Magic (New 3-6-2025)

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Magic

Post by Jeepman89 »

Can't wait.
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Re: Magic

Post by NudeBaG »

Magic: Return To Wicker Creek

I almost RAN out of art class, clutching my bag to my crotch as I walked briskly to the Science room.
I’d heard a couple classmates call after me as I left the art room, but I did NOT want to risk being late to class.
I just focussed on getting to class as I walked briskly through the hall.
I didn’t like being rude to my classmates, but I didn’t like being constantly put on display in front of them OR my instructors, plus, the longer I was exposed in the open, the greater risk of drawing a Sacral Feeder!
As I walked, I was VERY much aware of my penis rubbing against my canvas bag.
Fortunately, it wasn’t exactly a ‘pleasant’ feel.
I also realized as I turned the corner to the entrance of the Science room, that limiting the time I spent walking between classes limited my exposure!
And by that logic, if I could just focus on my work and getting to my classes on time, I might avoid getting into trouble as well as drawing any Sacral Feeders!
I entered the empty Science room.
Ms Sampson was sitting at her desk, looking at the Science text book.
She glanced up at me.
“Oh! Mr Grayhart!” She then looked at my bag covering my crotch.
She smirked!
She looked up at the clock.
Her face shifted to a look of surprise, then, approval?
“Glad to see you made it on time.” She nodded.
“Yes Ms Sampson.” I said.
She stood up at her desk as I started for mine.
“Hold on.” She said.
I froze.
She walked towards me as my classmates began coming in.
I kept my bag over my crotch, doing my best to not get an erection.
As the girls made their ways to their seats, Ms Sampson also stopped them.
“Everyone, wait.” She said.
She looked at the clock again.
I did too.
We still had 5 minutes.
I wasn’t late, and neither were my classmates.
Kai entered and my cock twitched remembering how she’d gotten me in trouble yesterday.
She joined my classmates at the front of the room.
Once everyone was there and lined up at my sides, Ms Sampson spoke.
“Last night, your other instructors and I had a discussion.” She walked between where my classmates and I stood.
To my surprise, she seemed to be looking at my classmates more than myself.
“Given the fact that this IS a place of learning, and I’m sure you are all ‘curious’,” Ms Sampson then looked at Kai.
Kai kind of blushed.
“We’ve done away with each class’ assigned seating.” Ms Sampson said.
The girls all looked excitedly at one another, clearly thinking ahead of myself.
Ms Sampson looked over the class to the 2 person lab desks of the classroom.
She seemed to be doing some sort of mathematical calculation in her head.
“Right. These desks were initially brought in with the purpose of sharing with a lab partner. But since we only do ‘partner experiments’ in certain situations, everyone please sit ONE to a desk.” Ms Sampson instructed.
Everyone made their way to a desk.
“One moment, Mr Grayhart.” Ms Sampson said, grabbing my arm.
Kai frowned as she chose our original desk.
The rest of the girls spread out, one to a desk, as instructed.
Still holding my arm, Ms Sampson waited until everyone was seated.
“Okay.” Ms Sampson said. “Mr Grayhart, I’m going to let you choose your own seat for now.” Ms Sampson looked at my bag, still covering my crotch. “May I suggest choosing ‘wisely’?” She said.
What the hell did that mean?
I looked at me classmates, all of them eagerly watching to see where I chose to sit.
I looked at Kai, who was biting her lip and looked nervous.
Maybe that I might not pick her?
After she’d intentionally gotten me hard and therefore, in trouble last time?
She was right.
I couldn’t risk it.
I looked around at my classmates.
I felt like several of them only wanted me sit with them for ONE reason.
(Honestly, it made me feel like a literal piece of meat.)
I felt my cock twitch.
I then remembered the girls’ warnings about attracting Sacral Feeders!
I couldn’t risk anything!
I looked around the room.
Literally everyone was squirming and looking at me with an almost ‘hunger’ in their eyes.
My eyes then locked with Victoria.
She quickly looked down at her desk.
She was also sat towards the back of class.
I sighed and made my way down the aisle to the twin desk where she sat.
My classmates’ eyes followed as I walked.
With each desk I passed, I heard a sigh of disappointment.
“Aw man!” Sam huffed as I passed her.
I looked at Kai as I passed her.
She looked- hurt?
I felt bad, but couldn’t risk it.
I took a breath and removed my bag and quickly sat next to Victoria.
