Chapter Six
"Why do you go along with this whole reindeer thing? You seem like you genuinely enjoy it, but I just don’t understand why," I asked my mom. She was such a refined woman, yet she willingly participated in something so degrading—she even let me stick a candy cane up her asshole. It had to be humiliating to expose herself like that, letting everyone see her pink ass as though she’d been punished like a misbehaving child. I needed to understand, once and for all, what drove her to do this.
I wasn’t buying the whole “it’s the thrill” explanation either—I wanted to know her real motivation.
Mom exhaled softly, her posture relaxing just slightly. “Because,” she began, her tone measured, “this ‘reindeer thing’ is the one night of the year I don’t have to be the perfect mother, wife, or even just… Lilly Davidson. Every other day, I’m the one making sure everyone’s fed, clothed, and keeping it together. Tonight, I get to let that go. I can laugh, play, and take myself a little less seriously. And yeah, it’s silly, crazy, and maybe even embarrassing at times—but it’s my night to have a little fun and do unexpected things. Yes, I love to do it—one night a year, Sir.”
This time, the way she used “Sir” felt different—less sarcastic, more thoughtful. It wasn’t exactly reverent, but there was an undercurrent of respect as if she was acknowledging my role in the game in a way that wasn’t begrudging. Feeling confidence swelling, I wanted to address one more idea that had been nagging at the back of my mind. Others were talking amongst themselves, but it looked like the game was about to get started up again after a short little break to lube up the candy cane.
“Your father doesn’t get it either, but some girls just get a thrill out of humiliation and teasing. I used to be high strung and worry about what everyone thought of me. I still do, 364 days out of the year. Tonight, I’ve worried about what you thought of me, and I am trying not to. You’ll just have to get used to the idea that your mom is a horny reindeer. Can you do that?”
“Yeah,” I admitted I was still having difficulty getting my mind around it. “I don’t have a reindeer, and I know the rules is you have to bring somebody to the party to exchange, but what about Blitzen? She has no rider” I gestured toward Mrs. Sanderson, trying to sound casual. She seemed dejected and lonely, and I liked her.
“Oh, look at Nick,” Cupid teased wickedly, eavesdropping on the conversation. “Already picking favorites. Got a little crush on Blitzen, do you?”
My aunt didn’t expect a response, and I didn’t even look in her direction. I could tell Blitzen overheard as well.
The group of DSL ladies joined in with exaggerated “oohs” and playful mockery. My face burned, and I couldn’t bring myself to look at Mrs. Sanderson, praying she wasn’t as embarrassed as I was.
Mom’s expression hardened slightly. “You didn’t swap for her. You aren’t her rider. I don’t think you fully understand what it means to be a rider. She’s our neighbor and my age,” she said firmly, making it clear the question wasn’t negotiable.
“But…” I trailed off, fumbling for the right words. “If Gary is Donder’s rider, and he’s about Dad’s age, and if it’s uncomfortable for you to obey me, why not let me be in charge of Blitzen? Isn’t it part of the fun for you to follow the rules and be humiliated at least one night a year? I guess that is why she is here.”
Mom’s jaw tightened briefly, and I braced for her to shut me down. But then her shoulders eased, and she sighed. “I didn’t say that I was uncomfortable,” she said evenly, though the look in her eyes suggested otherwise. “But who’s to say Blitzen would be any less comfortable with you playing this all by ear? If I was going to invite you to this party, I would have told you what to expect and not have you learn the rules and expectations by baptism under fire.”
No one at the party seemed to take the rules all that seriously, except perhaps my mother. I understood where she was coming from. It would have been much more mature for me to find out what to expect ahead of time. I made a mistake, but there was no going back and doing it over.
Blitzen stepped forward; her voice soft but steady. “Actually, I don’t mind. I was getting a little bored, anyway,” she admitted, her cheeks pink but her smile warm. “If Nick doesn’t mind putting up with me, I’d be happy to help.”
Mom gave her a relieved glance, her lips curving into a small smile. “Fine,” she said with a nod. “It’s not really up to a reindeer, but you have my blessing. All I ask is don’t wear out my neighbor or make her not want to come back to these parties. And remember, even though you can put me in the corner tonight, I can put you in the doghouse for the other 364 nights of the year! Ask Eddie and the guys what they think.”
I summoned the courage to ask Eddie and the guys if I could be Blitzen’s rider. Eddie barely even looked up at me. “Sure, why not, if she wants it, and you do too, go for it.”
I grinned faintly and decided not to push my luck any further. There was no lengthy debate – it was done. The game continued, and I really didn’t care any longer about it. There was a lot of trash-talking from the reindeer and the guests. I was on cloud nine.
I took stock of the victories I had achieved. It wasn’t about hand-eye coordination and winning at pinning the tail on the reindeer. I got a few slaps on the back and “nice jobs!” for that. However, what mattered to me was I was allowed to stay at the party; More importantly, my mom’s respect for me had grown. Comet wasn’t just tolerating my presence anymore; she was playing along, giving me room to assert myself. I also had an official reason to speak to Mrs. Sanderson – I was now technically “her rider”.
Whatever that really meant.
The playful chaos of trash talk and laughter filling the room. Prince’s 1999 thumped in the background, with everyone, especially my parents’ generation, bobbing their heads and singing along to “2000-zero-zero, Oops, out of time!”
I barely paid attention to who was up next and the trash talking around the pin the tail on the reindeer – or the shaking asses of the winners as they stuck their butts out and playfully heckled or aided the next guy in line.
Blitzen and I had been in the back rank together, two shy newbies navigating an unfamiliar space. I noticed she was standing eighth in line, which meant I had opportunities to chat with her during each cycle.
I didn’t bother to even try to pin the Reindeer when it came my turn to do it. I had accomplished what I wanted with the game.
As I stood near the back of the line again, I caught Mrs. Sanderson glancing my way with a small, knowing smile. Her quiet demeanor and introspective nature stood out in the midst of the chaos. I smiled back, looking into her deep, doe-like eyes. It felt like now or never.
