The Swim Party Crasher_Two New Chapters Feb 24

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 13

Post by Themarble »

Taylor out in view of two girls. I'm liking where this is going, sadly I don't think Taylor Wil be able to get it up for a while with the freezing temperature but there can definitely be a little bit of fun with him not wanting to go back out with a shrunken member.
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 13

Post by TeenFan »

The Swim Party Crasher
Chapter 15. Hot Tub Weenie Fun

Of all the dirty rotten scoundrels that Taylor had the misfortune of having to deal with, he never suspected his recent friend Dillinger to
play a mean trick on him. But here it is...having been misled into jumping into a cold as ice swimming pool. Dillinger stands there at the
side of the pool, hands on hips, big thick dick sticking out like a cannon from his crotch.

"I told you not to jump in yet, you silly numbskull."

Taylor has a numb skull alright, a numb everything. He swims over to the side of the pool, and looking upward he sees a shit eating grin on
Dillinger's face, while having to look past that much more impressive set of male anatomy teens have that twelve year old's don't have.

"You, you said the pool was heated on the weekends," Taylor says through teeth beginning to chatter.

"Yoo Hoo, how the water over there?"

Taylor looks over where that voice came from, from up on the second floor window where the two girl twins have their heads sticking out.
One of them has binoculars in front of her face.

"Your friend needs a tan. But I like that long golden hair," says the one with the binoculars.

So even from a distance his long blond locks draws attention from girls. This fact is one of the few things that gives Taylor good feelings about
himself. Girls were always complimenting him on his silky smooth straight hair that looked like a mix of straw and honey. Boys sometimes
made derogatory remarks about his hair, but girls usually loved it. With nothing on the pubes or pits, it's the only hair Taylor has.

Taylor can't believe that Dillinger continues to stand at the side of the pool when two girls are watching. He's got to be crazy. "Sometimes
I give them a thrill" he said. No wonder Gertie and Bertie keep an eye out on Dillinger's backyard.

"Aren't you going to get out?" Dillinger asks, as he slowly begins backing away from the pool.

"Are you mad. I don't want to be seen by them. They got binoculars. They will be able to see everything."

"Ha better hurry up and get out. Your package will be shrinking to peanuts and a pretzel."

What Dillinger says is true. Taylor can feel his whole body wanting to shrink in size. Dillinger continues backing way, and he turns to step
down into the hot tub. Another couple steps and only the upper part of Dillinger can be seen from Taylor's position at the side of the pool.

"Come on into the hot tub. I promise you it's a lot warmer than where you are."

Taylor can see what appears to be steam coming up, wafting around his friend. If there is steam it must be hot. With a groan, Taylor heaves
himself out of the water. He does another fast run, this time heading for the cozy confines of the hot tub. It will offer some cover, but the
main need is to get warm. The change is nearly instant the moment his feet and legs get down into the hot tub. Taylor uses Dillinger as a shield,
making sure the older boy is between him and the sightline from the upper window of the house next door.

"Are you crazy? That was a mean dirty trick," Taylor complains, his teeth chattering like a squirrel chomping on a nutshell.

"Are you cold? Here, let me warm you up," Dillinger sounds both caring and sarcastic, and to Taylor's surprise the older boy wraps his arms
around Taylor. "My goodness. You got goosie bumpies all over you. I'll help you get that skin warmed up and smooth as a Duck's ass."

Again, Dillinger pops out some weird phrase about ducks. Taylor thought a Duck's ass was supposed to be watertight, not smooth. But as the
arms fold around him like a blanket, Taylor can't help but feel some comfort there. It's strange to feel that way. Taylor should be indignant
and angry, but the attention is somehow welcome. Dillinger's embrace is both awkward and inviting, his hands then rubbing the shoulders
and the sides of Taylor's torso.

Taylor could pull back, get some distance, but putting himself back into visual range of the twins next door seems like the worser of two
options. Then he reconsiders that when he notices something poking him on the stomach. Dillinger's two hands are accounted for, so there
could only be one other thing that is doing that poking.

"Ha know your stabbing me with your dick. Ah, can we sit down now?"

The two boys sit down. Taylor picked a seat where he faced toward the pool and not toward the house of Gertie and Bertie. Dillinger sat down
right next to him.

