Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (complete)

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 8 - 1 Feb)

Post by NudeBaG »

Not trying to beat a dead horse here, and I don’t want you to rush anything, but this is one of those stories that keeps me cumming back for more.
Maintaining the consistent quality and character development is 🧑‍🍳💋
Each tease gets a little closer, and I KNOW it’ll be worth the wait.
I’d like to point out an absolute BRILLIANT writing tool you’ve implemented with the wrist bands that indicate allowed time.
It signifies that there is a definitive end, so all you need to do is fill time.
It’s something I wish I’d remember to utilize more often.
This post is ultimately just another fluff piece to praise your story, but I’m hooked!
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 9 - 5 Feb)

Post by BareB4U »


Ellie quickly pulled her bikini top back on, staring at the back of Cameron’s head as she did so. Both teens were red-faced, Cameron’s with guilt at what he had just done, Ellie’s with both embarrassment and anger.

In truth, Ellie had dreamt of one day showing her breasts to Cameron. In her imagination, it had been a special, private moment between the two of them, in a future when they were officially girlfriend and boyfriend. There could only be one occasion when she showed her chest to him for the first time, and now that was no longer possible. What he had seen could never be unseen. Cameron’s lack of self-control had ruined that future moment for them both.

Covered up again, Ellie started to walked away without another word. The younger boys who had gathered around them realised the chance of a show was over. They lost interest and turned their attention back instead to the naked boy still struggling with a group of other kids in the water. This gave Cameron a modicum of privacy as he tugged Ellie by the shoulder. “Ellie, wait,” he said.

She brushed his hand away. “Don’t,” she warned him. Cameron knew he’d messed up. “I am so sorry, Ellie. I’m an idiot. I didn’t mean to...” He really did look apologetic, but Ellie wasn’t buying it. “What, your head accidentally span round all by itself?” she accused him sarcastically.

Cameron tried to find an answer to that. She was right of course. He opened his mouth to reply when they were interrupted by a pair of bright blue swimming trunks flying through the air past their heads. The kids surrounding Jack had succeeded in separating him from his swimming costume and had thrown it clear.

At some point in his struggle, Jack had caught either a knee or an elbow to the groin. He wasn’t sure which, but the pain had killed his erection and most of his strength to fight back. Cameron and Ellie both looked in Jack’s direction and chuckled as he tried to scramble through the shallow water on his hands and knees after his trunks. His now flaccid penis dangled miserably between his legs as hands grabbed him from all sides and held him where he was.

The sight of Jack defeated and humiliated defused some of Ellie’s anger. She gave Cameron a weak smile. “Look Cam,” she said, “I AM grateful for your help with that loser over there. But unless you’re planning to make up for what you just did, I need some space away from you, okay?” Cameron seized on the hope she offered. “What do I need to do to make it up to you? Anything, name it.”

“Well...” Ellie glanced down at the front of his swimming shorts. The tent that had been there was gone. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. “You saw mine. Wanna play ‘show me yours’?” Cameron spread his arms wide. “You can already see my chest, El.” It was a feeble attempt at humour and they both knew it. “No, dummy,” Ellie rebuked him. “You saw my boobs. I should get to see what’s in your shorts. Fair’s fair.”

Cameron didn’t think this was a fair trade at all. “I only saw one of them!” he protested. Ellie rolled her eyes at him. Like that made much difference. “Okay, so I’ll only look at ONE of your balls. But I’m starting to feel like I’m the only girl around here who hasn’t seen them yet. So what do you say?”

Once again, Cameron was faced with the idea of willingly revealing himself to a girl. If that’s what it took to get back in Ellie’s good books...

But no, he couldn’t. This was ELLIE. He thought about everyone who’d seen his dick already, how the older girls from the jacuzzi had wiggled their fingers in mockery, how Hannah’s friend giggled when she looked inside his shorts. He thought about how he was still bald down there, unlike Jack. His confidence was shaken and he couldn’t bear the thought of Ellie laughing at his private parts too. He really would have no chance with her ever again. His shyness made her request impossible. He shook his head sadly. “I’m sorry, that’s too much. I just can’t.”

Ellie’s demeanour grew frosty again. “Fine,” she said, disappointed. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to help Mia. You know, my friend who YOU stripped in front of everyone.” Cameron winced at that and watched her go, not knowing what else he could do. He looked on as she crossed in front of Jack’s path. She stopped and bent down to pick up his swimming trunks from where they were floating, just out of his reach.

