Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (complete)

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 12 -18 Feb)

Post by NudeBaG »

steam train wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2025 10:15 pm Thank you again for this wonderful series. I have enjoyed how the author slowly exposed the girls over the course of this ENM story. A lot of authors like to leave things to the readers imagination, but I am not one of those. I usually have a clear idea in my head what a character looks like and try to bring that out in the story. This has been done so well in this story. For example over multiple chapters we get a full idea of Ellie : “” Had perfectly rounded, smooth breasts with small, pink nipples standing erect from the middle of them and a thick pubic bush of ginger hair which also covered her pronounced labia lips.””. That’s a very full description 👍

Greatly appreciate your writing efforts.
100% agree✌🏻
I really don’t like picking favorites on here, but this work really speaks for itself.
From start to finish-
The ‘art of the tease’ has been on full display!
And that tease paid off 100 fold!
And it seems there’s a bit more to go😅
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 12 -18 Feb)

Post by BareB4U »

steam train wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2025 10:15 pm Thank you again for this wonderful series. I have enjoyed how the author slowly exposed the girls over the course of this ENM story. A lot of authors like to leave things to the readers imagination, but I am not one of those. I usually have a clear idea in my head what a character looks like and try to bring that out in the story. This has been done so well in this story. For example over multiple chapters we get a full idea of Ellie : “” Had perfectly rounded, smooth breasts with small, pink nipples standing erect from the middle of them and a thick pubic bush of ginger hair which also covered her pronounced labia lips.””. That’s a very full description 👍

Greatly appreciate your writing efforts.
Never let it be said that I don't respond to feedback. ;)

Thanks to you and everyone else who has helped me to make this story better!
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 12 -18 Feb)

Post by NudeBaG »

Congratulations again on writing THE BEST story of the last 2 months!
The anticipation for this finale can’t be understated, even having already delivered a perfect arc😊
The fact that you’ve stuck to the contained setting and time limit elevates every aspect of the story.
I’m on pins and needles awaiting Cam’s exposure to Natalie😅
Mark and Jack seem to be able to easily overpower Cam, so it seems Natalie is going to get some good pics of her own😈
Especially if Cam keeps that erection he currently has🤭
But who knows…
Maybe, just maybe, like the delayed reaction he had in front of Hannah, Ellie and Mia, Cam might get a sudden burst of strength.
While his exposure to Natalie seems all but certain now, maybe he can make it so she sees MORE than just HIS goodies😈
Come on Cam!
I’m routing for you!
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool

Post by DrWhoFanJ »

I know I haven’t been replying here much since Chapter 2, but that’s mainly because NudeBaG keeps stealing the words from my mouth before I’ve even thought of them! Desperately looking forward to more of this story and more stories inspired by this in the future! (And, of course, wishing I could’ve had the chance to experience situations like this one IRL! :lol:)
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool

Post by NudeBaG »

DrWhoFanJ wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2025 4:21 pm I know I haven’t been replying here much since Chapter 2, but that’s mainly because NudeBaG keeps stealing the words from my mouth before I’ve even thought of them! Desperately looking forward to more of this story and more stories inspired by this in the future! (And, of course, wishing I could’ve had the chance to experience situations like this one IRL! :lol:)
Oh wow 😅 Lol
Another testament to the quality of writing on display here!
The fact that it evokes similar feelings and sentiments in different people❤️
It can be hard when a writer attempts to live up to fan expectations.
But when that writer does just that, especially with the quality and execution of THIS story, it’s really something.
I have no doubt in BareB4U’s ability to deliver a satisfying conclusion🍆💦❤️
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 13 -23 Feb)

Post by BareB4U »


Cameron’s heart sank. Why should his luck change now, he thought bitterly.

Bare-naked with an erection in front of two fully-clothed bullies was not a situation which filled him with confidence, but he remembered the way to deal with Jack was not to show weakness. Cameron had endured worse today. At least there were no girls present. He also knew he was Jack’s equal in this state, and couldn’t be mocked for his size when he wasn’t flaccid. Maybe hard was better than soft, though it still wasn’t a good look.

“He’s got no hair!” Mark teased him. Jack snorted, “You don’t either, dude.” Mark’s face grew red, but he retorted, “I’ve got more than him. Cam’s a baldy boy!”

Cameron leant his back against the door and folded his arms. He refused to cover up or show any hint that his nudity or lack of hair bothered him at all. He ignored Mark’s taunts. “What are you still doing here?” he asked Jack. “Last I saw, you were running out the pool with a sock between your legs. I’m surprised you’d want to hang around after that!”

