Jackson and the Three Bares
- superevil7
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Jackson and the Three Bares
This is an older story I did that I recently realized I never posted on this site. I wasn't sure whether to put this in ENF or ENM, but hopefully everyone is alright with it here.
Jackson’s mother is in the hospital, and he is forced to go live with a family of nudists. He ends up becoming very close with the twelve-year-old daughter, Amy, with her mom conspiring to get the two of them together.
Jackson and the Three Bares
“Girls, please sit down for a second. There’s something I need to tell you both.” Amy’s mother said, taking a seat herself at the kitchen table. “One of my co-workers was in an accident. Her son needs a place to stay for a while until she gets better. I’ve offered to take him in for the time being.” she explained. “His name is Jackson, and he’s thirteen years old. I think he goes to school with you, Amy.”
“Jackson Gull?” The twelve-year-old, Amy, asked the name of a boy she shared a few classes with, but didn’t really know all that well.
“Yes that’s right.” Her mother answered.
“What happened to his mommy?” Amy’s eight-year-old sister, Britney, asked.
“She was in a car accident. She’s in the hospital now. We’re really not sure…” she started to say, getting a little teary-eyed. “Jackson’s going to need a lot of support and kindness from us, girls. His mother is the only family he has.”
“Of course mom. We’ll do what we can to help.” Amy said, feeling really bad for the boy. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like if her mom was in an accident like that.
“Thank you girls. There is one more thing I need to ask of you. It’s just, Jackson isn’t a nudist like us. So while he is here, it would be best if we all wore clothes.”
“Aww, but mom…” Britney started to complain.
“Britney, at least for the first few days he’s here. He’s not used to nude people. I’ll have a talk with him about it, and if he says he can handle it, then we’ll see. Ok, sweetie.”
“Ok, mommy.”
She looked at her older daughter. “That ok for you too, Amy?”
“Yeah, mom. That’s fine.” Amy answered. She was used to being nude in front of boys, even boys her own age, but for some reason the thought of being naked in front of this particular boy was making her a bit nervous.
It was the next day, about eleven in the morning, that Jackson was brought over to the Faris house. “Cynthia Faris is a coworker and friend of your mom. She’s offered to take you in for the time being. You’ll even have your own room while you’re here. Won't that be nice?” the social worker explained.
“Yeah, I guess.” Jackson said, still feeling pretty down. It had been about a week since the accident, and his mother didn’t seem to be getting any better. He had been allowed to stay at home during the week as it was summer vacation, until a suitable guardian could be found, but now he had to go live someplace new. None of this seemed fair to Jackson.
“Alright. Come on. Let’s go meet everyone,” and the two stepped out of the car. Jackson grabbed his two suitcases from the trunk of the car, his clothes and a few other things he felt he couldn’t live without, and the two made their way to the front door.
The door opened, and there stood Cynthia, Amy, and Britney. Britney was wearing the only thing she wore when she was forced to wear clothes, a yellow sundress that came down to the middle of her thighs. She refused to wear anything underneath. Her long hair was a bit of a mess, with a more blondish color.
Amy was wearing a red blouse with a yellow tank top underneath. She also had on a pair of blue denim shorts, leaving her long legs bare down to her feet. Her nicely combed long brown hair fell down over her shoulders.
Cynthia had also decided to go with a sundress, hers pink, with a floral pattern near the bottom. It came down below her knees, however, and she had her long brown hair tied up in a bun. Jackson couldn’t help noticing the beauty of all three. “Hello Jackson.” Cynthia smiled warmly at the boy. “I’m Cynthia, and these are my daughters, Amy and Britney.”
“Hello ma’am.” Jackson responded, trying to be polite.
The woman could see the pain still etched on his face. “Please, come in.”
“I really can’t stay, sorry.” the social worker explained. “I need to get back to the office. Jackson, is there anything you need before I leave?”
“No ma’am.”
“Alright. Thank you for taking him in, Ms. Faris. I’ll be back in a week to check on things. Jackson, you have my number, so anything you need, just call.” she ruffled his hair a little. “I think you’re going to like it here.”
“Thanks.” Jackson tried to smile at the woman.
“Bye everyone.” The social worker said, heading back to her car.
“Come on in, Jackson. Oh, do you need any help with those?” Cynthia offered, when the boy picked his bags back up.
“No, thank you, ma’am.”
“You can call me Cynthia, sweetie. You don’t need to be so formal. Besides, I’m too young to be a ma’am yet.” She giggled. “I’ll show you to your room so you can drop those off, and then we can give you a tour of the rest of the house.” Jackson followed the woman into the house, through the living room and kitchen, down a few stairs and into a room with a TV and entertainment center. He couldn’t help but notice how nice everything seemed to be compared to the two-bedroom apartment he and his mom lived in.
Cynthia opened a door off to the side of the room. “This room is supposed to be a den, but the girls and I never really use it. I got you a full size bed, and over here is a closet you can keep your clothes in.” Jackson set his bags down on the bed. “Ok, let me show you around the house. So right next to your room is a bathroom. It even has a shower. It’s all yours. The girls have their own bathroom upstairs, and I have my own in my bedroom. And this room here is the family room. It’s where we spend most of our time when we’re not eating or swimming out back”
“You have a pool?” Jackson perked up a little.
“Yeah. It’s in-ground and even heated.”
“Can we go swimming today, mommy?” Britney asked.
“We’ll see honey. Probably not until tomorrow. Jackson needs a bit of time to settle in. Did you bring a suit, Jackson?”
“Oh, uh yeah.”
The woman smiled at the boy. “Good. Ok, you’ve seen the kitchen and the living room already. And up these stairs are mine and the girl’s bedrooms. You probably won’t really need to go up there too often, unless one of the girls invites you to play a game or something. Alright, Jackson, that’s everything. Why don’t you go back to your room and get unpacked, then we can all have some lunch?”
“Alright. Thank you, Ms. Faris… I mean, Cynthia.” and Jackson headed down to his new room.
“He’s very polite. Don’t you think, Amy?” Her mom commented when the boy was gone.
“Oh, uh, yeah, mom. He’s very nice.” The girl had a little blush on her cheeks that her mom noticed.
She just smiled. “Come help me make lunch, girls.”
The girls helped their mother with making lunch, and setting the table. When everything was ready, her mom asked Amy to go get Jackson. Amy made her way over and knocked on the closed door. When there was no answer, she asked, “Jackson?” with a bit of concern. “Jackson?” she asked again, opening the door. The boy was facing away from the door, sitting on the other side of the bed.
“Go away.” he said, with strain in his voice.
“What’s...” She almost asked him what was wrong, but she already knew. She walked over to the other side of the bed and stood in front of him. “I’m sorry, Jackson.” Jackson looked away from her, not wanting the girl to see him crying, but Amy had already seen the pain on his face. There was only one way she could think of comforting him, so she grabbed him in a hug. “I’m really sorry.” she whispered in his ear.
Jackson hugged her back, embracing her tightly for a minute. “Thanks.” he let go of the hug, and wiped his eyes, feeling a bit better.
“Yeah, anytime.” She smiled at him. “Lunch is ready.”
“Give me a minute. I’ll be right there.” Amy started to leave the room, but he spoke up. “Amy, can we keep this between us?”
Amy knew exactly what he meant. “Sure.”
“Everything ok?” Cynthia noticed the look on her daughter’s face when she came in. “Took you a little while to get back.” Jackson entered the room soon after.
“Yeah. I was just helping Jackson finish putting away his clothes.” Amy covered for him.
“Alright. Well, there’s mac and cheese with hotdogs in it. Hope you like it, Jackson.” She smiled at the boy. They all sat down and she started serving the plates. “So, what do you like to do for fun, Jackson?”
“Oh, uh, normal stuff. Riding my bike. Playing video games. Swimming.”
“What games do you like?” the eight-year-old asked with a little excitement in her voice. “My favorite is Pokémon.”
“I just got that for my Switch.” Jackson answered. “I brought mine with me if you want to play.”
“We’ll have to battle sometime.” Amy said playfully to the boy.
“Yeah, that’d be fun.”
“I want to battle him!” Britney whined a little.
“You can both play with him, girls.” Their mother giggled. She was happy Jackson didn’t seem as down as before.
They spent the rest of lunch chatting and getting to know each other, and the kids discussed which Pokémon were their favorites. When he was finished, Jackson asked “Where should I put this?” getting up and picking up his plate.
“Oh, that’s alright, Jackson. I can take care of it. Why don’t you all go play some Pokémon.” Cynthia suggested.
The girls headed up to their rooms to get their game systems and met Jackson in the family room, ready to play. “So, who do you want to battle first?” Amy asked him.
“Who’s got the better team?” Jackson asked.
“I do!” Britney said, flopping down in front of the couch, leaning back against it. “I beat Amy pretty much every time we battle.”
“It’s true.” Amy rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders, sitting down on the floor next to her sister. “She’s obsessed with this game.”
Jackson followed both girls lead, sitting down across from them. “Ok. I’ll face Britney, and then you can have the winner. Sound good?”
“Yeah, sounds good to me.” Amy answered.
The boy and the eight-year-old girl started up their game systems, and were soon in battle with each other. “Oh no, you don’t!” Britney yelled when one of her Pokémon was low on health.
“Ah! Another one.” Jackson laughed, when one of his Pokémon was knocked out of the battle.
“This is your last one.” Britney said, defeating all but one of Jackson’s Pokémon. “You’re going down!”
“I’m not done yet.” Jackson retorted, but it was academic at that point. Britney still had four of her team left, so when Jackson’s final Pokémon went down, all he could say was “Alright. Good game, Britney.” and he laughed a little. Playing the video game with the girl had taken his mind off of his mother’s situation and brightened his mood a lot.
“Thanks!” Britney beamed brightly. “You ready, Amy? You’re going down too!”
Jackson leaned back a little, to watch the girls battle each other, but out of the corner of his eye he noticed something. While Britney had been battling him, the skirt of her dress had ridden up some, letting her little pussy become exposed right in his line of sight. Jackson hadn’t noticed up until that point, being focused on the game, but now his eyes opened wide in surprise. This was the first time he had ever seen a girl’s privates, and he was unsure what he should do. He wanted to let the girl know, so she could protect her modesty, but was worried he would get accused of doing something wrong or bad. He decided to just let it go, and looked away from the girl’s slit, but as the girls’ battle raged on, he kept losing his own battle, and his eyes kept drifting to look in between the girl’s legs. It became hard for him to look anywhere else eventually.
“Jackson? Jackson!?” Amy asked when the boy didn’t respond, waving her hand in front of his face.
“Huh? What!?” Jackson looked over at the older girl, blushing, thinking he had just been caught red-handed.
“We’re done with our battle. Want to face me now?”
“Yeah, sure.” He breathed out in relief. The two older kids connected to each other and started their own battle, but Jackson found it hard to concentrate. Britney had switched to playing her single player game, and had pulled her knees up to rest the game system on, with her feet spread out a little. This left her even more exposed to the boy. Jackson could see basically everything between her legs now.
“Looks like I win again.” Amy smiled at the boy.
“Oh, uh, yeah.” Jackson had barely been able to pay attention to the fight, finding himself checking out the younger girl’s privates more and more.
The three of them ended up spending the rest of the afternoon taking turns battling each other, and to Jackson’s relief, he was never caught checking out what was between the girl’s legs.
“Hey kids. I’m making dinner soon. Britney, you need a bath tonight, remember.”
“Aww, but mom.” Britney complained.
“You haven’t had one in two days, little girl. You can either take it now, or after dinner, but it has to be done.”
“Alright, I’ll take it now.” Britney said, getting up.
“Good.” she turned to Jackson and said, “This one never wants to take a bath for some reason. Amy’s always pretty good about it, though.” and she smiled at her older daughter. Amy blushed, embarrassed to have her washing habits discussed in front of this boy.
While the woman took her younger daughter to the bath, Jackson and Amy continued playing the game against each other. This time, with nothing to distract him, he was finally able to win one of the battles. “Good game.” Amy grinned at him.
“Thanks.” Jackson grinned back.
“GET BACK HERE, YOUNG LADY!” They heard Cynthia yelling from upstairs.
Britney came running into the room, giggling her little head off. “CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!” Jackson’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. Britney had just finished her bath, and had run downstairs completely naked, still dripping wet. He was shocked. He had been taught the importance of modesty by his mom, especially for girls. He didn’t really know what to make of this situation.
“BRITNEY!” Her mother came into the room, carrying a towel.
“Hahaha!” Britney bounced around the room, keeping out of her mother’s grasp. The girl’s laughter was infectious, and soon Jackson and Amy were both laughing along as Britney seemed to always be one move ahead of her mother.
“Britney!” The woman tried scolding, but couldn’t keep the amusement out of her voice either. “What did I tell...” she noticed the way Jackson was laughing. He didn’t seem to be upset by the girl’s nudity at all. “Alright, little girl. Run around naked. You can stay that way the rest of the night for all I care. I need to check on dinner.”
“YAY!” was Britney’s response, happy her mother was finally letting her be naked again. She came over and took the towel from her mom, drying what was left of the water, then handed it back.
“Why don’t you come help me with dinner,” and the woman took the girl’s hand, leading her into the kitchen.
Jackson, by that point, was openly staring at the nude girl. He was amused at what Britney had done, but was still confused by the whole situation. “She’s really going to stay naked for the rest of the night?” he asked the older girl.
“Um, yeah. I guess?” Amy blushed a little. “She’s pretty used to it.”
“She does that a lot?” Jackson was astonished, blushing a little at the thought of a girl running around naked all the time.
“Uh, yeah. Want to watch TV?” Amy said, hoping to change the subject.
“Ok.” Jackson was happy to have the subject dropped himself. He had started to get aroused at the thought, and didn’t want to get into any trouble with the nice people who had taken him in.
They watched TV until dinner was ready and Amy’s mom called them over. When they both came in, Britney was already chowing down on her food, blissfully happy at being nude again. Jackson sat down in the same chair he had taken at lunchtime, sitting across from the two girls, with their mother at the head of the table. At first, Jackson couldn’t help looking at the nude girl again and again, but after a while he was starting to get used to it. Britney was still a small child, no signs of puberty at all yet, so her chest, all that he could see at the moment, was basically the same as his or any other boy he had seen going without a shirt. So, the novelty of the situation wore off quickly.
After dinner, they all retired to the family room, to watch more TV. Britney stayed nude, but Jackson was starting to get used to it. He did get a few glimpses at the girl’s pussy again, which sparked a little rise in him, but the girl had sat down next to her mother, and curled herself up to cuddle with her, so Jackson didn’t really get to see all that much for the rest of the night.
“Alright Britney. Time for bed. Amy, you better go take your shower.” Their mother said. “Jackson, do you prefer your shower at night or in the morning?”
“Uh, morning usually. But if…”
“That’s fine, Jackson. Whatever makes you comfortable.” She smiled warmly at the boy. “Come on, girls.” She led both her daughters upstairs. Once Britney was tucked in bed, and Amy was in the shower, she headed back downstairs to speak with the boy again. “How late do you normally stay up, Jackson?”
“My bedtime is usually ten thirty. Ten o’clock on a school night.”
“Ok. Since it’s the middle of summer vacation, feel free to stay up as late as you like. I’ll warn you now, though, the girls and I are early risers. But you can feel free to sleep in, if the noise doesn’t wake you.” and she turned to head back upstairs.
