure why, but I was feeling a slight emotional sexual pleasure as I climbed up the rest of the steps and up onto the deck. I couldn’t figure out why I was feeling the odd emotional sexual pleasure, but it continued as I walked back. My penis started to feel the sexual pleasure of slapping against my thighs flying up in front and back down with each step I took, and the sexual pleasure increased each step I took. The emotional sexual pleasure and my penis sexual pleasure I was feeling was going through the roof. Again, as the previous times, my mind was in a blur.

As I got to the corner of the pool and group two swimmers were sitting down on their benches, group one was still sitting, they didn’t dive off the mounts this time, I turned and for the first time, I walked three feet past both groups of swimmers. Everyone watched as I walked past them bare ass naked with my penis bouncing up and down off my thighs. The sexual pleasure I was feeling was the most intense I’d felt so far, but I didn’t understand it. I didn’t care. As I got to my bench and sat down, Coach Johnson said, “okay, that’s it for today. Take your swimsuits and towels home and wash them and bring them back on Monday. Don’t lose your swimsuit because we don’t have any extra’s. On Monday we will spend the last five minutes walking two laps around the pool. Are there any questions?”

We all stood up and headed towards the changing room. I grabbed my towel and walked naked part of the way towards the exit. As I got closer to the exit, I wrapped the towel around me and tucked it at my waist. The towel was small and I couldn’t tuck it in at my hips, but I could tuck it in higher up at my high waist. I continued to the exit and down the hall, past the coach’s office, past the girls changing room and then entered the boys changing room. I took a quick shower and got dressed for my next class, Art 101.

After all my classes, I took the bus home and spent the some of the weekend on homework, many hours cleaning and skinny dipping in the neighbor’s pool and building a model airplane.


After eating breakfast, I grabbed my rolled-up towel from the laundry room, grabbed my backpack with my school books and ran out the door to jump on the bus. I dropped off my back pack at my hallway locker, and as soon as I got to the changing room, I went to my locker, took off my shoes and clothes off, hung them up in the locker, closed my locker, and rolled out my towel to get my swimsuit . . . wait, where’s my swimsuit?

Oh, Coach Johnson has my swimsuit. I stood staring at my locker for a few seconds, thinking, I need to get dressed so I can go find the coach to get my swimsuit. I thought about it for a second, and realized I could just wrap the towel around me instead of getting dressed again. Besides I was complete naked on Friday, a towel should be fine. I picked up the towel and wrapped it around me and tucked in at midbody [waist]. On my way towards the door, I glanced at the mirror and to my surprise, I noticed my penis was hanging a little more than three inches below the bottom edge of the towel.

Oh my, I need to fix that. I got in front of the mirror and loosened the tuck, and lowered the towel down to cover my penis. I watched the mirror as I lowered my towel and when I got the towel down that completely covered my penis, the towel was at my waist, and very difficult to hold the two ends of the towel together. I looked closer in the mirror and I realized that about a half inch of my penis head was still visible below the edge of the towel. I was concerned about having to hold the top ends of my towel up, and after a couple seconds, I decided to raise the towel back up so that I could tuck it in at my waist, but my penis was clearly hanging a little more than three inches below the bottom edge of my towel.

I was running out of time, and had to get out there before I was late, and decided to just leave it. I walked towards the door and noticed a larger towel hanging on the wall across the room. I thought to myself, I could use that towel, it appears to be much larger, I wonder who it belongs to and would I get in trouble. I hesitated for almost 30 seconds trying to decide if I wanted to switch towels, I had an odd feeling that I wanted to go as I am. I actually wanted to go out there with three inches of my penis exposed below my towel. I walked out the door into the hallway; it felt strange, but a little bit pleasurable walking down the hallway with three inches of my penis exposed and swinging side to side below my towel, I was hoping no one would notice. As I walked out into the pool area, I noticed that there were almost a dozen female spectators in the bleachers. I saw Coach Johnson over between the bleachers and the pool facing away from me, talking to two of the swimmers. I walked up to her approximately three feet away and waited for a few seconds until the two swimmers walked over to their benches. With the large group of spectators in the bleachers, I was hoping they would not notice my penis hanging below my towel. I realized I should have grabbed that larger towel.

I said, “Good morning, Coach Johnson.”

She turned around towards me and replied, “hello Mike, what can I do for you?”

I answered, “on Friday, you told me to come see you.”