Jack stepped towards him menacingly. “Think you’re funny, do you? I was waiting for this idiot to see if he found my trunks.” He waved a hand towards Mark. “I don’t suppose YOU know where they are?” Jack asked Cameron suspiciously.

“No idea,” Cameron answered truthfully. “Why don’t you ask the kids who stripped you? Maybe a girl kept it as a souvenir to remind her of your dick?” Antagonising Jack wasn’t smart, but Cameron was done being pushed around and made to feel vulnerable.

Jack’s response was to kick the pile of clothes away from Cameron’s feet, so that they tumbled out of his reach. “You know,” said Mark, stepping closer, “A bunch of girls saw my dick today. A bunch of girls saw your dick, Jack. Maybe a bunch of girls should see Cameron’s dick too?”

Despite the obvious threat, Cameron laughed at the absurdity. “LOADS of girls have seen my dick today!” he snapped at Mark. Giving voice to that fact made it more real. Cameron figured he would probably need some sort of therapy after this was over, but for now he stood his ground. “Well then, what’s a few more?” Jack asked rhetorically. He and Mark dragged Cameron up from his leaning position, opened the door and shoved him bodily through it.

Mia was exiting the adjacent ladies’ toilets at the same time. In truth, she hadn’t needed to pee. She just needed space to set up a group chat and share the photos and video of Cam before Ellie could stop her. She was surprised to see Cam flung out in front of her, still bollock-naked and sporting a boner once again.

Cameron’s bravado evaporated as he looked at Mia with panic in his eyes once more. He tried to get back inside the sanctuary of the men’s toilets but the door wouldn’t budge. Clearly Jack and Mark were holding it closed, just as he had done to Natalie. “Let me in!” Cameron shouted.

Mia wondered where their other classmate had gotten to. “Hey Nat,” she called out, “Are you still around? You’re missing a treat!” Natalie was only a short distance away, having put her belongings in a locker. She dashed back at Mia’s call to see Cameron completely exposed and hammering frantically against the toilet door. She eyed his bare bottom appreciatively and stepped to one side to get a better view.

From there, Natalie was delighted to see Cameron’s boyhood bouncing up and down in front of him. He was hard and, while devoid of pubic hair, was not badly-endowed at all. She gave a wolf whistle, making Cameron aware of her presence. He stopped banging on the door and tried to cover up, which was made difficult by his erection. He was forced to push his penis upwards against his belly, showing off his balls even more than he was already. He adjusted his grip, holding one hand over his shaft and the other over his balls instead.

“Hey, no point covering. I already saw your thing!” Natalie chided him. Cameron mourned another lost piece of privacy, this time to his swimsuit-clad neighbour. He had paid Natalie’s stupid pee-pee tax after all. “Go away!” he snarled crossly. “I will,” she said, surprising him. “I locked my phone away too soon, like an idiot. Don’t go anywhere!”

Natalie reckoned she wouldn’t need to swim after all the exercise she was getting, running back and forth. She wanted a photo of Cameron’s naked front to go with the two back views she’d sent herself already from Mia’s phone. She fumbled with the key to her locker.

Cameron dropped his hands, not bothering to cover up in front of Mia. It wasn’t like he had anything left to hide from her, or so he thought. Before he could start pushing against the door once more, Mia snapped a photo. “Nat just made me realise something. We’ve got lots of close-ups of your dick, but we didn’t have a full-frontal including your face. Now we do, thank you!”

Cameron groaned. There went his vow that there would be no more dick pics. He was about to curse Mia when the door to the ladies’ toilets opened and an older teenage girl stepped out. Cameron recognised the curly-haired blonde girl from by the slide pool. She wore a leather jacket over her top and cut-off denim shorts.

Cameron’s embarrassment increased with his growing audience. At least the blonde girl had seen his dick before, he sighed resignedly. Perhaps it was true after all that being seen again was less bad than being seen by someone new.

“Wow, little guy, you’ve grown since the last time I saw you!” the blonde girl exclaimed. Nope, this is still bad, Cameron thought, blushing hard. He quickly turned away and pushed against the toilet door again. It still wouldn’t budge.

The blonde girl quickly assessed the situation. This boy was naked again, in front of the girl who’d stripped him at the slide. Someone was preventing him escaping into the toilets. She decided to take pity on the little guy. She added her weight to his and shoved hard against the door.