Victoria’s eyes went wide as I removed my bag.
Thankfully, I was flaccid.
“Okay.” Ms Sampson said. “Last class, we were discussing ‘cause and effect’.” Everyone looked at me. “Thanks to Mr Grayhart, I believe we all have a pretty good understanding of the basics, don’t we?”
The class looked back me and giggled.
I pressed my legs together, trapping my cock between my thighs.
Ms Sampson looked at me over her glasses, then down beneath our desk.
She then continued her lecture.
“As with Mr Grayhart’s ‘penis’ yesterday,”
The class giggled.
“-‘stimulus’ or ‘cause’ almost always results in an ‘effect’.
Ms Sampson turned to the dry erase board and picked up a marker from the tray that lined the bottom.
She uncapped it, pressed it to the board, then paused.
She turned her head back to face us.
“Now, bear with me, as I’m no artist like Ms Becker.”
The class giggled.
We watched as Ms Sampson proceeded to draw an almost photo realistic picture of a flaccid penis and attached scrotum and balls from the side view on the white board!
The class giggled as she completed her drawing.
For claiming to not be an artist, Ms Sampson was quite good!
Sam raised her hand as Ms Sampson turned back to face us.
“Oh! Yes, Sam?” Ms Sampson addressed her.
“Ms S, that co-“ Sam caught herself. “That ‘penis’ looks REALLY familiar.” Sam said.
The class giggled.
Ms Sampson smirked.
“Does it?” She turned and examined her drawing.
“Hmmm. Are you sure?” She asked.
The class giggled again, everyone turning to look at me.
I felt my penis twitch and start to lift off the seat between my legs!
I clenched my thighs together, tight!
Kat commented as well.
“Yeah! I’m sure I’ve seen that penis somewhere before!” She turned and winked at me!
Victoria sat back in her seat, next to me, trying to look at my crotch!
“I don’t know.” She said out loud. “It looks a little ‘small’ to me.”
The class giggled.
“Small?” Ms Sampson asked.
She then looked at me.
I was sunk in my seat, clenching my thighs together and had absent mindedly placed my hands over my crotch!
“Aaaaaah!” I gasped, feeling a that intense ‘pull’ from inside my pelvis!
My classmates, and even Ms Sampson gasped and either clenched or gasped.
(Mark?! Are you okay?!) Christine and Emily’s voices echoed in unison in my head!
Breathing heavy, I did my best to stop myself from speaking out loud.
(I might be in trouble!) I thought.
Ms Sampson then asked the same question Christine had, shaking of her own flustered feelings.
“Mark? Are you alright?” She asked.
I felt my penis pressing against my hand, rapidly becoming erect!
“Uh, Ms Sampson, may I please go to the restroom?” I asked.
I shifted my hand and gripped my penis TIGHT around the base of the shaft, doing my best to block off the blood flow!
“Oh.” Ms Sampson looked at the clock, then back at me. “I suppose, if you must.”
My classmates all turned to look at me as I stood!
I stood up from my desk, still gripping my penis tightly around the base of the shaft!
Everyone gasped as my penis flopped swung in my grip as I walked to the door!
“Mr Grayhart,” Ms Sampson stopped me as I got to the door.
She walked over to her desk and pulled out the hall pass.
She held it out to me.
I quickly walked over to her, still gripping my penis tightly around the base!
Ms Sampson gasped and looked wide eyed at my cock in my hand!
“Mr Grayhart! Let go of yourself THIS INSTANT!” She commanded.
The class giggled.
I felt another painful twinge!
My heart was pounding!
I looked at my class, who were all grinning and staring at my penis as I gripped it.
I looked at Ms Sampson.
She held the hall pass, but was glaring at my penis in my hand!
“I-I can’t-“ I said timidly.
Ms Sampson huffed and narrowed her eyes.
“Are you disobeying me, Mr Grayhart?” She asked stearnly.
“N-No, Ms Sampson! It’s just-“ I looked at my class.
Everyone was staring!
I looked back at Ms Sampson, real desperation on my face.
“I just REALLY need to go!” I said.
I looked down at my penis clenched in my fist.
My classmates giggled.
Ms Sampson FINALLY seemed to sense my very real urgency.
She shook the hallpass.
“Fine fine! I suppose neither Ms Inez NOR myself want you urinating on my floor.”
The class laughed and I felt shame flow through me!
I took the hallpass and went to turn to the door, but Ms Sampson didn’t let go!
I looked back at her pleadingly, but she was looking at the clock!
She looked back at me.
“10 minutes, Mr Grayhart. Any more than that, and I’ll have to punish you.” She looked at me over her glasses.
I nodded aggressively.
She let go.
Gripping my cock tightly, I darted to the door in 3 long, quick steps!
I flung open the door and exited into the hall!
