I'm going to post what I have of Part Four. It's not finished, but I hope you enjoy it.
There might be some typos, please let me know and I'll fix them.
I'll eventually finish it.
Richard, Accidental Nudist
- Buckaroo
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Re: Richard, Accidental Nudist (Part One)
Last edited by Buckaroo on Mon Jul 18, 2022 6:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
My Stories here at Pantsing and stripping Forums:
Swim Meet viewtopic.php?t=4967
Closed Pool viewtopic.php?t=1383
Richard, Accidental Nudist viewtopic.php?t=1934
Swim Meet viewtopic.php?t=4967
Closed Pool viewtopic.php?t=1383
Richard, Accidental Nudist viewtopic.php?t=1934
- Buckaroo
- Posts: 94
- Joined: Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:12 pm
- Has thanked: 70 times
- Been thanked: 157 times
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Re: Richard, Accidental Nudist (Part One)
Water Park Return – Free Tickets
(Part Four)
Mrs. Thompson told us she had some great news. The water park manager called her and offered free tickets for the day for all of us kids. We just need to come by the office and see the park manager, Mrs. Smith, to get the tickets. Free tickets, I was shocked that they would even allow me to return, let alone offer us free tickets. It didn’t’ make sense.
After playing video games and watching TV for a couple hours, we went to bed.
Early the next morning, we woke up and got ready to go to the waterpark again. I was able to get a quick shower, and then we ate a quick breakfast before leaving for the waterpark.
When we arrived, Mrs. Thompson dropped us off at the front entrance and told us we need to go to the gate and tell the clerk that we were there to see Mrs. Smith, the park manager.
I briefly looked around and with a slight tingly feeling, I realized I was feeling good. The memories from our visit the other day returned leaving me feeling okay about being naked.
They gave us temporary passes, and directed us to a store in the center of the park. We found the manager’s office down a short hallway in the back of the store. The door was open and I saw a lady inside. She noticed me and invited me in and asked that the girls wait out in the hall. I left the door slightly ajar when I moved it, to close it.
Mrs. Smith said, “hello young man, what is your name?”
I nervously answered, “Richard, most people call me Rich.”
Mrs. Smith replied, “that’s great. I wanted to give you tickets for a day pass for you and your friends.”
I smiled and replied, “thank you. I love this waterpark.”
Mrs. Smith smiled and said, “I saw you while I was walking around yesterday. I also watched you for several hours on CCTV yesterday.”
I interjected with a polite, “okay.”
Mrs. Smith went on, “We got a lot of positive feedback from other female guests while you were here. Everyone enjoyed having you here.”
I replied, “thank you. I enjoyed it here a lot.”
Mrs. Smith said, “I noticed near the end of the day for several minutes, you did something unusual, slapping your penis back and forth while walking.”
I immediately nervously spoke up, “I apologize, I shouldn’t have done that. I won’t do it again, I promise.”
There was a 30 second pause, and then Mrs. Smith said, “hmmmmmm. I don’t think you . . .”
I interrupted, “it was a mistake.”
After another short pause, Mrs. Smith said, “let me finish. I don’t think you understand.”
I stared with a slight cringe expression on my face. I knew I was in trouble now.
Mrs. Smith, “I want you to continue doing that.”
Confused, my facial expression changed to a blank look, “I’m sorry, what?”
Mrs. Smith, “Every time you walk from one water slide to another, I want you to do that again.”
Still confused, I asked, “do what? . . . I said I wouldn’t do it again.”
Mrs. Smith, “I want you to slap your penis back and forth just like you did for those few minutes.”
It finally started to sink in, “ohhhhhh. You want me to do that.”
Mrs. Smith, “yes! The other female guest especially liked your special walk.”
After a 30 second pause for reflection, I answered, “that might not be a very good idea.”
Mrs. Smith asked, “why?”
I didn’t want to admit to what exactly happened because of me slapping my penis back and forth, so I tried to explain, “uhhmmmm, it it it . . . I don’t think it’s a good idea. It caused a lot of pleasure in my penis.”
She smiled and replied, “perfect. Then there should be no problem.”
Again, I tried to explain, “I don’t think you understand, it caused way too much pleasure. I can’t exactly explain.”
She looked at me, and said, “don’t worry, this is a private conversation, you can explain.”
I gulped, and realized, I had to confess, “it . . . I had an accident . . . it got a little messy . . . it . . .”
