Cousins don't need modesty (completed)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Cousins don't need modesty (completed)

Post by EddieDavidson »

This started out as two chapters, it ended with eleven chapters. I had a lot of fun creating the illustrations - I was inspired by the Archie Comics/Norman Rockwell vintage Americana. ... ed-modesty


As far as I am concerned - chapter eight is the "end" and the final two chapters are more like bonus chapters.
Last edited by EddieDavidson on Mon Mar 03, 2025 6:00 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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chapter 1

Post by EddieDavidson »

“Dalton, you are really doing me a big favor,” my aunt said as I stood in her living room. It was 1987, and I was still in high school.

“I am just happy to help, Aunt Alice,” I smiled. I really had no choice in the matter. My mom had insisted that I help her sister and sent me over.

“You are truly a Saint for giving up your Saturday Night, Dalton! I owe you for this,” my aunt smiled as she invited me into her house. “Ever since we moved here from England a few months ago, I’ve had trouble affording a proper babysitter. The last few quit without notice, most likely due to these two cheeky devils." My Aunt indicated her daughters and didn't include Archie.

I barely knew my younger cousins. They giggled precociously like they were sharing some secret or had some wicked plan. It made me nervous. “You’ve met Betty and Veronica? They both attend your school, don’t they?” she introduced them.

“I am a senior, and they are in 9th grade, so I am afraid we don’t run in the same circles, Aunt Alice,” I shrugged. I had barely met or seen them around school. The two of them only giggled.

My youngest cousin Archie was busy playing with some Star Wars toys. I assumed I was here to watch him, and his older sisters were too young to manage him. I doubted very seriously that pretty girls like them needed a babysitter. The thought of having authority over pretty girls did somewhat titillate me.

By the time I was in 9th grade, I was managing myself without need of a babysitter. Things might be different in England as well. I was just happy that my Aunt didn’t take one look at me and turn me away because she thought I was too much of a kid myself. I’d never had as much as a paper route or walked a dog for money. This was a first for me.

I noticed that the Veronica and Betty were busy whispering secrets to one another, and that Archie was generally keeping himself busy. It seemed like this might be an easy gig after all.

“Their names are Betty, Veronica, and Archie?” I asked incredulously. I was familiar with the Archie comics from the 1960s.

“Yeah, should have chosen the name Jughead for our brother,” Veronica teased playfully. Archie didn’t say anything back. He ignored the jab and continued playing with his toys – oblivious to my presence as well. I could see this family liked playful banter, which was refreshing. We really didn’t do that sort of thing at my house, even though my mother was also from the U.K.

“My ex-husband was the comic book fan, not me. I hadn’t the foggiest when he suggested those names—only found out after the papers were signed. We’ve heard it all. The gals have had boys crooning “sugar, sugar”, it’s a proper joke, I suppose. My ex thought it was quite hilarious – joke is on me, though. Much to my chagrin, despite being fraternal twins, Betty’s hair came in blonde, and Veronica’s dark as night. Almost like he knew when he first looked at them.”

She scoffed, shaking her head. “He was a proper useless sod. Hasn’t paid child support in months. Claimed to be a bassist for Thin Lizzy, which is why he had to be out on tour for weeks at a time—never mind that I never once saw a paycheck or a bloody record deal. So, I packed up and came to America for a fresh start.”

“Haven’t had a proper shag since I left the UK. Do you know any nice young men who’d be interested in a single mum with two bratty girls and a son?” She let out a dry chuckle. “Lol, no, probably not.”

[[[ image 01_intro.jpg goes here centered ]]]

When my aunt called her daughters brats, it wasn’t sharp or mean-spirited. There was a playful lilt in her voice, like it was more affection than insult. The girls didn’t bat an eye—they just kept smiling and giggling like it was the most natural thing in the world. It was something British people seemed to be able to pull off a lot easier than Americans ever could.

My mom never spoke like that to me, but I enjoyed how chatty my mom’s sister was. She talked to me like I was an actual adult and that made me feel great.

I wasn’t sure what half of the words that my aunt said actually meant, thought. I didn’t understand “shag” meant sex – I would have been shocked she was so open about her lack of a sex life with me. However, that’s just how my Aunt was – an open book that had never met a stranger. It was refreshing to meet someone so colorful.

She also had amazing tits, and her nipples were visible through the material of her dress, so I would have kept talking to her all night just to take quick glances at her cleavage if I could have.

“If you were a might bit older, and not my sister’s son, you’d do nicely, at least for a tumble or two,” my aunt said, reaching up and squeezing my upper arm as if I were a melon to be chosen at the grocery store. I was beyond flattered, even though she sounded like she was clearly joking about her frustrations in meeting a man.

“When will you be back?” I asked, mostly to change the subject but I also wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like I had any place to be after this was over. I spent most Friday and Saturday nights alone playing Commodore 64. I was currently embroiled in engaging game of Sid Meir’s Pirates and that was the only thing waiting for me after I finished up with this gig – so I was in no rush.

“Already trying to pull the rip cord, are you, Dalton?” my aunt offered a playful smile. Everything she said sounded so clever. I could imagine having a parachute and jumping out of a plane when she said it. I hadn’t meant it that way at all. My Aunt Alice was quite attractive. Her face was plain, but the English accent more than made up for that. She also had rather sizable tits tucked away under her sweater.

“I’m heading out on a double date, and I may not be back until the bars close. I’ll try to ring you around eleven in the morning if there’s a proper payphone I can use. However, don’t expect the call. Worst case, you can cozy up in my bed, and I’ll wake you when I get home in the morning. Would that be too much to ask?”

“No, not at all, I’ll let my mom know that’s possible,” I offered. I hadn’t expected to spend the night. I wondered how much I’d get paid for this.

“That’s quite nice of you; please give Sheridan my thanks for sending over a proper angel, Dalton. Now, there are a few things I should warn you about before I leave you to the musings of my two demon girls and their delightful little brother.”

My aunt’s tone was playful, and “demon girls” sounded like a term of endearment—but the way she explained it made it clear they were the ones who’d give me the most trouble tonight.

“Your cousin Dalton is in charge. That means I want you to do what he tells you, when he tells you, how he tells you, and I want no fuss, no backchat. When he tells you to bathe, then off with your kits and into the tub. When he tells you it’s bedtime, I don’t want to hear that you’ve given him a proper hassle over it or whinged all night about staying up to watch Johnny Carson on the telly, or waiting up for me until the wee hours. It’s off to bed, and Mum will see you in the morning. Have you got it?”

She bent at the waist, looking her daughters in the eye. My aunt clearly wasn’t joking about with her warning.

“Aww, but Mum, what if we promise to be absolute angels and not so much as breathe out of turn? Could we stay up just a smidge longer? It’s ever so dreadfully dull going to bed early,” Veronica asked. Her bright blue eyes twinkled mischievously. She and her sister shared the same build and facial features – the only real difference was Veronica had black hair and her sister was blonde.

“I’ll be straight with you, Dalton. These two will test your patience something rotten, and they’ll talk circles round you if you let them. If you’re comfortable with it, put them over your knee and give them a proper smack on the bum if they push their luck. That’ll sort them out quick enough.”

I assumed she was joking, so I grinned. My female cousins pouted, and Archie, for his part, tuned us out.

“Their last babysitter had to stand them in the corner for half of the night, hands behind head, nose to the wall, and give them at least two spankings each. She quit because she was tired of the girls’ backtalk and sass.”

It sounded like she meant it. My cousins blushed and did their best to look innocent.

“Yes, that’s right,” my aunt said, clearly pleased that her girls were embarrassed to have their secret exposed. “I’ve not had a proper night out in weeks. One of my mates at work set me up on a double date with some bloke, so I can’t very well cancel on them again. If Dalton manages all right tonight, he might just become your regular babysitter.”

I was flattered but felt like I may just be in over my head on this entire babysitting thing. I thought I should probably start with something a little less ambitious like dog walking first.

“As for the rules, the girls aren’t to use the oven. Just pop some TV dinners in the microwave tonight, and I promise next time I’ll plan better—maybe have a pizza or lasagna ready for you.”

The girls remained pouty but somewhat giggly and precocious while their mom went over her expectations with me in front of the three of them. Her son seemed completely disinterested.

“I’ve never had a male babysitter, for obvious reasons, Dalton,” she said as if trying to choose her words carefully. I understood why she might be concerned about leaving me with her daughters. The girls tried to interrupt but one glare from their mother stopped them. “They’re a lively pair, my girls. No sense of shame between them and not a modest bone in their bodies,” she continued. “A proper handful, the both of them.”

I wasn’t sure what she meant by most of what she had just said. Her daughters protested, and Veronica chimed in with, “Oh, come off it, Mum. You act like you’re any different.”

“Aye, I’m not much different,” Aunt Alice said with a look of introspection. “I haven’t set the best example for you lot, I’ll give you that. But listen here—no trying to seduce your cousin or shag him, alright? He’s your cousin and your babysitter, and there’ll be none of that while I’m gone. Is that understood?”

I didn’t expect that to be a warning I’d need. I wasn’t a ladies' man and hadn’t even had a girlfriend yet. The thought of trying to take advantage of these girls? Not even in the realm of possibility. The idea that they might try to seduce me? Never even crossed my mind.

“We aren’t total nymphos, Mom!!” Veronica said, a bit exasperated but with an amused grin.

“I caught you sneaking in boys last night!” Aunt Alice said, watching her daughters with a raised eyebrow. When they started to defend themselves, she cut them off. “That’s after being out all night with a different set of boys. So don’t try to pull that ‘innocent angel’ act with me, love.”

I was starting to get a little intimidated. I had no idea that boys might drop by the house or what I should do if they did.

As for going outside, Archie and the girls can play in the yard, but they’re not to leave the property. I expect them back before dark,” she said. That seemed fair enough. “I hate to be persnickety, but make sure they stick together. If one of them wants to go out, they all go out, and if one’s inside, they all stay in. I don’t want anyone split up for too long, you know?”

