The New Girl Isn't Shy *COMPLETE* (Chapter 17 - posted 2/19/25)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 12 - posted 2/7/25)

Post by BlueDragmire »

SixPathsKeyblader wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2025 2:16 am I am glad that you posted. I was worried that the bots had scared everyone off.
Not to worry, I have at least three more chapters I think, maybe a bit more, I believe I know how Mina and Lucy's story will conclude.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 13 - posted 2/11/25)

Post by BlueDragmire »

Day 11 -2

AKA 'How Laura accidentally ended up being the third member of the Cult of St. Ellen'

Laura was sitting with Lucy at lunch at McDonalds. They had skipped a class in the Telsa, as they often did, they were Bad Bitches and nobody would stop them. It made them feel strong. But somehow, today, it felt weak. Like they were just going through the motions. Or more accurately, avoiding something.

Laura sensed, like Mina had, that something was not completely right with her best friend. Lucy had changed in the past day, ever since Mina had fully committed to nudity. She claimed to have a stomach bug and in the morning had been her usual cocky self, talking about how stupid this boy was or how ugly this girl was. It was their usual bitchy banter, but Laura could tell something was up. That morning Lucy's hands were shaking and she could not quite get her lighter to spark, so Laura had to do it light her cigarette for her. It made her heart twirl, this little moment in intimacy, like Laura was a detective and Lucy a dame in an old black and white movie.

Everybody in the school had stared at naked Mina, how could you not? She was just so... naked! It was outrageous. Or if they were not staring, they were looking far away, covering their eyes, or acting too casual. The only person pretending everything was normal was Lucy, and that was not like her. Laura had even tried to start their usual mocking and taunting earlier to Lucy. “You know, I let my dad know what's happening here, and if your parents complain too, we could get that Ogre tramp expelled. Maybe get her slut teacher girlfriend fired.”

Lucy just said, “uh-huh” and changed the subject, talking instead how cute a boy was with a new haircut. Laura felt she had to agree, though neither girl felt much of anything about him. And they both knew it.

At McDonalds, Lucy had not eaten any of her food. She just played with her fries in a little paper tub of ketchup. Laura had mostly done the talking, which was already unusual, Lucy had always been the leader here. And at multiple points, Lucy had not listened.

“Okay, I've had enough of this. What is going on with you?” said Laura.

Lucy looked furious. “Nothing is going on with me! I'm the only one who nothing is going on with. Everybody else has become a complete freak all of a sudden.”

“Yeah, I know. Things are really fucked up at school, that weird nudist girl has a spell on everybody, most of all you.”

“I'm not 'under her spell', Laura. You don't know anything, you're just a little copycat, you know that? You never had a personality, you just stole mine!”

Laura saw that a few old people and weird loners, the typical crowd for 11:00 AM on a weekday at McDonalds, were staring at them. Two pretty girls in fresh, clean, black uniforms having a fight. That would get attention. She fought back tears with that last comment about 'personalities'. “Hey, I didn't fuck that Ogre, you did!”

“This isn't about that big tall naked Bitch! I don't want to hear about her! It's like the whole world revolves around one naked girl! I am important, I have problems, nobody cares! Not even you, you're just jealous, Laura. I know you've wanted to fuck me since 9th grade. Well, you're not going to. We're done.”

Lucy stormed out, sweeping her arm across the table, spilling everything to the floor. The ketchup spilled right across Laura's uniform, which she did not even notice. That stain would be the least of her problems in a moment anyway. Laura went to go pick up the food and looked left and right, as the entire restaurant was staring. Then Laura ran out, holding back a sob. It was raining and she had no umbrella, no coat, and worse, Lucy was already in her Telsa, already backing out, and driving away.

That's when Laura realized she was a mile away from school, stranded, and her best friend was leaving. She kept running into the parking lot, waving her arms, not noticing how soaked she was getting, and Lucy just kept going. Laura almost got close as Lucy had to stop for an oncoming car. They had almost hit, in fact, when Lucy slammed on the brakes, ignoring a stop sign. Now the once-sidekick was all the more worried for Lucy. She was going to get herself killed driving like this! Laura almost flagged her down, but then Lucy made a sharp right onto the street, totally not noticing she was driving over a muddy puddle, and splashing her ex-partner in crime completely in brown water.

Laura stood there, her hair completely wet, her uniform now pounds heavier, the ketchup stain now lost in all the other stains in her clothing, and a candy wrapper litter in her hair. She was cold, she was wet, she was alone, and she realized she was crying too. She wented to get her phone out of her pocket, and it was so wet the touchscreen refused to work. Then that too slipped out of her hands and into the big puddle by the curb. Laura had to fish for it, and when she found it, it was completely dead. She dropped it back into her purse, hearing a plop as there was water in there too. She just sighed and started walking back to the Academy, every stop a squish.

It would be a long walk, there were no sidewalks, nobody cared to stop to help a girl on the side of the road as wet as a dog. It started to snow a bit too. She had to look like some kind of witch monster crawling out of a TV, she thought. Worse, she decided to take a short-cut through a few back yard lawns to get to school faster, which meant passing through deep quagmires of mud that seemed to only be shallow puddles.

Before she knew it, she was ankle deep in mud, and one whole shoe had been swallowed by the muck. That's when Laura fell face first into it. “This is the worst day of my life!” she shouted to nobody, trying to wipe off ten pounds of mud from her front. All it did was smear worse, she was rubbing it into her tits if anything.

She shambled her way to the Academy parking lot, oozing mud in her way. She felt like a mud monster, and she was shivering. Laura went to open a door and saw she left a brown imprint. She couldn't go inside like this. Saying 'fuck it', she stripped off her shirt and her skirt, pulling off her leggings too. Since she had lost her shoes, the leggings had huge holes in them anyway, so nothing to save. Wearing nothing but her underwear, Laura stepped inside, hugging herself, teeth chattering, not realizing she was still crying a bit.

It was probably best to just hide in the office, maybe they get her a blanket, maybe they'd call her parents. Instead she was met by the furious face of the Dean who looked red as a beat, increasingly his normal color these days. “What is the meaning of this, Miss Wu??”

“I- fell... outside...” said Laura.

“A likely story. You're in cahoots with that Miss Westinghouse and Miss Murray, aren't you? Okay, take them off.”

Laura looked confused. “What do you mean?”

“You want to run around naked and came up with an excuse? Following in Mina's bare footsteps are you?”

"I'm not a nudist, I just had an accident! I'm not like Mina!" Laura actually ran off, leaving the Dean ranting to nobody. She was freezing and she needed a shower. She had her gym clothes in the locker room, and hey, it was swim class anyway. The swampy weather of the pool would do her well. Lots of kids in the hall saw her and she looked down, realizing her bra was completely see-through, with brown nipples staring back at her. So Laura covered up, tightly hugging herself. At least it was warming in here, and well, she was feeling very warm in spots as well.

The walk of shame ended at the locker room where all the girls were already mostly dressed in their one-pieces. That is, besides Mina, who held her hands at her sides, proudly baring her vagina for all to see. And there was Lucy, who was in the back of the line, by her self. Mrs. White was 'inspecting the troops' as it were and looked over to see Laura, shivering, her blonde hair matted with dirt, half-naked. Mrs. White went through a similar tirade as the Dean, accusing Laura of 'funny business' and 'loopholes'.

“No, Mrs. White, Lucy can ex-” Laura looked over to Lucy for support, who was busy staring at her phone.

Lucy did not even look up as she said, “you know, I never like your hair dyed blonde, brown suits you, Laura.” Her voice was pure venom.

Laura had enough. “You know what? Yeah, this is my uniform now! If that's how things go here at this school. How my friends treat me.”

Laura pulled off her bra and panties, and threw them at Lucy's face, who ended up with some D-cups hanging on her head and panties covering her phone. "Gross, she muttered", as she wiped some mud off her phone's screen.

“I'll join you all in a minute”, said Laura. “I'm going Ogre-mode, but I'm still filthy, I need a shower, then I'll join you in the pool. Anybody else want in?”

Washing took longer than Laura thought. The mud was somehow everywhere, truly everywhere. She had it between her toes, under her nails, there was even some in her ass crack and her cooch. It was awful, but at least, finally she was clean. And truly naked now, at least before she had been covered by some mud spots. Gulping, Laura stepped out to the pool, and ran right past Mrs. White to jump in, hoping to be covered by the water at least.

That was enough time for a massive chorus of cheers from the boys which Mrs. White had to shut down immediately. Mrs. White did not bother coming up with a lesson or a game, she announced she had a headache and would just watch as lifeguard. Everybody got a chance to swim, freely, Laura saw Lucy all alone in the corner, sulking, but did not care. All the boys' eyes were on her, and several of the girls. She could not stop covering up her chest and stood fearfully. That is until she felt some tickling at her sides, and Mina pressing her own bare chest into her back.

