Male Modesty

A forum for general discussions relating to the subject matter of stripping, pantsing, humiliating or being on the receiving end of any of the above. (Newly registered members can't make topics).
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Re: Male Modesty

Post by matrix1999 »

TeenFan wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2024 2:07 pm If the main characters in a story are not embarrassed at being naked then there is little suspense or tension to the story.
Body acceptance in a nudist lifestyle fashion just isn't as thrilling to read about, whether it's female nudity or male.
I've written about nudist camps and nude beaches, but I focus on the characters who wanted to keep their clothes on.

There is a good reason the hot actress in a movie is only naked for short glimpses. If she walks around casually naked for a long stretch of time
then some viewers will get bored.
Males are more comfortable being naked and male nudity for both men and boys is just more acceptable. I think males should be naked at home or at least underwear. It’s a good to teach females about male anatomy
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Re: Male Modesty

Post by Lefanto »

TeenFan wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2024 2:07 pm If the main characters in a story are not embarrassed at being naked then there is little suspense or tension to the story.
Body acceptance in a nudist lifestyle fashion just isn't as thrilling to read about, whether it's female nudity or male.
I've written about nudist camps and nude beaches, but I focus on the characters who wanted to keep their clothes on.
There may be some exceptions to this rule, but arguably few. It's much more difficult to write a thrilling story when there is not at least some ambivalence but the character fully enjoys being exposed.
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Re: Male Modesty

Post by PantsDownFun »

matrix1999 wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:50 pm

Males are more comfortable being naked and male nudity for both men and boys is just more acceptable. I think males should be naked at home or at least underwear. It’s a good to teach females about male anatomy
Ironically, even though men are more comfortable being nude and male nudity is more accepted in real life, male nudity in TV shows and movies is incredibly taboo with female nudity being practically normalized. I think of how the pilot of Stargate SG-1 had an extended full frontal scene with a woman that was broadcast on standard cable and, with the exception of your typical religious moralists, who were more upset at the implications of the ancient gods being real, but aliens, no one batted an eye. To this day though, HBO makes a huge deal in their marketing that they are one of the few American networks willing to show a penis on screen. I can't think of any networks other than HBO and Showtime that routinely have shows that show a penis. Before Deadpool was released, there were entire interview segments with Ryan Reynolds asking how he could be comfortable having his penis on prominent display in a wide release movie.
It's so incredibly bizarre that a man flashing his dick in public is "boys will be boys", but even acknowledging that men have penises in film is completely taboo.
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Re: Male Modesty

Post by TeenFan »

PantsDownFun wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2025 9:17 pm
matrix1999 wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:50 pm

Males are more comfortable being naked and male nudity for both men and boys is just more acceptable. I think males should be naked at home or at least underwear. It’s a good to teach females about male anatomy
Ironically, even though men are more comfortable being nude and male nudity is more accepted in real life, male nudity in TV shows and movies is incredibly taboo with female nudity being practically normalized.

It's so incredibly bizarre that a man flashing his dick in public is "boys will be boys", but even acknowledging that men have penises in film is completely taboo.
I think the answer lies in that during the majority of movie making history from 1927 (when talkies began) to around the year 2000, almost
all writers of movie screenplays were men. Almost all directors of these movies were also men. Any writer or director, or actor who was
gay was kept very much hidden in the closet or under the rug. Since the vast majority of these film makers were straight males, then they
had little interest in showing male nudity. Showing women topless became all the rage as soon as the restrictions were lifted. Even Alfred
Hitchcock filmed at least one movie featuring topless women in his final days as a director.

Male stars of the day would never consent to being filmed completely naked. Boxers and occasional briefs shots is as far as they would go...
sometimes a bare but shot would be acceptable. Only young and lesser known actors were in nude scenes during the 70s and 80s. There are
exceptions to this of course, such as Robert Di Niro.

For some reason, those hard core religious movie goers complained more about male nudity. Male nudity consistently got a movie the
dreaded NC-17 rating or an X before the invention of that particular rating, rather than the R rating for nekkid ladies.

With more women being makers of film today there is less female nudity in mainstream movies. Also the actresses have more power to say
NO when the script has nudity.

I have my wish list for movies I wanted to show nudity. If Tom Holland was completely naked under that Spider Man suit those movies would have
gotten an even bigger box office than it did. Young Mr. Holland did strip down to boxers after taking off the costume.
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Re: Male Modesty

Post by RaccoonBatteryStaple »

TeenFan wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 9:10 am
Male stars of the day would never consent to being filmed completely naked. Boxers and occasional briefs shots is as far as they would go...
sometimes a bare but shot would be acceptable.
I'm thinking about how controversial it was for Dennis Franz's butt to appear on TV in an episode of NYPD Blue in 1995, even.
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