“That was kind of you,” she said softly, leaning in so her voice wouldn’t carry.
“Asking if you could be ridden by me? I mean, if I’m your, uh, rider?” I stammered, feeling my cheeks flush as the words left my mouth. I cursed myself for being tongue-tied. Talking to girls my own age was hard enough; talking to a woman like Blitzen—beautiful, sensitive, mature, and as voluptuous as any of the others—was something else entirely.
Blitzen’s smile turned sweet, her laughter light and genuine. “That as well,” she nodded warmly and chuckled, laughing as if I had intentionally stumbled - like an adorable Paul Rudd in every rom-com when he first meets the love interest that Paul’s going to sweep off her feet.
“But I meant asking your mom…you know, if she liked being a reindeer,” Blitzen clarified why she was impressed with what I said. I hadn’t even thought about it until that moment.
I blinked, caught off guard by the shift in the conversation. I hadn’t thought about it as a big deal – but presumably, the other men didn’t question the women’s reasoning for being here – or at least they still didn’t. They must have asked that question when they first started coming, and now, they were satisfied with the big butts and the big smiles as reason enough.
“I mean,” she continued, her voice lowering further, “it’s not something most people would think to ask—if it hurt to be pinned or if they enjoyed it. But I get why you did. I was wondering if I’d enjoy being here.”
At that moment, I wasn’t sure why I asked my mom if she liked it, but it felt important. Now, thinking about it, I realized I just didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable—or worse, hurt. I shrugged, still unsure how to explain it. “I guess I just didn’t want to make it weird for her—or, you know, hurt her.”
Blitzen nodded in agreement with me thoughtfully. “You didn’t want to hurt your mom, and you wanted to make sure she actually liked the game. I respect that. Lilly’s tough—she doesn’t let much faze her—but I think she appreciated it. It says a lot about you, Nick.”
I had stopped thinking of my mom as “Mom” or “Lilly” and now really processed her as “Comet” only – but I immediately recognized that to my neighbor, my mom was “Lilly”.
“What about you; you said you wondered if you would enjoy being a reindeer? Do you?” I asked.
I heard the crowd go nuts for some girl getting pinned, or an epic failure to pin them – I am not sure which. Eddie passed around half-tequila shots, and the song changed. It was Van Halen’s “Jump” -creating excitement.
“This is blowing my mind. I’ve never done anything sexual like this. I’ve never been tied up or spanked. It’s the wildest thing I have ever done.”
“So, you will be back next year?”
“I am not sure,” my neighbor said introspectively. “What about you?”
“I’d like to come back. I think my mom would allow it as long as I am here.”
“Your mom isn’t in charge of anything tonight,” Blitzen reminded me. “She’s like me – we are here to serve you. If you stand her in the corner or tell her to squat and hold her mouth open, she’ll do it. I will too. When you were in the kitchen, your Dad and Eddie took her into another room and spanked the snot out of her- to make it clear that she wasn’t to run you down and keep giving you the evil eye. I know it’s got to be weird to French kiss your mom, but she’s supposed to be just another reindeer to you, the same as me or your sister and aunt.”
“It’s weird – are any of these other women related to one another?” I felt it was a bit unfair that I had so many family members in the party.
“I don’t know the DSL girls that well. I feel like they look a lot alike, but you’d have to ask them.”
“How did you get interested in this?” I said, while grooving to David Lee Roth’s rock anthem and Eddie Van Halen’s guitars and synthesizers.
“Lilly talked me into coming tonight,” she admitted, her tone soft. “I wasn’t sure about this at first. We started talking a few months ago. I was living vicariously through all of your mother’s grand adventures, listening to her stories. I didn’t dare do anything naughty, especially not like this. My husband…well, he’s not exactly the adventurous type. He’d lose his mind if he knew I was here.”
I was disappointed to learn that Blitzen had a husband – she wasn’t wearing her wedding band. I had hoped somehow maybe there would be some connection after this, and I could stop by her house.
“Then why did you come?” I asked, genuinely curious. I was also curious about my mother’s “grand adventures” – what were those all about?
Blitzen smiled, but there was a flicker of something deeper—nervousness, maybe, or excitement. “Because sometimes, you just need to do something different. Something unexpected. Something that reminds you who you are, outside of all the expectations. Lilly promised it’d be fun, and, well, she wasn’t wrong.”
I hesitated, the words forming before I could stop them. “But…you’re married. Doesn’t that make this—”
“Complicated?” she finished for me, her voice soft. “Yeah. It is. I am cheating on my husband, or at least I intended to. You know that at the end of the party – as my rider you get to fuck my brains out, right?”
“Wha….?” I tried to contain my happy shock and play it off like I obviously knew that.
“If you want to, that is, I am fat and old enough to be your Mom,” she offered in a self-deprecating way. She was gorgeous and intoxicating to me. In a room full of blondes, she stood out because she was sensitive, and different.
Most of them were metaphorical hot rods, and she was more of a sensible sedan – but I wouldn’t mind losing my virginity to her!!
“I want to be naughty, Nick!” she bit her lip and slid forward slightly out of line – I could have embraced her and kissed her right then.
At that moment, Marty missed his pin on Dasher, and the room erupted in playful jeers. “Better luck next time!” someone called out while Dasher threw her hands in the air triumphantly. “That’s what happens when you aim too low, Marty!” she teased, laughter echoing as the game carried on.
Blitzen’s gaze lingered on me; her voice soft but curious. “So…what made you decide to come to a party like this? I mean, it’s not exactly the usual crowd for someone your age.”
I was glad that Blitzen didn’t bring up when I was caught by my Uncle Eddie and almost frog-marched before my mother in the living room, disrupting the reindeer swap.
She must have noticed my hesitation because her expression softened as if she could sense the nerves creeping up on me. “I grew up hearing about this party,” I began, trying to sound casual, “but no details—just that it was for adults only, and every year, my sister, little brother, and I had to go somewhere else. Harley went last year and seemed to enjoy it. So now that I’m an adult, I wanted to check it out for myself. I didn’t know what to expect—honestly, I kind of regretted coming at first. It felt like I was intruding. But now…I’m glad I did. I feel like I’m starting to understand my mom, my family, and maybe even myself a little better.”