“Come on, don't be shy, Laura. You're a St. Ellen Girl now, let them see.” Laura with great difficulty, put her arms to her side. Mina surprised her by lifting her out of the pool, letting everybody see Laura's dripping tan breasts. “Boys and girls, check out these!” said Mina, proudly, giving them a little lift. Laura slapped her away, but could not ignore the pull of the crowd. She would bob up out of the water every so often, letting everybody have a quick look and then bounce down.

A few other girls quietly stripped off their suits as well, including a girl Laura previously considered to be a nerd Sophia. Mrs. White saw and did nothing. She just pinched her brow, knowing this genie was not going back into the bottle. Mina had to poll the nude ones. “Was I right or was I right? Skinny dipping is better, huh?” And Laura had to agree. Sophia, with a lot of difficulty, tried to put her swimsuit back on in the water so nobody could see. Laura, however, giggled, and followed Mina, her naked leader, out of the water, knowing all could see her backside. Sophia followed, naked as well, seeming awkward, until Mina gave her a big hug. Only Sophia got dressed for their next class. Laura had to walk naked, next to Mina for Ms. Pulaski's very explicit NC-17 rated history class.

Laura had been used to attention ever since she out-paced her best friend in the boob department in Sophomore year and just kept going. There were always stares in the hallways. “My eyes are up here”, she thought. Now walking down the hallway with nothing but a backpack and a purse, she had to think “my tits are up here”, since everybody's attention was on her bare crotch.

To no surprise, Laura's ride home, Lucy, zipped home without picking her up. Mina happily offered her mother's car and a ride back. Mrs. Murray was pretty surprised to be driving home two naked girls. “It's a long story”, said Laura.

“So Mom, how was work without shoes?” Mina turned to her new friend. “My mom is working her way up to it, not all of us can go from zero to nudist in one afternoon like you did.”

"Yeah, I'm a Bad Bitch, Mina's Mom. Always have been."

At home, Laura waved them off, very afraid the neighbors would see her. She darted into the house, sneaking past her mother in the kitchen and straight to her room. She pulled her clothes back on, pulling a T-shirt over her bare chest, no need to bother with a bra after today. Laura slapped her face several times in the mirror trying to fight off her blush.

At dinner, Laura's parents asked if anything interesting happened at school that day. Lara replied “...oh nothing”. She wondered how long she could keep her new uniform a secret.

"Didn't you say there was a naked girl?"

"Oh that? It will probably blow over on its own." Laura felt her bare toes curl under the table as she realized, no, this was not ending anytime soon. She would go to school tomorrow a Bad Bitch like she always was. A Naked Bad Bitch if need be.
Last edited by BlueDragmire on Sat Feb 15, 2025 9:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 14 - posted 2/15/25)

Post by BlueDragmire »

Day 12

Mina and her mother arrived to pick up Laura the next day. Laura stepped down her front steps, closing the door behind her, wearing far too many layers considering her new arrangements at St. Ellen's. Mina jumped out of the car, both shame-proof and seemingly-weather proof, this being the fifth ugly cold day in a row. Laura ran down to chase after her, turning red.

Naked Minaloudly said, in her best exaggerated impression of the Dean's gruff masculine voice, “Why Ms. Wu you are completely out of uniform! I will have not such lewdness in my school!”

Laura felt terrified, any one of her neighbors might see! Her mother could see! “Mina, get in the car! Don't you care that you're in public?”

Mina looked confused, putting a finger to her mouth, dragging this out. “...Hmmm... No... I don't care. Or well, maybe I actually care more...”

Laura dragged her classmate into Jessica's sedan. “Mrs. Murray, drive, please!”

Jessica also looked Laura up and down and repeated her daughter's joke. “Aren't you out of uniform, Laura?”

“I'm just dressed this way until I get out of sight of my house.”, said the already stripping girl. Laura had peeled off her coat and was already working on her shoes. But she seemed very shy that anybody might see her out the windows. She hesitated when she got down to her bra.

“Oh come on, Laura, you can't leave out the best parts! The world loves those giant things.”, said Mina, cupping her own bare chest. “I feel so inadequate in comparison.”

Jessica also replied, “Yes, Laura, you have a great body. Any woman would be jealous.”

Laura noted that her driver was also mostly dressed. It just did not seem fair that some people have to go completely naked in the cold while others welched out their bets, after all. “Hey, Mina, isn't your Mom over-dressed too?”

Mina nodded, remembering another defeated attempt that morning to proselytize the ways of St. Ellen that morning. “Yeah, Mom, you can't just not wear shoes again, that's nothing.”

Jessica had to deal with a naked girl and a half-naked girl arguing with her the entire way to the Academy. Lots of excuses were given, Mina threatened to just skip school and live as a clotheless bum for the rest of her life. Laura was going to join her. They'd ruin their educations and be wandering vagrants, forced to do unspeakable sexual acts on the street all because Mina's Mom was such a coward. The joke getting too much, Jessica finally relented. “Okay, I'll take off my panties, okay?”

Mina replied “Ugg, nobody would be able to see anything. That's like the least of what you can do.”

Jessica had to bargain again. “Okay, bra off too. But that's really as far as I can go, Mina!” She pulled over to the curb by the school.

So at the count of three both Jessica and Laura pulled down their panties. And then unclipped their bra. Laura had to cringe a little upon Mina cheering loudly in the car when her tits were unleashed. The original nudist noted, happily, that quite a few students were watching this unfold. Jessica struggled to pull her bra out of her blouse sleeve and finally had to just unbutton her shirt, which Mina then pulled wide open. “Oh, wow, Mom, you shouldn't hide these! You've aged great, MILF-y as fuck!” Some cars behind honked their horns, probably not in celebration, but in annoyance that this one parent wouldn't move their butts.

Jessica rebuttoned her shirt. “Laura, you can just leave your clothes here. I'll bring them back to you later.” The girl nodded, folding them neatly, and very quietly and sheepishly closed the car door. It seemed somehow very heavy. She would be completely unable to dress for the entire day. Chickening out was not an option. Not that Mina would ever let her.

So the two girls got out of the cold and wet ground and stepped back inside for another day of wholesome... well, wholesome-ish education.

There were a lot more bare bodies this next swim class. Mrs. White muttered angrily “this is the last time, next week we're on the field, I don't care if it's snowing...” upon seeing six girls wearing nothing at all – including Sophia. Two other girls did not wear tops, only bikini bottoms, and one girl, Rose, got very innovative by wearing no bottom, showing off a completely baby smooth vag. Several more girls took off what suits they had on by the time they got in the water. Even a boy got in on the action, pulling off his trunks, then marched around, arms behind his head. A few girls screamed about feeling something hard jab into their thighs, Mina thought she was going to gag. But she could hardly say it was not allowed for boys, could she?

She did not have boners on her mind, however. She kept finding excuses to get close to Laura, to, brush up, play with, or otherwise fondle those big round lightly tanned tits with little brown nipples. Laura had a birthmark in the shape of a butterfly on the left one and Mina badly wanted to lick around it, licking her own lips in anticipation.

Meanwhile, Lucy sat with Mrs. White on a metal bench on the side of the pool, having not dressed to swim, making some excuse about cramps. Lucy pretended not to notice as Mina and Laura got a lot more familiar with each other. Laura saw her best friend huffing, staring at her phone, not looking up. So she pulled herself half out of the pool, making sure her front assets were well on display, laying them right on the edge of the pool. “Hey, Luce, you just gonna be a spoil sport or are you gonna swim?”

Lucy did not look up. “Sorry, I don't talk with Ogres anymore. I'm fine up here, go find a corner to rub yourself onto while thinking about me like you used to.”

Laura squeaked a bit, remembering a time when she was 13 and she discovering a table corner in Lucy's bedroom that made her feel some very interesting feelings she did not understand just yet. She always thought Lucy had not seen her, but really, she had saved this ammunition for five years, just to get the hurt at the perfect time.

Mina jumped up to the rescue, slapping Laura's exposed hanging backside. “C'mon, let's swim more, Lucy is too busy being miserable to have fun.” They were both back in the water when Mina pushed Laura to a wall and stared her dead in the eyes, “Hey, you wanna make her jealous? Kiss me.” Laura looked up at Lucy and back at Mina, all of Mina, top to bottom, she nodded and befoe she knew it, Laura's mouth was full of Mina's tongue.

“Oh man, I can taste those gross cigarettes...” said Mina, which did not stop her for going in for another taste. Lucy could not even pretend to be too busy with her phone game during the display that followed. Laura started hammed up the moaning, with some very fake porn star noises, as Mina reached down and squeezed those ample breasts. She was just about to start licking the butterfly mark when she was interrupted.

A whistle blew from Mrs. White, who shouted and stamped her feet. Mina and Laura jumped away from each other, giving room for the Holy Ghost plus extra. However, Mrs. White was not looking their direction.

