Fly-Fishing: A Game of Chicken

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Fly-Fishing: A Game of Chicken

Post by superevil7 »


Boys will be boys, and play silly games, as they say. But with a cousin like Clara, it isn't long before the boys’ mom and aunt are told about the game they've been playing in front of their little girl cousins. Now much older and teenagers, the boys have to continue playing their silly game, with their penises and testicles exposed, much to the delight of their female teenage cousins. The first part of this story mostly focuses on male nudity, while the last part will focus mainly on female nudity.

Part 1

“You heard me, get your penises and testicles out!”

“Aw, but mom!” There we were, me, 16 years old, and my little brother, 13, and still having to play this stupid game our cousins had trapped us in when we were little!

“You know the rules! You have to play the game at your aunt's house.” We were standing at the front door to our aunt's house. It had been about a year since our last visit. Mom didn't look like she was going to ring the doorbell until we compiled.

“But mom, I'm 16 now! I'm not a little kid anymore.” I complained, but I had a good idea that was going to do me no good.

“You're not a little boy anymore, but you are most certainly still playing!” She put her hands on her hips and stared me down.

“Come on, Micheal.” My brother patted me on the arm. “Let's get this over with.” I watched him undo the fly on his pants and pull out his wiener and balls. A part of me couldn't believe he had done it! It was still such a weird thing to see. He had grown some since I had last seen him like this. Obviously he had, since it had been a year, but it was still something I noticed. He started to fidget around a little, as I started at his limp penis hanging halfway down his testicles, and I averted my eyes for his benefit.

“Well, Micheal, your brother has done it.” Mom was fully focused on me again, folding her arms with annoyance. “The sooner you get your tackle out, the sooner we can get inside.”

I let out a sigh. I know I was blushing deeply, as I copied what my younger brother had just done. The chill of the outside air felt strange on my bare private parts, and I could feel my cock already beginning to stir, knowing that it was exposed for anyone to see. I was thankful to at least have my back to the road.

“Looks like you've grown a lot since last time, Micheal.” I heard my mother say, and I'd never felt so embarrassed in my life! Now I knew she was looking at my privates! I looked up, finding her smirking at me.

“Yeah, don't you think I've grown too big to play this game anymore??” I made one last plea to my mom, but she was already knocking on the door. “What if I scare the girls?”

“Oh, nonsense, Michael! The girls will enjoy it, just like they do every year.” Mom said, and just my luck, my aunt threw open the door to her house at that moment! “Caroline!”

“Jocelyne!” My aunt replied, hugged my mom, her sister. “Michael! Garrett! Look how much you've grown in a year!” She gave us each a hug too, pressing her front into ours! The sensation of my bare privates rubbing against the soft silk of her dress was something I'd never get used to. My brother and I both knew she was really talking about how much our private parts had grown since she had last seen us, and after hugging each of us, she confirmed that by keeping our upper arms in her grasp and looking down at our equipment sticking out of our flies!

As embarrassed as we were about her taking a look at our private parts, the real humiliation came from who was standing behind her. Her three daughters, Clara, who was 15, and Gwendolyn and Tiffany, twins, who were both 13 like my brother, had smirks on their faces like the cats that ate the canary. Out of everyone, I blamed Clara for our current predicament. It all happened when I was 9, and my brother 6 or 7. Garrett thought it would be funny to show them a silly, stupid game we used to play when we were little. We called it fly-fishing for some reason, I guess because of the flies of our pants. Basically, it was like a version of chicken. We'd go somewhere quiet, and pull out our little penises and sacks through the front of our flies. Then, whichever one of us could walk around with our private parts hanging out like that the longest without being caught would be declared the winner. Invariably, we would both chicken out around the same time every time, when one of our parents got near, or whoever else might be looking after us. Somehow, we had never gotten caught doing it. No, it was my little brother's brazenness that got us into trouble. For some unknown reason, Garrett decided to do it in front of our cousins one day when we were visiting. At first, I didn't want to do it, but the girls had assured me that they could keep a secret. Feeling the pressure, I caved and pulled my tackle out in front of them, just like my brother had. It was the first time a girl had ever seen my privates. We spent about 20 minutes like that in front of them, before both of us chickened out and covered up. The thrill was fun, especially with the girls observing, but I was thankful for it to be over. At least, I thought it was over, until we were called to lunch. That's when Clara spilled the beans to our mom and hers about the little game us boys liked to play!

