The Swim Party Crasher_Two New Chapters Feb 24
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 17
The Swim Party Crasher
Chapter 18. Monkey Business
Bertie took the game way too seriously. Either that or she had a mental problem with making a decision. Several times she was just about to
begin doing something, when she said "No...not that". It was beginning to get annoying. Gertie was offering to go first when Bertie shouted out,
"I got it".
Bertie got out of the hot tub. She walks over to the grass near the deck chairs. Getting down on her knees, the girl leans forward, arms outstretched, palms on the ground, her head down toward the grass. Suddenly, her head comes up and she looks to the right and left. "Hoo
Hoo" she says in a deeper voice. Then she rolls over on her back, rolls back and maybe she is on fire and trying to put the fire out?
From his hot tub seat, Taylor can't figure out what that girl is doing.
Another roll over and the eleven year old gets to her feet. But she stands in a hunched over stance like...she's the Hunchback of Notre Dame?
Then looking right at Taylor, she rushes toward the hot tub while shouting "Hoo Hoo", her arms raised in the air.
Taylor has it figured out now. Bertie is acting like a monkey, maybe a chimpanzee, maybe a gorilla. That is so weird. It was Bertie who asked
"Do I have to act like a monkey?" and then she can't think of anything else.
Going Hoo Hoo like an ape, the first monkey of the game swings her arms overhead. Then Bertie makes almost everyone laugh when she
scratches her head with one hand, scratches her butt with the other.
Everyone was laughing except for Taylor.
Bertie jumps up and down like a crazed ape on the rampage. Stopping the ape impression, Bertie laughs as she steps down into the hot tub.
"Okay sis, you copy that".
Gertie has no difficulty duplicating the feat. There wasn't much to it. Even a moron could copycat Bertie's monkey antics. Finishing the act,
Gertie sits back down, and it becomes Taylor's turn to act like a monkey. What the girls did isn't difficult to copy, but the problem is none of that can be done while maintaining any sense of modesty, not for a naked boy.
"Go on Monkey Man," Shannara urges.
Taylor gets out of the hot tub. He gets in position on the grass. Just walking toward the deck chairs made him so aware that he doesn't have
anything on, and everyone is staring and grinning at him from the tub. They are probably thinking he has a scrawny body, a pale moon
butt, and he needs to work out more. Again, the internal mental image takes over his thoughts of how he compares physically with how Dillinger looks awesome in a Halloween loincloth or a skimpy speedo. Taylor can hear the laughter, but fortunately no comments from the peanut gallery.
As Taylor rises up, looking around, then rolling on the grass back and forth...going into monkey mode he feels like an idiot. Roll on the grass,
check. Stand up and rush toward the tub, check. Stand at the edge of the hot tub while scratching one's ass and head while four people gawk
at you. It's not easy to do, not easy to swing the arms about and keep the hands from covering up. Fuck...the next part sucks. Jump up and
down, shout Hoo Hoo, wave the arms about. Taylor can feel and even hear his dick flopping up and down. He had stayed soft up to this point.
The wack wack of cock on the flop has it growing and getting harder. He can see it in the eyes of the three girls down below him as their smiles
get even more hungry looking as they gaze upon a young boy's flopping penis and bouncing balls, and that truly makes Taylor feel like a retard who doesn't know better than to run around naked in Kindergarten class. Taylor tries not to look at their faces, especially the twins. In looking
downward, he sees the penis is getting dangerously near to full erection.
Copycat job done, Taylor jumps down into the tub, slips down into the water. The twins high-five each other. Shannara is laughing so hard
her eyes are tearing up. Dillinger merely looks amused.
Taylor becomes the amused one when it finally comes to Dillinger's turn to act the part of a monkey. Having such nice muscularity, such
impeccable proportions, the older Dillinger must look way less stupid in monkey mode than Taylor must have appeared. The girls did less laughing and more commenting on how hot and such a stud the bigger boy is. Taylor can't disagree with them. Also the fourteen year old's thicker penis, larger nuts, dark patch of pubic's all so manly and it reminds Taylor how deficient he is. He has similar length of dick, but that is the only comparable feature that is favorable to Taylor. Shannara is mostly silent, totally mesmerized by the sight of the hunky Dillinger jumping up and
down, her first look at the 'Boy Next Door' completely nude. Where Taylor's penis flops like a slender snake, Dillinger's thicker appendage
sways up and down, and he too seemed to end up with a couple extra inches showing by the time his monkey business was finished.