No, twenty feet away was Sophia, the nice nerdy girl, bobbing her head under the water, mouth full of something that was not pool water. A satisfied looking boy, Mina did not know his name, was laying against the pool wall, too busy with receiving pleasure to even notice Mrs. White screaming at him. Sophia looked up and turned red when she realized everybody had seen them, sheepishly wiping her mouth. She mumbled an excuse, "Well, you know, the pool is chlorinated..."

“Way to go, Soph!”, cried Mina, proud of her protege. Mrs. White tried to pull Sophia out of the water, grabbing her shoulder, but completely misjudged her leverage and instead slipped into the pool. Then howled like a banshee, blowing her whistle fruitlessly to nobody. Sophia actually assisted her teacher with the boy she had been blowing, both of them helping Mrs. White, get to the steps. Her hair flattened by the water, her uniform soaked revealing an unflattering middle-aged body, Mrs. White grabbed Sophia both Sophia and the boy by the ear. The boy sporting a huge tent in his swim pants, Sophia sporting nothing at all, covering her round breasts and crotch with her hands. She had a little bit of a belly really cute more than chubby, but it was matched by sizable breasts, wide hips, and as Sophia walked away, Mina noticed a magnificent booty. Down the halls they went, Mrs. White parading yet another girl student naked, as Sophia's curves jiggled lewdly.

Mina said to Laura, “Well, guess we have another Sister in our St. Ellen cult.” Eliciting a laugh from them both.

Laura said, “I thought I was a Bad Bitch before, but Mina, you're on another level." Then she got a funny look on her face. "Mina, I know who I want to convert. C'mon, follow me.”, winking as she climbed up a ladder out of the pool.

On the bench, Lucy sat, looking white. Laura sat on her right side, crossing her legs and stretching her bare body out. “Never thought Sophia had that in her, ay, Luce?” Mina, with a huge smile that was suppressing giggles, sat on Mina's left.

Lucy replied, “Both of you, stay away from me. One call to my dad and this school will be shut down before Monday.”

Mina slipped her wet body an inch closer, causing Mina to flinch right, pushing her right into Laura. Both naked girls pressed themselves into Lucy, getting her uniform wet. Mina said, coyly, “Sophia knew what she wanted and took it. I know what you want, Lucy. Don't pretend otherwise.” She reached over and unbuttoned Lucy's top button. There was no teacher around to stop either of them, and suddenly anything was possible.

“Hey, stay away, you... you...”, said Lucy, losing her talent even for name-calling. Laura leaned over and whispered in Lucy's ear something Mina could not hear. Then stole a kiss. Lucy stood up, shocked.

Laura and Mina both stood up. Laura led, “I just want to go swimming with my best friend. No need to be shy.”

“I'm not getting naked, everybody will see.” said Lucy, looking suddenly very small.

Mina joined in. “I'll settle for just making you wet, you know, beyond the usual way.” And both girls pushed Lucy right into the pool, jumping in after her.

Lucy was surrounded again by naked bodies. She was very short, very petite, and could not offer much in the way of resistance. She was theirs to dominate, a little girl trapped between two hungry Ogres. Mina leading the charged from the front, causing Lucy to back away right into her friend's body. She felt Laura's breasts and legs press her through her wet clothes from behind, just as Mina pressed in from the front. Lucy resisted only for a moment, finally turning around to kiss Laura, while Mina reached down, pulled Lucy's skirt up, and found a few fingers into Lucy's panties. “I'm a crazy naked lesbian Ogre bitch just like you made me, Lucy. But I know you want it be one too. Tell me you want it.”

Lucy's face was wet from the pool, so it was hard to tell, but she did seem to be crying. She was flushed and trembling. “Yes, Mina, I want it.” Lucy reached back out to 'return the flavor' as it were, and Mina squealed happily. All three bodies held each other in place, sharing a moment, until finally Lucy screamed in orgasm, Mina gasping more quietly, and Laura, rubbing herself, joined the chorus just a moment later.

Mina regained composure first. “So, Lucy, I don't think anybody watching will forget that particular display. I'm not shy about it, are you?”

“Get the fuck off me”, said Lucy, then slapped Mina in the face. “Both of you freaks, leave me alone! I didn't want any of this!”

Mina rubbed her face, but looked very doubtful. “Do you even believe that? I don't think anybody is as horny for nudism at this school as you are, Lucy.”

Lucy climbed out of the pool, soaked, but still dressed. She squished her wet shoes out of the pool area, letting her wet things drip everywhere. “Mina, you're a monster. I never want to see any of you ever again!”, she screamed. She actually was sobbing and looked very small. Normally Lucy seemed way too adult and too mature for her age, now she looked like a tiny little girl. Mina felt her own throat tighten up. The pool party continued, but it seemed like some energy had finally been sucked out of the room. Mina and Laura stayed very chaste, keeping their hands to themselves.

The Westinghouse girl simply got into her car and drove home, doing the seemingly 'sensible' and 'normal' thing versus going naked for the rest of the day.

At Mrs. Pulaski's history class, Mina and Laura saw Sophia, naked as the day she was born, with her hair a complete mess, looking very unhappy as she walked into the classroom. “I got detention later, and I need to explain to my parents all about this... uniform business. I think if my mom talks to the Dean I can wear clothes again on Monday. Mina, is this what you wanted?”

Mina looked down, not really sure how to reply. She found herself crossing her legs to sit more lady-like, and hugging her chest. It was suddenly cold in that classroom, and Mina had nothing to dress herself with. A lot of eyes were staring at her, the boy sitting behind her in class was staring at her bare ass the entire time. He would be furious masturbating about it, Mina was sure, and that thought sickened her. Maybe, for once, Mina did not want this much attention.

As Mom drove Mina and Laura home, Laura re-dressed herself. Originally Mina had wanted to follow Laura home and making a big scene with Laura's parents. But that seemed cruel. Mina did not get out of the car as Laura got up and walked back home. “I'll see you Monday, Laura”, she said.

Mina stayed naked most of that night, as was tradition. Then she found herself, without really thinking about it, putting on pajamas that night to go to sleep. She just felt very chilly under the covers. This was the first time she had worn any clothes since Wednesday morning, and the first time she had not slept totally naked in a week. Somehow Mina struggled to doze off, finally fading away after three restless hours in bed, feeling very confused and uncertain of where things were going.

Maybe Mina really was shy after all. Had she just been pretending otherwise?
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 15 - posted 2/17/25)

Post by BlueDragmire »

So we're nearing the finale here, took more chapters than I thought. We'll probably hit the story's 'climax' as it were in the next chapter or the one after that if there's too much to cover, then maybe an epilogue. There might be more St. Ellen's adventures if there's much interest in them.

Edit: I notice a few things I need to change in the older chapters in order to fit in with the ending I’ve discovered for these characters. (For example, Mina’s last name at some point turned into Murray, and how many times did I call Laura “Lauren”.) Hope nobody minds.

Day 13

In the morning, Jessica eyed a lightly-dressed Mina with as much worry and confusion as she had eyed a completely naked Mina sauntering in to breakfast a week earlier. Her daughter was only wearing a pajama top, half unbuttoned, and a pair of panties, but only a few days into this experiment in total nudity, Mina wearing anything at all was unusual. Mina had also chosen to rebraid her hair into pigtails, rather than letting it flow freely and wildly as she had since their meeting with the Dean. The girl said nothing as she ate some fruit, claiming not to be hungry for much more.

Jay finally dared ask the question. “You know, Mina, as your father, I'll admit I'm more comfortable with you wearing clothes again, but um... okay, I'll just ask it: what's up?”

Mina muttered, “...nothing, I was just feeling cold.” She sounded like her 'old self', the pre-Acadmy self, with a lot less emotion in her voice and none of the confidence.

Jay offered, “Oh no, did you have a fight with your girlfriend?” Inwardly Jay and Jessica hated Lucy Westinghouse, and hated her all the more if she was hurting Mina. A part of them were relieved if the girls were breaking up.

Mina got angry, “She's not my girlfriend! You don't know anything, Dad!” And Jay, having not understood teenage girls as a teenager himself, understanding them a lot less as a man nearly his forties, just let her walk away and winced when she slammed her door. He gave his wife a look saying 'okay, I tried, your turn'.

Jessica waited a good ten minutes for Mina to cool off, and maybe just to procrastinate what might be a difficult conversation. She knocked on Mina's door. “Hey, honey, how are things?”

Mina let her mother in. She was sitting on her bed, now wearing a pair of matching pajama pants as well. Her knees were up and her posture was very defensive, almost like she was wrapping herself into a ball to not be bothered. Mina was playing with her phone, not bothering to look up while Jessica tried to broach some pleasant conversation. “Sooo... Mina, would you like to know how my Casual Friday at work went yesterday?”

Her daughter didn't really say a word, more of a grunt.

So Mom continued, “My friend, Carla, she noticed immediately and said there's a betting pool about what I would or wouldn't be wearing and she won. Apparently she's putting her winnings towards 'topless on Monday', but didn't want to unfairly influence the bet.”

