The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2m - January 26th)
- superevil7
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The Family Tradition: Picture Day - Chapter 2m
“Wow, so you're telling me that girls have a whole other hole they pee out of down there??” My brother Toby was back at it again. He had been closest to witness my diabolical older cousin Katelyn make pee in front of him and me, and the entire rest of our family too! Did I mention that I had made her pee in the backyard? Oh, I did? Well, I made Katelyn pee like a dog in the backyard!
Mom was there to respond to his inquiry like usual. “Yes, Toby. The urethra and the vaginal opening are two separate things when it comes to the female body.”
“Ha! Girls are so weird!” He laughed to himself, as they were heading back inside. Even with the demonstration of what a girl looks like tinkling now completed, I still had control over Katelyn. Her wrists were still bound with the rope that had previously held her to the banister when she was dressed up like our Christmas tree. Her humiliation was not over yet, either, as I still had numerous orgasms to give her before everyone went home! No, the fun was just beginning!
“Julie…” Katelyn said my name, sounding like she was on the verge of tears.
She wasn't on the verge of tears, when I turned back around to face her, she was full on weeping. We ended up being the last two in the yard, as everyone else headed inside. “What, Katelyn?” I asked cautiously. I wasn't going to fall for another one of her tricks! If I let her out of these bindings, then the next thing I'll know, my hands will be tied, and she'll be parading me naked through the neighborhood to every classmate of mine that lives near! No way, I'm going to let that happen.
“I… I…” Maybe I was wrong? It sure sounded like she was about to apologize to me. “How could you do this to me, you little skank!!??”
“Wha…?” I couldn't even make the full sound of the word, I was so caught off guard!
“You're such a little bitch! How dare you strip me naked, tie me up, and let all of them… Touch me!!! I'm not some bimbo like you! I don't deserve this kind of treatment! You might like parading around naked every year, but that doesn't give you the right to do this to me!! You let my brother! My brother! Touch me! How dare you! Stupid bitch!! And then you make me pee in front of everyone!!! Uughhhhhh!!!”
I was flabbergasted! Befuddled! Stupefied! Confounded! Had she learned nothing??? “You're mad at me???”
“Uh, duh!! Hello! Not only is she a Jezebel skank, but she's stupid too!” She rolled her eyes at me, like I was the dumbest girl on Earth.
I suddenly felt a raging inferno of anger inside of me, like I had never felt before! Where the hell did she get off talking to me this way, with the position she was in??? I yanked the rope hard, causing her to almost tumble down to the ground in front of me. Then I looked her square in the eyes and said, “I'm going to make you regret every word you just said!”
“Yeah?? Well, all I regret is having such a bitch skank for a cousin!” Came her arrogant response.
“We'll see who's a bitch skank after I'm through with you!” I replied, dragging her into the house.
Everyone was sat around the living room, waiting for us, when we returned. I'm sure they were all waiting to hear what I had planned for my bitch of an older cousin. “Everyone! Katelyn is a skank bitch!” I shouted, and everyone in our family stopped what they were doing to gasp at what I had just said. I was still in a rage, so I was letting myself go a lot more than I usually would. “Instead of letting her orgasm, we're all going to give her a spanking!”
“Spanking?” Katelyn laughed, trying to pull the rope out of my hands, but I was holding it firmly. “Is that all you got?”
“Girls, what's going on?” Aunt Eileen stepped closer, with a lot of concern about my sudden mood swing.
“Why are you calling Katelyn such foul words??” My own mom piped in, folding her arms and giving me one of her famous glares. “There are young children around, Julie.” She scolded.
“I'm sorry, momma, but that's what she called me outside!” My anger flared, as I stared a dagger through Katelyn. “You're gonna wish it was just a spanking! No, you are getting your pussy spanked by everyone in this room!” I practically snarled at her. I could see that I was finally starting to get through to her, as the confidence on her face was suddenly replaced with confusion.
“Mom, you're not really gonna let her do that, are you??” She turned to her mom, with a whine in her voice.
“I don't see why not?” Aunt Eileen folded her arms and made a little smirk at her. “I told you, Julie gets to punish you however she likes tonight. And it seems like it's having the desired effect on you. Maybe I should put her in charge of publishing you permanently? Hmmm?”
I could see Katelyn starting to squirm around at that idea. My rage at her was finally dissipating, but I couldn't help wanting to put my cousin through more punishment for everything she'd ever done to me. “Aunt Eileen, if you're going to put me in charge of Katelyn's punishments, then I think she should have to stay naked for the next two weeks.”
“Two weeks!” Katelyn was starting to sound frightened again. “No, mom! Please! You can't!” She started to beg her mother.
Aunt Eileen just smiled at me. “Julie, I like your input! Yes, I think Katelyn will be staying naked for the next two weeks! Of course, she'll have to wear clothes at school, but she'll be naked at all other times. I'll have her brother make sure of it.”
The boys, Luke especially, were all snickering at Katelyn and the latest judgment placed upon her. Katelyn seemed to be pouting about all the teasing looks they were making at her. “But, mom, please!...” She was still in the begging mood, but I put a stop to that quickly.
“Luke, if you have any trouble with Katelyn, then I think the next thing to do would be to invite a boy from her class over.” I turned to rub it in Katelyn's face with a smile, and I could see her getting pail at the idea of a boy from her class seeing her naked! “Yes, I think all it would take would be maybe three or four boys from Katelyn's school seeing her naked for her to stay on her best behavior.”
Everyone was giggling at what I was suggesting, even momma, who gave me a little wink. I couldn't help feeling a little pride. The only one not giggling was Katelyn, who seemed to finally be starting to understand the situation she was in. She was looking at me like she had messed up big time!
