Modesty No More by Hawk

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Modesty No More by Hawk

Post by PhilMarlowe »

Hawk wrote: Modesty No More by Hawk

The bell rang to signal the start of the school day. Being late, as usual, Emily rushed up the winding staircase towards the front door of the school and just as she reached the gate, a glass bottle fell from the sky above instantly shattering on the ground. No label was present among the shards scattered on the concrete. The content of the mysterious bottle flowed across the ground in all directions, nearly touching Emily's shoes before she stepped to the side. There was nowhere this bottle could have fallen from and there wasn't anyone in the area that could have thrown it. The glass container had seemingly fallen from the heavens but whatever was inside was now wasted on the ground. The concrete was hot in the summer but Emily noticed something strange. The liquid was beginning to turn to steam and evaporate into the air. The aroma was incredibly sweet, almost to the point of being foul. She covered her nose as the steam formed quicker and the smell became more and more overpowering until there was nothing left but the broken glass. Emily continued into school, later than usual, and told the security guard at the front door about the heaven sent bottle. Annoyed with his job, he of course had to clean up the broken glass but seemed uninterested in the magical evaporating elixir that was inside of it. The two went in opposite directions as Emily hurried to class.

First period was mythology. It wasn't a class Emily particularly cared for, but it gave her a much needed English credit and it was better than taking public speaking. Emily had been shy her whole life, barely talking to anyone that she didn't know very well. As a result she was sometimes awkward since she never learned how to properly hold a conversation. The class discussed Cupid and different variations of the tale told throughout the world, but Emily's mind was focused on the real events that had transpired earlier. Mythology obviously wasn't real so why bother even learning about it in school was a thought she often had. But with the sudden mention of a mating potion falling from the sky, Emily's ears perked up. Mythology was starting to sound familiar. She kept listening.
"Apparently anyone who drank the liquid from this potion would fall in love and get married. It was a sign that the time was right to have children."
Emily couldn't tell if the teacher's words put her at ease or worried her more. She didn't drink any of the liquid from the bottle so on one hand she's safe. But at the same time she was only eighteen and the thought of having children so young was terrifying. What were they even talking about? She cursed herself for not paying attention earlier. Could the bottle from the sky be the same as the one told in the myth? No, of course not, she thought, but maybe...

Usually myths were created to explain things that people did not understand, like why it rains, or why the sun goes down at night. But this bottle.. what could it be trying to explain? Why would a story like this exist? Emily found herself not paying attention again, she suddenly returned her focus back to the conversation of the class.
"I particularly like this one because depending on which version you read the potion could be either a curse or a blessing. Apparently it changed people's lives. The version where the potion was consumed was told as if it brought life to the village. Whereas the version it was refused was said to bring sin with it."
Emily heard the words but did not react to them. After all it was a myth but still it felt like she was missing a piece of the story. Once again she kicked herself for not paying attention. Maybe she should ask the teacher about it after class? After careful consideration she decided not to. It would be weird to do that and besides, it was an ancient myth that couldn't be true. As class ended, the blue uniform that students wore created a sea of people exiting the room. Emily walked past the teacher, once more considering asking her about the myth. She made eye contact as she walked by the teacher who wore a slight, almost fake looking smile.

At home, Emily googled the myth of a love potion. Tons of stories came up but nothing like what she experienced. Not even anything like what was discussed in class. Almost as if the stories didn't exist at all. She knew they were talking about it in class or at least that's how she remembered it. Of course she wasn't listening for the whole story but the parts she heard seemed to match up.
"I must be in my own head," she thought to herself. Without hearing the whole story, there was no way to tell if what she had experienced matched up the way she thought it did. That's right. It must just be her imagination filling in the blanks as there was no mention of it evaporating or of a strong odor coming from it. She thought more. Was she sure she was even remembering it right? Nothing would just evaporate like that in the first place, it wasn't hot enough. She stopped her research there and went to shower.