Mina again grunted, maybe with a little more pleasantly. You could call the noise a 'hmm'.

“Anyway, I got called into a meeting with my boss and the Partners at 2 PM, just before my shift ends. I was really afraid they were going to fire me right there and then. Instead, guess what?” Mina did not reply so Jessica continued. “They mentioned that the office has no formal uniform policy, just two words 'dress nicely'. Ultimately the HR lady had decided that really had no enforceable meaning, so they said, 'go ahead, you can dress or undress however you like'. My boss even asked me to continue stripping! Mina, can you believe it? He was asking me to get naked right there in front of everybody!”

Mina looked up, now interested. “So did you do it?”

Jessica got a big smile. “Well... I said, 'sorry, I'm not sure how comfortable I am just yet with this'. And then they stated the company's Diversity Commitment actually encouraged different lifestyles. Nudism was a new one for them, but they were fine with it. And I had to just nod and say, 'I'll think about it'.

Her daughter seemed a little deflated. “Oh so you chickened out...”

Trying to sit down next to the girl, Jessica got closer but Mina flinched away. “Yeah, but, the idea is kinda exciting, you know? On Monday I can seemingly do whatever I want.”

Mina shrugged away. “Yeah, go do what you want. I won't press you...”

Her mother tried one more tactic. “You know, I heard your favorite teacher is having a yard sale to give away all her clothes this afternoon. I'm sure you want to go down there and show some support.” Mina nodded. “Maybe it will raise your spirits, honey?”

“Yeah... maybe...”

Her mother left the room and could not have known that Mina had sent five texts to Sophia apologizing, none of which had been replied to yet. “Soph, I want you to come to school however you want. Dressed, undressed. Whatever you like. Not what I like.”

Sophia finally texted back. “Thanks, Mina. I'm still thinking about it.”

Mina was fully-dressed as she left her home: shoes, T-shirt, jeans, even a sweater, and a winter cap which might not have been necessary since today was a little warmer. She still had her St. Ellen's icon necklace on, even if she was not quite following the nudist rules. The Sun was out to celebrate the show going on down below. There was rather large crowd of mostly-male onlookers as the teacher committed herself to full permanent nudity. Most yard sales were not this well-attended, Mina thought. And indeed, few of them gave away underwear too. Ms. Pulaski was all winks as her panties sold for very high prices, $100 to very sweaty-looking gentlemen, who quickly disappeared into the crowd. The teacher was not wearing anything besides her large black coat and nothing underneath, proudly flipping it open as needed and occasionally posing for photos with customers.

“Mina! My favorite student!”, said Ms. Pulaski, very proud to see Mina there, apparently not caring if she was dressed or undressed. “Come here, let's have a photo!” The teacher dropped her coat completely and posed happily next to Mina, who smiled for the picture the best she could, trying to avoid the feeling that she was betraying the cause or something. Jessica took the first photo, then Ms. Pulaski ushered her over as well, so a stranger could take a photo of the three ladies together. Ms. Pulaski took one photo standing up, then bent her knees and opened up her legs for another, sticking her tongue out as she let everything be seen. That got a much bigger and more natural smile out of Mina, who took off her hat as she was sweating.

Making conversation, Ms. Pulaski asked, “So are you here to buy? It is going quickly. I've made a mint from these perverts.”

Mina shook her head. “Not sure what I'd do with any of it if I did. You're not my size.” Mina stared at Ms. Pulaski's knockers, maybe a few shirts would fit Laura, not her. She felt a little uncomfortable being out in public and being so close to the center of attention. Her mother, meanwhile, found some pants that she thought would fit her and haggled down the price, using a 'St. Ellen's insider' discount. Ms. Pulaski gave Mina's mother a healthy kiss on the cheek, which the next few male buyers asked for in return.

Soon enough, everything was disappearing. One mousy-looking woman for a kiss on the lips and Ms. Pulaski gave a very wanton tonging to this total stranger. Which soon meant she was french kissing a lot of people. The only things that did not sell were the socks. One man asked that she rub a pair between her legs, and Ms. Pulaski thought about it, looked at Mina who looked a little shocked at the whole thing, and shrugged, giving it one wipe. Before long, with a little 'extra juice', Ms. Pulaski had sold it all.

“Well, that's it then”, said the teacher to the crowd. “I have nothing at all to wear. And I'm about $4000 dollars richer thanks to you all. I'm stuck like this!” The crowd roared in approval.

“You're very brave, Ms. Pulaski”, said Jessica. Mina herself agreed, still not sure she could commit so extremely. Not sure if she was disappointing them by appearing dressed.

“It's just the Ways of St. Elayne.” said the teacher. “I'm glad you were here, my boyfriend couldn't make it. Can you help me put away all these tables and clean up?” The crowd largely disappeared, show being over. There were some murmurs of disappointment that things did not go further. Mina took off her coat next, only needing a T-shirt now that she putting in work.

While carrying some folded-up tables into the garage, Mina saw Ms. Pulaski step behind a tree, only slightly out of view. She put the table down feeling weirdly compelled to follow.

With the jacket again pooled around her toes, Ms. Pulaski was rubbing herself furiously, massaging her breasts with her other arm. She was totally in trance of ecstasy, eyes closed, lost to the world, not caring she was still 70% in public, still had several on-lookers. “Oh fuck... oh fuck...” she muttered to herself, getting closer and closer, taking it up a notch by fucking herself with one finger then two. Mina's mother heard the moaning and put her hand in front of Mina's eyes. But Mina moved her head, wanting to see.

“You're not supposed to see that, Mina.” Ms. Pulaski then looked up and realized her student had been watching. Then take her way over the edge, causing her to shriek happily. The shameless nudist needed to hold onto the tree for support as her legs lost strength again. Then she burst in laughter.

“Mina, we need to stop running into each other like this!”

Her student just laughed too. Jessica, feeling very nervous, was laughing as well. She said, “Couldn't hold it, could you?”

“Nope, that was an emergency. It isn't every day you commit to 100% permanent nudism.” Trying to break the awkward hold on stuff. “Mina, Mrs. Murray, let's go out to eat. On me, I'm loaded with cash today. My boyfriend owns a diner nearby and he definitely will want to know how today went.”

Curious, Mina asked, “So he's good with... you know, all this?”

“Good?? He loves it. He can't keep his hands off me this past week. I might've dumped him for being a bit of a cold fish eventually, now he's like an animal in heat. Oh- I shouldn't talk about this with a student.”

Somehow seeing this wild display gave Mina a sudden burst of boldness. “Since your boyfriend's place is good with, you know, naked customers, do you think I could...?”

Her mother stepped in, “Oh no, Mina, I'm not sure you should in a such a public place...”

Ms. Pulaski was wearing a big smile and nothing else. “Absolutely, take all that off, Mina, you don't look like yourself wearing clothes, honestly. And give me a moment to wash up, I'll drive.”

Mina looked left and looked right, she was still in the middle of the suburbs in broad afternoon daylight. There were still some people who had seen Ms. Pulaski's show and were milling around, hoping for more. Her heart was pounding. But she knew her adrenaline would not last, and she quickly pulled off everything, with her mother now holding a full set of folded clothes and some shoes. Totally naked Mina stretched out in the sunlight, throwing her arms and legs outward and breathed deeply.

Jessica had to admit, yeah, Mina seemed to have gained the color back in her face and even looked a little taller somehow even without shoes to aid her height. She was just more... Mina like this. It would be nice if she could have this confidence without needing to expose her bare shoulders, bare breasts, erect nipples, navel, and pussy to the entire world, but this was the path that was working for her. Mina was wearing nothing but the St. Ellen pendant and held it closely, seemingly gaining strength from it.


A five minute drive later, they all arrived at the diner. The loud murmuring of a late lunch crowd at the busy diner all came to a dead stop when two naked women walked in, accompanied by a shorter, slightly older dressed on. Without a a shirt or shoe between most of them, they still got service. Mina and Ms. Pulaski looked almost the same age when they were both naked and did not have the authority of classroom rules to define them, if anything, Mina might have seemed more adult thanks to being so tall.

All three of the women were blushing and their hearts were pounding, they acted like this was no big deal, all nice and casual, but they all know walking in naked was a weird and wild step. Mina even teased her mother that she should undress too, but Jessica was just not ready for that step, and Mina did not press too hard, not wanting to repeat her mistake with Sophia. They met Ms. Pulaski's boyfriend, a handsome slightly older man, who was not shy about looking any of the ladies up and down, causing his girlfriend to slap him lightly. Mina happily posed for him, liking that she was making her teacher jealous. Also, she seemed to have regained her appetite to the impressed view of the adults, she put away maybe six pancakes.

“Teenagers, huh?” said Ms. Pulaski.

“They just cannot contain their appetites”, said Jessica.