Everyone claps hands when Dillinger sits down. But there is no time to slow down when the show is going good. "Well done everybody. You all make great monkeys. Gertie, you go next," and Shannara moves the game along.
Gertie knew what she wanted to do right away. Taking a position on the grass, basically in the same spot her sister did, Gertie raises her arms
into the air, places one leg behind the other. Then waving her arms and spinning around, Gertie does a pirouette.
"What the hell" slips from Taylor's tongue. As the girl prances around in a circle, making leaps and bounds look graceful, Taylor recognizes the
ballet moves. He's watched some ballet on Youtube, and though he might not remember the names of famously choreographed routines he knows real ballet when he sees it. Acting like a monkey was stupid, but imitate the Nutcracker Suite? How the hell is he supposed to do that and
maintain some dignity while naked?
Chapter 18. Monkey Business
Bertie took the game way too seriously. Either that or she had a mental problem with making a decision. Several times she was just about to
begin doing something, when she said "No...not that". It was beginning to get annoying. Gertie was offering to go first when Bertie shouted out,
"I got it".
Bertie got out of the hot tub. She walks over to the grass near the deck chairs. Getting down on her knees, the girl leans forward, arms outstretched, palms on the ground, her head down toward the grass. Suddenly, her head comes up and she looks to the right and left. "Hoo
Hoo" she says in a deeper voice. Then she rolls over on her back, rolls back and maybe she is on fire and trying to put the fire out?
From his hot tub seat, Taylor can't figure out what that girl is doing.
Another roll over and the eleven year old gets to her feet. But she stands in a hunched over stance like...she's the Hunchback of Notre Dame?
Then looking right at Taylor, she rushes toward the hot tub while shouting "Hoo Hoo", her arms raised in the air.
Taylor has it figured out now. Bertie is acting like a monkey, maybe a chimpanzee, maybe a gorilla. That is so weird. It was Bertie who asked
"Do I have to act like a monkey?" and then she can't think of anything else.
Going Hoo Hoo like an ape, the first monkey of the game swings her arms overhead. Then Bertie makes almost everyone laugh when she
scratches her head with one hand, scratches her butt with the other.
Everyone was laughing except for Taylor.
Bertie jumps up and down like a crazed ape on the rampage. Stopping the ape impression, Bertie laughs as she steps down into the hot tub.
"Okay sis, you copy that".
Gertie has no difficulty duplicating the feat. There wasn't much to it. Even a moron could copycat Bertie's monkey antics. Finishing the act,
Gertie sits back down, and it becomes Taylor's turn to act like a monkey. What the girls did isn't difficult to copy, but the problem is none of that can be done while maintaining any sense of modesty, not for a naked boy.
"Go on Monkey Man," Shannara urges.
Taylor gets out of the hot tub. He gets in position on the grass. Just walking toward the deck chairs made him so aware that he doesn't have
anything on, and everyone is staring and grinning at him from the tub. They are probably thinking he has a scrawny body, a pale moon
butt, and he needs to work out more. Again, the internal mental image takes over his thoughts of how he compares physically with how Dillinger looks awesome in a Halloween loincloth or a skimpy speedo. Taylor can hear the laughter, but fortunately no comments from the peanut gallery.
As Taylor rises up, looking around, then rolling on the grass back and forth...going into monkey mode he feels like an idiot. Roll on the grass,
check. Stand up and rush toward the tub, check. Stand at the edge of the hot tub while scratching one's ass and head while four people gawk
at you. It's not easy to do, not easy to swing the arms about and keep the hands from covering up. Fuck...the next part sucks. Jump up and
down, shout Hoo Hoo, wave the arms about. Taylor can feel and even hear his dick flopping up and down. He had stayed soft up to this point.
The wack wack of cock on the flop has it growing and getting harder. He can see it in the eyes of the three girls down below him as their smiles
get even more hungry looking as they gaze upon a young boy's flopping penis and bouncing balls, and that truly makes Taylor feel like a retard who doesn't know better than to run around naked in Kindergarten class. Taylor tries not to look at their faces, especially the twins. In looking
downward, he sees the penis is getting dangerously near to full erection.