She looked down towards a brochure in her hands and interrupted, “as I mentioned this conversation is private. I notice in this brochure, rule number 5, normal bodily fluids and functions cannot be controlled.”
After a short pause, she continued, “I don’t think we have a problem. It’s right here in black and white.”
I just sat there staring at her. I didn’t know what to say.
Mrs. Smith continued on, “so for now on, while you walk from one water slide to another water slide, you slap your penis back and forth while walking. While you are walking around while at a water slide, back up the hill or whatever, you don’t have to do it.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, “You don’t mind if I have an accident?”
She smiled, “from the video, the expression on your face was . . . breathtaking. Let’s just leave it at that.”
I was in total shock. The only thing I could muster out was, “okay.”
She said, “if you do that from now on, at the end of the day, I’ll give you and your friends a year’s pass for free. You just have to do that every time you come here.”
Holly crap, a full year, I thought to myself. I was completely dumbfounded. A free one-year pass for doing something that felt good, “I won’t get into trouble?”
She answered, “no. My mother owns this facility and I am in charge of everything that goes on here.”
“Okay. Is there anything else?” I asked.
She said, “I remembered you never seemed to apply sun screen lotion.”
I replied, “Yeah, I put a thick coat on before I came here, and I did get a little bit of a burn before I left.”
She asked, “why didn’t you apply more lotion?”
I answered, “I think there was a rule about applying sun screen and body lotion. I’m not allowed to apply it onto myself.”
She looked down at the brochure and replied, “oh yeah, . . . let’s see, yup, it’s rule number 6. Ask someone else to . . . apply the lotion for you.”
She continued on, “perfect. From now on . . . hmmmm . . . I got it . . . from now on, we are going to make the public announcement that a nudist is here at the park, every two hours. Every time you hear the announcement, you get one of your friends or any nearby female that is interested in applying the lotion on you, to apply the sun screen or body lotion.”
My eyes opened up wide, and I replied, “that might not be a good idea. It gets hard when they do that.”
Her eyes opened up wide and with a big smiled, and a short pause replied, “really? Maybe we should make the announcement every hour.”
I quickly replied back, “no, once every two hours will be enough. It takes a while for the swelling to go down.”
She added, “oh, one more thing, food and drinks at the park are free for you and your friends. Every time you return over the next year, you continue to do what we agreed to, okay? Have fun.”
I stood up out of the chair and turned to walk out the door. I met the girls, all with big smiles, standing around the door listening in on the conversation. After we walked through the store and out the store front door, Sam spoke up and asked, “we get free passes including free food for a year?”
After a deep breath, I answered, “yes.”
Sam replied, “well waterpark boy, start your special walk, we want to come back again.”
While walking to the first waterslide, I asked, “something just occurred to me, what happens to the free pass, when my parents get the Nudist bracelet removed? The park manager will cancel our free pass.”
Sam replied, “forget that, you ain’t never taking that bracelet off. Now get your special walk into gear.”
I had conflicting thoughts going through my mind, I absolutely dreaded the thought of someone seeing me walk slapping my penis back and forth, it didn’t seem natural, but it felt so good. I know it happened the other day, but it happened almost by accident and I wasn’t thinking straight. Now I have to do it intentionally. It took several steps before I could get the twist in my walk to get my penis to flop from side to side bouncing off my butt cheeks, fortunately we were close to the Congo River and it only took a dozen or so steps before we were there. I then remembered, “I forgot to apply sun screen before we left this morning.”
Sam’s eyes opened wide and said, “I get to apply sun screen.”
Anna looked sternly at Sam and said, “Samantha, you keep your hands off his penis.”
Sam frowned and replied, “fine, I get to apply sun screen to his butt.”
I stood there for a couple minutes as the girls rubbed sun screen all over me. Anna and Christy spent an unusual long time lathering up my penis, and it didn’t take long before it was hard and sticking straight out, and the head of my penis was slightly showing out of my foreskin. Because I was standing upright, it was making me a little dizzy, I almost felt like I was going to fall over, but god it felt good. Almost too good, I stopped them, “okay, that’s enough. You got enough on it.”
That was close, I almost exploded, and it would have been clearly seen by everyone nearby. The girls had covered me from head to toe with the sun screen. We all grabbed an innertube and walked up the cement path to the top, my penis sticking straight out the whole way up. It felt good, but seemed a little awkward walking with my penis sticking straight out in front of me. Even with additional warnings from Anna, Sam occasionally lightly slapped my penis while we were standing in line waiting to get into the waterslide. Her playful slapping made it difficult, but the swelling finally went down.