“Yep, and they kept their little wieners and sacks out in front of us the whole time!” I listened to my cousin, wishing that the floor would open up and swallow me whole! I knew that I was in huge trouble, but even I didn't realize the trouble I was in!

Mom demanded to see how we played the game after that. I was certainly embarrassed to pull my private parts out in front of my mom and aunt, not to mention my cousins again, but I don't think my brother was old enough for him to be completely bothered by it yet. Mom said, since we like this game so much, we would be playing this game at Aunt Caroline's house every time we visited from now on, and our cousins would be making sure we were following the rules of the game! She said that the penalty for not playing, or chickening out, would be getting totally bare! We would either have to walk around with our private parts exposed, or entirely exposed! It was not a good choice!

Back in the present, cousin Clara had the same smug look about her every time we came to visit the last few years. We had both matured in this situation. We both knew that she held power over me, just because she was seeing my private parts. It took everything in my power not to cover up the second I saw her stupid smug face! “Wow, he really has grown, mom!” She said with a snicker. Her eyes were locked on to the open fly of my pants and everything exposed in between.

She wasn't the only one delighted to see my privates, as I could see Gwendolyn craning her neck to get a look at me from behind her mother. “Wow, look at their boy parts, Tiffany! I bet most of the boys in our school look something in between Michael and Garrett! I can't wait to see what their boners look like this year!” I was already on the brink, but the mention of a boner had me growing uncontrollably! We weren't inside yet, and I was already popping wood in front of them!

Tiffany giggled with her hands over her mouth. “Oh, this is my favorite part!” Watching as my four-inch penis stuck up and suddenly grew to five and a half! Again, I would have given anything to cover up right then, but I just couldn't live with the consequence of having to go totally bare in front of them! My cousins were bad enough as it is, I couldn't imagine how they would mock me if I was totally naked!

“Mom, can we go inside now?” I asked, hoping to move things along. I was now standing outside with an erection, and I knew that I could get in trouble for that if anyone else were to see me.

“Hang on, mister. Your brother hasn't shown us his boner yet.” Mom said. Then they all turned towards him with big grins on their faces. As if by some magic spell, Garrett was soon sporting his own erection in front of them! I could see him squirming about, as they all took note of how much he had grown. Then I felt just as embarrassed as him, as the girls took the opportunity to compare our erect penises with each other. “I like Garret's boner! His is shorter, but a little chubbier, and cute!” Tiffany was explaining her opinion.

“I don't know, Michael's has an interesting curve near the top.” Gwendolyn countered. “And I like the shape of his pink mushroom head.”

Clara stood in between them and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “Girls. Girls. It's not about who has the biggest, or the cutest boner.”

“It's not?” Both her younger sisters asked.

“No! It's about us being able to see them bare every time they come to visit!” All three girls started giggling at us, and even our aunt and mom started laughing too!

“Come on! This isn't fair!” I said, getting frustrated. Alright, I'll admit I was a little pouty, but you stand in front of a bunch of girls with your private parts being compared and mocked, and see how you feel!

“Oh, Michael,” my mom ruffled my hair, which really annoyed me. “The girls are just appreciating how handsome you are. Don't get upset.”

“Umhummm. Michael's got quite the handsome penis, auntie Jocelyne!” Clara said, though I could see she was teasing me when she stuck her tongue out at me behind hers and my mom's backs! “A penis like that is made to be shown off.”

“I like his nut sack. It's cute!” Tiffany added for good measure. “I think the little dark hairs growing from it makes you look more mature this year, Michael.” At that, she and Gwendolyn started giggling hard, and their older sister soon joined in.

“Hardy har, har!” I glared at them with all my fury. That didn't seem to stop their giggles, though.

