Trouble At The Lake

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Trouble At The Lake

Post by dazed »

A shy girl gets stripped by two mean older girls.

It was a hot day with little breeze blowing. Emma, a 16 yr old had been dropped off at the lake where the family had a membership. The mother would run her errands and pick Emma up later in the evening.

Emma was tall and lanky with long jet black hair, a tight but curvy butt, and small but pert breasts. She made her way out to the large wooden float in the middle of the lake.

It served as a hang out. Some girls used it to sun bathe, but most just congregated there and practiced diving in.

The crowd was down today, and Emma made a few dives off the side, then returned. She was clinging to the side of the float kind of day dreaming as she bobbed up and down in the water.

She heard some splashes and was soon joined on each side by two older girls. She had seen them at school, but didn’t really know them.

One girl with blonde hair looked at Emma as she pulled her hair back.

“Out here by yourself?” The girl asked.

“Yea, my mom dropped me off,” Emma shot back.

“Aren’t you afraid out here by yourself?”

“No. I’m a good swimmer.”

“I mean you could get into trouble and no one here to help you.”

“I can take care of myself. What could happen?”

The blonde looked over Emma’s shoulder at her friend and nodded. Her friend took the cue and plunged under the water. A minute later Emma shrieked as she felt her bikini bottoms yanked down her legs and pulled off.

The other girl surfaced waving Emma’s bottoms triumphantly.

“Like that,”the blonde said with a smirk. “You could lose your bottoms then what are you going to do with no one here to help you?

“Give them back!” Emma snorted. Agonizingly aware that she was naked from the waist down.

The blonde laughed. “Give them to you? Hell no. You have to earn them back. Both older girls began giggling at Emma’s dilemma.

“I don’t want any trouble. Please give me my bottoms back,”Emma pleaded.

“What’s your name?”


“Alright Emma. I’ll make you a deal. Take off your top and hand it to Lisa there and we will see about giving your bottoms back.”

It was now that Emma wished there were people out here. She was stranded and helpless.

“I…I can’t. Please just give me my bottoms back.”

“Awww. Is Emma ashamed of her little tits?” “Come on girl. Show us what you got. If not, we will take it off by force.”

Emma’s lips trembled as she looked at the two merciless girls, Lisa still waving her bottoms around to torment Emma.

“You have to promise to give them back right away. I’ll be naked! Emma begged.

The blonde laughed. “Yes, you will be naked Emma. That’s the whole idea. Now take your top off!”

Emma cringed as she slowly removed her top and handed it to Lisa, who now had her entire bathing suit.

“Good girl, Emma, but if you want your bathing suit back you have to show us your tits,” the blonde stars sadistically.

Before Emma could react both girls grabbed her by each arm and lifted her upwards until her pert B cup tits were on display. Her breasts looked like two small missiles with the dark pink nips erect and hard.

Both girls laughed and mocked Emma’s tits as she blushed in shame, before being dropped back into the water.

“Enough. You said you would give me my bathing suit, now give it to me!” Emma snorted.

The blonde looked over at Lisa. “What do think Lisa. You think we should give em back?”

“No Ann. I think if she really wants them back, she should show us her pussy.”

Both girls blurted out laughing. Emma now knew the blonde’s name.

“ You heard her, Emma. Climb on the float, spread your legs and let us see what you got,” Ann beamed.

“Please don’t make me do this. Someone will see me, Emma pleaded.

“Oh for crying out loud Emma. The place is deserted. You are getting off easy. You just have to show it to us. Too bad there aren’t a bunch of guys here. I know they would love to see it,”Ann mused.

Emma’s heart sank as she lifted herself up to the wooden float and sat on the edge facing her tormentors. She took a deep breath and slowly spread her legs.

A light patch of wispy brown hair partially covered Emma’s sex.

“There. You’ve seen it. Now give me bathing suit back,”Emma demanded.

Ann playfully splashed Emma from the water. “Jump in and follow us to the changing room, and we will give it to you, “Ann instructed.

Emma swam behind the two, silently praying that no one would see her naked. They were walking up the walk to the changing room when Billy, a classmate of Emma’s suddenly appeared.

His eyes bugged out at the site of the stark naked Emma. Emma shrieked and tried to hide behind Lisa and Ann”

“Damn gurl, why are you buck naked?” Billy asked.

As Emma stuttered for an answer, Ann spoke up. “Poor girl had a wardrobe malfunction. We are taking her in here to fix it.”

As Billy walked by he couldn’t help but stare at Emma’s bare
Ass. Emma buried her head in her hands not knowing if she could face him again at school.

Inside the changing room, Lisa locked the door.

“You owe us for getting you out of that. If you really want your bathing suit back, you have to kiss both of our asses.”

“God no. Please. Don’t make me do that, Emma pleaded tearfully.

“That or we leave with your bathing suit and you are stranded here all naked,” Ann remarked.

The two sadistic girls made Emma get on her hands and knees. They pulled the bottoms of their bikinis down and shoved their butts towards Emma’s face.

It was the most degrading thing Emma had ever done. She closed her eyes, winced, and leaned forward, planting a kiss on each butt cheek.

Lisa tossed Emma her bathing suit and the two left, laughing Emma to shame.

She spent the rest of the day sitting in the shade away from it all.
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