Unprepared to deal with the extra force, Jack and Mark gave way on the other side. Cameron and the blonde girl went tumbling inside just as Natalie arrived back on the scene, brandishing her phone. “Bad luck, Nat,” said Mia, tapping away on her own phone. Natalie rued her ongoing poor timing. It would’ve been sweet to have a photo of Cameron’s dick. At least she’d seen it, and could remind Cameron of that fact the next time they met outside their homes or in class.

Ellie and Hannah finished getting dressed. Ellie now sported a pair of white shorts along with the purple crop top she’d put on earlier, and Hannah was back in her long dress. They were leaving the cubicle when both of their phones pinged with the new photo Mia had sent. They exchanged surprised glances. Hannah’s face broke out in a wicked grin. The two girls ran to find out what was happening. The changing village was emptier now, the changeover between swimming sessions being almost complete, so they encountered few people along the way.

Inside the toilet block, a 16-year-old girl and three 13-year-old boys got to their feet. “Hey, you can’t be in here!” Mark complained. Still naked, Cameron was inclined to agree, but he was grateful for the older girl’s backup. She held out her hand to him. “Hi, I’m Kim. We haven’t been properly introduced,” she said. “I’m Cameron,” he replied nervously, offering his hand in return. Kim bent down and playfully shook his erection up and down instead. “Very pleased to meet you, Cameron,” she said with mock formality.

Cameron jolted at the unexpected contact with his penis and squirmed away towards his clothes. He rummaged for his underwear, feeling a pang of regret as he remembered his childish green briefs. He would’ve preferred Kim, Jack and Mark not to know about those, but his desire to get dressed was more important. He was actually looking forward to the snug comfort of his briefs, hiding his private parts away securely from all those prying eyes. But his briefs weren’t there. The pile contained only Cameron’s t-shirt and jeans.

Mark and Jack continued to protest against Kim’s presence. “We need to pee. Go away,” Jack told her. Kim put her hands on her hips. “Since you two jerks seem to like picking on naked guys, I’m gonna wait until Cameron here gets dressed,” she said. “Fine,” Jack replied, turning his back to her insolently and unzipping at a urinal. Mark took the urinal next to him and did the same.

The move was designed to make Kim uncomfortable, but it failed. She simply stood, alternating her gaze between the two boys at the urinals and Cameron scrambling into his jeans. He had given up searching for his briefs. Maybe their absence was Hannah’s idea of another dumb joke. Any clothes were better than no clothes. He had to take care to avoid trapping his dick painfully in his zip, prolonging his exposure to Kim for an extra moment.

Hannah arrived outside the toilets a split second before Ellie. Mia and Natalie were laughing about something. “What’s going on? Did you get Cam naked again?” Hannah asked. “WE didn’t,” Natalie told her, “but someone threw him out the toilets minus his clothes!”

“Where is he now?” Ellie demanded. “Oh, he’s back in there,” Mia pointed to the door. “Still naked, with that older girl who was by the slide earlier. Remember her?” Ellie remembered, but Hannah had no idea what girl they were talking about. All she understood was that Cam was still bare-naked and there was a girl in the men’s toilets. It was all the invitation she needed.

“What are we waiting for?” Hannah asked, and barged her way through the forbidden door. Mia and Natalie checked around. The coast was clear, no one would stop them. They followed Hannah inside, phones still held at the ready. “Wait, stop!” Ellie shouted after them, but it was no use, so she followed too.

Inside, Hannah, Mia and Natalie were disappointed to find Cameron had gotten his jeans on. Ellie was pleased. While she would’ve liked another peek too, she didn’t feel like sharing Cam with four other girls and figured he’d been embarrassed enough for one day. Cameron himself was glad to be finally covered. On any other day, he’d feel shy about being bare-chested in front of five fully-clothed girls, but today was not a normal day and his single item of clothing gave him all the confidence he needed.

Kim was taken aback as the other girls invaded the toilets, but not half as much as Jack and Mark, who turned their heads in alarm. “Hey, get out of here, you freaks!” Jack protested. He and Mark were peeing in full flow and couldn’t stop. They had intended to make Kim feel awkward, but now it was they who were uneasy, outnumbered with a large group of girls behind them as they peed.

Cameron looked at the two other boys’ backs, then at Ellie. She returned the look. They grinned at each other as the same idea struck them simultaneously. As soon as the sound of peeing stopped, they ran up behind Jack. Catching on, Kim and Hannah did the same behind Mark.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Jack cried in alarm. Suddenly, both boys found their trousers and underwear pulled all the way down. Four attackers dragged them backwards away from the urinals. Outnumbered two-to-one, they had no chance of fighting back, or of protecting their modesty as their exposed genitals flopped around in the air. With their clothes around their ankles, Jack and Mark lost their balance. They tumbled over, landing in a heap on their backs on the toilet room floor.

