TeenFan wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 10:00 pm
Gifted By Accident
What happens when you squeeze its balls real hard? I'll make it talk. Where is that battery pack?"
We know if you have a human by his balls, he will do anything you ask. Is the same true if you have an elf by the balls? I guess we will find out. Will an elf squeak louder the harder you squeeze their balls?
Gifted By Accident
Chapter 30. Pepper Has a Surprise
Pepper thought about running as he saw the angry Aaron approaching him. Just abandon the whole pretense of being NOT REAL and skedaddle
like a locomotive, take off like a prison break. He wanted to move, but the feet stayed stuck to the floor like they were glued there with
sticky molasses. Pepper once knocked over a 50 gallon molasses tank and that was one syrupy sweet mess to be in. Wallowing in that dark
icky ooze which is what's left over after sugar cane is refined had the stuff soaked through his elf outfit. Santa was mad as a mad hatter, telling
the other elves to strip the clothes from off of Pepper's body, but not until after Pepper had cleaned up the mess. Then Mrs. Claus scrubbed
every inch of his body with a bristle brush made of yak hair. It was the first time Pepper was punished in front of his
co-workers, and the first time he can recall popping a standing up pisser pose.
Pepper has been popping those pisser poses quite a few times, and the elf's penis isn't the only thing stuck stiff like a frozen popsicle. Only
Pepper's eyes and mouth move when Aaron gets up close and once again threatens to punch the elf toy right in the kisser. Instead of reaching
out to punch the face, Aaron reaches downward. The angry lad's strong hand wraps around the elf's coal sack.
"Ow, that...tickles," Pepper gets confused about the pre-programmed response in his head for any such emergencies. The human boy is gripping
way too hard. The candy cane in the elf's left hand falls to the floor, breaking into a dozen pieces.
"I got it. Those balls in here are the batteries. But how does this sack come off of this nut?"
Aaon's fingers slide to the backside of the balls area, fumbling around and feeling for something. "There must be a way in there somewhere."
"Let go of the elf before you break it!" Mrs. Wallendorf shouts. She sounds angry herself, the first time Pepper heard such a rising of vocal pitch,
such a dramatic inflection from one of the grownups.
The hard hand grip weakens. After a few seconds the testicular claw-hold is released. Turning back toward the table, an exasperated
Aaron says, "I don't know what to do with this thing. It makes fun of me."
Gwen's mom moves toward the elf. She redirects Aaron to sit back down at the table, then she maneuvers to stand at the side of the elf.
The mom puts her hand onto Pepper's coal sack. This time the hand doesn't grip like a vice, but massages soft and gentle like.
"Don't pick on the poor elf. It's only programmed to make silly derogatory comments. It must have some crazy good AI computer in there.
It said Aaron's name. How unusual. The thing must cost a fortune, and I don't know who brought it."
Mrs. Wallendorf went from inspecting and massaging Pepper's coal sack to squeezing and tugging on the penis shaft. Her head is turned toward
the table, as she talks to her child and the other two kids, and maybe she isn't aware how much manipulation her hand is doing on the elf
toy's boyish parts.
Gwen bursts out laughing, and then she says, "Mom...you're giving Pepper a handjob. That's sooo kinky dinky."
"Yeah. You're really jerking on it," Cindy says, and she claps her hands. "Go, go rub it good."
Even Jadis, the guest of honor gets in on saying something. "I've never seen somebody's mom jerking a guy off....Even if it's an elf size sex robot
like Aaron says it is."
Mrs. Wallendorf looks back and down to see her hand wrapped around the elf's erected penis. She laughs and looks slightly ashamed. But instead
of stopping, Gwen's mom says, "So much for being proper. Well...it is just a toy after all. Might as well have some fun with it," and the hand
resumed stroking furiously. The three girls get up from their seats at the table. Gwen moves quickly over to better witness the unexpected
masturbation by mom.
"That is crazy. Did you do that to dad?"
That broke whatever spell held sway over Mrs. Wallendorf. The hand stops and she looks over at her daughter. Giggling like a schoolgirl, the
mom looks ashamed once again, and she lets go of Pepper's penis. "Go ahead Gwen. You want to take a turn?"
Now even Aaron had come over to watch the bizarre spectacle, a group of humans gathered around as they took turns jerking on the sex
appendage of a toy elf.