She peeled off her long, light blue socks and threw them into the pile of clothes that was her school uniform and stepped into the shower. The shower was the perfect place to clear her mind. She stayed in longer than usual. After drying off, she gathered her discarded uniform off the ground. Her mind now focused on how many outfits she had left before she had to do laundry. She carried her clothes back like she did every other day and walked past her brother in the hall. His expression was a mixture of shock and confusion as he stared at Emily. She stared back at him, also confused. He looked like he had something to say but bit his tongue. She returned to her room and closed the door. Tossing the uniform in a laundry, the light of her room highlighted her own nakedness. The darkness outside contrasted with the spotlight of her room that she stood in the center of. Did she always walk back to her room nude? It was hard to remember. It felt natural but also unnatural as if she usually did something else. Earlier she had created a pile of clothes that she would put on after her shower, and they grabbed her attention. That's right, she usually got dressed in the bathroom after showering. The lingering feeling that something was wrong stuck in her head. Why would she have forgotten? Something was on her mind earlier, she must have been thinking about that. What was it, again?

The bell rang to signal the start of first period. Once again, Emily was running late. Surely she would get a detention this time. Her school was usually strict about attendance but Emily was a special case. Because she kept mostly to herself and was a great student to have in class, the school was quicker to forgive her than some of the more rowdy students. But even for her this was too much. As she entered the front door, walked past the security guard, and turned the corner past the vice principal's office, she heard her name called. She turned to see the vice principal himself standing halfway out the door, signaling her into the office. Inside there was a few moments of awkward silence.
"You know why you're here right?" Inquired the vp.
"Is it because of my tardiness?" Emily meekly answered back. Of course it was. The vp looked down and then back up at Emily with a complete change of emotion from sincere to furious.
"Sit with your legs closed when you wear a skirt, Jarburn." He called her by her last name. She closed her legs quickly without breaking eye contact. "Usually when students break the rules they get sent home. But what should I do with you? I don't see how that would be very productive seeing as how attendance is one of your problems," obviously alluding to the fact that she just exposed her underwear to him accidentally. Again there was silence. "No suggestions, Jarburn?"
"I don't know," was the only answer she could think of on the spot.
"Well we have a program maybe you'd be interested in. Want to hear it?"
"As a new form of punishment, we've considered exempting students from following the dress code." A strange kind of punishment and one Emily would hate. Being the only one not in the uniform would single her out, draw attention to her. It would be awkward and a little embarrassing in a way. The vp continued. "Instead of wearing the usual uniform, you'd be fully naked for the rest of the day. How does that sound?" AWFUL. That would be a nightmare for anyone. Her spine shivered at the thought. Her body froze in time. Her mind suddenly blanked out. The vp spoke again. "Alright then if you're going through with this, sign here." Did she agree to this? Of course she wasn't going to go through with it. She was only late to class, she didn't deserve this. She began to speak but lost her words when she looked at the paper. She had already signed it and the vp was now tucking it away inside a filing cabinet. What was going on?
"Okay you can leave your clothes in here and head to class then. You may pick them up at the end of the day. I'll inform your teachers." Wait wait wait. When did she agree to this? When did she even sign that paper? She couldn't remember any of that happening. Her body moved robotically. Standing up on shaky legs and dropping her backpack into the chair. She didn't remember agreeing to this but her body was moving on it's own. Her mind was trying to figure out what just happened but her hands began to unbutton her shirt. How could this be happening to her? She was always so modest and now she was undressing herself in school? She couldn't even explain her own actions. She placed the blue shirt on the principal's desk.

Her own thoughts hit her like a train. She remembered that bottle that appeared before her. What was so special about it, she could not recall. She placed her skirt on the desk. That liquid that evaporates had such a strange smell. It was so strong. Slowly she began to remember. She placed her shoes and socks on the desk. The conversation in mythology appeared again in her mind. She was barely paying attention to it but it seemed so important. Why wasn't she listening to it? Her mind was in pieces. Nothing was making any sense as she slowly recalled the events of yesterday. She placed her bra on the desk. After she showered yesterday, why didn't she get dressed in the bathroom? What was wrong with her? Her mind tried to fill in the gaps but it didn't make any sense. She was about to be completely naked in front of the vice principal. As she stepped out of her panties she once took one last look at herself. She was naked before she knew it and was still trying to remember what happened yesterday. She placed her panties on the desk. Now fully naked in school, the gravity of the situation hadn't quite hit her yet. She didn't feel nearly as embarrassed as she thought. She had stripped naked without a second thought. That's right. She remembered getting naked so nonchalantly. She knew she should be embarrassed but instead of humiliation she felt... normal. She couldn't recall what she was so nervous about in the first place. What was she thinking about just then, she tried to remember. Must not have been that important.