Mia and Natalie leant over them, cameras snapping away, before the boys could get off the floor or cover up. Kim, Hannah and Ellie watched too. None of the five girls present had seen Mark’s dick before, and only Ellie had seen Jack’s. Mark’s was indeed a stubby little thing, with just a few wisps of hair, as Abigail had described to Hannah earlier. Jack’s was more normal-sized for a boy his age, but in its flaccid state it didn’t look so impressive to the girls, who had all recently seen Cameron fully erect.

Jack shoved Mark away from him. Cameron stood over them as they pulled their underwear back up, their faces red with embarrassment. “I won’t always be bald,” Cameron told Mark disdainfully, remembering the boy’s earlier insult, “but I’ll always be bigger than you.” Mark had no answer to that. He and Jack got to their feet.

“Oh, here, these are yours,” Mia told Jack, remembering she still had his swim trunks. She dug them out of her bag and threw them at him. “Although feel free to just wear a sock again if you prefer.” Jack glared at her. He and Mark fled silently, holding their trousers up around their waists, not even bothering to fasten them before running out the door.

Kim laughed. “You kids are fun,” she told Cameron and the four girls. “Hope to catch you again sometime.” She waved goodbye and left. Natalie, the only one dressed for swimming and losing out on her time in the pool, decided to leave also, now the show was over. “Sorry I didn’t get a photo of your dick, Cameron,” she said, “but I certainly did of those two! I’m looking forward to school for once. Jack’s days of acting so big and tough are over, I reckon. See ya!”

As Natalie left, Cameron picked up his t-shirt and put in on. He felt his phone buzz in his jeans pocket. Ellie’s and Hannah’s did the same. Mia put her own phone away, looking pleased with herself. Cameron looked at his phone. He had received a series of notifications from Mia, all sent within the past ten minutes. “What have you done?” he asked in trepidation.

He saw the answer as soon as he unlocked his screen. Mia had created a group chat and added himself, Ellie and Hannah as members. She’d titled it “Pool Fun!” and in it she had just sent a couple of photos of Jack and Mark, their private parts clearly visible and anguished expressions on their faces, as they lay on the floor.

Before that, she had shared the photos and video she and Ellie had taken of Cameron. They were as bad as he feared, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. Cameron’s victory over Jack and Mark faded rapidly from his mind. He could see his face in one of the photos of his bum, in the humiliating video of him flailing to break free, and in the photo of him erect that Mia had just taken outside the toilets. No one who saw them would be in any doubt that it was Cameron in them or the remaining photos, which showed every wrinkle and vein of his no longer private parts. Now Hannah had copies too. How many other people he knew would end up seeing them? His life was over.

Mia smirked at Cameron’s reaction. He looked at Hannah. His stepsister didn’t seem nearly as gleeful about the circumstances as he thought she would. Ellie broke the tension, “Come on. We can talk about this outside. Three of us aren’t supposed to be in here!”

They exited the toilet. Outside, the lifeguard who Cameron had made an enemy of earlier was heading into the female toilets when she saw them. “What do you lot think you’re doing?” she demanded. “No girls in the men’s toilets. Your time in the pool was up ages ago. What are you all still doing here?”

She regarded Cameron accusingly, as if he were somehow to blame. He didn’t bother trying to explain. “I still need to put my socks and shoes,” he said instead, indicating his bare feet. “Well, get them on quickly and go,” the lifeguard told him. “The rest of you, leave now!”

“Your shoes are still in the cubicle,” Ellie said quietly to Cameron as the lifeguard herded the girls out. Cameron put his footwear on, alone for the first time since his naked ordeal had begun. He turned the events over in his mind as he tied his shoelaces. So many people had seen him naked that being dressed again was small comfort. Ellie, Mia and Hannah had seen his dick soft, hard, and they had seen it shoot. They also had the photos and video if they should ever need a reminder.

Cameron couldn’t hide away in a cubicle forever, so he went to meet them. He found them talking in the reception area, but they stopped when they saw him approaching. Hannah thrust a plastic bag at him, the same one he’d briefly used for cover. “Here,” she told him, “you can look after our stuff for a change. We had to use your shorts to wipe your spunk off the back of the door. You might want to clean them before your mum sees.”