Blitzen chuckled softly; her smile warm. “Your mom didn’t exactly throw me to the wolves if that’s what you’re thinking. I guess you could say I had some... reindeer training,” she said, her tone light and teasing. “Last year, your mom, Daisy, and the rest of their crew went caroling door to door. They weren’t exactly in their Sunday best, though—just big red bows like they were Christmas presents all wrapped up and spreading holiday cheer. The neighbors loved it. Most of them seemed to expect it, even. But we had just moved in, so it was a bit of a shock.”
“My mom and her friends knocked on your door, wearing nothing but Christmas bows?” I asked incredulously. If I wasn’t sent off every Christmas eve, I’d know about this about this. I felt envious that the rest of the neighborhood probably knew about this tradition.
Her smile turned wry, her gaze dropping briefly as she recalled the memory. “I knew they weren’t wearing anything underneath the bows – just birthday suits and jingle bells. My husband rolled his eyes and called them attention-seekers, and my daughter thought it was some kind of dare. But me? I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It wasn’t just the boldness of it—it was how much fun they looked like they were having. They don’t go door-to-door anymore, they got in trouble.”
She hesitated, then added, “A few days later, I saw your mom at the mailbox, and I finally worked up the courage to ask her about it. She wasn’t surprised at all. She just laughed and said it was all in good fun, like a cheeky tradition they had. That’s how we started talking, and one thing led to another. She told me about the games and what to expect, and even let me practice a few things ahead of time so I’d feel comfortable. So no, I wasn’t completely in the dark when I came tonight. I knew what I was signing up for.”
Blitzen’s smile softened as she looked back at me. “It’s actually really fun. Your mom’s philosophy of doing this just one day a year—it makes sense. Honestly, I think I could stand a weekend of it now and again. I like being told what to do sometimes. Waking up knowing what my plan is for the day without having to think too much about it. It’s freeing in a way.”
Her tone shifted slightly, tinged with humor and a touch of exasperation. “But my husband? His idea of something like this would be a list of chores, bills to pay, and yard work to get done. Practical, predictable…boring.”
“Flashing while singing Christmas carols…sounds exciting!” I said, trying to seem like my mind wasn’t blown that my mother did that. I played it off like it was a perfectly normal thing to walk door to door wearing only a big red bow over your ass, tits and pussy and belt out “Deck the Halls” – my mom was a real thrill seeker, and I had no idea!
It was strangely hot, even though it could have landed her in some hot water if people took offense!
“This year, I think we are supposed to walk down to the park at the end of the street and carol in the gazebo, wearing just Santa sweaters and panties! We’ll have silver bells attached to us, so we can jingle-jiggle around.”
Blitzen shimmied, her tits and ass bouncing as she did.
“Wow!” I couldn’t believe the women could get away with that.
“Some of the girls pooh-poohed the idea of panties, because they never wear them, your Aunt included. The idea is we are supposed to pretend we don’t notice when our suit rises up. I’ve never flashed in public, but the DSL ladies do it all the time – it’s like a sport to them.”
I had no idea!! “My mom flashes in public as well?”
“Yeah, you could say that. She is a little more subtle than some of the other girls. Your sister does when she’s with your mom, but I don’t know her well enough to say that she does it all the time. You won’t see the caroling anyway, but I’ll snap some pictures – one of us has to take pictures for the scrapbook.”
“Why wouldn’t I go with you?”
“The winner of the next two contests stays behind with the men and takes care of them. The rest of us go caroling. It gives us something to do before dinner.”
“You don’t think you will win?” I asked.
“I am a big fatty, Nick. I can tell you like me, and maybe that’s because I am not intimidating like all the hot girls here. I have to first get pinned and then enough rings tossed on my candy cane to be declared the winner.”
“You WANT to be pinned and win?” I asked.
“Heck yeah, I’ve never made it with TWO guys at once can you imagine having the attention of eight guys at once? But imagine having seven steaks and one big stack of sliced bologna, and you get stuck with the lunch meat? The other guys would prefer any of the other girls.”
I frowned, I didn’t want to lie to her – she was probably right. I just didn’t like her low self-esteem.
“Who won last year?”
“I don’t know, I wasn’t here. As I understand it, your Mom and Aunt are VERY competitive and get a little ruthless in order to win. There are still other games and prizes to be had. I think it will be fun to carol. I am just glad I don’t have to show up at my own house with my ass hanging out.”
“You would if they decided you had to?” I asked.
“I think my marriage would be over, but it might be a fun test to see if my husband even noticed me in the back row, with all the pretty blondes to stare at,” she giggled playfully.
Eddie’s booming voice cut through the chatter. “Tequila time!” he hollered, passing a bottle and a row of small shot glasses down the line. Prince’s 1999 faded, replaced by the thumping beat of Beastie Boys’ (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To party) blasting over the speakers, the perfect soundtrack to the room’s infectious energy after one of the DSL ladies had an epic pegging with a candy cane. I wasn’t even watching. I was too busy staring at Blitzen’s massive tits and pretty doe eyes while learning all I could about her.
The funny thing was—my neighbors seemed to know more about my mom’s holiday antics than I ever did. Every Christmas Eve, while I was away, they expected her and her friends to show up caroling and pulling off something racy. If I’d known that, I might’ve had a better idea of what I was walking into tonight.
Eddie’s booming laugh cut through the din of conversation, loud enough to turn heads. “That’s how you pin a reindeer, folks!” he hollered, throwing his arms up theatrically as if Evan had just won an Olympic gold medal.
I glanced over to see Dasher’s face light up with excitement, her cheeks flushed as Evan stepped back from the wall, looking equally triumphant. Eddie grinned like a kid who’d just pulled off a prank, making a show of clapping Evan on the back and passing out shots. I noticed Daisy hovering nearby, fussing with a bottle of lotion and a new dildo. It was my Aunt’s turn to be pinned.
