Bad day for a run

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Jeepman89 »

Maybe he has to do something every time there is a touchdown.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Jeepman89 wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2025 2:51 pm Maybe he has to do something every time there is a touchdown.
That's what I was thinking.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by docknumber »

Poor James, looks like his naked ordeal is not gonna end anytime soon.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

docknumber wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2025 5:42 pm Poor James, looks like his naked ordeal is not gonna end anytime soon.
I guess I will run out of ideas sometime of course I'm also wondering about a naked valentine day.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by docknumber »

Naked Valentine’s Day seems to be a really great idea.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run.


The day had arrived Superbowl Sunday normally a day that would not feel him with such unease, but this was the first time he would be totally naked serving a house full of women, but James couldn't put this on anyone else he wasn't conned or tricked into this Melissa had told him what she had in mind for today and he agreed to the contest that assured one of them would be naked today. Melissa gave James the address per the bet he would strip his clothes off an hour before kickoff James arrived at the house which was very impressive an hour before that he didn't want to get naked as soon as he got there but he also saw no point in waiting overly long before he had to strip either the house had gate you had to buzzed in through and high brick wall around which relieved James somewhat as no one outside the house could see anything inside the walls.
James parked headed to the front door and rang the bell a few moments later Melissa opened the door James were glad you could make it I'm sure you are James's thought there was another woman standing with Melissa, she told her this James who will be our server/entertainment James this is Nikki our hostess for the day nice to see you Nikki told him I understand it will be even nicer in a bit James was still fully dressed and was already starting to feel embarrassed and just replied I guess so Nikki told James let me show you around as Nikki took him through the house it was as impressive on the inside as outside they encountered several women who Nikki introduced James to who all had smiles and grins who undoubtably knew James role for the day. The last places James was shown was out back where there was a large pool and hot tub and inside the doors to the pool was a large entertainment room with a large HD Tv and full bar while James was being shown around the remaining guest had arrived and all together James would be naked in front of 17 women.

When Nikki and James went back inside, he was introduced to the rest of the women who he could tell were patiently waiting for the removing of his clothes one of the new arrivals asked how James happened to agree to this Melissa spoke up telling them the story of their jeopardy contest the stakes and how close it was another asked why did you set it so he didn't have to strip till an hour before kickoff? You could have had this sexy thing naked a lot longer Melissa reminded her it was very possible she could have lost, and she would have been the naked a lot longer very wise move the woman admitted and we will still have plenty of time to enjoy your naked friend.
Nikki now addressed the group speaking of our naked friend the clock on the wall says it's now time for him to be just that James had not realized how quickly the time had passed but the hour had arrived James was going into a side room to undress when Nikki stopped him no need for that she told him and pulled to an area with the sofa and chairs and told the women gather around James was a little surprised she would have him strip out here but supposed it really didn't matter he removed his shoes then socks then a redhead introduced as Sally stopped him and said if he's going to strip do it right and she queued up some music for James to strip to. I should have seen this coming James thought to himself knowing it would be pointless to argue he began dancing around continuing to remove his clothes turning a simple undressing into full on striptease he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slipping it off he undid his pants slowly lowering them about a third of the way down and after a little hip shaking let them fall and stepped out of them as James got ever closer to being completely naked his penis started to stiffen James put his thumbs in the waistband of his underwear as he continued to gyrate around teasingly pulling them down he had about half of his ass exposed when he decided no reason drag this out and pulled them all the way down and kicked them off. There was of course cheering and applause as his last article of clothing came off James turned around and faced the women and the cheering increased as his erect penis came into view, and it begins James's thought.