"Ahhh...come on. Stand up guys. Get out and run around," one of the twins shouts down toward them.

"You'll just have to wait and see if we move. It may be a while," Dillinger shouts back at the twins.

For around five minutes Taylor was glad he could sit and soak up the heat. The chill and numbness long gone now, and Taylor was feeling much
better, much looser. He and Dillinger did a little small talk about not much. That small talk changes when Dillinger said, "You know what is
really cool about the water jets?"

"No, what's cool about them. They are great on the back. I know that."

Dillinger slides closer. "They're great for dick massages. I'll show you."

The older boy turns his body around, and he lifts himself partway out of the water. He thrusts his crotch in the direction of a water jet. The
bubbles and boiling looking water makes Dillinger's dick move about like a serpent. It was loose and limp for a moment, then Taylor can see
his buddy get a boner, barely visible in the churning water.

Taylor turns himself around and does the same thing. Instantly the water flows past his dick like an underwater waterfall. It is stimulating,
erotic in a kinky way, and feels great. Before long the long serpentine penis gets stiff, and it resists being pushed back by the
water jet. To add to the sensation, the foreskin is getting opened wide like a mouth and spread out by the pressure. The bubbles hit directly
on the head, the flow swooshes down along the shaft, along his balls and even curls up around his ass. WOW!

In a matter of a minute Taylor has a raging hardon. Taylor's ass is popping up above the surface of the hot tub water level. Same with
Dillinger, and the two twins next door shout out their appreciation.

"I see twin sets of assholes."
"That kid's ass sure reflects the sun."
"What are they doing, bobbing their butts like that?"

Taylor hears their comments, but he doesn't give a damn. This is too much fun, and he can imagine using this technique from now on
whenever he has the chance.

"Isn't this great, Taylor. Are you good and stiff?"

"Yep. I sure am. I love this!"

"Let's see who's bigger. Come on Taylor. Roll over and let's see it."

Without waiting for a reply, Dillinger flipped his body around. He puts his arms behind him, palms on the hot tub seat, and he lifts
his hips out of the water. Taylor stops humping the water jet, and he turns to look. What he sees is a dick that is so thick around it's like
a big cucumber from the supermarket. It's not as long as a full cucumber, but if one was to cut one in half, that is what Dillinger's dick
looks like.

Curiosity took over. Taylor wants...needs to do a comparison. Sliding his body close, he puts his groin as close as he dared to next to the
erection he needed to compare. Dillinger sensed what is going on, and he and Taylor place their penis next to each other. The length seems to
be the same for each boy, and this makes them both approximately 5.75 inches. But where Dillinger has a thick one, Taylor's is slender like a

Dillinger laughs, and he says, "You are big for your age. And no hair yet. I bet you'll be a lot bigger than me when you are fourteen."

The two boys separate, but only for a moment. As soon as Taylor got seated again, Dillinger moved right next to him, so close their shoulders
are touching, and for some time Taylor has been envious of the muscles the athletic friend has, and now he's rubbing shoulders with his friend.

"You can touch me if you want to," Dillinger says, and he says it without any hint of it being a joke.

Taylor doesn't know what to say. What can one say to such a thing? Touch his thing? Taylor feels his face blushing like a smitten schoolgirl,
and he realized his hand was already touching Dillinger's thigh. Not quite sure why he did it, that hand slid further over until it was in the
immediate vicinity of Dillinger's dick. His friend smiles, nods his head, and Taylor reaches the rest of the way.

Not believing that he's doing it, but he's doing it, Taylor grabs hold of his buddy's boner, barely visible under the water and bubbles. Grasping
firmly, Taylor is amazed he can't reach all the way around the other boy's shaft. Never having touched a dick other than his own, Taylor had
no idea of the girth that an older boy has. Why is one guys dick short and another one long? Why is one skinny and another one fat?

Taylor doesn't have much time to ponder these deep dick questions, as he sees a hand sliding under the surface toward him. Dillinger grabs
Taylor's dick and together they silently squeeze each other. It's all so new, scary and weird, exciting and it makes Taylor feel so welcome in this
heated little tub. Is this normal? It must be. Taylor has heard of such things as pissing contests between boys and even circle jerks. He's never
seen such a thing of course, but these things must happen.

"Can you cum?"