Amy, not used to wearing clothes most of the time, had forgotten to bring anything to wear into the bathroom. She remembered her mom’s words about not going nude, and wrapped her bath towel around herself after drying. She was just coming out of the bathroom as her mom reached the top of the stairs. “I forgot my PJ’s.” she started to explain.
“That’s alright, Amy. Come talk with me for a minute.” She went into her daughter’s room, with Amy following. “You don’t have to wear that now. I don’t think Jackson is going to come up here.”
“Oh, alright.” Amy said, taking off her towel. She was feeling a little vulnerable with the door being left wide open, and her mother noticed the blush slowly forming on her cheeks.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, mom.” Amy answered, but averted her eyes from her mother’s line of sight.
“Amy? What’s the matter? You’ve never been shy about being nude before.” Amy didn’t say anything, keeping her gaze away from her mom’s face. “What is it?”
“Come on, I can always tell when you’re lying to me, Amy.”
“It’s nothing, really.”
“Does this have something to do with Jackson being here?” Her daughter’s blush deepened a bit. “It wouldn’t be that you find Jackson handsome, would it?” her mother grinned.
“Mom!” Amy blushed really hard, finally looking her mom in the eye.
“That’s it, isn’t it? You’ve got a little crush on Jackson.” She smirked at her. Amy looked away, feeling mortified. “It’s alright, Amy. There’s nothing wrong with that. I understand you're getting to that age where you start noticing boys and going through changes…”
“Mom, you’re not going to give me the talk again, are you?”
Cynthia laughed. “No. I’m just explaining that these feelings are perfectly normal, and you have nothing you worry about, dear. Why, I remember the first time I was nude in front of a boy I liked. Of course, he was a nudist too… But I’m getting off-topic. I’m just letting you know; you have nothing to worry about, Amy. You’re a very beautiful girl.”
“And I won’t be nude in front of him anyway, right?”
“Mom!?” Amy’s eyes opened wide, and she thought about protesting.
“Honey. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I’ve decided it’s probably alright for us to go nude in front of Jackson. You saw him earlier. He was alright with it. I think it even helped his mood some. Britney really wants to go swimming tomorrow, and I think you and I should join her.”
“But…” Amy wasn’t really sure what to say, getting a knot in the pit of her stomach.
“Amy. I won’t force you to do it, but I really think you should. Both Britney and I will be swimming nude. Besides, did you see the way Jackson’s face lit up when Britney was running around nude? Imagine how happy he’d be seeing you like that.”
“Mom!” Amy yelled one more time, astonished her mother would suggest something like that, and even condone it.
Her mother chuckled. “Just think about it.” she gave her a kiss on the forehead. “You better get to bed. Sweet dreams, honey.”
“Goodnight.” Amy said back, still blushing. She got under the covers, and drifted off to sleep, dreaming about what it’d be like to be naked in front of Jackson.
The next morning, Jackson woke up around nine, coming into the kitchen, finding the three already eating breakfast. “Good morning, Jackson.” Cynthia said. She was wearing a lavender colored robe. Amy had gotten dressed that morning in a teal sundress, still not sure if she could face Jackson while naked. Britney, on the other hand, who always preferred being nude, still had not gotten dressed. “I made pancakes for you too.” she pointed to a plate on the countertop.
“Thank you, ma’am.”
“Cynthia. Please.” She gave him another bright, warm smile. “The girls and I were going to go swimming this morning. Would you like to join us?”
“Sure.” Swimming had always been one of his favorite activities. “That’d be great.”
When they had finished with breakfast, Cynthia said, “Ok. Go change into your suit, Jackson, and we’ll meet you outside. Girls, go get ready.”
“I am ready, mommy!” Britney said with a little giggle.
“No, you need your floaties, little girl.”
“Oh, right.” and the young girl ran off, with her older sister following close behind.
Jackson went into his room and quickly changed into his swim trunks, and was back out in a few minutes. Cynthia was already out by the pool waiting for him. “Jackson, there’s something I need to explain to you before we start swimming.”
“What’s that?” he looked at her, a little confused at the tone of her voice.
“Well, the girls and I usually swim nude. You wouldn’t have any problem with that, would you?”
“Uhhh… No…” Jackson stammered out. He couldn’t believe his ears.
“Great.” Cynthia smiled brightly at the boy, and undid the sash of her robe. “I usually do fifty laps after breakfast. Keeps me in good shape.” and she slid the robe off of her shoulders, letting the boy see her nude for the first time. He breasts were pretty large, especially to Jackson, who hadn't ever seen a woman naked before. Her nipples were standing up a little, with areolas about the size of a half dollar, a few shades darker pink from the rest of her skin color. She had dark brown colored pubes, shaved into a landing strip above her pussy lips. She giggled to herself in amusement as the boy’s eyes grew wider and wider, taking in the sight of her naked body. She turned around and dove into the pool expertly, giving the boy a quick view of her apple bottom shaped butt, and started swimming her laps.
Jackson was feeling a little light-headed, so decided to sit down in one of the lounge chairs near the pool to give himself time to calm down. Britney came running out of the house soon after, giggling and running over to the pool and did a cannonball in, splashing Jackson with a bit of water.
Amy was following close behind, and giggled a little at her sister getting the boy wet. “So, my mom told you, huh?”
Jackson looked back, realizing the other girl was also there. He was a little disappointed to see that Amy wasn’t naked like her sister or mother, choosing instead to wear a string bikini, the only real swimsuit she had that fit anymore. He was also kind of relieved she was covered, not sure what his reaction would be to seeing her naked. Even in this string bikini, he found her really attractive. The way her little boobs filled out her top, the way her hips were starting to flair out, and the amount of skin she was showing. “Yeah, she explained everything.” He said, not knowing the full truth.
Amy took the seat next to Jackson on the pool deck. Amy’s mother was swimming towards them, on her tenth lap, and said. “Amy, if you’re not getting into the pool yet, you better put on some sunscreen. You too, Jackson. Why don’t you help each other out?” and she continued her laps.
“Ok.” Amy said, getting up to grab the sunblock sitting on the table near them, and then sat back down. She squeezed a generous amount into her hand, and then held the bottle out to Jackson. “Here.” and he took the bottle, while she started spreading the lotion on her legs.
“Thanks.” He said, squeezing out some for himself, while watching the girl rub the lotion into her skin.
Amy noticed him watching, and blushed a little. She finished her legs, and started on her arms next. She couldn’t help watching him as he rubbed the sunblock onto his chest, thinking he was quite muscular for a thirteen-year-old. “I need a bit more.”
“Here.” He offered the bottle back to her, and watched while she rubbed more onto her tummy and then her upper chest. Jackson finished his own legs, while the girl watched him.
“Thanks.” She said, and the two ended up locking eyes for a moment. This was getting to be too much for Amy, who was starting to feel a wetness between her legs. She quickly flipped over onto her stomach so she didn’t have to see the boy anymore.
“Jackson, make sure to get her back!” Her mom called over, as she kicked off the wall.
Amy’s heart started to race. Now the handsome boy was going to touch her? She didn’t really see any way out of this. She was too afraid of what might happen if she flipped back over and looked at him again, so she just held still.
Jackson got up and grabbed the bottle again, squeezing out a bit more, and started lightly rubbing it into her shoulder blades. He was blushing about as much as the twelve-year-old, hoping the girl wouldn’t notice the obvious erection in his trunks. His penis got even harder when he heard Amy start to let out little moans at his touches. He was having a hard time keeping his composure, so when his hand snagged underneath the string of her top, he jumped a little, pulling the knot loose. “Oh god! Sorry!” he said, getting worried she would get mad at him.
Amy noticed the tone of his voice, and tried to quickly put his worry to rest. “It’s ok, Jackson. It’s probably easier to put sunscreen on without that in the way anyway.” She looked back at him over her shoulder, noticing for the first time he was feeling just as excited about this as her. It helped her relax a little. She lay back down and smiled to herself. “Would you finish my back?” and she undid the tie around her neck as well.
Jackson gulped a little. “Yeah.” and he continued rubbing the sunblock into her back, while Amy kept making little sighs and moans at his touch, completely enjoying it now. When everything seemed to be covered, Jackson took a step back, not really sure what to do.
Amy, figuring he was done, started turning back over, wondering what his reaction would be to seeing her boobs; but Jackson was too worried about the obvious tent in his shorts, and quickly lept onto his chair on his stomach to hide it before she could see. She giggled a little at his actions, not really sure what he was doing. “Want me to do your back?”
“Uh... Ok…” he answered. Amy got up and came over, but Jackson had his face facing away from the girl, trying to hide his blush, so didn’t even realize the girl was topless.
Amy got more lotion, and started covering his back. Jackson tensed up. “Relax a little. It’s just sunscreen.” she said. He tried relaxing, and was soon letting out his own sighs, enjoying having the girl massage the lotion into his back. “So, you really don’t mind?”
“Mind what?” he asked, starting to feel completely at ease, and in bliss with the way the cute girl was touching him.
“That we’re nudists.”
Jackson’s mother is in the hospital, and he is forced to go live with a family of nudists. He ends up becoming very close with the twelve-year-old daughter, Amy, with her mom conspiring to get the two of them together.
Jackson and the Three Bares
“Girls, please sit down for a second. There’s something I need to tell you both.” Amy’s mother said, taking a seat herself at the kitchen table. “One of my co-workers was in an accident. Her son needs a place to stay for a while until she gets better. I’ve offered to take him in for the time being.” she explained. “His name is Jackson, and he’s thirteen years old. I think he goes to school with you, Amy.”
“Jackson Gull?” The twelve-year-old, Amy, asked the name of a boy she shared a few classes with, but didn’t really know all that well.
“Yes that’s right.” Her mother answered.
“What happened to his mommy?” Amy’s eight-year-old sister, Britney, asked.
“She was in a car accident. She’s in the hospital now. We’re really not sure…” she started to say, getting a little teary-eyed. “Jackson’s going to need a lot of support and kindness from us, girls. His mother is the only family he has.”
“Of course mom. We’ll do what we can to help.” Amy said, feeling really bad for the boy. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like if her mom was in an accident like that.
“Thank you girls. There is one more thing I need to ask of you. It’s just, Jackson isn’t a nudist like us. So while he is here, it would be best if we all wore clothes.”
“Aww, but mom…” Britney started to complain.
“Britney, at least for the first few days he’s here. He’s not used to nude people. I’ll have a talk with him about it, and if he says he can handle it, then we’ll see. Ok, sweetie.”
“Ok, mommy.”
She looked at her older daughter. “That ok for you too, Amy?”
“Yeah, mom. That’s fine.” Amy answered. She was used to being nude in front of boys, even boys her own age, but for some reason the thought of being naked in front of this particular boy was making her a bit nervous.
It was the next day, about eleven in the morning, that Jackson was brought over to the Faris house. “Cynthia Faris is a coworker and friend of your mom. She’s offered to take you in for the time being. You’ll even have your own room while you’re here. Won't that be nice?” the social worker explained.
“Yeah, I guess.” Jackson said, still feeling pretty down. It had been about a week since the accident, and his mother didn’t seem to be getting any better. He had been allowed to stay at home during the week as it was summer vacation, until a suitable guardian could be found, but now he had to go live someplace new. None of this seemed fair to Jackson.
“Alright. Come on. Let’s go meet everyone,” and the two stepped out of the car. Jackson grabbed his two suitcases from the trunk of the car, his clothes and a few other things he felt he couldn’t live without, and the two made their way to the front door.
The door opened, and there stood Cynthia, Amy, and Britney. Britney was wearing the only thing she wore when she was forced to wear clothes, a yellow sundress that came down to the middle of her thighs. She refused to wear anything underneath. Her long hair was a bit of a mess, with a more blondish color.
Amy was wearing a red blouse with a yellow tank top underneath. She also had on a pair of blue denim shorts, leaving her long legs bare down to her feet. Her nicely combed long brown hair fell down over her shoulders.
Cynthia had also decided to go with a sundress, hers pink, with a floral pattern near the bottom. It came down below her knees, however, and she had her long brown hair tied up in a bun. Jackson couldn’t help noticing the beauty of all three. “Hello Jackson.” Cynthia smiled warmly at the boy. “I’m Cynthia, and these are my daughters, Amy and Britney.”
“Hello ma’am.” Jackson responded, trying to be polite.
The woman could see the pain still etched on his face. “Please, come in.”
“I really can’t stay, sorry.” the social worker explained. “I need to get back to the office. Jackson, is there anything you need before I leave?”
“No ma’am.”
“Alright. Thank you for taking him in, Ms. Faris. I’ll be back in a week to check on things. Jackson, you have my number, so anything you need, just call.” she ruffled his hair a little. “I think you’re going to like it here.”
“Thanks.” Jackson tried to smile at the woman.
“Bye everyone.” The social worker said, heading back to her car.
“Come on in, Jackson. Oh, do you need any help with those?” Cynthia offered, when the boy picked his bags back up.
“No, thank you, ma’am.”
“You can call me Cynthia, sweetie. You don’t need to be so formal. Besides, I’m too young to be a ma’am yet.” She giggled. “I’ll show you to your room so you can drop those off, and then we can give you a tour of the rest of the house.” Jackson followed the woman into the house, through the living room and kitchen, down a few stairs and into a room with a TV and entertainment center. He couldn’t help but notice how nice everything seemed to be compared to the two-bedroom apartment he and his mom lived in.
Cynthia opened a door off to the side of the room. “This room is supposed to be a den, but the girls and I never really use it. I got you a full size bed, and over here is a closet you can keep your clothes in.” Jackson set his bags down on the bed. “Ok, let me show you around the house. So right next to your room is a bathroom. It even has a shower. It’s all yours. The girls have their own bathroom upstairs, and I have my own in my bedroom. And this room here is the family room. It’s where we spend most of our time when we’re not eating or swimming out back”
“You have a pool?” Jackson perked up a little.
“Yeah. It’s in-ground and even heated.”
“Can we go swimming today, mommy?” Britney asked.
“We’ll see honey. Probably not until tomorrow. Jackson needs a bit of time to settle in. Did you bring a suit, Jackson?”
“Oh, uh yeah.”
The woman smiled at the boy. “Good. Ok, you’ve seen the kitchen and the living room already. And up these stairs are mine and the girl’s bedrooms. You probably won’t really need to go up there too often, unless one of the girls invites you to play a game or something. Alright, Jackson, that’s everything. Why don’t you go back to your room and get unpacked, then we can all have some lunch?”
“Alright. Thank you, Ms. Faris… I mean, Cynthia.” and Jackson headed down to his new room.
“He’s very polite. Don’t you think, Amy?” Her mom commented when the boy was gone.
“Oh, uh, yeah, mom. He’s very nice.” The girl had a little blush on her cheeks that her mom noticed.
She just smiled. “Come help me make lunch, girls.”
The girls helped their mother with making lunch, and setting the table. When everything was ready, her mom asked Amy to go get Jackson. Amy made her way over and knocked on the closed door. When there was no answer, she asked, “Jackson?” with a bit of concern. “Jackson?” she asked again, opening the door. The boy was facing away from the door, sitting on the other side of the bed.
“Go away.” he said, with strain in his voice.
“What’s...” She almost asked him what was wrong, but she already knew. She walked over to the other side of the bed and stood in front of him. “I’m sorry, Jackson.” Jackson looked away from her, not wanting the girl to see him crying, but Amy had already seen the pain on his face. There was only one way she could think of comforting him, so she grabbed him in a hug. “I’m really sorry.” she whispered in his ear.
