Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (complete)
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 12 -18 Feb)
Ellie slipped a key off her wrist and gave it to Cameron. “Here,” she said. “We left your clothes in my locker. I’ll fetch your shorts, then we can go and get them.” Cameron looked at her. “You’re coming with me?” he asked. She laughed. “Well, just to the locker to prove to you it’s not another trick. You can get dressed by yourself. I don’t think I’m quite ready to change out of these bikini bottoms in front of you just yet.”
Cameron’s dick hardened further at that idea. “It would be fair if you did...” he suggested hopefully, raising an eyebrow. Ellie had to admit he had her there, but her sense of fair play would only go so far. “Don’t push it, tiger,” she chuckled, and went to check on Mia and all their belongings, leaving Cameron alone with Hannah.
“I can’t believe you’re still trying to see naked girls,” his stepsister told him, as she removed her clothes and phone from the plastic bag they were in. “Face it, we won and you lost.” She unlocked her phone. Cameron nervously picked up the empty bag, the only cover available to him, and held it over his lap. The last thing he wanted was for Hannah to start snapping photos of her own. “Don’t worry,” she told him, “I’m not going to take any more photos of that dick of yours. I'm waiting to give Mia my number. I’ll get all the good pics from her.” Cameron did not find this reassuring.
“What’s taking you so long?” Ellie asked Mia, who was still standing outside the cubicle next door. “There’s someone in there,” Mia explained. She hammered on the door again, just as it opened. “Hurry up... Oh, it’s you!” Mia and Ellie both recognised Natalie from their class. She was now dressed in her swimsuit and held a bag containing her things in one hand and Mia’s phone in the other. She offered the phone to Mia.
Natalie could barely control her sniggering. “Hey girls, what have you all been up to? And why do you have naked pics of Cameron on your phone?” Mia snatched the phone from Natalie’s hand. She quickly checked it. The screen was locked and preview images were turned off, as she had thought. “How do you know what pics I have on my phone, Nosey Knickers?” she demanded accusingly.
Next door, Cameron and Hannah overheard this exchange and recognised the voice of their neighbour. Cameron was distraught, Hannah delighted. Had Natalie seen the pictures? Did she now know what Cam looked like naked too? He got up and pushed the cubicle door closed, taking care to keep the bag over his front.
Natalie thought fast. “I know you were doing something with him in there,” she said. “His shorts are in here. Then I saw Ellie sent you a load of pics. What else would they be? I’m right, aren’t I?” She carefully didn’t mention the two naked rear shots she had seen and forwarded to her own phone. “Can I see?”
“No!” came Cameron’s voice from behind the cubicle door. Hannah laughed at him. “You’re saying that a lot today. Has it ever worked?” But Cameron wasn’t the only one against this plan. Ellie answered on Mia’s behalf. “Forget it, Nat,” she said. “Whatever is or isn’t in those messages is private, right Mia?” “Yep,” Mia agreed. “What do you think you’re doing, looking at my notifications? Besides, if you want to see Cam’s willy, all you have to do is come next door.”
This was the final straw for Cameron. No way was he going to allow yet another girl he knew to see his (increasingly not) private parts. Ellie might be on his side again now, but that wouldn’t save him from the combined forces of Natalie, Mia and Hannah. He leapt up off the bench, holding the key Ellie had given him and clutching the bag to protect what remained of his modesty.
As Jack had done earlier with the sock, Cameron passed the bag between his legs and held it on both sides, one hand holding it over his front and another over his rear. Hannah watched him closely as he made the necessary adjustments. His erection had fully returned now, at the thought of yet more impending exposure. Hannah watching him was only making it worse. Covering himself was tricky, but he had to do it fast.
The cubicle door burst open and Cameron ran for it, making a dash for the lockers with only a bag for cover, before the astonished eyes of the three girls outside. Ellie called out, “Cam, wait!” but he was already gone. Mia looked at Natalie. “If you hurry, you might catch him!” she suggested. Natalie grinned and took off quickly after the naked boy.
Ellie thought about following, but didn’t dare leave Mia and Hannah alone with a phone full of nude pics (and a video, she reminded herself) of Cameron. It was her fault those existed, and she had promised Cam she would fix things. She couldn’t help him fight all his battles at once. He would just have to deal with Natalie by himself.