She looked at me with a puzzled look, “what? What are you talking about? Oh . . yes, I almost forgot. Yes, I did.” After a short pause she said, “well, I talked to the janitor and there was a minor problem.”

My expression changed to a puzzled look, and asked, “wwwhhhat? What kind of problem?”

She answered, “well, you know I mentioned about the pump basket that catches things in the water return line before the water goes through the pump.”

I replied, “yes.”

She continued, “well, the pump basket sits in a housing with a clear plastic cover. Well, the pump basket was left out because it was broken and they were waiting for a replacement.”

Confused, I replied, “oookkay, what does that have to do with my swimsuit?”

She continued, “well the pump basket is what would have kept your swimsuit from going into the pump.” There was a short pause, and she gritted her teeth for a second, and then said, “the pump shredded your swimsuit.”

I asked, “shredded?”

She replied, “yes, they were completely destroyed. It damaged the pump and they had to replace it over the weekend.”

I’m not exactly sure what I was thinking, but I was hoping that she would allow me to wear my personal boxer style swim trunks, but I asked, “what do I do now?”

She looked at me and then looked down towards my towel for almost 10 seconds, and finally answered, “your only option is to go natural. I talked to the principle and she agreed with me that until we hear back from the district manager, your official school uniform will be natural.”

I gulped, and asked, “my official uniform will be natural? You mean nude?”

She answered, “until we hear back from the district manager, yes.”

I asked, “when do you expect to hear from her?”

She answered, “well, I need to write a letter and send it to her. It shouldn’t take too long before we hear back.”

As I looked around towards pool area, she leaned back slightly to get a better look at my towel and said, “it looks like you are already in your official school uniform,” and at the same time, she reached down and grabbed the towel and pulled it away from my waist, leaving me bare ass naked.

I didn’t expect that, and a little shocked. I didn’t expect to be bare ass naked again in front of everyone and now a dozen new spectators in the bleachers. I could hear some gasps, and I glanced over to see several smiling girls and a couple teacher’s aides.

My mind glitched and again I asked, “when will you hear from the district manager?”

Coach with a little irritation in her voice replied, “I told you already; I’ll send out a letter to her, and as soon as I get an answer back, I’ll let you know.” There was a short pause and she added, “although it might take some time to order and manufacture a new swimsuit”

I thought to myself, oh crap, what is going on with my brain. I asked the wrong question; I wanted to ask her if I could wear my personal swim trunks. But, by the irritation in her voice and the slight angry expression on her face, I can’t ask her what I really wanted to ask.

I finally replied, “okay.” And I turned and walked over to my bench. I thought to myself, Holy crap, I’m naked again. No, it’s even worse, I’m naked until I get a new swimsuit, and we have a swim meet with the other school in less than two weeks. What am I going to wear for that? Wait, did she say . . . oh crap, my official school uniform is nude. Does that mean if they don’t have my new swimsuit made within two weeks, I’ll have to attend the swim meet naked?

As soon as I reached my bench, I sat down with my penis drooped over the edge of the bench and the head of my penis leaning sideways on the cold floor. I waited until the coach sent off group one. I was feeling a little stressed, and decided I need to relax. Stop worrying about my nakedness. Everyone has now already seen me naked, just relax.

Coach Johnson announced to group two, “okay, swimmer four and five have been trained on flip turns last week, and two and three are already trained on flip turns from last year, today swimmer one will train with Tina. Number six you’ll be training with Tina tomorrow.” Number six, that’s me.

Swimmer one got up and walked over to Tina in the two unused lanes on the left.

After group one swam to the other end, and after climbing out, Coach Johnson told group two to get onto our mounts. I stood up and walked over and climbed up the mount and stood there for a couple seconds looking out, and oh crap, there’s the spectators looking at me. I had to remind myself, stop worrying. Coach Johnson, yelled, “take your marks.”

I leaned over and grabbed the front edge of the mount and when she blew the whistle, I dove into the water and swam as hard as I could until I reached the end. I swam over to the ladder, and waited for the other swimmers to climb out of the pool. As soon as the last one climbed out, I climbed up the ladder, but hesitated for almost five seconds with the water at my hips. I then climbed the rest of the way up the ladder, looking straight at the dozen female spectators in the bleachers.