“Very funny,” Cameron replied. “I don’t suppose my br… my underwear is in there, is it?” Hannah giggled. Ellie looked surprised. “You mean you’re Commando Cam under those jeans?” she asked. Mia replied, “Guess he’s got used to hanging free down there!” All three girls stared at the crotch of Cameron’s jeans. It seemed to him as if they had x-ray vision. He knew they were mentally undressing him. They didn’t even need to imagine anything. They knew what he looked like. Was this what it was going to be like whenever he met them from now on?

They left the building together. Cameron tried to forget about his missing briefs. They would have to remain a mystery. As they walked through the streets back towards their homes, Cameron held Ellie’s hand. Her reassuring grip gave him the courage to voice the question he feared to ask. “I don’t suppose I can persuade you all not to share those pics any wider?”

“Actually, you don’t need to,” Hannah replied stiffly. “Your guardian angel already did that for you.” Ellie squeezed Cameron’s hand and beamed. “The three of us all promise not to talk about what happened in the cubicle today, or share the pics or video, with anyone else,” she told him.

Cameron waited for the catch. Mia was only too happy to oblige him. “Hannah and I don’t agree to this for nothing, Cam. Here’s the deal. In return, you’re going to give us an action replay whenever we want. Maybe we’ll share a pool cubicle again, maybe it’ll be somewhere else. But you WILL get naked when we ask you to, and let us do whatever we want with you.”

Cameron stopped walking, alarmed by this development. The three girls carried on a few steps further down the streets before realising they were leaving him behind. Ellie stopped first, when she felt the tug of his arm. “But NOT when there are other people around,” Ellie reminded Mia sharply, “and NOT at school, or at home.” She looked pointedly at Hannah, then turned to Cameron and said apologetically, “I’m sorry, it was the best I could do. You don’t have to agree if you can argue them down.”

He shook his head. He had no leverage to negotiate with. He simply asked Mia, “Why? You’ve already seen everything.”

“Why?” Mia repeated. “Because we each want some one-on-one time with you. Because we want to see your pubes grow in, assuming they eventually do.” Cameron flinched, but Mia ploughed on. “Because Hannah hasn’t copped a feel of you yet.” Hannah blushed as Mia continued, “Because, whatever you think you have going on with Ellie, I want you to remember I’m still here, I’ve been her friend a lot longer than you, and I have power over you.” It was Ellie’s turn to react, and she rolled her eyes at Mia, who finished, “But mostly, Cam, because we CAN.”

“I’m sorry,” Ellie whispered in Cameron’s ear. “No… it’s okay,” he said shakily, still digesting the terms he was agreeing to. It was a price worth paying if it stopped the pics getting out. “No more photos or videos though. I’m not doing stuff to stop you sharing blackmail material if it gets you MORE blackmail material. You might think I’m dumb, but I’m not that dumb!”

Then another thought came. “What about Natalie?” Cameron asked. She knows at least some of what happened. What if she talks?” Ellie dismissed it. “What if she does? We’ll deny it or change the subject.” “Besides,” Mia added, “you heard her. I think she’ll be much keener to talk about the pics she got of Jack and Mark than about you, don’t you?” Then she asked Ellie as an afterthought, “I got some too. We can share THOSE pics, right?”

Ellie gave a very Mia-like snort of derision. “Share them far and wide,” she said vindictively, remembering her very public topless exposure at the hands of the two boys, and how they would’ve stripped her completely if Cam hadn’t come to her aid. She stepped a little closer to him as they walked the rest of the way home.

The foursome arrived at the street where Cameron and Hannah lived. Mia waved them goodbye. “Look forward to SEEING you again soon, Cam,” she said with a smirk, dropping her eyes obviously to his crotch. “It’ll be alright,” Ellie told Cameron. She gave him a goodbye peck on the cheek and whispered in his ear, “We’ll have time alone together too. Who knows, if you play your cards right, I might show you something in return…”

As with the first time Ellie kissed him, Cameron was speechless. He touched his hand to his cheek as he watched her and Mia depart. Ellie had come through for him better than he had any right to expect. The photos would not get out. It would be Jack, not him, who would be the target for humiliation when they returned to school. He felt trepidation at the prospect of having to expose himself for Mia and Hannah again, but private time with Ellie was something to look forward to. With her permission, he might even see both of her boobs at once.

Maybe things wouldn’t turn out to be so bad after all.

Hannah smacked him about the head to shake him out of his daydream. They were still standing at the end of their street. “Wake up, nudey-boy,” she said mockingly. “Time we were home!”

