Bad day for a run

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by docknumber »

Poor James, having an erection for such a long time must be uncomfortable especially in front of all those teen girls. Hope there will not be any accidental spills. :lol:
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

docknumber wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2025 10:53 pm Poor James, having an erection for such a long time must be uncomfortable especially in front of all those teen girls. Hope there will not be any accidental spills. :lol:
Not during the time he's in his poses that would be very disruptive to the girls work of course during any break or the time between his poses who knows what could happen.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run.


Andrea took a few moments before she responded telling Melissa she still had them and could give her some but asked why do you need them? We both know you know how to get James up without any pills and if things start to drop you can firm them up true Melissa laughed but he will have to be erect for good while and is not keen on having his cock and balls fondled and stroked in front of a room of teen girls so this will be a compromise if you can help out. When will this be Andrea inquired this Saturday Melissa told her I think I can arrange things to be there Andrea told her I will let you know mid-week and being in the art world I would like to see the work the girls are doing and observe their technique great Melissa told her, but this could be a pretty long day what will you do about Anna and Megan? No problem I will bring them along they have both seen James naked and with a full-blown erection and had a hands-on part in making him into my naked Eros statue and I'm sure they would like see James again especially stark naked with a rock-hard cock Melissa thought but didn't say let me know when you can, and I will inform the class.
Melissa prepared for herself for the workday tomorrow wondering what she would tell James he didn't want any hands stimulation of his penis from the women especially the teens but doubted he would be much happier taking erection pills brought by Andrea and sure wouldn't be thrilled to have Anna and Megan again seeing him totally naked and fully erect she decided to just try and tell him as little as possible and try and get as close to Saturday as she could before telling him about Andrea the pills and her daughters. At the morning break James came into the break and joined Melissa and of course ask her about this idea she talked about at the class Melissa told him she had some calls out, but things were not set yet and she really didn't want to say anything till everything was confirmed James found it a little odd she didn't want to tell him anything but as there was nothing he could do about it he decided not to force the issue.
The next two days came and went with no word from Andera finally Thursday morning she got the call from Andrea telling her things worked out she still had to reschedule a couple of appointments, but it would not be an issue, and she would be there Saturday she just needed the location and time Melissa gave her the location and told her to come to the main entrance someone would be there to bring her to the room and told her the time though she should probably get there about 45 minutes to an hour before that so if James took the pills they would have time to kick in before he had to strip and pose. With that settled Melissa thought now all I have to do is get through today and tomorrow without telling James three more females who have seen him completely naked with a full blown hardon will be there Saturday.

Surprisingly James did not approach Melissa to ask her anything about her plan for the rest of the day he did come to see her around eleven on Friday and asked her about it and she told him everything had been worked out and that he should arrive about 45 minutes to an hour before the class started. James was curious as to why he would need to do that Melissa just smiled and told him if he did and went along with things he would be fully erect when the class started without any female's handling his penis and balls. Hearing the time, she wanted him to arrive, and he would be fully erect without any female assistance James began connecting the dots he would take some erection pills it wasn’t something he cared for, but it was the best of bad options.
The one thing James didn’t know was where she was getting them from, he doubted she was purchasing them as they aren’t cheap, and he had totally forgotten about having them slipped to him by two young girls at the art exhibit something that would come back to him very soon.

James arrived an hour early not being sure what to expect and more than a bit uneasy he saw Melissa was there as was Carol since Amanda was taking the class which of course meant her younger sister Julie was also there Miss Richardson was as well James went to Melissa so what is the idea for today even though James had at least somewhat of an idea what it was she told him it's almost here. About that time Miss Richardson got a text and told them be right back she headed up to the entrance to meet Andrea as well as her daughters after introductions they headed downstairs Anna and Megan asked their mom if could look around Miss Richardson assured Andrea it was safe and pointed the way to where the class was.
As they arrived Andrea told James good to see you again at that moment everything clicked for James as he remembered her talking about having her Ex's erection pills and her daughters slipping them to him Andrea told him I have something you are wanting I guess so James said I'm surprised you would drive this far just to bring some pills Andrea told him you did help me out of a tough spot so am happy to do the same for you and being part of the art world I wanted to see the girls work. James believed her when Andrea said she wanted to help him after what he did for her at the exhibit and that she was interested in seeing the girls work but suspected that wasn't the only thing she was interested in seeing.

You should probably go ahead and take one of these Andrea said and handed him a pill Melissa gave him some water and he downed it Miss Richardson told them the girls sculptures from last week are inside if anyone wants to take a look the group went in to check them out Andrea thought they were very good given the age of the girls and though no art expert James thought they were good and very detailed maybe to detailed as this was going on more of the girls started arriving for the class and soon they were all there and James could feel the effects of the pill starting to kick in. James was talking with Andrea and Melissa when Anna and Megan showed up running up to great James, he seemed genuinely surprised by them being there Andrea told him couldn't leave them at home staring at James Megan asked is it true you're going to be naked today?
Before James could say anything, Miss Richardson told James the class will be starting shortly so you should go get undressed this got Anna and Megan grinning from ear to ear as they now knew they would get see James naked again James headed to the utility room that he changed in last time and slowly took his clothes off. As he took his underwear off his now fully erect penis popped straight out, he put the robe on but as it was light weight material his erect cock pushed it out hiding nothing.