“You're telling me” added the teacher, thinking of the stories she had heard of yesterday's adventures in the Academy pool. But those stories were best not shared with a person's mother.

“Mina, I did you a favor, by the way.” said Ms. Pulaski.

Mina tried to say something but her mouth was too full of pancake and syrup to make out a word.

“I called Lucy's mother after she did not appear in class yesterday. She's been going through a lot this week, turns out. I think you all should talk about it. You're actually invited over to dinner tomorrow night at Lucy's house.”

Jessica muttered some excuses, thinking it was best that Mina and Lucy not see each other for a bit. Ms. Pulaski waved them off. “Mrs. Westinghouse wants you there too, Jessica. A formal introduction, you know?”

“Is my husband invited?”

“Nope, just the girls, it seems. She'll call you later, I imagine. Here's her number.”

Mina decided to step away from the table and go to the lady's room. Public bathrooms were very gross in no shoes, she thought. She went into a stall and texted Sophia. “I'm at lunch with Ms. Pulaski, she's totally naked, and you'd never guess what I caught her doing!”

Sophia actually did guess and Mina gave a big smiling laughing face emoji.

“I'm glad that we settled things up, you're a good friend, Sophia.”

Sophia reacted with a heart emoji, and Mina felt a lot better about things. She gave her teacher a big skin-on-skin hug after the meal and happily did not wear a single thing the rest of the day. Jay commented to his wife “You know, she seems to much more... I don't know, like a person, when she's not wearing anything?” Jessica replied, having had basically the same thought.

“Maybe we need to organize a yard sale ourselves?”, joked Jessica.

Jay replied, “No, I'm not tossing those clothes that quickly. I don't know how many paychecks I put into that girl's wardrobe. She's keeping them whether she wears it or not.”

“She just needs to learn that clothes or no-clothes don't make her Mina. She'll settle into her body I'm sure.”

Jessica got the call from Tina, Lucy's mother around 4 PM. And Jessica herself felt even more nervous about this upcoming confrontation than Mina did. It could be a furious argument that led to a lawsuit, or they would be planning a wedding by the end of it, and everything in between. How do you prepare for something like that?
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 16 - posted 2/18/25)

Post by BlueDragmire »

Really want to wrap this thing up. So one more chapter after this. One final climax, if you will:

Day 14

“Mina, what on Earth is taking so long?”, asked her mother knocking on Mina's door, which was curiously closed. What did that girl have to hide anyway? Strangers had a mental map of every freckle on her ass. And besides, how long could it take you to get ready when you basically wore nothing? Mina's definition of 'dressed up' was just a scarf and that thigh garter thing, otherwise she was completely naked. She did not wear make-up before these past few weeks and losing clothes did not change habits there either. Maybe she was giving herself an extra shave on her legs and pubic hair to look nicer?

To her mother's shock, Mina walked out fully dressed in her school uniform. Not the “uniform” but the full black affair, even with stockings and shoes. She had lipstick on and some eye shadow. “I just need a minute, wanted to look my 'best'.”

Jessica had dressed up fairly nicely, not an evening gown or anything, but she did put on her nicest dress, the one she had lent Mina last Friday when she first visited Lucy's home. It was less sexy on Jessica, being shorter, covering most of her leg, but was 'sexy' really the goal here? She had worried in the mirror that was showing a bit too much cleavage, but decided maybe some boobage might help the discussions. You never know when cleavage might help.

Mina's mother had to ask though, “You know Mrs. Westinghouse said you were welcome at her house in whatever you were comfortable in.” Basically asking: “Hey, Mina, why are you wearing clothes?”

The girl replied, shyly, “I'm fully comfortable in this. More importantly, Lucy is more comfortable with me like this. I want to make peace with her, not impose myself.”

Her mother could not find much of a reason to disagree, nodding.

“Plus, I can't do a strip tease later if I'm not wearing something to begin with, right, Mom?”

Fifteen minutes late to the early dinner, the Murray girls arrived. Mrs. Westinghouse had chosen to go very provocatively in a long white gown, cut to show off legs and her entire cleavage. No bra, either, so it seemed Jessica and Tina agreed on the power of breasts as intimidation tactics. Mina had never seen Lucy's mother in anything other very Fifties 'trad wife' gear and was mildly blown away. So this is what Lucy would look like in twenty years then... also post-boob job, no way those were real. Their guest opened with, “Why Mina, I don't think I've ever seen you wear clothes? What a treat!”

Lucy was also there, dressed in a black dress, very short skirt, with black lipstick and black eye shadow. Even with her platinum blonde hair, she looked like she was ready to star in a Tim Burton movie or lead some chick rock band. Her mother's face was all welcoming smile, Lucy was too much of a teenager to even pretend to be pleased about all this. “Hello, Mina.”, she said icily.

“Don't you mean, 'Ogre'?”

Cutting into the confrontation, and seemingly very talented at slicing apart arguments before they began, Lucy's mother made small talk, leading them them all to a redundant second living room, offering everybody white wine. She mentioned that the boys were out with their father on a hunting trip, and that dinner would be out of the oven in another forty minutes. There was a lot of experience in not talking about what was really on a person's mind in the Westinghouse place, Mina thought. This all dragged on for a half hour until finally Mina was getting bored and had to just cut in. “So why did you invite us over? What's up?”

Tina was about to say something until Lucy stepped in. “My mom wanted to meet you because we're ending this whole nudist business once and for all. The dean is going to announce it tomorrow at a surprise school auditorium. You've been expelled, Mina Murray. So has Laura. And if I'm lucky, my old friend Sophia too. You're all done.”

“Please, you're spoiling a fine evening, Lucy.” Tina dropped her smile for a moment and that was enough to actually frighten Mina. The tone of her voice had dropped a few octaves when she said her daughter's name, all the sweetness drained out of her voice. “Please, before we have a panic, my husband and I are very important donors to the Academy. We actually met there, we were both students there. Would you like to know that story?”

Nobody wanted to know that story, said the looks on their faces.

“There was a meeting with the board yesterday morning. The events of Friday where Mina and Laura... were...” Tina searched for the words. “...they were very inappropriate with my daughter, that stirred this action. The board rewrote the rules of St. Ellen's with very specific clothing restrictions. No more of this naked business, and we'd like to keep all that out of the news. Now nobody wants this to be a police matter or a court matter either, so we have a mediator on retainer, she's excellent by the way, who will be giving you a call soon enough. That's why we're willing to offer you a sizable financial offer to move your daughter to another school.”

Lucy was happy to cut through the shit. “You molested me, Lucy, that's my story. We'll pay you $10,000 to go away. Laura and Sophia's family too. Everybody is going to wear clothes starting tomorrow and that's the end of this story.”

Mina was shocked beyond words. She grabbed at her clothes, really wishing she had not worn them, they seemed to be choking her. How did she live like this for so long? She couldn't do this dressed. At least she could excuse herself and take off her panties, that would give her a boost. God, was she an addict to this? How would she face Sophia tomorrow? How would Laura face her mother once her mother knew she was running around naked?

Jessica stepped in, having the mind to ask an important question Mina had not thought about. “What about Ms. Pulaski?”

“She's is no longer working at that school.”, said Tina. “We let her go from her country club already during the week. And she was actually removed from St. Ellen's Friday evening after school ended.”

That was particularly shocking. Ms. Pulaski had not shown even the slightest hint that anything was the matter yesterday. She had been so brave and defiant, not caring what anybody saw.

Jessica again spoke up. “I'll need to discuss this with my husband obviously. That's a sizable and generous offer.”

Tina replied, “My daughter is just a little girl, don't take that number literally. It can be more... or less.” Again having that scary tone. There was a long pause, and everybody took a sizable gulp of wine during the awkward minute. Tina put on the fake friendly voice again. “But please, I made a whole roast, it's my mother-in-law's recipe, you must try it. Let's enjoy our meal.

It was a very lovely roast, Mina had to admit, but she did not want to eat any of it. They all ate in near silence, sipping wine to fill the gaps in conversation. Tina told the story of how she met Lucy's father, and clearly she had told it many times, taking pauses where her audience usually laughed. Both times at laugh lines, nobody chuckled. Instead there was just more sipping of wine. Mina, feeling a little dizzy, finally took some revenge when Tina did it a third time. She laughed too loudly and brashly.

“Sorry, sorry. I was thinking about something else.”, said commented. Jessica stared at her and the wine, oh god, Mina was drunk? How many glasses had she had? She was a light weight.

Tina was not pleased and cut through some meat savagely, making a loud clank on the table. The pleasant personality spoke up though. “What ever is so funny, dear?”

“It's just... where is Lucy's dad? How come I've never met him? What is this? The fourth meal I've had here? He's never around.”

Lucy got very annoyed at that line. “Ogre, you're only here because my mom likes to play with her food. You don't know a damn thing about who my father is and what he does.”