“Hey, is this cubicle free?” asked a boy, approaching Ellie. She sighed. “I suppose so. Hang on a sec,” she told him. She went inside and gathered up the pile of clothes, swimming costumes and towels. She took them into the larger cubicle where Mia and Hannah were now exchanging phone numbers. “Don’t send her those pics, Mia,” Ellie warned.
Mia shook her head. “We wouldn’t have got them if it wasn’t for Hannah,” she argued. “She’s got as much right to them as we do.” Sensing a fight with Ellie brewing, Mia decided to take the easy way out. “Now if you don’t mind, I need to go pee,” she said, and turned to leave. “Pee, huh?” Ellie said sceptically, “You sure you’re not going off to do something ELSE after what just happened?” Mia paused, facing the door. She grinned. Ellie never could be 100% mad at her about anything. “Hey, it’s you who gets all hot and bothered over that boy, not me!” Mia teased, then opened the door and left.
Cameron glanced at the key, checking the number of the locker. Although the changing village was starting to get less busy, there were still several people walking around. Cameron was covered front and rear, but anyone looking at him from the sides could see he had nothing around his waist and was naked underneath the bag. He ignored their comments and questions and focussed on his destination.
There it was! Now Cameron had a problem though. The locker was at his head height. He couldn’t open it while keeping both hands holding the bag over his front and back at the same time. He chose the back. He stepped up close to the locker to hide his front from passers-by and quickly unlocked it. With a sigh of relief, he saw a bundle of familiar clothes inside.
Before he could grab them, he heard a voice. “Mum, why is that boy’s willy sticking out like that?” He turned and saw a young girl watching his erection with curiosity. A woman beside her huffed and covered her daughter’s eyes. What was it with boys today, she thought? First there was that young kid peering under their cubicle when they were changing into their swimming costumes. Then there was that boy streaking out of the pool with just a sock over his parts. Now this.
“What do you think you’re doing, parading yourself around like this?” she scolded Cameron, who noticed the woman wasn’t averting her own eyes. She wasn’t looking at his face either, but somewhere lower down. The young girl too, was bobbing her head up and down to see past her mother’s fingers.
Even though he had been seen naked by lots of people already, every new pair of female eyes assessing his boyhood brought Cameron fresh embarrassment. Here were two more pairs. Cameron had had enough and was in no mood to be apologetic. He snapped crossly back to the woman, “Look, it’s not my fault, okay! Three girls stripped me and hid my clothes in this locker. If you don’t want to see my dick, then STOP LOOKING AT IT!” Taken aback by his anger, the woman huffed haughtily and ushered her daughter away. The girl kept peering back at Cameron until they were out of sight.
Keeping the plastic bag over his rear, Cameron grabbed the bundle of clothes from the locker and clutched them to his front. He retraced his steps to find a cubicle, once again trying to mentally screen out the people around him and whatever they must be thinking about him. He knew he looked foolish. He reached the end of the aisle of lockers, only to find Natalie there, blocking his path.
Back in the changing cubicle, Ellie extricated her knickers and shorts from the pile she had retrieved. Hannah’s phone chimed. She looked at it eagerly, expecting something from Mia, but it was only a message from Mary. “Ugh, my stepmum’s asking when Cam and I will be home,” she complained. Ellie shrugged at this news and wriggled out of her bikini bottoms. “I suppose we should’ve gotten dressed and out of here by now,” she told Hannah.
Hannah was startled by how nonchalantly Ellie could strip off like that right in front of her. She wasn't sure she could do the same and had been planning to use a towel. Even Hannah’s closest friends didn’t see her naked any more, not since she had started puberty. Never mind a girl she had only just met. Ellie saw her discomfort and apologised as she sat on the bench and reached for her underwear. “Oh sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you. Mia and I see each other like this all the time.”
“No, it’s okay,” Hannah replied shakily, determined not to show embarrassment in front of this older girl. She could do this, she told herself. Before she had time to change her mind, Hannah pulled her arms out of her shoulder straps and slipped her swimsuit down to the ground. She stood naked before Ellie. “I bet Cam’s head would explode if he were still here,” she quipped nervously, to ease the tension she felt.
“Or some other part of him,” Ellie joked back, nodding her head in the direction of the sticky fluid still staining the cubicle door. She looked at Hannah. “You’re not a natural blue, then?” she teased, noticing the thin wisps of light brown hair just starting to grow over the younger girl’s crotch, in sharp contrast to the dyed hair on top of Hannah’s head.