As soon as I was out, I felt another sharp, intense ‘pull’ from inside my cock!
I finally let go and watched as my penis extended out and up into an intense erection!
I looked left down the hall, then right!
I didn’t see anything!
“Wait!” I gasped.
I remembered what my sister and her friends had taught me.
I closed my eyes.
Strangely, my focus shifted immediately to pelvis!
I felt my butthole clench!
I felt my balls rise up!
I felt at intense ‘magnetic’ pulse from my perineum and cock!
It was a sensation I was, unfortunately, becoming familiar with.
I stood still as EVERYTHING clenched!
I felt another STRONG pull from inside my genitals, I opened my eyes, looking down at my hard cock!
My hard penis was actually sticking up and out TO THE LEFT!
“Huh?!” I gasped.
My penis had never had a ‘curve’ like that!
I looked to the left, towards the cafeteria.
As I turned, my penis straightened?!
“What the hell?!” I gasped.
I rotated my body to the right and watched as my penis pulled to the left again, continuing to point to the cafeteria!
(Okay!) I thought.
(Mark?) I heard Emily’s voice echo in my head!
(Em! It’s a feeder!) I thought.
(We sense it too! Are you okay?!) Christine’s voice echoed.
(Are you in class?!) Tanya echoed.
I was running to the cafeteria.
It was only 2nd period, so no one should be out and about yet.
My penis pulled to the right as I ran through the hall.
I rounded the corner as my penis straightened out and pointed up!
I looked up at the sky-roof ceiling.
There was a blurred, 4 limbed, purpleish figure sprawled across the glass panelled skylight.
I looked around.
I was alone.
(I think I can fight it.) I thought.
The figure quickly scampered ofc the opaque sky light.
My erect penis straightened to point to the cafeteria again!
(You don’t really have a choice.) Emily’s voice echoed in my head.
I felt a strange feeling of ‘dispair’, or ‘regret’ in my mind and heart.
It was something new to me.
(Are you transformed?) Christine’s voice echoed.
(No?!) I thought.
(Mark! Seriously?!) Emily’s voice echoed.
(It’s the only thing that can help you if we aren’t there!) Tanya echoed.
The blurred purple outline on the skylight actually began ‘shifting’ THROUGH the glass of the skylight!
I could see it!
It was a glowing purple creature!
I had to do a double take!
It looked like a young girl!
Like Emily’s “astral form”, but with glowing red eyes.
It made eye contact with me and straightened to ‘stand’ upside down on the skylight above me!
I made eye contact with it!
It carressed it’s small breasts, then ran it’s fingers down to it’s naval!
I then realized that from it’s naval to it’s slit was one long continuous divide of flesh!
It ran it’s fingers up and down that divide of flesh, hissing and staring down at me!
I grabbed my penis and focussed on the magnetic ‘pull’ from my genitals and pelvis!
(Mark?!) Christine and Emily’s voices echoed in my head!
(We feel it!) Tanya’s voice echoed.
(Are you fighting?!) Emily’s voice echoed.
I looked down at my erect penis.
I felt my energy being pulled from deep inside!
(I-I am!) I thought.
The Sacral Feeder then dropped from the skylight!
It flipped down, over and over and landed in front of me!
It stood in front of me!
It was a lot taller than I initially thought!
It was at least 10 feet tall!
It began running it’s hands up and down it’s slit, which was at least 3-4 feet long!
I felt my anus clench and my balls contract as my penis pulsed!
I focussed my energy on my ‘core’!
I began stroking my penis!
I looked down and saw my aura glowing blue!
I focussed on that feeling in my penis and pelvis!
I stroked my penis from base to tip!
I grabbed my balls with my other hand and massaged!
The Sacral Feeder began running it’s hands frantically up and down it’s long slit!
“Whraaaaaaaaaaaa!” The Sacral Feeder screached!
I felt an intense, tingling warmth spread from my pelvis-my perineum, my balls and cock- and fill my entire body!
I projected it onto the vile, giant, lanky creature hanging from the ceiling!
My aura flared up bright blue!
That blue light shot forth and upward onto the Sacral Feeder like a spot light!
The feeder squeeled and dug at it’s absurdly long vulva!
Like it was digging a hole in itself, it clawed at it’s absurdly long vulva!
I gripped my penis and continued to focus my energy!
“Aaaah!” I moaned.
My penis lit up with sensation!
(Mark?!) Christine and Emily’s voices echoed in my head.
I came to realization that I was standing naked and jerking off in the middle of my highschool!
(Mark?! Are you transformed?!) Emily’s voice echoed.
(N-No?) I thought.
(Can we get to him?!) Tanya’s voice echoed.