“Oh, be glad you have hair down there, my son. Your brother doesn't seem to have any yet.” The girls were thrown into a whole other giggle fit, this time at Garret's expense. My mom put a hand on my cheek; a gesture of comfort, and it did calm me down some.

“Alright. Have you all gotten it out of your system now?” I asked, more composed. The girls and even my mom and aunt nodded at me. “Good. Then you're gonna let a guy walk around with his dick and balls hanging out in peace today?”

“Well, we didn't say that.” Clara teased, giving me a wink.

I shook my head at her. “Alright, let me in.” I made a move to brush past them, but they didn't give me much room. As I went past, I felt the bare skin of one of their hands against my erection! And whichever girl it was, gave the head of my cock a quick pinch too! I spun around on the spot to find the culprit, but they all gave me innocent looks.

“Something the matter, Micheal?” My mom asked.

“No…” I knew it would be more trouble than it was worth to try and claim one of the girls had touched me, let alone prove it. “Besides the fact that I'm walking around with my privates out.”

“Boy, you sure are extra moody about that this year, Micheal.” Clara said, smirking her little smirk at my exposed privates. Then she came closer and gave me a hug. Unlike my aunt, her skirt was short, and I felt my erection sliding underneath it, and against the soft skin of her bare legs and inner thighs! “You remember last year, and the year before that? By the time it's time to go, you'll have forgotten all about having your tackle kit out for us girls to see. Really, it'll be the same as every year.” I know she had felt my rigid appendage against her legs too, as she gave me the most pleased smile as she let me go, and made a show of adjusting and smoothing out the front of her skirt.

“The same?” I slumped a little at her words, knowing what that meant.

“Ummmmm-hummm! Come on! Let's go play a game in my room!” She took my hand, quickly leading me away. The twins did the same, following closely with my brother.

As soon as we were in Clara's room, the girls pushed us down on her bed, on opposite sides, so that my waist was lined up with my brother's head, and vice versa, with our legs hanging off the sides. Clara immediately took hold of my hard cock and started stroking it! “Come on, Clara, I'm your cousin!” I complained, though what she was doing was making me see cross-eyed!

“Oh, like you haven't been looking forward to this since last year!” She replied, sliding her fingers up and down my shaft in the most pleasing manner! “My gosh, it's like you forget how good we make you feel every time you leave. Jeesh, you boys get so used to your modesty when you're not around us, and we have to break you of it every year!”

“It's my turn to go first this year!” Suddenly, a fight was breaking out between Gwendolyn and Tiffany. With my cousin's hand stroking my hard dick, it was hard to pay much attention to it, though.

“Nu uh! You went first last year!” Tiffany fired back.

“God, girls, quiet!” Clara stopped stroking me, which made me let out a pained moan. “You're both being too loud! Mom or aunt Jocelyne is gonna wonder what's going on up here! Gwendolyn, you jerk Garrett, while you stroke Michael, Tiffany.”

“Wait, but I thought you were?...” I looked at my cousin, the oldest girl, knowing that she was the best of the three.

“Oh, don't worry, Micheal. I’ll do you again in a bit. The twins are getting a lot better at it anyway. You should hear some of the compliments they receive from the boys in their class.” I watched as Tiffany started tugging my member, while Clara stroked the hair on my head.

I grunted a little, as while Tiffany wasn't as good as her sister, she was getting a lot better, as Clara had said. “You have them practice on other boys?”

“You think I could stop them if I tried? They both love playing with penises, and you two are only around but once a year.” She explained. “Now be a good boy and cum for your little cousin, Tiffany. Just think, she's a few years younger than you, but she's already an expert at pleasing cock.” At that embarrassing, but arousing statement from Clara, I started cumming in my little cousin's hands! “Good boy!”

“Wow, there's so much, Micheal!” Tiffany giggled and squealed, using a tissue she had on hand to catch it so that my pants wouldn’t end up a mess. I was glad she was enjoying herself at least, and having my parts played with did feel really good. It was hard to complain about our situation too much after the girls had gotten their hands on us this way.

“Clara told me to save it up for a few days…” I explained shamefully.