“Now, didn't you say that Katelyn was going to get her pussy spanked?” Aunt Eileen asked me, after the giggling had died down.
“Mom! You can not be serious!” Katelyn's jaw fell open with outrage.
“Yes, Aunt Eileen. I thought that each of us could spank Katelyn's pussy 10 times, since that's how many times she dropped the star. See!” I pointed at the hash marks above her pussy.
“Sounds like a great plan!” Her mom grinned. “I think I'm going to limit it to just you kids, though. I wouldn't want her pussy staying sore for the whole time she's to be naked.”
“Works for me!” I practically sang, knowing we were all about to put Katelyn through the ordeal of a lifetime for her!
“No! You can't! I won't let you!” Katelyn started to squirm, and actually managed to get the rope out of my hands! But before she could get anywhere, Daddy and Uncle Patrick grabbed her! They took her over to the coffee table, and laid her down on top of it, flat on her back! Then Daddy kept holding her arms above her head, while Uncle positioned her legs to hang over each side of the table, which left her pussy totally exposed to the wide open air!
“Youngest to oldest?” Uncle looked at us kids. His girls, Misty and Bitsy stepped forward, still bare as the rest of us girls, and stood on either side of her. Then the first one slapped her palm against Katelyn's outer lips!
“Ahhh! Oh my God!” Katelyn squealed, trying to twist her body back and forth, and get free from the men that were holding her down, but there was no chance of that happening. As if they were communicating psychically, the twins nodded at each other, and then the other one took a turn at spanking her! “Oweeee!-- Oh my God, that stings!”
“This is kinda fun!” The twins giggled to each other, beginning to alternate their spanks.
“I know! Her pussy water keeps splashing me!” The other said, all the while Katelyn kept wailing in agony.
Katelyn kept up her crying during their brother's turn as well. Zach was quick with his spanks, as were my brother Toby and his friends. Katelyn was totally weeping by this point, but she was also making really strange moaning noises whenever her privates were smacked. It all came to a head when it was my turn.
I sauntered up in between her legs, making sure she was watching me. The whole time, Katelyn kept trying to beg off, but I wasn't going to give her mercy now. I was going to make sure she never called me any kind of nasty name again, and that she'd never take advantage of me in the future! I lined up my shot, and swung! Smack!! The twins were right, it is fun to spank a pussy! With all the soft skin down there, it kinda feels like spanking a bag full of soft jelly! I giggled as Katelyn shook and cried. Smack! Smack! Smack! I was on my fifth or sixth smack, when suddenly Katelyn's hips started gyrating like wild! “Oh, my goodness! Katelyn, are you cumming???” I laughed like mad, because that's what she was obviously doing!
“No!!” Katelyn screamed at me, shaking her head back and forth, even as she humped her hips at me. I couldn't resist giving her pussy another slap on one of her trusts. “You bitch!” She screeched, but I could see the intensity of her orgasm had increased, so I gave her vulva another hard slap! And suddenly she was thrusting her hips even harder! That just made me want to keep spanking her, and I might have lost count and went a little overboard. But by the time I was through, her pussy had left what appeared to be a lake on the coffee table! Ok, it wasn't that big, but the whole area between her legs was flooded!
Katelyn seemed to be a dazed mess after my turn. “Please… no more… I can't…” she was saying, though you can never tell with her whether she's telling the truth.
I knew Hannah should be next, but big brother was the one who came over. He put a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me, before taking my place in between Katelyn's legs. “Wow, Katelyn…”
He was staring right between her legs, and I could tell it was making Katelyn blush. “What?” She finally asked. Moaned is more like it, maybe! I know it caused me to giggle at how embarrassed he was making her feel!
“It's just, in this position, you're wide open. There's no part of your body I haven't seen now.”
“Get to the point, Josh!” Katelyn seemed to be squirming against Daddy and Uncle’s hold on her, though they weren't going to let her go any time soon.
“I just wanted to let you know that the inside of your kitty is just the cutest shade of pink. I don't even know if you've seen as much of your insides as I'm seeing right now, but you should take a look at it in the mirror when you get the chance, since I don't know if I've ever seen this particular shade of pink anywhere else! We should call it Katelyn bubblegum pink!” Big brother started laughing at her, and I could tell Katelyn was not amused.
“Mom! Do something!” She started shouting, tilting her head back to look at her mom. Her mom just kind of shrugged at her, making her own amused giggles. In fact, we were all giggling at Katelyn. “This isn't right! Are you going to make Josh lie here naked on the coffee table, and let us spank his private parts next time he gets in trouble?!?!”
“Katelyn, dear, you'll have to ask your Aunt Dana.” Her mom told her.
“Oh hell no!” Momma responded as soon as Katelyn was looking at her. “First of all, do you know how painful that would be for a boy, Katelyn?? They have testicles! No son of mine is ever going to have their private parts punished! And second, no son of mine is ever going to be punished with nudity! It wouldn't work on boys. They'd get used to it too fast and start to like it.”
Josh tickled the insides of her thighs to get her attention back on him. He had a huge grin as he said, “Did you hear that, Katelyn? That means you're never going to see me naked, but I have a feeling that this is only the beginning of you being naked in front of me.” You might have thought the adults would tell Josh to knock it off with the teasing, but it seemed like everyone was enjoying it, mom and Aunt Eileen most of all! Those two seemed to get a kick out of putting their daughters in embarrassing situations. “Answer me, Katelyn.”