I turned and walked back towards the other end of the pool. For the first three or four steps my penis flopped side to side, wrapping around one leg and then the other until it caught one of my thighs, and then flew straight out in front and fell onto the opposite thigh, back and forth, for the rest of the way. It only took about another 4 or 5 steps and the sexual pleasure my penis felt was feeling good. Then the unusual emotional sexual pleasure started. Before I even got half way back, both sexual pleasures were starting to blur my mind. The sexual pleasure was feeling so extreme, that a couple times I actually kicked with a little extra force in my step causing my penis to fly up farther upwards almost a 45-degree angle up. By the time I reached the corner of the pool, the combined sexual pleasures I was feeling was so extreme, I didn’t care anymore. I continued walking right in front of my team mates to my bench, and sat down.

The sexual pleasure I was feeling decreased slightly, but didn’t go away. Coach Johnson told group two to get onto our mounts. With my penis flopping side to side each step I took, partially wrapping around one leg and then swinging back to the other leg wrapping around the other leg until I got to my mount and climbed up. I got into position for the dive and waited for the whistle.

As soon as coach blew the whistle, I dove into the water and swam as hard as I could. The sexual pleasure I was feeling earlier was still there, and the pleasure I was feeling from the water flowing past my penis just added to the sexual pleasure I was feeling.

After reaching the end and swimming over to the ladder, my penis wiggled in the water like a snake, while waiting for the two girls in front of me to climb up. As soon as the climbed up on deck, I climbed up the ladder starring at the spectators in the bleachers. As I turned and starting walking back, the strongest sexual pleasure I was feeling was the unusual emotional sexual pleasure.

After taking three or four steps past the spectators, it finally occurred to me what that emotional sexual pleasure feeling was all about. I finally realized I was enjoying being seen naked. My extreme shyness and embarrassment every time my penis was exposed, was suppressing my enjoyment of being seen naked. As I walked and my penis started bouncing back and forth off my thighs, the sexual pleasure my penis felt just added to the sexual pleasure I felt being naked in front of everyone. About the time I reached the corner of the pool, I realized the sexual pleasure that I felt being naked was much stronger than all the other pleasures. I couldn’t believe that I was actually enjoying being naked in front of everyone. I walked past my team mates and sat down on my bench with my penis drooped over the edge of the bench and my penis head lying sideways on the floor.

For the next five laps swimming down the pool, the sexual pleasures were unbelievable. After walking back on the seventh lap, Coach Johnson told us to walk two laps around the pool, and bring our towels with us. I didn’t have my towel, since coach took it from me at the start of class. All twelve of us lined up, two side my side. I was in the second row with Christy on my right. Coach Johnson went to her office leaving Tina in charge.

As we walked around the pool with Tina walking up front, at first my penis flopped side to side wrapping around my left leg and then flew across to my right side and partially wrapped around my right leg before flying to the other side, oscillating back and forth. It was enjoyable watching my penis swing side to side wrapping around my legs and the sexual pleasure I was feeling was great, but as we walked about 40 feet down the side of the pool, I kind of kicked my left leg a little bit extra hard and with a twist of my hips, my penis flew straight out and across to the other side and hit Christy, the girl walking next to me on her hand. She was shorter than me. As I immediately apologetically saying, “oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that,”

She giggled and with a big smile on her face she replied, “that’s okay . . . it is huge.”

Christy was a very pretty girl with huge tits. There was only one other girl with larger tits then Christy, and that was Amelia. Amelia, used the dive mount next to mine, and she was behind me as we walked around the pool. Amelia was very cute.

It continued to swing back and forth and the sexual pleasure I was feeling for both being naked and my penis wrapping around my legs was feeling great, until we reached the corner of the pool and turned. My penis hit my right thigh and started bouncing straight out in front of me, bouncing off one leg and then the other, oh, that felt really good. I quickly realized that I had to keep my distance from the girl in front or my penis might hit her. We continued around the pool one lap, and then on the next corner it started swinging side to side again, back and forth wrapping around one leg and then the other. This continued for across the back side of the pool, and as we turned the corner and started to walk the last long stretch of the pool, with my mind in a light blur of sexual pleasures, I don’t know why, but after walking approximately thirty feet, for some strange reason, just showing off or for the fun of it, I started putting a twist in my steps.