“Sure, I’ll stay with them,” I assured my aunt. What else was I going to do while I was here? It wasn’t like I had anything else to do. My cousins were cute – not my style, but I was enjoying this idea more and more.

“You are such a good lad! I am so glad you came over,” my aunt beamed and kissed me on the cheek. “There is a lounge chair in the backyard, but in the front, there aren’t a lot of places. Don’t allow the girls to tease Archie. They often like to have a laugh at his expense!”

Veronica rolled her eyes and huffed, “We don’t tease him, Mum. We’re just having a bit of fun.”

“You sprayed me in the face with the garden hose yesterday,” Archie spoke up for the first time since I arrived.

The girls chuckled, and listed off some things he must have done to them to instigate it which sounded like normal sibling rivalry to me.

“You see what I must put up with and why it’s so hard to find a sitter? If they go on like this, I’d suggest putting them over your knee and giving them 10 proper swats on the bum, and then a time out in the corner for 10 minutes. In the backyard, the girls can stand with their nose to the fence, but I’d make them come inside if they are going to bicker in the front yard in front of the neighbors and anyone who passes by.”

“Mum!! That’s so not fair,” Veronica croaked, with a blush.

“If you don’t want to stand in the corner, then you mustn’t argue and bicker. It’s very simple, Veronica,” my aunt explained. I assumed she meant that I was to punish Archie the same way if he instigated the arguments. I had never spanked anyone, and the casual way that my aunt mentioned popping their bums made me think that she really expected me to do that as well.

“Now, obviously, there are to be NO boys, or visitors for that matter,” my aunt sighed, as if it should be obvious. “If they drop by, send them off right away,” she added. “In the front yard, I expect TOPS AND BOTTOMS!” She glared at her daughters as if they’d dare go out in anything less.

They frowned, but I wasn’t sure if this was a joke, a test, or just meant to embarrass them.

“My daughters are country girls from Surrey, and we’re used to having a big yard to run around in completely starkers,” she continued. “It’s a bit confining here in the suburbs in America. In the backyard, I expect my girls to at least wear panties because our neighbors might be able to see over the fence. If they’re going to play in mud, I’ll usually make an exception.”

My cousins smiled, I am not sure if it was mischief or fun they had in mind. I couldn’t imagine girls wanting to run around outside naked or wearing only panties.

“That’s something they LIKE doing?” I asked my aunt to clarify for me “Being naked is not a punishment?”

I was confused how it would be seen as something of a privilege – especially around me and their brother.

“Going outside starkers? These little tramps would ride their bicycles up and around the neighborhood completely in the raw, if I let them – fanny whistling in the wind. Where we are from, public nudity is legal. It’s frowned upon in towns and such, but we used to skinny dip and run amok around our own property completely uninhibited. I didn’t raise my girls to have modesty when it comes to their bodies. They are just girls after all.”

The girls giggled playfully but also seemed a bit embarrassed that I knew about it.

“Now, Dalton, this is the part that may feel a bit awkward,” Aunt Alice said, her tone casual but direct. “Americans have a different way of looking at the body than we Brits do. I hope we aren’t blowing your mind or making you uncomfortable?”

I pretended that my mind was not blown. I also tried to downplay the erection in my jeans that wanted very much to be taken out and jerked slowly. I nodded to show that I was listening. The girls were whispering as if sharing a precocious secret while their mom talked.

“We like to be comfortable around the house, and like I said, the girls are more than a bit extroverted. Tank tops and panties are all I can get them to wear here,” Aunt Alice stated, matter-of-fact. “I don’t believe girls their age need fancy lingerie, and until they’ve got more than some puffy nubbly-wubblies, they don’t need bras.” Aunt Alice said with a shrug. “But I do let them wear makeup if they want.”

I could tell from their expressions that the mention of their small breasts definitely bothered them. Veronica and Betty both flashed lemony expressions when their mom mentioned their breast size so casually.

“Gah, do you have to dog us out in front of our cousin?”

“It’s Mr. Dalton to you, and he’ll see what you have soon enough, no point in bandying about it, girls,” my aunt said plainly. When you’ve got more nipple than you have boob meat, you don’t need a bra. Those are for ladies, and not the likes of you two girls.”

The girls frowned and accepted their mother’s criticism.

I hadn’t looked very closely at the girls since I arrived. I didn’t want to seem creepy. I glanced at them. They had decent sized boobs for girls their own age, and their nipples poked through their sheer tank tops.

I couldn’t help but notice that both of the girls were also wearing white cotton panties as if they were shorts. My cousins were much shorter than me, and the way they wore them was so natural, it didn’t even cross my mind that it was essentially their underwear.

I wasn’t expecting them to be wearing panties in their living room, and they were so casual about it that I simply hadn’t noticed. Now, I couldn’t stop glancing at them.

“Now, let’s talk about bathtime,” my aunt said, changing the subject. The girls immediately looked embarrassed at the mention of it. Archie stopped what he was doing and started listening intently.

“I don’t expect you to bathe my daughters or Archie. I’m sure you don’t want to be doing that. But,” she paused, giving me a pointed look, “are you comfortable standing in the bathroom to make sure they do a proper job?”

I assumed this was some test to see if I was a pervert or not. My dick jumped in my pants, so technically I was definitely a pervert.

“Are you kidding me?” was my immediate response before I had a chance to even visualize it.

“I know, it’s terrible to have to ask this of a babysitter, but the girls have a tendency to play with themselves unless they are watched, and all of three of them come out dirtier than when they went in, because they soak and splash instead of washing the dirty parts thoroughly.”

Without actually saying it, my aunt also implied they use the faucet in the bathtub to masturbate whenever they get a chance, with a wink. I had no idea girls would do something like that. I was puzzled why their mom thought I should know something like that. It seemed she was a true open book though.

I was definitely visualizing it all now – and my female cousins “dirty parts” along with it.

“Just get them to take their kits off, line them up, and let them bathe one at a time—ten minutes each, tops. I’m not wasting fresh bath water for each of them. Start with Archie, then whichever of the girls is least chatty and annoying, and the one who’s been the most trouble can go last.”

“Mum, Dalton goes to our school! He may tell everyone,” Veronica complained.

“That you don’t wash your bum properly, or that you can’t be trusted not to play with it if given half the chance?” My aunt’s tone was half-joking, but it definitely shut her up and cutting right through Veronica’s complaint. “He may be Dalton at school, but here? He’s Mr. Dalton or Sir, just like Miss Wendy or Ma’am was for your last sitter,” she explained firmly. “You are okay with that, Mister Dalton?”

“Sure,” I tried to play things cool. I had never been called anything except my first name by anyone. I hoped that I deserved the respect that my Aunt was lauding upon me. I intended to be the most responsible babysitter that I could be.

“Can we keep our kits off, if we behave until bath time?” Veronica asked. I assumed kits were clothes to British people.

“That depends on Mr. Dalton, doesn’t it? I don’t even know how comfortable is with you being starkers,” she answered her daughter. My aunt had a very posh accent at times. She regarded me as if she was talking to an officer on a Victorian cruise ship to ask how long until we make landfall.

“Typically, I allow the girls run around without a stitch in the house, but you may not be comfortable with that, which is why I had them in tank tops and panties when you arrived. Obviously, for bath time, they have to strip down. There isn’t much I can do about that; the compromise we had in place for the previous babysitter was that the girls had to wear their tank tops and panties unless they were bathing, and they could go in the backyard in just panties.”

“No, Mum, Miss Wendy allowed us to keep our clothes off after bathtime if we behaved, as a reward. It was Mrs. Grundy that would have made us bathe with three pair of knickers on, two pairs of trousers and an overcoat if she could have. Miss Wendy was comfortable with nudity, she just doled it out like some sort of reward,” Veronica clarified.

Veronica reminded me of a spoiled princess, because of her upturned nose and posh manner. However, she seemed really down to earth.

“Oh yes, Mrs. Grundy. I am afraid our neighbor is a bit of a prude, and now we’ve made her think we are the whores of Babylon because we don’t take clothes or ourselves all that seriously,” My Aunt chuckled. I don’t think she was all that concerned about her neighbor’s feelings on the matter.

If some uptight prude’s got their knickers in a twist over my girls running about without a stitch, that’s their problem, not mine. If they’re gonna stick their nose in our business, they might as well kiss my arse while they’re up there—it’s just a bit of skin.”

It fascinated me how my Aunt could be downright crass and vulgar yet still come off as polite and proper.

“Well, there you have it, Mr. Dalton. You’re still here, so you’re either daft, naïve, or just too polite to bugger off. Either way, I’ll press you into service, and tomorrow we can have a proper chat about whether you’d fancy keeping the role of babysitter. Sound good?”

It did. I was excited about the opportunity. I didn’t expect any of this. These people were a delight, and the girls were cute! I nodded, trying to play it cool, but the grin tugging at the corner of my mouth probably gave me away. My heart was pounding, and I wasn’t sure why.

“I don’t want to put you on the spot, but if you are bashful about bodies I am not sure you’ll want to come back to babysit again. We can accommodate you however you wish. Would you like the girls to keep their tops and panties on tonight? I am perfectly fine making them stay as they are.”

I was tempted to say I’d prefer the girls keep their clothes on, because I still felt this may be a trick or a test to see if I was a pervert. The girls seemed hopeful that I’d tell their mom that I didn’t mind if they were naked. I definitely didn’t mind – in fact, I was going to enjoy this tremendously.

I didn’t want to seem too eager and pretended to think about it for a moment.

“I’d rather the girls be comfortable in their own house,” I said.

“YES!!” Veronica and Betty hopped up and down, clapped their hands in a celebratory fashion and hugged me!

“If you change your mind, or grow uncomfortable, just tell them to put clothes back on,” my aunt told me, pragmatically before reminding her daughters to do whatever I told them to do.

“Can we strip down now, Mum?” Veronica couldn’t wait to take her panties off.