Harold, one of the more easygoing guys at the party, leaned against the wall, waiting for her to wrap up and turn herself into a party game!
Imagine being naked at a party, and all the members of the opposite sex are fully dressed. If that wasn’t humiliating enough you’ve got Christmas decorations and rope hanging from your body to make you more of a party decoration. Imagine; having to serve these people and put up with their teasing, and now you have become a party game they are using to amuse themselves?
I am a nice guy, and I respect women – but goddamn, did that make my dick hard for reasons I could not fathom.
I turned back to Blitzen, who accepted a shot from Eddie with a small, hesitant smile. She held the glass up to the light, studying the amber liquid like it might hold the answers to some great mystery. “Good thing these are only about half-full, or I’d be schnockered,” she muttered, her tone bitter but self-deprecating.
She tipped her glass toward me in an impromptu toast and tossed it back, but the way her face scrunched up as the tequila hit her tongue made me smile. She set the glass down and wiped the corner of her mouth with her thumb, shaking her head. “God, that’s awful.”
“You’re not a party girl, huh?” I teased lightly.
“Not in the least,” she said, laughing softly. “I hate hard liquor, but I am trying new things – a lot of the stuff we have to do here is going to seem degrading, cruel, or even silly – but it’s like drinking tequila.”
“How so?”
“it can burn going down, make you nauseous, even throw up, but you do it anyway, because everybody else is,” she laughed so sweetly that I just wanted to kiss her.
“Didn’t you say Comet and Donder trained you?” I asked, leaning in slightly – changing the subject. “What was that like?”
My Aunt entertained the crowd by jerking off the dildo and sucking it. She demanded some “Real music, Play Toby Keith! Not this pussy shit.”
I wasn’t into country, and didn’t recognize the singer’s bass voice when the song began, but everyone else did and they sang along to the words.
Two, a-one, two, three
Now, red Solo cup is the best receptacle.
Daisy yelled “No, My warm cunt is the best receptacle- for Toby Keith’s spunk!”
For barbecues, tailgates, fairs, and festivals
And you, sir, do not have a pair of testicles...
Blitzen let out a sigh, though the corner of her mouth twitched with amusement. “Oh, they were relentless – not like here. They were bossy, and didn’t let me say no. Your mom and sister had me squatting, running laps, learning how to ‘take the reins,’ so to speak. I lost 17 pounds in three months.”
“Seriously? For this party?” I asked. I couldn’t believe it was THAT big of a deal to anyone.
She nodded, her expression turning a bit more thoughtful. “Oh, they are serious about it. Your mom plans these parties out well in advance. She didn’t want me to embarrass myself by failing to be able to squat or get squeamish about being pinned. She wanted me to be embarrassed and humiliated the way we are supposed to do it.”
I found that ironic, on some level. The girls had set themselves up to be the objects of ridicule – something I still didn’t fully understand.
“Honestly? I kind of loved it. I had to do stretches every morning—things like lunges and these weird squats where I had to keep my back straight no matter how much it burned. And if I so much as wobbled, she’d just smirk and make me start over. I stuck things up my butt that I thought had no business going up my butt. All so that I could do this game. By the way, are you going to whiff and not try to pin me, when I go up there?”
“You are just swinging wildly, not even trying,” she observed. “You are whiffing it. Are you going to try to pin me?”
“Oh, I don’t want to hurt you,” I admitted.
“I practiced for three months so someone could stick one of those dildos up my ass- it seems a waste if you won’t even try,” Blitzen’s innocent grin turned very suggestive.
“What if you have to go poop or something?” I asked – realizing that was stupid and sounded completely moronic.
Her laugh told me that she thought it was naïve, but she forgave me. “Not many guys would care about that, Nick. You are so sweet. If you must know, every girl at the party completed two enemas before we stepped out here – I think some took a third enema – your Mom and Daisy make a game of it. My insides are clean as a whistle – you won’t get any of my chocolate on your finger or dildo, if that’s what you are worried about.”
I didn’t know much about enemas – I assumed somehow that it meant she did not have to poop and that it was safe to stick things in her ass. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know about that game that my mom and aunt had played! However, the casual way that Blitzen described her poop as “chocolate” excited me, and I knew it shouldn’t turn me on – but it did. I didn’t want to seem like a total perv and ask about “peanut butter” or continue the topic.
She seemed perfectly fine with the topic, not offended in the least – like someone who might even find farts funny - which only endeared her to me even more.
Blitzen changed the subject back to her preparation for the party. “I was on a special diet. No sugar, no junk food. Everything had to be lean and green—chicken, fish, veggies, you name it. I was practically living on smoothies and salads. Harley would text me at random times, asking for proof of what I was eating. I had to practice eating hot peppers, hot dogs fresh out of the oven. I know it sounds weird and hardly sexual, but stuff like that is part of the reindeer games. She even came over one night with your mom to clean out my pantry. Dave thought I’d gone insane.”
“Dave didn’t mind?” I asked cautiously. I didn’t understand why they would try to make eating unpleasant for the girls and expect them to want to come back every year.
Blitzen hesitated, her fingers toying with her empty glass. “My husband didn’t take it seriously. He had no idea why I was dieting or the naughty things I did with the food. He thought it was just another one of my phases—like when I tried yoga, or that spin class I hated. But this felt... different.” She looked at me then, her gaze steady but tinged with something I couldn’t quite place. “I think he was just relieved I had something keeping me busy and that I didn’t expect him to go on the diet with me.”
“Why do they make it hard for you guys to eat? Make you squat and hold the hot dogs in your mouth while they are still sizzling?”
“Oh, that’s nothing! Wait until Dinner. They call it reindeer feeding! We crawl around on all fours, and they spray whip cream up our asses, like little bunny tails, and make us eat it out of each other. You guys hand feed us while we squat at your feet and smack our butts while we pass by to bring you another plate of yummy ham, turkey, homemade gravy, cranberry jam, sweet potato pie, butter milk pie mashed potatoes for a Christmas feast! I brought a pumpkin pie!!”
