Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (complete)

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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steam train
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 10 -10 Feb)

Post by steam train »

BareB4U wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2025 9:21 pm

Sorry for not engaging more with the conversation following the last chapter, by the way. I love that it's sparked so much discussion. The main reason I've stayed out of it is that I don't trust myself not to give away too much. ;)
So glad you haven’t given too much away. I enjoy the banter of speculation after each chapter and my writers mind comes up with all sorts of possibilities, but best of all as far as I am concerned is the anticipation of what the next chapter will bring! So I am very glad there always remains numerous possibilities possible at the end of each chapter.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 10 -10 Feb)

Post by NudeBaG »

Just read this whole story again!
Still fucking incredible and still perfectly paced☺️
Cam is on full display to the 3 girls he most desperately wanted to keep his privates a secret from.
And what’s worse?
With the video and pictures, there’s a risk even MORE people he would rather not know about what he looks like down there finding out just that.
Hannah seems to just be happy finally seeing it.
Mia seems happy with Cam’s lack of development.
Ellie seems disappointed, but still thrilled with seeing Cam naked.
What more is in store for Cam?
Have ALL his secrets been exposed?😈
I hope for a new chapter soon🙏🏻
Still one of my favorite stories here❤️
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 11 -14 Feb)

Post by BareB4U »


“What are you going to do?” Ellie asked, with only a fraction of the trepidation Cameron himself felt. “Just be ready with that phone,” Mia told her friend. “I’m going to let go of your arm now, Cam,” she instructed their captive. “Don’t you dare cover up.” The boy obeyed. Hannah still held his other arm so he only had the one free. Covering himself seemed pointless now. He just wanted this ordeal to be over.

Cameron underestimated Mia’s willingness to ramp up his humiliation. He gasped as she took hold of the end of his penis between her thumb and two fingers. She lifted it up and examined it. The physical contact with his boyhood was crossing a new line. Cameron tried to force her hand away, but Mia kept hold of him and cupped his testicles with her other hand. They felt like a bag of loose marbles as she gripped them lightly in her palm. “Not one more move,” she growled in his ear, “or I squeeze.” Cameron froze as instructed, fearing the pain that might follow if he didn’t. There was nothing else he could do when his nemesis literally had him by the balls.

“Better,” Mia said approvingly. “Now hold still.” She held his dick out straight and pressed her other hand lengthways next to it, side-by-side. Her fingertips pushed into the skin where the base of his shaft joined his pubis. “Take a picture of this,” Mia told Ellie. “Then, when I get home, I can check it with a tape measure against my hand, and we’ll know EXACTLY how big your boy isn’t!”

Ellie frowned. “I don’t know, Mia. That seems a bit much, don’t you think?” Cameron certainly thought so. Even though the girls had already seen his dick, he did not want them to have his precise size. Once they did, that number was sure to spread round the school and haunt him for the rest of his days there.

Like probably every insecure teenage boy the world over, he had measured his dick in private and checked how he compared online. He knew that when he was soft, he was well within the bounds of normal size for a boy his age, if towards the lower end. He was also very slightly bigger than the average when hard. But he’d had to search quite carefully for that information. If you simply looked up average penis lengths, as the girls probably would, you found the size of an erect adult man. He couldn’t match that, even when he was hard. He REALLY didn’t want Mia comparing it to his flaccid length. Besides, this was such an intimate piece of personal information, he didn’t think he’d want it getting out, no matter what it was.

Cameron may no longer have been putting up much of a fight with his limbs, but another important part of him was about to stop Mia getting the measurement she wanted. It had been inevitable, being the centre of attention of three girls and utterly exposed, that his hormones would take control and overpower his fear. Mia’s handling of his most private part had only hastened its awakening. She was the first girl ever to touch him down there and the feel of her fingers against the whole length of his shaft was electric. While Ellie looked like she was still deciding whether to snap the photo or not, Cameron felt his dick begin to stiffen.

Mia felt it too, pulsing against her hand as the blood vessels began to fill. She was thrilled by the unfamiliar sensation, but felt a sense of urgency too. The chance was slipping away to record Cam in what she saw as his most pathetic, shrunken state. “Ellie, quick, before it gets any bigger!” Mia squealed.