Jack was still held down as he looked at Ellie pleadingly. “Please, Ellie, give me those back!” She looked at him scornfully, at his limp dick in particular, making sure he noticed. “After what you did to me?” she asked rhetorically. “I don’t think so, Jack. You’re not getting these back. Get used to being bare.” With that, she waded into the deeper water towards Mia.

Yes, thought Cameron, I’d definitely best leave her alone for now!

In the changing village, Hannah was still clutching the bottom half of Mia’s bikini. Her stepmother seemed to be taking an excessive amount of time to find a pair of towels for her and Cameron, for Hannah to store in their locker. Meanwhile, Mia was stuck half naked in the pool, most likely cursing Hannah for abandoning her.

Mary was in no rush, but Chris was starting to whine about wanting to go home, and she could sense Hannie’s impatience. There was only so long she could force the girl in the pink bikini to suffer for. The girl in HALF a pink bikini, Mary corrected herself gleefully. “There you go, dear,” she said, handing her stepdaughter two towels. “You put those away then run along and enjoy your last fifteen minutes in the pool.”

That job done, Mary took Chris to rinse off the chlorine under the shower heads mounted on the wall between the changing village and the pool. There she eyed an attractive young couple, in their early twenties, Mary guessed. The young guy looked hot, with his ripped torso and tight-fitting shorts. The couple saw Mary looking and laughed. “You alright there, darling?” the guy asked her. The girl wrapped her arms protectively around him and added, “I’m afraid you can’t have my man!” Abashed at having been caught staring, Mary turned her attention back to rinsing off herself and her son.

Jack meanwhile had at last managed to break free of the kids pinning him down. He hunkered down low in the water, searching with increasing desperation for his swimming trunks. Being stripped naked and grabbed at by younger kids had been bad enough, but at least there’d only been a dozen or so witnesses. He didn’t think his reputation could take the indignity of having to get out the pool stark naked in front of hundreds of other people. He was running out of time too, as the lifeguards would shortly be signalling the end of the session.

There! Jack spotted something bright blue in the water, but it was only the sock he had used to pad his trunks. Lots of people, including two of his classmates, knew he'd done that now. That story was sure to go around school, but he had a more immediate problem to worry about. His trunks were still nowhere to be found. Not wanting to risk having to streak back to the changing village at the same time as everyone else, he decided to cut his losses.

Hannah found Mia where she had left her, against the wall in the deep end of the beach pool. Ellie was with her. Hannah was glad Mia hadn’t been stuck entirely on her own. She held up the pink bikini bottoms as a peace offering. “Sorry I took so long,” she apologised. “My stepmum was being a pain. Sorry about your bikini too. My jerk of a stepbrother has cut right through the string, but I think you can still tie it well enough to wear it for now.”

To her surprise, Mia smiled. “Don’t worry about that,” she told Hannah. “Dear Ellie here has been my saviour. I’ve got a backup swimsuit.” Hannah looked down beneath the water and saw that Mia was indeed wearing a complete, if oddly mismatched swimsuit. In contrast to her skimpy pink top, which barely contained her generous breasts, she wore a much less revealing pair of bright blue bottoms. They were elasticated around Mia’s waist, but appeared to be slightly baggy in the crotch area. “Wait a sec,” Hannah said, seeing the grins on the other two girls’ faces. “Are those…”

“Yep,” said Mia, “Jack’s trunks! He wasn’t using them anymore!” Hannah looked around, searching for the trunks' naked former owner. She stared, gobsmacked, as she saw him streaking away into the distance, with nothing on but a lycra sock over his genitals. He was using one hand to make sure his bits stayed inside and the other to hold the free end of the sock between his legs and up the other side, covering his bum crack. Ellie followed Hannah’s gaze and saw Jack too. “Don’t worry, he more than deserves it,” she assured Hannah.

“Where’s that dumb Cameron gone anyway?” Mia asked. “You can’t deny he deserves the same treatment, after what he pulled.” She looked at Ellie, daring her friend to contradict her. To her surprise, Ellie didn’t object at all. “No argument from me,” she said. “Cam’s got a lot to do before I’m ready to forgive him for taking a peek at me.”

Hannah’s mind was spinning. Now she had not one, but two allies against Cameron. The business with Mary at the lockers had also given her an idea. “Listen, you two,” she said to Mia and Ellie, “I’ve got an idea for getting back at Cam, but we need to get back to the changing area quickly, before everyone gets out the pool.”