My aunt glanced at me to see if I’d have a problem with it, or respond, before telling them that would be fine. “If they are to be nude in the house, there is no sitting on the furniture for girls with dirty, sticky bottoms. They must sit on the carpet,” she explained that was non-negotiable. “That includes the kitchen table.”

“How do they eat?” I asked.

“We usually just sit on the kitchen floor, tailor style,” they told me as they stripped out of their panties, revealing their hairy pubic patches. I had never heard of that position. Veronica and her sister demonstrated it for me.

It was a cross-legged position where one ankle rests on the opposite thigh.

“We call that Indian style,” I explained as I looked down at the two naked girls, sitting on the carpet at my feet.

“What about you, Archie? Do you like to run around starkers?” I asked. I had worked out that starkers meant naked.

“Pffft, no, he’s a fuddy duddy, trousers and a t-shirt for him,” his older sisters teased.

“The girls are not to have snacks, cookies, biscuits, tea, or anything other than water, and that’s only with their meal. Archie can have a few cookies later after his meal, and he can have juice, lemonade, or tea—his sisters can get it for him if he asks. Their bedtime is 10pm on Saturday, which I’m sure you’re hoping comes sooner rather than later?”

It seemed odd to me that Archie’s older sisters didn’t have sweets, but I assumed that was related to their diet and why they had such nice figures.

“It looks like I’ve got a few minutes before my date gets here, why don’t you ring up your mum on the phone and let her know if I get home late, I’ll bring you back in the morning?” she suggested with a smile. Her British accent made even the simplest things sound a bit more exciting.

I grabbed the phone and dialed my number. “Hello, Mum?” I asked. I heard some light giggles from my aunt and her family as I realized I’d accidentally picked up the British accent that my aunt used.

I could hear the smile in my mom’s voice. She’s originally from England, but after living in America for so long, her accent was more American than British these days. Still, every now and then, there was a hint of her roots that slipped through.

“You sound so natural speaking that way, Dalton!” she chuckled. “I hope you're not calling to back out of babysitting. Your Aunt Alice was worried you’d get cold feet, but I figured she was just joking about that.

“No, I’m not backing out, Mum…I mean, Mom, I just found out that I may end up having to spend the night if Aunt Alice gets back really late.”

Mom’s laugh was warm and knowing. “Oh, Alice is quite the party girl, isn’t she?” She teased. “Alice hasn’t changed a bit since our pub days back at Uni. If you end up staying the night, that’s perfectly fine, dear.”

I was tempted to tell my mom that my cousins were naked, because I felt a bit guilty that I got to see their bodies. However, to my aunt and cousins, it was apparently totally normal to walk around their house that way. I started to wrap up the call.

“Don’t forget to thank your mum for sending you over on short notice,” Alice reminded me. Her entire family watched me make the call. I didn’t want to toot my own horn. Initially, I was apprehensive about babysitting because I had never done it before. I assumed I’d get paid.

Now that I got to see some bare ass and titty – I was thrilled by that alone. I didn’t need any additional gratitude. My mom heard my aunt through the phone, and she told me how proud she was of me for stepping up to help family, and that I was doing such a good time for my first time babysitting.

It made me feel a little guilty because I was already enjoying the view of the cute little butts walking around the kitchen. After I hung up, my aunt had one more rule to go over with me.

“The girls have some built-in toys that we need to talk about,” my aunt said. Veronica and Betty both groaned, clearly aware of what their mother was about to say.

They both blushed. “Do we really have to go over this with our cousin? We’ll behave, mum!” Betty promised.

“If you won’t finger your nasty little quims, there isn’t anything to be embarrassed about,” Alice assured her daughter. “My daughters claim they don’t wank off when they think nobody is looking, they are apparently the only girls in the world who don’t flick the bean when they get the chance,” she scoffed at the absurdity.

“No, mum, all we are saying is we won’t touch ourselves while Mr. Dalton is about, that’s all,” Veronica assured her mother there was no reason to bring up this topic. I felt humiliated FOR my cousins. I could imagine how embarrassed that I would be if my mom provided detailed instructions about what to do if someone caught me touching my dong.

“If you definitely WON’T do it, then I can make the consequences ten times harder than they normally are, because there is no chance of you lot copping a feel when you think you can get away with it, then isn’t there?” My aunt asked them – almost daring the girls to say yes.

They both gave in and let their mom continue, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

“If the girls have their puffy little floppers out, I don’t allow them to tickle their nipples,” Aunt Alice reached up and gave Veronica’s left nipple a quick pinch and jerked it.“

I found it hard not to squirt jizz in my jeans, while I watched Veronica’s mother casually give a quick jerk to her nipple to show me how girls might pleasure themselves quickly. My cousin’s face went from casual indifference to shocked indignation, to a quick flash of pleasure and back to a shameful humiliation as she looked down. Her nipple swelled up quickly.

“Veronica has very sensitive nipples, much more so than Betty,” she smirked.

“If they are bottomless, obviously you know what playing with a gash or a bum looks like, that’s a big no-no,” my aunt explained like I should already know all of this. I tried to contain my excitement. It sounded like my cousins were chronic masturbators and couldn’t keep their hands off themselves.

I was as well, but I always did it in private. If I understood my Aunt correctly, I wasn’t supposed to let them have much time alone, and they had to keep their doors open. It must be incredibly humiliating to have your mom think you are so horny that you can’t stop playing with yourself.

I could hardly blame the girls, If I had a tight little body like Betty and Veronica, I’d probably play with my tits and pussy all of the time, too.

“I don’t allow the girls to shut the door to their bedroom ever, feel free to walk in anytime, Archie pays them a visit whenever he likes, don’t you Archie?” she patted his hand and doted on him.

“Keeps them on their toes,” Archie snickered. His sisters both scowled in irritation.

“Stop pouting, girls don’t need privacy if they aren’t misbehaving,” my aunt said. “Obviously, I don’t expect you to stand over them in the loo and smell the farty biscuits they have been cooking up in their bums,” she said.

Archie giggled, and the girls did as well – even though it was intended as a bit of an insult.

“However, if you suspect they are doing more than giving a couple quick rubs to wipe off some girly goo, then don’t hesitate to put them over your knee and send them to the corner until they cool down. I don’t permit the girls to drip about the house like thirsty little rabbits huffing and puffing themselves.”

I had an idea what my aunt meant, but most of that actually went over my head. “Their previous babysitter quit over it.”

“Miss Grundy thought EVERYTHING thing we did was wanking our bits!” Betty argued defensively. “I could scratch my bum, and she’d have me over her knee for it!”

“It’s odd how itchy you get when I take a bit of time for myself,” Aunt Alice seemed skeptical that her daughter wasn’t a chronic masturbator. If I could have bottled the feeling the horny feeling all of this gave me and turned it into a pill, it would come with a warning about having an erection for eight hours.

“When in doubt, a spanking won’t hurt the girls and they probably did SOMETHING wrong to deserve it, just don’t go overboard. If you have to spank them more than three times, you aren’t giving it to them hard enough,” she chuckled playfully. The girls frowned but her mother dismissed their concerns and told them to lighten up.

I noticed she never talked about disciplining my cousin Archie. The double standard between males and females seemed a bit odd to me. Yet, it seemed perfectly normal to my aunt's family.

My aunt called me over to her before she left, to have a private conversation with me after the phone call.

“I assumed that you’ve babysat before, and you have seen naked women enough that it wouldn’t bother you,” Alice looked concerned as she assessed my reaction to what she had to say.

“No, I never said that I had babysit, and I haven’t seen much nudity,” I admitted honestly.

“I am so sorry then to leave you in the deep end with my girls. They truly are a bit of a handful, and they are frightful teases. It would be no bother for me to tell them to get dressed,” my aunt said.

I noticed that my cousins were busy performing handstands and cartwheels in the living room.

“Mind the gap, you barmy gits! Take that outside in a bit,” my aunt scolded them (or at least I think she had). She frequently called her daughters insulting names but did it with a big smile in the most endearing manner. She turned to me in a whisper adding “They are already getting bored. I assumed your Mum and sister walk around the house in the nude?”

“No,” I answered plainly.

“You couldn’t keep clothes on your mum when she was their age. That’s surprising that she’s no longer an extrovert. There isn’t much to girls, a bit of muff, two milk sacks, and a poo hole with a pretty face attached. Once you’ve seen one gash for long enough, you’ll have your fill, I am sure. Just promise me that if it becomes too much, you won’t ditch them, and head for the hills, eh?”

“No, never!” I couldn’t imagine a scenario in which I would do that.

“I feel a tad bit bad to leave you in this situation as your first time babysitting. If you can handle these girls, you can handle anything, Dalton. Have you at least spanked a girl’s bottom before?”

“The chance never came up,” I admitted, feeling a bit awkward. Honestly, I couldn’t even imagine a situation where it would, but I still felt a touch embarrassed saying no.

“Your sister never misbehaves at home?” my aunt asked as if she would be surprised if Janis didn’t misbehave.

“She does, but I’ve never seen my parents spank her,” I admitted.

I always spank the girls out in the open to ensure that every one of them understand the consequences. If they get out of line, just put them over your lap and give them ten good smack. Here, pop me one on my thigh,” she offered the back of her thigh under the dress for me to demonstrate how hard I could spank.

The girls and Archie were too busy in the living room, rough housing and playing around to notice.

I was reluctant, but my aunt insisted. I gave her a quick swat, and she frowned. “Let me know when you start,” she chuckled playfully before turning to me and showing me how hard she expected me to do it. “Twist your wrist, put a little torque into your motion, and then give it a go like this,” my aunt swatted my butt through my jeans.

It stung a bit, but hardly enough to make me cry. The girls and Archie looked up to see what was going on.

My aunt played it off like she was joking around. “Alright then love, thank you for watching the girls,” she smiled and hugged me tightly. Her firm, hard nipples pressed against my chest. I was pretty sure she could feel my boner through my jeans when she embraced me. She didn’t say anything about it. I assumed perhaps that my Aunt was just being polite.