Copycat job done, Taylor jumps down into the tub, slips down into the water. The twins high-five each other. Shannara is laughing so hard
her eyes are tearing up. Dillinger merely looks amused.
Taylor becomes the amused one when it finally comes to Dillinger's turn to act the part of a monkey. Having such nice muscularity, such
impeccable proportions, the older Dillinger must look way less stupid in monkey mode than Taylor must have appeared. The girls did less laughing and more commenting on how hot and such a stud the bigger boy is. Taylor can't disagree with them. Also the fourteen year old's thicker penis, larger nuts, dark patch of pubic's all so manly and it reminds Taylor how deficient he is. He has similar length of dick, but that is the only comparable feature that is favorable to Taylor. Shannara is mostly silent, totally mesmerized by the sight of the hunky Dillinger jumping up and
down, her first look at the 'Boy Next Door' completely nude. Where Taylor's penis flops like a slender snake, Dillinger's thicker appendage
sways up and down, and he too seemed to end up with a couple extra inches showing by the time his monkey business was finished.
Everyone claps hands when Dillinger sits down. But there is no time to slow down when the show is going good. "Well done everybody. You all make great monkeys. Gertie, you go next," and Shannara moves the game along.
Gertie knew what she wanted to do right away. Taking a position on the grass, basically in the same spot her sister did, Gertie raises her arms
into the air, places one leg behind the other. Then waving her arms and spinning around, Gertie does a pirouette.
"What the hell" slips from Taylor's tongue. As the girl prances around in a circle, making leaps and bounds look graceful, Taylor recognizes the
ballet moves. He's watched some ballet on Youtube, and though he might not remember the names of famously choreographed routines he knows real ballet when he sees it. Acting like a monkey was stupid, but imitate the Nutcracker Suite? How the hell is he supposed to do that and
maintain some dignity while naked?
- Jeepman89
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 18
Love the monkey business they have to imitate for sure. The girls are being treated to 2 bare naked boys humiliating themselves on the grass and it's hilarious. It can only get more embarrassing with the new games.
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 18
The Swim Party Crasher
Chapter 19. Ballet in the Buff Takes Balls.
As Taylor watched Gertie do a series of ballet dance moves, taken directly from the Nutcracker Suite, doing tippy toe walks and backward leg
kicks, then hopping in a circle while balanced on one foot, the other leg held up in the air, Taylor knows he would look totally inept at duplicating
the feat. One of the things Taylor kept secret from others was a desire to be a dancer, to put on nice costumes and wow people with his
performances. However, he's never had a real lesson.
Taylor practiced in secret at home, turning on Youtube videos and watching and trying to copy what ballet dancers did on stage. There was no
way he would ever be in a real dance class. He could never in his right mind ask for such a thing. First, his sister would ridicule him. Second,
his mom would gripe about the cost while saying it's all a waste of time.
There was one dancer Taylor found on Youtube that was an inspiration to him. A Portuguese kid, not much older than he is, had such great
moves and perfect form, and had the kind of body Taylor wished he had, the kind of body that Dillinger does have. Sometimes when he
was home alone Taylor would copy the moves and pretend to be the wonderful ballet dancer in the video.
Taylor is going to get his chance to dance in front of an eager audience, but he's going to have to do the moves minus the cool costume, is
going to have to do the moves even without tights. Normally, dancing and prancing around in tights would be a boy's nightmare, doing
so while nude is cause enough to make a kid break down and cry.
Gertie finishes her dance moves, and she sits back down in the hot tub. Taylor is next, as the group is keeping the order of Monkey See Monkey
Do the same. Going next wouldn't be so bad, except while Taylor was watching the performance, something fishy was going on under the water
of the hot tub. Something, most likely a foot was bumping up against his crotch as he sat watching Gertie's show. From the sneaky furtive
glances by Bertie, Taylor was fairly sure it was Gertie's sister who was doing the footsy under the waves.
"Hey...stop that" Taylor whispers, but of course this is ignored. The toe attack keeps coming back.
Gertie's dance didn't take that long, but it was long enough for her sister to make damn sure Taylor's dick continued to stay hard and long. Since
he was mostly hard already, the extra attention of toes rubbing up and down his upward pointing penis made for a super duper hard boner by the time Gertie sat back down.