As I twisted my hips, my penis flew straight out in front of me all the way to the other side and wrapped around my hips and spanked my left butt cheek. My mind was already in a blur and didn’t expect that and it felt awesome, I twisted my hips again on the next step and my penis flew fast and hard all the way around my hips and spanked my right butt cheek with a loud smack. The sexual pleasure I felt was the most extreme I had ever felt, both my penis getting smacked and my butt getting spanked by my penis. My mind was a blur, as my penis bounced off my butt, I twisted my hip again and it flew around me, wrapped around my hips and spanked my left butt cheek the other direction. I continued to do this four more times, until passing the next corner of the pool, the sexual pleasure was extreme.

As we walked the last short side of the pool along the benches and as the rest headed towards the exit. I walked over to where the coach was standing earlier to look into a bag that was left on the ground since the coach took my towel away from me at the beginning of class. The bag was empty, so I turned to leave and one of the spectators still in the bleachers yelled, “hey, are you looking for your towel?”

I stopped turned in the direction of the bleachers and yelled back, “yes.”

She yelled back, “I think it’s over here.”

I walked in that direction; my penis flopped side to side as I walked over to them. The sexual pleasure I was feeling was still strong. I walked over in front of the spectators and asked, “where?”

She pointed over to something that was behind one of the bleachers half way up. I climbed up the bleachers to where she was pointing at, my penis flopping around erratically side to side each bench I climbed over, and noticed a T-shirt on the lower walking parts of the bleachers. I looked over and said, “no this is not my towel.”

She said, “can that be it on top of the high dive,” pointing at the high dive at the deep end of the pool.

I looked over and replied, “I don’t see what you are pointing at.”

She said, “up on top, you can barely see it.”

I looked again, and replied, “I suppose I can check.” To be honest, I was enjoying climbing around bare ass naked in front of them.

I got down off the bleachers, walked over to the high dive and climbed the ladder. I climbed up far enough that I could see the top was clear. I yelled down, “no, it’s not up here.” I decided to climb the rest of the way onto the high dive and walked out towards the end and stood there for about 15 seconds, lightly bouncing; my penis bounced. Damn, I never dreamed of the day I’d be standing on top of the high dive bare ass naked, it felt exhilarating. I wanted to stand there longer so the girls in the bleachers could watch, but I realized I needed to get to my next class. I stepped off the end of the board and fell straight down into the pool. After surfacing, I swam over to the ladder and climbed up out of the pool.

I then turned and walked towards the exit and hallway. I couldn’t believe I was actually walking down the hallway bare ass naked. I walked past the coach’s office, and just as I was passing the girls changing room door, still walking towards the boys changing room door, I noticed a couple students had just entered the hallway 100 feet down at the other end. Fortunately, the hallway wasn’t that well lit, but I’m sure I was still visible enough that they could see that I was naked. I stepped up my pace and quickly turned into the boys changing room.

I went straight into the showers to take a quick shower. After getting dressed, I was late for Art class, and explained to Miss Johnson, I was delayed because I was looking for my towel. After Art class, I went to the rest of classes for the day until returning home.


I was running a little late, as I walked into the Boy’s Changing room, I walked to my locker and took off my shoes and clothes and put them into the locker. I didn’t have my towel since the coach took it yesterday, I was nervously excited, and I walked out the door into the hallway bare ass naked. I walked out into the pool area and immediately noticed almost a dozen girls in the bleachers. I walked over to my bench and sat down.

Coach Johnson announced, “okay, today swimmer six from group two will practice flip turns with Tina, team one, get on your mount. Tomorrow swimmer one from group one will practice flip turns with Tina.”

I got up and walked over to the two lanes on the left-hand side of the pool. I stepped off the edge of the pool into the water. Tina swam over to me and explained to me about flip turns.

She then demonstrated to me several times how to do a flip turn and had me try it a couple times. She told me I did pretty good; then had me swim down to the other end and back to loosen up. I swam down to the other end of the pool and returned. My penis was feeling pleasure from the water flowing over it, and as usual it got firmer [ not hard, just firmer than flaccid ].

She told me to try it again so she could watch. This time I did the flip turn in front of her and swam up to her. I noticed she had a huge smile on her face and was giggling. I asked, “is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?”

She giggled and replied, “no, you did good. Try it again a couple more times.”

I swam about 30 feet away and flip turned and swam back and did another flip turn right in front of her. After I surfaced, I asked, “how’d I do that time?”

With a big smile, answered, “it was excellent. Have you done these before?”

