Magic (New 3-4-2025)

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Magic (New 2-17-2025)

Post by NudeBaG »

These school chapters are proving to be a challenge😓
Maybe I lost too much momentum by taking such a long break.
There are just so many characters and ‘required’ interactions to balance.
I tried to help myself by removing any kind of assigned seating, as keeping track of that from class to class was a nightmare.

And I don’t THINK I’m quite ready to jump to James yet. (Not that I could, without the time jump)

I know we want Mark exposed and embarrassed as much as possible, but currently, I can’t realistically continue finding ways to keep him embarrassed, without attracting a Sacral Feeder.
And with the girls not there, Mark really is on his own.

I’m working on something right now that I hope will at least allow me to focus on other elements BESIDES the Sacral Feeders, at least for a while.
They are still a big threat and aren’t going away, so long as people continue feeling shame, embarrassment and arousal.

With the way I’ve set this world up, I know I can ALMOST do anything, but I feel like I can’t ignore certain mundanities😓

Sorry for rambling, just letting everyone know it might be a little slower output while I work through a minor restructure of my world building ✌🏻🙏🏻
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Re: Magic (New 2-20-2025)

Post by NudeBaG »

Magic Chapter 31

“Don’t want to be late for history!” Kat smiled, biting her lip as she looked at my bag.
Sam and Carly joined us too.
Sam hooked her arm through mine.
“I don’t know, I kind of want to see how Ms Waller might punish him.” Sam said, tugging on my bag.
“Hey!” I clutched my bag to my crotch.
Kat grabbed my other arm.
Carly surprised me from behind.
“Come on guys! Who knows what Ms Waller will do if we’re ALL late!” She said, pushing us out the door.
I felt Carly’s hands run from my lower back to my ass as we entered the hall.
“Hey! Wait up you guys!” Victoria yelped, feeling abandoned.
As we made our way to the history room/library, we passed Ms Inez in the hall.
She was mopping up the floor.
She looked up at me and narrowed her eyes.
I clutched my bag to my crotch as Sam and Kat pulled me along.
Sam glanced down at my bag.
She reached beneath it and grabbed my penis!
“Uh oh! Mark, you’re still boned up!” She said.
“Haha! Sam! You needed to touch it to see that?!” Kat pointed to my abs, where the head of my penis and top part of my shaft was poking up over my bag!
“Nah.” Sam shrugged, continuing to hold my penis!
“Ah! Then why ARE you grabbing me?!” I gasped.
“Just making sure you stay hard for Ms Waller.” Sam squeezed my penis, making it twitch!
Kat then reached down and wrapped her fist around the exposed part of my penis!
“Come on!” I begged, trying to squirm out of their hands as we walked.
My wriggling had an opposite effect, however!
My penis slid slightly in their grasp!
“Oh!” Sam gasped. “You want us to make you ‘cum’ on? Cum on what? Your bag? Or the floor?”
Having my classmates touch me was keeping me erect!
(Mark?! Are you okay?!) Christine, Tanya and Emily’s voice echoed in my head in unison!
“Y-Yeah.” I sighed.
Sam and Kat gasped.
“You sure? I mean, okay!” Sam began stroking my cock as we walked!
“Ah! No!” I yelped pushing Sam and Kat’s hands away.
“But it’s fun! Haha!” Kat giggled like a girl half her age!
I pulled ahead of them, clutching my bag over my privates as I entered the History room.

Ms Waller stood at the front of class, writing on the whiteboard.
My eyes then fell on that replica of ‘the stocks’ that I’d been placed in and forced to reenact a humiliating public punishment/torture.
I did NOT want to endure that again!
Since we no longer had assigned seats, my eyes locked onto a desk in the back corner.
Before I could make it there though, Ms Waller stopped me.
“Mr Grayhart! Come here please.”
She didn’t sound angry, but I did not like being at the front of the class again.
I kept my bag clutched over my crotch as my classmates entered.
There were obvious giggles as I walked over to her desk.
I held my bag up a little to cover my erection.
Ms Waller lowered her eyes to look at my bag in my hands.
She frowned.
“Mr Grayhart, you can put your bag down at whatever doubledesk you choose. I believe all the students are aware of the new seating arrangement.” She gestured to the classroom where all my classmates chose to sit one to a desk.
Just like last class, it was up to me to choose who I would sit beside.
I looked at Victoria again.
I’d sat beside her for science, and she hadn’t really tried anything other than looking.
At the desk across from her was Carly.
Carly caught me look at her, then quickly looked at the clock, breaking eye contact.
“Today, Mr Grayhart.” Ms Waller said, impatiently.
I walked to the middle desk and sat my bag next to Carly’s.
“Oh! OH!” Carly gasped.
I looked down.
I was still sporting my full erection!
I covered as best I could, then turned and walked to Ms Waller at the front of class.
Ms Waller saw me trying to cover.
“Mr Grayhart, I now believe that’s TWO infractions.” She said as I reached her.
“Huh? Two?!” I gasped.
I hadn’t properly thought out my tone.
It sounded harsh.
Sure, I was frustrated, but I DEFINITELY didn’t mean to sass Ms Waller!
Ms Waller stood and slammed her hands on her desk!
“Three! Mr Grayhart! You have NEVER disrespected me like this! What’s gotten into you?!”
Before I could answer, Ms Waller answered my question.
“One, you very clearly have an erection!”
The class giggled.
“Two! You are currently TOUCHING your erect penis!”
I looked down.
She was right.
“And Three, you talked back to me! Your instructor!”
I felt shame and embarassment flow through me.
My eyes again looked at the ‘stocks’.
If I were put in there, and a Sacral Feeder attacked, what would I do?!