She whispered to me that spanking girls when they are naughty isn’t a bad thing. “It’s not going to physically hurt them. It just stings. The sting is to remind them of what they did. It’s more the indignity of having to drape your bum over someone’s thigh, offer it up to get spanked, and admit what you did wrong that’s embarrassing,” she whispered.

“I don’t think your girls CAN be embarrassed,” I answered in a whisper of my own.

“That’s where you are wrong. They love to be naked when they are at home, playing around. They’d also blush harder than a beetroot shoved up a hooker's arse, when I take down their panties at the grocery store and spank their bare bum when they throw a tantrum.”

My Aunt said it loud enough that her daughters might hear it, but they seemed oblivious and didn’t notice. Betty and Veronica hopped about on one foot, playing hopscotch on an imaginary grid. Their cute little titties and asses bounced.

I didn’t expect my aunt to say something so vulgar. Her accent seemed so posh and elegant, and what she said sounded so coarse and dirty that it turned me on.

My aunt put her hand on my shoulder, looking me dead in the eye. ‘I’ve got complete confidence in you, Dalton. You’re in charge tonight, and I know you’ll handle things just fine. Don’t take any crap from the girls, and if you have questions then ask Archie. He can be trusted to tell you straight.”

“Alright, any questions before I pop off?”

I had quite a few, like “Why did I get so lucky?” but instead I asked why there were different rules for Archie than there were for the girls.

“The girls behave differently than Archie and have different expectations. Surely, you know there is a big difference between girls and boys?” My aunt arched an eyebrow like she might lose confidence in me.

I decided to table the question and agreed with her.

Aunt Alice kissed both her girls, squeezing them tight, even though they were both completely naked. They giggled and hugged back sweetly. She did the same to her son, Archie shot his mom a goofy look and wiped her kiss off on his hand. My playful aunt anticipated that he’d do that, grabbed his hand, pulled her imaginary kiss back from his hand and then popped it on his mouth. “No way you are getting out of that easy, Archie!”

I heard someone honk outside – Aunt Alice’s ride was here to take her out. My aunt yelled, “Alright, alright, keep your knickers on! I’m coming, no need to honk like a randy goose!”

My aunt waved goodbye and disappeared in the car with her friends. I felt like the air had been sucked out of the room with her. The realization that I was immediately in charge hit me, and I genuinely felt a bit nervous.

I looked right at Betty’s boobs and pussy. I didn’t want to get called out for staring, so I looked at the ground after snapping a mental snapshot to savor in my head of her cute little body. “So, do you guys want to watch television?”

Are you just gonna be a wanker and watch telly all night, Mr. Dalton?" Veronica teased, sauntering up with that smug little grin. Her cute hips wiggled as she walked toward me. I looked up and directly at her clit as she approached.

"Yeah, let's play!" Betty chimed in, her hand sliding over my arm before flopping down on the couch beside her sister.

Veronica kicked her feet up on the coffee table, eyeing me like I was some sort of puzzle she was itching to solve. “C’mon, Mr. Dalton, don’t tell me you’re scared of a couple of girls. We’re not gonna bite... unless you ask nicely.” Her smirk deepened, and Betty let out a soft laugh, nudging me with her elbow.

“What’d you have in mind?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady even though my heart was pounding like a drum in my chest. The way they were looking at me—it wasn’t like I was their cousin; it felt like they were sizing me up for something else entirely. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for whatever game they were planning, but backing down didn’t seem like an option.

The two of them sidled up alongside of me on the couch, getting close enough that our arms touched. Betty smiled at me, while Veronica stroked my hand.

Betty tilted her head, pretending to think. “Truth or dare?” she suggested, her fingers absentmindedly tracing circles on the fabric of the couch. They both had lusty smirks on their face – I was mesmerized. This was the closest I’d come to naked girls in my life.

“Mum said no dirty girl bums on the furniture,” Archie interrupted, his tone matter-of-fact, like he was just reading from some family manual I hadn’t gotten yet. I probably would have melted into the couch (or shot a load of cum in my pants) if Archie hadn’t interrupted me.

I cleared my throat, feeling their eyes slide over to me. Veronica raised an eyebrow, like she was daring me to actually enforce it – was THIS a test?

[[[ image 01_great.jpg goes here centered ]]]

It did seem a bit silly that the girls had to sit on the floor. If I am being perfectly honest, I wanted them to remain naked and continue sitting close to me. The girls had crowded me, and I diametrically opposed anything that might discourage the two of them from being completely bare ass.

I had lucked into this babysitting gig, and I didn’t want to piss the girls off right away by being a hard-ass.

“I suppose you have to get off the couch,” I muttered, as I begrudgingly enforced the rule. If Archie told his mom that I hadn’t, I might not get to come back.

Betty groaned dramatically but didn’t move. “Oh, come on, Mr. Dalton. It’s not like we’re leaving skid marks.” She wiggled her hips and ground them on the couch just to make the point. They were so naughty!

“You guys are like Samantha Fox!” I observed. She was a British pop star who sang songs like “naughty girls need love too!”

“Without her great gabbos,” Veronica giggled as she touched her small tits.

“Oh great, the new babysitter is a pushover,” Archie lamented. I realized the girls had managed to stay exactly where they are.

“C’mon, up! Bums off the couch,” I reminded them as I stood as well. I wasn’t sure why I said “bum”, it sounded weird and unnatural when I said it. The girls reluctantly got off of the couch.

“We sit on the couch all the time when mum isn’t here,” Veronica stuck her tongue out at her brother as she stood up.

“Yeah, but I am not a babysitter, and can’t put you over my knee,” Archie smirked like he had just beat his sister at Connect Four by outsmarting her.

“Thank god, you’d be so strict! My bum would be redder than a tomato stuffed up a tart’s fanny on payday.”

I wanted to ask if they had a book of colorful British vulgarity that they studied to be able to pull these naughty phrases out whenever they needed them. Instead, I asked “Wouldn’t you do the same thing to Archie’s bum if you were babysitting him?”

Betty scoffed, like the idea itself was ridiculous. “As if Mum would ever leave us in charge of Archie,” she said, shaking her head in confusion. The three of them regarded me as if I were naïve for having asked the question. “Doesn’t matter that we’re older. Boys don’t need minding the way girls do.”

Archie grinned, clearly enjoying the dynamic. “And besides, I don’t need anyone looking after me. But you lot?” He pointed at his sisters with a smirk. “You’d probably sneak out to meet boys or forget to lock the doors, leave the taps running, flood the place... or spend all night fighting over the stupidest things.”

“Mum wouldn’t leave us in charge because she thinks girls can’t be responsible for boys, even if we’re older,” she said, like it was just common sense. “She trusts Archie more just because he’s a boy,” Betty explained to me like that should be obvious.

I still didn’t fully understand. I sat back down on the couch, but my cousins didn’t. “Even though we can’t boss our brother around, at least we get to be naked around the house when we want,” Veronica indicated her ease and joy at being nude.

“It’s one of the perks of not having to have modesty, Archie could never run around in his undies outside!”

“I could too!” Archie frowned before asking me if that would be alright. I had no idea, I assumed it would be fine.

“It’s different for girls because we don’t need modesty and are used to walking around with our bits out, you lot are expected to maintain a sense of modesty,” Veronica looked at me and her little brother like we were missing out.

“Well, that’s fine,” Archie plopped down next to me on the couch. “At least, I can sit on the couch if I want too.”

“We could sit on couches as well if we wanted to wear panties,” Betty stuck her tongue out at her little brother. “We just prefer being naked. Can we stop arguing the argy-bargy, and play some truth of dare?”

I wasn’t sure if Argy-bargy was a real word; I assumed it meant argument, but I felt like I was learning so much from the discussion.

“How is it played?” I was skeptical. The girls grinned and fawned over me to tell me all about it. Apparently, Miss Wendy and some babysitters in England played it with them before.

“The rules are simple; you start us out and pick any one of us. You give us a choice between truth or dare, and then you get to ask us a question or a dare. If we complete the assignment, we ask the person to our right the same question and go round robin,” Veronica’s blue eyes flashed excitedly.

“How would I know if you answered truthfully?” I asked her.

“We never pick truth,” Betty promised with a grin, and Veronica nodded.

“So, the game is just dare?” I grinned over the humor in that.

“You and Archie can pick truth if you want, but dares are more fun,” they assured me.

“Are there any limits on the dares?” I asked.

Betty and Veronica looked at each other like they were hoping the other one could translate what I had just said. “It can be anything you want,” they assured me.

That sounded a bit problematic. I could think of a WHOLE lot of things.

“What happens if you refuse a dare?” I asked. I was trying to find out the rules of the game.

“What do you mean?” the girls looked confused and frustrated that I had so many questions before starting.

“We won’t bottle up! Dare games are fun!” Betty assured me enthusiastically.

“Let’s say I dared you to drink an entire bottle of hot sauce, and you didn’t want to do it; what happens?” I asked.

Betty and Veronica looked at each other with confusion and disgust. Archie started chuckling. “That’s not the kind of dare game they like to play,” he explained. “They like to play the naughty kind, finger in the bum, or the quim, dancing sexy and playing kissy-kissy with Miss Wendy.”

Archie puckered his lips and made loud, sloppy kissing noises, hamming it up like a little brat. Betty shot him a glare, and Veronica rolled her eyes, but neither of them bothered denying it. Instead, they flashed me sly, knowing grins that told me that was the kind of dare game they were interested.

“We’d ever so love to play a game with you, Mister Dalton,” Betty batted her long, fluttering eyelashes. My blonde cousin reminded me of Tinkerbell.

“Yes, you can even make up the rules,” Veronica added coyly. She reminded me of Tinkerbell’s saucy sister.

“Oh, THAT kind of dare game,” I nodded knowingly. The thing is, I had never played ANY kind of dare game with anyone. I was excited, horny, and a little intimidated.
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art from chapter one

Post by EddieDavidson »


This was originally going to go in the title, but I decided to turn it into cover art. I wanted it to look more like the real Betty and Veronica but the original comics don't provide a lot of facial features besides big smiles, and cute turned up noses.