“I heard.” Katelyn's cheeks had turned even more red, but I think it was not just because she was embarrassed, but also because she was frustratingly angry at the thought of never being able to get revenge on Josh. She'd have to live with the reality of never getting to put him in a similar situation, and that was eating her up inside.
“Then you know that boys are better than girls, and that you deserve to be punished this way just because you're a girl.” Katelyn looked like she was going to blow her top, but said nothing. “Say it!” Josh responded harshly to her silence, moving his hand like he was going to slap her pussy!
“I deserve to be punished this way because I'm a girl!” Katelyn said quickly, preparing herself for the smack to her private parts, but it never came.
Josh seemed to hesitate, as he looked down at her pussy. “Katelyn, I don't think your pussy can take any more spanking today.”
“No… that's what I've been saying…” Katelyn said cautiously.
“Then you agree. So, if you don't want any more pussy spanks, beg me to rub your pussy instead.” Anyone could have seen Josh's smirk from a mile away, that's how big it was!
“Beg you?... To?” Katelyn seemed to be startled at his instructions.
“That's right. Beg me to rub and play with your pussy instead of spanking it.”
“I…” Katelyn's eyes were totally wide, but I could tell that she couldn't take any more spanking on her pussy right now. “Josh, would you please rub my pussy for me, instead of spanking it?” She asked. I knew it had taken a lot out of her to ask that of my brother, of all people. He was the main reason she had gotten punished today!
“Why, I'd be happy to, Katelyn!” Josh practically preened. “But, say, I think you better show me how you like it done first, just so I know I'm doing it right.”
“Josh McNulty! If you think!...”
“I guess you'd rather go back to the spanking…” Josh threatened.
“No…” Daddy let one of her arms go, and she slowly brought it down so she could reach her bare genitals. She winced a little, when her hand first made contact with her sore and red skin down there, but after a few moments to get used to it, we could all see that Katelyn was starting to enjoy touching herself for Josh. “Ohh…. Mmmmm…” That was especially confirmed when she let out a low moan of pleasure.
“That's very nice, Katelyn. From here on out, every time I think of you, I'm going to think of this moment. The moment that you played with your pussy in front of me and the whole family. It's what a naughty girl like you deserves.”
Katelyn's face was turning even more red than her pussy had gotten from the spanking. Then she seemed to get even more flustered when Josh started to back away. “Wait! Aren't you going to…?”
“You seem to have things well in hand.” Josh teased, and that one really got to Katelyn.
“But! But!” She pleaded, as her fingers worked the folds of her pussy in front of everyone! “No, Josh! No, please!” She begged, as I watched Josh pull his phone out and start recording her.
“You can stop anytime you like.” He told her.
“I can't! I can't! It feels too good!” She explained through tears, and it wasn't too much longer before she started to cum again! And all with Josh still recording!
I can't express to you enough how elated I felt about having put my wicked older cousin through such humiliation in front of the family! On top of that, she had to spend the next two weeks naked, and I'll say, it sure was fun to invite a different boy from her class over to her house each day, when I knew Katelyn wouldn't be allowed to be dressed in front of them! I'd tell you more about it, but it's not really my story to tell. What I will say is that Katelyn should have been thanking me, because that punishment did lead to one of those boys becoming her boyfriend of four years.
Katelyn's immediate punishment might have been over for the night, but that didn't mean the festivities were through. I was reminded by momma that I was to masturbate in front of the whole family too! Everyone moved to the couches and chairs in the living room, and formed a semicircle in front of me. The adults took the seats, while the kids took the floor in front, and all squeezed in close to one another, to get the best view of what I was about to do. I could tell that the boys were really enjoying having the girls, with their bare skin totally exposed, so close! I was concentrating on that image as I started to touch myself. The girls were all bare in front of the boys, and that was totally unfair, but at the same time, it was making my pussy ache! The boys had all seen our boobs, or our flat chests and nipples, and our little slits in between our legs, but we were never going to be allowed to see their private parts! Our privates were fair game for punishment, but theirs would never even be bare to us! It was unfair and unjust, but I came as hard as I ever had, thinking about how one-sided the treatment of the girls versus the boys was.
I had to sit down after such a powerful orgasm, but there was some kind of discussion happening between Daddy, Uncle Patrick, and Aunt Eileen. The three siblings were seated on one couch together, with my Aunt in the middle. Suddenly, Daddy and Uncle grabbed her, and started stripping her blouse off! Aunt Eileen squealed and kicked, but she wasn't strong enough to stop them. I'll never forget the look of abject embarrassment on her face when she was finally bare to all of us. “You've been a naughty girl, Eileen, taking joy in embarrassing your daughter.” Daddy said, making her keep her arms away from covering up her large breasts. She really did look a lot like me! Just with bigger breasts and a bit of red hair above her slit in between her legs to match the hair color on her head!
Daddy looked at momma next, and I knew what was about to happen. Momma tried to jump to her feet and run, but only made it a step or two before daddy caught her! With Uncle Patrick's help, they gave her the same treatment as Aunt Eileen! Just as daddy had said earlier, momma didn't have any hair on her pussy! Her large breasts swayed back and forth as daddy led her over to stand in front of me, with her hands behind her back. “Get a good look at your naked momma, Julia.” He said, and I don't think I'd ever seen momma blush as hard as she did at that moment.
“Momma, you're beautiful.” I said, looking at her from head to toe. “You should think about sharing your beauty with the family every year, like me.” I couldn't help getting one small jab in at her. I could see her blushing like mad at me for that, but she didn't scold me. Instead, she pursed her lips for a moment, and then started giggling at me.