Sam and Christy went down first, leaving Anna and I on the next innertube. I sat down in the front innertube with my penis dropped over the top of the innertube and Anna, sat down behind me with her legs straddling me. The lifeguard pushed us over the edge and we flew down the waterslide, bouncing side to side off the waterslide walls, until we got to the end. We got up and Anna took the innertube with us back up the hill for second trip down. After 3 more rides down, Sam said she wanted to go on Surf Hill next. It wasn’t that far away, but I had to do my special walk, flopping my penis bouncing back and forth off my butt cheeks all the way. We were only half way there and the pleasure my penis was feeling was getting extreme. I had to stop for a few seconds to get my mind back into control. After a deep breath, I caught back up to the girls and we continued onto Surf Hill.
We each picked up a mat and walked up the hill and got into line. While in line, I noticed one person going down was lying on their back, feet first, instead of their stomach, face first while riding down. When it was our turn to go down, I asked the lifeguard if that was okay, and she said, “sure. You can go down any way you want.”
I put my mat down and lied down with my feet aimed downhill. My penis flopped over the side of me, so I picked it up and placed it between my legs on the mat facing down the slide. When we got the signal, we flew down the slide. We walked back up the hill 2 more times. It was great. Anna said she wanted to ride the Cobra. The Cobra was a standard plastic waterslide, that wasn’t too far away, it only took a minute to get to it. We didn’t need a mat or innertube, so after waiting in line, we each rode down one of the waterslide tubes. It had a lot of twist and turns. We spent almost an hour riding the Cobra many times.
Finally, Christy asked if we could go to the wave pool. It was a long walk, but I agreed, I wanted to go there too. It took several steps before I could get into the grove of my special walk, of twisting slapping my penis back forth off my butt cheeks, but I eventually got it right. It didn’t take long and the pleasure my penis was feeling was building. We weren’t even half way to the wave pool and the pleasure my penis was feeling was overwhelming me. I didn’t want it to explode in front of guests as we passed them, worse yet, my cum would get everywhere. I asked the girls to hold up, I had to take a break. We stopped and stood around for a couple minutes, and then I told them we could go on to the wave pool.
It didn’t take long and again my penis was feeling extreme pleasure. We passed the water pad and as the girls walked into the water at the wave pool, I had to stop again and pause before walking out into the water. After a minute, I joined the girls in the wave pool. The cool water relieved the sexual tension that had built up.
After approx. 30 minutes in the wave pool, I could hear the announcement over the intercom, and the girls got together and prodded me into getting out of the pool so they could apply the sun tan lotion all over me. After walking out of the pool and the girls squirted sun tan lotion into their hands, and as they started getting ready to apply it on my body another young very cute lady that I believe watched them do it earlier asked if she could help. Sam told her, “sure, hold your hands out for some lotion.”
I was a little nervous with this new cute girl rubbing lotion all over me, and Sam, Christy and Anna allowed the new girl to go first and they held back a little as she quickly worked her way to my penis. Oh my god, I could not believe the pleasure I was feeling as she wrapped her hands around my penis and over and over stroked back and forth along the length of it. It only took a little over a minute and my penis was hard and sticking straight out. With a big smile she kept stroking it for another three minutes until I couldn’t take it anymore and with a stutter, I asked her, “please stop, I it’s going to explode.”
With a giggle, she stopped stroking it and before she let go, she pressed her lips against the head to give it a kiss. Christy, Sam and Anna, all started to giggle and laugh as she leaned back away, and let go of my penis.
I said, “let’s get back into the wave pool.”
The girls continued to laugh as I ran out into the waves as my penis wobbled back and forth.
While swimming in the wave pool a very pretty girl swam up to me and said, “hi.”
I replied back, “hello.”
With a pretty smile, she asked, “what’s your name?”
I answered, “Rich. What’s your name?”
“Tina,” after a short pause, “I watched you walking around, I think you’re hot.”
I blushed,
I didn’t know what her body looked like, but she had the prettiest face and smile that I could remember.
More of Part 4 to come.
(Part Four)
Mrs. Thompson told us she had some great news. The water park manager called her and offered free tickets for the day for all of us kids. We just need to come by the office and see the park manager, Mrs. Smith, to get the tickets. Free tickets, I was shocked that they would even allow me to return, let alone offer us free tickets. It didn’t’ make sense.