The question catches Taylor by surprise. His first response is to giggle, then he shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know."

In silence the mutual masturbation continues. Then a shadow of a figure falls upon the hot tub.

Both boys are startled, turning toward their right side. Shannara stands there in a one piece swimming suit.

"Hi guys. What are you doing?"

"Ummm...Ah, hi there Shannara. Didn't notice you coming around the house. We aren't doing anything. Just guy talk," Dillinger tries to sound
cool but he comes across as nervous and unsure of himself.

Taylor can't say anything, and he realizes his hand is still wrapped around his friend's penis, and vice versa.

"I saw you guys over here, when I looked around in the back yard for Taylor. I told him to come over today. When I saw you over here I got
into my suit I am." And Shannara steps down into the hot tub.
Last edited by TeenFan on Sat Feb 15, 2025 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 15

Post by Jeepman89 »

Shannara in the hot tub with the naked boys! Exciting. Hopefully the twins will come down and see them up close and personal.
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 15

Post by Themarble »

What a great chapter. With Shannara around, and both boys still naked and helplessly erect a lot of things can still happen. I'm excited, both boys are excited. Let the show go on!
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 15

Post by TeenFan »

The Swim Party Crasher
Chapter 16. Crashing the Fences

As his cousin sat there smiling at him, Taylor has no clue what to do or say. Shannara walked up at the worst possible moment. Not only was
he and Dillinger both naked in the hot tub, they were sitting side by side while doing the herky jerky on each other under the bubbling water.
Fortunately, that water was doing its own herky jerky wavy motions, obscuring what was going on under the surface.

Dillinger let go first, releasing his grip on Taylor's penis.

"Ahem", Dillinger sends a vocal signal for Taylor to let go, who realizes he was gripping real tight, probably too tightly since the cousin showed
up unexpectedly. Taylor places his hand back into his own lap where perhaps it should have stayed the whole time. At this moment, Taylor
regretted having been interrupted so suddenly, rather than regretting he and Dillinger had exchanged a different form of handshake.

"What's up with you two? Why so quiet?...and Taylor, your face is as red as a fresh paintjob on a firetruck."

Some shouting started from the right side, and from above. The twin girls in the window, Gertie and Bertie, recognized the new arrival.

"Hey there, Shannara. Did you know your neighbor and that blond kid are naked?" said the twin with short and curly black hair. The other girl has
long and mostly straight dark hair, but Taylor still doesn't know which one is Gertie and which one is Bertie. He looks over and sees them waving.

"The blondie took off his clothes and he jumped into the pool. He didn't stay in very long," the other twin says, and she grabs the binoculars
from the curly haired twin.

Shannara grins wide to show all of her teeth. "Oh two both don't have nothin on? that is quite a surprise." Shannara
looks toward the pool and the deck chairs. She gets out of the hot tub, walks over to the chairs. First she picks up Dillinger's small purple
speedo. "I've seen you wearing this while sunning on these chairs. I always thought you looked cute in them."

Taylor could only watch as his cousin leans down over the other deck chair, and his heart leaps into his throat as he sees her gather up his clothes.

"Hey...what are you doing with my things?"

Shannara only smiles as she grabs the socks and shoes, and with the entire haul of clothes in her arms she walks toward the fence between her
yard and Dillinger's yard.

"I said hey...what's up?" Taylor shouts again.

Shannara continues on. At the fence she tosses the shorts, shirt, boxers, shoes and socks, and one purple speedo over the fence.

The sound of applause and laughter is heard from the house on the other side. The twins have watched every move with keen interest, and
Shannara's actions met their approval. The applause was short because for some reason the twin girls disappeared from the upstairs window.

"You know you really surprise me, Shannara. I never thought you'd do something like this." Dillinger acts grieved but at the same time he
has a mischievous look on his face. It's almost as if he doesn't mind what is happening. Could it really be fun and games with him? Does he
care that his swimsuit got tossed into the neighbor's yard? Taylor cares. Taylor is nearly shivering, despite being in a hot tub.

"How am I gonna get dressed?" Taylor asks, as Shannara comes back to sit down on a deck chair.

"Really, you have to ask how to get dressed? All you have to do is go get your clothes."