Christine’s perspective:

It was still this early in the morning, and already, Mark had been through so much!
I even told Emily we should transform and go save him!
It would be easy to get there thanks to the ‘jump’ spell we’d cast on all of us.
But she insisted Mark needs to be able to fight on his own.
I know she’s right, but after the rituals, how can I-
How can SHE expect me to ignore Mark?!
Emily, Tanya and I walked into the Wicker Creek Middle Art Room just as the bell rang.
I made my way to one of the drawing tables towards the back of class and put my bag down.
I quickly hopped over to the art supply closet and started looking for what I needed.
Emily and Tanya sat their things down and stood behind me.
“Chris? What are you doing?” Tanya asked.
I pulled out and cut 3 long strands from a spool of hemp twine.
“You guys felt what happened to Mark, right?” I asked.
Emily crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes.
“It isn’t fair of us to leave him on his own. He doesn’t know about this stuff like we do.” I said.
“No duh! WE’RE also still learning.” Emily scolded me.
“Yeah. And I ‘learned’ something in English this morning.” I took the strings I’d cut and pushed between Emily and Tanya back to our desk.
While the rest of our class got settled, I pulled the spellbook Emily, Tanya and I had been using from my bag.
Emily gasped.
“Chris! When did you take that out of my dresser?!” She fumed at me.
I didn’t answer.
I’d moved the silk book mark to the page I needed.
“There.” I ran my finger along a line of text below a cruedly drawn ring composed of several circles.
Emily and Tanya leaned in to read.
I could see them translating the text in their minds.
“A ‘binding’ spell?” Tanya asked.
Emily sighed, continuing to read.
“What exactly are you planning on ‘binding’?” She asked.
I sighed.
I knew she wasn’t going to like my answer.
“It’s for Mark.” I said.
Her aura flared purple for a moment, but she was able to maintain composure.
“Look, if we can’t be there to protect Mark when he gets in trouble, then we need to do something to help keep him OUT of trouble.” I said.
Emily and Tanya looked confused.
“Why would we do that?” Emily asked with a smirk.
“Yeah. Mark is our plaything.” Tanya added.
Emily then sighed.
“Okay, Chris. What are you getting at?” She asked.
“Mark is still learning to control his energy and how to fight the Sacral Feeders.” I said.
Emily took a breath to say something, but before she could point out the obvious again, I continued.
“We ALL are. I know. But Mark doesn’t know all the things WE do. He doesn’t know any spells, or how to cast them himself.”
Emily put things together quickly, as I knew she would.
“So this is tooooo, what? ‘Protect him?’” She asked.
I felt myself blush, but nodded.
“What good is using Mark as bait if we aren’t there to fight the Sacral Feeders he attracts?” I pointed out.
Emily scrunched up her face for a second, but then relaxed as she realized what I was getting at.
“Yeah, and even though I’m sure it’s fun for everyone seeing him get in trouble, I don’t want him getting expelled.” Emily said.
She read the text in the book again.
“So we create the seal by intertwining the ‘strands’ together, then connecting them in a ring?” She said.
I nodded in confirmation.
“That’s easy enough.” Tanya shrugged.
Emily continued reading.
“It says we need to infuse the strands with our essence.” She said.
Her eyes went wide as she looked up at me.
She looked stunned for a moment as the realization hit her.
She quickly dropped her eyes back to the page and continued reading.
Honestly, it was refreshing to see Em’s composure slip, even if only for an instant.
Tanya, on the other hand squeeked!
Our art teacher, Ms Harris shot us a look.
We just smiled and acted like we were working.
After she looked away again, we continued talking.
“You mean we need to-“ Tanya hovered her hand over her crotch.
“It makes sense.” Emily shrugged. “We needed Mark’s ‘essence’ for our other spells, so it looks like THIS spell requires OUR ‘essence’.”
“But why don’t we just DRAW the ring sigil on him.” Tanya asked.
“How would we infuse it with our ‘essense’ if we drew it?” I asked. “Besides, we need to be able to remove it when we need to.” I added.
Emily traced the 3 strands of twine I’d laid out with her fingers.
“I get it. You want to make a ‘physical sigil’ he can take on and off.” Emily said.
I nodded.
Emily leaned down and examined the spell book again while tracing the 3 strands of twine.
“So once we infuse the strands, we weave them together to make a ring.” She said.
I nodded and held up my hairband.
“We can weave them over this, so it will stay in place until it needs to come off.”
Emily looked at all the pieces of the puzzle before her.
“I’m guessing you already know the incantation?” Emily asked, reading the text on the page.
“I had to figure that out myself.” I said.
Emily and Tanya looked at me incredulously.
“It’s a binding spell, so the target for the binding is interchangeable.” I pointed out.
I then pulled out the slip of paper I’d written the incantation on and placed it on the desk in front of she and Tanya.
Emily slid the paper to herself and read it outloud.
“Cum Hoc Sigillum Libito Constricta?”
She reapeated it again without vocalizing the words, this time, tapping her finger in time with the words.
Tanya looked at her, then at me.
She nodded with an excited smile.
Emily nodded and shrugged.
“That should work.” She confirmed.
Suddenly, there was a sharp pulse in my clit, vulva, pelvis and butthole!
Emily and Tanya shook and gasped too, clutching their hands to their crotches.
It didn’t feel like a Sacral Feeder though, and there was no reason for it!
(Mark?!) I thought.
Emily shot me a look.

Mark’s perspective:

(Mark?!) Christine’s voice echoed.
(Mark! You need to calm down!) Emily’s voice echoed.
(Ms Waller is going to put me in the stocks again!) I thought frantically. (My classmates got me hard and I can’t do anything!)
Ms Waller followed my eyes to the ancient contraption.
“Ah! Okay, Mr Grayhart! I think that’ll do just fine!” Ms Waller stood and walked to the heavy wooden rack in the corner!
(The stocks?) Tanya asked.
(Oh no! That wooden ‘torture thing’!) Emily’s voice echoed.

Christine’s perspective:

Mark was going to be put in the stocks again?!
If he was attacked by a Sacral Feeder, and unable to fight, it could drain him for the entire time he was in it!
Even with the infinite orgasmic energy we’d given him, that would be terrible for him!
Not to mention everyone else there!
But no!
I couldn’t let that happen to Mark!
I suddenly looked at Emily.
She was glaring at me, but also had a look of concern on her face.
Had she sensed my feelings just then?!
“Come on!” Emily grabbed Tanya and I by the wrist and pulled us to Ms Harris’ desk.
I quickly swiped the 3 strands of twine and the book with my free hand.
“Ms Harris? We need to go to the bathroom!” Emily said.
Ms Harris looked up at us.
“We?” Ms Harris looked up at the 3 of us.
(Now.) Emily’s voice echoed in my head, but I knew what she meant for us to do.
“Obliviscatur Semi Normalem. Obliviscatur Semi Normalem. Obliviscatur Semi Normalem.”
We repeated in unison while focussing our energy.
I felt my sex organs pulse as Ms Harris’ eyes went gray.
“We’re allowed to leave class now, but we’ll be back. We won’t get in trouble.” Emily said.
Tanya and I looked at eachother.
Was that all she was going to put into it?
I felt another ‘pang’ deep within.
“We’re allowed to leave class now, but we’ll be back. We won’t get in trouble.” Tanya and I repeated in unison while focussing our energy.
I felt and noticed all 3 of our auras flare up for a moment.
I glanced over my shoulder at our classmates.
No one seemed to notice.
Ms Harris, still with a glazed expression and gray eyes repeated back to us.
“You’re allowed to leave class now, but you’ll be back. You won’t get in trouble.”
“Good. Good.” Emily said.
She then snapped her fingers and we ran out of the classroom.
“Was that spell really enough?!” Tanya gasped as we ran to the bathroom.
“It’ll have to be! Get ready to go under!” Emily said.
We burst into the bathroom.
Thankfully, it was empty!
We ran into a large handicap stall and locked the door.
We quickly took eachother’s hands.
“Ew! Do we have to sit down?!” Tanya moaned.
“It’s just us girls at this school! Hurry!” Emily said.
We all sat down holding hands.
Unlike laying in bed when it was time to go to sleep, we’d have to override our natural waking state.
“Ugh! What was the incantation?!” Emily gasped.
We were ALL feeling Mark’s panic!
Even Emily seemed worried.
I let go of her hand and grabbed the book.
I frantically flipped the pages related to the astral.
“This one!” I pointed to an incantation.
We each read it in our minds before reciting it out loud.
We closed our eyes and recited the spell.
“Accipere me sub, sed serva me conscientiam. Permitto me vagari liber sine cura. Accipere me sub, sed serva me conscientiam. Permitto me vagari liber sine cura. Accipere me sub, sed serva me conscientiam. Permitto me vagari liber sine cura.” We recited in unison.
Suddenly, we found ourselves floating above our bodies!
I looked down.
I was in my astral form!
I looked at Emily and Tanya!
They were in their astral forms as well!
(Come on!) Emily grabbed Tanya and I’s hands and we shot up, through the bathroom roof!

Mark’s perspective:

Ms Waller walked me to the rack.
I felt my hard penis pulsing!
Ms Waller had me prepare to position myself in the incredibly uncomfortable contraption.
“Ms Waller, please!” I begged.
Ms Waller stopped.
She held my arm, forcing me to stand before the class.
My penis was throbbing and sticking straight up!
My classmates were staring and giggling!
I was panicking!
As I froze, making one last stand against Ms Waller, I noticed 3, glowing, nubile female forms float down through the ceiling!
“No!” I gasped.
My immediate thought was that I was being swarmed by Sacral Feeders!
But then, I recognized the energies I was feeling!
Christine’s astral form reached me first.
While no one else seemed to notice, I was VERY much aware of my sister and her friends’ astral bodies!
Christine’s red astral form touched my chest and embraced me, pressing her form against mine!
(Mark, calm down.) Her voice echoed in my head.
Emily’s purple astral form grabbed my hand. (Relax, Mark.)
Tanya’s yellow astral form grabbed my other arm. (It’s okay. You need to relax.)
I felt a warm, calming energy flow through me!
My heartrate dropped and I felt a little high!
“Oh?” Ms Waller gasped.
My classmates also gasped.
I looked down.
My fully erect penis rapidly dropped to point straight at my classmates!
(Relax.) Emily, Christine and Tanya’s voices echoed.
The warm, calming energy filled my body as my penis continued to drop and shrink to it’s flaccid state.
“Hmmm.” Ms Waller held my arm as she assessed my newly limp penis as it flopped over my tight, round balls.
“So you CAN control yourself, I see.” Ms Waller stared down at my deflated genitals.
(Stay calm, Mark.) Emily’s voice echoed as her astral form floated back up to the ceiling.
(Just stay relaxed.) Tanya echoed as she floated up next to Emily’s astral form.
Christine’s astral form still had her hand on my chest.
(Stay calm. You’re doing great!) Her voice echoed as she pulled away and floated up and through the ceiling!
(Wait!) I thought.
(Be careful, Mark.) Christine’s voice echoed as her astral form floated up through the ceiling and vanished.
I looked down at my flaccid penis, then up at my classmates, who were stifling giggles.
“Well,” Ms Waller said. “Take your seat, Mark.”
I walked back up the aisle to my desk next to Carly.
I sat down.
Ms Waller finally began her lecture.

Christine’s perspective:

Emily, Tanya and I flew back to Wicker Creek Middle’s north bathroom.
As we sunk back down into our bodies, we could see a girl kneeling outside the large handicap stall we were meditating in!
The instant my astral body touched my physical body, it was pulled back inside and my eyes snapped open!
I saw the girl outside lean down to peer into the stall!
“Hey!” I yelped.
The girl quickly stood.
“Sorry!” The girl gasped.
Tanya unlocked and flung open the door.
The girl jumped back.
It was Helen!
A tall, mousey girl with brunette pigtails!
“Um, what are you guys doing?” She asked.
I looked at Emily.
She nodded.
I turned back to Helen, ready to put her under our spell.
“N-Nevermind! I’m sorry!” Helen quickly hurried to the door.
“Wait!” Emily said. “How long were you out here?” She asked.
Helen stopped and turned to us.
“N-Not long.” She said.
Tanya and I looked at eachother.
“What did you hear?” Emily asked.
I could see her clench her fists.
“I didn’t hear anything!” She exclaimed!
She looked scared.
Helen always kept to herself.
But after we’d cast our spell on Ms Harris, SHE wouldn’t have sent Helen after us!
“Helen?” I said. “Why are you here?”
Helen looked at all of us.
“You guys all got up and left at once.” She said. “I thought you might be in trouble, or something.”
I looked at Emily.
She felt the same way I did.
Helen wasn’t being nosey, she was being a good classmate.
Emily and I extended our hands at the same time.
We each placed a hand on Helen’s shoulder.
“Everything’s fine, Helen. It’s all normal.” Emily and I spoke in unison.
Our auras flared red and purple.
Tanya stepped between us, putting her hands on our shoulders.
“This is ‘normal’, Helen. Don’t worry about it.” Tanya said.
Her aura flared yellow.
Helen’s eyes went gray for a moment.
“Go back to class, Helen.” Emily said.
“The 3 of us going off together is normal.” I added.
I focussed my energy.
Emily and I’s auras again flared purple and red.
Helen nodded.
“You 3 going off together is normal.” She repeated.
Helen turned and left the bathroom.
The 3 of us sighed with relief and exhaustion.
“Mark owes us!” Emily huffed.
“Oh, come on Em!” Tanya said.
Emily looked at me.
“Seriously, he’s on his own. We can’t blame him completely.” I said.
Emily rolled her eyes.
She then smirked.
“It WAS funny seeing him standing in front of his class with that hard cock of his! Hmhm!” Emily chuckled.
“Ugh! I can’t believe we left this on the bathroom floor! Let’s get back to class.” She huffed, picking up the spellbook.
I stood and felt a dampness in my panties.
“Oh! Wait!” I pulled out the 3 strands of twine from my skirt pocket, and pulled Emily and Tanya back into the stall, shutting the door.
“We might as well ‘infuse’ these since we’re already-“ I looked down at my crotch. “You know.”
Tanya gulped.
Emily sighed.
“Fine! You’re sure this’ll work?” She asked, pulling down her panties.
“You said the spell I wrote out looked good, didn’t you?” I asked, sliding my own panties down.
Tanya sighed, but also pulled her panties down to her knees.
I passed both of them one of the twine strands.
“So, focus on transfering our energy to the strand?” Tanya asked.
“Mhm. Just like when we use energy on Mark. Hmhm!” I chuckled.
“And recite the spell.” I reminded them.
Emily and Tanya copied my actions.
I lifted my skirt and flossed the piece of twine between the lips of my vulva.
It tickled a lot!
“Cum Hoc Sigillum Libito Constricta, Cum Hoc Sigillum Libito Constricta, Cum Hoc Sigillum Libito Constricta.”
We chanted as I ran the piece of twine up my slit and held it down with my other hand as I dragged the strand across my clit!
We all let out a whimper as we did.
“Cum Hoc Sigillum Libito Constricta.” I finished chanting as I looked down at the strand as it passed my clit, sliding between the lips of my vulva.
The strand was now glowing red with my energy!
“Whoa!” Tanya gasped as she lifted her strand, which was glowing bright yellow!
“Oh! Cool. Hmhm!” Emily chuckled, holding up her own strand, which was glowing purple!
“Now what?” Tanya asked.
“Hand them to me!” I said.
Emily and Tanya shared a confused look, but then held out their strands.
As I took them, they turned back into the simple, beige strands of twine.
“Oh!” Emily gasped. “Are you sure these will work? Like, was that enough?”
“Mhmm. I think so. As long as you focussed your energy while you said the incantation.” I said with a smirk.
I enjoyed being the one with the knowledge for a change.
Emily narrowed her eyes at me.
“Let’s get back to class.” She said.
As we exited the stall, I tucked the strands of string into my school uniform’s skirt pocket.
Once we got back, we sat at our desk at the back of class.
I pulled out the strands from my shirt pocket.
I caught a brief sweet, fruity scent as I pulled them out.
I reached into my bag and pulled out an elastic hair tie.
As Emily and Tanya watched, I proceeded to weave the 3 strands of twine around the hair tie.
“That’s cool. Did your mom teach you how to do that?” Emily asked.
“Mhmm.” I nodded as I concentrated on weaving the strands around the elastic band.
“Aaaaaand done!” I sighed as I tied the 3 strands off.
Emily picked up the ring and examined it.
“Not bad, Chris.” She said, turning the ring around in her hand.
“Are you sure that’s big enough?” Tanya asked. “I mean, if that’s supposed to go around Mark’s penis, it might be a little small. Hehehe!” She giggled.
I grabbed the ring from Emily.
I expanded my fingers in it, demonstrating that the elastic band would work.
“Nice! I bet that’ll help it stay in place!” Tanya said.
“We’ll get it to Mark when he picks us up this afternoon. Hopefully, he stays out of trouble until then.” Emily sighed.
I tucked the sealing ring in my skirt pocket.

Mark’s perspective:

I sat back down next to Carly as
Ms Waller finally began her lecture.
Carly looked down at my lap.
I just tried to focus on Ms Waller’s lecture.
“As we left off, Wicker Creek being founded by supposed ‘witches’ is a big, but underrepresented part of it’s history.”
My eyes wandered up to the ceiling where my sister and her friends had appeared.
They really were doing they’re best to protect me.
But I wondered how much trouble they mighy be getting in.
What if they hadn’t shown up?!
What if a Sacral Feeder had attacked while I was in the stocks?!
I felt Carly move her hand to my thigh.
I grabbed it and squeezed.
Not hard, just enough to make her gasp.
“Please!” I whispered, trying to appeal to Carly’s usual ‘nice’ personality.
I felt Carly pull her hand away and let go.
“S-Sorry.” Carly said.
I felt a pang of guilt as she looked down at her desk.
The rest of class went by as normal.
“It’s said that male’s in Wicker Creek bring about ‘high strangeness’.” Ms Waller said as she continued her lecture.
She looked at me and lowered her glasses.
Several of my classmates turned to look at me, giggling.
“I don’t think we can argue there.” She smirked.
The bell rang.
I grabbed my bag, put it on, stood up and clutched it to my flaccid penis!
I quickly made my way to the door, once again ignoring my classmates calling for me to wait up!
I HAD to be careful the rest of the day!
I couldn’t rely on my sister or her friends.
It wasn’t fair!
I walked briskly through the halls to the gymnasium.
I would at least have a few moments to myself while my classmates changed.
I had to figure something out!
Last edited by NudeBaG on Fri Feb 21, 2025 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Magic (New 2-20-2025)

Post by Jeepman89 »

As much as the 3 girls love getting Mark into very embarrassing situations, they do care about him and want to protect him.
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Re: Magic (New 2-20-2025)

Post by NudeBaG »

Jeepman89 wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2025 9:33 pm As much as the 3 girls love getting Mark into very embarrassing situations, they do care about him and want to protect him.
Of course they do😊

Emily and Mark ARE siblings, so obviously, they love each other, even though Emily 100% OWNS him now lol!

I think all 3 girls view Mark as part of their coven, therefore, they will help him if he really needs it.

They require him for cultivating their energy, as well as using him as an entertaining plaything 😄

But he DID screw up (kinda) by attracting the ‘Id’, which now puts a huge responsibility on the girls, as they are the only ones who (really) know how to deal with things.

Mark has seemingly inherited the same innate ability to ‘use’ magic as his little sister, though he hasn’t actively tried to learn anything.
He’s just been going with what the girls teach him.

Tanya is devoted to her little coven, and clearly enjoys Mark’s presence.