After playing video games and watching TV for a couple hours, we went to bed.
Early the next morning, we woke up and got ready to go to the waterpark again. I was able to get a quick shower, and then we ate a quick breakfast before leaving for the waterpark.
When we arrived, Mrs. Thompson dropped us off at the front entrance and told us we need to go to the gate and tell the clerk that we were there to see Mrs. Smith, the park manager.
I briefly looked around and with a slight tingly feeling, I realized I was feeling good. The memories from our visit the other day returned leaving me feeling okay about being naked.
They gave us temporary passes, and directed us to a store in the center of the park. We found the manager’s office down a short hallway in the back of the store. The door was open and I saw a lady inside. She noticed me and invited me in and asked that the girls wait out in the hall. I left the door slightly ajar when I moved it, to close it.
Mrs. Smith said, “hello young man, what is your name?”
I nervously answered, “Richard, most people call me Rich.”
Mrs. Smith replied, “that’s great. I wanted to give you tickets for a day pass for you and your friends.”
I smiled and replied, “thank you. I love this waterpark.”
Mrs. Smith smiled and said, “I saw you while I was walking around yesterday. I also watched you for several hours on CCTV yesterday.”
I interjected with a polite, “okay.”
Mrs. Smith went on, “We got a lot of positive feedback from other female guests while you were here. Everyone enjoyed having you here.”
I replied, “thank you. I enjoyed it here a lot.”
Mrs. Smith said, “I noticed near the end of the day for several minutes, you did something unusual, slapping your penis back and forth while walking.”
I immediately nervously spoke up, “I apologize, I shouldn’t have done that. I won’t do it again, I promise.”
There was a 30 second pause, and then Mrs. Smith said, “hmmmmmm. I don’t think you . . .”
I interrupted, “it was a mistake.”
After another short pause, Mrs. Smith said, “let me finish. I don’t think you understand.”
I stared with a slight cringe expression on my face. I knew I was in trouble now.
Mrs. Smith, “I want you to continue doing that.”
Confused, my facial expression changed to a blank look, “I’m sorry, what?”
Mrs. Smith, “Every time you walk from one water slide to another, I want you to do that again.”
Still confused, I asked, “do what? . . . I said I wouldn’t do it again.”
Mrs. Smith, “I want you to slap your penis back and forth just like you did for those few minutes.”
It finally started to sink in, “ohhhhhh. You want me to do that.”
Mrs. Smith, “yes! The other female guest especially liked your special walk.”
After a 30 second pause for reflection, I answered, “that might not be a very good idea.”
Mrs. Smith asked, “why?”
I didn’t want to admit to what exactly happened because of me slapping my penis back and forth, so I tried to explain, “uhhmmmm, it it it . . . I don’t think it’s a good idea. It caused a lot of pleasure in my penis.”
She smiled and replied, “perfect. Then there should be no problem.”
Again, I tried to explain, “I don’t think you understand, it caused way too much pleasure. I can’t exactly explain.”
She looked at me, and said, “don’t worry, this is a private conversation, you can explain.”
I gulped, and realized, I had to confess, “it . . . I had an accident . . . it got a little messy . . . it . . .”
She looked down towards a brochure in her hands and interrupted, “as I mentioned this conversation is private. I notice in this brochure, rule number 5, normal bodily fluids and functions cannot be controlled.”
After a short pause, she continued, “I don’t think we have a problem. It’s right here in black and white.”
I just sat there staring at her. I didn’t know what to say.
Mrs. Smith continued on, “so for now on, while you walk from one water slide to another water slide, you slap your penis back and forth while walking. While you are walking around while at a water slide, back up the hill or whatever, you don’t have to do it.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, “You don’t mind if I have an accident?”
She smiled, “from the video, the expression on your face was . . . breathtaking. Let’s just leave it at that.”
I was in total shock. The only thing I could muster out was, “okay.”
She said, “if you do that from now on, at the end of the day, I’ll give you and your friends a year’s pass for free. You just have to do that every time you come here.”
Holly crap, a full year, I thought to myself. I was completely dumbfounded. A free one-year pass for doing something that felt good, “I won’t get into trouble?”
She answered, “no. My mother owns this facility and I am in charge of everything that goes on here.”
“Okay. Is there anything else?” I asked.