Just go get them. That's all he has to do, and Taylor thinks about how he can get past his cousin without showing too much of himself. He can
climb out of the tub while holding a hand over his boy parts. He can't do that just yet, as touching himself shows his erection is now only
beginning to go down. There is no way he can jump out of the tub and cover up a full erection. He must sit there until it goes limp. Then
he has to run past Shannara to get to the fence. Climbing over the fence is where things get troublesome. He'll have to use both hands to hold
onto the fence, and when he lifts his leg up to the top...well, she'll have a great look at his dangly parts from a rear end view.

Maybe Taylor can negotiate with her. Offer something in exchange for the return of his clothing. Maybe money?

"How did you get Taylor to jump into the swimming pool?"

Dillinger laughs, and he slaps Taylor on the back. "I told him it was heated on the weekends. He just ran and jumped in as soon as he saw
the terrible twins next door gawking at him from their bedroom window. He never tested the water, just jumped right in. Ha ha. He's such
a nutbag."

"I'm not a nut. He tricked me. And he didn't warn me that girls spy on him with binoculars. He walks around naked and don't care. Have you
seen him naked before?"

"No, I seen him lying out in that lovely lavender speedo. But I regret to say I never saw the goods exposed...but now that may change." Shannara
gets off the deck chair, and she sits down on the edge of the hot tub, just the feet down in the water. She's still doing some kind of blocking
with her body, keeping herself in position to keep Taylor or Dillinger from getting out and making a run for the fence.

A scuffling and shuffling sound comes from the right side of the yard. Everyone looks over toward the fence to see two girls climbing over.
First the curly haired girl slips over the chain link fence, then the long haired one. Both twins are in matching sky blue bikinis.

Shannara claps her hands and says "Yay!". Dillinger laughs and shakes his head. Taylor only shakes as he sees two more people showing up.
Somehow a party is breaking out and nobody was invited. Taylor's body sinks down lower into the tub as the two eleven year olds come rushing
over to stand above him, and his first thought is about how see through the water must be from that angle. The water is not very deep at seat
level in a hot tub. Taylor clasps both hands over his crotch.

"Hi everybody. Is it okay for us to come over?" the curly haired one asks.

"Yeah. Looks like you guys are about to start a nice pool party," the long haired girl says, and without waiting for any form of reply, she jumps
down into the tub, takes the seat directly opposite the seat Taylor and Dillinger sit on. In a matter of seconds everyone is in the tub and the
center of attention is two boys who may have started the party, but are in no position to end it.
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 16

Post by Jeepman89 »

Love the latest turn of events. The 2 boys are butt naked in the hot tub and their clothes went over the fence. The 2 young twin girls are there to enjoy it all too in person this time!
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 16

Post by Themarble »

Hopefully Taylor is forced out of this hot tub shield. Surely he will still be erect then. Or perhaps he will feel a foot opposite him on his hard member? I wonder how many giggles would happen if the bubbles were to stop all of a sudden?
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 16

Post by TeenFan »

The Swim Party Crasher
Chapter 17. Copy the Monkey

The small hot tub with four sides and four seats has five people in it, and Taylor is feeling the crowd is a few too many, three to be exact.
The feeling of being cramped is compounded by him having to share a seat with Dillinger, and there isn't enough room to sit comfortably and
stretch out. However, the main problem was not being part of a cluster of kids in a small space, it was knowing that the three girls all know
he and Dillinger are bare assed naked.

Shannara, his cousin got into the hot tub and then found out the two boys have nothing on. The twin girls swooped in because they already
knew the boys are naked, and they wanted a better view than even binoculars gave them from their bedroom window. Taylor had never seen
such a pair of eager beaver girls in his life. Gertie and Bertie were beaming with happiness. It was like they were gazing upon two boys
covered in chocolate with strawberry slices over their nipples. If Taylor was a banana split he would be devoured on the spot.

Something resembling a banana was what these girls were after, and Taylor wished he could split and be gone from this scene. He could have
gotten up and run for the fence. It's so easy, anyone could do it, but Taylor is not exactly the one to be called upon for decisive decision making.

Taylor is the one who doesn't know the new girls, so Shannara introduces him. Gertie is the one with curly hair, and Bertie has the dark hair that
is straight. Both girls look identical other than that. Gertie curls her hair so their parents can tell them apart. The girls have identical bodies
as well, each one displaying a barely budding chest.