She sounded so excited about being made to do things that would seem unpleasant and humiliating to me. “How do you know you will like eating that way? Did you ever try it?”
“I served your Mom and Harley a few times to get the hang of it, but I like the unknown! It’s going to be an experience! I will probably get my face smashed in the pie I brought, but it’s just sort of how that goes.”
“I understand WHAT you are going to do, but I don’t understand why you would take the time to bake a pie, knowing the guys may smash it in your face. I still don’t understand why you would want that. Couldn’t you just stay home and smash the pie in your own face?”
She giggled, her cheeks turning pink as her tummy rolled with continued chuckles. She laughed like I had told the biggest joke. “So, just buy all the ingredients, bake a yummy pie, smash my face in it at home, and call it a day? That’s funny! Sad but funny! I could see doing that out of frustration and loneliness, maybe,” she said with a laugh.
“You aren’t so lonely that you would ever need to do that, Mrs.....Blitzen. I am just saying, why do it at all? Wouldn’t you rather sit in a chair and have the Christmas feast with us?”
Blitzen seemed perplexed, possibly disappointed with me. “I’d expect my husband to ask the same question – why not do it the ordinary way. I think it’s going to be thrilling. I know it seems degrading – but I guess that’s the point – treating seven hot girls and one fatty like a bunch of reindeer to be teased and humiliated. All the other girls will be doing it, and I am not trying to make you feel sorry for me, Sir. I signed up for this – knowing everything ahead of time. You had no idea, even if you crashed the party, so it’s understandable you think we are nuts.”
“You aren’t a fatty!!” I changed the subject because she was clearly down on herself, and I felt stupid for having asked – she had a valid point. There was a reason these other women did this, and it wasn’t money or bragging rights. If they had been blackmailed or lost a bet, I could have understood it. The simple answer of them getting off on humiliation and loving sex parties just didn’t compute to me. I assumed women had some obligation or were wired not to act like this.
My Aunt Daisy in particular, was so openly horny that she sounded more like she had a man’s sex drive, with a woman’s hot body to get sex anytime she wanted it. Why would she go to this length for a thrill and debase herself?
I asked Blitzen to tell me more about the training – maybe I could better understand. The song changed again, this time it was Hank William’s Jr. “If Heaven ain’t a lot like Dixie”.
Eddie called it a “Real shit kicker!” and danced around mocking it. “Yee-haw, slap my nuts and call me a cowboy! Got nothing but steers and queers in here tonight! We should stop the games and start the fucking!”
A few of the crowd agreed, but several people -including my mom said that the party wasn’t over until we “decorated the tree!”
Which struck me as very odd – not only did we have one HUGE fully Christmas tree, but we had several others around the house fully decorated because of my mother’s absolute mania for all this Christmas.
If heaven ain't a lot like Dixie
I don't want to go
If heaven ain't a lot like Dixie
I'd just as soon stay home
The Hank William’s Junior song warbled, and the people singing along imitated the singer’s deep southern accent – almost to the point of ridicule. Daisy was the loudest voice – but she was singing it like she lived his words and felt them deep in the bottom of her heart.
“Got some real Cows in here tonight,” Dad quipped in an over-the-top southern accent. He sang boisterously right over the song that was playing “Move 'em on, head 'em up, head 'em up, move 'em on, Move 'em on, head 'em up, rawhide, keep them doggies rolling!”
As he did, some of the other guys joined in because they clearly knew the words. Anytime they said Rawhide, the slapped My aunt on the ass with a leather strap.
“Dammit, I want to hear this song, not y’all trying to play the Blues Brothers!” Daisy quipped, before adding playfully “I didn’t say you had to stop with the Rawhide part though!” offering her butt cheeks to my father for another playful slap on the ass.
I turned my attention back to Blitzen, who was still talking about the preparations she’d made to come here tonight. She either hadn’t noticed me glancing away to watch the festivities or had been too polite to stop talking if she did.
“There was protocol training,” Blitzen explained, her voice still in a playful edge. This was no lecture, and she wasn’t bragging. I think she was just excited to tell me the salacious details of what she did to prepare for this party. “Comet and Donder were in charge of that part. Comet would call me over to your place when you and your little brother Brian weren’t around. She’d go over the basics—how to stand, how to smile, how to... take instructions without hesitating.” Blitzen blushed slightly, but her grin didn’t falter. “It was all about staying composed, no matter what. Like, if someone told me to squat, I had to do it. No hesitation, no questions—just smile and do it.”
“Oh, it gets better,” she said with a soft laugh. “Donder was a lot tougher. She had me practice what she called ‘verbal resilience’—you know, smiling through anything. They’d tease me, call me things like ‘fatty’ or ‘dumb bimbo’ just to see if I’d break. At first, it stung, but after a while, I started to get it. They weren’t trying to hurt me; they just wanted me to be ready for anything. No one wants to see a reindeer cry, right? I shouldn’t have compared you to my husband. Technically, you would send me to the corner for that.”
“I wouldn’t punish you,” I assured her – she was too nice.
Blitzen smirked “If you don’t, then who will? You are my rider. I won’t make you do anything with me if you don’t want to, but if you are worried about pissing me off—you won’t. I don’t think so, anyway. Can I ask, because it’s been killing me to know this, ever since I sat on your foot after the swap. How come you haven’t made me do anything? You haven’t told me to bring you as much as a fresh cup of eggnog.”
“I think my mom would not approve of that. It’s got Southern Comfort in it,” I laughed.
“I told you; your Mom won’t say boo to you tonight. She can ask, but she is a reindeer and now you are a rider. I am just curious, and maybe you think you’ll hurt my feelings if you tell me, but knowing the other guys make their reindeer squat, sit up and beg, fetch them drinks and snacks, how come you haven’t given me any orders?”
“You are at a party, you should have a good time,” I said, feeling put upon by the question. The truth was that I was far too shy, and I didn’t think I should do something like that. Blitzen may not think she is hot – but she was hot enough that I was worried she’d think I was a total pervert.
“I don’t want to mess it up,” I said, scratching the back of my neck. “I mean… what am I even allowed to make you do?”