Mina nodded. “No, I don't. Other than your mom's story about a rugby game. He seems very spooky and all-powerful, sure, but why isn't he telling me I have to go back to public school?”

Tina replied. “My husband will not be joining us. He does his correspondence through our people.”

Lucy was fuming and Mina had to press this. She drank more wine. “I mean, call me rude, but I'm just an Ogre apparently. Why not scare me away himself?”

Lucy barked angrily, a little booze greasing up her silence, “He doesn't live here, okay? That make you happy?”

Jessica was feeling dizzy herself. “Tina, are you split-up from him?”

Tina was icy. “That's a terrible way of putting it. We have an arrangement.”

“Oh god, you're a trophy wife without the wife part, are you?”, said Mina. “No wonder you needed us to get wine mom wasted on your pinot gri-gri...” Mina hiccuped a bit, surprising herself. Her words were slurring already. “Pinot something or other, whatever this is. It's lovely, by the way. Great pork too.”

Tina gave herself a heavy pour. “I enjoy the company. It's a shame I'll never see you Murray ladies again after this evening.”

"I agree. I'll miss the look on Lucy's face when I found out about her dad." Mina was still smiling even after Lucy threw her wine in Mina's face.

Mina stepped up. “Well, look, Lucy has given me an excuse to undress." She started unbuttoning. "Look, I don't want to leave yet. Mom is drunk, she can't drive.” Jessica was pretty sure she could drive, but gave herself a heavy gulp just to confirm she was in no real condition to operate a vehicle. “Let's play a game, I'm sure Lady Westinghouse here has some fancy dessert prepared.”

Tina replied, “I do, Baked Alaska. Took me all day to prepare.” She was as frigid as the ice cream.

“Yeah, perfect. Here, Lucy, I challenge you to strip poker.” Mina unzipped her skirt.

Lucy looked confused. “You're getting naked before you start playing strip poker?”

“I'm changing the rules. You can't embarrass me by getting me naked. But I don't like to be dressed, that's the twist. If you lose a hand, you take something off. If I lose a hand, I put something on.” Mina pulled off her panties, and put them on the table next to her half-eaten plate. “Here, my first wager” said the now-naked girl.

Tina decided this was all too inappropriate for her Stepford Wife dinner fantasy and had the girls play out in the living room. She turned to Jessica, “Here, they have a lot to sort out between themselves, those girls. Let's give them space to say goodbye. In the meantime, why don't you help me with the dishes?”

The card battle was fierce. But Mina was losing, badly. She had started well, getting Lucy's shoes and socks and even panties off. Still nothing Mina had not seen already, and she saw plenty of Lucy's privates due to that ultra-short skirt. But then the tables had turned. Mina was not very good at Poker, it turned out and several times she thought she had winning hands and had to be told, 'no, that's not a full house, that's just two pair, your third king is a queen”. So on went her panties. On went her bra. On went her stockings. Mina was on the ropes and about to be fully dressed again, just her blouse and skirt to go.

“You're not very good at this, Ogre.”

“Even if I have only a 1% chance of seeing you naked, I'll take it, Lucy Westinghouse. It's so weird how we've basically had sex three times now and I have no idea what you look like naked.”

“It's even weirder that the whole town knows what you look like naked.”

“Sure, I'm deeply messed up and a pervert. But Lucy, I want you to admit this is weird. You like me, you manipulated me to run around naked, you made me cum, I made you cum, why don't you ever take off your clothes?”

Lucy hesitated. “...I just don't want to.”

“You slept with boys before, haven't you? You brag about it enough. Did they see you naked?”

Lucy did not answer the question. She wasn't a virgin, Mina could confirm that much. But had she really gone all the way with a boy and kept her clothes on? That was weird.

“You were best friends with Laura for years, she never saw you naked either? Sophia knew you in grade school, before when you were a little kid, when you didn't care about clothes. She hasn't either? When has your mom last seen you nude?”

Shaking her head to retake control. “Enough of this, Ogre. You're getting dressed after this next hand. Then I want you out of here. You and your mom can walk home for all I care.”

The dishes were easily done, since the Westinghouse's had two washing machines. The kitchen was bigger than anybody had any use for, full of extra gadgets and nonsense, like an extra oven. Jessica and Tina continued drinking, at some point Tina pulled out shot glasses and Fireball. “Oh, you do know how to have fun!” teased Jessica. In theory Jessica was supposed to be sobering up to go home. She had sorta lost track of time and how many drinks she had. The Baked Alaska had been taken out and melted, everybody forgot about it. Jessica noticed how close her hand was with Mrs. Westinghouse's, what was up with that? She should really move her finger, why were they nearly touching? But to move her hand would be to acknowledge that her hand was there, and soon enough, the hands were touching. And yet nobody said anything.

Tina commented. “You know, you did your best with that girl. You got her dressed, I don't know how you did it. But she ended up running around naked anyway. Maybe one day you'll get her under control.”

Jessica got angry at that. “I am not going to force my daughter to do anything she does not want to. She decided to come here dressed all on her own. Me and my husband support her completely in her choices.”

Tina, sounding sloshed, got a little angry at that. “You do?? You're just fine with your daughter ruining her life. Prove it.”

“Okay, I will.”, Jessica finished another shot, winced, and pulled off her straps, pulling the dress to the floor. No bra on under it, so Tina could see her nipples, which Jessica thought were so hard it was almost painful. “You want to see more? I'm an Ogre too, after all.” Mrs. Westinghouse looked Mrs. Murray up and down, as her opponent was now just in panties.

“Oh god, being a monster runs in the family!” Tina bit her lip unconsciously.

Jessica was righteous. “Mina is the strongest person I know. She never took your daughter's shit for a minute.”

Even angrier, “My daughter is very proud and very strong, the world won't know what hit her when she's out of school.”

“I bet the world won't. She's a total bitch.”, said Jessica, suddenly wishing she hadn't said that.

“How dare you say that!” said Tina. Staring daggers into Jessica's eyes. Then bursting out laughing. “She is a total bitch, isn't she?”

“I have no idea what Mina sees in her...”, Jessica laughing back.

“I know what Tina sees in Mina, at least. Statuesque, solid ass, lovely vulva. Does that run in the family?”

“Does what?”, Jessica did not realize that at some point she had gotten very close to Tina. Their faces were only inches apart.

“A good-looking pussy?” And soon enough, the two drunk mothers were kissing. Mrs. Westinghouse's dress fell on the floor, right next to Mrs. Murray's dress. Jessica noticed it was the only thing she had put on that night, no bra or panties, what a shock. There were more shocks to come, in fact. Very pleasant electricity.

Lucy and Mina were making out, she was not really sure how that had happened. It had started with Mina accusing Lucy of cheating, so she had started undressing to start the game over, then Lucy demanding Mina leave. Then a slap, maybe a kiss next, or was the kiss before the slap? Either way, her face and lips stung. And Mina was naked again, the cards were all over the floor, and Lucy starting to pulled her head down, letting her blonde hair wrap around all of Mina's torso, hair brushing on Mina's nipples, Lucy's tongue tracing a path along all the flesh, making a nice circular detour around Mina's belly button. Then Lucy picked her head up just as she was about to reach her destination. Somebody was moaning loudly, and it wasn't Mina. Or well, wasn't only Mina.

“Did you hear that?”

Mina picked up her own head. Picking out some playing cards out of her hair. “Oh yeah, I do.”

Both girls walked quietly into the kitchen and covered their mouths in shock. “Holy shit”, said Mina. “Our moms are fucking!”

Both women were completely naked, both were on the floor, hands locked together, legs locked together, scissoring like mad, and moaning, just as much in pleasure as it was in hate. Jessica finally gave out and orgasmed first. “Ha ha, there, I win, bitch!” said Tina, who kept working herself on Jessica's writhing body to finally finish, loudly.

Both older women came to some level of consciousness a minute later. Tina saw her daughter watching. “Oh god, Lucy, my sweet Lucy, go play with your friend, Mommy is busy here.”

Jessica was also extremely gone at this point. “Mina, please don't tell your father!”

"Round two!", yelled Tina.

Lucy took a huge swig of wine. "My life is ruined!"

Mina looked at Lucy and said, "Yeah, mien too. Hey, you want to try that out?"

Hours later, three naked women were outside, joined by Lucy, the only one still dressed. Lucy had to fight off her own mother when Tina tried to strip her, so she'd 'fit in'. In the fire pit, was burning three dresses, along with a few other random pieces of clothing a drunk Tina had pulled randomly out of her closet. Mina had explained this was the initiation into the Cult of St. Ellen, an idea she had made up on the spot. The two mothers were cooing in each other's arms in the hot tub, and Lucy, who was now largely sobered up, looked disgusted on a beach chair, warmed by the fire. “Uch, grown ups are disgusting.”

“I dunno, your mom is hot. You ever think how lucky we'll be that we'll be hot when they're at age, Lucy?”

“No, I haven't.”