“Really good boy!” Clara was apparently very pleased that I had followed her directions about not cumming for the last few days. She leaned down and gave me a big wet kiss on the cheek! It was kinda gross, but I was too exhausted to complain. While I recovered, the girls watched Gwendolyn making my brother cum.

It didn't take long before Clara was sitting on her bed next to me, with her hands playing with my soft, floppy penis. “I know you got more in you. I'm going to keep playing with it until you're shooting again, Micheal, so you might as well get hard again for me as soon as possible.” She explained. She was sitting on the bed next to me, and from the way she was sitting, I could see right up her skirt! Unfortunately, she was wearing a pair of panties, but they were slightly sheer white, and I could make out the impression of her private parts through the material! Looking at that had me hard again in no time!

“Oh God! Clara! Don't stop! Please! It feels so good!” I heard my voice saying. I knew it was giving her everything that she wanted, but what she was doing felt amazing! I was broken again, and would let her enjoy my penis however she wanted for the duration of our visit.

“Clara!” Suddenly, we heard her mom's voice, and we both froze on the spot! It was too late to try and hide what we were doing. “Clara, I told you it's your turn to set the table today for dinner.”

“Oh… Sorry, mom. Be down in a few minutes?” She asked, still holding her hand tightly around my rigid cock.


“Mom, you're not?...”

Her mom put her hands on her hips. “What, do you think we're stupid? We've known what you girls have been getting up to with the boys for years.”

“Why didn't you say anything?” Clara asked.

“Because it was a safe way for you to get your curiosity out of your system. Plus, we knew you were all having fun. The boys especially!” She winked at me, and I just shuddered a little. “Now, finish off your cousin! I'll set the table, and you can do dishes after dinner instead.” Her mom explained, before exiting the room.

Clara just looked at me and licked her chops. “I suppose what mom says, goes.” And she resumed jerking me off expertly! Knowing that her mom had now given her permission to do this somehow made it hotter, and I was cumming again in no time for her!

We headed to the bathroom to get cleaned up, with Clara cleaning my cock with a wash cloth, and the twins doing the same for Garrett. I guess they had gone to the twins room, as they were surprised when Clara informed them that their mom had caught us, but relieved when she told them that her mom was not mad and had told her to finish me, and that it wouldn’t be the end of the game.

When we got to the kitchen, my mom and aunt were already seated, but my mom wouldn't let me or Clara sit down just yet. “I want to see what you've been doing to my son.” She explained.

“Mom!” I complained, but before I could say anything else, Clara had a hold on my penis again, and it was all right at eye level for my mom! With my mom watching intently, Clara teased and stroked my cock, and it swelled to a full erection again, mere inches in front of the woman that had given birth to me! Clara let go, giving my mom the most close-up view of my erect cock that she's ever gotten!

“Michael, that's a good look for you.” My mom teased, giggling as I started squirming around in front of her with embarrassment. “It bobs and wiggles so nicely too! Thank you for this wonderful view, son! Clara, you should see about keeping Micheal hard for as long as you can.”

“Sure auntie Jocelyne.” Clara's grin could have lit up the night sky, she was so pleased with how she had just embarrassed me in front of my mom. She directed me to take the spot next to her, and she wrapped her free hard around my member again, using her thumb to rub around the crown of my cock head! From the way I was squirming around while I tried to eat, it was obvious what was going on. My mom and aunt still took the liberty of confirming for themselves, by peeking under the table though!

With dinner over with, I thought I was going to get some kind of break, but boy was I wrong! The doorbell went off, and suddenly Clara was pushing me towards the door! I tried to push back, but she kept making pinching motions at my exposed cock and balls, and I wasn't going to take the risk! She corralled me near the door, and suddenly opened it wide! “Patty!!” It was the girl I had a crush on! She was in my class and the same age as me! How could my cousin have done this to me???

“Michael!?” Patty looked down, suddenly seeing how exposed and erect I was! “Michael!!” She let out a shocked, scolding squeal! I'd never felt so ashamed in my life! I quickly spun around and started stuffing myself back into my pants.