(Mark! Use the transformation incantation!) Emily’s voice echoed. (It strengthens your energy and makes you unrecognizable , remember?!)
Emily’s voice in my head felt angry.
I didn’t like it.
(Shit! O-Okay!)
I began trying to remember the words!
“Dissimulo Et Mutatus!” I shouted!
I felt a surge of energy shoot through body, starting at my throbbing genitals, spilling into my pelvis, then spreading through the rest of my body as my black and neon blue ‘costume’ materialized across my skin!
I felt the crescent moon mask stretch across my eyes as my aura flared blue!
The Sacral Feeder looked down at me and hissed!
The giant creature pearched on the sky light, carressing it’s massive vulva!
I felt an intense ‘drop’ in my pelvis as well as my energy being sucked out through my penis!
I hated this feeling!
It made me feel so violated!
(Fight it!) Emily, Christine and Tanya’s voices echoed in my head in unison!
I focussed my energy to my pelvis, just behind my penis!
I felt it building!
I looked down to see my aura flare with a ‘whoosh’!
I looked up at the Sacral Feeder as I felt myself cum!
The blue flame of my aura shot forward like a spotlight from my body onto the Feeder!
It screeched as it began running it’s hands up and down it’s giant slit faster and faster!
I felt wave after wave of orgasmic energy release from my penis and pelvis as cum splattered the floor!
One of it’s arms dissolved and detached from it’s shoulder, popping like a balloon filled with purple glitter as my aura struck it!
Just as the rest of it’s glowing body began to dissolve, it suddenly flipped backwards and seemed to phaze back up and THROUGH the skylight!
I saw the pale, purple thing dart away across the roof passing over the other skylights, abandoning it’s grotesque masturbation/syphoning of my energy!
I watched as it’s soft purple glow scurried across the roof, obscured by the opaque ceiling glass.
The intense ‘pulling’ sensation in my genitals faded away.
I rested my hands on my knees for a moment, catching my breath.
I looked down as my penis flopped in a semi-erection.
I saw the massive splatter of cum on the tiled floor.
Ms Inez was going to be pissed if she saw this!
(Mark?!) Emily’s voice echoed.
(Are you okay?!) Christine’s voice echoed.
I straightened up examining my body.
My blue neon costume absorbed the blue light of my aura as it faded.
(Y-Yeah, it got away though.) I said.
(You didn’t beat it?!) Emily’s voice echoed.
She sounded mad?!
It was my turn to be upset.
(What else was I supposed to do?!) I thought.
(It’s okay, Mark. You did good.) Christine’s voice echoed.
(You don’t sense it anymore?) Tanya’s voice echoed.
(No.) I thought.
I snapped back to my current situation.
I looked around the hall.
Thankfully, I was still alone.
I looked down as I felt my penis droop to it’s flaccid state.
I then remembered what I was doing!
I had to get back to my class.
(Mark. Did you try to find the Feeder?) Emily asked.
(What? No! I need to get back to class before I get in trouble!) I thought.
(Fine. Just be careful.) Emily said.
I turned and started back towards class.
I caught my reflection in the shiny glass of the cafeteria window.
I was still in my ‘witch hero’ get up.
“Oh! Right.” I closed my eyes.
“Dissimulo Et Mutatus.” I said.
My aura flared bright blue, then absorbed down into my pelvis with a ‘whoosh’ as my costume faded, leaving me completely naked again.
I actually ran to the bathroom down the hall, my penis flopping as I ran.
I grabbed a bunch of paper towel and hurried back to where I’d fought the Sacral Feeder.
I wiped up the mess and picked up the hallpass.
I ran to a trashcan in the hall, tossing the soaking paper towel in.
I had no idea how long it had been!
Ms Sampson had only given me 10 minutes!
I ran back to the Science room and flung myself back through the door.
Ms Sampson was standing there with her hands on her hips.
The class all let out an “Ooooooo!”
Ms Sampson looked at the clock, then at me.
She then looked at my penis which was still flopping as I caught my breath.
She shook her head and held out her hand.
I walked forward and handed her the hallpass.
I went to return to my seat, but Ms stopped me.
“Mr Grayhart. I gave you 10 minutes to take care of your business.”
I looked at the clock then back at her.
My heart sank into my gut.
I had been gone for 15 minutes!
Ms Sampson sighed with her hands on her hips.
“I trust you know what this means?” She asked.
Was I about to be punished?!
Ms Sampson didn’t say anything.
She just waited for my answer.
All I could was hang my head.
“Well, since you’re up here, you can help me make sure my representation of male genitals is accurate.” Ms Sampson gestured to the white board.