They still look "British" to me though.
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Re: Cousins don't need modesty (a short story)

Post by EddieDavidson »


There i am selling used cars again.
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Re: Cousins don't need modesty (a short story)

Post by EddieDavidson »

Whoever this loksa is, is also kolasa. They responded to my post and then edited it with the link.

Everyday, some sad troll comes here and necros about 30 threads to post a single malware link. This time they actually replied to my post. So on top of everything else, they are reading the stories, lol.
Last edited by EddieDavidson on Sun Feb 02, 2025 5:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cousins don't need modesty (a short story)

Post by underdog_13 »

EddieDavidson wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 12:20 am Whoever this loksa is, is also kolasa. They responded to my post.

Everyday, some sad troll comes here and necros about 30 threads to post a single malware link. This time they actually replied to my post. So on top of everything else, they are reading the stories, lol.
I wonder if there isn't a way to stop new users to add comments so often and to so many stories.
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Re: Cousins don't need modesty (a short story)

Post by student »

I liked the artwork. This story starts out interesting.
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Re: Cousins don't need modesty (a short story)

Post by EddieDavidson »

hopefully it stays that way.
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chapter 2

Post by EddieDavidson »

My first thought when my naked cousins offered to play “Truth or Dare” and made it clear that they were only interested in “dares” was to dare them to fuck my brains out. I had no experience with truth or dare games, and I didn’t want to scare them off if that was too far out.

They seemed up for anything, but I felt it might be best to start out “slow” and work my way up.

“Okay, Veronica!” I readily agreed. The fact that I was getting PAID to be here was blowing my mind. I had intended to be a fantastic babysitter, but I couldn’t resist the temptation of a naughty game. Their mother had warned me that the girls were pretty slutty – but I had no idea just HOW slutty.

“Oh, Goody gumdrops!” Veronica clapped her hands and bounced up and down slightly on the carpet. Her legs were folded across her ankles, as she called it. Her cute little tits bounced as she bobbled on the carpet with enthusiasm.

Betty seemed disappointed not to be chosen first, and Archie merely looked amused but somewhat bored.

“I dare you to suck my cock,” I decided. I wasn’t exactly subtle or starting all that slow, and from the reactions I got, I could see that it was a very unexpected and extreme dare. Archie’s face lit up with shock and surprise, Betty’s jaw dropped open in disbelief, and Veronica genuinely seemed flattered.

“You’d really let me bob on your knob? Even though we are cousins?” Veronica aggressively leaned up off the carpet and started to unzip my pants. This was really happening.

I hadn’t thought too much about the cousin angle. I barely knew these girls, and they didn’t feel like “family” to me. I wasn’t about to say no, as she took my hard dick out like it was a magical wand and admired it.

“No fair!” Betty pouted and frowned.

“Quit your whinging; you’ll get your turn,” Veronica slid my pants down to my ankles, along with my underwear. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to get off the couch. The rule had only applied to them earlier.

I can assure you that I was 100% certain that I was going to be a diligent, helpful babysitter before my aunt left. That’s why I felt a bit guilty that within five minutes of my aunt leaving, I had my pants around my ankles, and her daughter was stroking and admiring my cock.

“I’d reckon this is at least seven inches,” Veronica purred, looking over her shoulder at her brother and sister while she lovingly stroked me. “It’s a bit bigger than your pecker-doodle, isn’t it, Archie?” she teased.

“I won’t get a turn, Veronica, because once you suck Mr. Dalton dry, it will be one shot and done, and then we’re breaking out Parcheesi and Battleship for the rest of the night’s games.”

“What do you mean?” Betty asked before realizing that when I shot my load, I’d probably be done with sexual thoughts. I hadn’t thought things out very well, and now I was regretting my decision not to ask for anal sex or something even more extreme. They were right; once I came, I probably would not want sex.

“I may not have a big cock, but I have a bigger brain than the two of you twat-flaps combined; I am just surprised Mr. Dalton didn’t ask you to ride his prick here on the couch and skip all the foreplay entirely.”

I was shocked Archie was so mature when it came to sex. He had struck me as being a bit naïve when his mom was home. He was entirely correct about my impulse.

“How about we start out slow with our babysitter and play a fun game of Would You Rather Lick My Bum?” Archie asked. I wasn’t sure if that was a serious game or not. I assumed from his dry wit that my cousin was joking. I could imagine a dare game where you had to pick between a dare or licking someone’s sweaty asshole.

[[[ image 02_good.jpg goes here centered ]]]

“Oh, yes, would you like to play, Mr. Dalton?” Veronica stroked the pre-cum on my cock with her finger before tasting it like it was donut glaze. It may have actually been a real game that my cousins played after all. “I’ll get Mum’s dildo and we can use it for a spinner to see who does the dare,” she stood up and ran off toward her mother’s bedroom.

This sounded like it might be a fun game! I wasn’t going to eat anyone’s asshole. It sounded like a variation on the “Would you rather” party game, and I was down for that.

“The rules are simple, like my sister’s minds,” Archie quipped. “When it’s your turn, you have a choice, truth or dare; the dare can only last two minutes, and it can’t lead to orgasm. It has to be inside the domain of our house.”

Betty pouted as she gently stroked her pussy with her finger and closed her eyes. I liked what I was watching, and Betty didn’t seem to care whether I or her brother watched her slowly touch herself.

“As babysitter, are you not going to do anything about Betty flicking her bean?” Archie asked incredulously. Betty’s eyes flashed open, and she shot angry ice daggers with her expression at her little brother, who was seated on the couch next to me. She removed her hands immediately.

I didn’t want Betty to stop touching herself; it was quite a show. I hadn’t put my dick away either. My pants were still around my ankles. “If you let the girls play with their bits anytime they like, then what’s the point of giving them two minutes to shine their lollipops during a dare?” Archie asked me.

I realized he was trying to tell me to stop them from touching themselves outside of the game. “Get over my knee right now, Betty,” my voice was shaking.

“With your pud completely pulled out?” Betty stood up; her brows still knitted in anger at her little brother.

I pulled my pants and underwear back up, tucked my erect cock into my pants, and pointed to my lap. Betty seemed amused, not afraid or terrified at all. “Sit down on your lap or across your knee?” she asked playfully – it seemed she’d do either.

“Across my knee,” I tried to sound stern. I don’t think Archie or Betty bought it. Meanwhile, Veronica had been gone a pretty long time.

Betty slid across my knee like a slithering snake, rubbing her pretty little tits and erect nipples against my pants as she slid her head down toward the carpet and presented her bare ass to me. She had absolutely no modesty or concern about how exposed she was in this position. I could fully see her pink asshole and her pretty little slit close-up.

Archie could as well because he was sitting on my left side and facing his sister’s ass. “Get on with it then,” she wiggled her butt impatiently. “Or are you two pervs just going to stare at what I ate for lunch all day?”

The brazen way my cousin challenged me to look straight into the filthiest holes in her body sent shivers through my body. My cock twinged involuntarily. I had always assumed girls would react by freaking out if you could see the most intimate part of their bodies. That’s how it worked when guys peeped on them in movies like Porky’s and Revenge of the Nerds.

Betty didn’t struggle, fight, or try to cover her bottom with her hand. She called me out for staring, but I had a feeling that she would have remained in that position for as long as it took for me to have a good look. “Go ahead and spank me, Mr. Dalton. I know I was a naughty girl. I shouldn’t have been trying to run my finger down my quim without permission,” she pouted an apology in such a smooth manner that I thought she may have practiced it ahead of time.

I spanked her butt the way my aunt had taught me – applying a nice firm swat and twisting my wrist when I connected with her warm, tight little butt.

“Christ, is that all you’ve got? Archie could spank harder than that,” she giggled playfully. Archie frowned. I wondered if he HAD spanked his sisters before. I didn’t expect that response at all.

“Stop teasing Mr. Dalton, or I’ll go fetch the wooden paddle from Mum’s room, the one with the spikey bumps on it,” Archie threatened.

“Oh quite, I am sorry, Mr. Dalton, please continue,” Betty giggled playfully. This time, I spanked her a bit harder. I wasn’t trying to hurt the girl. Her butt jiggled slightly as I brought the flat of my palm down.

“Shall I count that one, or are these warm-ups, Sir?” My cousin asked sweetly, clearly amused by my lack of follow-through and precision. Betty had been spanked before, and she wasn’t the least bit modest about letting me touch her ass or look at her backdoor while she wiggled her butt. Betty’s ass cheeks reminded me of twin molds of chilled peach Jell-O side by side with a juicy pink life-saver in between them.

“Right,” Archie started to get up and said he was going to fetch the “Bum paddle” from his mum’s room.

“I can’t help it, Archie. If Mr. Dalton is going to tickle me bum, I can’t take this seriously. I can feel his knob banging into my ribs each time he gives me a swat, so a good spank can be a bit of a thrill, but I’ve been spanked by my Nan harder than this.”

I took that as a personal challenge and this time I held nothing back. I gave her more of a slap across the ass than anything resembling a spank. I felt it this time on my own hand. My palm stung from tiny pinpoints of electric pain after I connected.

“Ooh, turned up the heat a notch, did you? That’s unexpected,” she wiggled and counted it as one. Archie grinned and sat back down. I gave her another as hard as I could. This time she didn’t critique – instead, when I slapped her ass hard, she wiggled a bit and counted out two.

I was reluctant to do seven more by the time I gave her another because my hand was getting worn out on Betty’s pert little red ass. I felt the need to rub it softly, even though I was supposed to be spanking her.

“Is your hand hurting, Sir?” she asked in a knowing and polite manner. It was apparent she had been spanked before. “You are giving me a proper throbbing now, but I’d imagine your hand is stinging after punishing me?”

Betty’s pouty face was very kissable. I felt like she was trying to seduce me – or at the very least manipulate me into going much softer on her. I didn’t want to be a hard-ass on my cousins the first time I babysat them. I wanted to get invited back.