Ellie watched, entranced, with a new delight as Cameron’s dick twitched upwards and grew rapidly before her very eyes. “Oh, I don’t think so,” she said. This situation had already escalated way out of Ellie’s control, and she enjoyed watching Mia losing some control over what was happening too. “If there’s going to be a picture, I think we should give Cam the chance to look his best for it, shouldn’t we?” Ellie winked at Cameron.

He caught the twinkle in her eyes. Well, it was better than her disappointment, he supposed, but he was mortified to be sprouting a boner in front of her. He could see her gaze darting up and down alternately between his face and his dick, as if connecting the two in her mind. He wasn’t just a body to ogle, Ellie was very specifically connecting the emerging erection to Cameron personally. It was mortifying, but also something more. The girl he yearned for was admiring his stiffening penis, and that knowledge caused it to grow harder and harder until it reached its fullest extent.

“Oh wow, Cam, you’re a real grower!” Ellie told him with delight, getting as turned on by the spectacle as much as the boy in front of her clearly was. Back in the pool, Jack’s dick hadn’t seemed to change in size much between when it was soft and hard. Cam’s on the other hand seemed to her to have almost doubled. Ellie thought it even looked slightly bigger than Jack’s had when it was hard. The bully’s dick had been partly concealed by his pubic hair, whereas every millimetre of Cameron’s organ was on graphic display in front of her, so she couldn’t be sure. Regardless of size comparisons, Ellie thought Cam’s looked much nicer. The wetness she felt in her bikini bottoms was no longer entirely due to the pool water.

“Okay, NOW he’s ready,” Ellie told Mia. “Hold him against your finger again.” Mia was gobsmacked. Even she couldn’t try to claim Cameron was just a little boy now. His dick wasn’t anywhere near to breaking any records, but it certainly wasn’t small. Mia pouted at Ellie. “I wanted a floppy measurement,” she protested, but she did as Ellie asked. Cameron’s dick ran most of the length of Mia’s outstretched hand now. “I don’t want ANY measurement!” he protested. Ellie tried to reassure him, “Not even a flattering one like this? Sure you do!” She bent down close and snapped the picture. Cameron groaned. She clearly didn’t understand how much worse a violation of his privacy this was.

Hannah, meanwhile, was watching silently by their side, still pinning Cameron’s arm back to prevent him from covering with it. She was getting quite the education, and had been more dumbfounded than Mia was by the change that had taken place in her stepbrother’s thing. She knew about erections of course, but she had never seen one in person until now. She marvelled as the skin at its tip began to peel back, revealing a part of the purple head that lay underneath and the small hole at its centre. She stared at the alien-looking anatomy.

“You’re very quiet, Hannie,” Mia observed, then noticed what Hannah was looking at. “Oh, I get it,” Mia added. “You wanna see the whole thing?” If she couldn’t belittle Cam for his size, Mia thought, she would have to settle for having him trapped and naked, and maximising the humiliation she could eke from his exposure. This was a great way to add to it. She took hold of his penis firmly and rolled the foreskin back as far as it would go.

“Aah!” Cameron exclaimed, forgetting he had been ordered to keep his voice quiet. Mia drawing back his skin was electric, as was the feel of Ellie’s breath on the mushroom head of his penis, this most sensitive part of his body now out in the open. She was still bent down close from the photo she had just taken. She now forgot her phone completely as she took in this newly uncovered secret. She fought a strange urge to lick her lips.

Cameron couldn’t remember even his own mother seeing this part of him, never mind three girls his own age. Never mind that one of them was Ellie, of all girls! His dick sticking out horizontally towards her, fully erect, made the sight of it inescapable. He had never, EVER felt so unbearably exposed as this in his whole life. Ellie, Mia and Hannah really had seen ALL of him now. “Please stop looking at me!” he whimpered. Ellie was speechless. “Oh wow,” Hannah gasped. Cameron felt his dick begin to throb uncontrollably from the barely contained tension of the situation.

