A Simple Little Prank Part 4 (Finale)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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A Simple Little Prank Part 4 (Finale)

Post by JustHere10 »

This is my first attempt at writing a story of any nature. Any feedback is appreciated please be nice!

Part 1

Today started off like any other day. I was doing homework in the kitchen while listening to music. In the other room my two sisters Juliana and Claire were both on the phone talking about typical high school girl drama.

Claire was a junior in high school and for all intents and purpose in the popular crowd. She was the star of the soccer team and along with that came a very fit and attractive body.
Juliana on the other hand, same grade, while still equally as attractive was not an athlete. She was still very into fitness but preferred to do that on her own time. Her good looks helped make her apart of your typical high school jocks crowd.

Eventually I hear Claire call my name.

"Tommy! Can you get me the chips in the cabinet??"

Ugh. She knows I hate it when she says my full name. I mean come on I'm 15 years old. I'm mature now. It's just Tom. Nonetheless the lesser of two evils is just to get her the chips otherwise she'll never stop screaming my name. I walk into the living room and toss the bag to Claire hitting her in the face in the process.
"Ouch! You could have just handed it to me."

Of course she's being ungrateful what else is new.

"Tommy! You're being rude say hi to Amy."

With all of Claire's non-sense I didn't notice two things. 1. Her phone facing me with her friend from school on FaceTime. 2. Juliana right behind me with a devious smirk on her face. Time seemed to slow down as I felt two hands at the waistband of sweatpants and the force of my pants being pulled down.
Claire and Juliana were full blown laughing but I could only hear Amy's voice through the phone.

"Nice Tighty Whities! What are you 8 years old?! Wait until everyone hears this!"

After the intial shock (which felt like an eternity but in reality was only 30 seconds) I pulled my sweatpants up and ran upstairs to my room. Still hearing the laughter and high fives of both my sisters pulling off a successful prank. I buried my face into my pillow with a million thoughts running through my mind. You see, my sisters and myself have always pulled pranks on each throughout the years. Always been harmless pranks like a pie to the face, whoopie cushion farts, and sending silly texts to their crushes while impersonating the other. But nothing like this!
Maybe it was classic teenage hormones that changed their pattern or maybe I did something to unknowningly piss them off. Either way I knew one thing was certain. I was going to get them back.

Fast forward to that same night...
Claire was out with all her soccer friends doing some team bonding event. Our parents were out on their typical date night they do every friday. So it was just Juliana and myself home alone tonight. Even though I was still deeply embarrassed from earlier in the day, I knew this was the perfect opportunity to retaliate while I still had the element of surprise assuming Juliana probably thought I was still too embarrassed to leave my room let alone enact revenge.
It was around 7pm when the doorbell started ringing.

"Juliana! Can you get the door I'm in the bathroom! It's probably the pizza I ordered!"

"I'm busy you get it!"
Hearing no response..."Tommy??! Tommy??!"
"Ugh fine I'll get it." Juliana mumbling some curse words under her breath.
I watched through my bathroom window as Juliana opens the front door but doesn't see the pizza guy she was expecting. Instead a bunch of middle school kids are behind the door throwing balloons at her. She screams anticipating the feeling of being soaked in water balloons. However this wasn't the case. Instead it was filled with syrup! A lot of syrup that made her feel absolutely disgusted.

"Who puts syrup in balloons?? Are you kidding me!"

Little did she know this was a favor cashed in by Tommy that their next door neighbors owed him. Still covered in syrup Juliana marches straight into the bathroom getting ready to clean herself of this mess. After what felt like an hour Juliana finally was leaving the bathroom wrapped in just a white towel. Timmy immediately texts the boys next door "phase two now" Just like that the doorbell starts ringing over and over again and hearing little boys screaming "how'd you like those balloons???!?!" Juliana hearing this as she was walking to her room was furious. Her face red with rage from such a immature prank. She runs downstairs and opens the front door to give those boys a piece of her mind.

She was always a very emotional girl and in this case it was her downfall as she completely forgot she was only wearing a towel. Something Tommy was banking on for his plan to work. Before doing anything he stood there for a moment to take in the scene. Juliana screaming at little kids who were long gone down the street in the dark in just a towel. ANNNDDD *SWOOSH* Tommy had grabbed the towel from Juliana and slammed the door shut. The last thing she heard was the sound of the door locking.

"OMG TOMMY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING. THIS ISNT FUNNY. I KEPT YOUR TIGHTY WHITIES ON!" She said as she was banging on the door to be let in. Any other boy would be lost in lust at the scene of Juliana's long blonde hair running down partially covering her large naked tits and her hairless little slit (possibly recently shaved?) Nonetheless this was still his sister and this was just purely revenge.