Jackson hugged her back, embracing her tightly for a minute. “Thanks.” he let go of the hug, and wiped his eyes, feeling a bit better.
“Yeah, anytime.” She smiled at him. “Lunch is ready.”
“Give me a minute. I’ll be right there.” Amy started to leave the room, but he spoke up. “Amy, can we keep this between us?”
Amy knew exactly what he meant. “Sure.”
“Everything ok?” Cynthia noticed the look on her daughter’s face when she came in. “Took you a little while to get back.” Jackson entered the room soon after.
“Yeah. I was just helping Jackson finish putting away his clothes.” Amy covered for him.
“Alright. Well, there’s mac and cheese with hotdogs in it. Hope you like it, Jackson.” She smiled at the boy. They all sat down and she started serving the plates. “So, what do you like to do for fun, Jackson?”
“Oh, uh, normal stuff. Riding my bike. Playing video games. Swimming.”
“What games do you like?” the eight-year-old asked with a little excitement in her voice. “My favorite is Pokémon.”
“I just got that for my Switch.” Jackson answered. “I brought mine with me if you want to play.”
“We’ll have to battle sometime.” Amy said playfully to the boy.
“Yeah, that’d be fun.”
“I want to battle him!” Britney whined a little.
“You can both play with him, girls.” Their mother giggled. She was happy Jackson didn’t seem as down as before.
They spent the rest of lunch chatting and getting to know each other, and the kids discussed which Pokémon were their favorites. When he was finished, Jackson asked “Where should I put this?” getting up and picking up his plate.
“Oh, that’s alright, Jackson. I can take care of it. Why don’t you all go play some Pokémon.” Cynthia suggested.
The girls headed up to their rooms to get their game systems and met Jackson in the family room, ready to play. “So, who do you want to battle first?” Amy asked him.
“Who’s got the better team?” Jackson asked.
“I do!” Britney said, flopping down in front of the couch, leaning back against it. “I beat Amy pretty much every time we battle.”
“It’s true.” Amy rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders, sitting down on the floor next to her sister. “She’s obsessed with this game.”
Jackson followed both girls lead, sitting down across from them. “Ok. I’ll face Britney, and then you can have the winner. Sound good?”
“Yeah, sounds good to me.” Amy answered.
The boy and the eight-year-old girl started up their game systems, and were soon in battle with each other. “Oh no, you don’t!” Britney yelled when one of her Pokémon was low on health.
“Ah! Another one.” Jackson laughed, when one of his Pokémon was knocked out of the battle.
“This is your last one.” Britney said, defeating all but one of Jackson’s Pokémon. “You’re going down!”
“I’m not done yet.” Jackson retorted, but it was academic at that point. Britney still had four of her team left, so when Jackson’s final Pokémon went down, all he could say was “Alright. Good game, Britney.” and he laughed a little. Playing the video game with the girl had taken his mind off of his mother’s situation and brightened his mood a lot.
“Thanks!” Britney beamed brightly. “You ready, Amy? You’re going down too!”
Jackson leaned back a little, to watch the girls battle each other, but out of the corner of his eye he noticed something. While Britney had been battling him, the skirt of her dress had ridden up some, letting her little pussy become exposed right in his line of sight. Jackson hadn’t noticed up until that point, being focused on the game, but now his eyes opened wide in surprise. This was the first time he had ever seen a girl’s privates, and he was unsure what he should do. He wanted to let the girl know, so she could protect her modesty, but was worried he would get accused of doing something wrong or bad. He decided to just let it go, and looked away from the girl’s slit, but as the girls’ battle raged on, he kept losing his own battle, and his eyes kept drifting to look in between the girl’s legs. It became hard for him to look anywhere else eventually.
“Jackson? Jackson!?” Amy asked when the boy didn’t respond, waving her hand in front of his face.
“Huh? What!?” Jackson looked over at the older girl, blushing, thinking he had just been caught red-handed.
“We’re done with our battle. Want to face me now?”
“Yeah, sure.” He breathed out in relief. The two older kids connected to each other and started their own battle, but Jackson found it hard to concentrate. Britney had switched to playing her single player game, and had pulled her knees up to rest the game system on, with her feet spread out a little. This left her even more exposed to the boy. Jackson could see basically everything between her legs now.
“Looks like I win again.” Amy smiled at the boy.
“Oh, uh, yeah.” Jackson had barely been able to pay attention to the fight, finding himself checking out the younger girl’s privates more and more.
The three of them ended up spending the rest of the afternoon taking turns battling each other, and to Jackson’s relief, he was never caught checking out what was between the girl’s legs.
“Hey kids. I’m making dinner soon. Britney, you need a bath tonight, remember.”
“Aww, but mom.” Britney complained.
“You haven’t had one in two days, little girl. You can either take it now, or after dinner, but it has to be done.”
“Alright, I’ll take it now.” Britney said, getting up.
“Good.” she turned to Jackson and said, “This one never wants to take a bath for some reason. Amy’s always pretty good about it, though.” and she smiled at her older daughter. Amy blushed, embarrassed to have her washing habits discussed in front of this boy.
While the woman took her younger daughter to the bath, Jackson and Amy continued playing the game against each other. This time, with nothing to distract him, he was finally able to win one of the battles. “Good game.” Amy grinned at him.
“Thanks.” Jackson grinned back.
“GET BACK HERE, YOUNG LADY!” They heard Cynthia yelling from upstairs.
Britney came running into the room, giggling her little head off. “CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!” Jackson’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. Britney had just finished her bath, and had run downstairs completely naked, still dripping wet. He was shocked. He had been taught the importance of modesty by his mom, especially for girls. He didn’t really know what to make of this situation.
“BRITNEY!” Her mother came into the room, carrying a towel.
“Hahaha!” Britney bounced around the room, keeping out of her mother’s grasp. The girl’s laughter was infectious, and soon Jackson and Amy were both laughing along as Britney seemed to always be one move ahead of her mother.
“Britney!” The woman tried scolding, but couldn’t keep the amusement out of her voice either. “What did I tell...” she noticed the way Jackson was laughing. He didn’t seem to be upset by the girl’s nudity at all. “Alright, little girl. Run around naked. You can stay that way the rest of the night for all I care. I need to check on dinner.”
“YAY!” was Britney’s response, happy her mother was finally letting her be naked again. She came over and took the towel from her mom, drying what was left of the water, then handed it back.
“Why don’t you come help me with dinner,” and the woman took the girl’s hand, leading her into the kitchen.
Jackson, by that point, was openly staring at the nude girl. He was amused at what Britney had done, but was still confused by the whole situation. “She’s really going to stay naked for the rest of the night?” he asked the older girl.
“Um, yeah. I guess?” Amy blushed a little. “She’s pretty used to it.”
“She does that a lot?” Jackson was astonished, blushing a little at the thought of a girl running around naked all the time.
“Uh, yeah. Want to watch TV?” Amy said, hoping to change the subject.
“Ok.” Jackson was happy to have the subject dropped himself. He had started to get aroused at the thought, and didn’t want to get into any trouble with the nice people who had taken him in.
They watched TV until dinner was ready and Amy’s mom called them over. When they both came in, Britney was already chowing down on her food, blissfully happy at being nude again. Jackson sat down in the same chair he had taken at lunchtime, sitting across from the two girls, with their mother at the head of the table. At first, Jackson couldn’t help looking at the nude girl again and again, but after a while he was starting to get used to it. Britney was still a small child, no signs of puberty at all yet, so her chest, all that he could see at the moment, was basically the same as his or any other boy he had seen going without a shirt. So, the novelty of the situation wore off quickly.
After dinner, they all retired to the family room, to watch more TV. Britney stayed nude, but Jackson was starting to get used to it. He did get a few glimpses at the girl’s pussy again, which sparked a little rise in him, but the girl had sat down next to her mother, and curled herself up to cuddle with her, so Jackson didn’t really get to see all that much for the rest of the night.
“Alright Britney. Time for bed. Amy, you better go take your shower.” Their mother said. “Jackson, do you prefer your shower at night or in the morning?”
“Uh, morning usually. But if…”
“That’s fine, Jackson. Whatever makes you comfortable.” She smiled warmly at the boy. “Come on, girls.” She led both her daughters upstairs. Once Britney was tucked in bed, and Amy was in the shower, she headed back downstairs to speak with the boy again. “How late do you normally stay up, Jackson?”
“My bedtime is usually ten thirty. Ten o’clock on a school night.”
“Ok. Since it’s the middle of summer vacation, feel free to stay up as late as you like. I’ll warn you now, though, the girls and I are early risers. But you can feel free to sleep in, if the noise doesn’t wake you.” and she turned to head back upstairs.
Amy, not used to wearing clothes most of the time, had forgotten to bring anything to wear into the bathroom. She remembered her mom’s words about not going nude, and wrapped her bath towel around herself after drying. She was just coming out of the bathroom as her mom reached the top of the stairs. “I forgot my PJ’s.” she started to explain.
“That’s alright, Amy. Come talk with me for a minute.” She went into her daughter’s room, with Amy following. “You don’t have to wear that now. I don’t think Jackson is going to come up here.”
“Oh, alright.” Amy said, taking off her towel. She was feeling a little vulnerable with the door being left wide open, and her mother noticed the blush slowly forming on her cheeks.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, mom.” Amy answered, but averted her eyes from her mother’s line of sight.
“Amy? What’s the matter? You’ve never been shy about being nude before.” Amy didn’t say anything, keeping her gaze away from her mom’s face. “What is it?”
“Come on, I can always tell when you’re lying to me, Amy.”
“It’s nothing, really.”
“Does this have something to do with Jackson being here?” Her daughter’s blush deepened a bit. “It wouldn’t be that you find Jackson handsome, would it?” her mother grinned.
“Mom!” Amy blushed really hard, finally looking her mom in the eye.
“That’s it, isn’t it? You’ve got a little crush on Jackson.” She smirked at her. Amy looked away, feeling mortified. “It’s alright, Amy. There’s nothing wrong with that. I understand you're getting to that age where you start noticing boys and going through changes…”
“Mom, you’re not going to give me the talk again, are you?”
Cynthia laughed. “No. I’m just explaining that these feelings are perfectly normal, and you have nothing you worry about, dear. Why, I remember the first time I was nude in front of a boy I liked. Of course, he was a nudist too… But I’m getting off-topic. I’m just letting you know; you have nothing to worry about, Amy. You’re a very beautiful girl.”
“And I won’t be nude in front of him anyway, right?”
“Mom!?” Amy’s eyes opened wide, and she thought about protesting.
“Honey. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I’ve decided it’s probably alright for us to go nude in front of Jackson. You saw him earlier. He was alright with it. I think it even helped his mood some. Britney really wants to go swimming tomorrow, and I think you and I should join her.”
“But…” Amy wasn’t really sure what to say, getting a knot in the pit of her stomach.
“Amy. I won’t force you to do it, but I really think you should. Both Britney and I will be swimming nude. Besides, did you see the way Jackson’s face lit up when Britney was running around nude? Imagine how happy he’d be seeing you like that.”
“Mom!” Amy yelled one more time, astonished her mother would suggest something like that, and even condone it.
Her mother chuckled. “Just think about it.” she gave her a kiss on the forehead. “You better get to bed. Sweet dreams, honey.”
“Goodnight.” Amy said back, still blushing. She got under the covers, and drifted off to sleep, dreaming about what it’d be like to be naked in front of Jackson.
The next morning, Jackson woke up around nine, coming into the kitchen, finding the three already eating breakfast. “Good morning, Jackson.” Cynthia said. She was wearing a lavender colored robe. Amy had gotten dressed that morning in a teal sundress, still not sure if she could face Jackson while naked. Britney, on the other hand, who always preferred being nude, still had not gotten dressed. “I made pancakes for you too.” she pointed to a plate on the countertop.
“Thank you, ma’am.”
“Cynthia. Please.” She gave him another bright, warm smile. “The girls and I were going to go swimming this morning. Would you like to join us?”
“Sure.” Swimming had always been one of his favorite activities. “That’d be great.”
When they had finished with breakfast, Cynthia said, “Ok. Go change into your suit, Jackson, and we’ll meet you outside. Girls, go get ready.”
“I am ready, mommy!” Britney said with a little giggle.
“No, you need your floaties, little girl.”
“Oh, right.” and the young girl ran off, with her older sister following close behind.
Jackson went into his room and quickly changed into his swim trunks, and was back out in a few minutes. Cynthia was already out by the pool waiting for him. “Jackson, there’s something I need to explain to you before we start swimming.”
“What’s that?” he looked at her, a little confused at the tone of her voice.
“Well, the girls and I usually swim nude. You wouldn’t have any problem with that, would you?”
“Uhhh… No…” Jackson stammered out. He couldn’t believe his ears.
“Great.” Cynthia smiled brightly at the boy, and undid the sash of her robe. “I usually do fifty laps after breakfast. Keeps me in good shape.” and she slid the robe off of her shoulders, letting the boy see her nude for the first time. He breasts were pretty large, especially to Jackson, who hadn't ever seen a woman naked before. Her nipples were standing up a little, with areolas about the size of a half dollar, a few shades darker pink from the rest of her skin color. She had dark brown colored pubes, shaved into a landing strip above her pussy lips. She giggled to herself in amusement as the boy’s eyes grew wider and wider, taking in the sight of her naked body. She turned around and dove into the pool expertly, giving the boy a quick view of her apple bottom shaped butt, and started swimming her laps.
Jackson was feeling a little light-headed, so decided to sit down in one of the lounge chairs near the pool to give himself time to calm down. Britney came running out of the house soon after, giggling and running over to the pool and did a cannonball in, splashing Jackson with a bit of water.
Amy was following close behind, and giggled a little at her sister getting the boy wet. “So, my mom told you, huh?”
Jackson looked back, realizing the other girl was also there. He was a little disappointed to see that Amy wasn’t naked like her sister or mother, choosing instead to wear a string bikini, the only real swimsuit she had that fit anymore. He was also kind of relieved she was covered, not sure what his reaction would be to seeing her naked. Even in this string bikini, he found her really attractive. The way her little boobs filled out her top, the way her hips were starting to flair out, and the amount of skin she was showing. “Yeah, she explained everything.” He said, not knowing the full truth.
Amy took the seat next to Jackson on the pool deck. Amy’s mother was swimming towards them, on her tenth lap, and said. “Amy, if you’re not getting into the pool yet, you better put on some sunscreen. You too, Jackson. Why don’t you help each other out?” and she continued her laps.
“Ok.” Amy said, getting up to grab the sunblock sitting on the table near them, and then sat back down. She squeezed a generous amount into her hand, and then held the bottle out to Jackson. “Here.” and he took the bottle, while she started spreading the lotion on her legs.
“Thanks.” He said, squeezing out some for himself, while watching the girl rub the lotion into her skin.
Amy noticed him watching, and blushed a little. She finished her legs, and started on her arms next. She couldn’t help watching him as he rubbed the sunblock onto his chest, thinking he was quite muscular for a thirteen-year-old. “I need a bit more.”
“Here.” He offered the bottle back to her, and watched while she rubbed more onto her tummy and then her upper chest. Jackson finished his own legs, while the girl watched him.