The women complimented James on his hot body especially his sexy ass and impressive penis and balls Nikki now took over we all can see James looks very good naked but as he is our server time for him to start doing that, she told James there two trays of snacks in adjoining room and to bring them in already feeling embarrassed from his strip act that rose as the reality of being a naked servant set in. James headed out and saw the two large trays not seeing any reason to make more trips than necessary he picked both up and headed out the women had gathered up his clothes and put them in a basket in the corner Nikki told him to put the trays on the large table in the center of the room as he bent over to do so he could feel the eyes of ever woman on his bare ass his next task was to bring in some tubs of iced beer and other drinks that done the ladies sat down to watch the final minutes of the pre-game wind down Nikki then had James serve each woman the drink of their choice. As James went to each woman, they all had big smiles, and their eyes locked on his penis so far there had been no groping, slapping, pinching or fondling of him but James Knew that would the more drinks were consumed.
After kickoff Melissa told James they had an announcement that anytime a touchdown was scored in the first quarter he would have to take this and tossed him a football go outside and preform a touchdown celebration and if one was scored in the final two minutes of the quarter, they choose what it would be. James only thought was please let this be a low scoring quarter and it did start that way with an exchange of field goals so far so good James's thought that quickly changed as the teams got over the big game nerves and the next drive ended in a touchdown just before they hit the two-minute warning the women gathered outside to see James performance James had no real plan he ran around the pool jumped up and off a on a stone table doing a spin in the air as he spiked the ball the women applauded this as it had his ass shaking and his cock and balls bouncing. As they went back inside to watch the final the final two minutes James assumed that would be it for this quarter but there was well run two-minute drill that ended with a touchdown with less than ten seconds left James was escorted outside by the women and he was told he would have to sprint around the pool twice then leap off the diving board spread his legs in midair and spike the ball James carried out his next embarrassing celebration much to the ladies delight and prepared for the second quarter.

As James climbed out of the pool Nikki, Melissa and Sally were there with towels to pat him dry before they went back in, and this was when the groping and fondling of him began as Nikki and Sally took an ass cheek and began patting and squeezing while Melissa took hold of his penis and balls squeezing and stroking them which of course got James erect again as they went inside more women fueled by the booze followed suit. Once inside Melissa handed James's pompoms one the color of each team and informed James for the second quarter, he would be the naked cheerleader and when a touchdown was scored, he would do a thirty second dance, but he could not cover his penis or ass with the pompoms and again if a touchdown was scored in the last two minutes they would decide on his dance.
The second quarter was fairly dull which was fine with James some three and outs and a couple of turnovers there was a long drive for another field goal with just over a minute left in the half James again believed he was safe from any more humiliation as the receiving team had little time and no timeouts, but he was wrong a few plays later and then a broken coverage resulted in forty yard touchdown pass with thirty seconds left James couldn't believe it. James was told he would have to do what was known as the batman dance from the movie Pulp Fiction and he would have to end it with a split James this time tried to protest telling them he couldn't do a split, but he was told he would have to do the best he could Melissa started up the song and James did the dance which was actually one he could do but as the music ended he did a very awkward and uncomfortable split. Some of the women helped James up telling him that looked painful, and he could use a massage and began rubbing his cock and balls which did help ease the pain but also got him fully erect again Nikki told them they were starting to run low on booze and she placed an order online that was ready to pick and told Melissa, Sally, and one of the women who had been massaging his penis Audra to join her flashing a big smile she said you come to James.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Jeepman89 »

That's what i call a Super Bowl.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Jeepman89 wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2025 3:20 am That's what i call a Super Bowl.
Wasn't sure about posting another part today but I knew I wouldn't do anything tomorrow and I knew I would have to break this into two parts, or it would be way too long.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run.


