Mom Doesn't Get it
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Mom Doesn't Get it
Mom Doesn’t Get It
By: Hooked6 (
Copyright May 2011 by Hooked6 ( REVISED January 2025 all rights reserved. Reproduction, redistribution, reposting on another Internet site whether or not a charge or profit is made is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the author. Copyright ownership does not transfer by the posting of this material on this site by the author. The following story is for ADULTS only. By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an appropriate age to access adult material and that such material is permitted in the locality or country where the reader resides. The following is a creative work of fiction, and the characters or incidents described do not resemble any persons or events in the real world. Comments are always welcome and serve to inspire my work.
Author's Note: I have revised this story considerably since the story was first published in 2011 and added many additional chapters changing the direction of the plot and expanded the characters in the story. The first chapter will seem familiar to those who have read the original, but after that, the similarities end. Tags: Medical embarrassment, ENM, Public Nudity, CFNM, CPNM of both genders.
As a naïve fourteen-year-old in Junior High, I wanted to try out for the track team as well as the cross-country team. I loved to run and I was pretty fast. Coach gave me the requisite forms a parent had to sign along with a sports physical packet that had to be completed by my doctor in order for me to play. Getting my mom’s permission was the easy part. The sports physical, as I soon found out, was a catastrophe. Though I hadn’t been to a doctor in several years I just assumed that this check-up would be a snap.
Since time was of the essence and my regular physician was booked up for days, my mom decided to take me to one of those walk-in clinics which don’t require an appointment. The clinic was located in a strip-shopping center near my home. It wasn’t very big but it sure was busy on the day we arrived. My mom signed me in at the registration desk and explained to the clerk why we were there. The waiting room was packed and there weren’t many empty seats so I stood as my mom took one of the last remaining chairs. We waited well over an hour and my mom was growing increasingly impatient and irritable and “irritable” isn’t strong enough word to describe her mood. Finally, a young nursing assistant came out and called my name – “Daniel Harkins?”
I acknowledged her and began walking towards the open door that led to the back when I noticed my mom following me. “That’s okay mom,” I said as I turned to block her way. “I rather go alone.”
Perhaps it was the stress of waiting so long in such a noisy and crowded room that set her off, but for the first time in quite a while she snapped back flippantly, “I don’t think so, young man!” The entire waiting room got quiet and all eyes were looking at us as she forcibly grabbed my arm and escorted me to the back area as the young lady led the way.
The assistant could plainly see how uncomfortable I was. Upon entering the examining room, she paused thoughtfully and then mercifully spoke up in my defense, “Mrs. Harkins, I understand completely your desire to be here and to speak with the doctor but, well, as you can imagine these things can be a little, embarrassing for a boy his age. Besides the usual things, a sport’s physical requires a mandatory hernia check and I was just thinking, wouldn’t it be better if you waited outside?”
“Nonsense!” my mom replied firmly. “I’m his mother. You’re crazy if you think I’m leaving him alone.”
The assistant nodded her understanding, led us down the hall to a small exam room and instructed me to remove all my clothing and began rummaging through a cabinet. “Hold on Daniel,” she said as I reluctantly removed my T-shirt. “I need to get some more paper gowns - the cabinet is empty in this room.”
“Oh, for heaven’s sakes, he’s just a boy!” my mom bellowed out. “Let’s just get on with it. We’ve been waiting way too long as it is!”
“BUT MOM,” I pleaded in vain! The stern scowl on her face was enough to make me hold my tongue.
“As you wish, Mrs. Harkins,” the pretty assistant replied as she looked at me with empathy. “Go ahead and get undressed, Daniel, I’ll be right back.” She then left the room for a few moments. I just stood there dumbfounded staring at my mom.
“Go on, get a move on,” my mom instructed as she motioned with her hand for me to continue.
My mom hadn’t seen me without clothes in several years and it was almost incomprehensible that she was acting this way. I knew better than to cross her, however, as she wasn’t one to put up with insolence of any kind or there would be hell to pay. I had gotten down to my white cotton briefs when the assistant returned. I was sure she was going to let me stay in them until the doctor arrived but my mom insisted I finish undressing so as not to prolong this ordeal any longer than necessary – a command that seemed to surprise even the assistant.
Finally, I stood there naked totally embarrassed in front of these two women as the assistant began running through the school’s form asking all sorts of questions about childhood diseases and my immunization record. The assistant was facing me and had her back to my mom who was sitting in the corner next to the door. Even though she asked me the questions as she looked at me, my mom was answering everything for me. All I could do was stand there, exposed, while looking rather stupid. Every now and then the young girl looked up from her clipboard and smiled. I wondered what she was thinking as she glanced at my body. I hadn’t matured as much as some of the boys in my class – I didn’t even have pubic hair yet. I felt her smile was an indication that she found that amusing for a boy my age. Looking back, I’m sure she was just trying to be kind, but at the time it was quite humiliating.
Finally, she finished and instructed me to go over to the scale across the room so she could weigh me. I no sooner had taken my first step when the door opened suddenly and there stood another young girl dressed in scrubs. “Oh . . . sorry, please excuse me,” she said as she looked me over with a funny grin. I just stood there in the middle of the room staring at the intruder. “Cindy, do you know if we have any more flu vaccine? I can’t seem to find any and we have a patient that needs to be inoculated.” Cindy, my nursing assistant, indicated she was sure she saw a new shipment somewhere that had come in earlier that morning and left hurriedly with her coworker to try and locate it.
Unfortunately for me as she left and pushed the door closed behind her, it didn’t completely shut. In a matter of moments, the door began to slowly open revealing the corridor. I was about to ask my mom to reach out and shut it when a well-dressed lady which I assumed to be another patient passed by and peered in my room. Seeing me naked, she paused outside the door and she too smiled. My mom was oblivious to all this as she sat in her chair reading her stupid magazine that she had brought with her from the waiting room. The lady winked at me and walked on. I was about to jump on the exam table and draw my legs up to cover myself when the nursing assistant returned. “Sorry about that,” she said apologetically. “Now let’s get you weighed.”
After the usual taking of measurements, she informed me she needed a urine sample to test for banned substances – something the school required of all athletes according to the form. She handed me a specimen cup with my name on it which caused my mom to raise an eyebrow.
“Oooohh no,” I protested. “I’m not peeing in front of my mom!”
My remark caused the nursing assistant to chuckle. “You don’t have to, silly,” she said as she put her arm around me and prodded me towards the door. “There’s a bathroom right across the hall. Just bring the specimen cup back with you as soon as you’ve finished.
I was so relieved not to have to fill the cup in front of them that I was outside in the corridor closing my door when I first realized my state of undress! I scurried to the lavatory opposite my room and to my horror it was locked. “Just a minute,” a voice called out from inside. The room was occupied!! My first instinct was to run back across the hall to my room but the fear of my mom’s impatience with all this made me think she would just insist I provide the sample in front of them to save time – which something I was not prepared to do. I had no choice but to stand there in the back corridor naked, hoping whoever was inside would hurry up.
A couple of clinic workers rounded the corner and gave me some rather odd looks as they passed by, but neither said anything. Seeing the cup in my hand I guessed they figured out what I was waiting for. I then heard the toilet flush and the door quickly opened. A classmate of mine, Beth, came out of the bathroom wearing a paper grown came out, stopped abruptly after seeing me standing there without clothes. She looked at me for a moment, smiled and said, “Hi, Daniel!” she said excitedly as she looked me over. “What are you doing here?”
“I, uh, I’m, getting a sports physical for school.” I quietly stammered out while looking at the floor. All I wanted to do was get into that room and close the door but she was blocking the entry.
“I see. . .” she said with a grin. “What sport are you trying out for?”