I answered, “yes, I’ve been practicing in my neighbor’s pool.”

She told me to swim to the other end, flip turn and return.

Right before I swam towards the other end, I noticed Coach Johnson walking towards us. I swam off towards the other end.

[ What I didn’t know, as Coach Johnson got to the edge of the pool, she told Tina, “tell him to hold his legs closer together and maybe it won’t fly up in the air like that.”
Tina, looked up at coach and replied, “it is just fine the way he’s doing it. I want him to keep doing it just the way he is.”
Coach Johnson smiled, giggled and said, “okay, if that’s what you want.”
Tina with a big smile replied, “I think it’s perfect. Please don’t ask him to change.”
Coach Johnson smiled and replied, “okay. This is on you.” And walked back to her spot. ]

After getting to the other end, I flip turned and swam back to Tina and did another flip turn in front of her.

[ What I didn’t know, was every time I did a flip turn after swimming a while and my penis got firm from the pleasure, while doing the flip turn, my penis would fly up out of the water, through the air in an arc between my legs splashing in the water on the other side. In other words, while flipping, the only thing people would see would be my feet and my penis flying up out of the water, between my legs in an arc, splashing at the other side.” ]

I swam up to her and asked, “how am I doing so far?”

“Perfect,” Tina replied. Tina had me practice flip turns back and forth within a 20-foot spread, ten feet on either side of her for the next 30 minutes.

[ Each time my penis flew up in an arc between my legs and splashed on the other side. ]

Coached announced that swimmers one, two and three from group one are already trained in flip turns and swimmer four from group one will train with Tina tomorrow. Tina is in charge for the walk. I got out of the pool, and joined the others walking two laps around the pool.

While walking around the pool for the first lap, my penis bounced off my thigh out in front of me straight out and falling back to the opposite thigh, each step causing extreme sexual pleasure. As we started walking the back stretch along the deep end of the pool, Christy the girl that I accidentally hit her hand with my penis the day before asked, “why aren’t you walking with a twist like you did yesterday?”

With a slight blush, I replied, “Huh? Oh, that. Why do you ask?”

Behind me I heard Amelia say, “We’d love to see you do that again.”

I couldn’t believe they actually wanted to see me do that, I replied back, “maybe on the last long stretch of walking around the pool.”

As we turned the corner to the last long stretch of the pool, my penis bounced erratically off to the side and started wrapping around one leg and then back over to the other leg. After a couple more steps, I started putting a twist in my steps.

As I twisted my hips, my penis flew out in front of me all the way to the other side and wrapped around my hips and spanked my left butt cheek. I twisted my hips again on the next step and my penis flew fast and hard all the way around my hips and spanked my right butt cheek with a loud smack. The sexual pleasure I felt was extreme, both my penis getting smacked and my butt getting spanked by my penis. My mind was a blur, as my penis bounced off my butt, I twisted my hip again and it flew around me, wrapped around my hips and spanked my left butt cheek the other direction.

All the time, I could hear Amelia, Christy and one or two other girls giggling.

I continued to do this three more times, the last time, after bouncing off my left butt cheek, I then twisted my hips as hard as I could, my penis flew fast and hard all the way around my hips and with a loud smack, slapping across, spanking both butt cheeks. The pleasure was unbelievable.

As we walked the last short side of the pool along the benches and we headed towards the exit. We walked out the exit and down the hall. The girls turned into their changing room and the last three of us boys to the boys changing room. After a quick shower, I got dressed and went to art class.

For the next two days, we practiced swimming as we had done previously. On the last day of the week, we started practicing using the flip turns at the deep end of the pool and again at the shallow end and ending up at the deep end. We’d get out of the pool and walk back to our bench’s.

At the end of class on Friday, Coach Johnson announced to the class, “we will be getting ready for the swim meet for the week after next. We have one week to get ready. The swim meet with Sunvale Summit will be after classes for the day and we’ll have an audience of almost 500 people.

For Monday and Tuesday, the following week, we practiced swimming laps just as we’ve done for the past week and a half. The spectators in the bleachers increased to about 20 each day.

On Wednesday, on my way to swimming, I was interrupted in the hallway about a school project I was working on. I was running late, but I finally made it to the changing room. As I entered the changing room, I noticed my locker door was already wide open. I quickly got undressed, threw my clothes into the locker and slammed the door shut and quickly made my way to the pool. Coach Johnson was irritated that I was late, and barely made it for my first practice swim lap.