The two naked mothers went upstairs and even down here, Mina could hear the screaming. “Man, they're really compatible. I never would have guessed that of my mom. By the way, does this make us sisters or something? I don't know if I can handle both nudism and incest.” Mina very happily spread her legs, hoping Lucy would crawl back over and service her again.

Lucy grumbled. “Ogre, this changes nothing. Don't even bother going to school tomorrow.”

Mina smiled. “Yeah, but that's tomorrow. Lucy, let's go to your room. I still haven't been invited up there.”

Her host muttered angrily. “C'mon on then. Quickly before I change my mind, Mina.”

The backyard was now empty besides the noises echoing down from inside the house. It slowly got darker and colder as the night wore on. The fires were dying out as the last of the clothing burned away. It was all ashes when the sun rose again.
Last edited by BlueDragmire on Wed Feb 19, 2025 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 16 - posted 2/18/25)

Post by student »

:twisted: I forgot if the first date rape drug was beer or wine. Anybody know? :roll:
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy *COMPLETE* (Chapter 17 - posted 2/19/25)

Post by BlueDragmire »

So here is the conclusion of the story of Mina and Lucy, any feedback is welcome. I think this whole thing adds up to about 30,000 words, basically a novella, and weirdly, my longest completed fiction project ever that I'll never share with anybody in the real world.

Next time my protagonist will wear glasses, since it is just one more thing to strip off.

Day 15 - FINAL

It was 6 AM and the sun had not yet risen, a few embers were still in the fire pit from last night's weird initiation into St. Ellen's cult. Lucy's strange, feverish dreams broke when her body started shivering, her own teeth chattering waking her up. She was outside, it was snowing lightly, and she could see her own breath. Worse, she was naked. She quickly wrapped her arms around herself, and ran back inside, cursing to herself. “Not again, not again, not now, of all days!”

The naked girl snuck quietly through the house, turning off lights that had been left on as she went for extra stealth. The whole house was silent, besides loud snoring coming from her mother's room. Lucy's mom did not snore, meaning, yup, her 'houseguest' was still in there, sleeping in what should have been her parents' bed. Still Lucy was silent, a nude ninja. Over the years she had gained a talent for stalking around naked, since this was hardly the first time. She had never been caught but Lucy knew one day her luck would run out. Maybe one of her gross brothers would catch her, and the thought terrified Lucy to death. Sleepwalking was for little kids, not the queen of her high school, the future terror of the business world, Lucy Westinghouse. And why did she always undress herself when she was sleepwalking? Lucy did not want to know the answer. She just needed to be stronger, stupid little habits were for babies, and she would grow out of this. One day.

Mina was still in Lucy's bed, giving Lucy not a ton of joy. Worse, she had completely splayed herself out on the bed, legs completely out, Lucy could see right inside her in both holes. She was totally dead asleep, as Mina should have been. After all she drank, after all the timess that girl had cum, anybody would be comatose. Lucy had to admit, she was impressed with Mina's stamina. Slipping on panties and her sleeping shirt, Lucy got back into bed, pushing the dead weight of her rival over. Mina muttered something “Oh Mom, Santa won't care if I'm naked, he'll bring me presents...” Lucy cuddled up against her, a big spoon somehow despite being so much smaller as a person.

Lucy would miss this. But it was a weakness. And Lucy was her father's daughter, he never needed weakness in his life, neither did she.

Tina Westinghouse was in no condition to put together a huge production for breakfast. Instead she just door dashed some bagels and coffee. Her hair was a mess and she was badly hungover. She dressed in nothing but a concert T-shirt several times too big. Jessica Murray was in even worse condition, moreso since she had set fire to her only outfit, and she really wanted to get dressed again. The two ladies sat very far apart at the table, not looking at each other, really not wanting to talk about last night. Lucy was already fully dressed and ready for school, leaving suspiciously early. She did not say a word to Mina, who had been still asleep, or Mina's mother, or even her own mother. Tina gave a look that said 'I really don't know what to say' and Lucy replied with a look that said 'if you talk now, I'll murder you'.

Mina, chewing on a dry bagel since even the idea of butter was enough to churn her stomach, sat nude at the table as she usually did, second breakfast here hungover. “So I guess I'm going to school naked for my last day, I think I set fire to my uniform?”

Jessica nodded. “We can stop at home if there's time. I think I need to call out sick today anyway...”

“But Mom, what about your big day going to work naked? Isn't this a perfect excuse?”

“Naked they're fine with, me throwing up all over my desk and my PC, they aren't.”

The two Murray girls padded barefoot out of the land of the Westinhouses. Jessica and Tina gave each other a look and a nod which was pregnant with meaning. Mina snickered thinking 'oh that's happening again one day'.

In the car, Jessica announced loudly, “That is never happening again, Mina. And your father never hears a word about this, got it?”

Mina looked out the window and tapped her bare feet. Her headache was severe but that was hardly the worst ailment. Her stomach was churning, and it was not just the hangover. It was only going to be a minute drive to the Academy but first they needed to grab Laura from a few blocks away. However the drive went, this was going to be her final one to this school. “So today's my last day, Mom.”

Mom tried to focus on driving and not how any passing driver could see her bare shoulders and bare chest just said, “Yeah, I guess. Give me a call if you need to be picked up early.”

Laura jumped into the car, still remaining dressed until she lost sight out her house, then stripping in her seat. “Why Mrs. Murray! You took the plunge!” Laura then felt a very weird vibe in that car. She could tell that a shit ton had happened over the weekend and decided this was too long a story to hear in a short ride. She tried to give Mina a little tickle but Mina was cold to her, another thing to discuss later.

Nobody had the heart to tell Laura what was coming at school.

At the drop-off circle, Laura got out of the car and darted inside, her chest bouncing, happy to be away from that car and its thick atmosphere of foreboding. Mina was about to follow when Jessica stood out of the car, shameless in her nudity, and made a big show of dropping her baby off at school, standing on her bare tippy toes to kiss Mina's face. Two Mondays ago Jessica dropped Mina off at school just like this, only circumstances were a lot more normal then. And everybody was wearing clothes. “I'm glad you decided to be less shy, Mina.”, said Jessica, herself hardly bashful since boys young young to be her son could see the light streaks of gray in her pubic hair.

“I love you, Mom.”

There was no homeroom that morning. Everybody went straight to the auditorium. Mina knew why, Lucy knew why, nobody else did yet. Realizing she had done Laura a terrible disservice by not warning her, Mina tried to chase after her, following the one other naked body in the hall. But Laura was already in a crowd far off, her bare butt disappearing in see of dressed ones, and Mina instead found herself next to Sophia, fully dressed again.

Sophia was huffing. “Mina!” She took a heavy breath. “I found you!” Another breath. “You need to know!”

Mina smiled. “Oh I know already. Me and Lucy slept together last night, she couldn't help but gloat about it.”

“Okay, I need details about that, but save it for later. Mina, I was able to make a deal with the Dean to stay here. You can too, I'm sure! Just put your clothes back on!”

“That ship sailed, Soph. My sins will be exposed to the entire school, and I'll face up to it.”

The Dean took to the mic, tapping it, grunting multiple times during his first few words as he had something in his throat he could not quite clear. He was deeply pleased with himself, Mrs. White was sitting with him, also pleased. There was a sharp-dressed woman at the stage as well, who Mina guessed was the mediator or some lawyer that worked for Lucy's father. Lucy herself sat up there, in her black uniform, very short skirt, sitting like a lady, looking less triumphant than she probably imagined that she'd be just a day earlier.

“Students, as you might have noticed, there has been some... abuse of our uniform policy. I am happy to report today is the final day of such nonsense. As of tomorrow, everybody is wearing clothes. No more 'uniforms'”. The Dean took time to curl his fingers in quotation marks at this. “No, you'll be wearing standardized St. Ellen Academy outfits. And while I will not name names, there are meetings prepared for some of our worst offenders.”

Not that the Dean needed to mention anybody, the naked girls already had more eyes on them than the people on stage. Laura covered her chest with her book bag. She knew her mother would find out, and Laura would rather jump off the school roof than have that conversation.

“There is a change to our faculty as well. History classes will now be conducted by Mr. Casciano, who will fill in for Ms. Pulaski, who I am sorry to announce will be on a leave of absence for the remainder of the trimester. He is an excellent teacher, who I'm sure will have your classes on course for the lesson plans with minimal disruptions.”

The Dean got happy at how viscous he could be with his final point. “I am sorry to announce that for some students, today is their final day here at St. Ellen's. Again, no names will be named, but each will be taken care of accordingly with separate meetings after this assembly. And I will also take personal measures to contact any universities that might have already enrolled you, so they are aware of this change in your academic status.”

Mina was livid at that one. She did not have a college yet, she had been dragging her feet on the whole application thing and it was getting late, but Laura had already been accepted by Brown. Sophia might get into MIT. And all that could be dashed because Lucy wanted petty revenge. She stood out of her seat and stormed up to the auditorium. “Hey, Dean Jerkface, if you want to punish somebody, punish me! Leave Laura out of this!”