“Thanks.” She said, and the two ended up locking eyes for a moment. This was getting to be too much for Amy, who was starting to feel a wetness between her legs. She quickly flipped over onto her stomach so she didn’t have to see the boy anymore.
“Jackson, make sure to get her back!” Her mom called over, as she kicked off the wall.
Amy’s heart started to race. Now the handsome boy was going to touch her? She didn’t really see any way out of this. She was too afraid of what might happen if she flipped back over and looked at him again, so she just held still.
Jackson got up and grabbed the bottle again, squeezing out a bit more, and started lightly rubbing it into her shoulder blades. He was blushing about as much as the twelve-year-old, hoping the girl wouldn’t notice the obvious erection in his trunks. His penis got even harder when he heard Amy start to let out little moans at his touches. He was having a hard time keeping his composure, so when his hand snagged underneath the string of her top, he jumped a little, pulling the knot loose. “Oh god! Sorry!” he said, getting worried she would get mad at him.
Amy noticed the tone of his voice, and tried to quickly put his worry to rest. “It’s ok, Jackson. It’s probably easier to put sunscreen on without that in the way anyway.” She looked back at him over her shoulder, noticing for the first time he was feeling just as excited about this as her. It helped her relax a little. She lay back down and smiled to herself. “Would you finish my back?” and she undid the tie around her neck as well.
Jackson gulped a little. “Yeah.” and he continued rubbing the sunblock into her back, while Amy kept making little sighs and moans at his touch, completely enjoying it now. When everything seemed to be covered, Jackson took a step back, not really sure what to do.
Amy, figuring he was done, started turning back over, wondering what his reaction would be to seeing her boobs; but Jackson was too worried about the obvious tent in his shorts, and quickly lept onto his chair on his stomach to hide it before she could see. She giggled a little at his actions, not really sure what he was doing. “Want me to do your back?”
“Uh... Ok…” he answered. Amy got up and came over, but Jackson had his face facing away from the girl, trying to hide his blush, so didn’t even realize the girl was topless.
Amy got more lotion, and started covering his back. Jackson tensed up. “Relax a little. It’s just sunscreen.” she said. He tried relaxing, and was soon letting out his own sighs, enjoying having the girl massage the lotion into his back. “So, you really don’t mind?”
“Mind what?” he asked, starting to feel completely at ease, and in bliss with the way the cute girl was touching him.
“That we’re nudists.”
- superevil7
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Jackson and the Three Bares - Part 2
“You’re nudists!” Jackson looked over his shoulder at the girl in surprise, seeing her naked breasts for the first time.
“She didn’t tell you?” Amy said, realizing she had just let the secret out. She sat down on the side of her lounge chair, facing him, and slumped a little. “What did she tell you?”
“She just said you all swim naked sometimes. I didn’t know you were a nudist.” He turned over to sit in the lounge chair normally. It was hard for him to take his eyes off her exposed breasts, with their round shape, and the way they seemed to be defying gravity. They were about the size of a large apple, with hard little pink nipples poking out. “I won’t tell anyone or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Oh, thanks, but I’ve been a nudist for my whole life.” Amy explained. “It’s not really a secret.”
“Oh, cool…” He wasn’t really sure what to say to that, blushing at the topless girl.
Amy noticed he seemed to be much more nervous about her nudity than she was. “Would you mind if I took my bottoms off too?” she blushed a little at asking that question, but Jackson seemed to be blushing about twice as hard, and she wanted to see what his reaction would be to seeing her fully naked.
“Um… Not at all.” Jackson said, still wide-eyed. He couldn’t believe what was happening, watching as the beautiful girl stood up and undid the ties of her bottoms. He felt like he must be dreaming, and almost pinched himself to make sure he was awake. Now he could see the girl’s pussy, a closed up slit, with a bit of light brown fuzz above it. “Wow…” he didn’t mean to say out loud.
“Thanks.” Amy blushed some more and giggled in embarrassment, sitting back down to hide what was between her legs. She was still feeling a little weird about being naked in front of this particular boy.
Jackson noticed the blush on her face, and the nervous demeanor she now seemed to be getting. “You sure this is ok?”
“Yeah. It’s fine. I’m used to being nude in front of boys.” Then why am I acting like this, she thought to herself. Then the lightbulb went on in her head. “It’s just that usually those boys are nude too.”
“Really?” He asked in astonishment. He stuttered a little, before getting out, “Does that mean you want me to...?”
“Huh?” Amy looked at him in confusion, then got his meaning. “Oh! No, no, no…” She realized how that sounded, thinking she probably hurt the boy’s feelings. “I mean, not that I don’t want… I mean, I …” She stuttered herself. “What I mean is that you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
Jackson was relieved to hear that, figuring a nudist boy didn’t really walk around with an erection. He was worried about what her reaction would be if she found out he was hard, not to mention her mom, not knowing Amy already knew how hard he was. “But you’ve seen other boys naked?”
“Oh yeah, sure. Everyone is naked at the resort. Or sometimes my mom’s friends come over with their kids, or we go to their houses. I can show you. I have some photos from our last trip.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Ok, come on.”
Jackson followed the girl closely, enjoying the view of her naked butt, similar to her mom’s, but less pronounced. Amy let Jackson go up the stairs first, knowing the view he would get if she went first, not really sure if she was ready to show him that view yet. Once the two were up in Amy’s room, she pulled a photo album out of one of her dresser drawers. “Old school.” He grinned at her.
“Yeah. My grandma got it for my birthday a couple of years ago. I like it, though. Go ahead and look through it.” and she handed the book to him. He sat down on the edge of her bed and opened to the first page of the album. The first set of pictures appeared to be normal. Amy was in one of the first pictures, smiling, looking a little younger, and wearing clothes. She was blowing out the candles on her birthday cake.
She sat down next to him and started pointing things out. “That was the birthday party when I got the album.” she explained. He flipped to the next page, what looked like a barbecue in the backyard they had just come from. “My aunt and uncle, and my cousins, came to visit from Texas. They’re not nudists, so that’s why they’re not naked.” Jackson saw a few pictures, with a man and a woman, plus two boys and a girl, Amy’s cousins, he surmised.
He flipped the page again, finding the first photo with nudity. Amy and Britney were standing with the two boys and the girl from the previous page. All of them were naked. “That’s my cousin Greg” she pointed at the older boy; Jackson guessed he was fifteen. "And that's Penelope." She pointed at the girl, probably twelve or thirteen, like them, he guessed. Then he remembered these pictures were a couple of years old. "And Zach." The other boy appeared to be about ten. "Even though they're not nudists, my cousins like to go nude when they come over."
"Huh." Jackson said, flipping the page. He was shocked at what he discovered in one of the photos on the next page. "That boy's got a stiffy!" He couldn't help exclaiming out loud.
Amy giggled at his reaction. "Yeah, he does. Kinda like you." And she eyes the obvious budge in his trunks.
"Oh God! I'm so sorry…" Jackson started trying to explain himself.
"It's alright, Jackson. My mom explained to me a long time ago that boys can't really control that. Don't be worried." Jackson relaxed a little at hearing that. "It happens all the time, especially with teenage boys. After a while you just stop noticing, really."
"You noticed mine…" He looked up at her from the page.
Amy tilted her head down, looking at him with just her eyes, blushing a little. “Yeah... I did…”
They were both looking into each other’s eyes. “Would it be ok... If... If I took my suit off?” Jackson asked the girl.
“Yeah…” Amy answered breathlessly.
Jackson stood up, right in front of the girl. He didn’t really know what had possessed him to ask that, but something inside him told him it was the right thing to do. So, he hooked his thumbs in, stalling for just a moment, before he slowly lowered his trunks. His hard penis sprang out, and Amy sucked in a little air, biting the corner of her lower lip. Right in front of her, mere inches away, was the most beautiful penis she had ever seen. Above that, he had a bit of dark pubic hair, and below was his tight scrotum. He was about four inches, she guessed, and much thicker than she thought he would be. She was enamored with the reddish hue to the mushroom head at the top. The whole thing was sticking up, a little more than a forty-five-degree angle, and without even thinking about it, Amy reached her hand out and grabbed a hold around the end.
“AMY!” Jackson called out, feeling completely betrayed by her, and remorseful for pulling his suit down to begin with, worried he’d be in big trouble for showing the girl his privates with his penis in such a state. He jumped back and quickly pulled his suit back up, then rushed out of the room.
Amy didn’t know what to do at first, feeling mortified with herself for doing that. She thought about what her mother would think, and how much trouble she would be in. She went downstairs, finding her mother and sister in the kitchen, making a snack. “Mom, I did something really bad.” she sobbed, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“What is it, honey!?” Her mom came over, with concern on her own face.
“I touched Jackson’s privates.” she continued to sob.
“Why would you do that?” her younger sister asked, completely confused.
“Not now, Britney. I’ll explain later. Amy, come with me, please.” She took her daughter's hand, and headed towards the family room.
Amy knew she was in big trouble, and figured her mom was bringing her to the family room to punish her, but when her mom knocked on the door to Jackson’s room, she got really worried. “What...?” was all she got out, before the door opened.
“Jackson, Amy and I need to have a discussion with you. May we come in, please?”
Jackson had changed out of his swim trunks, back into his regular clothes. He went a little pale when he had heard the knock on the door, and knew he was in huge trouble when he opened it to find both Amy and her mother on the other side. “Yes ma’am.” He hung his head in guilt.
Cynthia brought her daughter into the room and closed the door behind her. “Both of you sit down on the bed there,” and she pointed, waiting for the two to sit down. “Now, Amy, tell me exactly what happened.”
So, Amy went through everything, explaining showing Jackson the photo album, how he had asked if it was ok if he took off his swim trunks, “and then… I don’t know why. I grabbed his… penis.” she whispered out the last word.
“Jackson, do you have anything to add? Was what she said the truth?”
Jackson gulped, “Yes ma’am.” sure he was dead. “Everything she said was true.”
“Alright, good.” She smiled warmly at the boy.
“I’m not in trouble?” Jackson asked in astonishment.
“No Jackson. You’re not in trouble. It’s your choice whether you want to be nude or not. Amy and I are both nude. It’s really up to you.”
“Really? Even if I’m…”
“Even if you’re hard? Yes. That’s perfectly natural, especially for a boy not used to being around nude girls or nude himself. It’ll go down on its own. Or if you really need, go take a break in the bathroom or something, if you know what I mean.” and she winked at the boy, making him blush, and Amy giggle. “Now, as for you, young lady.” Amy gulped now, feeling like her laugh was a mistake. “You know you never touch anybody’s privates without their permission.”
Amy hung her head in shame. “I know, mom.”
“But, I don’t think there was too much harm done.” She smiled at her daughter.
Amy thought she was about to be let off the hook, and started to say “Thanks mom. I’ll never ever do it…”
“Oh, I know you won’t. But don’t think you’re getting off completely. You did something bad, so you need to be punished. I think a fair punishment would be… Hmmm… For Jackson to touch your privates as well.”
“WHAT!” Amy called out, and Jackson’s eyes couldn’t open any wider if he tried.
“Yes, that’s fair. In fact, for the next hour, you may touch Amy’s privates all you like, Jackson.” She turned and opened the door. “I’ll be back in an hour.” She said sweetie, and winked. Neither one was really sure who she was winking at this time.
Once the door was shut, they both turned to look at each other in astonishment. “I don’t…” Jackson started to say.
“It’s…” Amy said on top of him. They both blushed and looked away from each other.
“I don’t have to do this.” Jackson finished what he was going to say, no longer being able to look in Amy’s direction.
Amy felt relieved, but then thought back to the look of betrayal on Jackson’s face when he jumped back out of her grasp. “No, it’s fair. You should do it.” She looked over at him.
He finally looked back at her. “Really…? No, I can’t... I shouldn’t…”
“No, really, Jackson. Fair is fair. I touched you, so you should touch me.” She said, getting up to stand in front of him.
Jackson hesitantly reached out, mere centimeters away from touching the girl’s pubic mound, but pulled his hand back at the last second. “No. It’s not right.”
“How about you just touch me for a couple seconds, like I did to you? That way we’re even.” Jackson seemed to consider it, but then shook his head. “Please, Jackson? I don’t want to feel guilty about this for the rest of my life.”
He looked into her pleading eyes. “Well, alright. Just for a second.” He hesitantly reached out again, this time making contact with the bit of fuzz above her little pussy lips. She made a little sigh when he made contact. He counted out “One Mississippi. Two Mississippi.” but before he could pull his hand away, Amy put her hand on top of his.
She smiled and blushed at him. “You don’t have to stop. You can keep touching me.” she said in a quiet voice.
“What?” He looked at her in astonishment.
“The reason I got in trouble was because I didn’t ask for your permission before touching you, right? Well, now I’m giving you permission to touch me. For the next hour, you can touch me anywhere you want, Jackson. So, there’s no reason for you to feel bad.” and she spread her legs open, standing with her feet shoulder width apart.
Jackson looked back down, taking in the site of the girl’s fully exposed sex in front of him. “You’re really ok with this?”
“Yes.” she answered, and to emphasize her point, she pushed his hand lower until it came into contact with the top of her slit. She let out a little sigh.
“I’m not really sure what to do.” he said, embarrassed by his lack of knowledge.
“That’s alright. I’ll show you.” She let his hand go so she could demonstrate what she wanted him to do. She used one hand to open herself up, and pointed with the other. “This is my clitoris. It feels really good when I rub on it, but it can be kinda sensitive sometimes, so you’ll have to go really slow. And then down here is the hole to my vagina. I like to put my finger in there, or sometimes I use…” she blushed a little.
“Use what?”
“Sometimes I use the handle of my hairbrush. It feels pretty good.”
“Wow… So, what do you want me to do first?”
“Why don’t you try rubbing my clit… Actually, why don’t you start with my boobs. My nipples are pretty sensitive too.”
“Alright.” Jackson reached up, lightly cupping each boob in one of his hands, just holding them. He was still a bit tentative, using a very light touch, like he could break her at any moment.
“Rub them a little.” Amy said, and Jackson finally started moving his hands, caressing the underside of her little boobies. Amy giggled a little in response. “Good. Now try touching one of my nipples.”
Jackson moved his right hand, using his index finger to lightly circle around her areola, then made contact with her hard little nipple, continuing to circle. Amy let out another quiet moan. Jackson was starting to feel a bit more at ease with touching her, and didn’t need to be told to do the same with the other nipple. Amy continued to let out little moans and sighs. “This is so cool. That feels good?”
“Yeah. You’re doing great. Want to try my clit now?” Amy said through her sighs, her eyes shut in pleasure.
“Ok.” Amy brought her hand back down to open her slit again, and Jackson brought his right hand down, lightly brushing the bump she had pointed at earlier.
“Ahhh!” Amy moaned out, feeling like an electric shock was coursing through her body. She tensed, going up on her tippy-toes.
“You ok!?” Jackson asked worriedly, pulling both his hands away quickly.
“I’m fine.” She said when the feeling left her body. “It felt so good, Jackson. Just maybe too good, if you know what I mean. Try it again, but more lightly this time.”
“Alright,” and Jackson waited for Amy to open herself back up, before touching her again. He ran his index finger as lightly as he could from the top of her slit, down to her little hood, and then to the little nub poking out.
“Ahh!” Amy called, tensing up again. “Rub that part right above it again this time. That felt the best.”
Jackson repeated his actions, running his finger down her slit again, but this time stopping at her hood. “This spot?”