“Yes,” I admitted that it stung, and I shook it. I was certain that her butt was throbbing worse than my hand was. However, the breezy way that Betty asked confirmed what my Aunt had told me about not feeling sorry about having to spank the girls. The sting was part of the punishment, and it was obvious they got spanked quite a bit – perhaps, with good reason.

“If you’ll allow me to show you where mum has the wooden paddles, I’ll help you select one that is not quite as painful as the bumpy one my brother recommends you use on our arses. I’d imagine you’ll need it before the night is through.”

I was thankful for the offer. I was supposed to be the one punishing my cousin, but my hand stung. She rubbed her butt as she slid off of me and stood up. Archie said that his sister Veronica was overdue to return with the “spinner” anyway, so he joined us.

Betty skipped off with a playful “follow me,” her tits and ponytail bouncing as she eagerly took me to her mother’s bedroom. She swung the door open, took one look inside, and her whole face changed.
She stood back in shock, inhaling her surprise as her eyes went wide. Betty’s face dramatically changed, as if she was watching the most disgusting, wicked act she’d ever seen in her life.

My pulse quickened, as I raced to see what Betty witnessed inside her mother’s room. She was hardly an innocent, but judging from the look on her face – it must have been something scandalous.

“Betty!” I heard her sister cry out aghast from inside her mother’s bedroom. Veronica’s tone wasn’t that of someone who had been caught. It was more like she was accusing Betty of spying on her or getting her in trouble. It turns out it was the latter. Betty had intentionally led me here to her mother’s bedroom so that I’d find Veronica splayed out on the bed, with a purple dildo in her pussy, playing with herself.

“You daft little slag, you couldn’t let me have a bit of fun, could you?” Veronica looked up accusingly at her twin. She didn’t bother removing the purple dildo from her pussy. She stopped jamming it in and out of her pussy and laid flat on her back, realizing she had been caught. “Sorry, Mister Dalton, I couldn’t resist.”

I had the distinct impression that I had been led here by Betty, with the intention of finding her sister in the middle of pleasuring herself. However, I didn’t say anything about it at the time.

“I should have warned you that if you send my sister into our mum’s room alone and unsupervised, she’d be like a posh little git let loose in Hamleys with Mummy’s platinum card to play with all the toys she wants,” Archie said. “Now, you see why they need a babysitter.”

“You need one as well, Archie,” Veronica frowned angrily as she withdrew the dildo and sat up. “I was just warming it up for our game, Mr. Dalton,” she smiled at me sweetly.

“He’s not buying the sweet and dumb act, Veronica,” Betty warned her sister that she could just knock it off.

“I don’t think the dumb part is an act,” Archie snickered – half joking.

“We’ve just come to select a proper paddle for this evening, and it seems you are going to need the jumbo bumpy one over the dresser,” Veronica smirked like the cat that just ate the canary, nodding towards the assortment of wooden paddles mounted on the wall.

Betty’s butt was still a little pink, but the rosy color was already fading. I was going to have to spank both of them! I still owed Betty a few more swats from the living room, but Veronica had done so much more. My mind was already calculating what might be reasonable. I had been told “ten swats” several times by my Aunt, but the severity of what Veronica had done was far greater.

I felt like I was playing this all by ear, and I hoped I had some leeway when it came to meting out justice. It seemed like common sense to me, that the punishment should fit the crime. If I went too far and didn’t get asked to return after this, it was a chance I was willing to take.

There were six paddles mounted neatly over the vanity; each one polished to a shine like prized trophies. One was thick and broad, its edges smoothed from years of use, with “Girls learn when bums burn” scorched into the grain in curling script. Another had “Sheridan” lovingly carved along the handle, the wood worn soft where fingers had gripped it tight. That was MY mom’s name! I wondered what the story was behind that one.

A slimmer paddle, peppered with holes for extra sting, hung beside a well-worn leather strap, its edges frayed just enough to show it had seen its fair share of action. Every piece was hung with care but clearly meant to be taken down and used as needed. There were also several sex toys (mostly dildos) and a few I didn’t recognize that were on the dresser. A note written in exquisite handwriting was posted above the toys “Keep your dripping quims OFF of MY TOYS! – Mum”.

I was mystified by the number of paddles and sex toys that were on display in my aunt’s bedroom. She told me that I could come in here and sleep after the girls were in bed. My Aunt Alice had to know that I would have seen her toys, and she hadn’t taken any special precautions to put them away.

My Aunt’s bedroom smelled English—a faint mix of lavender sachets, old wood, and something like stale tea leaves clinging to the air. Everything in the room screamed comfort, but not in some flashy, over-the-top way. The bedspread was floral, delicate without being fussy, the kind of fabric that’d been around longer than I had, probably shipped over from some little village shop in the countryside. The furniture had that heavy, dark oak look, solid and reliable, with edges worn smooth from years of use.

There were the mirrors—on the walls, catching light in odd places, and one bold as brass mounted right above the bed. It didn’t fit with the rest of the cozy, proper vibe. The whole setup had this cheeky, naughty edge to it, like the room couldn’t quite decide if it was meant for afternoon tea or if it was intended as a setup for a late-night Cinemax movie like “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”.

Veronica hopped off the bed, tits bouncing, not a hint of regret anywhere on her face. She shot me a look—bold, unrepentant—like she’d do it all over again just to get off for a few minutes. I jerked off about 17 times a day any time I could, so I could relate to the desire to get off. I just assumed girls didn’t share that same desire with guys, or everyone would be fucking all the time.

Veronica sauntered over to me, still stark naked, the purple dildo swinging lazily in her hand like it was no big deal she’d just been caught going to town on herself. She had that look in her eye, like daring me to say something, to call her out, but I wasn’t sure who was really in control here. Me, the so-called babysitter with my dick barely stuffed back in my pants, or her, with that wicked grin and no shame whatsoever.

I got the distinct impression that not only was I being tested, but I had been found a bit lacking in the discipline department. I was an easy mark to these girls, and they seemed to think that I’d do whatever they wanted for a promise of a possible blowjob. All of the things my Aunt Alice told me about the girls being trouble started to flood back to me. It occurred to me that I was here to watch THEM more than I was their brother Archie.

Betty stood to the side, arms crossed over her chest, but it wasn’t to cover up—it was more like she was sizing up how to top her sister’s stunt. Her actions in the living room, softly fingering her pussy paled in comparison to what Veronica had done.

Archie, meanwhile, looked downright smug, like he was watching some reality show unfold and he knew all the spoilers. “Well, go on then, Mr. Dalton,” he nudged, glancing at the wall of paddles like it was a bloody menu. “Pick your poison. Looks like these slags need a bit of discipline.”

The word discipline rolled around in my head, but it didn’t sound like punishment the way Archie said it. It sounded like a challenge. I turned to the paddles, my eyes landing on the one with Sheridan carved into the handle. My mom’s name. I felt a weird jolt in my stomach, but I shook it off. Maybe it was just some odd coincidence… or maybe not. Either way, the girls were watching me, waiting.

I had originally not wanted to be a hard-ass on my cousins and be too strict. I felt like the girls had been testing me, and hoping I’d feel that way. I started to feel like I had not only been manipulated but that the girls had no respect for me as a babysitter.

As much as I wanted them to like me, I realized now that I had to either take control or they would walk all over me all night.

I stared at the paddles, my eyes landing on the one with Sheridan carved into the handle. My stomach twisted. That wasn’t some random name—it was my mom’s. The wood around the letters was worn smooth, like it’d been gripped tight more times than I could count. I knew right then this wasn’t some weird coincidence. This paddle had seen action, and not just here. It had followed my aunt from England, carrying whatever stories they weren’t telling me.

My first instinct was to leave it alone, pretend I hadn’t seen it. But something about it pulled at me. Maybe it was curiosity, or maybe it was the idea of holding the same paddle my mom probably felt across her own ass when she was my cousin’s age. I didn’t know what that said about me, and I didn’t care. I reached for it, feeling the weight of it in my hand. Solid, heavy—meant for more than just show.

“Good choice, the Sheridan,” Archie complimented my taste. It was slim and balanced. It felt like it was ancient, and the leather around the handle had been gripped so tightly that part of it was worn.

“That should put a proper sting on their dirty bums, Mr. Dalton,” he said.

The girls didn’t argue, they didn’t bargain, they didn’t negotiate. The only thing that Betty said was that the last three that I gave her in the living room should count. She undid her ponytail and leaned forward, grabbing her ankles. Veronica stood next to her sister, offering up her cute butt in the same manner.

They weren’t eager, but they also weren’t afraid. They closed their eyes in anticipation. Veronica’s pussy was still dripping, a little syrupy after she had fucked herself with her mother’s dildo.

“Is ten the proper amount for using your mum’s sex toy?” I asked. I didn’t apologize for saying mum. It just seemed natural, even though I didn’t speak with a British accent.

[[[ image 02_paddle.jpg goes here centered ]]]

Veronica peeked over her shoulder, a sly grin curling at the corner of her mouth. “Oh, ten sounds proper enough, Mr. Dalton,” she purred, her voice sweet but laced with mischief. “But only if you’re sure you can handle giving me all ten without wearing yourself out first.”

She seemed to want a paddling. I had never been spanked, but I assumed it would hurt and couldn’t quite process why she seemed so accommodating.

Archie snorted from the side, kicking his feet up like he was settling in for a show. “Yeah, right,” he muttered. “The previous sitters never used mum’s paddles when a quick bare-ass spanking was all that was needed to keep the two of these daft cows in line. My sisters have never gone straight off to Mum’s bedroom to hump her toys, either.”

He glanced over at me, a smug little smile creeping across his face. “I doubt ten’s nearly enough, Mr. Dalton.”

His sisters shot him an angry glare from the corner of her eye but continued sticking their rumps out
like perfect little targets—two identical firm peaches with their tiny pink assholes winking back at me. My Aunt Alice had made it sound like the girls got punished all the time, and since they assumed this position so routinely, I made the assumption my cousins had to bend over like this when my aunt punished the girls – it made perfect sense. In that position, they were vulnerable, exposed, and I could take my time.