But Emily and Christine…
While Emily appears to be the most level headed and knowledgeable, it appears Christine has been hitting the books on her own.
And then there’s the fact that Emily really doesn’t like leaving her alone with Mark.
Is Emily worried about Christine trying to surpass her?
Or is she wary of the way Christine seems to care about Mark?
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Re: Magic (New 2-20-2025)

Post by NudeBaG »

So just for fun, and kind of like how I inadvertently gave away Mark’s penis size🍆🤭

I realize that I have been dropping some VERY subtle hints as to a possible ‘side effect’ to the girls’ tampering with Magic.
So subtle in fact, that I didn’t even really notice I was doing it at the time😅
I’m not sure if anyone has caught onto yet, and it’s definitely nowhere close to being an important plot point, but there may be some sort of ‘side effect’ from the girls’ use of Magic…

This isn’t a spoiler or even really relevant to where the story is currently, it’s just something that I realized on my last read through while preparing to start writing again.

Then again, maybe it’s obvious to everyone and I’m an idiot🤷🏻
Last edited by NudeBaG on Thu Feb 20, 2025 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Magic (New 2-20-2025)

Post by docknumber »

Loved the plot. It’s nice to see Christine trying to protect Mark.
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Re: Magic (New 2-20-2025)

Post by demon_saint »

Chapter 21? I thought we were on 32? Regardless another great chapter.
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Re: Magic (New 2-20-2025)

Post by NudeBaG »

demon_saint wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2025 6:30 pm Chapter 21? I thought we were on 32? Regardless another great chapter.
Thank you!

I didn’t count The Return

Hopefully 32 should drop today✌🏻
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Re: Magic (New 2-20-2025)

Post by docknumber »

Gonna wait for the new chapter :D
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Re: Magic (New 2-25-2025)

Post by NudeBaG »