"Do I really have to go now. Can I skip to the back of the line?" Taylor asks, and his cousin the rules maker vetoes the idea. Shannara did seem
to catch on something was going on, and she had no intention of letting Taylor off the hook. Taylor climbs out of the tub, trying to cover
up his hardon the best he can, but knowing it's all a waste of effort though he tried to cover up anyway.
Taking position on the grass, Taylor does his best to tune out the sight of laughter and merry grins as he strikes the pose, his dick sticking out like
a rigid pointer. It's amazing how big one's dick looks when one wants to keep it hidden. Taylor raises his arms in the air, his audience most likely
paying more attention to the penis already raised up in the air. Then going into action, Taylor does his best to pretend he is Antonio Casalinho the incredible young performer in the Youtube videos. He spins, he twirls, and he jumps. The three girls love it, though their applause and appreciation probably has nothing to do with how well Taylor did those ballet moves. Somehow, trying to do ballet was more humiliating than acting like a monkey man getting laughs by butt scratching.
Every time he jumped his dick whacked him good on the stomach. Twice while twirling he nearly fell over. Finally, the task is accomplished.
Taylor rushes for the small but better than nothing cover the hot tub seat provides. Again, the girls are very appreciative of his performance,
especially since he was showing more hard dick than before.
Shannara is next, and her performance turned out to be lackluster and basically boring. Not much applause when Shannara finished what could hardly be called ballet. And then it came to be Dillinger's turn to dance.
Dillinger actually looked slightly pale. He was not eager to try to duplicate the Nutcracker dance, and he says "Screw this. I'm gonna jump
into the pool."
The girls laugh when Dillinger jumps into the frigid water of the swimming pool. It's a funny sight, but no comparison to a naked dance. Even
Taylor was disappointed his big buddy didn't have the balls to be a bare assed ballet dancer. Shannara made him stay in the pool for a count of
sixty seconds. By the time the count is done, and Dillinger is safely back into the hot water, the bigger but not bolder boy is shivering and
shaking. Bertie, Gertie, and Shannara help out their friend by adding some body heat to his bare flesh, and Taylor did get a chuckle when he saw Shannara reach down under the water to rub on something there.
"Shrinkage is not good for you. Let's get that hot cock ready to rock," she says as Shannara spends about a minute warming up Dillinger's cold
water shrunken manhood. Dillinger's pale face returned to a nice toasty rosy color. Even though he was feeling good by the attention, Dillinger
didn't want the game to come to a standstill.
"You know it's Taylor's turn to do something. Come on Taylor. Come up with something these girls won't do. I want to see somebody
else getting naked...and cold."
Chapter 19. Ballet in the Buff Takes Balls.
As Taylor watched Gertie do a series of ballet dance moves, taken directly from the Nutcracker Suite, doing tippy toe walks and backward leg
kicks, then hopping in a circle while balanced on one foot, the other leg held up in the air, Taylor knows he would look totally inept at duplicating
the feat. One of the things Taylor kept secret from others was a desire to be a dancer, to put on nice costumes and wow people with his
performances. However, he's never had a real lesson.
Taylor practiced in secret at home, turning on Youtube videos and watching and trying to copy what ballet dancers did on stage. There was no
way he would ever be in a real dance class. He could never in his right mind ask for such a thing. First, his sister would ridicule him. Second,
his mom would gripe about the cost while saying it's all a waste of time.
There was one dancer Taylor found on Youtube that was an inspiration to him. A Portuguese kid, not much older than he is, had such great
moves and perfect form, and had the kind of body Taylor wished he had, the kind of body that Dillinger does have. Sometimes when he
was home alone Taylor would copy the moves and pretend to be the wonderful ballet dancer in the video.
Taylor is going to get his chance to dance in front of an eager audience, but he's going to have to do the moves minus the cool costume, is
going to have to do the moves even without tights. Normally, dancing and prancing around in tights would be a boy's nightmare, doing
so while nude is cause enough to make a kid break down and cry.