“We'll see…” She said to me with a wink, as Josh and Toby came over to get a closer look at their naked momma too. Momma looked over at Aunt Eileen, who was still seated on the couch. Cousin Luke and Katelyn had come to see what she looked like naked in the interim. “I guess all us girls are going naked today…” She gave Aunt Eileen a look, and she seemed to get the message. They both slowly crept over towards Aunt Anna, Uncle Patrick's wife, and then it was like a repeat! Aunt Anna seemed to make the most fuss about what was happening to her, swearing up a storm, but soon she was as bare as the other girls, and I could see her tiny, but perky, boobies jiggling about as momma and Aunt Eileen held her for all to see!
It was like the floodgates were open after that! If a female wasn't bare, she would soon be as bare as the rest of us! Once a woman was bare, she would turn against the women still in their clothes! With the help of the boys and men, it didn't take too long for every female in the house to be stripped naked, and every boob, every cooter, every slit, and every female's bare skin was on show for the remainder of the party!
The final thing daddy had us do was all gather together for a large group photo, all the men and boys dressed up in their best party clothes, and all the girls and women bare as can be, only wearing a smile and a blush! Then he took another one with just the women and girls, instructing us to move until he was able to get a picture of all of us with everything exposed! I don't know how he did it, but he managed to get every nipple, every pussy, and most importantly, every single one of our blushes in the picture clearly! He included that picture as a special bonus in the Christmas card, something I know momma and Aunt Eileen complained to him about for years. It was a picture day that none of us would ever forget, even though I know some of the girls and women wish they could! But, as for me, I would honestly say that I ended up having had a great time!
Mom was there to respond to his inquiry like usual. “Yes, Toby. The urethra and the vaginal opening are two separate things when it comes to the female body.”
“Ha! Girls are so weird!” He laughed to himself, as they were heading back inside. Even with the demonstration of what a girl looks like tinkling now completed, I still had control over Katelyn. Her wrists were still bound with the rope that had previously held her to the banister when she was dressed up like our Christmas tree. Her humiliation was not over yet, either, as I still had numerous orgasms to give her before everyone went home! No, the fun was just beginning!
“Julie…” Katelyn said my name, sounding like she was on the verge of tears.
She wasn't on the verge of tears, when I turned back around to face her, she was full on weeping. We ended up being the last two in the yard, as everyone else headed inside. “What, Katelyn?” I asked cautiously. I wasn't going to fall for another one of her tricks! If I let her out of these bindings, then the next thing I'll know, my hands will be tied, and she'll be parading me naked through the neighborhood to every classmate of mine that lives near! No way, I'm going to let that happen.
“I… I…” Maybe I was wrong? It sure sounded like she was about to apologize to me. “How could you do this to me, you little skank!!??”
“Wha…?” I couldn't even make the full sound of the word, I was so caught off guard!
“You're such a little bitch! How dare you strip me naked, tie me up, and let all of them… Touch me!!! I'm not some bimbo like you! I don't deserve this kind of treatment! You might like parading around naked every year, but that doesn't give you the right to do this to me!! You let my brother! My brother! Touch me! How dare you! Stupid bitch!! And then you make me pee in front of everyone!!! Uughhhhhh!!!”
I was flabbergasted! Befuddled! Stupefied! Confounded! Had she learned nothing??? “You're mad at me???”
“Uh, duh!! Hello! Not only is she a Jezebel skank, but she's stupid too!” She rolled her eyes at me, like I was the dumbest girl on Earth.
I suddenly felt a raging inferno of anger inside of me, like I had never felt before! Where the hell did she get off talking to me this way, with the position she was in??? I yanked the rope hard, causing her to almost tumble down to the ground in front of me. Then I looked her square in the eyes and said, “I'm going to make you regret every word you just said!”
“Yeah?? Well, all I regret is having such a bitch skank for a cousin!” Came her arrogant response.
“We'll see who's a bitch skank after I'm through with you!” I replied, dragging her into the house.
Everyone was sat around the living room, waiting for us, when we returned. I'm sure they were all waiting to hear what I had planned for my bitch of an older cousin. “Everyone! Katelyn is a skank bitch!” I shouted, and everyone in our family stopped what they were doing to gasp at what I had just said. I was still in a rage, so I was letting myself go a lot more than I usually would. “Instead of letting her orgasm, we're all going to give her a spanking!”
“Spanking?” Katelyn laughed, trying to pull the rope out of my hands, but I was holding it firmly. “Is that all you got?”
“Girls, what's going on?” Aunt Eileen stepped closer, with a lot of concern about my sudden mood swing.
“Why are you calling Katelyn such foul words??” My own mom piped in, folding her arms and giving me one of her famous glares. “There are young children around, Julie.” She scolded.
“I'm sorry, momma, but that's what she called me outside!” My anger flared, as I stared a dagger through Katelyn. “You're gonna wish it was just a spanking! No, you are getting your pussy spanked by everyone in this room!” I practically snarled at her. I could see that I was finally starting to get through to her, as the confidence on her face was suddenly replaced with confusion.
“Mom, you're not really gonna let her do that, are you??” She turned to her mom, with a whine in her voice.
“I don't see why not?” Aunt Eileen folded her arms and made a little smirk at her. “I told you, Julie gets to punish you however she likes tonight. And it seems like it's having the desired effect on you. Maybe I should put her in charge of publishing you permanently? Hmmm?”
I could see Katelyn starting to squirm around at that idea. My rage at her was finally dissipating, but I couldn't help wanting to put my cousin through more punishment for everything she'd ever done to me. “Aunt Eileen, if you're going to put me in charge of Katelyn's punishments, then I think she should have to stay naked for the next two weeks.”
“Two weeks!” Katelyn was starting to sound frightened again. “No, mom! Please! You can't!” She started to beg her mother.