Magic Chapter 32

Still clutching my bag over my crotch, I entered the gymnasium.
I was hoping to enjoy my few brief moments of peace before my classmates showed up in their skimpy gym outfits.
On a gym mat placed beneath the far basketball hoop, sat Ms Johanson.
Her crimson hair was pulled back in a ponytail as she did a ‘v sit’ stretch with her legs spread wide!
I again could see her as a ‘future’ version of Christine.
I felt my penis twinge behind my bag!
Ms Johanson looked up at me.
“Oh! Mark!” She then looked up at the large score clock, which currently acted as a basic clock.
She looked back at me.
“You’re early.” She said. “I guess not having to change saves quite a bit of time, huh?” She asked.
I held my bag against my crotch.
“Well, since you’re here first, why don’t you partner with me for warm up stretches?” She asked.
“Um,” I looked back at the gym entrance.
Everyone else was probably still getting changed.
My classmates had proven to be out to get me in trouble anyway.
I’d probably be safer with Ms Johanson.
I sat my bag down by the bleachers.
I froze for a second as my genitals were exposed.
“Mark?” Ms Johanson asked.
“Um, coming Ms Johanson.” I said.
I covered myself with my hands as I walked across the gymnasium floor.
I stood in front of Ms Johanson, holding my hands over my penis and balls.
She remained sitting in front of me with her legs spread.
It took everything I had to not immediately stare at her crotch!
Her incredibly short cotton gym shorts revealed more than I think she realized.
Or did they?
“Um? What stretches should I do?” I asked.
Ms Johanson rolled her eyes, but smirked.
“Take off your shoes, sit down and help me with groin stretches.” She said.
I slipped off my shoes and sat on the mat in front of her, still keeping my crotch covered with my hands.
I felt the head of my penis rest on the mat between my legs.
“Put your feet here.” She patted her inner thighs.
I extended my legs out and apart, resting my feet on her inner thighs.
She held her arms out in front of her with her hands clasped together.
“Take my wrists and pull.” She instructed.
I did as she said, performing the basic gymnastics partner stretch.
As I leaned back, she leaned forward.
“Hold right there.” She said.
I felt her breath on my crotch!
With me leaning back and pulling her forward like this, it put her face inches from my cock!
If I had a boner, it would be poking her in the face right now!
“Hmmm.” Ms Johanson sighed.
“Okay.” She said.
I slowly leaned forward, letting her sit back upright.
“Aaaaaand pull.” She instructed again.
I repeated as I’d done before, leaning back and pulling Ms Johanson forward.
I again felt Ms Johanson exhale warmly on my genitals!
I looked around.
I looked at anything OTHER than Ms Johanson!
I slowly let her back up again.
“Aaaand one more time.” Ms Johanson said.
I leaned back once more, pulling Ms Johanson forward.
I held the position as I once again felt her warm breath on my genitals!
It finally had an effect!
I felt my penis twitch!
“Oh! Hmhm!” Ms Johanson chuckled.
I let her up and released her wrists.
“Okay, Mr Grayhart, now I’ll do you.” She said, removing her shoes.
“Hands together.” She instructed.
I clasped my hands together as I moved my legs.
Ms Johanson and I changed leg positions, now with her socked feet on my inner thighs!
She took my wrists in her hands.
“Ready?” She asked.
“Um, yes?” I said.
She pulled me forward.
I felt my legs being pushed apart, extended and stretched, but I also felt something else.
Ms Johanson’s socked feet slid up my inner thighs and into my groin!
I looked down to see her feet on either side of my penis!
My eyes wandered up her pale, toned legs to the front of her tight gym shorts!
I could make out the indentation of her vulva!
I squeezed my eyes shut!
Just then, Ms Johanson’s socked feet tilted inwards, cradling my penis on both sides!
The fabric of her athletic socks tickled like crazy!
“Hmmm. Just relax into the stretch, Mark.” She said soothingly as she pulled backwards.
She flexed her toes against my abdomen, just above the base of my penis!
Was she doing this intentionally?!
(Mark?) Christine’s voice echoed in my head.
I looked up at Ms Johanson again.
She was staring intently at my genitals clutched between her socked feet!
It was starting to feel like my teachers WANTED to be able to punish me!
Ms Johanson gave one final pull backwards.
“Feeling loosened up?” She asked.
“Um,” I panicked. “M-Ms Johanson? May I please go use you restroom?” I asked.
“Oh?” She seemed taken a back by my question.
I felt it!
My penis was starting to lengthen!
I felt the head sliding across the mat!
The gym doors burst open and my classmates began coming in!
“Fine fine. Just be back here for the propper warm up stretches with the class.” She said.
I quickly stood up.
Too quickly!
My penis bounced around, right in her face in it’s semi-erect form!
“Oh! OH!” She gasped.
I quickly faced away from her.
But I was now facing everyone else!
Eva and Kim were the first to react.
I had to go passed them to get to the locker room!
I briskly walked their way, trying to keep myself under control!
As I picked up my pace, my penis picked up a not so subtle swing from side to side as it angled to point straight out!
Jessy and Allison followed behind them!
I made it passed the 4 of them as they giggled.
I entered the hall and made a b-line for the boys’ locker room, over the last 2 days, had become useless.
As I passed the the girls’ locker room, I pictured my classmates in various stages of undress.
My penis quickly extended and arched upwards!
As I turned to enter the boys’ locker room, Victoria and Carly exited the girls’.
Both girls gasped and grinned wide as I swung around the corner into the locker room!
I heard them laughing and hesrd Carly say “We might get to see Ms Johanson punish Mark! Did you see his penis?!”
Victoria just laughed as I heard them exit the hall and enter the gymnasium.
I didn’t have much time!
I walked over to the empty shower stalls and stood over the drain.
I grabbed my now fully erect penis and began stroking.
I again pictured my classmates in various stages of undress while getting ready for gym.
I pictured Sam’s curvy figure-
Victoria’s long, slender frame-
Kat’s perfect ass-
Carly’s little breasts-
I wondered how their naked bodies compaired to my sister and her friends.
(Mark!) Emily, Christine and Tanya’s voices echoed in unison in my head!
“Ah!” I gasped.
(Aren’t you in class?!) Emily echoed.
I was suddenly reminded that they could sense and ‘feel’ everything I could!
“Shit!” I gasped, letting go of my penis.
(Jeez! What are you doing?!) Christine echoed.
I felt a sudden pain in my chest!
(Mark! Are you alone?!) Emily echoed.
(Yes! I’m in the locker room!) I echoed.
(Why?!) Emily asked.
(We don’t sense a Sacral Feeder!) Tanya echoed.
(I-) I hesitated.
I thought about Ms Johanson’s camel toe I’d glimpsed while stretching!
(Something’s got you excited, Mark!) Emily echoed. (We can feel it! Remember?)
I did remember.
(You need to calm down!) Emily echoed.
(I know that! That’s what I’m trying to do so I don’t get in trouble!) I thought.
After what felt like an eternity of me standing in the shower stall holding my penis, my sister’s voice finally echoed in my head again.
(Okay. I understand. You NEED to learn how to control yourself, though!) Emily thought.
Didn’t they cast that stupid spell on me just so they could use me as a plaything to humiliate whenever they wanted?!
They must have sensed my feelings, because I also felt another pang of guilt thud in my chest and head.
(Just, be careful. Okay?) Christine’s voice echoed.
I sighed and looked down.
My erection had subsided, and my penis flopped limply in my hand.
I let go and exited the stall.
I left the lockerroom and headed back to the gymnasium.
As I entered, I saw my class was in the middle of the group warm up stretch routine at the far end of the gym.
Ms Johanson looked at me, then at the clock.
I walked quickly across the floor to join my class.
My classmates turned to look at me.
They all watched as my flaccid penis wobbled as I walked.