“Well, Coach Jenkins asked me to try out for the track team. I’m a pretty fast runner, you know. I, ah, don’t mean to be rude but I’m naked here and I’d like to get to the bathroom if that’s okay.”
“Oh certainly.” She said playfully as she stepped aside. “I hope you make the team.”
I just nodded my head waiting for her to completely get out of my way. She eventually left down the hall and I dashed into the lavatory shut the door. What a disaster. This will be all over the school by tomorrow.
I filled the cup. I was so nervous it took me a while to get my stream started. All I could think of was a girl my age just saw me naked! I was so embarrassed! Eventually though, I started to pee and when I was through, I realized I would have to once again cross the hall. I decided just to act as if this was all normal and just do it without thinking too much about what I was actually going to do.
I took a deep breath and opened the door and ran right into Megan Abernathy – another girl from my class at school! I could have just died as she spotted me! I had such a crush on her but she hardly even knew I existed.
“Daniel??” she asked as she looked at me not believing the sight before her. The smile on her face will be etched in my memory for as long as I live!
I didn’t wait to give her an answer. I dashed across the hall leaving her to wonder if it was really me and re-entered the room practically slamming the door once I was inside. I nervously handed the cup to the assistant, who thanked me and began writing some things on the form.
My heart was racing a mile-a-minute as the thought of running into Megan ran through my mind. What was she thinking about me right now?
“Daniel? Are you okay?” my mom asked me with obvious concern. “You’re as pale as a ghost.”
“I’m fine!” I snapped back flippantly without offering any explanation. Having to re-tell my encounter to the two of them wasn’t something I wanted to do just then.
The rest of the exam went rather well. The doctor was an older man, and although he seemed a bit surprised to find me sitting on the exam table naked, he chatted with my mom and carried on in a most professional manner which did wonders to calm my nerves. He signed off on my form and told me to have fun on the track team.
I couldn’t get dressed fast enough and I didn’t say a word to my mom the entire way home. I just sat there and stewed over what had just happened.
By: Hooked6 (
Copyright May 2011 by Hooked6 ( REVISED January 2025 all rights reserved. Reproduction, redistribution, reposting on another Internet site whether or not a charge or profit is made is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the author. Copyright ownership does not transfer by the posting of this material on this site by the author. The following story is for ADULTS only. By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an appropriate age to access adult material and that such material is permitted in the locality or country where the reader resides. The following is a creative work of fiction, and the characters or incidents described do not resemble any persons or events in the real world. Comments are always welcome and serve to inspire my work.
Author's Note: I have revised this story considerably since the story was first published in 2011 and added many additional chapters changing the direction of the plot and expanded the characters in the story. The first chapter will seem familiar to those who have read the original, but after that, the similarities end. Tags: Medical embarrassment, ENM, Public Nudity, CFNM, CPNM of both genders.
As a naïve fourteen-year-old in Junior High, I wanted to try out for the track team as well as the cross-country team. I loved to run and I was pretty fast. Coach gave me the requisite forms a parent had to sign along with a sports physical packet that had to be completed by my doctor in order for me to play. Getting my mom’s permission was the easy part. The sports physical, as I soon found out, was a catastrophe. Though I hadn’t been to a doctor in several years I just assumed that this check-up would be a snap.
Since time was of the essence and my regular physician was booked up for days, my mom decided to take me to one of those walk-in clinics which don’t require an appointment. The clinic was located in a strip-shopping center near my home. It wasn’t very big but it sure was busy on the day we arrived. My mom signed me in at the registration desk and explained to the clerk why we were there. The waiting room was packed and there weren’t many empty seats so I stood as my mom took one of the last remaining chairs. We waited well over an hour and my mom was growing increasingly impatient and irritable and “irritable” isn’t strong enough word to describe her mood. Finally, a young nursing assistant came out and called my name – “Daniel Harkins?”
I acknowledged her and began walking towards the open door that led to the back when I noticed my mom following me. “That’s okay mom,” I said as I turned to block her way. “I rather go alone.”
Perhaps it was the stress of waiting so long in such a noisy and crowded room that set her off, but for the first time in quite a while she snapped back flippantly, “I don’t think so, young man!” The entire waiting room got quiet and all eyes were looking at us as she forcibly grabbed my arm and escorted me to the back area as the young lady led the way.
The assistant could plainly see how uncomfortable I was. Upon entering the examining room, she paused thoughtfully and then mercifully spoke up in my defense, “Mrs. Harkins, I understand completely your desire to be here and to speak with the doctor but, well, as you can imagine these things can be a little, embarrassing for a boy his age. Besides the usual things, a sport’s physical requires a mandatory hernia check and I was just thinking, wouldn’t it be better if you waited outside?”
“Nonsense!” my mom replied firmly. “I’m his mother. You’re crazy if you think I’m leaving him alone.”
The assistant nodded her understanding, led us down the hall to a small exam room and instructed me to remove all my clothing and began rummaging through a cabinet. “Hold on Daniel,” she said as I reluctantly removed my T-shirt. “I need to get some more paper gowns - the cabinet is empty in this room.”
“Oh, for heaven’s sakes, he’s just a boy!” my mom bellowed out. “Let’s just get on with it. We’ve been waiting way too long as it is!”
“BUT MOM,” I pleaded in vain! The stern scowl on her face was enough to make me hold my tongue.
“As you wish, Mrs. Harkins,” the pretty assistant replied as she looked at me with empathy. “Go ahead and get undressed, Daniel, I’ll be right back.” She then left the room for a few moments. I just stood there dumbfounded staring at my mom.
“Go on, get a move on,” my mom instructed as she motioned with her hand for me to continue.
My mom hadn’t seen me without clothes in several years and it was almost incomprehensible that she was acting this way. I knew better than to cross her, however, as she wasn’t one to put up with insolence of any kind or there would be hell to pay. I had gotten down to my white cotton briefs when the assistant returned. I was sure she was going to let me stay in them until the doctor arrived but my mom insisted I finish undressing so as not to prolong this ordeal any longer than necessary – a command that seemed to surprise even the assistant.
Finally, I stood there naked totally embarrassed in front of these two women as the assistant began running through the school’s form asking all sorts of questions about childhood diseases and my immunization record. The assistant was facing me and had her back to my mom who was sitting in the corner next to the door. Even though she asked me the questions as she looked at me, my mom was answering everything for me. All I could do was stand there, exposed, while looking rather stupid. Every now and then the young girl looked up from her clipboard and smiled. I wondered what she was thinking as she glanced at my body. I hadn’t matured as much as some of the boys in my class – I didn’t even have pubic hair yet. I felt her smile was an indication that she found that amusing for a boy my age. Looking back, I’m sure she was just trying to be kind, but at the time it was quite humiliating.
Finally, she finished and instructed me to go over to the scale across the room so she could weigh me. I no sooner had taken my first step when the door opened suddenly and there stood another young girl dressed in scrubs. “Oh . . . sorry, please excuse me,” she said as she looked me over with a funny grin. I just stood there in the middle of the room staring at the intruder. “Cindy, do you know if we have any more flu vaccine? I can’t seem to find any and we have a patient that needs to be inoculated.” Cindy, my nursing assistant, indicated she was sure she saw a new shipment somewhere that had come in earlier that morning and left hurriedly with her coworker to try and locate it.
Unfortunately for me as she left and pushed the door closed behind her, it didn’t completely shut. In a matter of moments, the door began to slowly open revealing the corridor. I was about to ask my mom to reach out and shut it when a well-dressed lady which I assumed to be another patient passed by and peered in my room. Seeing me naked, she paused outside the door and she too smiled. My mom was oblivious to all this as she sat in her chair reading her stupid magazine that she had brought with her from the waiting room. The lady winked at me and walked on. I was about to jump on the exam table and draw my legs up to cover myself when the nursing assistant returned. “Sorry about that,” she said apologetically. “Now let’s get you weighed.”