As James knew this wouldn't be ending anytime soon, he headed out trying to prepare himself for a very embarrassing entrance as James made his appearance there was a lot of giggling, snickering and laughter at the sight of the robe material being pushed outward by his fully erect penis Miss Richardson escorted him to the stage turned him to face the women and girls and had him remove his robe the sight of the again naked James sporting a massive erection got cheers and applause from all the girls as well as the adult women. James noticed even Miss Richardson broke into a quick grin and smile at the sight of James in his current naked fully erect state as she got James properly posed facing the room full of females with his penis sticking straight out James thought this is going to be a long embarrassing day.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Jeepman89 »

It's heating up nicely.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by docknumber »

Good to see Andrea and her daughters again.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

docknumber wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2025 11:30 pm Good to see Andrea and her daughters again.
Had to bring Andrea back as she has the erection aid James will need to get through the day and being the good mom, she is she wouldn't deny her daughters the chance to James bare ass naked and fully erect again.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Jeepman89 »

How old are the daughters again?
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Jeepman89 wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 12:12 am How old are the daughters again?
Anna 15 Megan 13.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run.


With James now in his first pose the girls began their work James noticed a lot more whispering and stifled giggles and laughter than during his day of posing no doubt having to do with the pose he was in upright on his knees with his legs apart his hands clasped behind his head making his erect penis stand out more than it already did and accentuated his complete nudity. Of course, James was the focus of all the students, but he was also the center of attention to the younger girls who had been brought along by their mom who were grouped together doing a lot of pointing and giggling even the adult women were not even pretending the weren't enjoying seeing James fully exposed in this pose.
As James was taking all this in, he noticed Melissa had slowly and unnoticed by anyone else made her way to the door and slipped into the hallway out of sight of everyone else in the room other than James because of the raised stage and where she was standing Melissa had a clear unobstructed view of James flashing him a big smile Melissa took her phone out oh shit James thought she's really not going to do this again. Seeing James in this hot pose Melissa quickly realized she could get a great pic of James unseen by anyone but him smiling she took her latest pic after checking it out she mouthed wow to James. After putting her phone up Melissa decided James needed a little treat Melissa had on a black zip up top as James watched she unzipped it over halfway down stopping at her bellybutton revealing her pert breast in black lace bra she danced around a bit as James watched her breast bounce trying to keep from getting a bigger erection than he already had.
After finishing her little dance Melissa did something James never saw coming the bra Melissa was wearing hooked in the front as James watched she undid it revealing a great deal of her now uncovered breast to him it was also strapless as it turned out as James watched her easily pull it off and twirl it over hard head as she bent over to put the bra in her purse her breast nearly feel out of her top completely this of course was getting James penis harder than it already was which did not go unnoticed by the class. A number of the girls noticed James increasing erection calling out wow it's getting even harder James's embarrassment which already high was quickly on the rise as the girls saw his increased arousal Miss Richardson told them that is not uncommon just focus on your work that got the girls back focused on their sculptures Melissa however continued to mess with James by fondling and caressing her breast until Miss Richardson told them it was time to rotate the stage so they could work from the side view of James as this would take her out of James line of sight Melissa moved off to put her bra back on with James now in the profile view the girls realized that gave them an better view of James massive erection something that was not lost on the increasingly humiliated James.

As the girls continued their work there were numerous comments about his penis Miss Richardson tried to focus them back fully on their work but wasn't having much luck and finally gave up soon the girls were wondering how long his penis was when fully erect like this and started throwing out guess's they were told we won't be measuring so stop going on about that and pay attention to your work. That finally got them back on their sculptures and no longer focusing on his erection Melissa had returned from putting her bra back on as she came in, she asked anything new I guess there is she commented pretending she was not aware of James increased erection or that she had any part in it.
The rest of the time went on pretty normally for James or as normally as possible when your naked with a massive erection posing in room full of teens after a bit Miss Richardson finally called for a break even though James was able to get out of his pose, he still had a full-blown erection which his robe really didn't hide so he didn't even bother with it a number of the girls converged on James asking him if that was the hardest his penis had ever been, did it hurt being that hard and could it get even harder James avoided answering any of these questions and tried to move off that was when he ran into Anna and Megan Amanda was nearby and not knowing their history with James asked and them what they thought of their naked model? Anna told them we have seen him like this before this got the attention of every girl in the room and they all gathered around wanting to hear more James again tried to move away but Anna and Megan grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him back to the stage his still erect bouncing up and down the whole way they sat him on the stage with the sisters on either side of him and began to tell their story.

The sisters took turns telling the group of how James became a living nude statue in their mother's art show exhibit as well as how they got to help in preparing his naked body and painting him the group sat enthralled in the story telling amazed that they would be able to have such hands-on action with totally naked James. One of the girls asked did he get this hard pointing at James still erect penis when you were doing the work on him no Anna answered but during the second show when he and the other models he did oh my God what happened Robin asked what he was a statue Megan told them he had to stay there in his pose till the show was over the girls all found it amazing and hilarious that James had to stand there completely naked with an erection made up as a statute while women checked him out unable to move or speak.
James sat there felling more embarrassed and humiliated by the minute as Anna and Megan told this story at this point, he would have rather been back in his pose with his massive hardon than hear any more of this story being retold he thought somebody please say something else at this point someone did Amanda's friend Robin, but it was not what James was expecting in fact it left him speechless when she asked if Andrea told them what supplies to get and she and her daughters would supervise could they have a class making James into nude statue.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by docknumber »

Wow, this must be the first time, female nudity was used here right?. Sculpting class is a good idea, also will we get the Naked Valentines day chapter?
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