After class and our two laps around the pool, after walking into the changing room, I opened my locker and it was empty. I was shocked and asked the other two boys, “okay, who took my clothes?”

Jim and Steven, both told me they were out in the pool the whole time. Hmmm, I knew they were telling me the truth, so I walked down the hall Coach’s office and told her, “someone stole my clothes.”

She looked at me and replied, “why would someone steel your clothes?”

I answered, “I don’t know. My locker is empty.”

She said, “hmmmmmmmm. Let’s go see.”

We walked down to the changing room, and asked me to check and make sure everyone in the locker room was dressed. I checked and both Jim and Steven were dressed and, on their way, out of the changing room. I looked around and then came out into the hallway and told her, “the coast is clear.”

We walked into the changing room and she followed me to my locker and I opened it and showed her it was empty. She took a deep breath and said, “well, wrap your towel around you and we’ll go to art class. We can call your parents and ask them to bring you some fresh clothes to the main office.”
I was a little bit concerned about walking all the way to art class wearing nothing but a towel, but it also felt a little daring. I’d never been anywhere else in the school naked before. I was feeling a little confused, with a mixture of shyness and daring.

We heard the second-class bell and coach said, “oh crap, we’re late, and we have to get to the other end of the building.”

I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me and tucked it at my waist. We left the changing room in a hurry and were walking fast down the natatorium hallway towards the main hallway. As we entered the main hallway. The main hallway was mostly empty with only a few students behind us going the opposite direction to their class.

Just as we quickly walked into the art class door, Miss Johnson walked straight ahead towards her desk and I followed and turned to right to quickly walk towards my desk. As I entered the room, I bumped my waist on a table next to the door. After quickly walking almost 15 feet from the door, I found myself bare ass naked with my towel falling and sliding on the floor over next to one of the students desk. In an instant, I had a huge mixture of feelings, including embarrassment, and excitement. I was totally embarrassed, yet totally excited. The class laughed and many of the girls had a shocked look on their face. Two of the girls that were also in my swim class giggled.

The whole class and Miss Johnson watched as I stood there naked for a couple seconds and walked back towards my towel. Before I even got half way to my towel, the girl sitting at that desk, reached down and grabbed it, acted as if she was going to hand it to me and with a big smile tossed it towards the other side of the classroom. Standing bare ass naked with my fat penis hanging down past my knees, I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know what to say.

Miss Johnson while walking to the door and closing it, spoke up and said, “hmmmm, you know what, maybe it’s time we do some natural figure drawing. Mike come up here and have a seat on this stool, and everyone can draw you.”

I didn’t know what to say, I especially didn’t expect this. I’d never been bare ass naked anywhere out of the pool are of the school before. After hesitating for few seconds, I slowly walked up front and climbed up on this tall stool and sat down. I rested my feet on some rungs on the stool, with my penis hanging over the over the edge of the stool.

Miss Johnson handed out sheet of drawing paper and pencils and told everyone to draw me, and turn in their drawings at the end of class.

After sitting there for almost an hour, I asked Miss Johnson about my clothes. In a surprised look, she said, “oops, I totally forgot about contacting your parents for your fresh clothes.”

A minute later, the end of class bell rang, I climbed down off the chair and walked over and picked up my towel and wrapped it around me and tucked it in at my waist. I looked at Miss Johnson and asked, “what do I do now for my next class?”

Miss Johnson asked, “what is your next class?”

I told her, “It’s Algebra with Miss Smith.”

Miss Johnson smiled and said, “don’t worry, Miss Smith will understand. I’ll go with you and explain the problem with her.”

We walked down the hall towards Miss Smith’s classroom and I said, “wait, I need to get my book bag from my hallway locker.”

Miss Johnson said, “okay, you get your book bag and I’ll talk to Miss Smith.”

Miss Johnson, walked into Miss Smith’s classroom and I walked past Miss Smith’s classroom to my locker and as I reached in to pick up my book bag from the bottom of my locker, someone bumped me, causing me to lose my balance slightly and as I put my other hand against the locker next to mine, my towel dropped to the floor.

Oh shit, I was standing bare ass naked in the hallway with many kids walking around. I immediately dropped my book bag and reached down and quickly grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me.