Amy moaned a little, pressing herself harder against his finger. “Yeah. That’s it, but you can use a little more pressure. Jackson started massaging the area with his finger, making little circles. “Ah...! Ooh...! Yeah…! Keep going...! Uh huh...!”
“Wow…” Jackson breathed out, never dreaming he could give a girl such pleasure. “What about your hole?” He asked, remembering the rest of what she had said.
“Oh! Yeah, use your… Ah! Other finger in there.” Jackson did as she said, using his other index finger to enter her wet hole. “Ahhhhhh!” she squealed out, enjoying every bit of it. Especially when Jackson wiggled his finger around inside of her. “Try pulling your finger out and in.” Jackson continued following her directions, starting by pulling his finger out slowly and then back in, while still rubbing the hood of her clitoris with the other hand. “Faster.” she said, so Jackson speed up what he was doing with both hands. “AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH!” Amy was bouncing on both her feet, enjoying the intense pleasure. All of a sudden it was like an electric shot, ten times the one she had felt earlier, entered her body from head to toe, and she tensed up, going up onto her tip toes again. She was shaking and shuddering, feeling an orgasm at the hands of someone else for the first time in her life. “AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”
She couldn’t hold herself up anymore, and collapsed face first onto the bed right next to Jackson. He helped her get onto the bed fully, laying her down on her back, and he sat down next to her, waiting for her to calm down enough to speak again. “Oh my god!” She managed to get out.
“Did I do good?” He asked, with a smile and a pretty deep blush on his cheeks.
“Yes, you did good. You did fantastic!” Amy looked at him with a huge smile on her face, in the bliss of the afterglow of such an intense orgasm. “In a couple of minutes… If you want… Would you do that again?” she asked him, with a bashful look.
“Yeah, Amy. I’ll do that for you anytime you want.” Amy just gave him a joyful smile at hearing that.
After a few minutes, Amy spread her legs open. “Ok. I’m ready again.” Jackson repeated his actions, starting with her boobs again, then moving one of his hands down to her pussy, rubbing the area just above her little clit. “Yeah…! Oh, yeah...!” Amy was even more vocal this time, moaning in pleasure. Jackson noticed the wetness was leaking out of her a little this time, and stuck one finger in her opening like before, pumping it in and out. “Oh god, Jackson!” Amy could barely hold still, she was writhing around in so much pleasure. With the way she was moving, Jackson’s finger ended up grazing her little clit, which set her off. “OOOOOHHHHHHH!” she was shaking and shuddering so much, he was worried she would fall off the bed.
“You alright?” Jackson asked, when she stopped moving.
“Yeah. Oh, yeah! That was the best feeling of my life!” She smiled at him, her eyelids half open.
Jackson smiled back. Amy seemed to be too out of it for him to do anything else, so he just let her rest. After a little while, there was a light knocking at the door. “Time’s up kids.” Amy’s mom cracked the door, peeking in. “How was it?” She had a knowing smile on her face, seeing the relaxed look of her daughter.
“It was wonderful, mom.” Amy answered, not even opening her eyes.
“Good. Jackson, can I speak with you out here for a minute? You just rest, Amy.” Jackson followed her out into the family room. “I can guess from that smile on your face, you had fun too?”
“Oh, yes ma’am. I mean, yes, Cynthia.”
“I’m glad. But I was thinking. Was that really fair of me?” Jackson looked at her in confusion. “I mean, Amy only touched you for a few seconds, and I just let you touch her for a full hour.” She eyed the bulge of his erection in his shorts.
Jackson blushed, seeing exactly where she was looking. “I guess not…”
“No, not fair at all… Hmmm… What are we going to do to set things right? Humm...? I have an idea. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“I uh…” Jackson figured he probably was, but couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud.
“Why don’t we let Amy have some time to touch you as well. Let’s say, fifty-nine minutes. How does that sound? That should make things even.” and she gave him a bright smile.
“I don’t know…”
“Well, how about this? How about Amy has to get you off three times? Does that sound good?”
“You mean, like, make me shoot? You’d be ok with that?” He looked at her in awe.
“Oh, of course. If she’s going to touch you, I wouldn’t expect anything else.” she chuckled a little. “There’s just one rule I want you to know.” she got a stern look on her face.
“What’s that?” he asked, getting a little worried again.
“My girls are not allowed to have sex until they’re at least sixteen years old. If I ever find out you had sex with Amy before then there will be hell to pay for you, young man. Understand?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“But if you and Amy want to continue doing anything else after today, and you both agree to it, then feel free.” She smiled her warm smile at the boy again.
“Wow! Really!?” she nodded her head. He rushed over and grabbed her in a hug. “Thanks Cynthia.”
“You’re welcome, Jackson. Come on. You want to tell Amy, or should I?”
Jackson was still feeling a little shy. “Uh, you tell her.”
The two walked back into the bedroom, and Cynthia started explaining things to her daughter. “Amy, sweetie? You had a really good time with Jackson today, right?”
Amy sat up on the bed a little. “Yeah, mom. It was amazing.”
“But, Jackson and I discussed it, and neither of us think it’s fair. What happened in here the last hour.”
“Oh.” Amy’s heart started racing in excitement. “Does that mean I have to let Jackson touch me some more?”
“Well, that’s up to you, honey…”
“Up to me!?”
“Yes. Well, up to you and him, if he is willing. But that’s not what I want to talk about right now. Jackson and I don’t think it’s fair that he got to touch you for one hour, while you only touched him for a few seconds.”
“Oh.” Amy said, confused.
“So, Jackson and I agreed you should be allowed to touch him for fifty-nine minutes. That should make you two about even.” she shrugged her shoulders a little.
“Really!?” Amy jumped up, rushing over to grab Jackson in a big hug. “Oh, thank you, Jackson!”
“Now he has one condition though, before you start.” Cynthia grinned at her daughter.
“What’s that, mom?” Amy said, still holding the boy in a hug. Jackson wasn’t really sure what to do, with a naked girl pressed up against his body like that.
“Jackson agreed to let you touch him, as long as you make him shoot at least three times.”
“I can get him off too!?” she asked excitedly.
“Of course. What do you expect to happen if you touch a boy like that. Now I’ll leave you two alone again. Have fun!” she said, closing the door behind her.
Amy stepped back, sitting back down on the bed. Jackson was getting nervous now, with the way Amy was looking at him. “What… What should I do?” he asked.
“Well, you should probably start with taking your clothes off.” She gave him a flirtatious smile, biting her lip again.
Even if she had already seen his privates earlier, it was still a nerve-racking task for him to complete, but he started removing his clothes. He began with his t-shirt, tossing it aside. “Woo! Take it off!” Amy giggled out.
“Amy!” Jackson ducked his head a little, like he was going to get in trouble for doing something wrong, but the laughter of the girl helped him relax, and he chuckled himself. He undid his jean shorts next, letting them fall down to the floor, and he kicked them over to his shirt. That only left him with his boxers.
“Ooh!” Amy said. The head of his penis had popped out of the fly.
Jackson looked down at himself, and blushed, quickly fixing himself. Then he wondered why he even bothered, when he was about to take his boxers off anyway. “Ready?” He asked her, giving her a nervous smile.
“Ready.” She said back, almost shaking with anticipation.
Jackson hooked his thumbs in, and in one quick motion, pushed his boxers down far enough for them to fall the rest of the way, and he stepped out of them. “Ok, now what?”
“Now, come stand in front of me.” she said, opening her legs so he could stand in between. He took the place she pointed to, standing in front of her, his privates at about her eye level. “Ok, now I’m going to touch you. Don’t move.” she wrapped her hand around his hard cock as slowly as she could, not wanting to scare him away again. “Good?”
“Yeah.” He smiled down at her, enjoying the feeling of her touching him this time.
“Now what? I’m not really sure what to do. I know boys jerk off, but I’ve never seen that.”
“Oh, um, you just move your hand up and down. Like this.” He wrapped his hand around hers, showing her the movement, and after she seemed to understand, let go and she continued jerking him off. “Wow…” and he grunted out.
“That feel good?”
“Oh yeah…” He looked down at her, first at her little boobs, then her bare pussy, and then finally into her eyes, and started cumming right then. “AHHHH!”
“OH!” Amy was surprised, as he shot five times, once getting her in the face, and the rest shooting out behind her as she ducked out of the way. Amy started giggling, and Jackson stumbled back a little. He caught himself, and then he sat down on the edge of the bed next to her.
“What’s so funny?” he asked her through labored breath.
“I’m not laughing at you. I’m just having so much fun. Thanks, Jackson.” she grabbed him in another hug, one he returned this time. They both enjoyed the feeling of their bare skin against each other. Amy eventually let go of the hug. “So, that’s once. Two more times, right?” she smiled coyly at him.
“Right.” Jackson smiled back, completely at ease with the girl now.
“Ok. Lie down on the bed. I want to do it differently this time.”
“What are you going to do?” He asked, getting on top of the bed.
“You’ll see.” She said seductively, getting up onto the bed herself. She knelt down, straddling his thighs with her own.
“Your mom said we’re not allowed to do that.” He started getting worried again.
“What?” she looked at him in bemusement. “I’m not ready for that yet, Jackson. I’m just going to jerk you off again.”
“Oh, but I’m still soft.”
“Oh.” she looked down at the limp penis in front of her. “How do you make it hard again?”
“It usually just happens on its own, but if I really want, playing with it a bit makes it hard.”
“Will it get hard if I play with it?”
He felt a little twitch at her words. “Yeah. Definitely.”
“Ok. Just sit back and relax while I have some fun.” She grinned at him. She grasped his penis, wiggling it around a little. Then she used her other hand to run the tips of her fingers along his tight sack. Jackson squirmed around a little at her touch. She could feel his dick responding in her hand. She smiled at him, and continued trying to make him hard. She ran one of her fingernails lightly around the underside of his mushroom head, making him suck in a little air. “That ok?”
“Yeah. That spot’s just really sensitive. I’ll let you know if anything feels bad. You can do whatever you want otherwise.” She smiled up at him, and then continued playing with her new toy. He was almost back to fully erect now, and Amy kept running her fingernails all around his penis. Up and down the shaft, over and under the head, and even on his scrotum. Jackson was back to as hard as he had been after only a minute. “Are you going to jerk me off again?” Jackson asked, feeling ready.
Amy, however, was having too much fun teasing the boy. “I want to see how hard you can really get. Let me play with it some more.” She said, with a little lust in her voice, running her index finger along the underside of his penis until she reached the head.
Jackson sighed. “I don’t know how much more I can take of this, Amy”
That gave Amy an idea. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to go get something quick.” She said getting up off the bed. “Don’t touch it!” She said over her shoulder, quickly ducking out the door.
“Yes, ma’am.” Jackson said when she was out of the room and laughed to himself.
Amy was back in a minute, holding something behind her back. “Ok, close your eyes.” and she smiled a mischievous smile at him.
“What’s behind your back?”
“Just close your eyes. You’ll find out in a minute.”
Jackson did as told, closing his eyes, and Amy went to the side of the bed, grabbed one of his wrists, and brought it up above his head to the headboard. He felt something metal around his wrist, and before he knew it, one of his hands was handcuffed to the headboard. “What are you doing!?” he asked as Amy walked around to the other side of the bed.
“Relax. They’re trick handcuffs. They have a little lever to open them up. You don’t need a key.” She grabbed his other wrist and locked the other pair of handcuffs around, but Jackson resisted, not letting her bring his other arm up above his head. ‘Come on. It’ll be fun.” she said to him sweetly.
“I don’t know, Amy.”
“Please!? I promise I won’t hurt you or anything, and I’ll promise to get you off at the end. I just really want to see how hard I can get you.”
“Well… Alright.” the boy relented, letting Amy lock the other side of the handcuffs around one of the posts of the headboard. Even if the handcuffs had a release lever, there was no way for Jackson to undo them himself. He was stuck like that for as long as Amy wanted. Jackson was getting a little nervous again. How much could he really trust this girl?
Amy gave him an almost wicked smile when he was locked in place, and sort of skipped to the other side of the bed, picking up something else, and hiding it behind her back. “What’s that?” he asked, getting really nervous now.
“Oh, nothing. You just relax, Jackson, and you’ll have a wonderful time.” she said in that seductive voice again. Jackson gulped a little, as she got up on the bed, and back on top of him. She chose to get up on his torso this time, facing his legs, so he wasn’t able to see what she was about to do to his privates. Whatever she had in her hand, she hadn't let him see. “Ready?” she looked back over her shoulder at him.
“Please, Amy, tell me what that is?” he begged, not sure what was about to happen. Amy just giggled. She turned her attention back to his privates. All of a sudden, there was something tickling the right side of his shaft. “What is that!?” Amy just kept giggling, her focus on teasing the boy. The tickling feeling kept moving higher and higher up his shaft, until it reached the head, then tickled back down the left side. Jackson couldn’t control himself, squirming around in panic and pleasure. Not knowing what she was touching him with, combined with her continued giggling, was driving him mad. “Amy, please!?”
“You want to know what it is?” she teased him, looking over her shoulder again.
“Yes! Please!” she tickled the underside of the head of his penis with whatever it was.
“You really want to know?” she teased again.
“Please, Amy!” Whatever it was circled around the head a few times.
“You really, really want to know?” the girl giggled out.
“Come on, Amy!” She lightly brushed him all over every inch of his penis with the object, driving him up the wall. “PLEASE!”
“Alright, I’ll tell you, but then you’ll owe me.” She moved to straddling his thighs again, keeping the object out of his sight, hiding it behind her back again. “Ok, here it is.” She pulled from behind her back one of the feathers from a feather duster, and burst out laughing, letting it float down to land on his bare stomach.
“That’s not funny!” he said, trying to look mad, but he couldn’t help finding it funny himself.
Amy was still giggling, and then looked down at his cock. “Look at how hard you’ve gotten. It’s turned purple, even.” She flicked her finger across the head, making his erection bob back and forth, and Jackson let out a loud moan.
“Ohhh…! Please, Amy? Can’t you get me off now? I really don’t think I can take anymore.”
Amy picked the feather back up. “Don’t you owe me? I want to see just how much you can really take.” and she started tickling the head of his cock with the feather again.
“Oh! Ah! Amy! It’s… Ah! Amy, it’s too much! Ah!” Jackson was squirming around in pure torturous pleasure now, but the feather’s touch was too light to get him off.
“I’ll decide when it’s too much, Jackson. Wow, you’re even leaking now.” Some pre-cum had dribbled from the end of his cock. Amy was about to go back to tickling his penis with the feather, but as she brought the feather close, his penis twitched a little. She pulled it back, and then moved it closer again, watching as the penis twitched again. She giggled this time. “Look at this.” she did it again and again, making the penis twitch over and over, almost like it was dancing for her.
Jackson was already looking, the reason it kept twitching. He couldn’t help tensing his muscles whenever the feather got near him. “I can see that.” He said in an exasperated voice.
Amy was having the time of her life, as she continued to tease him with the feather. She had always regarded penises as just another body part, like an ear or an elbow, but now she knew the truth. Penises were something special. Something fun to play with, and this particular penis was now the most special penis in the world to her. She would make sure she got to play with this penis for as long as possible, for as long as Jackson would let her.
“Come on, Amy!? You said you’d get me off.” The boy begged.
“You want me to use my hands too?”