Hannah squeaked. She had just about kept her composure, but she couldn’t cope with comments about her developing private parts. No one had ever seen her pubic hair until Ellie had just now. Hannah’s barely growing breasts and sparse pubes made her feel childish in comparison to Ellie’s more developed chest and the thick bush of ginger hair covering her more pronounced labia. Hannah held a hand bashfully in front of her own immature vulva. For the first time, she began to realise the extent of what Cameron must’ve felt when they had all been staring at his dick.
“Sorry! Sorry!” Ellie apologised again. She slid on her knickers. “Just get dressed. I won’t look or say anything,” she assured Hannah. Both of their phones chimed. Mia had sent a group message, several group messages actually. Forgetting her embarrassment, and any sympathy she might’ve been beginning to feel towards Cameron, Hannah scrolled through them with excitement. “Oh, these are so good!” she exclaimed. “I can’t wait to share them with Abi and the others!”
She looked at Ellie, who was also scrolling through the messages. She frowned, looking thoughtful, as if she was weighing a decision. “Come on, Ellie,” Hannah told her, “Aren’t they great? You’re an artist as a photographer!” “Hmm, yes, I suppose I am,” Ellie replied. With no further warning, she raised her phone to point it at Hannah and tapped the screen. The camera clicked.
Hannah screamed, covering her breasts with one hand and her vulva with the other. “What the FUCK???” she yelled, stupefied.
“I really am sorry, Hannah, but I can’t have you sharing that footage of Cam with your friends,” Ellie explained patiently. She showed Hannah the photo she had just taken. In it, Hannah’s mouth was open wide in mid-scream, but her arms had not yet begun to cover her body. Her breasts, including both nipples, were in the shot. Down below, her lips and her slit were completely visible and in focus. Ellie continued calmly, “Now, Cam need never find out this photo exists, so long as no one outside the four of us ever finds out those OTHER photos exist. If you get my meaning.”
Hannah was seething. How could she have been so stupid? If Ellie showed Cameron that explicit photo, he would see everything she had, just as she had seen him! He too would be able to share it around, even to other BOYS! The hold Hannah had only just gained over him would be gone. She vowed to herself never to get undressed in front of anyone ever again if there was a chance there was a camera around.
“What about when Mia shares them? You can’t blame me for that! Delete the photo, please!” she reasoned, trying to talk Ellie down. “Mia won’t,” Ellie replied confidently. “I’ve known her forever. Mia likes to talk tough but, when it comes down to it, she won’t do anything if I really don’t want her to. You, on the other hand, I need a bit more insurance for. When Mia gets back, the three of us are going to have a good, long talk about this.”
Hannah didn’t answer her. She knew when she was beaten. Clearly Ellie was a loyal friend, but not someone you wanted to cross. Hannah decided she did not want her as an enemy. Feeling dejected and humiliated, she silently began to get dressed.
Natalie was enjoying herself as she stepped side-to-side, obstructing Cameron’s way past her. “Let me through,” he demanded. She laughed at him. He had no hands free to force his way past and was wary of losing what little cover he had if he tried to barge through. He was in no position to be giving orders.
“Uh, uh, uh,” Natalie taunted. “There’s a tax if you want to come through.” Cameron looked bewildered. “What tax?” “Don’t worry,” she told him, “it’s only 1p. Or one pee-pee, I should say.” She held up her phone. “All you have to do is show me your pee-pee and I’ll let you through.”
Cameron fumed. This girl was crazy. He was determined that there was NO WAY anyone else was taking photos of his dick today. It had come to something, he thought, that this was where he now had to draw the line. Keeping a firm grip on his clothes in front of him and the bag behind him, he turned and ran back down the aisle of lockers. Natalie followed him in hot pursuit.
There were no cubicles in the direction he was headed, Cameron knew, but he could make it to the men’s toilets. Natalie couldn’t follow him in there. He could get dressed in privacy. Cameron cursed himself as a penny dropped inside his brain. Why hadn’t he thought of doing that to begin with? Then he never would’ve had to share a cubicle with Hannah! Mind you, he thought again, then Ellie never would've kissed him...
Cameron made it to the door of the toilet block several paces ahead of Natalie. He shoved his way inside. The door had an automatic closer attached, which swung shut too slowly for his liking. His neighbour was closing the gap to him fast. Cameron got behind the door, dropped the plastic bag and his clothes, and shoved the door closed with both hands. It slammed in Natalie’s face. She pushed once against it, but gave up when it failed to move more than a couple of inches before slamming shut again. She stomped away, frustrated, and went to put her phone and bag in a locker so she could go and swim.