Back in the changing village, Mary followed the young couple from the showers back to the changing area. It was quite empty, as it was not yet time for anyone to leave. Maybe the couple had wanted to beat the rush. Speaking of rushing, she was surprised by a young teenager dashing past her to the lockers. He was completely nude, but for having stuffed his private parts into a bright blue sock. Mary did a double take at the peculiar sight. At least it wasn’t Cameron, she mused.

Mary had a free choice of several changing cubicles, but she took the one next to the young man she had admired under the shower. She liked the idea of them getting naked within close proximity of each other, even if they were separated by the cubicle walls. Looking at the gap at the floor between the partitions, she could see the young man’s feet. She also saw his swim shorts as they hit the ground around his ankles. A wicked impulse struck her. If she was going to be made to feel bad about looking at this hot guy, she might as well get a PROPER look.

Mary picked up one of Chris’s armbands from the bench and tossed it under the partition to land behind the young man. He didn’t notice. Chris looked puzzled at her. "Shush, darling," Mary told him, as she climbed onto the bench. She stood up and peered into the next cubicle over the gap at the top of the partition. The man there was naked all right, and a treat for her eyes. As well as his muscle-bound physique, he had a thick cock surrounded by a thick bush of curly hair and generous-sized balls. Yum-yum, Mary thought.

The man saw her and squealed, rather destroying his hunky image. “What the hell, lady?” He threw both hands over his private parts and crouched over in a textbook example of the classic embarrassed man pose. Mary thought that was a pity. He had nothing to be ashamed about, quite the opposite. “I’m very sorry,” she said apologetically, not meaning a word of it. “My little boy threw one of his armbands into your cubicle. It’s on the floor just there.” She pointed. “Could you pass it back to me, please?”

The man reached for his towel so he could cover up properly from this strange woman invading the privacy of his changing cubicle. “No, not there, over there,” Mary called, pointing. He went for his towel a second time but she was persistent. “It’s on the floor just beside you. It’s bright orange. Can’t you see it?”

The young man looked up at Mary. She looked back, her face a mask of innocence. Didn’t this crazy woman realise he was naked? Didn’t that matter to her? It mattered to him! He sighed. The quickest way to get rid of her would be to just give her what she wanted.

Abandoning his attempts to retrieve his towel, the man bent down and picked up the small orange inflatable. Mary admired his firm bum cheeks appreciatively. He turned around and passed the armband up to her, keeping his other hand covering himself. She admired that too. My, he was a big boy, she thought. One hand was really not enough.

“Oh, I can’t reach that. You’ll have to stand on the bench like I am.” It was a ridiculous claim. Mary could easily reach and if the guy thought about it for only a second, he’d realise it too. He could also simply pass the armband underneath the partition. But Mary had thrown his train of thought so much that he didn’t question her and simply did what she asked.

With the armband in one hand, the man needed his other hand to steady himself as he climbed up. Mary drank in the sight of his cock and balls swinging before her. She smiled sweetly as she took the armband from him. “That’s very kind of you, thank you. And sorry for the intrusion.” She paused for a couple of seconds, taking in one last look before her excuse ran out of mileage. Then she climbed down from her own bench, leaving the young man standing there, naked and bewildered at what had just happened.

As she got down, Chris looked at her crossly and folded his arms. “That was a lie, Mummy. I didn’t throw my armband, you did. And you should leave people alone when they’re nakey. You said so.” Mary patted him gently on the head. “You’re right Chris, I’m sorry. I’ve been a very naughty mummy.”

Oh yes, she thought to herself deliciously, I’m a very naughty mummy indeed.

Feeling much more remorseful than his mother did about stealing peeks at someone dressing, Cameron was swimming lengths in the main pool. Normally he would try to see how fast he could get from one end to the other, or how far he could go while holding his breath underwater, but his heart wasn’t in it now. He was glad when the lifeguard finally blew her whistle to signal it was time for everyone with his colour of wristband to leave the pool.

Signalling so many people to get out at once meant the changing village was, if anything, even busier than when he and his family had arrived an hour earlier. Cameron ripped off his wristband and dropped it in a bin. He searched through the crowds of people going to and from lockers and changing cubicles, looking for his mother, Hannah or Chris. He needed to find Hannah in particular, as she had the key to the locker with all his clothes in.

Cameron couldn’t find his stepsister at first and began to worry that she might’ve abandoned him. If she had, it was a lousy prank. His mum might still be here. Even if she wasn’t, he could go to reception and ask to phone her. Sure, he would feel self-conscious about going up to the desk in just his swimming shorts, but he’d endured far worse today. Hannah would get into trouble for it too.