Blitzen raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by my hesitation. “Mess it up? You seem to be doing just fine. You can try not being as nice all the time to me.”
“You want me to not be nice?”
“I don’t know. You can be a little more aloof, demanding, or tease me like Eddie. I don’t want to make things weird for you, either.”
I had lost all interest or even awareness of what was happening during the rowdy reindeer games. I knew it was a lot of trash-talking and wild times, but I wanted to hear more about Blitzen’s journey. I was also curious how much time my mom and sister really put into this; Mom had said she did it one day a year – but clearly, they both spent a lot of time practicing and training to prepare for this with our neighbor.
Before I could ask another question, my Aunt Daisy let out an exaggerated sigh from across the room. She was waiting for me to pin her.
“Damnit, boy! I got the same shape, size, and stretched out asshole as your momma! You paid attention to her poop-chute! Come here and stick something in it so I can get over in that winner’s circle!”
“Coming,” I said.
I heard laughter from people as they made some jokes about having an orgasm.
“That’s what you was doing over there talking to Blitzen, huh? A little dirty talk?” Cupid called me out and my face turned bright red. She pulled her blindfold down and challenged me to stick it anywhere the sun doesn’t shine.
“I love it up the ass, I’ll take it in the cooter,” She said as she pulled her ass cheeks as wide apart as she could.
Eddie put the blindfold on me and started spinning me around. I could smell the tequila on my Uncle’s breath. “For the love of god, shove that dildo all the way up your Aunt’s asshole as far as you can, and shut her up!” he whispered.
He turned me loose, this time I was not sure of my target, I hadn’t studied her the way I had my mother’s position.
“Oh shit, that’s my jam!” my Aunt screeched when a new country song started up.
Baby you're a song
You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise
Yeah, when I first saw that bikini top on her
She's poppin' right out of the South Georgia water…
She sang along with the words, I found my way toward my Aunt by following her voice and listening for Blitzen’s guidance from the back.
“Don’t make me go Christmas caroling, tonight! I want to be the CENTER of attention, hit me in my jackpot – crap-pot! Give it to me,” my Aunt begged for me to “fuck her right in the dirty asshole with that dildo.”
It was raunchy, sexy and made me hard as a rock – it also didn’t help my concentration.
I felt the dildo hit the side of her pussy, and my Aunt screamed out angrily! “Adjust to the right, No! god-damn it!!!”
“OHHHH!!!!” some of the people at the party empathized with her – so close.
“You are no longer my favorite nephew,” my aunt whipped off her blindfold in consternation and frowned at me.
“Sorry, Cupid! I tried!”
“Your mind was on those big old Blitzen titties, go on back over there and suck on them, I bet you can get you some chocolate milk if you stick a candy bar up her ass first,” she joked, pointing.
I blushed and walked back to the back of the line. “Sorry about that,” I apologized.
“Why are you sorry? You tried,” Blitzen clearly thought I was apologizing for missing my Aunt’s asshole with the candy cane.
“No, I meant that she embarrassed you by suggesting you’d give me chocolate milk, if I did, well you know...”
“Nick, that’s part of how this works. I am supposed to be teased like that. You were firing off zingers at your mom earlier. Why did you stop?”
“What was I supposed to do? Come over here and stick a Snicker’s bar up your bum, and try it?”
“I am not sure if we could, plus I am going to be next, so I think that may be a little gross to the guys who try to pin me!” she joked.
I realized that she really was the last one in line. There weren’t many guys left to pin Daisy, and that meant we would shift to another game, and I couldn’t keep talking to her. I was fascinated by everything Blitzen told me. I asked her about the training again – just to keep the conversation moving.
“I told you just about everything. I guess, the morning jogs,” she groaned. She covered her face with her hands before peeking out through her fingers. “Oh gosh, this is embarrassing,” she said with a nervous laugh. “Your mom and sister made me get up with them at 4 a.m., wearing nothing but this itty-bitty red and green thong bikini that barely fit. I was practically bursting out of it.”
“What did Comet and my sister wear?” I asked, maybe a little too quickly.
“Same thing,” she said with a smirk. “And sneakers. We didn’t go barefoot, thank God. Honestly, I thought they might make it tougher—like running on pebbles or something. But there was always the chance someone might see us, even that early.”
Her expression turned sheepish as she glanced at me. “Do you know Gabriel Johnson?”
I nodded – he was Hunter’s dad. The kid I was supposed to be spending the night with. We lived in a small suburb – where almost everyone knew everyone. “Yeah, he’s a teacher, right?”
“Uh-huh. He was usually out in his yard, trimming the bushes or pretending to, anyway. We figured he was waiting for the ‘booby brigade’ to come galloping down the sidewalk so he could watch the spectacle we probably looked like. Comet and Harley didn’t care—they’d even stop sometimes, tell me to jog in place, and have a chat with him. Your mom said I had to get used to being ogled.”
“Sounds like they didn’t make it easy on you,” I said, unsure whether to laugh or feel bad for her. “Where was my Dad in all this? He didn’t run with you?”
“No, your Dad is kind of the boss, he makes sure we do things – he doesn’t do them with us peons.”
My dad, the boss? Mom called the shot around our house. I felt Blitzen had a really different idea about our family dynamic. “Tonight is different, Mom is serving Dad – but Mom decides what we do, what we eat, how the money is spent. Dad is more like the silent partner,” I assured her.
“Oh, I see, well, you would know,” she pursed her lips with a bemused smile – that made me wonder if there was something I didn’t know.
A new song started blasting, and it wasn’t country (for a change). The whole room became electric as women immediately started laughing, dancing, and yelling out the lyrics—“Bubble butt, bubble, bubble, bubble butt”—and a couple of them started shaking their butts to the beat. It wasn’t graceful or anything, but they were all into it, even my Aunt Daisy, who spun around and stuck her butt out like she was the queen of the dance floor – it looked like she was down to her final chance to get pinned and she was making the most of the attention.
She would have made a good female wrestler in the WWE – all pre-game talk and attitude.