“Michael, what are you doing?!” My mom choose that moment to come see what all the commotion was about.

“Mom, please, I…” I never got to finish, as my mom started directing traffic. She had Patty come inside, and had all the girls sit on the couch together.

“Michael, you knew the penalty for chickening out. Take your clothes off, right now! All of it!”

“But mom! Not with Patty here! Please!” I begged. I don't even know how she got here! We were halfway across the country!

My mom looked over at Patty. “If Michael doesn't strip, I'm going to report him. Michael, you could get in a lot of trouble for flashing me like you did!” Patty eyed me sternly.

“But, Patty… I'll be flashing way more if I strip!” I exclaimed at her.

“But you'll be doing it with my permission, so it's not the same.” She explained, folding her arms at me. “Now strip, or I really will get the police involved.”

It was the most shameful, stressful moment of my life, stripping my clothes off in front of my classmate and crush. I was shaking like a leaf by the time I was down to my underpants. It didn't help that my cousins were laughing at me incessantly! Even my brother seemed to be getting a kick out of watching me strip! He still had his cock out, but I felt way more naked than him! Finally, I could stall no longer. With a sigh and a shudder, I slipped my remaining cover down and off. Everything I had, my sparse pubes, my chest, my legs, and yes, my cock and balls, were exposed for everyone to see! I was naked from head to toe!

I had lost my erection in the stress of stripping, but it wouldn't take long for it to return as I watched all four girls get up and start circling me. It was like they were all appraising me!

“I like his muscular tone.” Tiffany said. I kept myself in pretty good shape by doing gymnastics. My brother and I had been doing it since we were little. People might think of it as a girly sport, but I actually really like it, and even my cousins knew not to try and tease me about it.

“I like his body hair. Not too much and not too little!” Gwendolyn added. “He’s just right!”

“He's got a really cute, tight butt too! I knew it!” Clara commented.

“Well, I think I like his penis and balls best.” Patty said, standing right in front of me. I could see her looking right at them, with her arms folded and a smirk on her lips! That's all it took for me to get an instant hard-on again!

“You would! You haven't seen them as much as we have!” Clara joked, peeking over my shoulder. “Then again, I think he likes showing them off to you.” The girls all giggled, while I just blushed about my spontaneous erection for Patty!

“I think so, too.” Patty observed, and I'll never forget the look of pure elation on her face, that she was seeing me totally bare, especially my private parts! It was too shameful for me, though, and I finally gave in to my modesty and did my best to fold my erection upwards, so that I could cover it up with my hands and arms.

“No, no, Micheal! The penalty for chickening out is totally bare.” My mom said. “That includes your private parts.”

At that, Clara gave my hands and wrists a few hard slaps until I moved them out of the way! “Sometimes you just gotta take matters into your own hands.” She explained to Patty, like she was passing on some sage wisdom. “A boy's gotta know you're willing to use force with him.”

Patty nodded her head, but I noticed that she hadn't taken her eyes off my privates since I had uncovered them. “So, now what?”

“How about we have the boys show us some of their gymnastics moves?” Gwendolyn suggested.

“That's fine, but there's not a lot of room in here. Take the boys out back.” My aunt told them.

“Aunt Caroline!” I protested, but I was quickly overruled!

“Another thing you should learn about boys. They have a built-in handle for leading them around!” Clara grabbed my hard cock with a firm grip, and twisted me this way and that way! I tried resisting her at first, but it hurts having your cock twisted the wrong way when you have an erection! I was forced to follow in whatever direction she wanted to point me in! I felt completely humiliated, knowing that they were using this part of my body against me. A part they didn't even have!

It was Patty's turn to test out how she could lead me around by my hard appendage. It was a miracle I didn't cum on the spot, feeling her wrap her soft, warm hand around my aching cock! Patty took a minute to test out how effective it was to lead me around this way, walking me in a circle around the room in front of everyone else. I could feel her tightening or relaxing her grip on me, as we made different turns and avoided obstacles around the room. It was like she was communicating to me, but with just her hand around my cock. Soon, I was able to anticipate exactly what direction she wanted me to turn just by touch! My face felt like it was burning, as I imagined we'd take the gold if they even made this into an Olympic sport! “You're right, Clara. This is the best way to lead a boy around. Good boy, Michael!” Patty commended me, which had me blushing like mad, especially when she patted first my head, and then my cock head, like she was praising a pet! The delighted giggle she made at me had me blushing even harder! Then she took hold of my hard appendage again.