Aunt Eileen just smiled at me. “Julie, I like your input! Yes, I think Katelyn will be staying naked for the next two weeks! Of course, she'll have to wear clothes at school, but she'll be naked at all other times. I'll have her brother make sure of it.”
The boys, Luke especially, were all snickering at Katelyn and the latest judgment placed upon her. Katelyn seemed to be pouting about all the teasing looks they were making at her. “But, mom, please!...” She was still in the begging mood, but I put a stop to that quickly.
“Luke, if you have any trouble with Katelyn, then I think the next thing to do would be to invite a boy from her class over.” I turned to rub it in Katelyn's face with a smile, and I could see her getting pail at the idea of a boy from her class seeing her naked! “Yes, I think all it would take would be maybe three or four boys from Katelyn's school seeing her naked for her to stay on her best behavior.”
Everyone was giggling at what I was suggesting, even momma, who gave me a little wink. I couldn't help feeling a little pride. The only one not giggling was Katelyn, who seemed to finally be starting to understand the situation she was in. She was looking at me like she had messed up big time!
“Now, didn't you say that Katelyn was going to get her pussy spanked?” Aunt Eileen asked me, after the giggling had died down.
“Mom! You can not be serious!” Katelyn's jaw fell open with outrage.
“Yes, Aunt Eileen. I thought that each of us could spank Katelyn's pussy 10 times, since that's how many times she dropped the star. See!” I pointed at the hash marks above her pussy.
“Sounds like a great plan!” Her mom grinned. “I think I'm going to limit it to just you kids, though. I wouldn't want her pussy staying sore for the whole time she's to be naked.”
“Works for me!” I practically sang, knowing we were all about to put Katelyn through the ordeal of a lifetime for her!
“No! You can't! I won't let you!” Katelyn started to squirm, and actually managed to get the rope out of my hands! But before she could get anywhere, Daddy and Uncle Patrick grabbed her! They took her over to the coffee table, and laid her down on top of it, flat on her back! Then Daddy kept holding her arms above her head, while Uncle positioned her legs to hang over each side of the table, which left her pussy totally exposed to the wide open air!
“Youngest to oldest?” Uncle looked at us kids. His girls, Misty and Bitsy stepped forward, still bare as the rest of us girls, and stood on either side of her. Then the first one slapped her palm against Katelyn's outer lips!
“Ahhh! Oh my God!” Katelyn squealed, trying to twist her body back and forth, and get free from the men that were holding her down, but there was no chance of that happening. As if they were communicating psychically, the twins nodded at each other, and then the other one took a turn at spanking her! “Oweeee!-- Oh my God, that stings!”
“This is kinda fun!” The twins giggled to each other, beginning to alternate their spanks.
“I know! Her pussy water keeps splashing me!” The other said, all the while Katelyn kept wailing in agony.
Katelyn kept up her crying during their brother's turn as well. Zach was quick with his spanks, as were my brother Toby and his friends. Katelyn was totally weeping by this point, but she was also making really strange moaning noises whenever her privates were smacked. It all came to a head when it was my turn.
I sauntered up in between her legs, making sure she was watching me. The whole time, Katelyn kept trying to beg off, but I wasn't going to give her mercy now. I was going to make sure she never called me any kind of nasty name again, and that she'd never take advantage of me in the future! I lined up my shot, and swung! Smack!! The twins were right, it is fun to spank a pussy! With all the soft skin down there, it kinda feels like spanking a bag full of soft jelly! I giggled as Katelyn shook and cried. Smack! Smack! Smack! I was on my fifth or sixth smack, when suddenly Katelyn's hips started gyrating like wild! “Oh, my goodness! Katelyn, are you cumming???” I laughed like mad, because that's what she was obviously doing!
“No!!” Katelyn screamed at me, shaking her head back and forth, even as she humped her hips at me. I couldn't resist giving her pussy another slap on one of her trusts. “You bitch!” She screeched, but I could see the intensity of her orgasm had increased, so I gave her vulva another hard slap! And suddenly she was thrusting her hips even harder! That just made me want to keep spanking her, and I might have lost count and went a little overboard. But by the time I was through, her pussy had left what appeared to be a lake on the coffee table! Ok, it wasn't that big, but the whole area between her legs was flooded!
Katelyn seemed to be a dazed mess after my turn. “Please… no more… I can't…” she was saying, though you can never tell with her whether she's telling the truth.
I knew Hannah should be next, but big brother was the one who came over. He put a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me, before taking my place in between Katelyn's legs. “Wow, Katelyn…”
He was staring right between her legs, and I could tell it was making Katelyn blush. “What?” She finally asked. Moaned is more like it, maybe! I know it caused me to giggle at how embarrassed he was making her feel!
“It's just, in this position, you're wide open. There's no part of your body I haven't seen now.”
“Get to the point, Josh!” Katelyn seemed to be squirming against Daddy and Uncle’s hold on her, though they weren't going to let her go any time soon.
“I just wanted to let you know that the inside of your kitty is just the cutest shade of pink. I don't even know if you've seen as much of your insides as I'm seeing right now, but you should take a look at it in the mirror when you get the chance, since I don't know if I've ever seen this particular shade of pink anywhere else! We should call it Katelyn bubblegum pink!” Big brother started laughing at her, and I could tell Katelyn was not amused.
“Mom! Do something!” She started shouting, tilting her head back to look at her mom. Her mom just kind of shrugged at her, making her own amused giggles. In fact, we were all giggling at Katelyn. “This isn't right! Are you going to make Josh lie here naked on the coffee table, and let us spank his private parts next time he gets in trouble?!?!”