Oh shiiitttt. These mixed feeling of extreme embarrassment and excitement is driving me crazy. I’m not sure what to do. I looked around, pick up my book bag off the floor and closed my locker door and walk towards Miss Smith’s classroom holding my algebra book.

As I walked into Miss Smith’s classroom, Miss Smith laughed while Miss Johnson giggled.

She turned to Mis Smith and said, “okay, is there anything else I can do for you? I got to get back for my next art class.”

Miss Smith said, “don’t worry about it, I’ll deal with it. Mike, take your seat. Class, someone stole Mike’s clothes while he as in Swim class.”

I walked over and sat down at my desk. With my towel wrapped around my waist and long enough over my knees, my penis was hidden.

[ Almost. What I didn’t know, the tip of the head of my penis was hung approximately one inch below the edge of the towel. Fortunately, not many noticed. ]

When the end of class bell rang and students got up to leave, I asked Miss Smith if she could help me explain to my next teacher, Mrs. Carlson my English teacher, my predicament. She wrote a note for me to give to Mrs. Carlson.

After attending English class, and Lunch I went to the main office. I asked the lady at the counter, “have my parents brought me some fresh clothes.”

She looked at me and asked, “what clothes?”

“Coach Johnson said she’d have someone contact my parents to drop me off some fresh clothes.”

She replied back, “No. I haven’t seen Miss Johnson since yesterday”

I thought to myself, the day was more than half over and I’ve only got three classes left. By the time my parents get here, the day will be over.

I attended the last three classes, and after I put my books back in my locker, it occurred to me that I need to ride the school bus home. I didn’t think about this and quickly made my way to Miss Johnson’s art classroom. I told her, “my parents never brought my fresh clothes to the main office.”

She looked at me and said, “oh, I completely forgot. I’m sorry.”

I told her, “I need to ride the bus home. Can you tell the bus driver about my situation?”

She answered, “Oh, I didn’t think about that”

She replied, “okay, let’s go.” We walked up to the bus, and Miss Johnson explained to the bus driver the situation.

After the bus dropped me off at the end of the cul-de-sac road, I had to run all the way down the street to home. Fortunately, my parents weren’t home since they work in Sunvale Summit.

On Thursday, when I got to the boys changing room, undressed, put my clothes into my locker, and walked out into the pool area. Coach Johnson stopped me and asked, “where did you put your clothes yesterday?”

I replied, “I put them in my locker.”

She looked at me and said, “is it possible you put them in someone else’s locker?”

I answered, “no . . . what are you getting at?”

She answered, “Could you have thrown your clothes into a locker next to yours?”

“Oh crap. I just remembered, my locker door was open when I walked into the changing room. I was in a hurry and just threw my clothes into my locker . . . hmmmm. That wasn’t my locker was it?”

She answered, “no, it was someone else’s locker. Your clothes are in a bag next to your bench.”

I asked, “am I in trouble?”

She answered, “no. Everything worked out fine.”

At the end of swimming laps, Coach Johnson asked me to come see her before I get dressed. After walking two laps around the pool, I brought the bag of clothes from yesterday with me and stopped by her office and asked, “is there something wrong?”

She answered, “no, I just want to ask you to come to class and pose again. Some students told me they enjoyed yesterday’s drawing exercise and would like to do it again.”

I said, “sure.”

She said, “did you bring a fresh towel?”

I answered, “yes.”

She said, “okay, get your towel and let’s go.”

I went into the boy’s changing room, put the bag of extra clothes into my locker and got my towel out of my locker, wrapped it around my waist and tucked it in. After getting to the art classroom, Miss Johnson closed the door told the class, “Mike is going to pose for us again today.”

I walked up front and she had a regular chair sat up on top of a box. I removed my towel and sat down. As soon as the end of class bell rang, I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around and tucked it in at my waist. It was crowded in the hallway with kids going to their next class. I was walking as fast as I could, and as I got within 80 feet of the hallway leading to the pool, someone bumped into me causing me to lose my towel. “Oh shit,” I said, looked around for my towel, but it was over 10 feet behind me with another student standing on it. I decided to run bare ass naked the last 70 feet to the pool hallway, and down the pool hallway to the Boy’s changing room and got dressed.
My Stories here at Pantsing and stripping Forums:

Swim Meet viewtopic.php?t=4967

Closed Pool viewtopic.php?t=1383

Richard, Accidental Nudist viewtopic.php?t=1934
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