"I'd lower my voice if I were you. It'd be a shame if some of our neighbors came out and heard you don't you think?"

The panic in her eyes said it all. She knew I was right. She was whispering now. "Alright you had your revenge Ha Ha now let me back in."

Looking back on it now I should have just stopped while I was ahead. But in the moment it felt like I had her right where I wanted.
"Hmmm I think you need to stay out there a little longer and think about the consequences of embarrassing me in front of Amy."
I swear my intention was to leave her out there for 5-10 minutes MAX but she didn't need to know that. I went upstairs and decided to play a game or two of Call of Duty. That should be enough time to make her sweat a little.

Outside Juliana tried to open every door around the house but each one was locked. She was hiding behind a bush trying to think of a way out of this. Unfortunately for her the bush only covered her from cars coming from one direction in the street. Juliana instantly jumped and started running away when she saw bright lights and heard honking. She ran to the closest hiding spot hoping the coverage of the dark helped her stay hidden. It was behind their neighbors doghouse. Her face flushed red.
"Why did I run farther from my house? Please please dont see me" She thought.
In the car were 3 teenage boys from Juliana's school. She overheard them talking.
"Dude was the chick naked?!"
"I could of sworn I saw a cute pale butt running down the street! Did you guys recongnize her?"
"There's only one way to find out! Let's go!"

Part 1 end.

I'll continue if this shows interest but hopefully my first time writing a story wasn't too terrible for you all! I think the changing point of views is the hardest thing for me right now so hopefully that doesn't confuse everyone too much!
Last edited by JustHere10 on Sat Feb 22, 2025 2:27 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: A Simple Little Prank Part 1

Post by EddieDavidson »

I think you are doing great, and you should keep writing.

My honest feedback;

1. This is very clear, and I love the use of dialogue and word pictures. Your tempo is good - the pacing of action to dialogue.
2. If you did not tell me this is your first written story, I would not have believed it.
3. I love the use of 1st person to tell the story from the perspective of someone. It helps me get into their head and feel what they feel.
4. I would strongly encourage you not to write from two perspectives for your first story.

It adds a level of complexity that is difficult to achieve and unnecessary. I've seen authors switch chapters and try this, and I've seen them put a header above when the new character talks.

However, what happens to the reader (or at least me) is that I get jerked out of the perspective I had been enjoying and forced to see it through a second point of view. Once I get comfortably into their head, and I am walking in their shoes, the new perspective is jarring.

I could be in the unpopular opinion on that. However, I would say given you are just starting out - try this;

Pick one of these people and pretend you are sitting across from someone as them, telling a story about how all this happened, and just stick with it.

Alfred Hitchcock once famously said the art of storytelling is that the reader identifies with the first character they see. If it's a night watchman searching in the dark with a flashlight for the bad guy, they tend to identify with the watchmen. if he showed the stealthy criminal darting from box to box trying to stay out of sight, they'd be on his side.

I agree. my vote is tell Tommy's story, from Tommy's point of view. You can always go back later and write the same story from someone else's view, but for now let's see where Tommy takes this.

It does mean at times, you wont' be privy to what happens when Tommy is not there, or the mindset of the other characters. However, you can still show the reader, with some poetic license.

If I feel the reader needs to see a scene that the main character is not at, i tend to have them tell it like they know second hand.

I also have them say things like "Julianna tapped on the table, and fidgeted" so i dont' have to say "Julianna was nervous". You can use the charracter's actions to tell the reader. I'll even say things like "I suspected that she was putting on a brave face" when that's what they are doing instead of really not caring.

Please continue.

A long time ago, I started out much like you are - trying to write my first story.

Someone wrote; "if you were trying to capture the voice of an airhead, you fucking nailed it".

I wasn't. That was my internal monologue/exposition. It put me off writing, but eventually I got back in the saddle.

The last thing I will say is this; make a deal with yourself to read about as much as you write.

In order to stay fresh, I try to read as much as I write. That is not always easy, because there isn't a lot of new stuff. However, I go back to old threads and read. As an author, we all sit on the shoulders of giants who came before us. I don't suggest plagiarizing, but to borrow style or technique is flattery.
All of my stories: https://storiesonline.net/a/eddie-davidson
The site is free up to 100 chapters a day. You can get unlimited just for submitting stories.
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Re: A Simple Little Prank Part 1

Post by mikewozere »

I found it a little confusing switching between 1st & 3rd person perspectives. Also there's a "Timmy" rather than "Tommy" in there.