She was leading me outside! “Please, Patty! Don't do this!” I begged, dreading anyone else seeing me outside like this! I knew it was a slim chance with how secluded aunt Caroline’s backyard was from the neighborhood, but there was still a chance!

“You know you don't have a choice.” Her voice sang, as she squeezed my cock a little harder. “I can bring you anywhere I want with this. It really is quite the disadvantage for you, don't you think?”

“Yes, Patty, I know you can, but you don't have to! Please!” I could hear the girls laughing at my pained pleas, but it seemed like they were falling on deaf ears. The girls, Clara and Patty especially, seemed to be taking joy in embarrassing me this way!

“Aunt Jocelyne, can you have Garrett strip completely for us too?” I heard Gwendolyn asking.

“What?? But I didn't chicken out like Michael!” My brother complained.

“Yes, but I don't want your good clothes getting dirty while you play in the backyard.” My mom replied. That was the last I was able to hear, as Patty had just led me outside, with Clara a few steps behind.

We came to a clear spot in the grass, and then we all just stood there for a bit. I could feel the cool breeze of the evening air touching spots on my body that it had never touched before! Spots it shouldn't have been touching! “Now what?” I asked, bringing my arms up to hug myself. It wasn't the coldest day of the year, but it was no summer day either. It felt like the high 60s, and my bare body was starting to chill a little.

“Are you getting cold?” Patty asked, though she seemed to be enjoying the little shivers I was making. “Jump up and down. That should warn you up.” She suggested, and I made a look at her like ‘really’, but I knew I needed to do something to keep myself warm. I dropped my arms to my sides, and started bouncing my feet with a steady rhythm. “Ooh, look at it bounce, Clara! I'm so glad you invited me to come see your cousin this way!”

“She… invited you?” I kept bouncing, even with it being totally embarrassing to have my hard cock slapping up against my stomach every time I did. It was the only way I was going to keep warm.

“Yeah, I talked your mom into agreeing to it.” Clara explained. “We all know you like Patty, so we thought it would be fun if you to had to keep your private parts out in front of her for a while! None of us expected for you to chicken out when she showed up! That was an extra bonus! Now you have to be totally naked in front of her!!”

I felt totally betrayed by my whole family! How could they do this to me in front of the girl I liked?! “How did you… Get here?”

“Clara's mom paid for a flight for me to come out here. I slept in Clara’s room last night. We knew when you'd be arriving, so I went to see a movie and get dinner to give you time to get settled in, and so you wouldn’t know I was here. Your mom was really sweet though, telling me how much I was going to like seeing your cock and balls, and she was right!” She gave me a squinting grin, before turning to Clara, “And yeah, it’s even better getting to see him totally naked! I wasn’t expecting that either!”

I stopped jumping for a moment, to gather my senses. I was conflicted. On the one hand, my mom, my cousin, and my crush had all conspired against me to arrive at this situation. To humiliate me with my privates on show for my crush! On the other hand, my crush did seem to be enjoying seeing me naked. What other opportunity was I going to have to ask her out? I knew, the longer I let things stand as they were now, the less I would ever have the courage to ask her. So, I sucked it up, and decided to just go for it! “So, you know that I have a crush on you then?...” She nodded, and I could feel my stomach churning. “Would you, that is to say?...” I started asking, but I could see her looking me from top to bottom, lingering on my private parts of course, with a beautiful, pleased smile, and I was becoming tongue-tied around her, as I always did!

“I think…” She said, apparently understanding what I was trying to ask her. She relished the fact that she not only had me totally exposed, but also knew my biggest secret, and that it pertained to her! “I think I could be persuaded, as long as you agree to get naked for me whenever I want.”