In the cubicle next to them, Natalie overheard Cameron’s loud cry as well as more sounds of movement and muffled voices. What was going on in there? she wondered, frustrated. She climbed on the bench again and was just able to peer the top of her head over the top of the barrier. Cameron appeared to still be naked, though she couldn’t see any of the interesting bits. The three girls were gathered round him. Natalie thought she recognised Ellie and Mia from her class, who appeared to be dressed from what she could see. She didn’t recognise the third girl with the dyed hair, who was in a swimsuit.

None of the four noticed her, preoccupied as they were with whatever they were doing. Natalie wanted to call down to them, to ask if she could join in whatever fun they were having with Cameron. But she wasn’t close friends with any of them. Ellie and Mia had been BFFs for as long as she’d known them both, and Cameron was often hanging around them, but Natalie had her own separate friends. These classmates weren’t going to let her join them. Besides, while there was enough space for four people in the larger cubicle they were in, there certainly wasn’t room for five.

Feeling left out, Natalie climbed despondently back down into her own cubicle and began to change into her swimsuit. She kept an ear out for what was happening.

Mia could see the lust in Ellie’s eyes. Her ferocity melted a little as she saw how badly her best friend wanted Cameron. For a moment at least, she let go of her ambition to drive the two of them apart, but that didn’t mean she would give them an easy ride. She wiggled Cam’s dick playfully from side to side. “Ooh, I think El wants this inside her!” she sniggered. Ellie stood upright, blushing at the taunt. Her face was no longer down by Cameron’s crotch, but she was still in his close personal space.

Cameron looked down. The tip of his erection was a mere inch away from pressing against Ellie’s bikini bottoms. This close, he could make out a hint of camel toe there, a slight impression of the outline of her lips and slit beneath the fabric of her swimsuit. His dick pulsed, demanding a satisfaction it had yet to experience. Cameron imagined what it might be like to slide inside those tantalising feminine parts. He could feel himself getting dangerously close to losing control completely, but he couldn’t let that happen. The humiliation would kill him! “Please let me go. You’ve won, I give up,” he conceded.

Ellie’s pulse was racing also, but she could see the distress they were causing Cameron. They had already gone too far. How could she have been mad at him for taking a second’s glance at her chest, now they had done all this to him? She regretted using the camera now. She put her phone aside on the bench. Mia, misinterpreting, decided Ellie had wanted her hands free for another reason. “Seen but not touched,” she told Cameron. “You want a feel too, Ellie? I know you do!”

Hannah was shocked at how brazen Mia was being. Ellie was shocked too. She couldn’t deny her friend was right. She DID want to hold Cam’s penis, to find out what it felt like, but she wasn’t sure she was ready to. More importantly, HE clearly wanted to be let free. She shook her head firmly. “No, we’ve got our own back. That’s what you wanted. Cam’s learned his lesson, haven’t you?” she reasoned. The boy nodded solemnly. “Then we’re done,” Ellie finished.

Mia dismissed the suggestion. She put anger into her voice, “We’re not done! Are you forgetting that the horny little twerp stripped me! I was half naked in the pool for ages! He and who knows how many other boys saw everything!” It was true that Mia WAS still cross with Cameron for humiliating her, but mostly she didn’t want to relinquish the fun she was having with him. She grabbed Ellie’s hand and forced it onto Cameron’s penis.

Ellie and Cameron locked gazes at each other and gasped simultaneously at the contact. This was a whole new experience for Ellie, her first time touching a boy down there, and her favourite boy at that. She almost had to pinch herself to believe it was really happening. She was holding Cam’s dick!

It was physically hot to her touch, and firm. Ellie couldn’t help herself, despite what she’d just said to Mia. She gave his shaft a gentle squeeze, marvelling at how the skin seemed to slide so freely up and down its length. She squeezed again. Both actions were no more than a tentative exploration of what it felt like, but they sent electric shocks through Cameron. He was close to the edge now. His hips bucked forward once and he closed his eyes. “Faster!” he moaned involuntarily.