Then he saw her. She poked her head out from an open cubicle door at the far end of the aisle and beckoned him. “Over here, Cam,” she called. She waved a bath towel and his shoes. “I’ve already been to the locker.”

Cameron approached her, looking for any other unlocked cubicles along the way. He found none. “Thanks Han,” he said, “but we don’t need to do this again. We can take turns.”

“Don’t be silly,” Hannah told him. “Your mum and Chris have already left. She said we should get home quickly. Besides, it’s not like before. We’ve got towels this time, and plenty of space so we’re not getting in each other’s way. I bagged us a family cubicle.”

Cameron looked inside. It was indeed one of the few double-sized cubicles for families that was in the changing village. You could comfortably fit four or five people in there. He stepped inside and closed the door. “Okay then,” he said. “Pass me a towel then. Truth be told, I’m glad this afternoon’s over. Let’s get out of here quickly.”

Cameron struggled for a minute to untie the drawstring of his shorts. The triple knot he had made in it was designed NOT to be undone easily. He wondered if he should worry about changing in front of Hannah again, but they seemed to have reached a truce of sorts. Besides, if she tried anything, he could rip her towel off her in revenge.

Hannah was showing no inclination to change quickly though. She had wrapped the second towel around herself, but had kept her swimsuit on as she eyed Cameron fumbling with his drawstring. “You don’t have to watch me, you know,” he grumbled. He wrapped his towel securely around his waist and tugged his shorts off underneath it. He stepped forward and out of them towards Hannah. “Can you pass me my clothes please?”

In the cubicle next to them, as Mary had done earlier, two girls looked down eagerly at the gap in the partition as they saw a pair of swimming shorts hit the floor. Ellie and Mia hushed each other so as not to give away their presence to Cameron. As they saw him step forward and out of his shorts, Ellie reached an arm under the partition and silently swiped them towards her. She couldn't actually see Cam from where she was, but she knew he was nude and she had deprived him of the shorts that had been his protection for so long. Everything was going according to plan.

Seeing Cam’s shorts disappear under the barrier behind him, Hannah dropped the bombshell. “Your clothes?” she asked him, putting on an air of confusion. “Whoever said I had your clothes with me?”

“What?!” Cameron exclaimed, shoving her aside and rummaging through the pile of things on the bench. There were two pairs of socks and shoes, but the bag of clothes contained only Hannah’s dress, phone and underwear. “Where are my things, damn it?” he demanded.

Realising he’d been tricked, and suddenly feeling much less safe in just a towel, Cameron turned to pick up his swimming shorts. He would put them back on until he got his clothes back from wherever they were.

He saw only empty floor. His shorts were gone too. Cameron stared, dumbfounded at what was happening. “One more thing,” Hannah remarked casually, “I need the second towel to dry my hair.” With that, she grabbed the towel from the back of Cameron’s waist and tugged hard. The towel unravelled and fell away in one swift motion. Once again, Cameron was rendered totally naked, this time with his bum bared to Hannah (who, unlike many of the other girls at the pool, had yet to see it until now).

Reflex caused Cameron to spin around, reaching out with both hands to grab the towel before it got away from him. Reflex was an idiot. Halfway through his turn, he realised what he was doing and clamped his hands down quickly over his penis.

Too late. Hannah saw it, and not just a part of it this time. For a second, she saw the whole thing! She had been confident she was going to, but didn’t expect to see it quite this soon. Hannah was overjoyed. Bald as a baby, full frontal, she took in the sight of Cameron’s smooth penis wobbling about along with the wrinkly sack of balls behind it. Boys were so funny-looking, she thought. Once again, she wished she had seen more other guys to compare him to. She had no idea whether he was big or small for a boy his age. Proportionately, he was definitely larger than Chris, though she had always imagined older boys' private parts would look bigger than what she saw on Cameron. He covered up immediately, but the sight of his boyhood was now forever in her memory.

“Oh Cam,” Hannah told him, sniggering in a sing-song voice, “That wasn’t smart. I saw something you didn’t want me to see!” Cameron’s face turned beetroot. He knew he had just lost, in one move his stepsister had gone from having seen practically nothing to having seen it all, front and back. He had to make doubly sure he stripped her in return now, or he would never hear the end of it. This was more humiliating than anything he had yet suffered. Stuck, alone with his stepsister, no clothes, no swimming costume, no towel, and Hannah now had full knowledge of what his dick looked like. “Shut up!” he told her, still naked and clutching his genitals to prevent her getting a second glimpse.