The Dean muttered into his mic. “Miss Murray, please, take a seat, no need to make a scene. Not that you mind scenes.” Lucy was beaming.

“No, I'll make a scene, you stuffy bastard! Let Laura go, what are you ruining her life over?”

This seemed to be gaining no ground at all, and Mina felt truly alone, bared to the world. Not just naked but flayed open and about to set on fire in some medieval torture. Until she got support from behind her. “I won't have my friends suffer alone! If they're gone, I'm gone!”, said Sophia, jogging behind Mina, getting on stage, and tearing off her shirt. “What are you so afraid of, Lucy?” She unhooked her bra and pulled it open. “These??”

That got the crowd of students roaring in support. “Take it off! Take it off!” Shouting a chorus of boys and girls and Sophia was soon as naked as Mina. Laura too run up there to join the trio, dropping the front-worn backpack to the ground, letting her huge boobs fly free. And before long, four other girls were up there too in support, also stripping. Kalvin was there too, pulling his pants down, and unleashing a helicopter trick Mina would never have imagined out of that nerdy boy. It was turning into a riot.

The Dean roared into the microphone. “I will call the police and have you all escorted out of here for public indecency! I don't care if I have just one student left, I'll expel every one of you.” That one student, the Dean mentioned, was Lucy, sitting behind him. And even she was stuck, confused. Nobody noticed since there was so much commotion downstage, but Lucy's legs were open and her hands were between her legs, she was breathing heavily. Only her dad's lawyer turned to look.

“What are you doing? Oh my god.”, said the sharp-dressed woman, who backed off several feet in disgust. Lucy knew her father would know all about everything soon enough. That just made her all the more unable to control herself.

When Lucy was four years old, her father was her favorite person in the world. That was still the case when she was eighteen, but at three, she really meant it. They still lived together, her parents were still together. And Lucy loved to run 'nakey' after her baths, running around the house until Daddy caught her – it had to be Daddy. “Look, Mom, I caught a wild Lucy!”, he's say, always presenting his captured game in his arms to Tina.

That is until one day, Lucy decided to run even farther, she ran right out an open door and into the street, thinking Daddy was right behind her. And Daddy wasn't, he was busy with work stuff, he was on his phone and got caught up in a conversation. They did not realize anything had happened to Lucy for another twenty minutes when the police were outside their door. Mina was not hurt bad, she had just tripped and fell on some glass. A good Samaritan had called the authorities, taking good care of the sobbing, bleeding, little girl. Their daughter just needed some stitches across her chest. But every adult knew how much worse this could have been.

Tina never forgave her husband for this. Lucy noticed immediately. It was not 'Mommy & Daddy''s room anymore, it was just 'Mommy's Room'. Daddy slept in a guest room. Then Daddy slept in another house. This day ended up being Lucy's first memory. She had been a bad girl, a bad naked girl, and it had hurt her father terribly.

Alone, at night, after waking from her sleepwalking spells, Lucy would sometimes trace the curve of the scar across her chest. It led from above her belly button to just below her left nipple. It had healed well, but the mark was still there. She never wanted anybody to see it, never. Not when it was a reminder of how she had been such a bad, weak little girl.

Lucy's right hand was rubbing herself over her panties, and her left was tracing the path of the scar on her chest through her blouse. She did not even realize what she was doing. The Dean was engaged in some farce, trying to grab Mina, who was darting around the stage, her bare feet slapping on the smooth wood.

“Enough!”, screamed Lucy. Her body shaking. She had lost her shoes at some point, she did not even realize she had taken them off.

Lucy walked up to the podium already unbuttoning her blouse. “Mina is not to be blamed for any of this. I did it all. I made her not be able to wear shoes in class. Then I made it so she couldn't wear a skirt by complaining to the dean. I got her to strip naked at my pool party, then naked at the country club. I told Mrs. White to have pool classes last week and convinced Mina to wear a boy's suit so she would be topless. I had her run to school naked after I abandoned her at my house. I dumped Laura outside the school and ruined her uniform so she'd come naked too. Mina and Laura didn't molest me on Friday, I consented to it all. Mina slept in my bed last night! I'm a lesbian freak, worse than an Ogre, some kind of vampire!”

Lucy realized that she had to make a point, and there was one way you made points here at St. Ellen's. “Mina Murray is not the nudist. I am!” Lucy pulled open her shirt and pulled off her bra. Then trembling, she unzipped her skirt and pulled down her panties. There she was, bare in front of everybody. They could see not only her tiny hills of breasts and blonde vagina, but her scar too. She could not get to her stockings because the need was too great. She had to finish, now, and everybody had to see. Lucy jabbed herself with her fingers while her other hand traced the path of her childhood injury, rubbing her very petite chest.

For a moment, Lucy imagined she her clothes had burnt themselves off her flesh. And there was St. Elayne of Trier herself was standing over her. The woman was naked, powerful, holy, nodding sadly and saying “it wasn't your fault, my child”. Also the saint had Mina's face. At that vision Lucy erupted into screams, shaking so hard that somebody had to catch her. Her bare thighs were completely soaked.

Lucy woke up a minute later, realizing she was looking up at a pair of erect nipples over her face. Lucy thought it was the holy naked woman again, but it was actually Mina, cradling Lucy's, caressing her forehead. “Wow, that was the biggest orgasm I've ever seen, Lucy! Somebody better have been filming that! Did you warn the front two rows they were in the splash zone?"

All the strength in her limbs was gone so Lucy could not slap Mina, which she badly wanted to. “Shut up... Mina... You Ogre slut...” Lucy doze off again.


Many months later, it was Graduation Day at St. Ellen's Academy, a now clothing-optional finest college predatory school in the state. Mina had somehow won Valedictorian, her nudist exploits having somewhat overshadowed her massive academic achievements early on at her career at St. Ellen's, but since then her straight As were impressive even here at this institution. The Dean had quit. So had several other teachers. But Ms. Pulaski was there, as naked as the day she was born, having not wore a single piece of clothing since before Thanksgiving.

Mina had decided to dress for the occasion. She was only naked when the occasion called for it, and clothing looked so good on her model-like proportions, she could not fully commit to the Ways of St. Ellen Mina stood dressed in a very revealing black dress, a custom number her future mother in law had bought her, which left one entire leg naked and actually left one entire breast uncovered. Mina might wear clothes but she still needed to give some fanservice, after all. She was trying to finish her speech but kept being interrupted by awkward moans, and finally when she trying to say "this memories will last me a lifetime", she gave up and howled in orgasm.

Out crawled behind the podium Mina's finance, Lucy Westinghouse, naked as always, and wiping her mouth. She gave a little bow and scurried off the stage, proud of her feat. Lucy had actually burnt all her clothes one night in a drunken lesbian orgy, so claimed the stories. She was so petite she looked to be years younger than she actually was, and Lucy liked to see the shock on people's faces, really selling out to that the whole 'jailbait' thing.

She was especially proud of her scar across her chest. She wore it like a sash or a badge of honor. When asked how she got it, she would lie and say that's where St. Elayne herself touched her the night she burnt away her clothes.

Lucy's parents did not see side by side, but both were at the graduation and both clapped appropriately for such a lewd display. Lucy's father had not adjusted well to having a permanude daughter, however, he still had to be here, accepting with difficulty a lot of things about his daughter's lifestyle. Mina's parents did sit together, Jay never did find out about his wife's fling with Tina. Jessica and Tina avoided each other during the Graduation and may or may not have met up secretly for ten minutes in the back of Lucy's car, who is to say? Jay never had to know.

After the ceremony, outside, in a very warm June day, Mina stood naked, having lost the dress somewhere during her revelry with her friends. Sophia had come fully dressed since she preferred clothing. Laura had gone topless, as was her way, 'can't let the world not enjoy these', she said. There was a smattering of dressed and undressed and undressing girls across the field. Mina felt very proud of... whatever it was all this was for. Maybe just horny kicks, maybe not just that.

Mina went up to her former-rival, former-bully, soon to be former-girlfriend too, future wife, Lucy. “You know what I never got to say to you that day you masturbated in front of the whole school?”

Lucy winced, did she have to be reminded of that every other day? “No, Mina, what didn't you get to say?”

“I love you, Lucy.”

Lucy groaned. This was going to be her entire life, wasn't it?
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy *COMPLETE* (Chapter 17 - posted 2/19/25)

Post by flashharry »

Thank you so much for that whole story.

I, for one, hope there will be many more to follow.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy *COMPLETE* (Chapter 17 - posted 2/19/25)

Post by jojo12026 »

Great story Dargmire. Thank you for sharing it with us!
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy *COMPLETE* (Chapter 17 - posted 2/19/25)

Post by Dormouse »

I can't help feeling that is going to be a rocky marriage.
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