Then he snapped suddenly back to reality. All four occupants of the cubicle froze, shocked at the word Cameron had uttered. He was mortified at what he’d just said. Ellie and Mia let go of his erection immediately, as if it had burned them. Even Mia wasn’t ready to take things THIS far. Hannah too let go of Cameron’s arm and took a step back from him, pressing her back to the cubicle wall and covering her mouth with her hand.

Next door, Natalie’s imagination was racing. It sounded to her like her classmates were having some sort of orgy in there! How could she be missing this? Rather than get into her swimsuit, she pressed her ear against the thin panel wall to try to hear better. They remained oblivious to her presence. Natalie was naked as well now, and began to absent-mindedly touch herself as she continued to wonder.

Hannah was still struggling to comprehend what was happening. “Are you really going to make him shoot?” she asked nervously. “If you are, I’d stand aside if I were you!” Cameron wished the floor would swallow him up. His dick was craving release, but he couldn’t bear for that to happen in front of these three girls. “No, of course not,” Ellie told Hannah, scandalised, but she stood apprehensively to one side of Cameron’s raging erection, just in case it went off.

Mia, judging Ellie’s reaction, decided she really had pushed things as far as they could go. None of them were holding onto Cameron any more, but for some reason he hadn’t made a move to cover up. Still, the fun was over. “Yeah, I guess we can let him go now.” She couldn’t resist a final jibe. “Can a hairless boy like him even shoot anyway?” Cameron looked offended, as if he wanted to contradict her but was too embarrassed to say so. “Pay no attention to her,” Ellie reassured him. Without intending to, she gave Cameron’s dick a final, gentle, affectionate squeeze.

Even that was too much. It was the final trigger that sent him over. Cameron screamed as his dick suddenly convulsed. A burst of sticky white fluid shot from its end and splattered against the cubicle door. Then another and another. Wave after wave of pleasure mixed with shame passed through him. All three girls jumped in shock. Ellie held her hands up and backed up, horrified at the effect she’d unintentionally caused, yet unable to look away.

Cameron gave a final cry of “No! No! No!” as his body debased itself obscenely and utterly. As his climax subsided, he slumped down onto the bench, defeated, spent and panting for breath. His buried his face in his hands. How could he ever show it around these girls again after this? He wished he were dead.

“Well, I guess that answers THAT question!” Mia declared.

“Ew!” exclaimed Hannah, pressing herself further back against the cubicle wall and wrinkling her nose as she looked at the mess staining the door. “That’s so gross!”

Ellie was shaking and overwhelmed by guilt. How could she have done this to the poor boy? “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Cam!” she apologised, her face white.

Unseen by any of them, a few feet away and still naked, Natalie had also frozen in disbelief at what she was hearing.

Mia was the first to recover. She watched, transfixed, as Cameron’s erection wilted away. He wasn’t even bothering to try to hide it, he was covering his face instead. Mia remembered her earlier goal and picked up Ellie’s phone from where it lay next to Cameron on the bench. She knew the code to unlock it. With his hands over his face, Cameron failed to see what she was doing until it was too late. Mia leaned in and took hold of his shrunken penis, snapping a photo of it against her finger and thumb. “That’s the measurement I want to check!” she exclaimed triumphantly. Was it even three inches long? She’d confirm that later.

Cringing over this final, unexpected indignity, Cameron shoved her away from him. He wanted to burst into tears, but he wouldn’t do that in front of them. He still held onto that much self-respect at least. Ellie sat down on the bench next to Cameron. She put an arm around his shoulder to comfort him. He didn’t stop her. Ellie looked up at Mia, angry now on Cam’s behalf. “I said ENOUGH already, Mia.”

Ellie spoke more softly to Cameron, “Don’t worry, it’s my phone. I’m sorry, I should never have taken those photos. I wasn’t going to keep them. I’ll delete them all.” Ellie convinced herself she only ever intended to hold onto the photos to enjoy privately for a short time. A couple of days at most. Maybe a week. Then she noticed Mia still tapping away on her phone. “Hey, stop looking at those! Give me my phone back!”