In one hand she carried her backpack, in the other a small mat given to her to place on the chair before she sat down. Both remained by her side as she walked unashamedly through the hall. Her body completely bare from head to toe, not even a pubic hair to cover herself. She couldn't remember shaving but she must have recently as her vagina was totally bald. She walked slowly in the hall. Being naked felt natural even though she was in school. She had a hard time believing that she was once so scared about something like this. She arrived to her mythology class, opened the door, and met the gazes of everyone staring. The teacher was informed that Emily would be nude and judging by the reactions of the students, she must have told them as well. Emily greeted the teacher and sat down. All eyes were on her, but instead of being embarrassed, she got a little turned on. The teacher tried to conduct class normally but no one could ignore the beautiful naked girl. The teacher had to win them back, scolding everyone and demanding their attention. But now Emily also wanted their attention. Her pussy was pulsating and drawing her hands to it.

With one hand, Emily began to play with herself. She rubbed her clit in circles, instantly drawing back the students attention. Their teacher was writing on the board. With a huge smile across her face, Emily reached down with her other hand and inserted one finger. Shamelessly masturbating in class, what had she come to? She could barely believe it herself. Her pussy was nearly dripping wet as she played with herself. Everyone watched as the quiet girl fingered herself mercilessly behind the teacher's back. She could feel it building up in her body, starting from her legs and shooting up her spine. Her body moving on it's own, Emily couldn't control herself as she came in front of everyone. The teacher turned back around and looked at Emily. But it was too late. She had already moved her hands away and tried her best to look normal immediately having the best orgasm of her life. When class dismissed, Emily shot out of her seat, proud to show off her immodest body and eager to be seen by many more in he hallway. She walked confidently, showing off her totally nude body.

Stepping into the hallway, her throbbing wet pussy of course being the center of attention. Her ass jiggled, her tits bounced, and she smiled at the thought of everyone looking at her. Never had she been so horny in her life but in that moment she wanted everyone to look at her. Her face portrayed the complete excitement she was feeling. Hundreds stared as she walked through the hall. Many recorded on their phones. Once again she felt helpless to stop the urge to masturbate this time in front of so many more people. She was powerless to resist how she truly felt and the only thing she truly felt was horny. She stopped and sat down on a bench in the hall. A huge crowd that had been following her watched in anticipation of her next move. Most people didn't even try to hide the fact that they were recording this girl in what was supposed to be the most humiliating moment of her life.
"Make sure you all get a good video of this!" She exclaimed to the flock of boys filming her. Emily gave in to the urges again and lifted her legs into the air and over her head. She tucked the soles of her feet behind her head, stretching her legs and fully pointing her bald pussy and asshole to the crowd. Everyone stepped closer. Getting as close to her naked sopping pussy as they could without getting their phones wet. Emily's hands moved instantly to her vagina. Rubbing her clit and putting two fingers inside of herself. She stared directly into the cameras, completely careless of them filming her most private parts. Her hands moved on their own again until she came.

She lost complete control of her body, not just in the sense that she was masturbating in school for everyone to see, but in the way that she could barely move after having an orgasm so great. The bell rang for next period.
"Sorry, gotta get to class," she barely managed to get the words out. She had turned into a complete slut in just a few hours. She was the quietest girl in school just yesterday, and now everyone in school, no, the whole world would be able to see her shamelessly orgasm in public with a huge smile plastered on her face. Next period was math. Word had already spread about her being naked in school. Now there were rumors about her masturbating too. Of course math was very similar to her mythology class. She couldn't stop herself from masturbating. And the next periods passed the same way. By the time she got her study hall, everyone in school had seen her masturbating either in person or on video.

