Bee fails... by dave2000

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Bee fails... by dave2000

Post by PhilMarlowe »

dave2000 wrote: Bee fails... by dave2000

Halloween had arrived at the hostel and as usual, the hostel were not letting the students out. But they were allowing visitors into the lower floor, that had been kitted out to look all haunted and dungeony.
Meg had been allowed to oversee the more interactive side of things.
She had used the movable wall partitions to create a haunted maze. Which had features throughout. One feature, which she had managed to talk a friend into coercing another person to do, was 'olde village law breaker'.
When Ariel was asked by Meg to get someone to do this, Ariel decided that Bee would be an ideal candidate. Meg was very excited when Ariel told her who would be doing it. Meg also decided that there would be a few extras in store for Bee.

Meg adjusted the seat of the stocks appropriately, it was now basically a small bicycle seat, more of a stick with a foam bubble on the end really. The modifications Meg made were that she had made the seat from her, large and powerful, back massager. She also added a wooden bar to go across the front of the knees to keep the legs straight. This was going to be a good show for all.

As Bee was getting ready, Ariel helped her into the nightgown.
Ariel had tried to get Bee to go commando, but Bee was too modest. In fact she had gone out and bought some white leggings to complete her outfit. Bee was now dressed in white leggings and a nightgown. Giving her a very ghostly look. This was the idea, as it was Halloween and she was chosen by her peer's to represent the hostel in the Halloween event.

Bee entered the room, which was darkened and very well decorated. She was lead down the maze of wall partitions to the centre point where the stocks had been set up. As she got put in the stocks by Ariel, music came on over the PA system. Not just music, edited in were moans and screams for effect. Ariel latched Bee's hands and head securely in the stocks. Bee felt more uncomfortable than she thought she would. Not physically so, just anxious. She even had to stand on her toes to stop the seat pushing up too hard into her. It wasn't too bad though, as she was bent forward so far, she wasn't really sitting on it, more just resting on it.

Shortly after Bee was put in the stocks, the first few visitors were lead through the maze, by Meg.
As they arrived at the stocks, the mixed group of teens were told that the hostel frequently sees the old peasant girl that died in the stocks where the hostel was built on. Bee started to say "My toes are achi... Mmmfffff". Meg shoved a small apple into Bee's mouth, hard.
"Sorry everyone, the ghost is only supposed to groan and moan." Said Meg.
As the group left, Meg stayed behind.

"You will learn to be a proper groaning ghost" Said Meg evilly.
She went behind Bee and pulled her white leggings down to her knees, exposing her now naked bum and, due to her position, quite the view of her freshly shaved vagina.
Meg took the pair of scissors she had put under the stocks and cut the leggings completely off of Bee.
Bee could do nothing but shout into the apple, which just came out as a muffled grunt.
Meg continued and cut the nightgown from Bee's back.
Bee could really feel her exposure. Her nakedness was accentuated by her exposed position and her inability to move.
Meg left telling Bee "it only gets worse". Meg ran this through her mind wondering how things could possibly get worse.

Shortly after Meg left Bee found it hard to keep herself up on her toes as much, so she put some of her weight on the seat, but what she hadn't realises was that all her forced nudity had actually made her a little bit wet. This had the effect of her lips parting slightly over the seat. The more she had to relieve her aching toes the more the seat pressed into her, separating and spreading her lips.

As the next group came through they were all astounded to see Bee naked in stocks. Meg explained how the village girl moaned for hours in the stocks hundreds of years ago. At which point Meg flipped the switch in the floor plug just next to her. The massager kicked into action sending cruelly erotic vibrations directly on to Bee's exposed clit.
Bee immediately started to moan into the apple in her mouth.
The crowd stared at the remarkably realistic 'acting' put on by the girl in the stocks.
Just as Bee was about to orgasm, Meg flicked the switch again. Bee, thankful but also left wanting, continued her slight moans.
Meg escorted the group out.

Shortly after Meg walked in with another group. These were mostly boys in their young teens. Most, slack jawed at the sight of the naked Bee. Meg flicked the switch again. Bee resumed her moaning. It didn't take long for her to get close this time, but Meg was vigilant with the switch. This time Bee was left feeling more wanting than relieved. Up to this point Bee didn't have the focus to realise that her juices had run down her legs and caused a wetness on the floor at her feet. She only realised now because her feet were starting to slip. She could no longer keep herself up. She finally slipped and was unable to gain any purchase with her feet. She had slipped enough that the seat was now lodged inside her slightly, leaving her dripping wet clit viewable to all in front of her. Meg flicked the switch again.
The vibrations were driving Bee crazy. There was no attention on her clit and as a result, Bee's longed for orgasm was always just outside of her grasp. She groaned and moaned and her juices flowed. But no orgasm.