Or maybe they would.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 12 -18 Feb)

Post by BareB4U »


Alone in his bedroom that night, Cameron lay naked in the dark on top of his bedcovers. He was drained and covered in sweat, having taken care of the need that had been clawing at him ever since he’d got home from the pool.

He thought of the relationship that seemed to be blossoming between himself and Ellie. He thought of the kisses she had given him, the glimpse he’d stolen of her breast, the tantalising hint he’d had of what was between her legs, and the promise that she might someday show him more. Okay, she hadn’t really promised anything, but his hope was real. He imagined the two of them in a cubicle together, the bustle of other people around them, oblivious to the naughty things they were doing in there…

But other thoughts had intruded too. Humiliating thoughts of how he had debased himself in front of Hannah and Mia as well as Ellie. Of how Natalie, Kim, the lifeguard and so many other people had witnessed his boy parts and revelled in his total exposure, while he’d seen nothing of theirs in return. He had tried to shut out these thoughts, but they refused to be banished.

Rather than dampening his arousal, he was astonished to find they added spice to what was, when he came, the greatest (maybe second-greatest) orgasm he had experienced yet in his young life. He didn’t understand at all. The succession of embarrassments he’d suffered that afternoon had been mortifying beyond measure. Why had reliving them turned him on? Basking in the afterglow, he closed his eyes and tried to sort his confused thoughts.

He was interrupted by a buzzing from his phone on his bedside table. He rubbed his bleary eyes and reached over for it. It was a new photo message from Mia in the “Pool Fun!” chat, one that he’d been dreading. It was a reply to the photo of her holding his flaccid penis. The new photo showed Mia’s hand in exactly same position, only with a tape measure in place of his member. The number the tape measure was extended to was clearly readable. It was not a large number. Accompanying the photo was a winking face and a string of other emojis that he didn’t want to look too closely at or think about.

Cameron groaned, his fantasies evaporating as the reality of his situation came crashing back to him. As he stared numbly at the screen, a laughing reaction popped up from Hannah. Cameron pictured her sniggering in her room next to his. Then three dots appeared. Ellie was typing something. Was no one asleep yet?

“What about the *other* measurement @Mia?” Ellie’s message read.

Mia was typing a reply. The dots stopped and started several times. Cameron waited with dread anticipation. When her comment eventually appeared, it was very short. “OK fine”. A second photo of Mia’s hand with a tape measure appeared, this time extended to a significantly larger number.

Cameron felt his dick twitch involuntarily as he shared the moment when they discovered this final piece of information about it. That was it, his body held no secrets from them anymore. He couldn’t process the implications right now. He felt exhausted and conflicted as he lay back on his bed, clutching his phone.

It buzzed again. Cameron wasn’t sure he wanted to look, but he forced himself to. When he saw the notification, his spirits rose once more. It was a private message to him from Ellie. “Wanna go swimming again tomorrow? Just you and me this time?” it said, followed by a kissing-face emoji.

Without a further thought, Cameron tapped a love heart reaction to Ellie’s message. Then his arm dropped to his side and, his phone still in his hand, he fell almost instantly into a dream-filled sleep.

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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (complete)

Post by Jeepman89 »

Brilliant ending to a great story!
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (complete)

Post by docknumber »

Perfect ending. I enjoyed reading this story. I hope you continue writing here.

Just curious about Cam’s briefs. Did Hannah keep it as a souvenir?
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (complete)

Post by NudeBaG »

I actually got choked up.
Perfect ending and follow up.
Cam came out okay.
AND He got the girl(s) ❤️

While I would LOVE another chapter with Cam having to do EVERYTHING the 3 girls tell him to (maybe even including Natalie😈) it’s entirely unnecessary ✌🏻

You delivered a perfect story.
Every chapter leading to something bigger.
And the payoff was 👨‍🍳💋

Maybe we get a chapter in the future after some time has passed… after Cam has completed puberty …
I’d love to see Mia’s reaction then🍆😈

(Actually, I kind of like the idea of the girls tracking Cam’s progress through puberty😅 Could be fun)

Again, thank you for this.

It’s now solidified (for me at least) as the best story here!


(Seriously though) the combination of happy tears and arousal is pretty confusing 😅😂

I didn’t think it was possible to deliver a story on here that so perfectly feels believable, incredibly embarrassing, EXTREMELY arousing, and so heartfelt at the same time.
But… here we are.

Congratulations to you (and Cam, Ellie, Hannah, Mia and Natalie) 😊
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