He was still blushing furiously when things went from bad to worse. Cameron heard the click of a phone camera from somewhere above and behind him. He peered back over his shoulder to see a lone face, peering above the partition to the next cubicle. It was Mia, and she was grinning from ear-to-ear. Cameron was fairly sure she hadn't been there a moment ago (at least, he silently prayed that she hadn't). Mia stood on the bench on her side, once more unknowingly imitating Cameron’s mother as she peeked across. The difference was Mia had her phone aimed and she was making no pretence that this was an accidental intrusion.

“Smile!” she said. The phone clicked again.
Last edited by BareB4U on Fri Feb 07, 2025 8:23 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 9 - 5 Feb)

Post by BareB4U »

NudeBaG wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 9:30 pm I’d like to point out an absolute BRILLIANT writing tool you’ve implemented with the wrist bands that indicate allowed time.
It signifies that there is a definitive end, so all you need to do is fill time.
It’s something I wish I’d remember to utilize more often.
Glad you clocked the built-in time limit, before it became so much more relevant in this latest chapter.

There are still a handful of chapters to go, but we're entering the endgame now. :D
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 9 - 5 Feb)

Post by NudeBaG »

Oh no!
Now Hannah has seen!
It seems Cam isn’t so big after all.
Will the shame and embarrassment make him aroused?
How far will Mia and Ellie take things in the name of revenge?
Can Cam recover from this?
He’s hairless, sure.
But if he still has a sizable erect dick, that could save him.
Unless he happens to be unable to hold his load in front of Ellie😈

Fucking fantastic
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 9 - 5 Feb)

Post by JustHere10 »

This has been such a great story! So many twists and turns and questions to be asked! Revenge is necessary but will Ellie think taking pictures is taking revenge too far? Will this be more of a private embarrassment between all of them or more public with maybe the teenagers by the jazcuzzi coming back into the picture?? How much more embarassment can Cam take? So many questions and can't wait!

I just want to say you've done an amazing job and can't believe this is you're first time writing something like this. You're such a great writer!
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 9 - 5 Feb)

Post by TeenFan »'re on Cameron Cam.
Poor boy is in a bit of a pickle.
Those lifeguards didn't notice all those nakey kids running around?! Jack could have been stopped and made to explain himself.
steam train
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 9 - 5 Feb)

Post by steam train »

BareB4U wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 9:53 pm PART 9: CONSEQUENCES
Another wonderful chapter. I do hope Ellie also gets to see everything like Hannah. She always just seems to miss our and only see Cameron’s rear!
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 9 - 5 Feb)

Post by BareB4U »

TeenFan wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 11:11 pm're on Cameron Cam.
Poor boy is in a bit of a pickle.
Those lifeguards didn't notice all those nakey kids running around?! Jack could have been stopped and made to explain himself.
I actually had a moment in there where Jack encountered one of the lifeguards on his way to the changing village, but I deleted it, as it felt like it didn't really add anything much to a chapter that was already running long.

The other nudity has mainly been in the water, with other kids around blocking the view. The lifeguards either didn't notice, or are so fed up with having to deal with perverted teens and pre-teens that they couldn't be bothered to intervene. ;)
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 9 - 5 Feb)

Post by BareB4U »

steam train wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 11:20 pm Another wonderful chapter. I do hope Ellie also gets to see everything like Hannah. She always just seems to miss our and only see Cameron’s rear!
She hasn't even gotten a particularly good look at Cameron's rear! She's seen it from a distance from up on the stairs, then through the water, but has yet to get a clear, unobstructed view.

I fear Cameron might actually die of embarrassment if Ellie ever got to see everything. It's what he wants to avoid most in all the world. Surely I couldn't be that cruel to him, could I? 😈
steam train
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 9 - 5 Feb)

Post by steam train »

BareB4U wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 11:34 pm
steam train wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 11:20 pm Another wonderful chapter. I do hope Ellie also gets to see everything like Hannah. She always just seems to miss our and only see Cameron’s rear!
She hasn't even gotten a particularly good look at Cameron's rear! She's seen it from a distance from up on the stairs, then through the water, but has yet to get a clear, unobstructed view.

I fear Cameron might actually die of embarrassment if Ellie ever got to see everything. It's what he wants to avoid most in all the world. Surely I couldn't be that cruel to him, could I? 😈
Oh I am sure you can 😉🤣.
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