She’d completed her photo-realistic drawing of a dissembodied penis and testicles.
She then grabbed my hips and turned me sideways so that the profile of my genitals matched the direction of her drawing!
My classmates giggled as they were treated to a profile angle of my naked body.
“Hmm. Victoria, I believe you may have been correct.”
Ms Sampson then picked up the dry erase marker and wiped away the head of my penis from her drawing.
She then picked up the marker and looked back at my penis!
She proceeded to REDRAW the shaft and head of the penis on the board, extending it so that it more accurately resembled a much larger scale depiction of my genitals!
She really was quite the good artist, but having a blown up picture of my flaccid penis on the whiteboard for all my classmates to look at was mortifying!
“There. Is that better, Victoria?” Ms Sampsom asked.
“I think so! Hmhm!” Victoria chuckled.
The class also giggled.
Ms Sampson put the marker down and turned to me once again.
“Now, Mark. About that extra 5 minutes you took getting back here.” Ms Sampson placed her hands on her hips.
“I think you’ll help me with another ‘Cause and Effect’ experiment.”
My stomach dropped.
Ms Sampson walked over to her desk and opened the drawer.
She pulled put a small cardboard box.
She then pulled out a spool of string.
Out of the small box, she pulled out what appeared to be a stack of small, metal discs?
“Give me one minute, everyone.” Ms Sampson said. “Mark, can you come give me a hand please?” She asked.
I sighed and walked over to her desk.
I looked at the picture of my genitals on the whiteboard again.
It really did look EXACTLY like my cock!
My penis wobbled as I walked, making my classmates giggle.
Ms Sampson turned to me holding a pair of scissors!
I covered my crotch with my hands!
Ms Sampson frowned.
She then looked at the scissors in her hand.
“Oh!” She gasped. “Hmhm! Don’t worry, Mark, I’m going to cut off your penis.” She shook her head with a smile, trying not to laugh.
Several of my classmates gasped, and a couple giggled?!
“Whew! Don’t scare us like that!” Sam called out.
Ms Sampson shot Sam a look.
(But seriously!) I thought.
Ms Sampson handed me the spool of string.
I uncovered and took the string.
“Pull out about a foot of string for me, Mark.” Ms Sampson instructed.
I did as she said.
She cut the string, laying the strand on her desk.
“Again, please.” She said.
I did as she instructed.
She cut the next piece I pulled off.
“Again.” She instructed.
We did this until she had 10 identical pieces of string.
She put the spool away.
She then held out her hand.
I carefully gave her the scissors.
She put the scissors in the drawer with the spool.
“Please stand in front of class with your hands on the back of your head.” Ms Sampson instructed.
I sighed and walked back to the front of class.
I stood facing my classmates and put my hands on my head.
I looked down at my penis.
I was still flaccid, thank goodness!
I did NOT want to be punished!
My classmates giggled and whispered as I stood there.
They were looking from the picture on the whiteboard, to my actual flaccid penis as I stood there.
(Mark?) Emily’s voice echoed in my head.
(Are you okay?) Christine echoed.
(Yeah. Just in class.) I thought.
(Hmhmhm! Must be pretty embarassing, whatever’s happening!) Tonya echoed.
(Don’t be scared or ashamed, Mark. You’ll draw another Sacral Feeder!) Emily thought.
I focussed on the floor.
They were right!
But that was easier said than done!
I couldn’t keep fighting all day and get away with it!
Ms Sampson stood up at her desk.
“Okay!” She walked over to me with several metal washers on string hooped over her forearm.
“Cause and effect.” Ms Sampson said.
“Here, I have several weighted washers on string.” Ms Sampson held out her forearm where the washers hung from.
She stood next to me and looked at my penis.
She then looked back at the drawing on the board.
“Can anyone tell me what the ‘effect’ might be on Mark’s penis if I add weight to it?” Ms Sampson asked.
The class was silent, but all had wide, surprised faces.
“Anyone?” Ms Sampson asked.
Sam raised her hand.
“Yes, Sam?” Ms Sampson asked.
“He’s gonna pop a boner!” Sam said.
The class giggled.
“Sam!” Ms Sampson gasped.
She shook her head and sighed.
“He better not, unless he wants to be punished.” Ms Sampson warned.
I trembled and looked at the ceiling.
Ms Sampson sighed.
“Let’s find out what ‘effect’ will be ‘caused’ as I add these weights to Mark’s penis.
Ms Sampson looked down at my flaccid penis.
She took one of the small metal rings on a hoop of string off her wrist.