Meg was leading group after group of people through maze that night. After an hour and a half Bee was a gibbering wreck.

Meg prepared the last group. Mostly boys from the hostel.
She lease the through the haunted maze and arrived at the stocks. Meg went over to Bee and whispered to her.
"If you want to cum, nod your head". Bee nodded her head furiously.
Meg asked the group "who wants to touch the criminal?"
The crowd responded in the obvious manner as they all rushed towards Bee.
Meg moved past them all and lowered the seat of the stocks so that Bee had to support herself once again.
Hands were all over her body driving Bee mad.
Suddenly Bee felt it. Fingers in her vagina, and more now rubbing her clit. Bee orgasmed. Juices squirted and Bee could do nothing but spread her legs as the wood in front of her knees prevented her from bending her knees, but she could no longer hold her own weight. The group took this as a sign to go even further.
One boy went underneath Bee and started to lick her clit. Another actually started fingering her anus.
Be orgasmed again.
Meg had to stop the group eventually.
She let Bee free and she ran as fast as her wobbly legs could take her to her room.

Meg had won. But was this enough? Meg was getting a taste for humiliating Bee and was now planning a way to get Bee to humiliate herself....
dave2000 wrote: Bee fails... by dave2000

Halloween had arrived at the hostel and as usual, the hostel were not letting the students out. But they were allowing visitors into the lower floor, that had been kitted out to look all haunted and dungeony.
Meg had been allowed to oversee the more interactive side of things.
She had used the movable wall partitions to create a haunted maze. Which had features throughout. One feature, which she had managed to talk a friend into coercing another person to do, was 'olde village law breaker'.
When Ariel was asked by Meg to get someone to do this, Ariel decided that Bee would be an ideal candidate. Meg was very excited when Ariel told her who would be doing it. Meg also decided that there would be a few extras in store for Bee.

Meg adjusted the seat of the stocks appropriately, it was now basically a small bicycle seat, more of a stick with a foam bubble on the end really. The modifications Meg made were that she had made the seat from her, large and powerful, back massager. She also added a wooden bar to go across the front of the knees to keep the legs straight. This was going to be a good show for all.

As Bee was getting ready, Ariel helped her into the nightgown.
Ariel had tried to get Bee to go commando, but Bee was too modest. In fact she had gone out and bought some white leggings to complete her outfit. Bee was now dressed in white leggings and a nightgown. Giving her a very ghostly look. This was the idea, as it was Halloween and she was chosen by her peer's to represent the hostel in the Halloween event.

Bee entered the room, which was darkened and very well decorated. She was lead down the maze of wall partitions to the centre point where the stocks had been set up. As she got put in the stocks by Ariel, music came on over the PA system. Not just music, edited in were moans and screams for effect. Ariel latched Bee's hands and head securely in the stocks. Bee felt more uncomfortable than she thought she would. Not physically so, just anxious. She even had to stand on her toes to stop the seat pushing up too hard into her. It wasn't too bad though, as she was bent forward so far, she wasn't really sitting on it, more just resting on it.

Shortly after Bee was put in the stocks, the first few visitors were lead through the maze, by Meg.
As they arrived at the stocks, the mixed group of teens were told that the hostel frequently sees the old peasant girl that died in the stocks where the hostel was built on. Bee started to say "My toes are achi... Mmmfffff". Meg shoved a small apple into Bee's mouth, hard.
"Sorry everyone, the ghost is only supposed to groan and moan." Said Meg.
As the group left, Meg stayed behind.

"You will learn to be a proper groaning ghost" Said Meg evilly.
She went behind Bee and pulled her white leggings down to her knees, exposing her now naked bum and, due to her position, quite the view of her freshly shaved vagina.
Meg took the pair of scissors she had put under the stocks and cut the leggings completely off of Bee.
Bee could do nothing but shout into the apple, which just came out as a muffled grunt.
Meg continued and cut the nightgown from Bee's back.
Bee could really feel her exposure. Her nakedness was accentuated by her exposed position and her inability to move.
Meg left telling Bee "it only gets worse". Meg ran this through her mind wondering how things could possibly get worse.