“Wow, Patty! I didn't know you had it in you! Way to go, girl!” Clara complimented her, giving her back a few pats.

“What do you say, Michael? Your dignity and privacy for a date?” Patty teased me. She skipped forward towards me a little, and put her hands on her hips, just waiting for me to answer. The way she looked, with her golden blonde hair cascading down one side of her casual T-shirt, and her tight-fitting jeans, along with the knowing smirk on her face, had me wanting to do anything for the girl.

Including humiliating myself for her. “Yes, Patty. I agree.” I said. My face flushed as hard and as hot as I had ever felt!

“Great!” Patty pulled her phone out and handed it to my cousin. “Would you get a picture of me and my new boyfriend together?” She said, coming to stand beside me and wrapping her arm around my shoulders before I could even think of protesting! Patty was actually hugging me! My long-time crush was hugging me while I was naked from head to toe! My cousin kept snapping photo after photo of us together, and I was able to keep my cool about as well as you might expect in a situation like this, at least until Patty took hold of my hard cock again! Then I just exploded without warning!

“Oh my God, I think I got it on camera!” Clara giggled with delight at what had just happened to me. Patty seemed pretty amused about it too. For me, it was like a gusher had gone off, and I humped Patty's fist, until the gusher had gone dry. Totally spent and exhausted, I laid down in the grass, and tried to get some semblance of myself back. My head was swimming, though. I had just agreed to get naked for Patty any time she wanted, and in exchange, she was going to be my girlfriend. Being so naked and in her power had just given me the most unexpected and earth-shattering orgasm of my life! I was lost in a daze, wondering if I could actually be enjoying the surprise that my cousin had set up for me, bringing Patty over here to see my private parts.

At some point, my brother came out, totally bare like me, and the girls had him do some of his gymnastics routines for them. He did handstands, cartwheels, and flips of all kinds, which really seemed to excite and titillate the girls. Even Patty seemed to get a kick out of it.

It was starting to get dark, though, and soon our moms were calling us back inside. “Alright, boys.” My mom held our folded clothes in each of her hands. “You've both been good sports with this. Your aunt and I have both decided that you can finally wear your clothes normally again when visiting.” She handed each of us our clothes, and I had never been so thankful to my mom as that moment!

“I'm surprised it took this long for one of them to chicken out. They must have really enjoyed showing off to the girls. I suppose they just wanted to keep the game going year after year.” My aunt commented, watching me get dressed.

I was a little dumbfounded, stopping in my tracks to ask, “You mean to tell me this would have been over with as soon as one of us chickened out???”

“Yep.” My mom answered with a laugh. “I had only planned on keeping you boys naked for about an hour to teach you a lesson, but you were both so tenacious and neither one of you seemed to want to back down, so we let it go on for as long as you wanted.” I had never felt so stupid. To think we could have ended this years ago!

“Come on, girls. Let's go get changed into our pajamas.” My aunt said, “You boys wait down here until we're done.” My brother and I were just happy to finally be dressed, so we weren't going to rock the boat and disobey her any time soon. We both sat down on the couch, and I think we both contemplated what our pride had led us to. Neither of us said anything, but we didn't have to. We each gave each other a look, and laughed, and that was that.

“Oh, boys!” I could hear Patty's voice calling from the banister of the stairs. We both got up to investigate what she was calling us about. From the teasing tone of her voice, I was reminded that I had still agreed to get naked for her any time she liked, and I half expected her to demand that I strip as soon as I reached her. She took my breath away when I saw her. She had a short, transparent pink nightie on, that was only opaque in the bra cups. I could see her little red panties through the material too! I was surprised that she would let us see her like this, but that wasn't the only surprise I would get tonight!

I could hear the whiny voice of my cousins coming from further upstairs behind her. “No, mom! I don't want to do this! Please!” That was Clara, and I could tell she was really upset about whatever was going on.

“No, auntie Jocelyne! Let us go! Please, let us go!” The twins seemed to be pleading for mercy too.