James was a bit surprised at Nikki having him come along to pick up the alcohol but didn't question it as he could be dressed for a bit as he started towards the basket where his clothes where Nikki told him you won't need those James jaw hit the floor at hearing that he turned to face Nikki telling her you can't seriously expect me to go to a store stark naked! Actually, I can you agreed to be naked all the way through the game and even some of the post-game and nothing about where you would be naked so let's go when James hesitated Nikki grabbed a wrist Sally and Audra took an ass cheek Melissa took hold of his penis and balls and the began pulling and pushing him along to a side door to the garage to a good sized SUV Nikki and Sally got in the front while Melissa and Audra continued to pull and push James in the back with James inside and Melissa and Audra on either side of him Nikki started the engine and opened the door. James couldn't believe they were really going to do this he told them you had your fun jokes over no joke Nikki said and started off James thought they would just drive him to the gate then go back but to his utter shock it opened, and they continued on now an extremely panicked James told them you have to go back if someone sees me like this they will probably call the police laughing Melissa told him look at the windows in his panic at being naked outside the house James had paid no real attention to the SUV he now saw they had an extremely dark tint and it would be all but impossible for anyone to see inside this eased James panic somewhat but didn't make his being driven naked for booze run any less uncomfortable.
The drive was about ten minutes during it Melissa and Audra took hold of James knees and pulled his legs apart and put their feet and ankle over his ensuring his legs stayed spread and started slowly playing with his penis and balls a minute or so later Nikki announced were here she could see Melissa and Audra having their fun with James in the rearview mirror ladies could you let James out James just tell them you're picking up an order for Nikki Rodgers. James sat bolt upright as Melissa and Audra stopped their teasing of his penis come on their expecting us Nikki turned to see the shock and fear on James's face and burst out laughing telling him relax this time I am kidding and asked Sally to give her a hand not funny James told her Nikki and Sally went to get the order Audra asked Melissa where were we oh right they said and were back to fondling his cock and balls they also began running their other hand over his chest and ads and quickly had James penis standing straight up as embarrassing as this was for James at least they didn't actually make him go inside minutes later Nikki and Sally came out with the order loaded it up and they headed back Nikki thought about taking the long way back home but decided she had messed with James enough. The drive back was uneventful though Melissa and Audra continued to fondle James the entire time and there were some very curious looks from the women still at the house when James came in with his fully erect penis pointing the way.

It became pretty clear to James that the rest of the women continued to serve themselves while they had been gone as they had become much more hands on with his body and Nikki, Sally, Audra and Melissa worked to catch up having James bringing them drinks as they slapped and pinched his ass and squeezed his balls. The third quarter of the game began and for the first several minutes it was pretty tame as the women hadn't come up with any in game things he had to do, and James was mostly getting a continuation of what went on in the car. ... ?width=460
While any number of women were having their way with whatever pat of James body, they liked he noticed Melissa, Nikki and a couple of other women talking and occasionally pointing towards this time it was Nikki who made an announcement she told the group since pro athletes have to stay in great shape every time one team gets three first downs in a row James will do twenty jumping jacks this was meet with both cheers and laughter as watching James penis and balls bounce around would be both sexy and funny while for James jumping repeatedly with his penis was going to be exceedingly embarrassing the women cleared a space to give James plenty of room by the time they finished there had been three first downs and James took his place his penis was still semi erect from the attention he had been getting from the ladies before they came up with this and the jumping soon had him back to fully and the women were loving the show he was putting on.
James did a couple of more sets of jumping jacks before one of the group said I'm enjoying his cock and balls bouncing but I want to see that sexy ass jiggle and shake some women agreed with this but not all and Melissa came up with the solution for the rest of the quarter James would do half of them facing the women the other with his back turned so they could all see what they liked best he would do this three times before the quarter ended each time he had his back turned to the women at least one would run up and slap his ass or reach between his legs and give his balls a squeeze. As James waited for the fourth quarter to start, he could only hope the women were beginning to tire out and would not be as intent on messing with him for the rest of the game.