Shortly after Meg left Bee found it hard to keep herself up on her toes as much, so she put some of her weight on the seat, but what she hadn't realises was that all her forced nudity had actually made her a little bit wet. This had the effect of her lips parting slightly over the seat. The more she had to relieve her aching toes the more the seat pressed into her, separating and spreading her lips.

As the next group came through they were all astounded to see Bee naked in stocks. Meg explained how the village girl moaned for hours in the stocks hundreds of years ago. At which point Meg flipped the switch in the floor plug just next to her. The massager kicked into action sending cruelly erotic vibrations directly on to Bee's exposed clit.
Bee immediately started to moan into the apple in her mouth.
The crowd stared at the remarkably realistic 'acting' put on by the girl in the stocks.
Just as Bee was about to orgasm, Meg flicked the switch again. Bee, thankful but also left wanting, continued her slight moans.
Meg escorted the group out.

Shortly after Meg walked in with another group. These were mostly boys in their young teens. Most, slack jawed at the sight of the naked Bee. Meg flicked the switch again. Bee resumed her moaning. It didn't take long for her to get close this time, but Meg was vigilant with the switch. This time Bee was left feeling more wanting than relieved. Up to this point Bee didn't have the focus to realise that her juices had run down her legs and caused a wetness on the floor at her feet. She only realised now because her feet were starting to slip. She could no longer keep herself up. She finally slipped and was unable to gain any purchase with her feet. She had slipped enough that the seat was now lodged inside her slightly, leaving her dripping wet clit viewable to all in front of her. Meg flicked the switch again.
The vibrations were driving Bee crazy. There was no attention on her clit and as a result, Bee's longed for orgasm was always just outside of her grasp. She groaned and moaned and her juices flowed. But no orgasm.

Meg was leading group after group of people through maze that night. After an hour and a half Bee was a gibbering wreck.

Meg prepared the last group. Mostly boys from the hostel.
She lease the through the haunted maze and arrived at the stocks. Meg went over to Bee and whispered to her.
"If you want to cum, nod your head". Bee nodded her head furiously.
Meg asked the group "who wants to touch the criminal?"
The crowd responded in the obvious manner as they all rushed towards Bee.
Meg moved past them all and lowered the seat of the stocks so that Bee had to support herself once again.
Hands were all over her body driving Bee mad.
Suddenly Bee felt it. Fingers in her vagina, and more now rubbing her clit. Bee orgasmed. Juices squirted and Bee could do nothing but spread her legs as the wood in front of her knees prevented her from bending her knees, but she could no longer hold her own weight. The group took this as a sign to go even further.
One boy went underneath Bee and started to lick her clit. Another actually started fingering her anus.
Be orgasmed again.
Meg had to stop the group eventually.
She let Bee free and she ran as fast as her wobbly legs could take her to her room.

Meg had won. But was this enough? Meg was getting a taste for humiliating Bee and was now planning a way to get Bee to humiliate herself....
Anonymous wrote: excellent story! by Anonymous

Please keep writing! You have a knack for the erotic humiliation.
Anonymous wrote: Re: Bee fails... by Anonymous

Love your stories, they are pretty good so far. You are a pretty talented writer. As for any suggestions, maybe try describing what bee is feeling more. Help me put myself in her shoes, like what is she feeling besides the obvious pleasure like when she was being brought to the edge of orgasm over and over again in front of all those different people. You seem to allude at she kind of likes it but maybe that could create conflicting feelings in her as she likes it but feels immensely embarrassed and shamed at the same time which gives her really powerful orgasm but those powerful orgasm make her feel even worse which turns her on more, something along the lines of that told from bee's pov. Like sharing her thoughts and feelings more to make the your stories a little more personal for bee.
Anonymous wrote: excellent story! by Anonymous

Please keep writing! You have a knack for the erotic humiliation.
Anonymous wrote: Re: Bee fails... by Anonymous

Love your stories, they are pretty good so far. You are a pretty talented writer. As for any suggestions, maybe try describing what bee is feeling more. Help me put myself in her shoes, like what is she feeling besides the obvious pleasure like when she was being brought to the edge of orgasm over and over again in front of all those different people. You seem to allude at she kind of likes it but maybe that could create conflicting feelings in her as she likes it but feels immensely embarrassed and shamed at the same time which gives her really powerful orgasm but those powerful orgasm make her feel even worse which turns her on more, something along the lines of that told from bee's pov. Like sharing her thoughts and feelings more to make the your stories a little more personal for bee.
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