During her study hall she went to the library. The teaches still unaware of the shows Emily was giving to everyone. Her pussy was bright red and sore from all the play time she's had with it but the librarians still didn't question her. they were uncomfortable being around a totally naked student like that even though Emily had no problems with it. Everywhere she went she gathered a crowd and before long she had a group of hawks watching her closely in the library wanting a live show. She whispered to them all, "follow me." And the group walked out of the library. They walked through the school to the boys locker room and Emily confidently walked inside. Most of the boys at that point were skeptical about it even though they were the ones that were allowed in and not her. Any girls in the crowd left at that point. The locker room was empty, Emily walked right to the shower and turned it on. She stood under the cold water, covering her body in goosebumps. The boys filmed her shining wet body and she made sure to give a good show. She wasn't in control of her body as she rubbed her clit in the freezing water and came again. She kept going this time, reaching for her bum. She bent over to give a good view and slowly stuck a finger in her asshole all while rubbing her vagina. Once again her body gave in and she came. She turned the water off, dried off with a random boys towel and walked out of the locker room with the crowd following her. Her mind suddenly went blank. Before she knew it she was at home and fully clothed. And soon she was in bed and asleep.

She woke up the next day, her whole body sore and aching, especially her sex. She couldn't quite recall the events of yesterday. She was in for a surprise when she arrived back at school.

"Emily," the vice principal called out to her. "I thought you were continuing with the program." Emily had arrived on time to school today, but perhaps it didn't matter. She turned to look at her vice principal calling her from behind.
"Program?" She hadn't a clue what he was talking about. The other students watched her intently. Not being on time meant that she usually walked the halls alone in the morning. She hated the feeling of attention on her, and for once her phobia didn't seem to be in her head. Every student was staring at her, and quite rudely at that.
"Please, step into my office."
Inside she sat awkwardly, confused about what this program was. She couldn't remember the events of yesterday at all. She was late for school, got called into the vp's office and that's about it. No memories had formed past that point. The vp spoke...

Had she really done that? What was going on? Apparently yesterday she went to class totally nude but how could she forget something like that? And she willingly agreed to do it again today? Impossible. Her head spun, trying to remember but to no avail. Yesterday never happened for her. But this paper that the vp had pulled out had Emily's name signed to the bottom. It must have been forged. A shy girl like Emily would never agree to such a thing, no matter the circumstances. Does this mean that everyone in school saw her naked? What happened? The only thing that came to mind was that bottle from the sky. Was she cursed? Her eyes shut tight as she collected her thoughts. In her head, time stood still but in the real world, time continued. She thought for a long while about that bottle. The comfortable, cushioned chair she sat in now felt more like a hard slab of metal. Yesterday was still a blur but her thoughts were interrupted by lecturing. It sounded like a female, was someone else in the room besides the vp? She opened her eyes and found herself staring at the whiteboard in her mythology class. It was cold in the room, the linoleum floor was especially brutal on her barefeet. Barefeet? Her body went numb as she looked down to see her bare chest and legs in the seat of her mythology class. Her hands shot to cover up her nudity, one hand on each breast, and her legs snapped close. Her back instinctively hunched over to shield the rest of herself. The sudden awareness of being naked in class, and everyone staring at her... Her worst nightmare had come true. Her seat jerked from the sudden attempt to retain her modesty, which was noted by the teacher.
"Everything alright, Emily?" The question brought all focus onto her.
"I.. don't know-" she was cut off by her teacher.
"Suddenly feeling embarrassed?" The question came out in a teasing manner, the whole class laughed. Emily's face was already flush red, it couldn't possibly have gotten any worse. The teacher carried on the lecture instantly, but the class continued to watch her squirm. Wasn't she just in the vp's office? How could she have even gotten here? It was a question she couldn't answer. All eyes remained on her, waiting for it to happen. Time moved slowly for everyone. The anticipation of the class never died off, and neither did the complete humiliation for Emily. A fragment of a memory from class two days prior came to her. What had the teacher said again? She was barely paying attention, but the words came into her head clearly. " overcoming their worst fear." What had it meant? What did it pertain to? She couldn't remember.