“Katelyn, dear, you'll have to ask your Aunt Dana.” Her mom told her.
“Oh hell no!” Momma responded as soon as Katelyn was looking at her. “First of all, do you know how painful that would be for a boy, Katelyn?? They have testicles! No son of mine is ever going to have their private parts punished! And second, no son of mine is ever going to be punished with nudity! It wouldn't work on boys. They'd get used to it too fast and start to like it.”
Josh tickled the insides of her thighs to get her attention back on him. He had a huge grin as he said, “Did you hear that, Katelyn? That means you're never going to see me naked, but I have a feeling that this is only the beginning of you being naked in front of me.” You might have thought the adults would tell Josh to knock it off with the teasing, but it seemed like everyone was enjoying it, mom and Aunt Eileen most of all! Those two seemed to get a kick out of putting their daughters in embarrassing situations. “Answer me, Katelyn.”
“I heard.” Katelyn's cheeks had turned even more red, but I think it was not just because she was embarrassed, but also because she was frustratingly angry at the thought of never being able to get revenge on Josh. She'd have to live with the reality of never getting to put him in a similar situation, and that was eating her up inside.
“Then you know that boys are better than girls, and that you deserve to be punished this way just because you're a girl.” Katelyn looked like she was going to blow her top, but said nothing. “Say it!” Josh responded harshly to her silence, moving his hand like he was going to slap her pussy!
“I deserve to be punished this way because I'm a girl!” Katelyn said quickly, preparing herself for the smack to her private parts, but it never came.
Josh seemed to hesitate, as he looked down at her pussy. “Katelyn, I don't think your pussy can take any more spanking today.”
“No… that's what I've been saying…” Katelyn said cautiously.
“Then you agree. So, if you don't want any more pussy spanks, beg me to rub your pussy instead.” Anyone could have seen Josh's smirk from a mile away, that's how big it was!
“Beg you?... To?” Katelyn seemed to be startled at his instructions.
“That's right. Beg me to rub and play with your pussy instead of spanking it.”
“I…” Katelyn's eyes were totally wide, but I could tell that she couldn't take any more spanking on her pussy right now. “Josh, would you please rub my pussy for me, instead of spanking it?” She asked. I knew it had taken a lot out of her to ask that of my brother, of all people. He was the main reason she had gotten punished today!
“Why, I'd be happy to, Katelyn!” Josh practically preened. “But, say, I think you better show me how you like it done first, just so I know I'm doing it right.”
“Josh McNulty! If you think!...”
“I guess you'd rather go back to the spanking…” Josh threatened.
“No…” Daddy let one of her arms go, and she slowly brought it down so she could reach her bare genitals. She winced a little, when her hand first made contact with her sore and red skin down there, but after a few moments to get used to it, we could all see that Katelyn was starting to enjoy touching herself for Josh. “Ohh…. Mmmmm…” That was especially confirmed when she let out a low moan of pleasure.
“That's very nice, Katelyn. From here on out, every time I think of you, I'm going to think of this moment. The moment that you played with your pussy in front of me and the whole family. It's what a naughty girl like you deserves.”
Katelyn's face was turning even more red than her pussy had gotten from the spanking. Then she seemed to get even more flustered when Josh started to back away. “Wait! Aren't you going to…?”
“You seem to have things well in hand.” Josh teased, and that one really got to Katelyn.
“But! But!” She pleaded, as her fingers worked the folds of her pussy in front of everyone! “No, Josh! No, please!” She begged, as I watched Josh pull his phone out and start recording her.
“You can stop anytime you like.” He told her.
“I can't! I can't! It feels too good!” She explained through tears, and it wasn't too much longer before she started to cum again! And all with Josh still recording!
I can't express to you enough how elated I felt about having put my wicked older cousin through such humiliation in front of the family! On top of that, she had to spend the next two weeks naked, and I'll say, it sure was fun to invite a different boy from her class over to her house each day, when I knew Katelyn wouldn't be allowed to be dressed in front of them! I'd tell you more about it, but it's not really my story to tell. What I will say is that Katelyn should have been thanking me, because that punishment did lead to one of those boys becoming her boyfriend of four years.
Katelyn's immediate punishment might have been over for the night, but that didn't mean the festivities were through. I was reminded by momma that I was to masturbate in front of the whole family too! Everyone moved to the couches and chairs in the living room, and formed a semicircle in front of me. The adults took the seats, while the kids took the floor in front, and all squeezed in close to one another, to get the best view of what I was about to do. I could tell that the boys were really enjoying having the girls, with their bare skin totally exposed, so close! I was concentrating on that image as I started to touch myself. The girls were all bare in front of the boys, and that was totally unfair, but at the same time, it was making my pussy ache! The boys had all seen our boobs, or our flat chests and nipples, and our little slits in between our legs, but we were never going to be allowed to see their private parts! Our privates were fair game for punishment, but theirs would never even be bare to us! It was unfair and unjust, but I came as hard as I ever had, thinking about how one-sided the treatment of the girls versus the boys was.
I had to sit down after such a powerful orgasm, but there was some kind of discussion happening between Daddy, Uncle Patrick, and Aunt Eileen. The three siblings were seated on one couch together, with my Aunt in the middle. Suddenly, Daddy and Uncle grabbed her, and started stripping her blouse off! Aunt Eileen squealed and kicked, but she wasn't strong enough to stop them. I'll never forget the look of abject embarrassment on her face when she was finally bare to all of us. “You've been a naughty girl, Eileen, taking joy in embarrassing your daughter.” Daddy said, making her keep her arms away from covering up her large breasts. She really did look a lot like me! Just with bigger breasts and a bit of red hair above her slit in between her legs to match the hair color on her head!
