A forum for general discussions relating to the subject matter of stripping, pantsing, humiliating or being on the receiving end of any of the above. (Newly registered members can't make topics).
For a purely practical aspect, I think that the version that would produce the fewest rapes would be CFNM... Plus we can all see what an irrefutably average sized willie looks like.
edithdick wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2024 12:06 am
For a purely practical aspect, I think that the version that would produce the fewest rapes would be CFNM... Plus we can all see what an irrefutably average sized willie looks like.
I agree, I do believe that naked males behave better when with clothed females. Males are turned on by sight and just seeing a topless girl is enough to get him to start thinking with his small brain. Besides, as I said, a girls assents value is increased by keeping them hidden while a male's is by exposing them. I noticed a lot of moms at our swim team pointing out those with the largest penis to their daughters, not the small ones.
PhilMarlowe wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2024 5:15 pm
There is another option that some enjoy: CFNF
This gave me an idea for a whole new story (as if I needed another story idea to clutter my mind).
Clothed Alien (or naked Gray alien withe big eyes) with naked humans.
The aliens strip both a human male and a female to scientifically study how each reacts.
This could begin the new CANFNM: Clothed Alien Nude Female Nude Male sub-genre.
edithdick wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2024 12:06 am
I think that the version that would produce the fewest rapes would be CFNM
I think most men would step up to protect women in a CMNF world. On the other hand, I think there are a lot of women that don't learn to keep their hands to themselves.
I'm male and after substantial thought, I go with CMNF. However, I've been in a couple of CFNM situations and there is a lot to be said about being nude before a female.
Being forced (by law) to be nude (CFNM) as the initial question stated has its merits. It is probably more accepted than CMNF.
I've accepted punishments from girls in my teens, and from women now, and I'm almost always forced to take off all my clothes before a female spanks me and paddles me. I like it even though I feel totally humiliated getting my underpants pulled down by a female disciplinarian who obviously enjoys embarrassing me in public naked. I love to spank my girlfriend naked, and I love to hear her scold me about needing to get spanked by her with my underpants pulled down in front of only girls I know who get to paddle me for fun. Honestly, I'd let a woman be my boss if she makes me stay naked in front of her just to humiliate me as punishment. I'll agree to CFNM.
Cfnm - guys really don’t need modesty. Also, it is good for females to learn about male anatomy and they are more delicate. Men don’t care about being naked. Unless it’s by force or something like that but even then, we can handle it
Well, my ideal is CMNM (as a gay man, there are never too many men in a scene), but given the choices offered, CFNM, which I will say, seeing straight men humiliated by women does still work.