Cameron continued to press both his palms flat against the door until he was sure Natalie had gone. He caught his breath. He had made it to safety. Now he could FINALLY put his clothes back on!
But Cameron wasn’t alone. “Well, well, well. What’s going on here?” said a smug voice. Then another joined it. “If it isn’t Cam. Nice look, dude. Seems like someone managed to strip you after all.”
Cameron looked up. It was Mark and Jack.
Ellie slipped a key off her wrist and gave it to Cameron. “Here,” she said. “We left your clothes in my locker. I’ll fetch your shorts, then we can go and get them.” Cameron looked at her. “You’re coming with me?” he asked. She laughed. “Well, just to the locker to prove to you it’s not another trick. You can get dressed by yourself. I don’t think I’m quite ready to change out of these bikini bottoms in front of you just yet.”
Cameron’s dick hardened further at that idea. “It would be fair if you did...” he suggested hopefully, raising an eyebrow. Ellie had to admit he had her there, but her sense of fair play would only go so far. “Don’t push it, tiger,” she chuckled, and went to check on Mia and all their belongings, leaving Cameron alone with Hannah.
“I can’t believe you’re still trying to see naked girls,” his stepsister told him, as she removed her clothes and phone from the plastic bag they were in. “Face it, we won and you lost.” She unlocked her phone. Cameron nervously picked up the empty bag, the only cover available to him, and held it over his lap. The last thing he wanted was for Hannah to start snapping photos of her own. “Don’t worry,” she told him, “I’m not going to take any more photos of that dick of yours. I'm waiting to give Mia my number. I’ll get all the good pics from her.” Cameron did not find this reassuring.
“What’s taking you so long?” Ellie asked Mia, who was still standing outside the cubicle next door. “There’s someone in there,” Mia explained. She hammered on the door again, just as it opened. “Hurry up... Oh, it’s you!” Mia and Ellie both recognised Natalie from their class. She was now dressed in her swimsuit and held a bag containing her things in one hand and Mia’s phone in the other. She offered the phone to Mia.
Natalie could barely control her sniggering. “Hey girls, what have you all been up to? And why do you have naked pics of Cameron on your phone?” Mia snatched the phone from Natalie’s hand. She quickly checked it. The screen was locked and preview images were turned off, as she had thought. “How do you know what pics I have on my phone, Nosey Knickers?” she demanded accusingly.
Next door, Cameron and Hannah overheard this exchange and recognised the voice of their neighbour. Cameron was distraught, Hannah delighted. Had Natalie seen the pictures? Did she now know what Cam looked like naked too? He got up and pushed the cubicle door closed, taking care to keep the bag over his front.
Natalie thought fast. “I know you were doing something with him in there,” she said. “His shorts are in here. Then I saw Ellie sent you a load of pics. What else would they be? I’m right, aren’t I?” She carefully didn’t mention the two naked rear shots she had seen and forwarded to her own phone. “Can I see?”
“No!” came Cameron’s voice from behind the cubicle door. Hannah laughed at him. “You’re saying that a lot today. Has it ever worked?” But Cameron wasn’t the only one against this plan. Ellie answered on Mia’s behalf. “Forget it, Nat,” she said. “Whatever is or isn’t in those messages is private, right Mia?” “Yep,” Mia agreed. “What do you think you’re doing, looking at my notifications? Besides, if you want to see Cam’s willy, all you have to do is come next door.”
This was the final straw for Cameron. No way was he going to allow yet another girl he knew to see his (increasingly not) private parts. Ellie might be on his side again now, but that wouldn’t save him from the combined forces of Natalie, Mia and Hannah. He leapt up off the bench, holding the key Ellie had given him and clutching the bag to protect what remained of his modesty.
As Jack had done earlier with the sock, Cameron passed the bag between his legs and held it on both sides, one hand holding it over his front and another over his rear. Hannah watched him closely as he made the necessary adjustments. His erection had fully returned now, at the thought of yet more impending exposure. Hannah watching him was only making it worse. Covering himself was tricky, but he had to do it fast.