Class ended and all the blue uniforms rose from their seats. She covered herself very carefully, making sure not to show anything to the rest of the class. But if they couldn't stare at private parts from the front, it just meant that they would watch from behind. Emily was the first to step into the hall, the wave behind her soon mixed in the ocean in the hallway. Her legs shook with every step. So many people were looking at her. It was all she could think about. These people were now watching her walk naked through the hall. What the vice principal said rang through her head. That's right. Everyone must have already seen her naked yesterday, and now she was willingly continuing this humiliation. Except that she wasn't. Had she really ever agreed to this? She kept her face pointed at the ground to not make eye contact. If she could just ignore them.. *FLASH* A camera went off. She almost stopped walking. No way.. They were taking pictures of her? She picked her head up to look around. There were so many of them. All recording and taking pictures of her. Her voice failed her now but her legs kept her up. Unable to speak, for herself, the a boy from the crowd spoke first, "No show today?" He spoke it with a chuckle. Her heart sunk in this sea of people. The crowd murmured, trying to contain their own enjoyment at Emily's expense. She finally turned her head towards the boy and spoke.
"wh..wha-t are you talking about?" Her voice was shakier than her legs. The boy swiped through his phone for a moment, and then turned it towards Emily to show her a picture he had taken. Pins and needles covered Emily's body. Her feet went numb, almost causing her to lose balance along with becoming light headed. It was her on the phone. Her chest bare and exposed and her legs lifted above her head. Her face was completely visible, with a huge smile, and lustful eyes. A grey play button covered her down below.

It was a video?! The boy reached his finger around and tapped it precisely, hitting the play button that covered her vagina with deadly accuracy. She could almost feel his touch on herself through the phone. The play button vanished, showing Emily her own bare pussy and asshole. The video played. Emily watched, mortified of what she was doing to herself. Two hands on her pussy, one on her clitoris, and the other with a finger inserted fully. She watched herself shamelessly and furiously masturbate with a crowd watching. Her own juices spilling out onto her legs until she reached an orgasm. Emily turned her head away from the phone, still not blinking, her mind completely empty. She walked like a humiliated zombie to math class. The realization of not only everyone in school seeing you naked but also masturbate and orgasm right in front of them broke any spirit she had left. She arrived in math, still needlessly covering up, her mind racing, totally demoralized and humiliated. How could she not remember doing that? How could she even do that in the first place? But the proof was there. She accepted that it happened but refused to believe it. Math came and went without her paying any attention. How could she think about anything else? Back in the hallway she kept her head down and her privates covered. She headed for next period. *SMACK* Emily froze. Her head shooting up in shock. Someone gave her a hard slap on the butt. *SMACK* And then again. She spun around quickly to see who it was. It was no one she recognized but it didn't matter anyways. Not like she would or could do anything about it. He reached towards her and shouted, "Stop pretending to be so modest!" His hands grabbed her forearms and yanked them off her body and into the air. A shocked expression was stuck to her face as her nudity was presented to the hawks watching and filming her. Her mind went blank.

Emily snapped back to reality. She was already in her next period class. No, was this last period? Had she passed out? She couldn't remember what happened after that kid grabbed her arms. She stood in the center of her health room. The realization dawned on her, this wasn't her class. Why was she here in front of all these freshman? The teacher spoke. "Emily has kindly offered..." she stopped listening and looked at the clock. It was the time of her study hall and she heard enough to know why she was here. Her hands had been resting at her sides, as these kids four years younger than her stared at her. She surrendered herself to what was coming, a thorough examination. The embarrassment never stopped. Couldn't he just show the class the videos? They had probably seen them already anyways. She steamed, partly from anger but mostly from humiliation of being treated like an object. "Please, class, no phones out during this time.' Did the teachers not know? They must not. As her mind tried to assess the entire situation, she submitted herself to letting the teacher put her into position. How many videos were there anyways? Emily's mind was somewhere else and before she knew it, she was spread eagle with a bunch of drooling freshman string at her pussy. She continued thinking about everything that had happened so far. It all started with that bottle. What was that anyways? Her mind went blank again.