After the usual taking of measurements, she informed me she needed a urine sample to test for banned substances – something the school required of all athletes according to the form. She handed me a specimen cup with my name on it which caused my mom to raise an eyebrow.
“Oooohh no,” I protested. “I’m not peeing in front of my mom!”
My remark caused the nursing assistant to chuckle. “You don’t have to, silly,” she said as she put her arm around me and prodded me towards the door. “There’s a bathroom right across the hall. Just bring the specimen cup back with you as soon as you’ve finished.
I was so relieved not to have to fill the cup in front of them that I was outside in the corridor closing my door when I first realized my state of undress! I scurried to the lavatory opposite my room and to my horror it was locked. “Just a minute,” a voice called out from inside. The room was occupied!! My first instinct was to run back across the hall to my room but the fear of my mom’s impatience with all this made me think she would just insist I provide the sample in front of them to save time – which something I was not prepared to do. I had no choice but to stand there in the back corridor naked, hoping whoever was inside would hurry up.
A couple of clinic workers rounded the corner and gave me some rather odd looks as they passed by, but neither said anything. Seeing the cup in my hand I guessed they figured out what I was waiting for. I then heard the toilet flush and the door quickly opened. A classmate of mine, Beth, came out of the bathroom wearing a paper grown came out, stopped abruptly after seeing me standing there without clothes. She looked at me for a moment, smiled and said, “Hi, Daniel!” she said excitedly as she looked me over. “What are you doing here?”
“I, uh, I’m, getting a sports physical for school.” I quietly stammered out while looking at the floor. All I wanted to do was get into that room and close the door but she was blocking the entry.
“I see. . .” she said with a grin. “What sport are you trying out for?”
“Well, Coach Jenkins asked me to try out for the track team. I’m a pretty fast runner, you know. I, ah, don’t mean to be rude but I’m naked here and I’d like to get to the bathroom if that’s okay.”
“Oh certainly.” She said playfully as she stepped aside. “I hope you make the team.”
I just nodded my head waiting for her to completely get out of my way. She eventually left down the hall and I dashed into the lavatory shut the door. What a disaster. This will be all over the school by tomorrow.
I filled the cup. I was so nervous it took me a while to get my stream started. All I could think of was a girl my age just saw me naked! I was so embarrassed! Eventually though, I started to pee and when I was through, I realized I would have to once again cross the hall. I decided just to act as if this was all normal and just do it without thinking too much about what I was actually going to do.
I took a deep breath and opened the door and ran right into Megan Abernathy – another girl from my class at school! I could have just died as she spotted me! I had such a crush on her but she hardly even knew I existed.
“Daniel??” she asked as she looked at me not believing the sight before her. The smile on her face will be etched in my memory for as long as I live!
I didn’t wait to give her an answer. I dashed across the hall leaving her to wonder if it was really me and re-entered the room practically slamming the door once I was inside. I nervously handed the cup to the assistant, who thanked me and began writing some things on the form.
My heart was racing a mile-a-minute as the thought of running into Megan ran through my mind. What was she thinking about me right now?
“Daniel? Are you okay?” my mom asked me with obvious concern. “You’re as pale as a ghost.”
“I’m fine!” I snapped back flippantly without offering any explanation. Having to re-tell my encounter to the two of them wasn’t something I wanted to do just then.
The rest of the exam went rather well. The doctor was an older man, and although he seemed a bit surprised to find me sitting on the exam table naked, he chatted with my mom and carried on in a most professional manner which did wonders to calm my nerves. He signed off on my form and told me to have fun on the track team.
I couldn’t get dressed fast enough and I didn’t say a word to my mom the entire way home. I just sat there and stewed over what had just happened.
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Re: Mom Doesn't Get it
Mom Doesn't Get It - Part 2
By: Hooked6
At school the next day there was a lot of giggling in the hallways from girls as I passed by between classes but no one really said anything. I guess it could have been worse. I was absolutely sure Beth, or Megan or both, told all their friends about seeing me naked at the clinic. Amazingly, I survived the next few days without incident and let it go.
Later that week I talked with my dad about it and he seemed to be very empathetic. I could always talk with my dad about things. And I was glad that he seemed to be so approachable in this case. He told me that he was sure my mom didn’t understand how embarrassing her presence was to me. “She’s a woman and she just doesn’t get it,” he explained. He was sure that as I was growing up so fast, she was just having a hard time letting go.
“You know son,” he said as he was leaving, “To your mom, you’ll always be her little boy no matter how old you are. Just try and understand she meant no harm and don’t let it bother you. I’ll have a word with her when the time is right.” I thanked him and figured the incident was surely closed.
The following year I was now 15 and a freshman in High School and was persuaded by my new coach to join the Junior Varsity Cross Country team. The coach had my stats from my Junior High competitions and was eager to have me try-out and gave me the required forms and rules. All those horrible thoughts of my sports physical the previous year returned when my mom drove me to the same clinic for my exam. The only thing that kept me from saying anything was my father’s words, “I’ll have a word with her . . .” After all I was older now – fifteen, in fact, so I was sure mom wouldn’t treat me like a kid anymore. I kept reassuring myself that things would be different this year.
As luck would have it, the same nursing assistant, Cindy, came out and called my name. “Back for another sport’s physical I see,” she said as she glanced at my form. I wasn’t surprised that she remembered me after my unusual encounter the previous year. I then became aware of my mom standing next to me.
“Not this time, mom,” I said politely trying to sound mature and sophisticated.
My mom just sighed and said rather loudly causing the entire waiting room to look up, “Don’t be ridiculous, son. You haven’t got anything I haven’t already seen many times before.” I couldn’t believe she said that in front of the entire waiting room!! I was so embarrassed I just wanted to get out of sight and I quickly followed Cindy back to the exam room. It was pointless to try and argue even though I was furious. It would just make matters worse in the long run. Besides, I was too shy to try and argue with her in front of all those people.
Cindy acknowledged my mom and then looked at me once again. I could sense her empathy for my situation but I could also tell she wasn’t about to challenge her. “Well, Daniel,” she said with resignation, “You know the drill. Go ahead and get undressed. I’ll be back in a minute.” She then left without even offering me a gown. She either must have forgotten or just assumed it was pointless after what happened last time. Maybe she was just afraid of my mom like I was.
When I got down to my underwear, my mom waved her hand indicating for me to continue. This time my shame was heightened as I now had matured considerably since the previous year sporting hair on my chest, armpits, and pubic area – albeit it wasn’t a lot of hair, it was an outward sign that I wasn’t a little kid anymore and I was proud of it. Of course, there were other changes to my body too as you can well imagine, but I won’t go into that.
Cindy came into the room just as I meekly slid my undershorts off my ankles. “I see you’ve grown a little since last year,” she remarked as she looked me over. She then continued as before going over the routine questions and, like last time, with my mom answering every one of them for me like I was still a little kid. How embarrassing.
I knew what was coming next as I saw Cindy reach into the overhead cabinet and remove a package containing a urine specimen cup. She opened the package, took out the cup, placed a label with my name on it onto the cup and held out her hand to me with the specimen container. “I guess you know what this is for,” she said with a smile.
“I remember,” I replied sheepishly. As I reached out to take the cup, I noticed Cindy’s face abruptly change from her polite smile to one of surprise or make that eye-opening astonishment.
Looking down, I discovered that I was now sporting an erection! Lately, I always seemed to have one of those – for no apparent reason most of the time. I couldn’t help it and once I got one, they seemed to hang around for a while. Ignoring the specimen cup being offered me, I immediately covered myself as my face turned beet-red. I wanted to just die.