“Yes, please!” Amy dropped the feather, and then brought her hand close to his penis, tickling the head with her fingertips this time. Then she giggled and picked the feather back up, continuing to torture the boy. Jackson just groaned.
Amy’s mom knocked on the door. “Time’s up guys. It’s almost time for lunch anyway.” and she walked into the room, finding the boy handcuffed to the bed, and Amy still teasing him with the feather. “Oh, nice penis, Jackson.” The woman giggled.
“Oh! Thanks…” Jackson blushed at the woman seeing him in such a vulnerable position.
Amy smiled up at her mom, starting to get up to undo the handcuffs, but her mom spoke first. “Amy, you can’t just leave him like that.” and she put her hands on her hips.
“Ok, mom.” Cynthia was talking about the handcuffs, but Amy thought she was talking about how hard he was. She grabbed hold and started stoking. It only took three strokes for him to start spraying out his seed.
“AHHHHH! AHHHHHHH!” Jackson came with the most intense orgasm of his life. He squirted over and over again, at least eight times, humping the air. Most landed either on him or the bed, with a bit getting on Amy’s hand and arm. She kept pumping until Jackson begged her. “Please, Amy! Stop!”
“Oh, my goodness!” Amy’s mom commented, not really sure how to react to seeing this. She regained her composure after a moment, walking over to the bed to undo one of the handcuffs around his wrist herself. “Amy, get the other one, please.” After the boy seemed to stop breathing so heavy, she said, “Think you can walk after that, Jackson?”
Jackson leaned up on his elbows, chuckling a little. “Yeah, I think I’m fine. Just really tired.”
“Good. I think it’s best if you both go get a shower before coming to lunch, though.”
“But, mom. That was only the second time I made Jackson shoot.”
“Really? Well then, she’ll just have to owe you one. Right, Jackson?” and she winked at the boy. “Now hurry along, you two. Go take your showers.” Amy and Jackson both got up, heading to their respective showers. “Where do you think you’re going, young lady?”
Amy was halfway into the family room. “To take a shower.”
“Uh, uh. I’m not having you two wasting water. You can both take a shower together. Go on.” and she pointed sternly to the bathroom door next to Jackson’s room, and gave a wink to her daughter.
“Thanks, mom.” Amy whispered as she passed by, with a blissful smile on her face. Jackson just looked at the two dumbfounded, before he got a big smile of his own and followed Amy into the bathroom.
Once the bathroom door was shut, neither was really sure what to say at first. Amy turned on the shower, letting it warm up, and the two avoided looking at each other. “Amy...?” Jackson finally broke the silence.
“Yeah…” Amy answered, hopefully.
“That was really… fun. I really enjoyed that.” Jackson smiled with a deep flush on his face.
“Really? That wasn’t too much, with the feather? I thought I might have gone too far.”
“No. That was great! I’ve never felt anything like it! And when I shot! God! I thought I would never stop!”
Amy giggled and smiled at him. “So, would you want to do that again sometime?”
“Sure… Under one condition, though.”
“What’s that?”
“Next time, you’ve gotta be handcuffed to the bed first.” and he grinned at her.
“Deal.” and she stuck her hand out for him to shake. He took it, then pulled her close, giving her a big kiss on the lips. Amy just melted into him, kissing him back. When the two finally broke their kiss, Amy tested the water, finding it warm enough, and got in. “Come on.” She waited for Jackson to get into the shower, then looked back over her shoulder at him, “Will you wash my back?”
“Only if you wash mine.” He smiled at her.
“Ok.” She handed him the wash cloth, and turned back around. Jackson started soaping up her back. “Jackson?”
She turned back to face him. “Would you like to be my boyfriend?”
He smirked at her. “Only if that means you’ll be my girlfriend.”
“What else would it mean!?” she asked, then realized he was joking. She grabbed him in a hug, and started kissing him again.
After a little more playtime, Jackson finally getting off for the third time like promised, and the two actually getting clean, Amy and Jackson both came into the kitchen for lunch. “Are you going to be a nudist now too?” Britney asked the older boy.
Jackson looked down at himself and blushed. “Oh! I forgot… But maybe I am.” and he gave Amy a smile.
“How was your shower?” Cynthia gave a knowing look to the two.
“It was great, mom.” Amy answered with a smile of her own.
They all had just sat down to eat, when the phone rang. Cynthia got up to answer. “Yes, this is her... Yes... Uh huh... Uh huh... Yes… I’ll let him know. Thank you. Goodbye.” Jackson tensed up. Amy grabbed his hand, trying to comfort and console him.
***Three Years Later***
Amy and Britney had spent the last two weeks at an all-girls summer camp. Amy had been selected to be a camp counselor, with Britney going along as one of the regular campers. They had just been dropped off by the bus in front of their house. “God, I can’t wait to get inside and get a proper shower.” Amy commented, dragging her rolling bag behind her.
“You sure that’s what you can’t wait for?” The eleven-year-old commented. “You sure there’s not a certain boy you’ve been missing?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Amy said, then gave her sister a little smirk, as she opened the front door. “JACKSON!” she called out, rushing over to give him a big hug.
“Hey sis!” Jackson greeted her.
“Sis!” Amy gave him an annoyed look. “You know I hate that joke. I’m your girlfriend, not your sister!” and she slapped his shoulder.
“Hey Jackson!” Britney smiled as she walked in the door. She immediately started stripping out of her clothes.
“Hi Britney!” Jackson greeted her warmly. “I’m glad you’re both finally back. Especially you.” He said, looking into Amy’s eyes, and then gave her a long kiss on the lips.
When they broke their kiss, Amy commented, “I see someone else is glad I’m back too.” She looked down in between them, at Jackson’s hard cock, with a little smirk, biting her lip.
Jackson had basically become a nudist himself over the past few years. “Do you blame him?” he answered with a question and a smirk of his own.
“Not at all.” Amy smiled back, and stroked him up and down a couple of times.
“God! Get a room you two!” Britney exclaimed, then laughed. “On second thought, maybe I’d like to watch.”
“Britney! Get your own boy! This one is all mine…” She said, pulling him close, and giving him another long kiss.
“Amy! Britney!” Their mother called.
“MOM!” Both girls burst out, running over to hug their mom.
“Don’t forget about me!” Jackson’s mom said, coming over to hug the girls as well. While she wasn’t a nudist herself, she was happy her son seemed to enjoy being one so much, along with her best friend and her daughters. Plus, her son was really handsome this way. “Jackson! Put that thing away! You’ll poke someone's eye out.” she gave him a leering grin.
“Mom!” Jackson shook his head a little.
“So how was camp? Anything exciting happen?” The girls’ mom asked. The girls spent a few minutes filling everyone in on their time away, and eventually the topic moved to Amy’s birthday, which was coming up soon.
“Well, it is a very special birthday for Amy this year. You know, ‘cause we can finally…” Jackson started blushing a little, not sure if he should really say it out loud.
“Can finally what?” Cynthia looked at him with confusion.
“Jackson and I can finally... be together, mom.” Amy explained.
“You mean you two haven’t...?”
“Of course not. You said we couldn’t until Amy was sixteen.” Jackson exclaimed.
Cynthia was still confused for a moment, then remembered. “Oh!” She started giggling really hard, “You two really haven’t… After all these years!? I was just pulling your leg, Jackson.”
“You mean Jackson and I could have… This whole time!” Amy looked at her mom incredulously. “MOM!” she yelled, putting her hands on her hips. She looked over at Jackson, who was looking back at her with about the same expression. Both their faces morphed into smiles, and Amy grabbed his hand, then the two rushed up the stairs to her room.
Britney and the two moms started laughing, but then Cynthia got a worried look on her face, opening her eyes wide. “USE PROTECTION!” She called after them, starting to rush up the stairs herself.
The End
“She didn’t tell you?” Amy said, realizing she had just let the secret out. She sat down on the side of her lounge chair, facing him, and slumped a little. “What did she tell you?”
“She just said you all swim naked sometimes. I didn’t know you were a nudist.” He turned over to sit in the lounge chair normally. It was hard for him to take his eyes off her exposed breasts, with their round shape, and the way they seemed to be defying gravity. They were about the size of a large apple, with hard little pink nipples poking out. “I won’t tell anyone or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Oh, thanks, but I’ve been a nudist for my whole life.” Amy explained. “It’s not really a secret.”
“Oh, cool…” He wasn’t really sure what to say to that, blushing at the topless girl.
Amy noticed he seemed to be much more nervous about her nudity than she was. “Would you mind if I took my bottoms off too?” she blushed a little at asking that question, but Jackson seemed to be blushing about twice as hard, and she wanted to see what his reaction would be to seeing her fully naked.
“Um… Not at all.” Jackson said, still wide-eyed. He couldn’t believe what was happening, watching as the beautiful girl stood up and undid the ties of her bottoms. He felt like he must be dreaming, and almost pinched himself to make sure he was awake. Now he could see the girl’s pussy, a closed up slit, with a bit of light brown fuzz above it. “Wow…” he didn’t mean to say out loud.
“Thanks.” Amy blushed some more and giggled in embarrassment, sitting back down to hide what was between her legs. She was still feeling a little weird about being naked in front of this particular boy.
Jackson noticed the blush on her face, and the nervous demeanor she now seemed to be getting. “You sure this is ok?”
“Yeah. It’s fine. I’m used to being nude in front of boys.” Then why am I acting like this, she thought to herself. Then the lightbulb went on in her head. “It’s just that usually those boys are nude too.”
“Really?” He asked in astonishment. He stuttered a little, before getting out, “Does that mean you want me to...?”
“Huh?” Amy looked at him in confusion, then got his meaning. “Oh! No, no, no…” She realized how that sounded, thinking she probably hurt the boy’s feelings. “I mean, not that I don’t want… I mean, I …” She stuttered herself. “What I mean is that you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
Jackson was relieved to hear that, figuring a nudist boy didn’t really walk around with an erection. He was worried about what her reaction would be if she found out he was hard, not to mention her mom, not knowing Amy already knew how hard he was. “But you’ve seen other boys naked?”
“Oh yeah, sure. Everyone is naked at the resort. Or sometimes my mom’s friends come over with their kids, or we go to their houses. I can show you. I have some photos from our last trip.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Ok, come on.”
Jackson followed the girl closely, enjoying the view of her naked butt, similar to her mom’s, but less pronounced. Amy let Jackson go up the stairs first, knowing the view he would get if she went first, not really sure if she was ready to show him that view yet. Once the two were up in Amy’s room, she pulled a photo album out of one of her dresser drawers. “Old school.” He grinned at her.
“Yeah. My grandma got it for my birthday a couple of years ago. I like it, though. Go ahead and look through it.” and she handed the book to him. He sat down on the edge of her bed and opened to the first page of the album. The first set of pictures appeared to be normal. Amy was in one of the first pictures, smiling, looking a little younger, and wearing clothes. She was blowing out the candles on her birthday cake.
She sat down next to him and started pointing things out. “That was the birthday party when I got the album.” she explained. He flipped to the next page, what looked like a barbecue in the backyard they had just come from. “My aunt and uncle, and my cousins, came to visit from Texas. They’re not nudists, so that’s why they’re not naked.” Jackson saw a few pictures, with a man and a woman, plus two boys and a girl, Amy’s cousins, he surmised.
He flipped the page again, finding the first photo with nudity. Amy and Britney were standing with the two boys and the girl from the previous page. All of them were naked. “That’s my cousin Greg” she pointed at the older boy; Jackson guessed he was fifteen. "And that's Penelope." She pointed at the girl, probably twelve or thirteen, like them, he guessed. Then he remembered these pictures were a couple of years old. "And Zach." The other boy appeared to be about ten. "Even though they're not nudists, my cousins like to go nude when they come over."
"Huh." Jackson said, flipping the page. He was shocked at what he discovered in one of the photos on the next page. "That boy's got a stiffy!" He couldn't help exclaiming out loud.
Amy giggled at his reaction. "Yeah, he does. Kinda like you." And she eyes the obvious budge in his trunks.
"Oh God! I'm so sorry…" Jackson started trying to explain himself.
"It's alright, Jackson. My mom explained to me a long time ago that boys can't really control that. Don't be worried." Jackson relaxed a little at hearing that. "It happens all the time, especially with teenage boys. After a while you just stop noticing, really."
"You noticed mine…" He looked up at her from the page.
Amy tilted her head down, looking at him with just her eyes, blushing a little. “Yeah... I did…”
They were both looking into each other’s eyes. “Would it be ok... If... If I took my suit off?” Jackson asked the girl.
“Yeah…” Amy answered breathlessly.
Jackson stood up, right in front of the girl. He didn’t really know what had possessed him to ask that, but something inside him told him it was the right thing to do. So, he hooked his thumbs in, stalling for just a moment, before he slowly lowered his trunks. His hard penis sprang out, and Amy sucked in a little air, biting the corner of her lower lip. Right in front of her, mere inches away, was the most beautiful penis she had ever seen. Above that, he had a bit of dark pubic hair, and below was his tight scrotum. He was about four inches, she guessed, and much thicker than she thought he would be. She was enamored with the reddish hue to the mushroom head at the top. The whole thing was sticking up, a little more than a forty-five-degree angle, and without even thinking about it, Amy reached her hand out and grabbed a hold around the end.
“AMY!” Jackson called out, feeling completely betrayed by her, and remorseful for pulling his suit down to begin with, worried he’d be in big trouble for showing the girl his privates with his penis in such a state. He jumped back and quickly pulled his suit back up, then rushed out of the room.
Amy didn’t know what to do at first, feeling mortified with herself for doing that. She thought about what her mother would think, and how much trouble she would be in. She went downstairs, finding her mother and sister in the kitchen, making a snack. “Mom, I did something really bad.” she sobbed, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“What is it, honey!?” Her mom came over, with concern on her own face.
“I touched Jackson’s privates.” she continued to sob.
“Why would you do that?” her younger sister asked, completely confused.
“Not now, Britney. I’ll explain later. Amy, come with me, please.” She took her daughter's hand, and headed towards the family room.
Amy knew she was in big trouble, and figured her mom was bringing her to the family room to punish her, but when her mom knocked on the door to Jackson’s room, she got really worried. “What...?” was all she got out, before the door opened.
“Jackson, Amy and I need to have a discussion with you. May we come in, please?”
Jackson had changed out of his swim trunks, back into his regular clothes. He went a little pale when he had heard the knock on the door, and knew he was in huge trouble when he opened it to find both Amy and her mother on the other side. “Yes ma’am.” He hung his head in guilt.
Cynthia brought her daughter into the room and closed the door behind her. “Both of you sit down on the bed there,” and she pointed, waiting for the two to sit down. “Now, Amy, tell me exactly what happened.”
So, Amy went through everything, explaining showing Jackson the photo album, how he had asked if it was ok if he took off his swim trunks, “and then… I don’t know why. I grabbed his… penis.” she whispered out the last word.
“Jackson, do you have anything to add? Was what she said the truth?”
Jackson gulped, “Yes ma’am.” sure he was dead. “Everything she said was true.”
“Alright, good.” She smiled warmly at the boy.
“I’m not in trouble?” Jackson asked in astonishment.
“No Jackson. You’re not in trouble. It’s your choice whether you want to be nude or not. Amy and I are both nude. It’s really up to you.”