The cubicle door burst open and Cameron ran for it, making a dash for the lockers with only a bag for cover, before the astonished eyes of the three girls outside. Ellie called out, “Cam, wait!” but he was already gone. Mia looked at Natalie. “If you hurry, you might catch him!” she suggested. Natalie grinned and took off quickly after the naked boy.
Ellie thought about following, but didn’t dare leave Mia and Hannah alone with a phone full of nude pics (and a video, she reminded herself) of Cameron. It was her fault those existed, and she had promised Cam she would fix things. She couldn’t help him fight all his battles at once. He would just have to deal with Natalie by himself.
“Hey, is this cubicle free?” asked a boy, approaching Ellie. She sighed. “I suppose so. Hang on a sec,” she told him. She went inside and gathered up the pile of clothes, swimming costumes and towels. She took them into the larger cubicle where Mia and Hannah were now exchanging phone numbers. “Don’t send her those pics, Mia,” Ellie warned.
Mia shook her head. “We wouldn’t have got them if it wasn’t for Hannah,” she argued. “She’s got as much right to them as we do.” Sensing a fight with Ellie brewing, Mia decided to take the easy way out. “Now if you don’t mind, I need to go pee,” she said, and turned to leave. “Pee, huh?” Ellie said sceptically, “You sure you’re not going off to do something ELSE after what just happened?” Mia paused, facing the door. She grinned. Ellie never could be 100% mad at her about anything. “Hey, it’s you who gets all hot and bothered over that boy, not me!” Mia teased, then opened the door and left.
Cameron glanced at the key, checking the number of the locker. Although the changing village was starting to get less busy, there were still several people walking around. Cameron was covered front and rear, but anyone looking at him from the sides could see he had nothing around his waist and was naked underneath the bag. He ignored their comments and questions and focussed on his destination.
There it was! Now Cameron had a problem though. The locker was at his head height. He couldn’t open it while keeping both hands holding the bag over his front and back at the same time. He chose the back. He stepped up close to the locker to hide his front from passers-by and quickly unlocked it. With a sigh of relief, he saw a bundle of familiar clothes inside.
Before he could grab them, he heard a voice. “Mum, why is that boy’s willy sticking out like that?” He turned and saw a young girl watching his erection with curiosity. A woman beside her huffed and covered her daughter’s eyes. What was it with boys today, she thought? First there was that young kid peering under their cubicle when they were changing into their swimming costumes. Then there was that boy streaking out of the pool with just a sock over his parts. Now this.
“What do you think you’re doing, parading yourself around like this?” she scolded Cameron, who noticed the woman wasn’t averting her own eyes. She wasn’t looking at his face either, but somewhere lower down. The young girl too, was bobbing her head up and down to see past her mother’s fingers.
Even though he had been seen naked by lots of people already, every new pair of female eyes assessing his boyhood brought Cameron fresh embarrassment. Here were two more pairs. Cameron had had enough and was in no mood to be apologetic. He snapped crossly back to the woman, “Look, it’s not my fault, okay! Three girls stripped me and hid my clothes in this locker. If you don’t want to see my dick, then STOP LOOKING AT IT!” Taken aback by his anger, the woman huffed haughtily and ushered her daughter away. The girl kept peering back at Cameron until they were out of sight.
Keeping the plastic bag over his rear, Cameron grabbed the bundle of clothes from the locker and clutched them to his front. He retraced his steps to find a cubicle, once again trying to mentally screen out the people around him and whatever they must be thinking about him. He knew he looked foolish. He reached the end of the aisle of lockers, only to find Natalie there, blocking his path.
Back in the changing cubicle, Ellie extricated her knickers and shorts from the pile she had retrieved. Hannah’s phone chimed. She looked at it eagerly, expecting something from Mia, but it was only a message from Mary. “Ugh, my stepmum’s asking when Cam and I will be home,” she complained. Ellie shrugged at this news and wriggled out of her bikini bottoms. “I suppose we should’ve gotten dressed and out of here by now,” she told Hannah.
Hannah was startled by how nonchalantly Ellie could strip off like that right in front of her. She wasn't sure she could do the same and had been planning to use a towel. Even Hannah’s closest friends didn’t see her naked any more, not since she had started puberty. Never mind a girl she had only just met. Ellie saw her discomfort and apologised as she sat on the bench and reached for her underwear. “Oh sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you. Mia and I see each other like this all the time.”