Cindy, noticing my reaction and embarrassment said, “Maybe you should put on your Jockey shorts before going across the hall.”
My mom never looking up from her magazine flippantly snapped, “Just get on with it, already. I have things to do and that will just be a waste time. He’s only a little boy and this IS a medical office. Nobody will care.”
Little boy?! I am fifteen sporting a boner and a patch, albeit sparse amount, of pubic hair! What was wrong with her? From the tone of her voice, however, I knew she was serious and decided to just leave before she looked up and saw my condition. There was no telling what she would do if that happened.
I took the cup from Cindy who was now smiling again and opened the exam room door.
I made the same naked jaunt across the hall to provide a specimen only this time, as if they had been forewarned, I stumbled into the path of SIX office workers – all female mind you, in the corridor. They watched as I made my way across the hall. I had to remove my covering hand from my crotch in order to open the lavatory door as my other hand was grasping the cup, thus exposing my excited state to the workers who were still watching me intently. After entering the bathroom, I closed the door as fast as I could and gave a sigh of relieve.
Due to my boner, I wasn’t able to immediately urinate. It took me some time and a lot of thinking about stupid things for it to go down before filling the container. I sealed the cup and peaked out the door and noticed the workers were still there for some reason! I was already late getting back so I decided just to scurry back to the exam room. I swore I heard some giggling as I opened the exam room door, having to uncover myself as I still had the cup in my other hand, once again exposing myself to the crowd. At least this time I wasn’t hard.
“What took you so long?” My mom asked me as if I had been up to something.
There was somebody else in the bathroom and I had to wait my turn,” I replied hoping she believed me but my blushing probably made her suspicious.
Just then the doctor finally came in and went about his usual business of listening to my chest, looking in my ears, feeling my neck for swollen lymph nodes, etc. Of course, during his examination my mom was no longer interested in her magazine. She was very interested in watching everything the doctor did answering the odd questions from him for me as before as if I couldn’t talk for myself.
When he had me stand up for my hernia check her face was right there even with my junk as he did the “turn my head and cough,” bit.
“Is everything alright down there, doctor?” she asked as he was feeling around each of my testicles making sure there were no lumps or swelling.
“Everything seems fine, Mrs. Harkins. Just as it should be. Are you worried that something is wrong?”
“Well . . .” my mom asked hesitantly. “Two things actually.”
‘Oh, yes? Ask away.”
“Daniel, seems, well . . . somewhat small down there for his age and he is only now developing hair, you know, between his legs so to speak.”
I saw Cindy reach up to her face to cover her growing smirk which caused me to blush all the more.
The Doctor cleared his throat. “You see, Mrs. Harkins, boys tend to mature at different rates. Some enter puberty early while others enter puberty later. Your son is a little later than most but is progressing nicely.” He then looked at my chart and then back at me and asked, “Daniel. Why did you need this physical, again?”
I cleared my throat a bit and was about to reply when my mom once again answered for me, “He needs it for Cross Country running on the school team. My son is an impressive runner and trains all the time. He ran Track and Cross-Country running last year for his Junior High team and plans on running for his high school team.”
“Well,” the doctor said, “That’s it then. Athletes, especially runners often have slower onset of puberty and the effects of this are often slow in progressing. It’s not just males either. Female runners often have delayed periods and smaller breast development. But it all evens out in the end. Their bodies often use the energy they take in to support their muscles in their respective sports rather than their reproductive systems. Nothing to worry about I assure you.”
“Then why were you spending a longer time examining his right testicle than his left. I noticed you were furrowing your brow as you were examining that side.”
“Was I?” He said looking at my mom. “Well, Daniel has a small lump on the top of his testicle but . . .”
“OH NO!! Is it cancer? I was reading about testicular cancer in that magazine I picked up in your waiting room just now.”
“It’s not cancer, Mrs. Harkins. He has a small cyst in the head of the epididymis that . . .”
My mom interrupted, “The what?”
“Let’s just say it is part of the scrotum that sits on top of the testicle that helps to produce sperm and some often backs up temporarily forming a small cyst. Sometimes they go away; sometimes they don’t but they are nothing to worry about.”
“Where is this lump? I want to feel it for myself,” My mom demanded.
“Very well,” he said and using the fingers on his right hand, he localized the lump and then using his left hand, guided my mom’s fingers to that very spot then removed his hands altogether as my mom felt around by herself.
I felt myself start to get hard but was able to control it somewhat by looking at the doctor.
“Does that hurt, Daniel?” my mom asked cautiously.
“No. I didn’t even know I had anything down there.”
My mom felt around some more then shocked me by moving on to the left testicle and making sure there wasn’t anything over there she needed to ask about.
“I feel the difference,” my mom said finally standing up. “How often should that be checked?”
“I’ll keep on eye on it every time he comes into the office to be sure there are no changes.” The Doctor said.
I felt quite happy with the doctor’s answer and was fairly confident that this wasn’t a big deal. That is until he added, “Of course, if you are worried or think this little cyst is growing, just give me a call.”
“Oh, don’t you worry about that, doctor. I will be keeping an eye in it and I will call you right away if things seem to be changing. What did you call it, again?”
“Well, the technical term is a Spermatocele – a cyst-like mass containing sperm remnants but like I said, it really is nothing to worry about.”
I got dressed as Cindy and my mom watched.
The physical was completed without further incident and we left with my forms for the school signed. “See you next year,” Cindy said cheerfully as she opened the door to the waiting room. I was sure I was the highlight of an otherwise dull and tedious day for all of them at the clinic.
I later learned that several of the guys on the team felt that their moms didn’t respect their privacy as much as they respected the privacy of their sisters – whether the sisters were younger or older than the boys didn’t matter. It seemed that girls were afforded a different standard when it came to modesty.
At least I wasn’t alone in that regard.
By: Hooked6
At school the next day there was a lot of giggling in the hallways from girls as I passed by between classes but no one really said anything. I guess it could have been worse. I was absolutely sure Beth, or Megan or both, told all their friends about seeing me naked at the clinic. Amazingly, I survived the next few days without incident and let it go.
Later that week I talked with my dad about it and he seemed to be very empathetic. I could always talk with my dad about things. And I was glad that he seemed to be so approachable in this case. He told me that he was sure my mom didn’t understand how embarrassing her presence was to me. “She’s a woman and she just doesn’t get it,” he explained. He was sure that as I was growing up so fast, she was just having a hard time letting go.
“You know son,” he said as he was leaving, “To your mom, you’ll always be her little boy no matter how old you are. Just try and understand she meant no harm and don’t let it bother you. I’ll have a word with her when the time is right.” I thanked him and figured the incident was surely closed.
The following year I was now 15 and a freshman in High School and was persuaded by my new coach to join the Junior Varsity Cross Country team. The coach had my stats from my Junior High competitions and was eager to have me try-out and gave me the required forms and rules. All those horrible thoughts of my sports physical the previous year returned when my mom drove me to the same clinic for my exam. The only thing that kept me from saying anything was my father’s words, “I’ll have a word with her . . .” After all I was older now – fifteen, in fact, so I was sure mom wouldn’t treat me like a kid anymore. I kept reassuring myself that things would be different this year.
As luck would have it, the same nursing assistant, Cindy, came out and called my name. “Back for another sport’s physical I see,” she said as she glanced at my form. I wasn’t surprised that she remembered me after my unusual encounter the previous year. I then became aware of my mom standing next to me.
“Not this time, mom,” I said politely trying to sound mature and sophisticated.