“Really? Even if I’m…”
“Even if you’re hard? Yes. That’s perfectly natural, especially for a boy not used to being around nude girls or nude himself. It’ll go down on its own. Or if you really need, go take a break in the bathroom or something, if you know what I mean.” and she winked at the boy, making him blush, and Amy giggle. “Now, as for you, young lady.” Amy gulped now, feeling like her laugh was a mistake. “You know you never touch anybody’s privates without their permission.”
Amy hung her head in shame. “I know, mom.”
“But, I don’t think there was too much harm done.” She smiled at her daughter.
Amy thought she was about to be let off the hook, and started to say “Thanks mom. I’ll never ever do it…”
“Oh, I know you won’t. But don’t think you’re getting off completely. You did something bad, so you need to be punished. I think a fair punishment would be… Hmmm… For Jackson to touch your privates as well.”
“WHAT!” Amy called out, and Jackson’s eyes couldn’t open any wider if he tried.
“Yes, that’s fair. In fact, for the next hour, you may touch Amy’s privates all you like, Jackson.” She turned and opened the door. “I’ll be back in an hour.” She said sweetie, and winked. Neither one was really sure who she was winking at this time.
Once the door was shut, they both turned to look at each other in astonishment. “I don’t…” Jackson started to say.
“It’s…” Amy said on top of him. They both blushed and looked away from each other.
“I don’t have to do this.” Jackson finished what he was going to say, no longer being able to look in Amy’s direction.
Amy felt relieved, but then thought back to the look of betrayal on Jackson’s face when he jumped back out of her grasp. “No, it’s fair. You should do it.” She looked over at him.
He finally looked back at her. “Really…? No, I can’t... I shouldn’t…”
“No, really, Jackson. Fair is fair. I touched you, so you should touch me.” She said, getting up to stand in front of him.
Jackson hesitantly reached out, mere centimeters away from touching the girl’s pubic mound, but pulled his hand back at the last second. “No. It’s not right.”
“How about you just touch me for a couple seconds, like I did to you? That way we’re even.” Jackson seemed to consider it, but then shook his head. “Please, Jackson? I don’t want to feel guilty about this for the rest of my life.”
He looked into her pleading eyes. “Well, alright. Just for a second.” He hesitantly reached out again, this time making contact with the bit of fuzz above her little pussy lips. She made a little sigh when he made contact. He counted out “One Mississippi. Two Mississippi.” but before he could pull his hand away, Amy put her hand on top of his.
She smiled and blushed at him. “You don’t have to stop. You can keep touching me.” she said in a quiet voice.
“What?” He looked at her in astonishment.
“The reason I got in trouble was because I didn’t ask for your permission before touching you, right? Well, now I’m giving you permission to touch me. For the next hour, you can touch me anywhere you want, Jackson. So, there’s no reason for you to feel bad.” and she spread her legs open, standing with her feet shoulder width apart.
Jackson looked back down, taking in the site of the girl’s fully exposed sex in front of him. “You’re really ok with this?”
“Yes.” she answered, and to emphasize her point, she pushed his hand lower until it came into contact with the top of her slit. She let out a little sigh.
“I’m not really sure what to do.” he said, embarrassed by his lack of knowledge.
“That’s alright. I’ll show you.” She let his hand go so she could demonstrate what she wanted him to do. She used one hand to open herself up, and pointed with the other. “This is my clitoris. It feels really good when I rub on it, but it can be kinda sensitive sometimes, so you’ll have to go really slow. And then down here is the hole to my vagina. I like to put my finger in there, or sometimes I use…” she blushed a little.
“Use what?”
“Sometimes I use the handle of my hairbrush. It feels pretty good.”
“Wow… So, what do you want me to do first?”
“Why don’t you try rubbing my clit… Actually, why don’t you start with my boobs. My nipples are pretty sensitive too.”
“Alright.” Jackson reached up, lightly cupping each boob in one of his hands, just holding them. He was still a bit tentative, using a very light touch, like he could break her at any moment.
“Rub them a little.” Amy said, and Jackson finally started moving his hands, caressing the underside of her little boobies. Amy giggled a little in response. “Good. Now try touching one of my nipples.”
Jackson moved his right hand, using his index finger to lightly circle around her areola, then made contact with her hard little nipple, continuing to circle. Amy let out another quiet moan. Jackson was starting to feel a bit more at ease with touching her, and didn’t need to be told to do the same with the other nipple. Amy continued to let out little moans and sighs. “This is so cool. That feels good?”
“Yeah. You’re doing great. Want to try my clit now?” Amy said through her sighs, her eyes shut in pleasure.
“Ok.” Amy brought her hand back down to open her slit again, and Jackson brought his right hand down, lightly brushing the bump she had pointed at earlier.
“Ahhh!” Amy moaned out, feeling like an electric shock was coursing through her body. She tensed, going up on her tippy-toes.
“You ok!?” Jackson asked worriedly, pulling both his hands away quickly.
“I’m fine.” She said when the feeling left her body. “It felt so good, Jackson. Just maybe too good, if you know what I mean. Try it again, but more lightly this time.”
“Alright,” and Jackson waited for Amy to open herself back up, before touching her again. He ran his index finger as lightly as he could from the top of her slit, down to her little hood, and then to the little nub poking out.
“Ahh!” Amy called, tensing up again. “Rub that part right above it again this time. That felt the best.”
Jackson repeated his actions, running his finger down her slit again, but this time stopping at her hood. “This spot?”
Amy moaned a little, pressing herself harder against his finger. “Yeah. That’s it, but you can use a little more pressure. Jackson started massaging the area with his finger, making little circles. “Ah...! Ooh...! Yeah…! Keep going...! Uh huh...!”
“Wow…” Jackson breathed out, never dreaming he could give a girl such pleasure. “What about your hole?” He asked, remembering the rest of what she had said.
“Oh! Yeah, use your… Ah! Other finger in there.” Jackson did as she said, using his other index finger to enter her wet hole. “Ahhhhhh!” she squealed out, enjoying every bit of it. Especially when Jackson wiggled his finger around inside of her. “Try pulling your finger out and in.” Jackson continued following her directions, starting by pulling his finger out slowly and then back in, while still rubbing the hood of her clitoris with the other hand. “Faster.” she said, so Jackson speed up what he was doing with both hands. “AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH!” Amy was bouncing on both her feet, enjoying the intense pleasure. All of a sudden it was like an electric shot, ten times the one she had felt earlier, entered her body from head to toe, and she tensed up, going up onto her tip toes again. She was shaking and shuddering, feeling an orgasm at the hands of someone else for the first time in her life. “AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”
She couldn’t hold herself up anymore, and collapsed face first onto the bed right next to Jackson. He helped her get onto the bed fully, laying her down on her back, and he sat down next to her, waiting for her to calm down enough to speak again. “Oh my god!” She managed to get out.
“Did I do good?” He asked, with a smile and a pretty deep blush on his cheeks.
“Yes, you did good. You did fantastic!” Amy looked at him with a huge smile on her face, in the bliss of the afterglow of such an intense orgasm. “In a couple of minutes… If you want… Would you do that again?” she asked him, with a bashful look.
“Yeah, Amy. I’ll do that for you anytime you want.” Amy just gave him a joyful smile at hearing that.
After a few minutes, Amy spread her legs open. “Ok. I’m ready again.” Jackson repeated his actions, starting with her boobs again, then moving one of his hands down to her pussy, rubbing the area just above her little clit. “Yeah…! Oh, yeah...!” Amy was even more vocal this time, moaning in pleasure. Jackson noticed the wetness was leaking out of her a little this time, and stuck one finger in her opening like before, pumping it in and out. “Oh god, Jackson!” Amy could barely hold still, she was writhing around in so much pleasure. With the way she was moving, Jackson’s finger ended up grazing her little clit, which set her off. “OOOOOHHHHHHH!” she was shaking and shuddering so much, he was worried she would fall off the bed.
“You alright?” Jackson asked, when she stopped moving.
“Yeah. Oh, yeah! That was the best feeling of my life!” She smiled at him, her eyelids half open.
Jackson smiled back. Amy seemed to be too out of it for him to do anything else, so he just let her rest. After a little while, there was a light knocking at the door. “Time’s up kids.” Amy’s mom cracked the door, peeking in. “How was it?” She had a knowing smile on her face, seeing the relaxed look of her daughter.
“It was wonderful, mom.” Amy answered, not even opening her eyes.
“Good. Jackson, can I speak with you out here for a minute? You just rest, Amy.” Jackson followed her out into the family room. “I can guess from that smile on your face, you had fun too?”
“Oh, yes ma’am. I mean, yes, Cynthia.”
“I’m glad. But I was thinking. Was that really fair of me?” Jackson looked at her in confusion. “I mean, Amy only touched you for a few seconds, and I just let you touch her for a full hour.” She eyed the bulge of his erection in his shorts.
Jackson blushed, seeing exactly where she was looking. “I guess not…”
“No, not fair at all… Hmmm… What are we going to do to set things right? Humm...? I have an idea. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“I uh…” Jackson figured he probably was, but couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud.
“Why don’t we let Amy have some time to touch you as well. Let’s say, fifty-nine minutes. How does that sound? That should make things even.” and she gave him a bright smile.
“I don’t know…”
“Well, how about this? How about Amy has to get you off three times? Does that sound good?”
“You mean, like, make me shoot? You’d be ok with that?” He looked at her in awe.
“Oh, of course. If she’s going to touch you, I wouldn’t expect anything else.” she chuckled a little. “There’s just one rule I want you to know.” she got a stern look on her face.
“What’s that?” he asked, getting a little worried again.
“My girls are not allowed to have sex until they’re at least sixteen years old. If I ever find out you had sex with Amy before then there will be hell to pay for you, young man. Understand?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“But if you and Amy want to continue doing anything else after today, and you both agree to it, then feel free.” She smiled her warm smile at the boy again.
“Wow! Really!?” she nodded her head. He rushed over and grabbed her in a hug. “Thanks Cynthia.”
“You’re welcome, Jackson. Come on. You want to tell Amy, or should I?”
Jackson was still feeling a little shy. “Uh, you tell her.”
The two walked back into the bedroom, and Cynthia started explaining things to her daughter. “Amy, sweetie? You had a really good time with Jackson today, right?”
Amy sat up on the bed a little. “Yeah, mom. It was amazing.”
“But, Jackson and I discussed it, and neither of us think it’s fair. What happened in here the last hour.”
“Oh.” Amy’s heart started racing in excitement. “Does that mean I have to let Jackson touch me some more?”
“Well, that’s up to you, honey…”
“Up to me!?”
“Yes. Well, up to you and him, if he is willing. But that’s not what I want to talk about right now. Jackson and I don’t think it’s fair that he got to touch you for one hour, while you only touched him for a few seconds.”
“Oh.” Amy said, confused.
“So, Jackson and I agreed you should be allowed to touch him for fifty-nine minutes. That should make you two about even.” she shrugged her shoulders a little.
“Really!?” Amy jumped up, rushing over to grab Jackson in a big hug. “Oh, thank you, Jackson!”
“Now he has one condition though, before you start.” Cynthia grinned at her daughter.
“What’s that, mom?” Amy said, still holding the boy in a hug. Jackson wasn’t really sure what to do, with a naked girl pressed up against his body like that.
“Jackson agreed to let you touch him, as long as you make him shoot at least three times.”
“I can get him off too!?” she asked excitedly.
“Of course. What do you expect to happen if you touch a boy like that. Now I’ll leave you two alone again. Have fun!” she said, closing the door behind her.
Amy stepped back, sitting back down on the bed. Jackson was getting nervous now, with the way Amy was looking at him. “What… What should I do?” he asked.
“Well, you should probably start with taking your clothes off.” She gave him a flirtatious smile, biting her lip again.
Even if she had already seen his privates earlier, it was still a nerve-racking task for him to complete, but he started removing his clothes. He began with his t-shirt, tossing it aside. “Woo! Take it off!” Amy giggled out.
“Amy!” Jackson ducked his head a little, like he was going to get in trouble for doing something wrong, but the laughter of the girl helped him relax, and he chuckled himself. He undid his jean shorts next, letting them fall down to the floor, and he kicked them over to his shirt. That only left him with his boxers.
“Ooh!” Amy said. The head of his penis had popped out of the fly.
Jackson looked down at himself, and blushed, quickly fixing himself. Then he wondered why he even bothered, when he was about to take his boxers off anyway. “Ready?” He asked her, giving her a nervous smile.
“Ready.” She said back, almost shaking with anticipation.
Jackson hooked his thumbs in, and in one quick motion, pushed his boxers down far enough for them to fall the rest of the way, and he stepped out of them. “Ok, now what?”
“Now, come stand in front of me.” she said, opening her legs so he could stand in between. He took the place she pointed to, standing in front of her, his privates at about her eye level. “Ok, now I’m going to touch you. Don’t move.” she wrapped her hand around his hard cock as slowly as she could, not wanting to scare him away again. “Good?”
“Yeah.” He smiled down at her, enjoying the feeling of her touching him this time.
“Now what? I’m not really sure what to do. I know boys jerk off, but I’ve never seen that.”
“Oh, um, you just move your hand up and down. Like this.” He wrapped his hand around hers, showing her the movement, and after she seemed to understand, let go and she continued jerking him off. “Wow…” and he grunted out.
“That feel good?”
“Oh yeah…” He looked down at her, first at her little boobs, then her bare pussy, and then finally into her eyes, and started cumming right then. “AHHHH!”
“OH!” Amy was surprised, as he shot five times, once getting her in the face, and the rest shooting out behind her as she ducked out of the way. Amy started giggling, and Jackson stumbled back a little. He caught himself, and then he sat down on the edge of the bed next to her.
“What’s so funny?” he asked her through labored breath.
“I’m not laughing at you. I’m just having so much fun. Thanks, Jackson.” she grabbed him in another hug, one he returned this time. They both enjoyed the feeling of their bare skin against each other. Amy eventually let go of the hug. “So, that’s once. Two more times, right?” she smiled coyly at him.
“Right.” Jackson smiled back, completely at ease with the girl now.
“Ok. Lie down on the bed. I want to do it differently this time.”
“What are you going to do?” He asked, getting on top of the bed.
“You’ll see.” She said seductively, getting up onto the bed herself. She knelt down, straddling his thighs with her own.
“Your mom said we’re not allowed to do that.” He started getting worried again.
“What?” she looked at him in bemusement. “I’m not ready for that yet, Jackson. I’m just going to jerk you off again.”
“Oh, but I’m still soft.”
“Oh.” she looked down at the limp penis in front of her. “How do you make it hard again?”
“It usually just happens on its own, but if I really want, playing with it a bit makes it hard.”
“Will it get hard if I play with it?”
He felt a little twitch at her words. “Yeah. Definitely.”
“Ok. Just sit back and relax while I have some fun.” She grinned at him. She grasped his penis, wiggling it around a little. Then she used her other hand to run the tips of her fingers along his tight sack. Jackson squirmed around a little at her touch. She could feel his dick responding in her hand. She smiled at him, and continued trying to make him hard. She ran one of her fingernails lightly around the underside of his mushroom head, making him suck in a little air. “That ok?”
“Yeah. That spot’s just really sensitive. I’ll let you know if anything feels bad. You can do whatever you want otherwise.” She smiled up at him, and then continued playing with her new toy. He was almost back to fully erect now, and Amy kept running her fingernails all around his penis. Up and down the shaft, over and under the head, and even on his scrotum. Jackson was back to as hard as he had been after only a minute. “Are you going to jerk me off again?” Jackson asked, feeling ready.