Gertie finishes her dance moves, and she sits back down in the hot tub. Taylor is next, as the group is keeping the order of Monkey See Monkey
Do the same. Going next wouldn't be so bad, except while Taylor was watching the performance, something fishy was going on under the water
of the hot tub. Something, most likely a foot was bumping up against his crotch as he sat watching Gertie's show. From the sneaky furtive
glances by Bertie, Taylor was fairly sure it was Gertie's sister who was doing the footsy under the waves.
"Hey...stop that" Taylor whispers, but of course this is ignored. The toe attack keeps coming back.
Gertie's dance didn't take that long, but it was long enough for her sister to make damn sure Taylor's dick continued to stay hard and long. Since
he was mostly hard already, the extra attention of toes rubbing up and down his upward pointing penis made for a super duper hard boner by the time Gertie sat back down.
"Do I really have to go now. Can I skip to the back of the line?" Taylor asks, and his cousin the rules maker vetoes the idea. Shannara did seem
to catch on something was going on, and she had no intention of letting Taylor off the hook. Taylor climbs out of the tub, trying to cover
up his hardon the best he can, but knowing it's all a waste of effort though he tried to cover up anyway.
Taking position on the grass, Taylor does his best to tune out the sight of laughter and merry grins as he strikes the pose, his dick sticking out like
a rigid pointer. It's amazing how big one's dick looks when one wants to keep it hidden. Taylor raises his arms in the air, his audience most likely
paying more attention to the penis already raised up in the air. Then going into action, Taylor does his best to pretend he is Antonio Casalinho the incredible young performer in the Youtube videos. He spins, he twirls, and he jumps. The three girls love it, though their applause and appreciation probably has nothing to do with how well Taylor did those ballet moves. Somehow, trying to do ballet was more humiliating than acting like a monkey man getting laughs by butt scratching.
Every time he jumped his dick whacked him good on the stomach. Twice while twirling he nearly fell over. Finally, the task is accomplished.
Taylor rushes for the small but better than nothing cover the hot tub seat provides. Again, the girls are very appreciative of his performance,
especially since he was showing more hard dick than before.
Shannara is next, and her performance turned out to be lackluster and basically boring. Not much applause when Shannara finished what could hardly be called ballet. And then it came to be Dillinger's turn to dance.
Dillinger actually looked slightly pale. He was not eager to try to duplicate the Nutcracker dance, and he says "Screw this. I'm gonna jump
into the pool."
The girls laugh when Dillinger jumps into the frigid water of the swimming pool. It's a funny sight, but no comparison to a naked dance. Even
Taylor was disappointed his big buddy didn't have the balls to be a bare assed ballet dancer. Shannara made him stay in the pool for a count of
sixty seconds. By the time the count is done, and Dillinger is safely back into the hot water, the bigger but not bolder boy is shivering and
shaking. Bertie, Gertie, and Shannara help out their friend by adding some body heat to his bare flesh, and Taylor did get a chuckle when he saw Shannara reach down under the water to rub on something there.
"Shrinkage is not good for you. Let's get that hot cock ready to rock," she says as Shannara spends about a minute warming up Dillinger's cold
water shrunken manhood. Dillinger's pale face returned to a nice toasty rosy color. Even though he was feeling good by the attention, Dillinger
didn't want the game to come to a standstill.
"You know it's Taylor's turn to do something. Come on Taylor. Come up with something these girls won't do. I want to see somebody
else getting naked...and cold."
- Trundle
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 19
Great update.
I was hoping we might see a little footsie action in the hot tub with how crowded it is in there, the girls can easily claim they didn't mean to do it and there just wasn't enough space to put their feet somewhere else but I think we know they did it on purpose
Looking forward to seeing how creative Taylor can be. Will he manage to embarrass others or will it backfire on him?
I was hoping we might see a little footsie action in the hot tub with how crowded it is in there, the girls can easily claim they didn't mean to do it and there just wasn't enough space to put their feet somewhere else but I think we know they did it on purpose

Looking forward to seeing how creative Taylor can be. Will he manage to embarrass others or will it backfire on him?
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 19
The Swim Party Crasher
Chapter 20. No Impulse Control
It's Taylor's turn to be the monkey in the game of Monkey See Monkey Do. The twin girls went first, and he's been so embarrassed by what he
had to do, to copycat the two girls, that he hadn't done much thinking process on what to do when it came to his turn. What can he do that
would be so bad it would force a girl to throw in the towel. What could be so humiliating that one, if not all, of the girls would rather jump
into the cold water of the swimming pool, having to get naked first to jump in?