My mom just sighed and said rather loudly causing the entire waiting room to look up, “Don’t be ridiculous, son. You haven’t got anything I haven’t already seen many times before.” I couldn’t believe she said that in front of the entire waiting room!! I was so embarrassed I just wanted to get out of sight and I quickly followed Cindy back to the exam room. It was pointless to try and argue even though I was furious. It would just make matters worse in the long run. Besides, I was too shy to try and argue with her in front of all those people.
Cindy acknowledged my mom and then looked at me once again. I could sense her empathy for my situation but I could also tell she wasn’t about to challenge her. “Well, Daniel,” she said with resignation, “You know the drill. Go ahead and get undressed. I’ll be back in a minute.” She then left without even offering me a gown. She either must have forgotten or just assumed it was pointless after what happened last time. Maybe she was just afraid of my mom like I was.
When I got down to my underwear, my mom waved her hand indicating for me to continue. This time my shame was heightened as I now had matured considerably since the previous year sporting hair on my chest, armpits, and pubic area – albeit it wasn’t a lot of hair, it was an outward sign that I wasn’t a little kid anymore and I was proud of it. Of course, there were other changes to my body too as you can well imagine, but I won’t go into that.
Cindy came into the room just as I meekly slid my undershorts off my ankles. “I see you’ve grown a little since last year,” she remarked as she looked me over. She then continued as before going over the routine questions and, like last time, with my mom answering every one of them for me like I was still a little kid. How embarrassing.
I knew what was coming next as I saw Cindy reach into the overhead cabinet and remove a package containing a urine specimen cup. She opened the package, took out the cup, placed a label with my name on it onto the cup and held out her hand to me with the specimen container. “I guess you know what this is for,” she said with a smile.
“I remember,” I replied sheepishly. As I reached out to take the cup, I noticed Cindy’s face abruptly change from her polite smile to one of surprise or make that eye-opening astonishment.
Looking down, I discovered that I was now sporting an erection! Lately, I always seemed to have one of those – for no apparent reason most of the time. I couldn’t help it and once I got one, they seemed to hang around for a while. Ignoring the specimen cup being offered me, I immediately covered myself as my face turned beet-red. I wanted to just die.
Cindy, noticing my reaction and embarrassment said, “Maybe you should put on your Jockey shorts before going across the hall.”
My mom never looking up from her magazine flippantly snapped, “Just get on with it, already. I have things to do and that will just be a waste time. He’s only a little boy and this IS a medical office. Nobody will care.”
Little boy?! I am fifteen sporting a boner and a patch, albeit sparse amount, of pubic hair! What was wrong with her? From the tone of her voice, however, I knew she was serious and decided to just leave before she looked up and saw my condition. There was no telling what she would do if that happened.
I took the cup from Cindy who was now smiling again and opened the exam room door.
I made the same naked jaunt across the hall to provide a specimen only this time, as if they had been forewarned, I stumbled into the path of SIX office workers – all female mind you, in the corridor. They watched as I made my way across the hall. I had to remove my covering hand from my crotch in order to open the lavatory door as my other hand was grasping the cup, thus exposing my excited state to the workers who were still watching me intently. After entering the bathroom, I closed the door as fast as I could and gave a sigh of relieve.
Due to my boner, I wasn’t able to immediately urinate. It took me some time and a lot of thinking about stupid things for it to go down before filling the container. I sealed the cup and peaked out the door and noticed the workers were still there for some reason! I was already late getting back so I decided just to scurry back to the exam room. I swore I heard some giggling as I opened the exam room door, having to uncover myself as I still had the cup in my other hand, once again exposing myself to the crowd. At least this time I wasn’t hard.
“What took you so long?” My mom asked me as if I had been up to something.
There was somebody else in the bathroom and I had to wait my turn,” I replied hoping she believed me but my blushing probably made her suspicious.
Just then the doctor finally came in and went about his usual business of listening to my chest, looking in my ears, feeling my neck for swollen lymph nodes, etc. Of course, during his examination my mom was no longer interested in her magazine. She was very interested in watching everything the doctor did answering the odd questions from him for me as before as if I couldn’t talk for myself.
When he had me stand up for my hernia check her face was right there even with my junk as he did the “turn my head and cough,” bit.
“Is everything alright down there, doctor?” she asked as he was feeling around each of my testicles making sure there were no lumps or swelling.
“Everything seems fine, Mrs. Harkins. Just as it should be. Are you worried that something is wrong?”
“Well . . .” my mom asked hesitantly. “Two things actually.”
‘Oh, yes? Ask away.”
“Daniel, seems, well . . . somewhat small down there for his age and he is only now developing hair, you know, between his legs so to speak.”
I saw Cindy reach up to her face to cover her growing smirk which caused me to blush all the more.
The Doctor cleared his throat. “You see, Mrs. Harkins, boys tend to mature at different rates. Some enter puberty early while others enter puberty later. Your son is a little later than most but is progressing nicely.” He then looked at my chart and then back at me and asked, “Daniel. Why did you need this physical, again?”
I cleared my throat a bit and was about to reply when my mom once again answered for me, “He needs it for Cross Country running on the school team. My son is an impressive runner and trains all the time. He ran Track and Cross-Country running last year for his Junior High team and plans on running for his high school team.”
“Well,” the doctor said, “That’s it then. Athletes, especially runners often have slower onset of puberty and the effects of this are often slow in progressing. It’s not just males either. Female runners often have delayed periods and smaller breast development. But it all evens out in the end. Their bodies often use the energy they take in to support their muscles in their respective sports rather than their reproductive systems. Nothing to worry about I assure you.”
“Then why were you spending a longer time examining his right testicle than his left. I noticed you were furrowing your brow as you were examining that side.”
“Was I?” He said looking at my mom. “Well, Daniel has a small lump on the top of his testicle but . . .”
“OH NO!! Is it cancer? I was reading about testicular cancer in that magazine I picked up in your waiting room just now.”
“It’s not cancer, Mrs. Harkins. He has a small cyst in the head of the epididymis that . . .”
My mom interrupted, “The what?”
“Let’s just say it is part of the scrotum that sits on top of the testicle that helps to produce sperm and some often backs up temporarily forming a small cyst. Sometimes they go away; sometimes they don’t but they are nothing to worry about.”
“Where is this lump? I want to feel it for myself,” My mom demanded.
“Very well,” he said and using the fingers on his right hand, he localized the lump and then using his left hand, guided my mom’s fingers to that very spot then removed his hands altogether as my mom felt around by herself.
I felt myself start to get hard but was able to control it somewhat by looking at the doctor.
“Does that hurt, Daniel?” my mom asked cautiously.
“No. I didn’t even know I had anything down there.”
My mom felt around some more then shocked me by moving on to the left testicle and making sure there wasn’t anything over there she needed to ask about.
“I feel the difference,” my mom said finally standing up. “How often should that be checked?”
“I’ll keep on eye on it every time he comes into the office to be sure there are no changes.” The Doctor said.
I felt quite happy with the doctor’s answer and was fairly confident that this wasn’t a big deal. That is until he added, “Of course, if you are worried or think this little cyst is growing, just give me a call.”
“Oh, don’t you worry about that, doctor. I will be keeping an eye in it and I will call you right away if things seem to be changing. What did you call it, again?”
“Well, the technical term is a Spermatocele – a cyst-like mass containing sperm remnants but like I said, it really is nothing to worry about.”
I got dressed as Cindy and my mom watched.
The physical was completed without further incident and we left with my forms for the school signed. “See you next year,” Cindy said cheerfully as she opened the door to the waiting room. I was sure I was the highlight of an otherwise dull and tedious day for all of them at the clinic.
I later learned that several of the guys on the team felt that their moms didn’t respect their privacy as much as they respected the privacy of their sisters – whether the sisters were younger or older than the boys didn’t matter. It seemed that girls were afforded a different standard when it came to modesty.