She said, “I remembered you never seemed to apply sun screen lotion.”
I replied, “Yeah, I put a thick coat on before I came here, and I did get a little bit of a burn before I left.”
She asked, “why didn’t you apply more lotion?”
I answered, “I think there was a rule about applying sun screen and body lotion. I’m not allowed to apply it onto myself.”
She looked down at the brochure and replied, “oh yeah, . . . let’s see, yup, it’s rule number 6. Ask someone else to . . . apply the lotion for you.”
She continued on, “perfect. From now on . . . hmmmm . . . I got it . . . from now on, we are going to make the public announcement that a nudist is here at the park, every two hours. Every time you hear the announcement, you get one of your friends or any nearby female that is interested in applying the lotion on you, to apply the sun screen or body lotion.”
My eyes opened up wide, and I replied, “that might not be a good idea. It gets hard when they do that.”
Her eyes opened up wide and with a big smiled, and a short pause replied, “really? Maybe we should make the announcement every hour.”
I quickly replied back, “no, once every two hours will be enough. It takes a while for the swelling to go down.”
She added, “oh, one more thing, food and drinks at the park are free for you and your friends. Every time you return over the next year, you continue to do what we agreed to, okay? Have fun.”
I stood up out of the chair and turned to walk out the door. I met the girls, all with big smiles, standing around the door listening in on the conversation. After we walked through the store and out the store front door, Sam spoke up and asked, “we get free passes including free food for a year?”
After a deep breath, I answered, “yes.”
Sam replied, “well waterpark boy, start your special walk, we want to come back again.”
While walking to the first waterslide, I asked, “something just occurred to me, what happens to the free pass, when my parents get the Nudist bracelet removed? The park manager will cancel our free pass.”
Sam replied, “forget that, you ain’t never taking that bracelet off. Now get your special walk into gear.”
I had conflicting thoughts going through my mind, I absolutely dreaded the thought of someone seeing me walk slapping my penis back and forth, it didn’t seem natural, but it felt so good. I know it happened the other day, but it happened almost by accident and I wasn’t thinking straight. Now I have to do it intentionally. It took several steps before I could get the twist in my walk to get my penis to flop from side to side bouncing off my butt cheeks, fortunately we were close to the Congo River and it only took a dozen or so steps before we were there. I then remembered, “I forgot to apply sun screen before we left this morning.”
Sam’s eyes opened wide and said, “I get to apply sun screen.”
Anna looked sternly at Sam and said, “Samantha, you keep your hands off his penis.”
Sam frowned and replied, “fine, I get to apply sun screen to his butt.”
I stood there for a couple minutes as the girls rubbed sun screen all over me. Anna and Christy spent an unusual long time lathering up my penis, and it didn’t take long before it was hard and sticking straight out, and the head of my penis was slightly showing out of my foreskin. Because I was standing upright, it was making me a little dizzy, I almost felt like I was going to fall over, but god it felt good. Almost too good, I stopped them, “okay, that’s enough. You got enough on it.”
That was close, I almost exploded, and it would have been clearly seen by everyone nearby. The girls had covered me from head to toe with the sun screen. We all grabbed an innertube and walked up the cement path to the top, my penis sticking straight out the whole way up. It felt good, but seemed a little awkward walking with my penis sticking straight out in front of me. Even with additional warnings from Anna, Sam occasionally lightly slapped my penis while we were standing in line waiting to get into the waterslide. Her playful slapping made it difficult, but the swelling finally went down.
Sam and Christy went down first, leaving Anna and I on the next innertube. I sat down in the front innertube with my penis dropped over the top of the innertube and Anna, sat down behind me with her legs straddling me. The lifeguard pushed us over the edge and we flew down the waterslide, bouncing side to side off the waterslide walls, until we got to the end. We got up and Anna took the innertube with us back up the hill for second trip down. After 3 more rides down, Sam said she wanted to go on Surf Hill next. It wasn’t that far away, but I had to do my special walk, flopping my penis bouncing back and forth off my butt cheeks all the way. We were only half way there and the pleasure my penis was feeling was getting extreme. I had to stop for a few seconds to get my mind back into control. After a deep breath, I caught back up to the girls and we continued onto Surf Hill.
We each picked up a mat and walked up the hill and got into line. While in line, I noticed one person going down was lying on their back, feet first, instead of their stomach, face first while riding down. When it was our turn to go down, I asked the lifeguard if that was okay, and she said, “sure. You can go down any way you want.”