“Oh, I’m not looking at them,” Mia replied. “Not when we’ve still got the real thing right here.” She gestured to Cameron. “I’m stopping you doing something you’ll regret. It would be a crime to destroy these pics. I’m sending them to myself for safekeeping.” “NO!” shouted Ellie and Cameron together, both grabbing for the phone. Ellie got hold of it, but she was too late. The files had been sent.

“Ooh,” piped up Hannah excitedly. “Can you send them to me too?” Cameron was appalled. “What? No!” He could not allow his stepsister to get hold of those photos! Mia paid him no mind. “Sure,” she told Hannah. “Just let me have your number… Wait, where IS my phone anyway?”

She heard a series of electronic chimes from nearby, the notifications that her phone had received the photos. Now it was Mia’s turn to be cross. She looked at Ellie. “You left my phone unguarded next door? Anyone could’ve taken it!” She opened the cubicle door and quickly dashed out to retrieve her property.

Natalie looked at the abandoned phone. The notifications told her Ellie had just sent a video and several pics, presumably of whatever was happening next door. Natalie was surprised Ellie had that level of naughtiness in her, especially after hearing her say she was sorry just a minute ago. Unfortunately, the notifications weren’t showing her any previews. Natalie cursed herself for having left the phone for long enough that it had locked itself.

Someone started banging on her cubicle door. “Hey, open up!” called Mia’s voice urgently. “You’ve got my phone in there. I need it back.” Natalie hastily started scrambling into her swimming costume. “Just a minute!” she answered.

Ellie took Cameron’s hand in her own. “I’ll fix this,” she promised him. “I know you’re embarrassed, but don’t be. This was all amazing. YOU are amazing.” She meant it too. Not only had his body held more surprises and lived up to her expectations in ways she hadn’t bargained on, he was handling it all remarkably well too. True, he was sitting mute and embarrassed but, in his position, Ellie figured she’d either be a sobbing wreck on the floor or screaming bloody murder at what they had done. Cam wasn’t even refusing her hand. He was hurting and she wanted to comfort him. How far would he let her? She leaned into him, nuzzling her head against his neck affectionately.

Cameron gave her a hug in return. Was Ellie claiming him as her own? She HAD just brought him to orgasm, after all. Were they a couple now, or was this merely her way of apologising, of making amends for what they had done to him? Right now, he didn’t care. He simply enjoyed the moment and felt glad that Ellie was no longer mad at him, even though it had cost him his entire dignity.

Hannah fidgeted beside them. She gave an awkward cough. “Er, do you two need to get a room?” she asked. Cameron remembered he was still naked in front of her, and indeed in front of a now open cubicle door. A few people were passing by, and occasionally someone glanced in curiously at them. Cameron blushed and covered his privates with his hands once again.

Ellie was still holding onto one of those hands. She giggled naughtily as Cameron failed to let go, accidentally pressing her fingers against his penis. It felt squishy now, but it began to stiffen immediately at her touch. Cameron, realising what he’d done, blushed harder and let her hand go. Ellie’s face reddened too. She teased him gently, “Wow tiger, are you ready to go again already?” She kissed him lightly on the cheek, and hugged him once more to let him know she meant it fondly. Cameron was speechless. Ellie just kissed him? Wow! Could this day get any crazier?

Hannah made a retching sound. “You two DO need to get a room,” she repeated, disgusted. Cameron faced her. “Actually yeah, do you mind leaving, Han?” he insisted bluntly, regaining some of his usual cockiness. She folded her arms and stood her ground, to show she was going nowhere. “Uh-uh. I found this cubicle first and I still need to get changed. Find your own.”

Cameron was still naked. He couldn’t go anywhere. Ellie was hugging him. That was nice, he thought. Ellie was hugging him and he was naked. That was embarrassing, but was there a good kind of embarrassing? She had kissed him too. He didn’t know what he was feeling any more. But Hannie was still here and Mia would be back in a minute.

“Ellie,” he said softly to her, “this is nice and everything, but do you think maybe I can get my clothes now?”