"Does this put us all on the naughty list?" Jadis asks, and that is a very good question. How could jerking off something that looks so much like a real boy not be naughty? Bending down, Cindy-Lou and Jadis press their faces in close. Gwen's hand is moving like a blur, and nobody is looking
up into Pepper's face when the elf's eyes roll up and nearly go cross eyed.
Without hardly any warning a blast of white creamy goop shoots out from Pepper's penis. One hard shot that hits Gwen right on her lovely
Christmas sweater. It almost sounds like a cork popping out of a bottle. Some splatter also hit the other two girls. Simultaneously all three
girls move backwards. A collective gasp goes all around. Gwen releases her hold on the elf toy's penis, and it jerks and spasms all on its own.
A second round of snowy white stuff oozes out. This time the stuff comes out like toothpaste from a tube, it oozes out in a long line that holds together for a while, then it breaks off to splat on the floor. A collective "Ooooh" is said by all in the tightly knit semi-circle of gawking humans. Amazingly, the penis continues to twitch as a third long stream of the stuff pours out to add to what is already making a mess of the floor in front
of Pepper's feet. A closer inspection of the mess shows what appears to be tiny pink crystals in the white cream like substance.
"What the fudge is that?" Aaron asks in a hushed whisper.
"That thing shoots? What is that stuff?" Mrs. Wallendorf asks, and she looks too stunned to do much more that stare.
Several drips of clear viscous fluid seep out to run down the elf's erection. And then Gwen notices a big glop of it is on her hand, lying on top
like a patch of glue that just got poured onto her skin, the light reflecting off the pinkish crystals. Before Gwen could really process what she is doing, the girl puts the arm up to her face. Sniffing at the sticky wet glob on her hand, Gwen sticks out her tongue. Touching tongue very gently onto her hand, she tastes whatever it was that shot out of Pepper.
Suddenly Gwen's eyes open very wide. Her mouth opens up into a wide O shape. Something amazing and completely unexpected just happened.
Gwen reaches out and she pulls Jadis closer to her.
"It's sweet. Whatever that stuff is...it's, it tastes great."
Last edited by TeenFan on Wed Jan 15, 2025 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Poor Pepper Pops Powerfully! What a perfect chapter and sweetness? Perhaps elf jizz just might be a perfect sweet treat for them to share everywhere, that being said though, how much of that stuff can they fit in there? It is a toy, right?
Themarble wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 4:58 pm
Perhaps elf jizz just might be a perfect sweet treat for them to share everywhere, that being said though, how much of that stuff can they fit in there? It is a toy, right?
who knew that an elf's cum would come with flavor crystals? Pink in color. I wonder what it might taste like.
TeenFan wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 4:46 pm
Gifted By Accident
Chapter 30. Pepper Has a Surprise
Aaron reaches downward. The angry lad's strong hand wraps around the elf's coal sack.
"Ow, that...tickles," Pepper gets confused about the pre-programmed response in his head for any such emergencies. The human boy is gripping
way too hard. The candy cane in the elf's left hand falls to the floor, breaking into a dozen pieces.
"I got it. Those balls in here are the batteries. But how does this sack come off of this nut?"
Aaon's fingers slide to the backside of the balls area, fumbling around and feeling for something. "There must be a way in there somewhere."
"Let go of the elf before you break it!" Mrs. Wallendorf shouts. She sounds angry herself, the first time Pepper heard such a rising of vocal pitch,
such a dramatic inflection from one of the grownups.
Mrs. Wallendorf went from inspecting and massaging Pepper's coal sack to squeezing and tugging on the penis shaft. Her head is turned toward
the table, as she talks to her child and the other two kids, and maybe she isn't aware how much manipulation her hand is doing on the elf
toy's boyish parts.
How could jerking off something that looks so much like a real boy not be naughty? Bending down, Cindy-Lou and Jadis press their faces in close. Gwen's hand is moving like a blur,
"It's sweet. Whatever that stuff is...it's, it tastes great."
It is not naught as long as only the males are naked is it? Aaron also showed that you can even control an elf if you have him by the balls but we know that Pepper enjoyed Mrs. Wallendorf's touching his balls a lot more and it was great that she used this for a teaching lesson to teach the girls how to jerk a male off. I cannot remember if Aaron has seen a girl naked and wonder what Mrs. Wallendorf would do if one of the girls started to disrobe but thankfully she has no problem seeing Pepper's peter even though she knows he looks exactly like a naked human boys after all she encourged them to not only look at his penis closely, but to all the girls to feel it too. GOOD JOB Mrs. Wallendorf, well done.
tim409 wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 5:44 pm
I cannot remember if Aaron has seen a girl naked
Cindy told Gwen a story, about watching as her brother climbed a tree so he could spy on girls sunning themselves topless. He got too
carried away and jerked off above those girls.