"What are you gonna do, girlie monkey?" Gertie sarcastically asks, and how did she know Taylor is sometimes called "girlie boy" by the other kids
at school that know Taylor best? Taylor and the twins are not only separated by one grade, but by separate schools as well, the junior high
having grades 7 and 8. Gertie and Bertie are still in the elementary school, 6th grade.
The reference to being "girlie" triggered something in Taylor's memory. The thought of it made him giggle. It made his expression shy and
ashamed with the recall. Not long ago, just a couple months ago actually, Taylor was snooping around in the bedroom of the apartment. The apartment only has one bedroom shared by his mom and sister. Taylor rarely ventures into the bedroom, except his clothes are also kept in
there in a small dresser next to his sister's dresser.
Taylor was in the bedroom to put away some of his things, but being a typically curious kid he peered into the top drawer of Kiara's dresser when
he noticed it was partly pulled open. Taylor can see some bright colors and this gets his curiosity up much higher than it should be. Opening the top drawer further, Taylor can see bright silky red panties, some pink ones too. The top drawer has a wooden divider in the middle. The panties
on the left side are larger and belong to mom. The underwear on the right side is a couple sizes smaller and obviously belong to the sister. There was one shiny looking pair on top of the stack on the right side. These panties are red and small and lacey on the butt side. For some reason
Taylor got a strange urge to pick them up. He has a compulsion to put them on. ... 4_26yc.jpg
Taylor was only wearing shorts and briefs, so he quickly slipped these off. These got shoved into his top drawer which he closed. Holding up
the sheer red silky panties of his sister, Taylor momentarily fights the urge. His sister isn't home and neither is his mother. Mom has gone out
to work early, and Kiara was over at a friends house to work on some school project. Taylor doesn't expect her to be home until around nine,
which is half an hour away. Holding the forbidden object in his hands, stretched out up to the light of the lamp, the light shines through the
sheer material. Taylor giggles at his wicked thoughts.
Not being able to control his impulses, Taylor slips on the small red lace panties that belong to Kiara. The material feels so insignificant
sliding up his legs, not bulky like boxers or thick cotton like boyish white briefs.
For the first time Taylor realized just how much a difference having a dick and balls makes. His boy parts could barely be tucked into the
front of the sheer panties. A large round protrusion sticks outward and it's clear this type of underwear is in no way designed to hide a bulge,
not that the bulge is huge. Taylor is only twelve.
Stepping over to the full length mirror that is attached to the closet door, Taylor looks at his appearance. Immediately he laughs, he points
to his own image and it looks both silly and alluring at the same time. Somehow the look isn't totally out of place. With the long blond hair,
the feminine features, the softer than usual muscle tone...Taylor looks exactly like what the kids at school tease him about. He really is a girlie
Taylor looks at himself from every angle, and even the fit of the lace on his ass seems to be okay, if a bit loose. Kiara's caboose is definitely
bigger. It's on the front side the fit is snug and tight. It's gotten tighter. Taylor chuckles, seeing how his bulge is expanding. He's getting
stiff. He's getting turned on looking at himself in his sister's new shiny panties. Touching himself, as he gazes upon the reflection from the
mirror, turns him on even more. The nerve endings are firing big time as his fingers slide up his skin from belly button to nipples. Taylor
makes kisses at himself and he giggles. This is so naughty and it's cool to be that way sometimes.
"Hi ya what you see?" Taylor repeats a line he heard in an old black and white movie, and he is amazed how easily he slipped into
a female mentality. That only made sense, as it would be near impossible to slip into a more masculine mode while dressed in such a garment.
Taylor's head, then his body spins around when he hears his sister's voice. "Damn. Kiara is back early."
Kiara really isn't back so early. A glance at the clock shows Taylor lost track of time as he gazed at himself in the mirror. It's a quarter to
Nine. Kiara's voice is close. She came in and Taylor didn't hear the front door open or close. Kiara is either talking on the phone, or worse
she brought somebody over.
There are only seconds to do something and Taylor panics. There is no time to swich out the panties and put his own briefs and shorts
back on. He could get away with just the briefs...but time is too brief, Kiara will be here in only seconds.