As James waited for the fourth quarter to begin half dreading it, he noticed Nikki giving the women paper and they were writing something on the sheets and putting them in a bowl ladies I'm sure you're wondering as well as James why I asked you write your name down and put it in here for every quarter we have had something different for our naked James for this one you will be stroking James penis after a score the number of strokes depends on the points field goal 3 touchdown 6 with extra point or two point conversion 7 or 8 and a turnover returned for a touchdown double 14. The loved it and congratulated Nikki on her unique Idea she thanked them but told them the credit should go to Melissa James gave her an if looks could kill stare Melissa just smiled and winked at him Nikki continued after the score, we will draw a name, and that person will be the one who jerks James wonderful cock just when James thought the day couldn't get more humiliating he is proven wrong.
James only solace was it is finally the fourth quarter and please no overtime he had been standing off to the side and some of the women pulled him over with the rest of group fondling and caressing him as they clearly wanted him hard if there was a quick score but there wasn't each team's first drive ended with a punt that did not stop the women from being hands on with James keeping him at least semi erect. The next was a four-minute drive that ended with a touchdown and the extra point the woman whose name was drawn was a statuesque blonde with very impressive natural breast she slowly walked to James and took hold of his penis and gave three quick strokes and four slow ones.
There was another punt then a field goal the next name drawn was a pretty Asian woman who took a firm hold on his penis and stroked him very slowly after the kickoff there was a long drive that ended with a touch down and two-point conversion Audra who has long black hair and sexy legs was picked she stroked both fast and slow varying how tight she gripped his cock. The time was at five minutes left and James hoped that was it for scoring, but it wouldn't be as the kickoff was returned for touchdown of course James's thought it was decided there should be extra strokes for the kickoff return and the petite brunette with a sexy little ass and perky breast whose name was drawn got to give ten strokes to James's cock she ran her fingers down the length of his penis before taking hold and she also went slow and fast in her stroking of him as well as how tight she gripped him this was starting to be too much for James and he thought he would lose it if this went on much longer.
Thankfully for James there was only a little over two minutes left in the game the kickoff was a touchback couple of plays later the two minute warning after the warning three plays were run the game was down to a minute and half left but on the next play there was an interception the defender ducked one tackler got by the quarterback and was gone for the touchdown everyone was thrilled with the pick six except for James as he knew what it meant. Nikki grabbed the bowl and said let's see who gets the grand prize she stood on a table mixed the names around before pulling one out after a dramatic pause she said congratulations Melissa the group cheered, and Melissa took a bow she played it up as she ran her hands over James's chest and abs and reached behind to squeeze his ass when she took hold of his penis Melissa stroked him slowly sometimes pausing then gripping him tighter and picking up the pace even using her other hand to tickle his balls she used the fourteen strokes she had expertly and suspected she could have brought to orgasm if she wanted to but decided James needed a break and finished up without doing so.
James was grateful when Melissa released her grip as he was not far from going off but happier that the game was over, and he was done with his latest naked adventure as he picked up the bucket with his clothes Nikki told him your naked commitment isn't over yet.

I was to do this for part of the pre-game and the entire game, and I did also for part of the post-game Melissa reminded him James had totally forgotten about that while Melissa was reminding James his naked obligations weren't over just, yet Nikki came in with a bottle of chilled champagne for the celebration Melissa told them James has thirty more minutes of nudity in that case James do the honors and open this James popped the cork and the already highly buzzed women took big swigs straight from the bottle no one was paying attention to James. That was until the Asian woman who had been one of those who had got to jerk his cock earlier said we should do body shots on James before he puts his clothes on the other women agreed and before he could protest not that it would have mattered James was pulled to long dining table and laid on it Nikki ran her fingers around James nipples and down to his abs which was causing James cock to twitch and she asked chest or abs? Audra called out how about neither she then began running her hands over James body everyone does those she continued but James has a really good third body part option and began teasing his penis and balls it wasn't long till she had James's penis standing straight up Nikki handed her the champagne and told her be my guest she poured some over his penis and began licking it from the base up the head then taking it into her mouth and continued licking and sucking him.
When she finished Audra asked who's next the Asian lady who first suggested body shots took the bottle and poured some over his penis and balls licking it off and planting kisses up and down the shaft at least ten of the women used his penis for their shots the rest his chest or abs Melissa had seen James like this enough now to know he was desperate for release and said one of us should give James the orgasm he needs who should it be?
Sally said I think our hostess should have the honor Nikki graciously accepted and took hold of James throbbing penis and began to stroke him she took her time not wanting to get James off to quickly or end her fun to fast she worked James slowly and expertly getting him close then easing back she had James's moaning loud enough for all to hear and his entire body trembling when she decide to finish it off and after a few more moments got him off big time Nikki knew she could have milked James even more but as he had been a good sport today didn't. She told the ladies I believe James has fulfilled his naked obligations for the day and can put his clothes on and told them anyone who feels like they have had too much to drink can spend the night most accepted the offer two or three said James should spend the night naked and grabbed the bucket his clothes were in not this shit again James's thought but in there bombed state James got it from them pretty quickly and Nikki told them James did everything they asked today so knock it off and he was finally able to get dressed. As he left the women all thanked James for making this a very memorable Superbowl as James got in his car to head out, he was grateful this was over and did not want to be in any more naked situations for a long time that was when he saw the text on his phone it was from Carol telling him that his modeling for the girls would be at the end of the month or the first week of the following she would be in touch with the exact date oh hell James thought as he had forgotten all about that.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Jeepman89 »

A memorable Super Bowl indeed. Will the young girls be allowed to be there for his modelling session?
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