Fun story though - I'd have thought the young kids would have remained to enjoy the show 😋

Looking forward to part 2!
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Re: A Simple Little Prank Part 2

Post by JustHere10 »

Decided to stick with Juliana's viewpoint since I posted it on enf and the first part was to just setup the story.

Part 2

"If I stay here they'll surely find me. They'll recognize me and I'll be known as the naked girl for the rest of high school" I thought. I just couldn't think rationally right now so I made a decision that would later learn to regret. I slipped through my neighbors backyard and started running through multiple lawns hoping to lose the boys on my tail. You'd be surprised even as an athletic girl how little energy you have to run when your heart is going a million miles an hour.

I looked back and no sign of the boys or no lights were turned on so I didn't wake anyone up. That's good.
Letting out a big sigh "Maybe luck is on my side tonight."
And just like that as someone doesn't believe in "jinxing" yourself...whelp I will now.

The back door light turns on.

"Hello? Is someone out there?"

I didn't want to get caught but as I peaked through the corner I noticed it was another girl I went to school with.
"Surely she'd understand how embarrassing this is as a girl. RIGHT?" At this point I was desperate. I walked out of the corner of the house clutching my hands over my privates.
"Uhmm hi do you think I could borrow some clothes?"
She just stood there almost as is she couldn't believe this situation was actually happening.
Trust me. I know the feeling! Now that I think about it...she definitely looked my age but I didn't recognize who she actually was. After her initial shock she finally said
"Juliana?! Why are you naked?" Asking with a slight giggle behind it.

"She knew me?" I thought. Ugh damn being popular.

"I'm sorry who are you? And I can explain everything but please some clothes?" My face getting redder by the second.

"Are you serious? My name is Carly. We have history together. And I'm not getting anything until you tell me what happened. For all I know this is some kind of prank."

Knowing this was my best alternative to get clothes and the possibility the boys could be here any moment. I told Carly everything even including the initial prank with my brother that started it all. After explaining all of this I felt like we were building a connection. The kind where you can tell your girlfriends anything.

"Wow. A harmless little prank and your brother escalated his payback like this? And almost caught by boys in our grade? I mean I'd be beyond mortified if I was you." Carly teased.

"I know! I haven't felt this embarrassed since I hooked up with Adam Long and only to find out he was already dating someone else!" I screamed. A little too loud based on my current situation. The scene was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"Uh what'd you say?" Carly asked. Her face turning more serious by the second.
Sensing something was wrong.."oh uh nothing I just uhm. About those clothes?" Trying to change the subject.
"IT WAS YOU ADAM CHEATED ON ME WITH! HE NEVER DID TELL ME WITH WHO" Carly angrily said. Her voice getting louder and louder.

"Shhh please lower your voice. I can explain." I whispered.


So much for getting clothes. As if things couldn't get any worse...I hear the boys talking out loud in her front yard. Damnit.

Carly hearing them as well..."You know what. If you want to go around hooking up with everyone's boyfriends then you deserve this" Carly quickly grabs my arm and starts pulling me towards her front yard.

"No! Please! Stop! "It's not fair. Adam didn't say anything about a girlfriend! Please I'll do anything!"
My desperate pleas were going unheard. Carly had her mind made up.

The boys haven't noticed us yet but it was only a matter of time and all that was going through my head was would she really be this cruel?
Last edited by JustHere10 on Tue Feb 11, 2025 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Simple Little Prank Part 2

Post by mikewozere »

Looking forward to part 3
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Re: A Simple Little Prank Part 3

Post by JustHere10 »

Part 3

The short answer was yes, but there was still some hope that it could still be no.

"I'm going to let go of your arm, but if you run you're going to wish these 3 boys were the only people who sees you tonight." Carly whispered. Immediately understanding everything she was saying I covered my hands in a classic enf pose.

"Hey boys! Follow me to my backyard for a show!" Carly shouted. The boys didn't need to be told twice. Their smiles couldn't have been bigger. I recognized these boys as sophomores in my brother's grade. They weren't best friends, but I've seen them before at his birthday parties when they were younger. Jack, Hunter, and Harry.

I couldn't even find the words the beg anymore. I was holding my chest with my left hand so tightly it might has well been a push up bra. And my small right hand was barely covering my privates. They could definitely tell I shaved down there.