I wondered if Archie ever got spanked as well. I suspected the answer was no. It definitely seemed like there were two standards for girls and guys in this house – and I liked that the idea that the girls weren’t afforded any modesty.

It was like my Aunt felt that since they were “just girls” it didn’t matter if I saw their cute little butt-cracks and slits, and I leaned into that notion. I allowed the paddle to rest against Veronica’s ass and then did the same to Betty. I wanted them to feel the grain of the wood and anticipate the swat. I didn’t want to seem too hasty to deliver pain. I wanted them to think about it – and let those thoughts do some of the work of punishing them.

I was also working on the nerve to actually do it. It was one thing to fantasize about spanking these girls, it was another to actually do it. My cousin’s bodies and especially their asses were identical in shape and size, and I loved how their pussies glistened from behind. “Are you two turned on by this; do you enjoy it?”

I needed to know—was this actually fun for them? Punishment wasn’t supposed to feel that way, but the looks on their faces told a different story. They weren’t apologetic, not even close. They didn’t look bored or indifferent either, but there wasn’t any fear in their eyes. No hesitation, no nerves. Just this calm, steady defiance, like they were daring me to figure it out. They sucked their lips, looked at each other, occasionally a quick smirk, and then their eyes darting forward.

It was like they were trying to get one over on me – but how? I was in control.

Veronica flicked her eyes over to Betty, then back at me, a smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Does it matter if we are?” she shot back, her voice low, but there was a flicker of something—nerves maybe, or excitement—just beneath the surface.

“These two little turd makers are squeezing out quim juice like it’s lemonade, I am sure they love it,” Their brother observed crassly.

They both blushed and looked down at the carpet, without snapping back snarkily. “We can’t help getting aroused in this position, Archie, and you know it.”

“You worked pretty hard to put yourselves in this position, and I know that as well,” Archie teased with a sardonic grin. The girls’ faces turned red.

I was puzzled by their reactions. The two of them were assertively extroverted when they first stripped down in front of me. If I were in their place, I would have been embarrassed. Their mom and little brother teased them for being naughty girls, and they acknowledged it and even smiled about it. I would have been mortified to be teased for being a horny mischievous little boy while I was the only one nude in front of my parents and siblings.

Yet, it seemed to be a position that these girls accepted readily. They weren’t trying to pretend they weren’t dirty little sluts and liars. They really WERE dirty little sluts and liars.

I got the distinct impression that both girls tried to get in trouble, and Betty in particular trying to get her sister into more trouble than she was. I also got the distinct impression that both of them WANTED to be spanked, something I would find painful and humiliating.

Yet now it seemed that my cousins were both red-faced, while their nipples stiffened and they showed signs of arousal, from something they clearly must enjoy, because they had to admit that it turned them on.

I was trying to reconcile how they could be so brazen and eager and then be clearly turned on while also being embarrassed. I imagined myself in the same position, with my ass presented to my own mom. The shoe is on the other foot. I am not the babysitter. I am the one who was caught in some compromising position. My mom is holding the Sheridan paddle because it belongs to her. She is about to paddle me, but she’s making me wait until she decides how many I deserve for something naughty I’ve done.

The anticipation would kill me – I’d be thinking about what the spanking is going to feel like and experiencing it in my head. I’d want her to just get on with it and get it over with, but she makes me wait while she decides what I deserve.

Then I get a hard-on while I am waiting and she calls me a nasty little “git” which I assume is a dirty little boy. The picture starts to become clear to me of what must be going on in my cousins’ heads. The part I still didn’t fully understand is why they intentionally put themselves in this predicament. I decided not to dwell on it.

I rubbed the paddle on their thighs, warming up. I felt the slight tremble in their legs as they held their positions.

"Archie, have you ever paddled your sisters?" I asked, letting the question hang in the room while I gripped the paddle.

Archie shook his head, calm and matter-of-fact. "No. Mum’s never asked me to," he said, his voice even, like it wasn’t something he’d given much thought to before now. "I enjoy watching them get a licking though; doesn’t have to be me that’s giving it to them. More times than not, they definitely deserve it.”

Veronica didn’t say anything, but her jaw tightened slightly. Betty shifted her weight from one foot to the other, eyes still fixed on the floor. They both stayed quiet, their bodies tense but not resisting, like they were used to being talked about more than talked to in moments like this.

“So, what is fair then?” I asked, more to the room than anyone in particular.

Betty’s face was flushed, and the longer she waited, the more it turned red. “Seven more for me, that’s fair. I mean, You said the first three counted, and I agreed. I only ran my fingers along the edge of my bean a bit in the living room, didn’t I?” She tried to sound casual, but there was a tightness in her voice.

“And Veronica?” I asked, glancing at her backside. I wanted to reach down and finger her cute little pussy. A long strand of her pussy juice was making its way down her thigh from her pussy. She reached behind herself to snap it off, but I stopped her with the paddle.

She didn’t resist or keep trying to snap off the thread of pussy juice. I didn’t know pussies could secrete something that looked like a wad of spit. I’d only ever seen porn magazines, and even in the raunchy stuff like Penthouse, I’d never seen a wet pussy like hers.

Veronica sucked in a breath, composing herself, despite her humiliating creamy thighs and exposed position, “I reckon… fifteen swats on the bum if you are using that paddle?” she offered like it was some kind of negotiation and she was bartering. The expression on her face suggested she’d gladly exchange 15 swats with a wooden paddle for a chance to diddle herself on the floor -and not that she was sorry for what she did at all.

She might have been sorry for being caught, but I also thought Betty had a hand in it. Veronica planned revenge later by trying the same type of shenanigan. I thought my Aunt Alice was exaggerating when she told me that these girls were a handful of mayhem.

Archie barked a laugh. “Fifteen? Don’t be daft. You were knobbing Mum’s dildo like it was your last meal. Twenty at least.”

The girls didn’t refute it. It seemed like Archie calling them out made them uncomfortable. I got the impression he was usually silent when they got up to trouble, but for whatever reason, he decided to call them out today.

“Did you touch yourself to see if I would punish you?” I asked Betty. She was puzzled why I’d ask such a question. She looked over her shoulder at me as if she smelled a fart and wondered if I had cut the cheese.

“Why would it matter? I misbehaved, and I accept my punishment.”

“It matters because the point of a punishment is to serve as a consequence, so you don’t keep doing it. It seems like you horny gits misbehave a lot,” I felt perfectly natural calling them horny gits.

Betty shot me a look but kept her mouth shut. She wasn’t about to dig herself in deeper. I got the impression that my cousins were going to test the limits of what they could get away with, but if I remained firm they’d respect the line I drew.

“What do you think then, Archie? Twenty swats for Betty as well, so she isn’t as tempted to try again?”

I was just trying to see how far this should go. I had asked about limits to dares earlier and the girls had said they had none. Archie was thrilled with the choice.

“That’s hardly fair, Veronica was in here riding Mum’s toys like she owned them. If I’d have known that we’d get the same punishment, I’d have gone with her to help her find it.”

“You knew that your sister was coming in her Mum’s room to play with herself, and you were keeping me busy in the living room so she could have some fun?” I asked like Perry Mason grilling a witness. All the while, my cousin’s pussy was dripping down her thigh as she bent over facing away from me.

“Not exactly,” Betty replied coyly.

“The sneaky little troll was winding you up, probably got herself a quick spanking, and then suggested you use a paddle on her arse to make it sting more. She waited until she knew I would be in the thick of getting off and then led you here before I could finish,” Veronica said accusingly, as if there was no doubt.

“How do you know that?” I asked.

Veronica’s lips curled into a wicked grin. “It’s what I would’ve done, now that I think about it,” she said, flashing her sister a look of reluctant admiration. The two of them were clearly thick as thieves, but it was obvious they didn’t mind throwing each other under the bus when it suited them. Rivals, allies, and troublemakers—wrapped up in one.

I glanced at Archie, feeling the weight of the paddle in my hand. “What do you think? Twenty for Betty, and double for Veronica?”

Veronica’s head snapped up, eyes wide. “What? You want my arse to split a second bum crack?” she barked, but the heat rising in her cheeks told me the bravado was slipping.

“You said that any dare would be fine, and now suddenly, forty swats on this stinky arse makes you sweat?” I asked. As an American, I sounded stupid saying “arse”; it didn’t roll off my tongue the way sneaky little git had. It sounded more like I was saying “horse.”

“A dare, yes! That’s for fun. It wouldn’t be to paddle me with your mum’s own paddle!”

“You didn’t have any limits on what kind of dare I could give,” I reminded her grimly, as I rubbed the paddle across her ass, and ran it slowly up her back – giving her goosebumps in the process. I hadn’t intended to do that but when I saw my cousin quiver and involuntary goosebumps emerging on her back, I knew I was on to something.

She clenched her jaw and looked straight ahead, trying to act like it didn’t bother her.

Archie shrugged, like it was no big deal. “I mean, it’s not like they’ll learn if you go easy on them,” he said, his eyes flicking to his sisters, who were now glaring daggers at him.

“You would have hatched the same scheme as your sister to distract me so that you could get her in trouble, AND you were in here fucking yourself on your mum’s toys. She clearly didn’t want that. What does this say?”

“You know my arm is a bit tired,” I said. I heard the girls both release air as if sighing with relief.

“I think I could use a partner, Archie. Why don’t you and I take turns?”

“No, not Archie! You are the babysitter! He’s our little brother,” the girls both protested immediately. I knew that I had hit upon something.

“This is a punishment to make you regret what you’ve done, not a thrilling reward for some clever game you are playing to see who can get the other in trouble,” I quieted them. “Your mum told me to twist my wrist when I swing my hand to add some torque, let’s see how it works when I do it with the paddle.”

I swung the paddle a bit like a baseball bat against Veronica’s cute, lily-white British ass, and it made a satisfying CA-THWACK sound.