(Author’s note: Happy Valentine’s Day, Cam and Ellie! ❤️)
Last edited by BareB4U on Sat Feb 15, 2025 8:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 11 -14 Feb)

Post by docknumber »

That was fucking awesome. Cam proved he was not small with his erection. Loved how Ellie got Cam to 💦. Mia and Hannah need to be bring down a notch. Hope Cam has some plans for that. Would love to see how Natalie’s character plays out.

Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️
steam train
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 11 -14 Feb)

Post by steam train »

Love a good love story 💕💕💕💕💕
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 11 -14 Feb)

Post by JustHere10 »

Not surprisingly another amazing part!!! I'm so glad Cam got humiliated the way he did but in a way made it worth it for Cam because Ellie forgives him and is thinking straightly now. Although I have a feeling there there could be another twist (hopefully coming at the expense of Hannah or Mia) but maybe Cam ugh so conflicted on what I'm rooting for 😭 brilliant writing!
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 11 -14 Feb)

Post by NudeBaG »

I’m literally clapping!
Absolutely perfect!
If it ends here, It’s STILL my favorite story!
But I have a feeling things aren’t quite done yet😈
Sure, Cam was proven the bigger man, but he surely deserves some payback on Mia and Hannah, right?

But fuck yeah!

Way to go Cam!!

I’m seriously grinning!

This was SO GOOD!

Had to add to this again…

I am SO SORRY for doubting Cam and maybe showing disappointment😭

This isn’t just a FANTASTIC adolescent smut story as these things tend to be, but this has been an amazing STORY all around!
A true rollercoaster!


And I don’t think we’re quite done yet, are we?😈

One more serious note:

I WILL be using this as a masturbation story, there’s no way I can’t now😅🍆💦
Last edited by NudeBaG on Fri Feb 14, 2025 10:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 11 -14 Feb)

Post by docknumber »

NudeBaG wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2025 9:45 pm I’m literally clapping!
Absolutely perfect!
If it ends here, It’s STILL my favorite story!
But I have a feeling things aren’t quite done yet😈
Sure, Cam was proven the bigger man, but he surely deserves some payback on Mia and Hannah, right?

But fuck yeah!

Way to go Cam!!

I’m seriously grinning!

This was SO GOOD!
I guess you must be the most happiest person here after this chapter. You literally made 10+ comments about cam 🍆💦 :lol:

Of course it’s not gonna end here. My boy Cam gonna get his revenge on Hannah and Mia (Hopefully at least on Hannah). I am really curious about what Natalie is gonna do.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 11 -14 Feb)

Post by NudeBaG »

docknumber wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2025 9:57 pm
NudeBaG wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2025 9:45 pm I’m literally clapping!
Absolutely perfect!
If it ends here, It’s STILL my favorite story!
But I have a feeling things aren’t quite done yet😈
Sure, Cam was proven the bigger man, but he surely deserves some payback on Mia and Hannah, right?

But fuck yeah!

Way to go Cam!!

I’m seriously grinning!

This was SO GOOD!
I guess you must be the most happiest person here after this chapter. You literally made 10+ comments about cam 🍆💦 :lol:

Of course it’s not gonna end here. My boy Cam gonna get his revenge on Hannah and Mia (Hopefully at least on Hannah). I am really curious about what Natalie is gonna do.
I’m fucking elated ☺️😊😁😅
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 11 -14 Feb)

Post by NudeBaG »

I’m not big on enf, but I definitely enjoy a naked girl😈
I have no idea how OR what Cam can/might do, especially with Ellie there, but at the very least, Mia deserves some stripping! (Hannie, too, preferably)😈
But if Cam isn’t careful, things could still go wrong for him. He’s still naked after all, and post orgasm, he’s probably back to looking like a hairless little boy.
Natalie is about, and her curiously is definitely piqued 😈
With the time limit in play, how will things actually end?

As far as I’m concerned, Ellie and Cam are solid and official ❤️
(Seriously, made me teary eyed and wistful.)

Honestly, at this point, anything else is just icing on the cake😊😁😋❤️

But Cam does deserve at least SOME revenge for all that, right?

God I loved this!
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