"You boys are in luck. Juliana here was being a little homewrecker and slept with my now ex. What kind of punishment does she deserve?" Carly asked. The 3 boys still had their jaws completely open. Like this was Juliana, one of the queen bees of high school. They weren't suppose to see her naked. Only star high school athletes should see her like this.

Finally Hunter nervously said not wanting to push their luck..."uhh how about uncovering her hands first?"
I haven't lost all my fight yet. I pleaded with Carly,"please I'm so sorry. I learned my lesson. You don't need to do this."

I could see she was thinking about it. Or so I thought.
"Hmmmm..if you can withstand 20 spankings from me without complaining then I'll give you some clothes and let you run back home."

NOOOOOO. I wasn't even spanked as a child and being in such a vulnerable position..how would I even cover myself?! I wanted to say all of this, but let's be honest. There was no better option for me. "Fine." I squeaked. I assumed the position and Carly used one of her hands to prevent me from easily covering. What a sight I must have been to these boys.

My ass high up like doggy style over her lap and my boobs hard as rocks were pressed against her knees. Just before she started she whispered to me "oh and I want you to say thank you" after each slap.

"Thank you"
"Thank you"

Each one getting progressively harder. I could feel my butt jiggling after each slap. By the 8th one my yelps turned into very soft moans. "OMG. I shouldn't be getting turned on by this?!" I thought. It was until the 14th slap came and I forgot to say "thank you."

Hunter, Harry, and Jack just stood their watching this insane scene. If they were thinking straight they'd have taken a ton of pictures and videos of this once in a lifetime opportunity but they were to "in the moment" enjoying every second.

Carly immediately noticed she didn't say thank you. For her punishment she pulled her hand as far back as it could go and with her all her strength for one very loud


That was my tipping point. My ass was on fire and I immediately stood up, started to rub my ass attempting to make this burning sensation go away, while jumping up and down. After a couple of seconds I realized I was giving the boys a full frontal view of my cleanly shaven slit and my boobs bouncing up and down. My humiliation had reached it's all time high. I didn't care anymore what happened. My instincts took over and I ran to the front yard and on my way back home never looking back.

Carly, Hunter, Jack, and Harry were speechless. They didn't even try to stop her after that amazing show Juliana just displayed. Hunter did have the presence of mind to pull out his phone and take a quick pic as she was leaving. He was only able to get her backside but you could clearly tell she was naked and her ass was bright red.

I was running so fast I almost made it back home without anyone seeing. ALMOST. As I made it to my own front yard I heard a car behind me filled with girls and boys whistling hollering at me about my ass. It was Claire and some soccer boys she met up with after her team bonding event.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed and luckily Tommy was there grinning like a mad scientist as he was holding the door open. I ran straight to my room and locked the door. I didn't even bother getting dressed. I just wanted this night to end as I closed my eyes drained from mental and physical exhaustion.

******School that Monday

I didn't want to draw any attention as I still couldn't believe the humiliation I went through this past weekend. Boys in the hallway would say things to me like "does it still hurt to sit? "Can you streak through my neighborhood next time?" Or "I heard you like spankings??"

It felt like everyone was staring at me and giggling every time they saw me. All my classmates had heard about the incident thanks to Hunter, Jack, Harry, and the boys in my sister's car. I couldn't even deny it as the the infamous picture of me running away naked with a badly reddened butt was passed through my school. My only silver lining was no one got a picture of my naked frontal exposure after the spanking. Although, Hunter made sure to describe that part to anyone who'd listen.

Claire watched everything in school unfold. She had to give it to her brother. She really got Juliana back good for her prank. Tommy had told her he only meant for her to have a brief exposure like he did not all this, but he didn't sound like he regretted it any of it. No one got a picture of Juliana exposing all her charms right? So no harm no foul? She chuckled to herself.

Claire didn't notice Tommy was around the corner watching her as he said to himself "One down. One to go."
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Re: A Simple Little Prank Part 3

Post by Somebody »

Real real nice, but did you just accidentally go to third person perspective while he was taking the picture? Or was he taking it of someone else and I just got lost.
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Re: A Simple Little Prank Part 3

Post by JustHere10 »

Hunter was taking the picture of her. I didn't accidently do it. I was just trying to set it up for the ending at school scene. I guess I could of done it a better way my bad. I'll try not to switch at all next time around
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Re: A Simple Little Prank Part 3

Post by KnightMan »

Love this please continue
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Re: A Simple Little Prank Part 3

Post by Skylar21 »

Great story. Looking forward to what retribution Tom has planned next. Let's hope it will be super embarrassing for her. :twisted: Keep going! :)
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