At least I wasn’t alone in that regard.
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Re: Mom Doesn't Get it
Mom Doesn’t Get it - Part 3
BY: Hooked6
When reached home, I went to my room down the hall to finish my homework and mom busied herself on the phone taking to who knows who like she always did this time of day.
I finished my homework and told mom I was going for a jog for an hour around the neighborhood to get in shape for the tryouts the following week and then grab a bath to soak my muscles before dinner.
The run was good and I felt that I hadn’t lost any of my muscle tone over the summer. I was sure that after a few more days of training I would do really well at the tryouts. I took a quick shower to clean up after my run then filled bath with hot water and a tablespoon toning salts like my trainer had instructed me the previous year, and after making sure the salts had completely dissolved in the warm water, got in the tub and laid back.
I must have fallen asleep in the tub as the next I think I heard was my mom talking to someone in the living room. I had no idea how long I had been sleeping and I decided that I needed to get up and get dressed before . . .
Just then the door opened and in waltzed my mom and my next-door neighbor, Angela. She was a gorgeous college student studying something or another and had always gotten along with my mom.
“Oh good,” my mom said as she looked down on me still soaking in the tub. “This will make things easier.”
“MOM!” I exclaimed quickly trying to coverup down below. “I’m taking a bath!”
“I know, dear, but this will only take a minute.” My mom then grabbed hold of my arm, the one I was using to cover myself, and starting hauling me up into a standing position.”
“MOM!!” I exclaimed again, “What are you doing? Can’t this wait? If you need my help with something, I’ll be done in a minute.”
I looked over at Angela, who had now completely entered the room and was looking at me not quite knowing what to do.
“You see, son,” my mom explained, “I was telling our neighbor here about your mass on your testicle and I wanted her opinion about it.”
“HER opinion? What for? She’s not a doctor or a nurse. What good can she do?”
“Well . . . she’s in college. She must know something about these things.”
I looked over at Angela and she had the look of empathy on her face but clearly, she was going to go along with what ever my mom wanted.
Mom slapped my hands away from my scrotum and told me to put them behind my back and leave them there. “This won’t take long once I find it again. Now just hold still.”
She then started carefully feeling around my right testicle for several minutes then announced with pride, “I FOUND IT! It is right here.” Angela bent down looking at the area my mom had lightly pinched between her two fingers studying it silently and every few moments she tilted her head as if to get a better look at it from another angle.
“Go ahead and get a feel of it.” She instructed as she let go of my right testicle and stepped back allowing our neighbor to step in.
Angela took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Sorry about this, Daniel. I am sure this must be awkward for you but I am going to check out the area your mom is concerned about. If I hurt you, don’t be shy, okay, just feel to let me know right away.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I replied with my voice trembling.
Angela bent down farther so that she could get a better look. I could smell her heavenly perfume wafting up from her as she positioned herself to be comfortable. She ended up on her knees and I could feel her breath on my penis every time she exhaled. Then I felt the soft touch of her fingers against my testicle as she roamed around. It was at that moment that I instantly got a full erection.
Angela noticed and looked up into my eyes and gave me a gentle smile. “Sorry” she said softly as if only talking to me. “I am afraid that was my fault. Don’t worry about it. That happens sometimes. It is nothing to be ashamed about.” Her smile got bigger as she looked at me making sure I was okay then she went back to work.
In a few minutes I started to leak pre-cum as she explored both testicles with her soft touch. She looked up at me again and grinned but said nothing further as she stood up.
“I see the area you are concerned about on the right. What did the doctor call it?”
“Oh, hold on.” My mom replied. “I wrote it down. I will be right back.” She then ran out of the room leaving me alone with our pretty neighbor.
Like an idiot I just stood there naked with and hands behind my back and a very embarrassing and oh-so-hard penis leaking pre-cum right in front of her. I felt like an idiot.
“So, Daniel, I am impressed.”
What did she mean? Did she like my cock? Was she impressed that I ran track at my high school? I was sure that no matter what I said, I was sure to make myself look like an idiot. “Um . . . Thank you, I guess.” I replied looking down at the floor again.
“You should be pleased. It is not every boy who would let a virtual stranger examine him just because his mother insisted on it. I am sure that it must have been very humiliating to just stand there and endure all that. I believe that you know your mother is a law unto herself and can be very persuasive at times. I am also positive that you also know that I had no idea what in the world I was doing or what I was looking for and for that, my friend, I am sorry to have had put you through that. But, as I said, you know your mother.”
“Oh . . . um . . . It was okay, I guess. You are right about my mom always getting her way and I am also sorry about my um . . . that is my . . . boner, I mean erection.”
Angela chuckled a bit and, “That’s okay. Just between you and me, I rather enjoyed looking at it and I took at as a compliment. Erections are normal and happen all the time. I wouldn’t worry about it.”
I must have turn three shades of red when she said that. I was normally a rather shy guy under the best of circumstances, but now I wanted to crawl under a rock.
Just then I heard hurried footsteps heading towards the bathroom and my mom entered the room holding a crinkled-up piece of paper. “I found it.” She announced as she handed the paper to my neighbor. “I don’t know how he pronounced it. It’s Latin I think, or some $50-dollar medical term, but that’s what he called it.”
My neighbor took the paper, gave a knowing glance at me, and then proceeded to dutifully study the document. After silently pondering the paper giving it the seriousness that she thought it deserved, she looked up and said, “Well, I’m afraid I am not sure about the seriousness of this abnormality but I know it has something to do with sperm production – maybe sperm backing up into the duct or something.”
“Well, THAT doesn’t sound good! I KNEW it was a serious problem and that doctor was just putting me off so he could get on with his next patient.”
As my mom was mumbling something or another – half to the room and half to herself, I was startled by the unmistakable sound of the front door opening down the hall. “Yoohoo! Anyone home? It’s just me.”
“Come on in. We’re back here,” my mom shouted unconcerned that she just directed who ever it was back to where her son was standing completely naked in the bathtub, with a hard-on that wouldn’t seem to go away.
Just then Mrs. Cradock, who was another friend of my mom’s came rounding the corner and entered the bathroom along with her daughter who went to my school! Mrs. Cradock was nothing but a busy-body in my opinion as she always knew everybody’s business. What my mom saw in her was beyond me.
“Hello, Caroline,” Mrs. Cradock called out. “I came as soon as I could.” She the spotting me standing there like a nude Greek statue and remarked, “Well, it must be serious, then.” she said in a consequential tone as her daughter, Amy, giggled a little.
My mom proceeded to tell her friend everything as her daughter looked on.
“Mind if I take a look?” she finally asked after my mom finished talking.
Without waiting for an answer. The old biddy wormed her way in and unceremoniously grabbed hold of my junk and groped around – not gently either. As I let out a little whine at the discomfort that she was causing me, she let go, turned to my mom and matter-of-factly announced, “Yep. Cancer, alright. No doubt about it. Big painful lump on the testicle. Best get that taken out right away.”
“That’s what I thought but his doc said it was nothing to worry about it.”
Angela mercifully stepped in and said, “It’s not cancer. It’s a spermatocele. Here’s what the doctor wrote down.” She then handed the paper to the know-it-all busy body.
It was then that I noticed that Amy, my classmate, had her phone out and it was pointing right at me! “MOM! Don’t let her take pictures of me naked! Tell her to delete those pictures now!”
“I’m not taking pictures of you, you moron. I’ve seen better cocks than yours. Anyway, I was looking up Spermatocele. It says here that it is:
Blockage in the epididymis: specifically in the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles; A spermatocele is a fluid-filled cyst that develops in the epididymis, the tube that stores and transports sperm from the testicles, thought to be caused by a back-up of (blah, blah, blah). Here we go, it says -Spermatoceles are usually painless and benign, meaning they are not cancerous. They can, however, cause infertility.”