Blitzen laughed, looking like she was trying to resist joining in, but then she gave in, rolling her hips a little and giving her butt a playful shake. She glanced over at me, her grin almost daring me to react. “So, Nick,” she asked, her voice loud enough to cut through the music, “you got a girlfriend? Or is there nobody to get jealous about you being here tonight?”
I shook my head, feeling my face heat up. “Nope, no girlfriend.”
Blitzen’s grin widened, and she gave a little spin, her ass cheeks flapped open, and I saw the hint of the dark hole between them. “What would you say if you did have a girlfriend—and she wanted to come to this party next year as a reindeer? Would you get jealous or be cool with it, like the men here?”
“I probably won’t have a girlfriend,” I was far too shy, so I didn’t want to give myself false hope and pretend I was some stud.
“You are so sensitive, smart, and handsome. I bet things will change next year. I have a daughter about your age, you know? You could come over sometime, and I could set the two of you up, if that wouldn’t be too weird?”
“Does she know about you being here?” I asked.
“Absolutely not,” Blitzen frowned, and told me to keep it that way – growing mildly uncomfortable.
“Well, if her and I started dating, she’d be the reindeer that I brought – to possibly swap for you!”
Blitzen laughed so hard, I thought she was going to pee a little. She hadn’t thought about that. “I guess I’d have to get used to that idea. I am not sure I’d be invited back next year anyway.”
“Are you kidding?” I thought she was out of her mind – it seemed outrageous to think she wouldn’t be invited back next year. I would be more concerned she wouldn’t want to come back!!
“No guys wanted me. You only got me because you had nobody, and your mom felt sorry for me. I am not exactly DSL material,” she frowned. “Ooh, I am up right after this! Listen, are you going to try to peg me? You probably wouldn’t want me to be the only girl here while the others go caroling, but it's kind of a fantasy of mine!”
“You’d have sex with every guy in here?”
“Yeah, they call it pass-around-girl. The lucky slut fucks each guy and anyone who wants a second helping! Or I guess they line up and fuck us! I don’t know – I didn’t think I’d win, so it doesn’t matter. It’s a good fantasy, though.”
“I’ll do my best! You really don’t mind if I stick it in your b-hole?”
“You can say asshole or butthole, Sir! No, I do not mind. I practiced putting really big things up my ass, greased both holes up – so whichever one you aim for will be fine!” she leaned over, kissed me firmly on the lips, slipped me a tiny bit of tongue, and dashed forward after Daisy failed to get pinned a final time.
“Shit-fire, Double-Fuck, Suck a donkey’s asshole! This is some bullshit! First time that I wasn’t pinned, and now I have to go sing fucking Christmas carols, while some other bitch gets fucked nine ways to Sunday!”
“Sucks to be you,” my mom waved at her with a patronizing grin, while wiggling her ass.
I didn’t expect Blitzen to be so brazen. She marched up to the final Peppermint dildo, took it in hand, and began to grease it up while dancing back from side to side, spreading her legs and bouncing her knees – making her tits bounce.
The notoriously iconic guitar riff of AC/DC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long” blasted out of the stereo.
She was a fast machine! She kept her motor clean
She was the best damn woman that I ever seen
She had the sightless eyes, telling me no lies
Knocking me out with those American thighs
It was the perfect song for Blitzen, who danced around and began to titty fuck herself with the dildo, while the girls and some of the guys applauded. I noticed that despite the killer song, she didn’t create the same excitement as some of the other girls. I applauded, but I felt a little self-conscious.
Blitzen gazed at me with her appreciative doe-eyes and smiled, I continued cheering for her while she prepared the dildo that she was going to let some lucky guy try to stick up her ass or in her pussy!
She was literally preparing it for us by getting it fully lubed up and planned to hand it to the next lucky guy to take a turn and let him have a chance to stick it up her ass or in her pussy! She was such a nice lady; she didn’t seem like all the other wild women at the party.
[[[ image 06_titty.jpg goes here centered ]]]
She wasn’t talking trash, or dancing around lewdly, but in the simple act of spreading copious amounts of lube on the dildo, and then fucking it up and down between her tits – leaving it hanging there by itself between her boobs – I was so fucking turned on.
She didn’t fuck her titties hard or fast – she did it slow with the dildo, pretending the creamy lube was sperm, and she couldn’t wait to taste it as she looked down at it glistening on the candy cane dildo.
It wasn’t the kind of show that even got much attention, and for some reason that made me turned on more. He was this gem of a woman, big knockers, totally naked, putting on a show in a room full of eight men and most of them weren’t even paying attention to her.
It had to be a little embarrassing just knowing she was being largely ignored by men who were busy having a drink, chatting, or laughing at the girls shaking their butts in the winner’s circle.
It was like Blitzen was putting the show on just for me – and I saw something no one else saw. Yet, Blitzen didn’t look at me the entire time. The fact that she sparingly glanced at me with her big brown doe-eyes only made it hotter – like I was peeping on her playing in the shower.
I can’t explain fully the expression on Blitzen’s face without comparing her to the other women at the party. The other women were brazen and confident like porn stars who knew exactly what they were doing. They behaved the way I’d seen strippers act on TV shows – sassy, confident, moving to where the action was.
Blitzen had, for lack of a better term, a “homey” quality – like the quintessential housewife, who is secretly a firecracker in bed and a knockout under her clothes. Her expression was a knowing, playful smirk that seemed to say, “What? This is no big deal; it’s like walking the dog.”
She stroked the dildo between her tits at a medium pace – I could imagine my cock where that dildo was. I had seen some really naughty things, done a few naughty things tonight, and this was by far the most erotic to me for reasons I still cannot fully put into words.
I know that may not make sense, but she had this cute little smile, like she was excited to finally be in front of everyone to put on a naughty performance. At the same time, her cute made it seem like she thought holding that lubed dildo between her tits and bouncing, or stroking it lovingly was as ordinary as using a rolling pin to flatten some dough to make biscuits.