She found herself this time on the bus after seemingly being transported away. What was she doing? Her clothes were still missing but the bus was already in motion. She found herself being watched from all angles. Every seat around her was filled with students, each one with a piece of her clothes in one hand and a phone in the other. She felt wet between the legs, and already knew what it meant. She decided to speak up.
"ummm can i have my clothes back now?" A fair question but the bus jerked to a stop. It was already one stop past hers. Dread and panic had set in long ago but it was getting worse. No one else said anything. She gave in, and walked to the front of the bus before it drove further away from her house. She covered herself with the backpack, stepping into public, totally nude. The bus drove off. Two other kids had gotten off at this stop and watched her ass jiggle as she hurried towards her house. It would be only about a five minute walk. She tried her best to avoid anyone seeing her but when you streak down the sidewalk, there's bound to be a few people catching a glimpse. Having returned home now, Emily tried to piece together what was happening and what had already happened. She had personally been shown a few videos throughout the day. One of her in the shower, a few of her in class, the one in the hall and some others. Every inch of herself had been shown off. How did she even get in this situation to begin with? It still escaped her. She got ready for tomorrow.

Emily stared at the front gate of her school. This was her final year that had just started two weeks ago and was already the worst of her life. She never liked school, she was too quiet to ever make tons of friends and be outgoing. All she really wanted was to be left alone but there were always times when her teachers forced her to be active in discussions and the likes. None of it came close to the awful start of this year. The last two days had been a blur. Hardly able to remember anything about them, she did, however, manage to figure out the gist of what was happening. Somehow she joined a program where she went to classes naked and for some reason she was masturbating in front of her peers for most of the day. The bottle that fell from the sky, and the elixir that was inside of it was mysterious. It had to be connected to this somehow. It was as if it was taking control of her consciousness and acting on her behalf. Could she still face her classmates, even today? Was there even anything left to be embarrassed about? Was she even still taking part in this program? She needed answers, and thus headed inside.

Like before, she had been called into the vp’s office but wasn’t alone. Three boys, and three girls also stood inside, all of them looked scared. Miraculously, Emily was the student with the most composure out of them all. The vp spoke.
“These students are also going to be taking part in this program with you, Emily. How have you been feeling about it so far?” A dumb question, she hated it of course but saying that wouldn’t change anything, and it’s not like the other students would believe her anyways. With some quick thinking, she used the opportunity to get some answers about the situation without sounding like she was crazy. She spoke carefully.
“Oh, are they volunteers?” She asked honestly, although to them it was probably an insult.
“They've also been having some attendance issues in school like you. But I doubt they're going to willingly continue on like you.” So it seemed that she had been put into this program for being late. She had been late two days in a row now again so was enforcing this program really even going to help them? Anyways, she had some answers, even if they weren’t quite what she wanted. But there was still far more questions than answers for Emily. “Well, Emily, why don’t you strip first, since you are the veteran of the program if only by two days.”

She tried to keep her composure, she had to make sure she didn’t forget anything even if it meant painfully searing this humiliation into her brain. Her red face showing how embarrassed she already was, she moved quickly. Stripping down was a different kind of torture. Being naked already was a shock and the humiliation hit her instantly. This, coupled with the fact that she knew shed soon be seen by many more, was like slowly being roasted alive. She tried to hurry and cover herself but it did no good. The humiliation was too much to let her just strip down so easily. She struggled undoing her buttons, lost balance trying to remove her socks, and barely managed to unclip her own bra. Once again she found herself fully naked in school, and she spoke almost without thinking, “How long did I say I would be doing this again?” She turned her head to the vp who remained professional in the presence of a naked eighteen year old.
“We agreed to just till the end of the week, and we’d see from there.” Two more days left, today and tomorrow. She needed to make sure she stayed focused and didn’t unwillingly agree to go longer. “Well then, the rest of you…” The others moved even slower than Emily. None of them even began undressing for a few moments and just exchanged awkward glances at each other, waiting for one to make the first move.
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