“Back-up, huh?” my mom said pondering what Amy had read.
“Sounds like ol’ Daniel has a bad case of blue balls,” Amy said laughing. “I think he had better find himself a willing girlfriend and start draining those puppies before he can’t have any children.”
The women all laughed at Amy’s remark as I started fuming.
“What do you know, anyway. You’re not a doctor.” I snapped angrily.
The old Biddy pipped up and said, “I’ll have you know my daughter is an honor student – straight “A’s” as a matter of fact.”
Amy stuck out her tongue and said in a snarky tone, “And one of those A’s was in sex education and another in Biology. I happen to know, for your information, that failure to frequently ejaculate not only can cause a spermatocele but it can also lead to an enlarged prostate making it almost impossible for you to pee. If you don’t believe me, look it up. Wearing tight clothing, like your dirty briefs on the floor over there, can also cause infertility.”
“That’s not true and you know it.”
“Well . . .” Angela interrupted cautiously, “I DO know that my dad has an enlarged prostate and he has a dickens of a time urinating. He has to pee all the time and it usually dribbles out when he does. He also says he often goes to the bathroom and five minutes later he feels like he is about to burst again for some reason. Sometimes on a long trip, he has to wear a diaper because he can’t get to a bathroom in time and can’t stop himself from peeing. When I was researching my dad’s condition, I did read a recent study that said frequent ejaculation can help prevent prostate cancer.”
“Yes, I know that is true. Ladies at my stylist’s shop talk about prostate problems their husbands are having all the time,” Mrs. Cradock added.
Angela asked in a soft and very concerned voice, “Daniel, do you have any trouble urinating?”
“No,” I immediately replied. “No, trouble at all.”
“How about when you . . . you know, play with yourself? Do you have any trouble shooting your semen? Does it hurt at all when you do that?”
I turned beet red again and sheepishly said “No! And I don’t play with myself, either! I only know that because I wake-up from wet dreams occasionally and, you know, find that I ejaculated.”
My mom looked like she had one of those cartoon light bulbs over her head like they do when the characters had a great idea.
“Well, that’s the problem then! I KNOW my son doesn’t fool around with girls as I told him he had to save for when he ever gets married.”
Everyone chuckled a bit at that – especially Amy who down right laughed!
My mom cleared her throat bringing the room to order and continued, “My son is a virgin and he doesn’t play with himself so that must be it. With all his hormones raging as they do in all boys his age and get no relief, I think he needs regular drainage before he does himself damage down there.”
“I think that is a reasonable idea and it certainly won’t hurt and might even help.” Angela said giving me a wry smile.
“How often should he do it?” my mom asked the women. “I was thinking at least once a day.”
Angela laughed out loud. “If Daniel is anything like my boyfriend, who is an average red-blooded college guy, he will probably need at least twice maybe three times a day. You already know he probably isn’t doing it at all so far, hence the back-up and the spermatocele.”
“Humph,” Mrs. Cradock snorted. “He won’t do anything we tell him to do. I can already tell he is a shy boy and will probably just cloister himself in his room and just say he did it whatever required times you tell him. If he was a normal, horny teenager, he would have been rubbing himself off already without any demand from us.”
“Good point. Suggestions anyone?” My mom asked.
Amy got this wild look on her face. “I would be glad to volunteer to make sure he does it at least three times a day. I am with him at school most of the day and I just live up the street. I can arrange a schedule and make sure he actually does what he is supposed to do. In fact, I can even get a couple of my girlfriends to join in and we can all keep an eye on him.”
“What a great idea!” both my mom and Mrs. Cradock said almost simultaneously.
“You can even check to be sure he isn’t wearing any tight-fitting clothes at the same time.” Mom added.
“But . . . You can’t be serious! I can do this myself. I won’t cheat. Please mom!”
“Why don’t you finish your bath and then dry off and come out to the living room. In the meantime, the rest of us will work out how this will happen and we will go from there. Sorry about interrupting your bath. Take as much time as you need to clean up. Just leave your clothes in here and come out as you are. Let’s go girls. We’ve got work to do.” With that they all left leaving me to wonder what in the heck just happened!
BY: Hooked6
When reached home, I went to my room down the hall to finish my homework and mom busied herself on the phone taking to who knows who like she always did this time of day.
I finished my homework and told mom I was going for a jog for an hour around the neighborhood to get in shape for the tryouts the following week and then grab a bath to soak my muscles before dinner.
The run was good and I felt that I hadn’t lost any of my muscle tone over the summer. I was sure that after a few more days of training I would do really well at the tryouts. I took a quick shower to clean up after my run then filled bath with hot water and a tablespoon toning salts like my trainer had instructed me the previous year, and after making sure the salts had completely dissolved in the warm water, got in the tub and laid back.
I must have fallen asleep in the tub as the next I think I heard was my mom talking to someone in the living room. I had no idea how long I had been sleeping and I decided that I needed to get up and get dressed before . . .
Just then the door opened and in waltzed my mom and my next-door neighbor, Angela. She was a gorgeous college student studying something or another and had always gotten along with my mom.
“Oh good,” my mom said as she looked down on me still soaking in the tub. “This will make things easier.”
“MOM!” I exclaimed quickly trying to coverup down below. “I’m taking a bath!”
“I know, dear, but this will only take a minute.” My mom then grabbed hold of my arm, the one I was using to cover myself, and starting hauling me up into a standing position.”
“MOM!!” I exclaimed again, “What are you doing? Can’t this wait? If you need my help with something, I’ll be done in a minute.”
I looked over at Angela, who had now completely entered the room and was looking at me not quite knowing what to do.
“You see, son,” my mom explained, “I was telling our neighbor here about your mass on your testicle and I wanted her opinion about it.”
“HER opinion? What for? She’s not a doctor or a nurse. What good can she do?”
“Well . . . she’s in college. She must know something about these things.”
I looked over at Angela and she had the look of empathy on her face but clearly, she was going to go along with what ever my mom wanted.
Mom slapped my hands away from my scrotum and told me to put them behind my back and leave them there. “This won’t take long once I find it again. Now just hold still.”
She then started carefully feeling around my right testicle for several minutes then announced with pride, “I FOUND IT! It is right here.” Angela bent down looking at the area my mom had lightly pinched between her two fingers studying it silently and every few moments she tilted her head as if to get a better look at it from another angle.
“Go ahead and get a feel of it.” She instructed as she let go of my right testicle and stepped back allowing our neighbor to step in.
Angela took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Sorry about this, Daniel. I am sure this must be awkward for you but I am going to check out the area your mom is concerned about. If I hurt you, don’t be shy, okay, just feel to let me know right away.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I replied with my voice trembling.
Angela bent down farther so that she could get a better look. I could smell her heavenly perfume wafting up from her as she positioned herself to be comfortable. She ended up on her knees and I could feel her breath on my penis every time she exhaled. Then I felt the soft touch of her fingers against my testicle as she roamed around. It was at that moment that I instantly got a full erection.
Angela noticed and looked up into my eyes and gave me a gentle smile. “Sorry” she said softly as if only talking to me. “I am afraid that was my fault. Don’t worry about it. That happens sometimes. It is nothing to be ashamed about.” Her smile got bigger as she looked at me making sure I was okay then she went back to work.
In a few minutes I started to leak pre-cum as she explored both testicles with her soft touch. She looked up at me again and grinned but said nothing further as she stood up.
“I see the area you are concerned about on the right. What did the doctor call it?”
“Oh, hold on.” My mom replied. “I wrote it down. I will be right back.” She then ran out of the room leaving me alone with our pretty neighbor.