I put my mat down and lied down with my feet aimed downhill. My penis flopped over the side of me, so I picked it up and placed it between my legs on the mat facing down the slide. When we got the signal, we flew down the slide. We walked back up the hill 2 more times. It was great. Anna said she wanted to ride the Cobra. The Cobra was a standard plastic waterslide, that wasn’t too far away, it only took a minute to get to it. We didn’t need a mat or innertube, so after waiting in line, we each rode down one of the waterslide tubes. It had a lot of twist and turns. We spent almost an hour riding the Cobra many times.
Finally, Christy asked if we could go to the wave pool. It was a long walk, but I agreed, I wanted to go there too. It took several steps before I could get into the grove of my special walk, of twisting slapping my penis back forth off my butt cheeks, but I eventually got it right. It didn’t take long and the pleasure my penis was feeling was building. We weren’t even half way to the wave pool and the pleasure my penis was feeling was overwhelming me. I didn’t want it to explode in front of guests as we passed them, worse yet, my cum would get everywhere. I asked the girls to hold up, I had to take a break. We stopped and stood around for a couple minutes, and then I told them we could go on to the wave pool.
It didn’t take long and again my penis was feeling extreme pleasure. We passed the water pad and as the girls walked into the water at the wave pool, I had to stop again and pause before walking out into the water. After a minute, I joined the girls in the wave pool. The cool water relieved the sexual tension that had built up.
After approx. 30 minutes in the wave pool, I could hear the announcement over the intercom, and the girls got together and prodded me into getting out of the pool so they could apply the sun tan lotion all over me. After walking out of the pool and the girls squirted sun tan lotion into their hands, and as they started getting ready to apply it on my body another young very cute lady that I believe watched them do it earlier asked if she could help. Sam told her, “sure, hold your hands out for some lotion.”
I was a little nervous with this new cute girl rubbing lotion all over me, and Sam, Christy and Anna allowed the new girl to go first and they held back a little as she quickly worked her way to my penis. Oh my god, I could not believe the pleasure I was feeling as she wrapped her hands around my penis and over and over stroked back and forth along the length of it. It only took a little over a minute and my penis was hard and sticking straight out. With a big smile she kept stroking it for another three minutes until I couldn’t take it anymore and with a stutter, I asked her, “please stop, I it’s going to explode.”
With a giggle, she stopped stroking it and before she let go, she pressed her lips against the head to give it a kiss. Christy, Sam and Anna, all started to giggle and laugh as she leaned back away, and let go of my penis.
I said, “let’s get back into the wave pool.”
The girls continued to laugh as I ran out into the waves as my penis wobbled back and forth.
While swimming in the wave pool a very pretty girl swam up to me and said, “hi.”
I replied back, “hello.”
With a pretty smile, she asked, “what’s your name?”
I answered, “Rich. What’s your name?”
“Tina,” after a short pause, “I watched you walking around, I think you’re hot.”
I blushed,
I didn’t know what her body looked like, but she had the prettiest face and smile that I could remember.
More of Part 4 to come.
Last edited by Buckaroo on Sat Feb 08, 2025 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
My Stories here at Pantsing and stripping Forums:
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Closed Pool viewtopic.php?t=1383
Richard, Accidental Nudist viewtopic.php?t=1934
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Richard, Accidental Nudist viewtopic.php?t=1934
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Re: Richard, Accidental Nudist (Part One)
Great new addition. Can't wait to see what else happens in the next art of part 4.
- Buckaroo
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Re: Richard, Accidental Nudist
I've added a little bit more to the story.
My Stories here at Pantsing and stripping Forums:
Swim Meet viewtopic.php?t=4967
Closed Pool viewtopic.php?t=1383
Richard, Accidental Nudist viewtopic.php?t=1934
Swim Meet viewtopic.php?t=4967
Closed Pool viewtopic.php?t=1383
Richard, Accidental Nudist viewtopic.php?t=1934
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Re: Richard, Accidental Nudist
I'm very glad to see both of your stories continue, I'm already wanting more! Welcome back Buckaroo! I'm hoping Richard is brought to even more places to show off that massive boner!
- Trundle
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Re: Richard, Accidental Nudist
I love the original story about Nathan but this is a really fun read too and great to see it back.
Hopefully we get more updates soon too!
Hopefully we get more updates soon too!
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