Daddy looked at momma next, and I knew what was about to happen. Momma tried to jump to her feet and run, but only made it a step or two before daddy caught her! With Uncle Patrick's help, they gave her the same treatment as Aunt Eileen! Just as daddy had said earlier, momma didn't have any hair on her pussy! Her large breasts swayed back and forth as daddy led her over to stand in front of me, with her hands behind her back. “Get a good look at your naked momma, Julia.” He said, and I don't think I'd ever seen momma blush as hard as she did at that moment.
“Momma, you're beautiful.” I said, looking at her from head to toe. “You should think about sharing your beauty with the family every year, like me.” I couldn't help getting one small jab in at her. I could see her blushing like mad at me for that, but she didn't scold me. Instead, she pursed her lips for a moment, and then started giggling at me.
“We'll see…” She said to me with a wink, as Josh and Toby came over to get a closer look at their naked momma too. Momma looked over at Aunt Eileen, who was still seated on the couch. Cousin Luke and Katelyn had come to see what she looked like naked in the interim. “I guess all us girls are going naked today…” She gave Aunt Eileen a look, and she seemed to get the message. They both slowly crept over towards Aunt Anna, Uncle Patrick's wife, and then it was like a repeat! Aunt Anna seemed to make the most fuss about what was happening to her, swearing up a storm, but soon she was as bare as the other girls, and I could see her tiny, but perky, boobies jiggling about as momma and Aunt Eileen held her for all to see!
It was like the floodgates were open after that! If a female wasn't bare, she would soon be as bare as the rest of us! Once a woman was bare, she would turn against the women still in their clothes! With the help of the boys and men, it didn't take too long for every female in the house to be stripped naked, and every boob, every cooter, every slit, and every female's bare skin was on show for the remainder of the party!
The final thing daddy had us do was all gather together for a large group photo, all the men and boys dressed up in their best party clothes, and all the girls and women bare as can be, only wearing a smile and a blush! Then he took another one with just the women and girls, instructing us to move until he was able to get a picture of all of us with everything exposed! I don't know how he did it, but he managed to get every nipple, every pussy, and most importantly, every single one of our blushes in the picture clearly! He included that picture as a special bonus in the Christmas card, something I know momma and Aunt Eileen complained to him about for years. It was a picture day that none of us would ever forget, even though I know some of the girls and women wish they could! But, as for me, I would honestly say that I ended up having had a great time!
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2m - January 26th)
This is the story of yours that I most wanted to see continued and I'm not disappointed. I'm not sure if this is the end of the tale or if you'll be recounting more of Julie's picture days in the future, but I've very much enjoyed this story and think it's probably one of my favourite entries in the ENF genre.
I'll be back for more, should you decide to carry on and would also love to read 'Katelyn's Naked Fortnight', if you ever decide to write that one.
I'll be back for more, should you decide to carry on and would also love to read 'Katelyn's Naked Fortnight', if you ever decide to write that one.
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2m - January 26th)
Gonna stop lurking and finally make a comment on this board just to give an emphatic shout-out to you, superevil7. I understand that you won't be posting under this alias much longer, and the content or themes of your stories may correspondingly change as well, but thank you for creating my favorite stories on the site. Everything about your writing in this genre is perfect for my particular tastes. It's just all so... *chef's kiss*
The characters/settings: I know writing about adolescents is taboo for a lot of good reasons, but I feel like it's the perfect age for the "genre" of ENx. As an adult, if I imagine having my pants pulled down in front of others, I feel I would be perhaps a bit embarrassed, but nowhere near mortified. As a very young child, I would probably laugh, feeling no embarrassment at all. But when I was a tween/young teen? I would've thought it was the end of the world for sure. It's the Goldilocks zone of having awareness of the perception of your body and social etiquette but without the emotional maturity to process the embarrassment.
Your writing: I appreciate all the contributors on this board and am by no means trying to put down any other authors; taste is subjective. BUT, some stories feel too rushed to the point that the action is over too fast, so to speak. Conversely, others seemingly make too much effort to "prove" that they're a talented writer and the stories end up feeling like they're suffering from "purple prose" for something that's ultimately meant to be smut. (Look it up if you haven't heard the term.) Your writing, for me, is the ideal blend of world/character building without being too "slow", your writing voice is very well balanced and I never feel taken out of the immersion of the story by any particular phrasing or word choices, and the pacing of your scenes always feels satisfying without dragging.
Genre crossover?: Not sure of a succinct way to say this, but piggybacking off of what I said about the stories ultimately being smut at the end of the day, I appreciate your inclusion of content that isn't necessarily "purely" ENx/humiliation. Spanking, tickling, bondage, orgasms, and now even pussy-spanking. I'm sure I'm not the only one that appreciates the diversity of the fetish content.
Anyway, sorry for the ramble. I just felt compelled to articulate why I love your stories so much. Kthcbai~
The characters/settings: I know writing about adolescents is taboo for a lot of good reasons, but I feel like it's the perfect age for the "genre" of ENx. As an adult, if I imagine having my pants pulled down in front of others, I feel I would be perhaps a bit embarrassed, but nowhere near mortified. As a very young child, I would probably laugh, feeling no embarrassment at all. But when I was a tween/young teen? I would've thought it was the end of the world for sure. It's the Goldilocks zone of having awareness of the perception of your body and social etiquette but without the emotional maturity to process the embarrassment.