“Nice of you to join us, Mr Grayhart.” Ms Johanson said.
“Take an empty spot.” Ms Johanson gestured to the class standing on mats in front of her.
The girls smiled and bit their lips as I walked over.
I stepped onto a mat between Victoria and Eva.
“Okay everyone, X stance alternating toe touches.” Ms Johanson instructed.
Along with everyone else, I spread my legs and raised my arms.
I heard giggles behind me.
I looked down.
My flaccid penis flopped down over my balls, dangling straight.
As we started doing the stretch, I looked behind me as I bent and touched my toes.
Sam and Kat were looking up at me, grinning wide.
As we stood back up straight to alternate to the other side, I noticed my classmates in front of me.
Kai and Carly stood with their legs spread and arms raised in an X.
Their tight gym shorts had ridden up when they bent forward, and were now wedged in their butts, hugging their cheeks tight, giving me a good idea of what they’d look like bare!
I’d now seen my sister and her friends naked multiple times, but they were still budding.
As beautiful and attractive as their nubile bodies were, I was more interested in my classmates more ‘developed’ bodies.
Since Kai’s party, I had nothing left to hide from my classmates!
Everyone there had seen EVERYTHING!
The view I currently had of Kai and Carly was fantastic, though I wished it was Sam and Kat in front of me.
I felt my penis twitch!
(No!) I thought.
I closed my eyes and continued stretching.
“Okay!” Ms Johanson stood up straight. “Being students at Wicker Creek, I hope you all understand the importance of teamwork. Mark,” Ms Johanson addressed me. “Come with me a second.” She gestured for me to follow her as she walked to the equipment closet.
She pointed out 2 metal posts attached to heavy bases in the corner, bound with what appeared to be a mesh of thin rope.
I recognized it as a volleyball net.
She grabbed one post.
“Give me a hand, please.”
I grabbed the other post.
We dragged them out and into the middle of the gym floor.
Ms Johanson adjusted the netting.
“Mark, drag your end that way.” She then looked at Sam.
“Sam, help me with this end.”
Sam and Ms Johanson moved the post one way, while I dragged my end the other way, stretching the net across the floor.
“Okay.” Ms Johanson walked back to the supply closet.
I noticed my classmates giggling and staring at me.
You’d think I’d be used to this by now.
I turned to face the closet.
Ms Johanson came back out holding a volleyball.
“Split into 2 teams of 5.” She said. “2 forwards, 1 center, 2 rears.”
Victoria and Carly grabbed my arms and pulled me to their side!
Sam and Kat hopped to the other side of the net with Kai, Kim and Jessy.
Eva and Allison hopped to join Victoria, Carly and I.
I found myself in the center position behind Victoria and Carly, with Eva and Allison taking the rear position.
Ms Johanson assessed our formations and nodded in approval.
I was busy assessing something else.
Neither Victoria nor Carly were the most curvaceous of my classmates, but I did appreciate Victoria’s long, toned legs.
And Carly, while on the shorter side, had smooth pale legs and a cute butt.
I was thoroughly enjoying the view I was getting of both girls.
I felt my penis twitch!
Ms Johanson tossed the ball to Allison behind me.
I closed my eyes and focussed on nothing.
I’d wait for the sound of Allison’s hand spiking the ball, then I’d be able to focus on JUST the ball.
I heard it.
I opened my eyes and looked up at the ball as it sailed over the net.
Kat jumped up and set the ball.
My eyes locked onto her chest as she rose into my view.
I watched her chest bounce as she landed.
I felt my penis twitch!
Sam jumped into the air next.
I couldn’t help my eyes from locking onto HER breasts as they rose into the air with her!
I heard her spike hit the ball.
I watched as she landed, her breasts bouncing perfectly!
Before I could feel another twitch in my penis, I felt something else.
I felt a sharp, stinging pain as the ball came down at tremendous speed, catching my cock and balls, slamming them downward enough to knock my penis swinging downwards between my thighs!
The pain was excrutiating!
I fell backwards, clutching my hands over my crotch!
My ass hit the floor, hard!
I rolled over on my side as my vision went white!
Everyone crowded around me!
“Oh my gosh! Mark! Are you okay?!” Victoria and Carly were kneeling beside me.
Sam pushed her way between them and knelt beside me.
“Mark! Oh my god dude! I am SO sorry!” Sam gasped.
Ms Johanson pushed her way through the girls.
“Give him some space girls! Mark?! Mark?!” She had concern in her voice.
She placed one hand on my shoulder and one hand on my hip, and tried to roll me over.
“Mark! Let me see!” Ms Johanson said in a calm voice, but there was concern there.
I winced in pain as she touched my hip!
I allowed her to gingerly roll me over, but I kept my hands clutched to my crotch.
“Mark, relax. Let me see.” Ms Johanson said calmly.
She gently gripped my wrists and lifted my hands away.
She took a sharp inhale and winced.
“Carly. Go to my office.” Ms Johanson pulled out a key on an elastic strap and handed it to Carly. “Go to the supply cabinet there. There should be an ice pack on the 3rd shelf. Take it to the cafeteria and fill it with ice. Go.”
Thankfully, Carly was a good student and immediately left on her task.
I felt a sudden wave of nausea and rolled over on my side again.
My penis flopped as I did, the head slapped against the floor, sending another wave of agony through it!
“Uggggggggh!” I moaned, again moving my hands to cover.
“Okay. Mark roll over. Let me see.” Ms Johanson said calmly.
She again placed her hand on my shoulder and hip and rolled me onto my back.
She gently moved my hands away.
There was a sharp stinging pain shooting through my penis and balls!
“Hold still.” Ms Johanson said with a soft voice.
She gently pinched the head of my penis and lifted!
Despite the pain, having Ms Johanson touch my penis had an effect!
My penis stiffened and lengthened, moving from flopped to the side, to pointing straight up my abs!
“Oh! Oh!” Ms Johanson gasped.
Ms Johanson continued gently holding the head of my penis as it stiffened!
The pain reached a new level.
“Grrrrraaaaah!” I winced through gritted teeth.
“Whoa!” Sam said.
Several of my classmates gasped, but thankfully, none of them laughed.
“Oh!” Ms Johanson moved her fingers from gently pinching the head of my penis, to gently resting them on the bottom of my shaft as I lay there, now with a full erection!
“Ahhhh!” I winced.
“Oh, my! Um, Mark. I-I know you’re in pain, and- Um, well-you shouldn’t- I mean, I guess it’s my-“ Ms Johanson was cut off as Carly returned.
“Here’s the ice, Ms- Whoa!” Carly gasped.
Ms Johanson held out her hand.
Carly was stunned, just standing and staring as Ms Johanson continued to rest her hand on my erect penis!
“Carly!” Ms Johanson said sharply.
“Oh! Right!” Carly handed the Ice pouch to Ms Johanson.
Ms Johanson quickly, but gently rested the ice pouch on the underside of my penis!
“Ah! Ah! Ah!” I gasped.
“Shhh! It’s okay, Mark. The ice will help!” She insisted.
The pain did start to subside.
“Can you stand?” Ms Johanson asked.
I sat up.
“I-I think so.” I said.
“Ah! Ah! Ah!” I winced as I stood up.
Ms Johanson continued to hold the ice pack to my crotch.
I sat up.
Ms Johanson moved the ice pack away.
I was still sporting a full erection!
“Okay, Mark. I need to make sure you’re genitals are okay.” Ms Johanson said.
She grabbed my penis with her other hand!
I trembled.
She moved her hand up and down my penis!
“Ah!” I gasped.
“Sorry! Sorry, Mark!” Ms Johanson gasped.
“Does this hurt?” Ms Johanson asked.
“Yes!” I yelped.
Ms Johanson rested the ice pack back on my penis.
“Hold this there, Mark.” She instructed.
“Sam, give me a hand helping Mark up.”
While I held the ice pack to my penis, Sam and Ms Johanson each grabbed me under the arms and helped me stand.
“Help him over to the bleachers, Sam.” Ms Johanson instructed.
She turned back to the class.
“Okay. Everyone continue the game while Mark rests.”