Patty seemed to have an extra pleased look on her face, like this was all her doing. “I hope you enjoy the extra surprise I got for you, Michael.” Just as she said it, my mom and aunt rounded the corner, pulling our cousins along by leashes clipped to collars around their necks! But the thing that really stood out about them was what they were wearing! Clara had been given a crop top, with long sleeves, but the material of the shirt was only long enough to cover up the very upper area of her chest! Her breasts were totally bare and out in the open! Her little pink nipples led the way, as they pointed up and away from her body, and I enjoyed the little jiggle her boobs made with every step she took! She also had a pair of stockings, dark in tone but very see through, that came up to mid-thigh on her. To hold them up, she wore a garter belt that covered none of her pubic mound! I was able to see the lips of a girl's pussy for the first time that day, and I'll never forget the sight! My cousin had no hair down there at all, something she must remove, as I couldn't imagine she wasn't able to grow any hair at her age.

Like their older sister, the twins had their private parts out too! Each of them did have a bit of soft, downy looking hair about their slits, but otherwise their skin looked totally soft and smooth! They were both wearing their knee-high soccer socks, and a button up jersey, but with the buttons missing, to kept their little boobies exposed. Boobies much smaller than their older sister’s, of course. I had never dreamt of getting to see my cousins like this, but I was never so grateful in my life.

“I guess from the smiles on your faces, you boys are pleased with the surprise.” Patty said, making a little wink at me. I blushed a little, but nodded.

“Here's how the game is going to work.” My mom seemed pleased too. She and Aunt Caroline looked to be wearing matching flannel pajamas, which kept them totally covered up in contrast to the girls. “It's the girls turn to play chicken with the boys. You're allowed to do everything to the girls that they did to you, boys, but Patty will be playing the judge, and ruling what is or isn't legal. Now, if the girls don't chicken out, then you will get to play with them this way next year, and the next, and the next, and so on.”

“But if they do chicken out,” My aunt took over, “Then they'll be going naked for every visit the boys make to our house, until they're old enough to vote. We’ll leave it up to you boys if you want to keep them collared, though.”

“How could you do this to us, Patty!!?” Clara complained, and for the first time I noticed that she had her hands bound behind her back! The twins were also equally tied up, and seemed to be squirming as my brother looked them over.

“Wait, this was your idea, Patty?” I asked with surprise.

Patty nodded at me with a grin. “I knew your cousin needed to be brought down several pegs when she told me about what she had planned for you during this visit, Micheal. So, I got in contact with your mom, and your aunt, behind her back, and we came up with a plan of our own.” She turned and patted Clara on the head and stroked her cheek. “You need to be put in your place, Clara, baby. You have nobody to blame for this but yourself. After all, it was your idea to get me involved in the first place. I think after all the tormenting you've done to your cousins, you and your sisters are about to get everything you deserve!” She took the three girl's leashes into her hands, and started leading them down to stand in front of us. “Well, boys,” She eyed the erection in my pants, and then my brother’s too. “Let the game begin!”

Check out part two here!
Last edited by superevil7 on Wed Feb 12, 2025 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fly-Fishing: A Game of Chicken

Post by Lola »

Awesome story! There should be more stories with penis and balls out of the fly. I love it
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Re: Fly-Fishing: A Game of Chicken

Post by TeenFan »

This could be taken to the river.
Being made to fish while one's "worm" is out and wiggling about.
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Re: Fly-Fishing: A Game of Chicken

Post by NudeBaG »

This was incredibly hot!
Well done!
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Re: Fly-Fishing: A Game of Chicken

Post by Jeepman89 »

Great story for sure!
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Re: Fly-Fishing: A Game of Chicken

Post by docknumber »

Nice story! Loved how tables turned at the end, also curious what other things Clara planned for Michael during the visit that made Patty to turn on her. Looking forward to Part2.
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Re: Fly-Fishing: A Game of Chicken

Post by superevil7 »

Thanks everyone! :D I'm glad you all enjoyed it so much. I hope you all will like part 2 when the girls get their turn.
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Re: Fly-Fishing: A Game of Chicken

Post by steam train »

Another wonderful story. I particularly enjoyed the reversal of fates towards the end. Thank you.
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