Your writing: I appreciate all the contributors on this board and am by no means trying to put down any other authors; taste is subjective. BUT, some stories feel too rushed to the point that the action is over too fast, so to speak. Conversely, others seemingly make too much effort to "prove" that they're a talented writer and the stories end up feeling like they're suffering from "purple prose" for something that's ultimately meant to be smut. (Look it up if you haven't heard the term.) Your writing, for me, is the ideal blend of world/character building without being too "slow", your writing voice is very well balanced and I never feel taken out of the immersion of the story by any particular phrasing or word choices, and the pacing of your scenes always feels satisfying without dragging.
Genre crossover?: Not sure of a succinct way to say this, but piggybacking off of what I said about the stories ultimately being smut at the end of the day, I appreciate your inclusion of content that isn't necessarily "purely" ENx/humiliation. Spanking, tickling, bondage, orgasms, and now even pussy-spanking. I'm sure I'm not the only one that appreciates the diversity of the fetish content.
Anyway, sorry for the ramble. I just felt compelled to articulate why I love your stories so much. Kthcbai~
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2m - January 26th)
Great addition and well worth the wait.
Not to get ahead of you but will there be a Part3A (age 14) in the offing when this adventure is completed? As it looks like now this series (story) can take three paths - (1) this is the series end
or, (2) continue Part 2 with Katelyn's two weeks of home punishment nudity (yay!) or (3) Start with Part 3 age 14 (also yay!)
Just wondering what your thoughts might be.
Great to see you back at what you do best!
Not to get ahead of you but will there be a Part3A (age 14) in the offing when this adventure is completed? As it looks like now this series (story) can take three paths - (1) this is the series end

Just wondering what your thoughts might be.
Great to see you back at what you do best!
- superevil7
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2m - January 26th)
Thank you all for the warm response! I really appreciate it!

jimmythehand wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2025 8:48 pm I'll be back for more, should you decide to carry on and would also love to read 'Katelyn's Naked Fortnight', if you ever decide to write that one.
I do have plans to continue, all the way to when Julie is finally an adult. I just need to actually write it, lol.Hooked6 wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2025 1:00 pm Not to get ahead of you but will there be a Part3A (age 14) in the offing when this adventure is completed? As it looks like now this series (story) can take three paths - (1) this is the series endor, (2) continue Part 2 with Katelyn's two weeks of home punishment nudity (yay!) or (3) Start with Part 3 age 14 (also yay!)
I have to say thank you doubly for such a detailed and well thought out comment. I'm glad you commented, as that's one of the main motiviations for me to keep writing. I'd agree that ENF/M is most hightened with this age range. For my writing style, I have to give a major shout out to Hooked6. I've defintely been influenced by every story of his I've ever read. I also tend to imagine what I'm writing as a TV show, a sitcom a lot of the time, so that's probably why it's so heavy on dialogue. And I'll admit, I prefer to get to the action very quickly. But I mainly write what I would enjoy reading, so to have you all enjoy it so much is amazing to me. Hopefully there will be another part of this one out in less than 6 months next timebaldeaglet666 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2025 9:49 pm Gonna stop lurking and finally make a comment on this board just to give an emphatic shout-out to you, superevil7. I understand that you won't be posting under this alias much longer, and the content or themes of your stories may correspondingly change as well, but thank you for creating my favorite stories on the site. Everything about your writing in this genre is perfect for my particular tastes. It's just all so... *chef's kiss*
The characters/settings: I know writing about adolescents is taboo for a lot of good reasons, but I feel like it's the perfect age for the "genre" of ENx. As an adult, if I imagine having my pants pulled down in front of others, I feel I would be perhaps a bit embarrassed, but nowhere near mortified. As a very young child, I would probably laugh, feeling no embarrassment at all. But when I was a tween/young teen? I would've thought it was the end of the world for sure. It's the Goldilocks zone of having awareness of the perception of your body and social etiquette but without the emotional maturity to process the embarrassment.
Your writing: I appreciate all the contributors on this board and am by no means trying to put down any other authors; taste is subjective. BUT, some stories feel too rushed to the point that the action is over too fast, so to speak. Conversely, others seemingly make too much effort to "prove" that they're a talented writer and the stories end up feeling like they're suffering from "purple prose" for something that's ultimately meant to be smut. (Look it up if you haven't heard the term.) Your writing, for me, is the ideal blend of world/character building without being too "slow", your writing voice is very well balanced and I never feel taken out of the immersion of the story by any particular phrasing or word choices, and the pacing of your scenes always feels satisfying without dragging.
Genre crossover?: Not sure of a succinct way to say this, but piggybacking off of what I said about the stories ultimately being smut at the end of the day, I appreciate your inclusion of content that isn't necessarily "purely" ENx/humiliation. Spanking, tickling, bondage, orgasms, and now even pussy-spanking. I'm sure I'm not the only one that appreciates the diversity of the fetish content.
Anyway, sorry for the ramble. I just felt compelled to articulate why I love your stories so much. Kthcbai~

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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2m - January 26th)
I do have plans to continue, all the way to when Julie is finally an adult. I just need to actually write it, lol.superevil7 wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2025 3:03 pm Thank you all for the warm response! I really appreciate it!
You, my friend, have made my day!! Thank you.
- perseus
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2m - January 26th)
This post made my day as well! I'm so happy to see this one continue. It's up there as one of my all time favorites! This year over all was incredible for Julie! I can't wait to see what happens to her next year!
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2m - January 26th)
Great seeing you continue this story!
Hope we see further years soon enough. Best wishes
Hope we see further years soon enough. Best wishes
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2m - January 26th)
You had mentioned you are going to be doing more professional writing. Is there anything similar to what you write here, and will you be dropping some hints on what titles they are? I would love to buy when you publish!
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