My only True ENF expierence

Stories about you or someone you know getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated.
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My only True ENF expierence

Post by superevil7 »

I suppose I should finally get around to telling my one and only true ENF experience. Forgive me, because this happened many, many years ago, so some of the details might be a little fuzzy to me.

A little backstory. When I was about 10 years old, my parents started trusting me enough to leave me at home alone, the few hours after school, until they got home from work. This ended up extending to the summer months as well, when I was off of school. I’m sure that might be pretty strange in this day and age, but I was a pretty independent kid. I also had a friend who lived across the street that was my age, and he had an older sister that was a few years older than us. I knew if I ran into any trouble, I could always head over there. He and I would run back and forth between each other’s hoses as we played during those times.

His older sister could be kind of mean to him, some might consider it abusive even. She would hit him in the head, back, or shoulders with her fists to get her way sometimes, or even use her fingernails on his skin until she drew blood. They both seemed to despise each other around this time, but they mellowed out in later years.

The incident in question happened when I was around 12 or 13, so that would have put his sister at 16 I want to say. They had a big family room / play room on the main level of their house, and his sister’s bedroom, along with her bathroom, were situated on that main level, off of the family room, which will become relevant in a moment. My friend and I were playing around and goofing off that morning in their family room, probably playing nerf guns, with those foam darts, and we had made forts out of the couch cousins. His sister was probably still sleeping, as teenagers tend to like to sleep in when they can. I’m sure we woke her up, so she was already in a bad mood. I remember her coming out pissed, though thankfully there was no hitting this time. She told us to clean up our mess, probably in retaliation to us waking her up.

The thing was, though, that she wasn’t in charge of us. She wasn’t our babysitter, so she really had no authority. I was left home alone by myself, and I know their parents just expected them to look out for each other, without leaving either of them in charge. Knowing that, my friend and I decided we weren’t done playing, and continued our nerf fight. Well, as you can probably imagine, his sister wasn’t too pleased with us about that. She told us that she was going to take a shower, and that she expected us to have everything back to how it was supposed to be by the time she was finished.

Finally getting to the ENF here. Of course, we just kept on ignoring her and continued playing, and she was really pissed when she got out of the shower. I’m sure she could hear us playing from in there. She was so pissed, she came out of the bathroom wearing just a plain white towel, still pretty damp. She demanded to know why we still hadn’t cleaned up. I’m pretty sure my friend said something insulting or sarcastic to her, but I can’t remember what it was. It caused her to get that look on her face like she was going to attack him, only, as she moved slightly with her hand raised, the knot in the towel came undone, and it slid right off her body! This might be because of the multitude of times I’ve thought about this over the years, but everything seemed to happen in slow motion. She seemed shocked at first. Then she seemed to get pissed again, before going back to shocked. The whole time, she just kind of stood there, unmoving, with her fist still raised. I know I was able to get a fairly long look at her entire naked front. She was the first girl I had ever seen completely naked in person, though at a younger age I had played “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” with another neighbor girl. Her boobs seemed big to me at the time, though I was young, so they were probably only B cups. I remember her nipples most clearly, since they were a dark burgundy reddish color against her fair, pale skin. She had dark pubes, matching her dark brown hair, but they were still wet, so they clung to her and that left the top part of her slit outlined. She kept her legs closed, so that was about as good a look as I got down there. Finally, she seemed to react, but she seemed like she was almost trying to downplay what happened. She half bent and half squatted down to pick up her towel and wrapped it back around herself. Her cheeks were a little rosy, but that might have just been from the heat of the shower. Otherwise, she didn’t appear to be showing much embarrassment. Once covered again, she said something like, “You guys better clean up this mess.” Though, her fury seemed to be gone, and then she went into her room after that. My friend and I didn’t say anything until she was gone, but once she was, we laughed about it for a long time to each other. I think we felt like it was karmic justice for the way she treated my friend. It wasn’t really a sexual thrill at the time, but it certainly had an influence on me later on.

I think she hid in her room for the rest of the day. I’m sure she was embarrassed about what had happened, even if she had tried to hide it, and didn’t want to be around us after embarrassing herself like that in front of us. I think she did come out to get something to eat eventually, but by that point, my friend and I had moved on to other things. I don’t think any of us ever spoke about it again, and his sister never seemed to show any kind of embarrassment being around me after that day. I think we all had an understanding that we should never speak about what had happened, but it did play a part in a lot of my fantasies when puberty really started to kick in for me in the next year or two.

And that’s my tail! I guess if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask, and I’ll see what I can remember. I think I pretty much covered everything, though.
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Re: My only True ENF expierence

Post by RaccoonBatteryStaple »

Very evocative, thanks for sharing!

When was this, roughly? 80s? 90s? The latchkey kid vibe is very strong.

Since your memory of her nipples seems pretty strong, I'm curious... Do you remember what her areaolas were like in terms of larger or smaller?
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Re: My only True ENF expierence

Post by superevil7 »

RaccoonBatteryStaple wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 2:50 am When was this, roughly? 80s? 90s? The latchkey kid vibe is very strong.
RaccoonBatteryStaple wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 2:50 am Do you remember what her areaolas were like in terms of larger or smaller?
I'd say they were about the size of a half dollar (and yeah, I've used that comparison in a couple of my stories). Her nipples didn't seem too pronounced or hard, but she had just gotten out of the shower. Could be that she wasn't very cold.
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Re: My only True ENF expierence

Post by Freesub »

superevil7 wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 4:27 am
RaccoonBatteryStaple wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 2:50 am When was this, roughly? 80s? 90s? The latchkey kid vibe is very strong.
RaccoonBatteryStaple wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 2:50 am Do you remember what her areaolas were like in terms of larger or smaller?
I'd say they were about the size of a half dollar (and yeah, I've used that comparison in a couple of my stories). Her nipples didn't seem too pronounced or hard, but she had just gotten out of the shower. Could be that she wasn't very cold.
Did you see her butt when she bent down? How was it?
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Re: My only True ENF expierence

Post by superevil7 »

Freesub wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 7:05 am Did you see her butt when she bent down? How was it?
She stayed facing us for the entire time she was uncovered, maybe turned ever so slightly to grab her towel when crouched. I didn't get a look at it when she was bare. She was a skinny white girl, so didn't have much going on back there, from what I remember anyway.
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