Sam helped me over to the bleachers while the volleyball match resumed without us.
“Ah!” I winced as Sam and I sat on the bleachers.
“Mark! Again, I am SO SO SORRY, dude!” Sam rested her hand on my thigh.
I wasn’t used to Sam being considerate.
But it was nice of her to be making sure I was okay.
I mean, I’d hate it if I hurt one of my classmates.
“Is your dick okay?” She asked.
She rested her hand on my hand that held the ice pack in place.
“Y-Yeah, I think so.” I said.
“Lemme see.” Sam said as she pulled my wrist away.
“Hey!” I gasped.
My flaccid penis hung between my thighs as I leaned back on the bleachers.
Sam reached down to touch it, but then stopped.
“Whew! It looks good, Mark- I mean, it looks alright- like, it doesn’t look broken, or anything, I mean-I know it doesn’t have a bone in it, it just looks- it looks okay. Like, no damage or anything. I know it hurts though, right?”
Sam held my wrist looking at my penis.
“Y-yeah, no. I’ll probably be okay. It just REALLY hurts.” I said.
Sam relaxed.
“Whew!” She sighed. “Good! I don’t think anyone would forgive me if I broke your dick! Hmhm!”
“Keep alternating that ice pack on there.” Ms Johanson called over to us. “Don’t leave it on there, but alternate until the pain is gone.”
I actually didn’t mind the ice pack.
It really was helping with the pain, as well as keeping me from getting an erection.
In top of that, sitting on the bleachers with it on my crotch kept my classmates from staring at me.
“You should probably take it off there a bit.” Sam said.
By now, my penis was numb.
Thanks to the suggestion of alternating the ice pack on and off, I avoided full in shrinkage.
I moved the ice pack away and looked down.
I let out a sigh of relief.
My penis looked like it’s normal, flaccid self, a little pink, maybe, but no swelling or bruising.
“Whew! Good!” Sam gasped. “It didn’t shrink too much! Hmhm!”
I cupped my hands over my crotch to warm up, as well as cover from Sam’s continuous gaze.
“Mark? Sam? How are things going?” Ms Johanson called over.
“I think he’s okay!” Sam called back.
“Mark?” Ms Johanson called back.
“Y-yes, Ms Johanson, I’m okay.” I waved as I stood up.
“Okay, good! Come back over and get back in the game for a bit.” She waved us over.
Sam smacked my ass!
“Come on Mark, just don’t try hitting the ball with your big dick again!” Sam smirked at me and ran ahead to rejoin Kat, Kai, Kim and Jessy.
Carly and Victoria greeted my first.
“Are you okay Mark?” Carly asked.
“Yeah, like, it’s not broken or anything, right?” Victoria asked.
“Hmhm!” Eva chuckled.
“Nah, I think I’m okay.” I said.
The girls let out a sigh of relief and smiled.
“Good! It’d suck if Sam broke your dick!” Allison said.
“Allison!” Ms Johanson scolded. “We do NOT use that language here.”
“Sorry, Ms Johanson.” Allison blushed.
“Mark, ARE you okay?” Ms Johanson asked.
“Yeah. I think so.” I gently tugged my penis.
It still hurt, but not nearly as much as before.
“Your side serves.” Ms Johanson tossed Carly the ball.
I let go of my penis and got ready to continue the game.
“Let’s see if one side can score before class is over.” Ms Johanson said.
“Wait! Didn’t my spike into Mark’s di-“ Sam paused. “ ‘Privates’ count?”
“Oh! I suppose you’re right, Sam.” Ms Johanson said, giving Sam a disapproving look.
“If the team of Sam, Kat, Kai, Kim and Jessy can score, before class ends, they win.” Ms Johanson said.
“Set it up, Kat! I’ll spike it again!” Sam said.
“Fine, but don’t hit Mark’s weiner again!” Kat smiled at me.
“Yeah, Sam!” Carly said.
My classmates giggled.
Carly got ready to serve.
We watched as she delivered a precise, but weak underhand serve.
The ball arched over the net, and just as Sam requested, Kat set the ball.
Sam took a running jump and spiked it right back over the net-
directly into Carly’s chest!
There was a dull ‘thud’ as the ball hit!
“Ah!” Carly yelped, falling to her knees, clutching her hands over her small breast!
“Carly!” Sam gasped.
I got to Carly first, putting my hand on her shoulder.
I stood in front of her with my hands on her shoulders.
“Are you okay?!” I asked.
I was legitimately concerned.
I’d never heard a girl make a pained scream like that before.
She winced and leaned back clutching her small left breast!
“Ah!” Carly winced.
I looked down.
Carly was kneeling in front of me, holding her breast as I stood naked with my crotch at eye level!
Carly looked pained, but her eyes were wide as she stared at my penis!
I repeated myself.
“Carly, are you okay?”
“Ah! Um,” Carly winced again, still clutching her chest.
Carly looked down.
With one hand cupping her breast, she appeared to be massaging it!
I felt my penis twitch, but the pain of the volleyball strike remained.
I winced and gripped my hand on the base of my penis!
I couldn’t help picturing Carly naked!
Carly’s face was a mix of pain and something else.
“Oh!” Carly gasped, looking at my penis in my hand.
I let go and held out both hands to her.
She winced as she released her chest and took my hands.
I helped her up.
She let go of my hands and went back to massaging her small left breast.
“Jeez, Sam! That hurt!” She took a sharp inhale as she rubbed her breast.
“Carly, I am SO sorry!” Sam said, ducking under the net to join us.
“Sam! Stop trying to injure your classmates!” Ms Johanson said.
“Look, class is almost over, why don’t you all go change and we’ll call it here for the day.” Ms Johanson stepped next to Carly and I.
“Carly, are you alright?” She asked, placing a hand on Carly’s shoulder.
“Yeah. I think so.” Carly was still rubbing her breast.
Ms Johanson then put her other hand on my shoulder.
“And how about you, Mark?” She looked down at my penis, which thankfully was still flaccid.
“Yeah, I think I’m okay.” I said.
“Okay, if either of you still feel any pain after lunch, come see me, okay?” Ms Johanson said.
We nodded.
Ms Johanson looked at the clock.
“Okay, everyone, go ahead and change. Then you can head to lunch.” She walked back to her office as the girls headed to the lockerrooms.
I grabbed my bag and followed my classmates out.
Sam stopped Carly and I as we left the gymnasium.
“Mark, Carls, wait!” She said.
Carly crossed her arms over her chest and I cupped my hands over my crotch.
Sam huffed.
“Look, I feel about hurting you guys in the volleyball game.” She said.
Carly sighed.
“You already apologized, Sam.” Carly said.
“Yeah. It’s okay. Accidents happen.” I said.
Sam rolled her eyes and looked at the floor.
“No. No. You need to hit me back, so we’ll be even.” Sam said.
“What?!” Carly and I gasped at once.
“You guys need to hit me back so I don’t feel bad.” Sam said.
“Sam, no! I’m not gonna hit you!” Carly said.
“Yeah, Sam, no. You said you were sorry, so, don’t worry about it.” I said.
“No! You guys gotta hit me back!” Sam insisted.
Carly looked at me, then at Sam again.
“Sam no! Where would we even hit you?!” Carly asked.
Sam looked down at her chest.
Sam looked back as Ms Johanson disappeared into her office.
We then looked to see our classmates had all gone into the lockerroom.
“Hurry! Before anyone comes out! Hit me back.” Sam said, putting her hands behind her head.
Sams slightly more than modest breasts stretched her gym shirt!
My penis twitched at the thought of touching her breasts!
Sam was one of ‘curvier’ girls in my classes, and I’d thought of touching her breasts multiple times!
But not HITTING them!
“Come on Mark! Hurry up!” Sam hopped up and down a bit, making her breasts jiggle up and down!
Just like in the volleyball game, the sight sent blood pumping into my penis!
“Sam! No!” I clutched my bag over my crotch and started walking briskly to the lunchroom.
“Come on Sam! Jeez!” Carly dragged Sam into the girls lockerroom.
As I rounded the corner, I heard Sam.
“You guys WILL pay me back! I hate feeling bad!”
I internally was kicking myself.
Had I really just passed up a chance to hit-I mean, TOUCH Sam’s boobs?!
I felt my penis press into my bag as I made my way to the lunch room.
Last edited by NudeBaG on Tue Feb 25, 2025 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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