“No, it’s okay,” Hannah replied shakily, determined not to show embarrassment in front of this older girl. She could do this, she told herself. Before she had time to change her mind, Hannah pulled her arms out of her shoulder straps and slipped her swimsuit down to the ground. She stood naked before Ellie. “I bet Cam’s head would explode if he were still here,” she quipped nervously, to ease the tension she felt.
“Or some other part of him,” Ellie joked back, nodding her head in the direction of the sticky fluid still staining the cubicle door. She looked at Hannah. “You’re not a natural blue, then?” she teased, noticing the thin wisps of light brown hair just starting to grow over the younger girl’s crotch, in sharp contrast to the dyed hair on top of Hannah’s head.
Hannah squeaked. She had just about kept her composure, but she couldn’t cope with comments about her developing private parts. No one had ever seen her pubic hair until Ellie had just now. Hannah’s barely growing breasts and sparse pubes made her feel childish in comparison to Ellie’s more developed chest and the thick bush of ginger hair covering her more pronounced labia. Hannah held a hand bashfully in front of her own immature vulva. For the first time, she began to realise the extent of what Cameron must’ve felt when they had all been staring at his dick.
“Sorry! Sorry!” Ellie apologised again. She slid on her knickers. “Just get dressed. I won’t look or say anything,” she assured Hannah. Both of their phones chimed. Mia had sent a group message, several group messages actually. Forgetting her embarrassment, and any sympathy she might’ve been beginning to feel towards Cameron, Hannah scrolled through them with excitement. “Oh, these are so good!” she exclaimed. “I can’t wait to share them with Abi and the others!”
She looked at Ellie, who was also scrolling through the messages. She frowned, looking thoughtful, as if she was weighing a decision. “Come on, Ellie,” Hannah told her, “Aren’t they great? You’re an artist as a photographer!” “Hmm, yes, I suppose I am,” Ellie replied. With no further warning, she raised her phone to point it at Hannah and tapped the screen. The camera clicked.
Hannah screamed, covering her breasts with one hand and her vulva with the other. “What the FUCK???” she yelled, stupefied.
“I really am sorry, Hannah, but I can’t have you sharing that footage of Cam with your friends,” Ellie explained patiently. She showed Hannah the photo she had just taken. In it, Hannah’s mouth was open wide in mid-scream, but her arms had not yet begun to cover her body. Her breasts, including both nipples, were in the shot. Down below, her lips and her slit were completely visible and in focus. Ellie continued calmly, “Now, Cam need never find out this photo exists, so long as no one outside the four of us ever finds out those OTHER photos exist. If you get my meaning.”
Hannah was seething. How could she have been so stupid? If Ellie showed Cameron that explicit photo, he would see everything she had, just as she had seen him! He too would be able to share it around, even to other BOYS! The hold Hannah had only just gained over him would be gone. She vowed to herself never to get undressed in front of anyone ever again if there was a chance there was a camera around.
“What about when Mia shares them? You can’t blame me for that! Delete the photo, please!” she reasoned, trying to talk Ellie down. “Mia won’t,” Ellie replied confidently. “I’ve known her forever. Mia likes to talk tough but, when it comes down to it, she won’t do anything if I really don’t want her to. You, on the other hand, I need a bit more insurance for. When Mia gets back, the three of us are going to have a good, long talk about this.”
Hannah didn’t answer her. She knew when she was beaten. Clearly Ellie was a loyal friend, but not someone you wanted to cross. Hannah decided she did not want her as an enemy. Feeling dejected and humiliated, she silently began to get dressed.
Natalie was enjoying herself as she stepped side-to-side, obstructing Cameron’s way past her. “Let me through,” he demanded. She laughed at him. He had no hands free to force his way past and was wary of losing what little cover he had if he tried to barge through. He was in no position to be giving orders.
“Uh, uh, uh,” Natalie taunted. “There’s a tax if you want to come through.” Cameron looked bewildered. “What tax?” “Don’t worry,” she told him, “it’s only 1p. Or one pee-pee, I should say.” She held up her phone. “All you have to do is show me your pee-pee and I’ll let you through.”
Cameron fumed. This girl was crazy. He was determined that there was NO WAY anyone else was taking photos of his dick today. It had come to something, he thought, that this was where he now had to draw the line. Keeping a firm grip on his clothes in front of him and the bag behind him, he turned and ran back down the aisle of lockers. Natalie followed him in hot pursuit.