Shutting the top dresser drawer closed, Taylor moves away toward the only place that is somewhat safe. Jumping into the closet, Taylor
gets out of view just as Kiara enters the bedroom. There is no way he can try to close the closet door. It will have to remain open.
Kiara is talking on the phone as she enters the bedroom. "Oh great. The video you sent me just showed up. I'll open it now." Kiara sits
down on the side of the bed, fingers touching the phone. Soon a video starts playing, and by the sound of it it seems to be something no parent
would want their child to see. The sounds were moaning, groaning and huffing and puffing words such as "Ooooh baby" and "Hmmm you are so
"That guy is all shaved down there. I don't like them baby smooth," Kiara says to whoever is on the line. "But damn...he's looks like he's no
older than eighteen. Such a hot body. Okay girl. Thanks for the video. Um, I got some work to do. Talk to you at school. Bye now."
The conversation is finished, but Kiara is not done with the video. She sets the phone down, but only long enough to take off the jeanss she
has on, and her panties, a regular looking cottony type.
"Is Kiara about to do what I thinks she's doing?" Taylor wonders to himself as he crouches near the open door of the closet.
Chapter 20. No Impulse Control
It's Taylor's turn to be the monkey in the game of Monkey See Monkey Do. The twin girls went first, and he's been so embarrassed by what he
had to do, to copycat the two girls, that he hadn't done much thinking process on what to do when it came to his turn. What can he do that
would be so bad it would force a girl to throw in the towel. What could be so humiliating that one, if not all, of the girls would rather jump
into the cold water of the swimming pool, having to get naked first to jump in?
"What are you gonna do, girlie monkey?" Gertie sarcastically asks, and how did she know Taylor is sometimes called "girlie boy" by the other kids
at school that know Taylor best? Taylor and the twins are not only separated by one grade, but by separate schools as well, the junior high
having grades 7 and 8. Gertie and Bertie are still in the elementary school, 6th grade.
The reference to being "girlie" triggered something in Taylor's memory. The thought of it made him giggle. It made his expression shy and
ashamed with the recall. Not long ago, just a couple months ago actually, Taylor was snooping around in the bedroom of the apartment. The apartment only has one bedroom shared by his mom and sister. Taylor rarely ventures into the bedroom, except his clothes are also kept in
there in a small dresser next to his sister's dresser.
Taylor was in the bedroom to put away some of his things, but being a typically curious kid he peered into the top drawer of Kiara's dresser when
he noticed it was partly pulled open. Taylor can see some bright colors and this gets his curiosity up much higher than it should be. Opening the top drawer further, Taylor can see bright silky red panties, some pink ones too. The top drawer has a wooden divider in the middle. The panties
on the left side are larger and belong to mom. The underwear on the right side is a couple sizes smaller and obviously belong to the sister. There was one shiny looking pair on top of the stack on the right side. These panties are red and small and lacey on the butt side. For some reason
Taylor got a strange urge to pick them up. He has a compulsion to put them on. ... 4_26yc.jpg
Taylor was only wearing shorts and briefs, so he quickly slipped these off. These got shoved into his top drawer which he closed. Holding up
the sheer red silky panties of his sister, Taylor momentarily fights the urge. His sister isn't home and neither is his mother. Mom has gone out
to work early, and Kiara was over at a friends house to work on some school project. Taylor doesn't expect her to be home until around nine,
which is half an hour away. Holding the forbidden object in his hands, stretched out up to the light of the lamp, the light shines through the
sheer material. Taylor giggles at his wicked thoughts.
Not being able to control his impulses, Taylor slips on the small red lace panties that belong to Kiara. The material feels so insignificant
sliding up his legs, not bulky like boxers or thick cotton like boyish white briefs.
For the first time Taylor realized just how much a difference having a dick and balls makes. His boy parts could barely be tucked into the
front of the sheer panties. A large round protrusion sticks outward and it's clear this type of underwear is in no way designed to hide a bulge,
not that the bulge is huge. Taylor is only twelve.