For seasoned veterans of this annual Christmas party, this was probably not a big deal. They had obviously seen some wild and over the top performances – for me, it was all I could not to shoot a load of cum in my pants watching how she smiled so innocently and acted so naughty.
Eddie talked things up, passed around shots – insisting that I have a “teensy one” and telling me that my mom can take another dick up the ass if she says anything. I threw it back – it tasted like crap, burned my throat, and I wasn’t sure why I was doing it.
It felt good, though! This was shaping up – now the question, would I pin her if given the chance? Would I get the chance? What would she think of me?
I wanted to be different than all the other men here.
Some of the guys started to notice the show she was putting on and watch as she finished. The guys trash talked all the girls, but I took it more personally when they said it about Blitzen.
“She’s a little chubby, but her tits are nice,” observed Jerry. Blitzen smiled demurely and didn’t take it personally.
“Yeah, she has a decent face, but the hips don’t lie – she likes cheesecake!” Harold teased. It was playful but hurtful. I noticed Blitzen look down, and smile while continuing to stroke.
“She’s built like a cow, ready for milking,” Eddie reached up and squeezed her titties, pulling them like he was going to milk them. Instead of slapping his face, Blitzen acted like Brad Pitt had just touched her, and she was turned on.
“You sure you can handle this one, son? We probably shouldn’t have started you on a big one like this, may have to tie a butt to your ass so you don’t fall in,” My Dad patted me on the back. He was being facetious, but I didn’t like it.
“Why do you guys have to be so mean?” I asked – almost pouting. I’d questioned that earlier but still trash-talked my mom and the other ladies. They didn’t seem as sensitive as Blitzen, and I took some of the comments more personally.
I noticed for the first time, Blitzen flash a look of disapproval, and it was because I had been more confrontational.
“It’s all in fun,” Dad said. You had no problem teasing your mom and sister. “I’ve fucked my share of fat women before, just make sure to roll her in flour, and you’ll be able to find the wet spot.”
I didn’t even know what that meant! It sounded hurtful though. Dad brushed it off, not even addressing my question. Eddie started up the final round and shouted over the music, “Let’s get this bitch a tail; so, she can join the other reindeer!”
Daisy shouted from the loser’s circle in the back “Send her over here, she can keep me company and eat this pussy! It won’t eat itself! Anyone want an appetizer? Clits in a blanket!!”
Daisy sounded desperately bored – and in need of attention. I wasn’t sure how serious she was about her offer – but I was not going to dash over there to find out. It’s not that I might not have if she had asked me in private – She’s my Aunt, and she looks like my mom, but she was definitely hyper-sexual bordering on nymphomaniac, and that turned me on almost as much as Blitzen’s modest, charmingly sweet sexuality.
Blitzen removed the candy cane dildo from her tits and held the tip up to her mouth. She opened her mouth and blew on it like she was playing a flute, while she ran her fingers up and down. “Whose ready to play me like a flute?”
“More like a Cello,” Gary patted her belly to tease her about her size. Blitzen looked amused, and mildly flattered by that.
“It’s more like this,” Eddie poked her in the tummy and called her the “Poppen-fresh dough slut!”
Blitzen played right along with it and imitated the iconic commercial playfully while closing her eyes.
“Let’s see what we are working with! Show us that enormous ass – anyone of us should be able to sink THIS battleship,” Harold teased.
Blitzen dutifully turned around, still holding the dildo in one hand, and pushed her tits up against the wall, while sticking her ass out -unexpectedly clapping her cheeks like girls do in rap videos. The men cheered as she clapped her big ass back and forth.
“More like a Death Star, than a Battleship!” Eddie chuckled that they mean need a big dildo. “This one is probably too small!”
“We can tie a rope to the end of it, so we can find it later,” my Dad joked. I’ve never heard him demean women in my life until tonight – I knew he was teasing, but wow. I was starting to get livid.
“Yes, two dildos, with rope, sounds hot! Who is ready to stick it in this fat girl’s ass?” Blitzen shook her big ass rapidly flapping her butt cheeks, stuck her ass out even further, and held the tip of the dildo right up to her asshole suggestively. “I’ve got a big empty hole that, needs filling, and you guys know my ass has its own zip code! So, no excuses!”
“Damn, I like her style!” Cupid offered from the loser’s area. There were only two other girls in the loser’s pit. The three of them were squatting deeply so that their asses almost touched the floor, legs resting on the balls of the feet. knees wide apart, mouths open, palms flat on the top of their head. They were back behind the other girls, almost forgotten and getting no attention at all, which had to drive my Aunt Daisy absolutely bonkers. “Blitzen, are you in the DSL?”
“No,” Blitzen responded like a little league baseball player being asked if they played for the major leagues. She handed the dildo gingerly to Eddie and turned to face Daisy. It sounded like she was flattered just to be asked.
“You should be!” several other girls offered welcoming invitations to join them.
“Yeah, we could train together for the initiation tests!” Harley was still proudly wiggling her ass. My sister suggested they could continue their morning jogs. I had no reason to doubt Blitzen was telling me the truth, but the confirmation from Donder was exciting.
“Would I have to get the tattoo?” Blitzen clearly wasn’t prepared for the outpouring of support. Even the men who had teased her earlier were encouraging her.
“What tattoo?” Prancer asked. “This Queen of Spades tattoo? We just got that because we like black cock!”
Prancer was probably the second biggest girl at the party, and she was anxious to moon us and show off the tattoo. Dasher had one as well, I got the impression the two of them were very close.
“I got this O.G. tattoo,” Prancer lifted up her leg; and showed off a DSL tattoo on her inner thigh. The initials were clearly visible under a Queen’s crown. “I am a founding member of the Dick Sucking Ladies. We all got these our first year on a Dick-Quest to Cancun!”
I wasn’t sure what a dick-quest was, but I had an idea that it might be where a bunch of hot-to-trot sluts go on vacation looking for random guys to hook up with – probably competed and kept score of how many tally whackers they sat on.
I happened to speak about the time the last song ended, and my voice carried.
“I thought my Mom was the founder of the Dick Sucking Ladies?” I said to absolutely no one, but everyone in the room heard it.