There were no cubicles in the direction he was headed, Cameron knew, but he could make it to the men’s toilets. Natalie couldn’t follow him in there. He could get dressed in privacy. Cameron cursed himself as a penny dropped inside his brain. Why hadn’t he thought of doing that to begin with? Then he never would’ve had to share a cubicle with Hannah! Mind you, he thought again, then Ellie never would've kissed him...
Cameron made it to the door of the toilet block several paces ahead of Natalie. He shoved his way inside. The door had an automatic closer attached, which swung shut too slowly for his liking. His neighbour was closing the gap to him fast. Cameron got behind the door, dropped the plastic bag and his clothes, and shoved the door closed with both hands. It slammed in Natalie’s face. She pushed once against it, but gave up when it failed to move more than a couple of inches before slamming shut again. She stomped away, frustrated, and went to put her phone and bag in a locker so she could go and swim.
Cameron continued to press both his palms flat against the door until he was sure Natalie had gone. He caught his breath. He had made it to safety. Now he could FINALLY put his clothes back on!
But Cameron wasn’t alone. “Well, well, well. What’s going on here?” said a smug voice. Then another joined it. “If it isn’t Cam. Nice look, dude. Seems like someone managed to strip you after all.”
Cameron looked up. It was Mark and Jack.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 11 -14 Feb)
Part 12 today, yes!

Due to my inability to wrap things up quickly, there is still one more chapter to go. I won't be able to stick to the usual 4-day schedule unfortunately. A combination of reasons mean I'm unable to post this coming Saturday. I hope to be able to post the final chapter on Sunday evening.
Thanks to everyone who's stuck with it for this long!
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 12 -18 Feb)
Love love love! Can't believe I ever started to not like Ellie. I remember in the beginning of the story I thought it was just Mia with her devious scheming but Ellie has proved herself haha. Cam can't seem to catch a break with Mark and Jack in the end ugh haha. I would never want to you to change your view of how you're going to wrap up the story by me saying this. (I know it's been said on the comments before but I still feel the need to say that.) I'm not sure if I'm rooting for one last big public exposure at the expense of Cam or if I want Mark/Jack's plan of revenge to backfire...Either way I'm rooting for a more shameful temporary exposure than permenant one of like everyone taking pictures or something. Either way fantastic chapter and can't wait for the finale!
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 12 -18 Feb)
Was absolutely NOT expecting this today!
I’m honestly overwhelmed, still being on cloud nine after the last chapter!
Cam still deserves some revenge, and now maybe will get some help from Ellie, thanks to her quick photography session with Hannah!
But Natalie’s determination!
Holy crap!
And Cam seems to have popped ANOTHER boner?!!!
At least if Natalie does see him now, it definitely won’t be a disappointment.
But what will Mark and Jack do?
Holy fuck!
I’m legitimately stunned.
I didn’t think we could escalate from the last chapter.
I mean, I knew I had my hopes, but after already getting my cake and enjoying every bite, I didn’t think it could get better!
I’m still back to routing for Cam, but I wouldn’t mind Natalie being treated to the same show Ellie, Mia and Hannah were
I honestly don’t think it matters where things go from here.
With this glorious little surprise of a follow up, you’ve solidified this as an instant classic-
Fucking hell this is brilliant!
Thank you SO MUCH!
I’m honestly overwhelmed, still being on cloud nine after the last chapter!
Cam still deserves some revenge, and now maybe will get some help from Ellie, thanks to her quick photography session with Hannah!
But Natalie’s determination!
Holy crap!
And Cam seems to have popped ANOTHER boner?!!!
At least if Natalie does see him now, it definitely won’t be a disappointment.
But what will Mark and Jack do?
Holy fuck!
I’m legitimately stunned.
I didn’t think we could escalate from the last chapter.
I mean, I knew I had my hopes, but after already getting my cake and enjoying every bite, I didn’t think it could get better!
I’m still back to routing for Cam, but I wouldn’t mind Natalie being treated to the same show Ellie, Mia and Hannah were
I honestly don’t think it matters where things go from here.
With this glorious little surprise of a follow up, you’ve solidified this as an instant classic-
Fucking hell this is brilliant!
Thank you SO MUCH!
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 12 -18 Feb)
Fantastic chapter as usual. Cam doesn’t seems to catch a break with his nudity. Looks like Jack is gonna get back at Cam for exposing his secret in the pool. Looking forward to how it’s gonna end for the boys.