Has he seen other girls naked?
I would say it's very likely Aaron has seen his sister naked, but how recent would that be?
That might come up in this story, maybe not.
Ho ho ho! Just read through this whole story. Wonderful, splendid! So creative and funny. Rule34 on Santa's Elves, I love it.
Hmm... It seems elves are some kind of magical, purpose-built beings, made by Santa for toy-building. But Santa is a kinky old magician. What if elves are 'dual purpose'? While in their initial state, they usually have no sexual development, just being good at making toys.
While in their =other= state they ARE the toys - sex toys.
Somehow Pepper drifted a bit into toy 'inter-state' hence his genital development and ability to get erections. But it went no further, for 100 years.
Funny if the magical trigger to make them 'mature' into their other state, is being made to cum? Btw I'm guessing the flavor is something like Sherbet Fizz.
So what are Santa's little sex toy elves like? Since the change is magical, it would probably happen rapidly, if not instantly. Something like a significant genital size increase, greatly boosted seminal production rate, and for laughs, an unbreakable magical block on any form of masturbation or even initiating any kind of sex. Maybe 50% or them turn into girl elves? Or perhaps hermaphrodites?
Maybe the sex-toy elf state was an afterthought by Santa, that he never actually made use of. He'd had the idea as a surprise for Mrs Clause, but later thought better of it. So Pepper is the first to ever transform. When Pepper does get back to the pole, it turns out the transformation is not reversible. He gets put back at his old job. Only now desperately frustrated, permanently erect, constantly leaking due to the unrelieved buildup. And Santa bummed about the whole idea, so completely unsympathetic. Mrs Clause thinks it's cute and frequently teases Pepper, arranging situations in which he ends up naked and stimulated but never enough. A permanent caution to other elves to not fall asleep on the job.
Incidentally, when Santa was dreaming up this rather poorly planned dual-purpose elves idea, he did do one half-arsed experimental trial run of that magic. Which is why the legend of Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, is a little PR white lie. It's actually Rudolf the Red Knobbed Reindeer. Reflecting the animal's greatly oversize (even for a large reindeer) permanent erection and prominent bulbous red tip. That actually glows, pulsing with the internal contractions and leaking seminal fluid due to the high secretion rate and lack of any sexual relief. Santa's flying sleigh team isn't often spotted by people, but there are salacious rumors. Santa needed to create some veiling fable. It wouldn't do to have people making a connection between the skyfalls of highly aphrodisiac reindeer spunk droplets, and the odd statistical spike of random cases of sexual manias around Christmas time.
Once Pepper is settled in again, Mrs Clause has the idea to give Pepper the job of relieving Rudolph sufficiently before sleigh delivery runs, to mitigate the 'glowing deer erection in the sky' publicity hazard. She says Pepper should be grateful for Rudolph. Actually seeing the effect, was what decided Santa that brightly glowing erections probably weren't such a great idea. There's a place and time for flashing Christmas lights, and dicks are not it.
That is a load of very interesting ideas, Sensoryoverlord. Pepper could end up being what inspires Santa to design a whole new kind of TOY that
adults like to play with. He'd have to create the unisex model that can change genders with the push of a button.
It's very likely that Pepper will never be the same elf again. Going back to the North Pole won't make him that innocent and just on the
verge of pubertal development carefree elf again.
Being outside Santa's magical Never Grow Older spell that surrounds the workshop, the young (125 year old) elf is in the grips of a rapid
maturation. Increased size, increased libido, and increased amounts of seminal discharges are likely. Pepper started this story being less
knowledgeable and sexually mature than the 13 year old Aaron. Ten hours into being in the Human Realm, Pepper has caught up to Aaron. Another
ten hours could turn Pepper into a crazed horny as a Reindeer in heat sex machine.
A problem with my own virtually zero story output these days, is I feel guilty about asking other authors when their next update might be. But, you know... eagerly waiting for the next chapter.
"Another ten hours could turn Pepper into a crazed horny as a Reindeer in heat sex machine." If that's yur actual plan, it should be fun to read. I hope he actually does have some magical inhibition on initiating anything sexual himself. Continuing to play the elf toy role, whole completely bonkers with frustration, all the better.
Actually I'm sure it will be a fun read whichever way you take it.