Stepping over to the full length mirror that is attached to the closet door, Taylor looks at his appearance. Immediately he laughs, he points
to his own image and it looks both silly and alluring at the same time. Somehow the look isn't totally out of place. With the long blond hair,
the feminine features, the softer than usual muscle tone...Taylor looks exactly like what the kids at school tease him about. He really is a girlie
Taylor looks at himself from every angle, and even the fit of the lace on his ass seems to be okay, if a bit loose. Kiara's caboose is definitely
bigger. It's on the front side the fit is snug and tight. It's gotten tighter. Taylor chuckles, seeing how his bulge is expanding. He's getting
stiff. He's getting turned on looking at himself in his sister's new shiny panties. Touching himself, as he gazes upon the reflection from the
mirror, turns him on even more. The nerve endings are firing big time as his fingers slide up his skin from belly button to nipples. Taylor
makes kisses at himself and he giggles. This is so naughty and it's cool to be that way sometimes.
"Hi ya what you see?" Taylor repeats a line he heard in an old black and white movie, and he is amazed how easily he slipped into
a female mentality. That only made sense, as it would be near impossible to slip into a more masculine mode while dressed in such a garment.
Taylor's head, then his body spins around when he hears his sister's voice. "Damn. Kiara is back early."
Kiara really isn't back so early. A glance at the clock shows Taylor lost track of time as he gazed at himself in the mirror. It's a quarter to
Nine. Kiara's voice is close. She came in and Taylor didn't hear the front door open or close. Kiara is either talking on the phone, or worse
she brought somebody over.
There are only seconds to do something and Taylor panics. There is no time to swich out the panties and put his own briefs and shorts
back on. He could get away with just the briefs...but time is too brief, Kiara will be here in only seconds.
Shutting the top dresser drawer closed, Taylor moves away toward the only place that is somewhat safe. Jumping into the closet, Taylor
gets out of view just as Kiara enters the bedroom. There is no way he can try to close the closet door. It will have to remain open.
Kiara is talking on the phone as she enters the bedroom. "Oh great. The video you sent me just showed up. I'll open it now." Kiara sits
down on the side of the bed, fingers touching the phone. Soon a video starts playing, and by the sound of it it seems to be something no parent
would want their child to see. The sounds were moaning, groaning and huffing and puffing words such as "Ooooh baby" and "Hmmm you are so
"That guy is all shaved down there. I don't like them baby smooth," Kiara says to whoever is on the line. "But damn...he's looks like he's no
older than eighteen. Such a hot body. Okay girl. Thanks for the video. Um, I got some work to do. Talk to you at school. Bye now."
The conversation is finished, but Kiara is not done with the video. She sets the phone down, but only long enough to take off the jeanss she
has on, and her panties, a regular looking cottony type.
"Is Kiara about to do what I thinks she's doing?" Taylor wonders to himself as he crouches near the open door of the closet.
- Trundle
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 20
Great latest chapter.
As much as I'm enjoying the sauna monkey see monkey do game, and I really am enjoying it, this chapter also made me miss the sister character. I hope we get to see more of her and Taylors Mom soon. I love how in control of him they both are.
Story is fantastic, the spammer is trying his best to ruin this site but hopefully it doesn't put people off writing stories.
As much as I'm enjoying the sauna monkey see monkey do game, and I really am enjoying it, this chapter also made me miss the sister character. I hope we get to see more of her and Taylors Mom soon. I love how in control of him they both are.
Story is fantastic, the spammer is trying his best to ruin this site but hopefully it doesn't put people off writing stories.
- Trundle
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 22
Well I wasn't sure Taylor would be quick thinking enough but it sounds like he's managed to turn things around and now it's a girl that is potentially about to naked and embarrassed!
Are things going too well for Taylor though? I wonder if anything will ruin it for him? Can't wait to find out.
Are things going too well for Taylor though? I wonder if anything will ruin it for him? Can't wait to find out.
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- Jeepman89
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- Trundle
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_Two New Chapters Feb 24
Wow things have escalated big time!
I wonder if Taylor will be the one to push Dillinger over the edge so to speak? Part of me hopes he's caught jerking off the boy by a neighbour or something like that, the girls manage to sneak away so it's just the two boys in trouble
I'm sure you have something great planned as always TeenFan.
I wonder if Taylor will be the one to push Dillinger over the edge so to speak? Part of me hopes he's caught jerking off the boy by a neighbour or something like that, the girls manage to sneak away so it's just the two boys in trouble

I'm sure you have something great planned as always TeenFan.
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