Part 4 Claire (Finale)
A month has gone by since that faithful day of my sister Juliana streaking through the neighborhood. Every day at school I witnessed her getting teased constantly. I kept telling her people would eventually move on. I did feel bad for her, but let's be honest...I'm mostly glad it didn't happen to me. All these thoughts ran through my head as I'm walking to class. ***SMACK*** I quickly turn to see what that loud sound was.
It was Tommy and he just got slapped straight across the face by Ashley.
"Get away from me! You're a pervert!" Ashley said.
I saw Tommy run away as some people were still trying to process what happened and others just chuckled at his stupidity. Still I was curious as to what Tommy had actually said to Ashley.
You see Ashley has been my arch rival since elementary school. We butted heads every step of the way. Whether it was who could win in a recess kickball when we were younger or as we got older who could get more attention from boys. I even beat her out for captain of our high school soccer team. Nonetheless, I'll figure out what happened later. I need to head to chemistry.
It was a lab day and Miss Jones assigned everyone partners to do their experiments. I hated lab days. I never really knew what was going on so I was hoping I'd get one of the smart cute boys in my class. But nope. I got partnered with Ashley. UGH. I decided to let her do everything and I pulled out my phone checking out my latest instagram post to see how many likes my latest post got. If I was actually paying attention I might have prevented Ashley from accidently spilling a moderate amount of chemicals on me.
"OH MY GOD. Miss Jones! This green stuff just spilled on Claire!" Ashley said.
"That stuff can be very dangerous we need to de-contaminate you!" Miss Jones nervously explained.
"Uh de-contaminate? You don't mean..." as my eyes gaze to the chemical shower and then back to my classmates as they had a mixed set of emotions. Some embarrassed for me, others shaking their head at my stupidity, and the boys of course just excited to see what happens next.
Miss Jones suddenly understanding why I was so nervous as her eyes looked over at the chemical shower too.
"Huh? Oh no that one is just for show. I don't think that's worked for over 10 years." She explained.
"However, we do need to get you a chemical shower asap. Ashley? Can you please take Claire to the nurse's office now?" Miss Jones asked.
"Of course! It's the least I can do. Let's go." Ashley said.
We made it to the nurse's office with no issues as the nurse showed me the chemical shower and advised me to remove all my clothes and place them in this bin to get them washed.
I was a little embarrassed about how everything went down but all things considered it could have been much worse. I was deep in my shower thoughts as I was trying to thoroughly wash off any remaining substance. I overheard the nurse take a phone call about a kid vomiting in another class and I heard her slam the office door shut to take care of that situation.
Satisfied with my "de-contamination" I pulled back the shower curtains eager to change into the spare clothes the nurse left me. My heart nearly stopped when I didn't see any clothing in the room. I thought it was just a mistake. "Helllooo? I think you forgot my spare clothes???"
*Complete Silence*
"Hello???" As I peek only my head out of the bathroom door.
Out of the corner of my eye I see the spare clothes on the nurses desk. I stealthfully tip toe over to them but as I get closer I watch them get snatched up suddenly by another pair of hands. I was so concerned about being quiet that I didn't even notice Ashley was hiding in the room.
"Are you looking for these?" Ashley teased.
"Ashley! Give me those clothes...NOW!" Trying to sound intimidating but really coming off as desperate than anything.
"Wow. I never did take you as a real blonde but I guess the carpet does match the drapes?" Ashley giggled.
My face reddened and my hands shot down to cover my privates. Sighing in defeat..."What do you want?"
"I've wanted so many things from you over the years, but today? I'll settle for humbling little miss perfect. Let's go for a walk." Ashley smiled.
Leaving the room was the last thing I wanted, but seeing no other choice I followed while tightly grasping my privates.
"Here's the deal. One lap around the hallways and you can have these clothes...BUT you can't run only walk! If you go too fast I'm going back to class WITH your clothes."
The hallways at my school was just one big rectangle so it wasn't like it was super big. Ultimately, I didn't even bother responding. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction. I just started making my way through the hallway. My heart was racing and each step felt deafening. Like someone would just walk out and discover me in all my glory. Is this what Cersei felt when she did the walk of shame in Game of Thrones? Minus the crowd of course...But before I knew it I had made it back to the starting point. It felt like I just blacked out during that walk. Except one thing was missing. Well not one thing but one person....
"Ashley? Ashley?" I whispered trying not to scream while frantically looking around. Omg omg omg.
THIS IS NOT HAPPENING. Why did I think I could trust her?!
Knowing I needed to do something I ran around the corner and ****BAMMM****
"Ouch what was that?" Glancing up I see none other than Tommy.
"Tommy!!!!! You have to help me. That bitch Ashley is trying to ruin my life!"
Luckily, Tommy had a look on his face that showed genuine look of concern. I thought.
"Sis! That's horrible. Follow me I have a spare set of gym clothes in here." Tommy said.
I swear all I heard was clothes and didn't think twice. He allows me to walk through the door first and doesn't follow me in because he told me he wanted to make sure no one walked in on me. Maybe he's not so bad of a brother after all.
The room is dark but I closed the door, kept my arms to my side, closed my eyes, and leaned against it finally taking one final deep breath. "Finally, it's over."
***lights suddenly flash on****
My eyes bulged out of my head. I swear it felt like time was frozen. In the room with me was at least 20 people and their phones were aimed at me. I stood there still not processing what was happening. Everyone had a clear frontal look at my cherry red face, round perky boobs with small nipples that were completely hard and down below where it confirmed I was a real blonde. It wasn't until I locked eyes with Ashley that I snapped out of my trance. She whistled at me and yelled "LOVE THE NEW LOOK GIRLIE!" Not even trying to hold back her loud belly laughter.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I ran out of that room and was dead set on getting to the girls locker room to get my extra set of gym clothes. It wasn't until I passed Tommy, who was still standing in front of the door, just dying of laughter that it hit me.....
He never said anything perverted to Ashley when she slapped him in the hallway earlier that day, Ashley didn't "accidently" spill that chemical on me in chemistry, and Tommy wasn't trying to help me when he found me stranded alone. It was all part of his elaborate plan for revenge. He caused my most humiliating day ever and I will forever been known as the naked blonde bimbo of my high school. And it was all because of a simple little prank.
A Simple Little Prank Part 4 (Finale)
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