Amy, however, was having too much fun teasing the boy. “I want to see how hard you can really get. Let me play with it some more.” She said, with a little lust in her voice, running her index finger along the underside of his penis until she reached the head.
Jackson sighed. “I don’t know how much more I can take of this, Amy”
That gave Amy an idea. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to go get something quick.” She said getting up off the bed. “Don’t touch it!” She said over her shoulder, quickly ducking out the door.
“Yes, ma’am.” Jackson said when she was out of the room and laughed to himself.
Amy was back in a minute, holding something behind her back. “Ok, close your eyes.” and she smiled a mischievous smile at him.
“What’s behind your back?”
“Just close your eyes. You’ll find out in a minute.”
Jackson did as told, closing his eyes, and Amy went to the side of the bed, grabbed one of his wrists, and brought it up above his head to the headboard. He felt something metal around his wrist, and before he knew it, one of his hands was handcuffed to the headboard. “What are you doing!?” he asked as Amy walked around to the other side of the bed.
“Relax. They’re trick handcuffs. They have a little lever to open them up. You don’t need a key.” She grabbed his other wrist and locked the other pair of handcuffs around, but Jackson resisted, not letting her bring his other arm up above his head. ‘Come on. It’ll be fun.” she said to him sweetly.
“I don’t know, Amy.”
“Please!? I promise I won’t hurt you or anything, and I’ll promise to get you off at the end. I just really want to see how hard I can get you.”
“Well… Alright.” the boy relented, letting Amy lock the other side of the handcuffs around one of the posts of the headboard. Even if the handcuffs had a release lever, there was no way for Jackson to undo them himself. He was stuck like that for as long as Amy wanted. Jackson was getting a little nervous again. How much could he really trust this girl?
Amy gave him an almost wicked smile when he was locked in place, and sort of skipped to the other side of the bed, picking up something else, and hiding it behind her back. “What’s that?” he asked, getting really nervous now.
“Oh, nothing. You just relax, Jackson, and you’ll have a wonderful time.” she said in that seductive voice again. Jackson gulped a little, as she got up on the bed, and back on top of him. She chose to get up on his torso this time, facing his legs, so he wasn’t able to see what she was about to do to his privates. Whatever she had in her hand, she hadn't let him see. “Ready?” she looked back over her shoulder at him.
“Please, Amy, tell me what that is?” he begged, not sure what was about to happen. Amy just giggled. She turned her attention back to his privates. All of a sudden, there was something tickling the right side of his shaft. “What is that!?” Amy just kept giggling, her focus on teasing the boy. The tickling feeling kept moving higher and higher up his shaft, until it reached the head, then tickled back down the left side. Jackson couldn’t control himself, squirming around in panic and pleasure. Not knowing what she was touching him with, combined with her continued giggling, was driving him mad. “Amy, please!?”
“You want to know what it is?” she teased him, looking over her shoulder again.
“Yes! Please!” she tickled the underside of the head of his penis with whatever it was.
“You really want to know?” she teased again.
“Please, Amy!” Whatever it was circled around the head a few times.
“You really, really want to know?” the girl giggled out.
“Come on, Amy!” She lightly brushed him all over every inch of his penis with the object, driving him up the wall. “PLEASE!”
“Alright, I’ll tell you, but then you’ll owe me.” She moved to straddling his thighs again, keeping the object out of his sight, hiding it behind her back again. “Ok, here it is.” She pulled from behind her back one of the feathers from a feather duster, and burst out laughing, letting it float down to land on his bare stomach.
“That’s not funny!” he said, trying to look mad, but he couldn’t help finding it funny himself.
Amy was still giggling, and then looked down at his cock. “Look at how hard you’ve gotten. It’s turned purple, even.” She flicked her finger across the head, making his erection bob back and forth, and Jackson let out a loud moan.
“Ohhh…! Please, Amy? Can’t you get me off now? I really don’t think I can take anymore.”
Amy picked the feather back up. “Don’t you owe me? I want to see just how much you can really take.” and she started tickling the head of his cock with the feather again.
“Oh! Ah! Amy! It’s… Ah! Amy, it’s too much! Ah!” Jackson was squirming around in pure torturous pleasure now, but the feather’s touch was too light to get him off.
“I’ll decide when it’s too much, Jackson. Wow, you’re even leaking now.” Some pre-cum had dribbled from the end of his cock. Amy was about to go back to tickling his penis with the feather, but as she brought the feather close, his penis twitched a little. She pulled it back, and then moved it closer again, watching as the penis twitched again. She giggled this time. “Look at this.” she did it again and again, making the penis twitch over and over, almost like it was dancing for her.
Jackson was already looking, the reason it kept twitching. He couldn’t help tensing his muscles whenever the feather got near him. “I can see that.” He said in an exasperated voice.
Amy was having the time of her life, as she continued to tease him with the feather. She had always regarded penises as just another body part, like an ear or an elbow, but now she knew the truth. Penises were something special. Something fun to play with, and this particular penis was now the most special penis in the world to her. She would make sure she got to play with this penis for as long as possible, for as long as Jackson would let her.
“Come on, Amy!? You said you’d get me off.” The boy begged.
“You want me to use my hands too?”
“Yes, please!” Amy dropped the feather, and then brought her hand close to his penis, tickling the head with her fingertips this time. Then she giggled and picked the feather back up, continuing to torture the boy. Jackson just groaned.
Amy’s mom knocked on the door. “Time’s up guys. It’s almost time for lunch anyway.” and she walked into the room, finding the boy handcuffed to the bed, and Amy still teasing him with the feather. “Oh, nice penis, Jackson.” The woman giggled.
“Oh! Thanks…” Jackson blushed at the woman seeing him in such a vulnerable position.
Amy smiled up at her mom, starting to get up to undo the handcuffs, but her mom spoke first. “Amy, you can’t just leave him like that.” and she put her hands on her hips.
“Ok, mom.” Cynthia was talking about the handcuffs, but Amy thought she was talking about how hard he was. She grabbed hold and started stoking. It only took three strokes for him to start spraying out his seed.
“AHHHHH! AHHHHHHH!” Jackson came with the most intense orgasm of his life. He squirted over and over again, at least eight times, humping the air. Most landed either on him or the bed, with a bit getting on Amy’s hand and arm. She kept pumping until Jackson begged her. “Please, Amy! Stop!”
“Oh, my goodness!” Amy’s mom commented, not really sure how to react to seeing this. She regained her composure after a moment, walking over to the bed to undo one of the handcuffs around his wrist herself. “Amy, get the other one, please.” After the boy seemed to stop breathing so heavy, she said, “Think you can walk after that, Jackson?”
Jackson leaned up on his elbows, chuckling a little. “Yeah, I think I’m fine. Just really tired.”
“Good. I think it’s best if you both go get a shower before coming to lunch, though.”
“But, mom. That was only the second time I made Jackson shoot.”
“Really? Well then, she’ll just have to owe you one. Right, Jackson?” and she winked at the boy. “Now hurry along, you two. Go take your showers.” Amy and Jackson both got up, heading to their respective showers. “Where do you think you’re going, young lady?”
Amy was halfway into the family room. “To take a shower.”
“Uh, uh. I’m not having you two wasting water. You can both take a shower together. Go on.” and she pointed sternly to the bathroom door next to Jackson’s room, and gave a wink to her daughter.
“Thanks, mom.” Amy whispered as she passed by, with a blissful smile on her face. Jackson just looked at the two dumbfounded, before he got a big smile of his own and followed Amy into the bathroom.
Once the bathroom door was shut, neither was really sure what to say at first. Amy turned on the shower, letting it warm up, and the two avoided looking at each other. “Amy...?” Jackson finally broke the silence.
“Yeah…” Amy answered, hopefully.
“That was really… fun. I really enjoyed that.” Jackson smiled with a deep flush on his face.
“Really? That wasn’t too much, with the feather? I thought I might have gone too far.”
“No. That was great! I’ve never felt anything like it! And when I shot! God! I thought I would never stop!”
Amy giggled and smiled at him. “So, would you want to do that again sometime?”
“Sure… Under one condition, though.”
“What’s that?”
“Next time, you’ve gotta be handcuffed to the bed first.” and he grinned at her.
“Deal.” and she stuck her hand out for him to shake. He took it, then pulled her close, giving her a big kiss on the lips. Amy just melted into him, kissing him back. When the two finally broke their kiss, Amy tested the water, finding it warm enough, and got in. “Come on.” She waited for Jackson to get into the shower, then looked back over her shoulder at him, “Will you wash my back?”
“Only if you wash mine.” He smiled at her.
“Ok.” She handed him the wash cloth, and turned back around. Jackson started soaping up her back. “Jackson?”
She turned back to face him. “Would you like to be my boyfriend?”
He smirked at her. “Only if that means you’ll be my girlfriend.”
“What else would it mean!?” she asked, then realized he was joking. She grabbed him in a hug, and started kissing him again.
After a little more playtime, Jackson finally getting off for the third time like promised, and the two actually getting clean, Amy and Jackson both came into the kitchen for lunch. “Are you going to be a nudist now too?” Britney asked the older boy.
Jackson looked down at himself and blushed. “Oh! I forgot… But maybe I am.” and he gave Amy a smile.
“How was your shower?” Cynthia gave a knowing look to the two.
“It was great, mom.” Amy answered with a smile of her own.
They all had just sat down to eat, when the phone rang. Cynthia got up to answer. “Yes, this is her... Yes... Uh huh... Uh huh... Yes… I’ll let him know. Thank you. Goodbye.” Jackson tensed up. Amy grabbed his hand, trying to comfort and console him.
***Three Years Later***
Amy and Britney had spent the last two weeks at an all-girls summer camp. Amy had been selected to be a camp counselor, with Britney going along as one of the regular campers. They had just been dropped off by the bus in front of their house. “God, I can’t wait to get inside and get a proper shower.” Amy commented, dragging her rolling bag behind her.
“You sure that’s what you can’t wait for?” The eleven-year-old commented. “You sure there’s not a certain boy you’ve been missing?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Amy said, then gave her sister a little smirk, as she opened the front door. “JACKSON!” she called out, rushing over to give him a big hug.
“Hey sis!” Jackson greeted her.
“Sis!” Amy gave him an annoyed look. “You know I hate that joke. I’m your girlfriend, not your sister!” and she slapped his shoulder.
“Hey Jackson!” Britney smiled as she walked in the door. She immediately started stripping out of her clothes.
“Hi Britney!” Jackson greeted her warmly. “I’m glad you’re both finally back. Especially you.” He said, looking into Amy’s eyes, and then gave her a long kiss on the lips.
When they broke their kiss, Amy commented, “I see someone else is glad I’m back too.” She looked down in between them, at Jackson’s hard cock, with a little smirk, biting her lip.
Jackson had basically become a nudist himself over the past few years. “Do you blame him?” he answered with a question and a smirk of his own.
“Not at all.” Amy smiled back, and stroked him up and down a couple of times.
“God! Get a room you two!” Britney exclaimed, then laughed. “On second thought, maybe I’d like to watch.”
“Britney! Get your own boy! This one is all mine…” She said, pulling him close, and giving him another long kiss.
“Amy! Britney!” Their mother called.
“MOM!” Both girls burst out, running over to hug their mom.
“Don’t forget about me!” Jackson’s mom said, coming over to hug the girls as well. While she wasn’t a nudist herself, she was happy her son seemed to enjoy being one so much, along with her best friend and her daughters. Plus, her son was really handsome this way. “Jackson! Put that thing away! You’ll poke someone's eye out.” she gave him a leering grin.
“Mom!” Jackson shook his head a little.
“So how was camp? Anything exciting happen?” The girls’ mom asked. The girls spent a few minutes filling everyone in on their time away, and eventually the topic moved to Amy’s birthday, which was coming up soon.
“Well, it is a very special birthday for Amy this year. You know, ‘cause we can finally…” Jackson started blushing a little, not sure if he should really say it out loud.
“Can finally what?” Cynthia looked at him with confusion.
“Jackson and I can finally... be together, mom.” Amy explained.
“You mean you two haven’t...?”
“Of course not. You said we couldn’t until Amy was sixteen.” Jackson exclaimed.
Cynthia was still confused for a moment, then remembered. “Oh!” She started giggling really hard, “You two really haven’t… After all these years!? I was just pulling your leg, Jackson.”
“You mean Jackson and I could have… This whole time!” Amy looked at her mom incredulously. “MOM!” she yelled, putting her hands on her hips. She looked over at Jackson, who was looking back at her with about the same expression. Both their faces morphed into smiles, and Amy grabbed his hand, then the two rushed up the stairs to her room.
Britney and the two moms started laughing, but then Cynthia got a worried look on her face, opening her eyes wide. “USE PROTECTION!” She called after them, starting to rush up the stairs herself.
The End
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Re: Jackson and the Three Bares
A kid's first experience with a Nudist family or setting is one of my favorite plots.
This went a wee bit beyond that.
The movie "My Queen Karo" has some similar themes. A girl who is probably ten likes a boy who is a year older. Their families live a semi-
nudist lifestyle and don't hide sexuality from the girl. The girl is way more curious about the boy, and being eleven he is not physically mature
enough to do anything, and his reluctance to get touchy-feely sometimes frustrates the girl.
This went a wee bit beyond that.
The movie "My Queen Karo" has some similar themes. A girl who is probably ten likes a boy who is a year older. Their families live a semi-
nudist lifestyle and don't hide sexuality from the girl. The girl is way more curious about the boy, and being eleven he is not physically mature
enough to do anything, and his reluctance to get touchy-feely sometimes frustrates the girl.
- superevil7
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Re: Jackson and the Three Bares
Yeah, I know my style is not for everybody.TeenFan wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 12:46 pm A kid's first experience with a Nudist family or setting is one of my favorite plots.
This went a wee bit beyond that.
- EddieDavidson
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Re: Jackson and the Three Bares
I thought it was a really cool story. I'd like to see more of it.
I had a similar idea for a Scottish family that lives near a nudist beach off the coast, but I have been working on finishing some of my other stories. This almost mirrors it, except that it's a girl who comes to live with them, and the reason she has to take off her clothes is they run a blacksmith/farrier and the tradition for the last 100 years has been working the forge "Taps aff" (Tops off) in the tradition of the Greek Smiths of Haephastus, because supposedly they've the hottest forge in Scotland - so it's a family tradition.
I had a similar idea for a Scottish family that lives near a nudist beach off the coast, but I have been working on finishing some of my other stories. This almost mirrors it, except that it's a girl who comes to live with them, and the reason she has to take off her clothes is they run a blacksmith/farrier and the tradition for the last 100 years has been working the forge "Taps aff" (Tops off) in the tradition of the Greek Smiths of Haephastus, because supposedly they've the hottest forge in Scotland - so it's a family tradition.
All of my stories: https://storiesonline.net/a/eddie-davidson
The site is free up to 100 chapters a day. You can get unlimited just for submitting stories.
The site is free up to 100 chapters a day. You can get unlimited just for submitting stories.
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Re: Jackson and the Three Bares
I'd love more now that they're 16. I think finding out what happened during those three years would be awesome too. Great story!
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Re: Jackson and the Three Bares
Very enjoyable story. I'd like to see another chapter of the kids getting in on. Keep up the good work.
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