“CAW, BLIMEY! I felt my teeth rattle on that one,” Veronica’s mouth popped open wide as her body lurched forward, causing her to almost fall over. ”That REALLY HURT, Mister Dalton!!” she reached behind her to rub her ass.

“Isn’t that how a paddling is supposed to feel?” I asked calmly. I didn’t spank with malice to hurt the girls, but her mom said to make it sting. As far as I was concerned, that’s just what I did. “No touching your bum; that is what got you bent over like this in the first place,” I scraped Veronica’s fingers from her butt cheeks with the edge of the panel.

Veronica’s ass was already turning orangish-red. She’d remember that one for a while.

I handed the paddle over to Archie and told him to try it next.

“I’ll have a go, thank you very much, Mister Dalton,” Archie hefted the paddle. “It’s a bit like a cricket bat, innit?” he asked rhetorically. I had no idea what he was talking about. I assumed he meant he would use it to smash insects.

“Our little brother isn’t allowed to spank us, Mr. Dalton!”

“Your mom can’t keep hiring babysitters, and what if she wants to go out on a Tuesday night?” I countered. I didn’t want to talk myself out of a job, but the look on the girls’ faces was priceless. It was like I had just driven them to DisneyLand, but instead, I took them to a burned down vacant lot and told them that it was burnt down.

That’s not exactly right, it was more somewhere between aghast and indignation that their little brother was able to do more than just watch them get spanked. He could actually deliver their punishment. Archie seemed pleased that they were not happy about it.

Archie swung the paddles a few times in the air. “I must say, Sheridan is a fine paddle.

“I’ve only met my Aunt Sheridan a few times. Is she strict on your sister like she’s strict on mine?” he asked.

I hesitated, not sure how much I wanted to share. Mom didn’t enforce any of the modesty rules like Aunt Alice did. My sister didn’t run around the house. Janis wore whatever she wanted, and the idea of anyone spanking my big sister was laughable. I wondered what they would think if they knew I was spanking my cousins tonight.

I wondered if my mom would tell me why the paddle bore her name – was it because it was used on her ass so often, they finally printed it on the back as her personal paddle? Many of the paddles had inscriptions. One of them said “Lesson Plan” and another had “Bums Up” carved deep into the wood, and on the opposite side it said, “Tits Up”. I wondered if that meant that it was used to spank girls on the boobs.

A third paddle with a thinner handle had bristles on the end like it could be used to scrub someone’s body, had “For Loose Lips and Lifted Skirts” scorched along the edge.

“Well, get on with it then, don’t make us stay like this all night,” Veronica gritted her teeth. “I don’t think it's fair that you are allowing Archie to have a go at us, though.”

“You told me earlier that because you don’t have to have modesty, you can run around naked like two little perverts, playing with yourselves, and having fun while boys have to display proper decorum and modesty,” I said I circled her body.

“We didn’t even get to play with ourselves, and even Mum wouldn’t spank us forty times in a row without a break!”

“You’re right, Veronica. That isn’t fair,” I said, lifting her sweet little chin so she had to meet my eyes. Which is why we’ll take short breaks between spanking your cute little asses so we can continue,” I lifted Veronica’s sweet little chin so that she had to look at me while I spoke to her. I was inspired by her mother’s manner of looking them in the eye when she spoke to them earlier.

She frowned but didn’t resist or stand up. My cousin could have refused to participate in the spanking. I was puzzled by that. In her situation, I would have simply stood up and walked away. It’s not like I could tie her up and force the two of them to remain as they were. Instead, they both remained bent over, asses up and ready to be spanked – fully exposed, their legs apart.

When Mum asks if we liked our babysitter, I’m going to tell her not at all,” Veronica muttered, her frown deepening.

“Same,” Betty grumbled, staring down at the carpet.

Archie let out a snort, swinging the paddle lightly in his hand. Right proper liars, the both of you, I imagined him thinking, the smirk on his face giving it away before he even opened his mouth.

“I think you’re a right proper pair of daft slags,” Archie said with a grin, and before either of them could snap back, he brought the paddle down hard on Veronica’s ass with a loud CRACK.

“Fair? We could be watching Star Search right now instead of your mother’s room, smelling your wet pussies,” I said. I had never smelled a wet pussy, until tonight. Now that I had I didn’t enjoy the strong musky odor emanating between their legs as they dripped on their mom’s carpet.

My cousin snorted, swinging the paddle lazily in his hand. “I think you’re both full of shite,” he grinned. “And I reckon Mr. Dalton’s a right proper bloke for putting up with you.” Before either of them could snap back, he raised the paddle high, like he was lining up for some fancy shot. He brought it down in a smooth arc, and just before it connected, he twisted his wrists, turning the paddle sideways. It landed flat across the fattest part of Veronica’s ass, both cheeks catching the full sting of it with a loud CRACK that echoed off the walls.

Veronica yelped, jerking forward. “Bloody hell, Archie! Are you playing cricket on my backside? Was that a fucking straight drive?” She shot him a glare over her shoulder, rubbing her ass like she’d just been bowled over, but the corner of her mouth twitched like she almost found it funny.

“Oi, aren’t you supposed to keep a proper count? I believe we’ve got to start over,” Archie reminded his big sister, his grin widening as he pointed out the rule.

Veronica’s face flushed redder than her ass, and before she could get a word out, Betty jumped in. “Anytime I forget, you’re the first one to run off to Mum and tell her I can’t count!” she snapped, glaring at her brother.

Veronica shot Betty a sideways look, her jaw tightening. “Oh, piss off, Betty. It’s only been two, and I’ve got forty to do! I’m not used to Archie treating my bum like the wickets and going for bloody sixes!”

I still had no idea what cricket was at this point, but wickets sounded naughty. I actually thought Veronica meant that he was trying to hit her in that sensitive part of the skin between the asshole and the pussy.

“Rules are rules,” I decided. I hadn’t been told that the girls had to count swats during spankings, but I decided to just lean into it. It must be true since they were discussing it like it was.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, have a heart, Mr. Dalton; I will count them from now on, promise on the last biscuit in the tin!”

“Actually, since you have trouble counting and you’ve got so many swats coming to you for your mischief, Archie and I will keep track of them for you. After all, you are only a girl, and counting is probably hard for you,” I decided to lean into the whole guys are better than girls thing.

My sister would have probably skinned me alive if she heard me say that girls weren’t capable of doing the same things men were, but it seemed fun to tease Veronica. “I will even count the first two, so you only have thirty-eight swats remaining!”

Archie groaned over my betrayal.

My raven-haired cousin’s eyes flicked down, then back up with that slow, practiced ease, like she’d perfected the art of looking helpless. She batted her pretty blue eyes at me, and for a moment, I almost felt guilty. Veronica pouted, her lips pressing together like a spoiled brat who was getting her way after throwing a tantrum. “Oh, really? That’d be ever so merciful of you, Mr. Dalton,” she cooed, her voice dripping with gratitude. She stole a quick sidelong glance at Betty. Her expression suggested I was a soft touch before she turned her gaze back to me, all wide-eyed and innocent.

“Yes, you were using this,” I picked up her mom’s purple dildo. I didn’t expect it to be so fucking sticky. It was covered in goo. The girls giggled when they saw me make a face.

“It’s one of my mom’s best lovers; I called him Aethelbert,” Veronica mused, completely unrepentant.

“Your mom put me in charge and told you to do whatever I said, do you remember?” I asked as I approached her from behind.

“Anything?” Veronica teased, wiggled her bum in anticipation, and waved her drippy pussy back and forth like a prize for me to take. “Yes, I remember.”

“I was put in charge, and your mom wrote this note,” I made her read the note her mother placed on her desk again for me. I wanted her to say it out loud, to make it real.

“Keep your dripping quims OFF of MY TOYS! – Mum,” Veronica frowned as she read the note. She realized I wasn’t going to be such a softy, and that she had been busted doing something her mother had expressly forbidden. This was not going to be a good day for my cousin.

My cousin tried to flash me her baby blue eyes and a pouty look to avoid repercussions for her actions, but I stuck to my guns and folded my arms indignantly. I had never been in a situation like this before, but I was confident that I shouldn’t be wishy-washy and let her manipulate her way out of any mischief.

“This is exactly the kind of crap that your mom warned me you would pull, and you did it in the first fifteen minutes of her leaving! You saw the note, knew your mom doesn’t allow you to play with her toys, and as soon as she left, you rubbed your quim all over it, didn’t you?” I asked as I waved it under her nose. I assumed quim may actually be the sticky stuff on my fingers. I was quickly picking up British vulgarities and cuss words as we went.

“Aye, I did, Mr. Dalton, and I am paying for it with the skin off of my bum,” Veronica was about to say something else snarky when I stuck the dildo into her mouth – sticky goo and all. I pushed it into her mouth as far as it could go.

It was a spontaneous decision, and I was glad I did it. Veronica looked SO sexy with that purple dildo in her mouth- like she was giving it a blowjob. She started to spit it back out.

“Can’t stand the taste of your own quim?” I asked. Betty howled with laughter, and Archie did as well.

“You are being punished, and spankings have to be unpleasant, or else you’ll just break the rules again. You’ll keep this dildo in your mouth, and not only do you not have to count, but if you don’t drop it once, I won’t make you tell your mom what you did with her lover when she gets home.”

I patted my cousin’s pretty head like she was a puppy dog, while she glowered and seethed.
Last edited by EddieDavidson on Mon Feb 03, 2025 5:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cousins don't need modesty (added ch2)

Post by EddieDavidson »

We'll never know what stories actually got updated, because everyday someone comes and necros the entire forum. how fun!

Here is a picture from Chapter Two, hopefully it brightens your day. I was inspired by Archie/Jughead for this story, so that's why I chose this art style. I do a lot of tweaking to get these right, but the character scale is going to vary a little. I ask for a little poetic license. As you can see, I've thrown my own mug on the TV a few times in this story, and allude to Girl Scouts in the painting above - putting it in the "modesty" world/universe.

Last edited by EddieDavidson on Mon Feb 03, 2025 2:35 am, edited 3 times in total.
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