Even though I was flaccid, the thin hoop of string was able to catch on the rim of the head of my penis!
It wasn’t heavy enough to really do cause any pain or anything, but I felt the downward ‘tug’ of the weight.
Ms Sampson waited and examined my penis.
“Okay. The ‘cause’ of adding one weighted ring, doesn’t seem to have much of an ‘effect’ on Mark’s penis.” She said, pulling another ring on a string off her forearm.
She then hooked that one behind the rim of the head of my penis as well!
“Still no effect.” She said.
She then hooked a 3rd ring on a string over my penis.
This time, my flaccid penis actually stretched the slightest bit and pulled downwards.
“Can anyone tell me what might happen if I continue adding metal disks to Mark’s penis?” Ms Sampson asked.
Kai raised her hand.
“Yes, Kai?” Ms Sampson asked.
“Mark will get an erection!” Kai said.
The class giggled.
“He better not.” Ms Sampson said stearnly.
“Let’s continue.” Ms Sampson said, hooking another ring on a string over my penis.
This time my penis was stretched downward, thinning out my shaft a bit!
“Ah! There! You see?” Ms Sampson pointed. “By adding weight, Mark’s penis has no choice but to stretch under the weight!”
Ms Sampson added another ring!
My shaft thinned even more as my penis was tugged down further!
“Wow!” Kai gasped.
“Kai? Did you have a question?” Ms Sampson asked.
“Um, it’s just, Mark’s penis looks as long as it does when he has an erection, but it looks a lot thinner!” Kai said.
The class giggled.
“Oh!” Ms Sampson knelt and examined my penis as the weight pulled it downward.
“So it does.” Ms Sampson stood.
I looked down.
My penis had been tugged down and stretched out to the point it had increased in length, but almost halved in girth!
“So. The ‘effect’ of adding weight to Mark’s penis, ‘causes’ it to stretch.
The pulling of the weight finally had an effect on me.
I winced as the pain set in, but the pain gave way as Ms Sampson added the final weighted ring on a string, accidentally brushing the backs of her fingers against my stretched out shaft!
I felt the weights shift as blood rushed to fill stretched out tissue of my penis!
While the weight stretching it down had made it thin, the filling blood vessels began plumping it back up!
My penis, already being stretched to it’s maximum length, followed the only logical course by angling up and outwards at it’s full length and girth!
The weights did however prevent it from pointing upward completely.
As my penis pulsed, the metal rings clanked together.
“Oh!” Ms Sampson gasped.
I began panicking, realizing that sprouting an erection in class again would result in another punishment!
“Well.” Ms Sampson gulped and looked at her sketch on the whiteboard. “I guess my sketch isn’t so accurate anymore.”
I could swear I saw her smirk!
But I began panicking as my mind went to the possibility of another Sacral Feeder attack!
I couldn’t leave class again!
Fortunately, I wouldn’t have to worry about that.
The bell rang, signalling the end of the period.
I was startled and jumped, causing some of the hooped rings to spring and fall from my penis!
I bent and knelt to catch them, causing the remaining rings to slide from my penis.
As I stayed knelt down, Ms Sampson gave instructions.
“Right. As homework tonight, I want you to come up with your own cause and effect experiment and record your findings.”
The class began exiting as I stayed knelt and hunched down, doing my best to conceal and will away my erection.
As I knelt, a thin pair of legs in the khaki slacks of the ‘official’ Wicker Creek uniform appeared in front of me.
I looked up to see Victoria, holding my bag.
I stood up, pressing my erection up against my abs with my hands.
“You want this?” She asked with a smirk.
“Um, yeah, thanks.” I said.
I looked at Ms Sampson, who was staring at me.
I moved my hands to take my bag from Victoria.
The instant my erect penis emerged as I moved my hands, Ms Sampson spoke.
“Mr Grayhart, I suggest you get ‘that’ under control before your next class.”
I hooked my bag over my shoulder and positioned it over my crotch.
“Yes, Ms Sampson.” I nodded.
“Come on Mark!” Kat hopped up next to Victoria.
“Don’t want to be late for history!” Kat smiled, biting her lip as she looked at my bag.
Sam and Carly joined us too.
Sam hooked her arm through mine.
“I don’t know, I kind of want to see how Ms Waller might punish him.” Sam said, tugging on my bag.
“Hey!” I clutched my bag to my crotch.
Kat grabbed my other arm.
Carly surprised me from behind.
“Come on guys! Who knows what Ms Waller will do if we’re ALL late!” She said, pushing us out the door.
“Hey! Wait up you guys!” Victoria yelped, feeling abandoned.