"Why are you guys walking around naked?" Shannara wants to know.

"Why were you bobbing your butts up and down," Gertie inquires.

"Are you a showoff too like Dillinger? He walks around his room with the light on at night. Keeps the curtain open. Sometimes he comes into
the room after a shower. He puts music on and dances while singing along. His towel falls off and he keeps on dancing. Do you do stuff like that
Taylor?" Bertie asks a bunch of questions and spills some secrets.

Dillinger looks abashed and he looks down.

Shannara looks at the older boy with wide eyed wonder. "Wow. I wish his bedroom faced my house. I been missing out."

Shannara appears to be impressed with the tell all by the twins, but she doesn't lose focus on the present. "Why were you sitting so close
together like that. You're both nekkid."

"Maybe they like each other," Gertie says, and this causes a giggle from the other twin.

Taylor feels like his blushing face will never stop stinging. The accusation hit too close to home. He did like Dillinger, more than he could ever
admit to anyone. He feels so small, surrounded by danger. Cupping his crotch, Taylor has his body hunched over, only his head and shoulders
above the surface of the water.

"Now that we have them trapped, what should we do?" Bertie leaves her seat, and she moves into the center. Kneeling down she can reach
out and touch both boy's legs. It seems she has a very good idea of what she wants to do.

Taylor doesn't want things to get any crazier. "I want to go back to Shannara's house, but she tossed my clothes over the fence. Please leave and
I'll be on my way."

"No chance of that. You're a relative, but I'm not passing up on this chance to see two cute guys naked. Are you gonna leave them alone, girls?"

Both twins said there was no way they were leaving. Now the strangest part was Dillinger is the one who has some say in the matter. As a matter
of fact this is his backyard and pool. He could tell the girls to leave, but Dillinger says nothing in the way of telling the girls to go. Finally, he speaks up.

"Okay girls, what do you want from us?"

The twins titter like little birds, smirking and sneering. Bertie moves over to sit next to her sister, and they whisper back and forth. Taylor
doesn't like the looks of it. Dillinger is the older and better looking specimen of manhood, but the twins have seen him numerous times already,
and the new kid on the block is who they keep glancing at.

"He's so cute," Bertie says, and she actually licks her bottom lip.

"Let's play a game," Shannara suggests. "It's called Monkey See Monkey Do. It's not like the charades game where you make gestures and others
guess what the action or word is. It's more like the phrase, you know, when one person copies what another one is doing, more like being a Copy
Cat. Each person takes a turn doing something. Then everyone else has to do the same thing. If you can't do will be punished. If you
can be a good monkey and copycat what everyone else get your clothes back."

The twins are excited by this idea. Taylor is terrified by it. Dillinger is the decider on the game, as he says, "Yeah, let's do it. So...who goes
first? Who is going to be the first monkey?"

"We'll go from youngest to oldest. Bertie is the younger of the twins. She will go first. You do something, Bertie, and then all of us have to
do the same thing."

Bertie has to think for a while. "Do I have to act like a monkey?" she asks.

Shannara adds further instruction, "No. You can be yourself...or anything for that matter. Just do something funny. Remember, the two boys
have to copy what you do."

"What is the punishment for not being a copycat monkey?" Dillinger asks.

"Hmm...anyone who doesn't copy the monkey has to...jump into the swimming pool. The big pool is a NO swimsuit zone, so if a girl has to go
into the pool she does it with no suit on just like the boys would be doing. How do you like that. You guys might see some little titty action from
Gertie or Bertie."

The twins look disappointed by the rules of punishment, but neither one complains out loud.

"Alright Bertie, what are you going to do. We each copycat the Monkey Do thing one person at a time. So what is it going to be, Bertie?"
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 17

Post by Jeepman89 »

Love the game they are about to play in the hot tub.
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Re: The Swim Party Crasher_New Feb 17

Post by Trundle »

Story gets better and better.

Love how trapped Taylor is, and the young girls are like lions stalking their prey with him. Licking their lips :lol:

Cannot wait to see what Monkey see Monkey do entails. Hopefully Taylor is exposed completely to them, I also hope he doesn't get his clothes back at the end and has to get home naked. How angry will his Mom be when he returns having lost more clothes? He'll be on naked time for a long time!
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