I kinda hoped Cam would be able to see Hannie naked so that she can’t tease him at home. But with Ellie snapping a quick pic of Hannie naked seems to be fair to keep her in check.
It is sad to see this story coming to an end. All good things have an end so gotta live with that. I hope you continue writing amazing stories here.
I kinda hoped Cam would be able to see Hannie naked so that she can’t tease him at home. But with Ellie snapping a quick pic of Hannie naked seems to be fair to keep her in check.
It is sad to see this story coming to an end. All good things have an end so gotta live with that. I hope you continue writing amazing stories here.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 12 -18 Feb)
I 100% understand not wanting to see this story come to an end. But from a creative standpoint, I can’t ask for more from BareB4U.docknumber wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2025 11:18 pm Fantastic chapter as usual. Cam doesn’t seems to catch a break with his nudity. Looks like Jack is gonna get back at Cam for exposing his secret in the pool. Looking forward to how it’s gonna end for the boys.
I kinda hoped Cam would be able to see Hannie naked so that she can’t tease him at home. But with Ellie snapping a quick pic of Hannie naked seems to be fair to keep her in check.
It is sad to see this story coming to an end. All good things have an end so gotta live with that. I hope you continue writing amazing stories here.
This story set the rules, established a time limit, and has already accomplished SO much in that short time!
The different relationships between characters have been fleshed out PERFECTLY!
From the beginning of this story, we had what? An HOUR as the established time limit for events to unfold?
Everything that has taken place has happened both organically and BELIEVABLY within that time limit!
Using such a brilliant writing tool SO expertly is why this story has us wanting more.
But after everything that’s happened, I’m confident we’ll get a satisfying and VERY ‘Happy Ending’
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 12 -18 Feb)
I totally agree, the storytelling has been exceptional within such tight time period and constraints. Looking forward to that 'Happy Ending'!NudeBaG wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2025 11:30 pmI 100% understand not wanting to see this story come to an end. But from a creative standpoint, I can’t ask for more from BareB4U.docknumber wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2025 11:18 pm Fantastic chapter as usual. Cam doesn’t seems to catch a break with his nudity. Looks like Jack is gonna get back at Cam for exposing his secret in the pool. Looking forward to how it’s gonna end for the boys.
I kinda hoped Cam would be able to see Hannie naked so that she can’t tease him at home. But with Ellie snapping a quick pic of Hannie naked seems to be fair to keep her in check.
It is sad to see this story coming to an end. All good things have an end so gotta live with that. I hope you continue writing amazing stories here.
This story set the rules, established a time limit, and has already accomplished SO much in that short time!
The different relationships between characters have been fleshed out PERFECTLY!
From the beginning of this story, we had what? An HOUR as the established time limit for events to unfold?
Everything that has taken place has happened both organically and BELIEVABLY within that time limit!
Using such a brilliant writing tool SO expertly is why this story has us wanting more.
But after everything that’s happened, I’m confident we’ll get a satisfying and VERY ‘Happy Ending’![]()

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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 12 -18 Feb)
Not that it REALLY matters at this point, but…
Cam popped a boner when he was naked in the splash pool.
Cam popped a boner when he was exposed to Hannah, Ellie, and Mia (though it took a second).
Cam *seems to have popped a boner running naked to his locker. (At least based on what that little girl saw
I could be wrong here, but… Cam might be a closet exhibitionist
Either that, or he’s surprisingly virile for his age

It seems Natalie *might be in for a treat

Cam popped a boner when he was naked in the splash pool.
Cam popped a boner when he was exposed to Hannah, Ellie, and Mia (though it took a second).
Cam *seems to have popped a boner running naked to his locker. (At least based on what that little girl saw
I could be wrong here, but… Cam might be a closet exhibitionist
Either that, or he’s surprisingly virile for his age
It seems Natalie *might be in for a treat
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 12 -18 Feb)
Thank you again for this wonderful series. I have enjoyed how the author slowly exposed the girls over the course of this ENM story. A lot of authors like to leave things to the readers imagination, but I am not one of those. I usually have a clear idea in my head what a character looks like and try to bring that out in the story. This has been done so well in this story. For example over multiple chapters we get a full idea of Ellie : “” Had perfectly rounded, smooth breasts with small, pink nipples standing erect from the middle of them and a thick pubic bush of ginger hair which also covered her pronounced labia lips.””. That’s a very full description 
Greatly appreciate your writing efforts.
Greatly appreciate your writing efforts.
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