Ms Sampson stepped up to the white board, examining her drawing.
She felt a tingle shoot through her, causing her to tremble.
“Not bad.” She smirked. “Tomorrow, I’ll draw his ERECT penis. I’m sure I can further display the results of cause and effect experimentation.”
Ms Sampson tilted her head, imagining the penis she’d drawn springing into an erection.
Last edited by NudeBaG on Tue Feb 18, 2025 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Magic (New 2-17-2025)

Post by docknumber »

Loved it. Looking forward to see what’s gonna happen in history class.

Who is Ms Johnson, is it a typo?
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Re: Magic (New 2-17-2025)

Post by NudeBaG »

docknumber wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 11:44 pm Loved it. Looking forward to see what’s gonna happen in history class.

Who is Ms Johnson, is it a typo?
Most likely😅
Can you quote it for me so I can correct it?
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Re: Magic

Post by docknumber »

NudeBaG wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 10:06 pm Magic: Return To Wicker Creek

“Hmm. Victoria, I believe you may have been correct.”
Ms Johnson then picked up the dry erase marker and wiped away the head of my penis from her drawing.
She then picked up the marker and looked back at my penis!
She proceeded to REDRAW the shaft and head of the penis on the board, extending it so that it more accurately resembled a much larger scale depiction of my genitals!
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Re: Magic

Post by NudeBaG »

docknumber wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2025 12:09 am
NudeBaG wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 10:06 pm Magic: Return To Wicker Creek

“Hmm. Victoria, I believe you may have been correct.”
Ms Johnson then picked up the dry erase marker and wiped away the head of my penis from her drawing.
She then picked up the marker and looked back at my penis!
She proceeded to REDRAW the shaft and head of the penis on the board, extending it so that it more accurately resembled a much larger scale depiction of my genitals!
Hopefully that’s the only one😅
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Re: Magic (New 2-17-2025)

Post by Trundle »

Aw man, feels so great to have this epic story back. It's been so long, and I've very much missed it.

This was a great reintroduction to the story, I was leaning towards you doing a time jump as the comeback but it was nice to see the story just carry on from last time. Love the fact that almost all the girls and even the female teachers are out to embarrass poor Mark, his erect penis will be drawn tomorrow! That should be epic.

We got reintroduced to the sacral feeders but there are other aspects I'm looking forward to seeing. Can't wait to see Emily and Marks Mom again, plus we have the new kids including another boy.

Great to have it back, hopefully the story continues on for a long time!
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Re: Magic (New 2-17-2025)

Post by Skylar21 »

Thanks for this story, it's really great! It's quite erotic, with his sister being in control like this. ;) :oops: Looking forward to the next chapter.
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Re: Magic (New 2-17-2025)

Post by docknumber »

docknumber wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 11:44 pm Loved it. Looking forward to see what’s gonna happen in history class.

Who is Ms Johnson, is it a typo?
Shoot! I just realised Ms Johnson is Marks neighbour. I feel so dumb :)
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Re: Magic (New 2-17-2025)

Post by NudeBaG »

docknumber wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2025 3:32 am
docknumber wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 11:44 pm Loved it. Looking forward to see what’s gonna happen in history class.

Who is Ms Johnson, is it a typo?
Shoot! I just realised Ms Johnson is Marks neighbour. I feel so dumb :)
It was still a typo😅 lol
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