Like an idiot I just stood there naked with and hands behind my back and a very embarrassing and oh-so-hard penis leaking pre-cum right in front of her. I felt like an idiot.
“So, Daniel, I am impressed.”
What did she mean? Did she like my cock? Was she impressed that I ran track at my high school? I was sure that no matter what I said, I was sure to make myself look like an idiot. “Um . . . Thank you, I guess.” I replied looking down at the floor again.
“You should be pleased. It is not every boy who would let a virtual stranger examine him just because his mother insisted on it. I am sure that it must have been very humiliating to just stand there and endure all that. I believe that you know your mother is a law unto herself and can be very persuasive at times. I am also positive that you also know that I had no idea what in the world I was doing or what I was looking for and for that, my friend, I am sorry to have had put you through that. But, as I said, you know your mother.”
“Oh . . . um . . . It was okay, I guess. You are right about my mom always getting her way and I am also sorry about my um . . . that is my . . . boner, I mean erection.”
Angela chuckled a bit and, “That’s okay. Just between you and me, I rather enjoyed looking at it and I took at as a compliment. Erections are normal and happen all the time. I wouldn’t worry about it.”
I must have turn three shades of red when she said that. I was normally a rather shy guy under the best of circumstances, but now I wanted to crawl under a rock.
Just then I heard hurried footsteps heading towards the bathroom and my mom entered the room holding a crinkled-up piece of paper. “I found it.” She announced as she handed the paper to my neighbor. “I don’t know how he pronounced it. It’s Latin I think, or some $50-dollar medical term, but that’s what he called it.”
My neighbor took the paper, gave a knowing glance at me, and then proceeded to dutifully study the document. After silently pondering the paper giving it the seriousness that she thought it deserved, she looked up and said, “Well, I’m afraid I am not sure about the seriousness of this abnormality but I know it has something to do with sperm production – maybe sperm backing up into the duct or something.”
“Well, THAT doesn’t sound good! I KNEW it was a serious problem and that doctor was just putting me off so he could get on with his next patient.”
As my mom was mumbling something or another – half to the room and half to herself, I was startled by the unmistakable sound of the front door opening down the hall. “Yoohoo! Anyone home? It’s just me.”
“Come on in. We’re back here,” my mom shouted unconcerned that she just directed who ever it was back to where her son was standing completely naked in the bathtub, with a hard-on that wouldn’t seem to go away.
Just then Mrs. Cradock, who was another friend of my mom’s came rounding the corner and entered the bathroom along with her daughter who went to my school! Mrs. Cradock was nothing but a busy-body in my opinion as she always knew everybody’s business. What my mom saw in her was beyond me.
“Hello, Caroline,” Mrs. Cradock called out. “I came as soon as I could.” She the spotting me standing there like a nude Greek statue and remarked, “Well, it must be serious, then.” she said in a consequential tone as her daughter, Amy, giggled a little.
My mom proceeded to tell her friend everything as her daughter looked on.
“Mind if I take a look?” she finally asked after my mom finished talking.
Without waiting for an answer. The old biddy wormed her way in and unceremoniously grabbed hold of my junk and groped around – not gently either. As I let out a little whine at the discomfort that she was causing me, she let go, turned to my mom and matter-of-factly announced, “Yep. Cancer, alright. No doubt about it. Big painful lump on the testicle. Best get that taken out right away.”
“That’s what I thought but his doc said it was nothing to worry about it.”
Angela mercifully stepped in and said, “It’s not cancer. It’s a spermatocele. Here’s what the doctor wrote down.” She then handed the paper to the know-it-all busy body.
It was then that I noticed that Amy, my classmate, had her phone out and it was pointing right at me! “MOM! Don’t let her take pictures of me naked! Tell her to delete those pictures now!”
“I’m not taking pictures of you, you moron. I’ve seen better cocks than yours. Anyway, I was looking up Spermatocele. It says here that it is:
Blockage in the epididymis: specifically in the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles; A spermatocele is a fluid-filled cyst that develops in the epididymis, the tube that stores and transports sperm from the testicles, thought to be caused by a back-up of (blah, blah, blah). Here we go, it says -Spermatoceles are usually painless and benign, meaning they are not cancerous. They can, however, cause infertility.”
“Back-up, huh?” my mom said pondering what Amy had read.
“Sounds like ol’ Daniel has a bad case of blue balls,” Amy said laughing. “I think he had better find himself a willing girlfriend and start draining those puppies before he can’t have any children.”
The women all laughed at Amy’s remark as I started fuming.
“What do you know, anyway. You’re not a doctor.” I snapped angrily.
The old Biddy pipped up and said, “I’ll have you know my daughter is an honor student – straight “A’s” as a matter of fact.”
Amy stuck out her tongue and said in a snarky tone, “And one of those A’s was in sex education and another in Biology. I happen to know, for your information, that failure to frequently ejaculate not only can cause a spermatocele but it can also lead to an enlarged prostate making it almost impossible for you to pee. If you don’t believe me, look it up. Wearing tight clothing, like your dirty briefs on the floor over there, can also cause infertility.”
“That’s not true and you know it.”
“Well . . .” Angela interrupted cautiously, “I DO know that my dad has an enlarged prostate and he has a dickens of a time urinating. He has to pee all the time and it usually dribbles out when he does. He also says he often goes to the bathroom and five minutes later he feels like he is about to burst again for some reason. Sometimes on a long trip, he has to wear a diaper because he can’t get to a bathroom in time and can’t stop himself from peeing. When I was researching my dad’s condition, I did read a recent study that said frequent ejaculation can help prevent prostate cancer.”
“Yes, I know that is true. Ladies at my stylist’s shop talk about prostate problems their husbands are having all the time,” Mrs. Cradock added.
Angela asked in a soft and very concerned voice, “Daniel, do you have any trouble urinating?”
“No,” I immediately replied. “No, trouble at all.”
“How about when you . . . you know, play with yourself? Do you have any trouble shooting your semen? Does it hurt at all when you do that?”
I turned beet red again and sheepishly said “No! And I don’t play with myself, either! I only know that because I wake-up from wet dreams occasionally and, you know, find that I ejaculated.”
My mom looked like she had one of those cartoon light bulbs over her head like they do when the characters had a great idea.
“Well, that’s the problem then! I KNOW my son doesn’t fool around with girls as I told him he had to save for when he ever gets married.”
Everyone chuckled a bit at that – especially Amy who down right laughed!
My mom cleared her throat bringing the room to order and continued, “My son is a virgin and he doesn’t play with himself so that must be it. With all his hormones raging as they do in all boys his age and get no relief, I think he needs regular drainage before he does himself damage down there.”
“I think that is a reasonable idea and it certainly won’t hurt and might even help.” Angela said giving me a wry smile.
“How often should he do it?” my mom asked the women. “I was thinking at least once a day.”
Angela laughed out loud. “If Daniel is anything like my boyfriend, who is an average red-blooded college guy, he will probably need at least twice maybe three times a day. You already know he probably isn’t doing it at all so far, hence the back-up and the spermatocele.”
“Humph,” Mrs. Cradock snorted. “He won’t do anything we tell him to do. I can already tell he is a shy boy and will probably just cloister himself in his room and just say he did it whatever required times you tell him. If he was a normal, horny teenager, he would have been rubbing himself off already without any demand from us.”
“Good point. Suggestions anyone?” My mom asked.
Amy got this wild look on her face. “I would be glad to volunteer to make sure he does it at least three times a day. I am with him at school most of the day and I just live up the street. I can arrange a schedule and make sure he actually does what he is supposed to do. In fact, I can even get a couple of my girlfriends to join in and we can all keep an eye on him.”
“What a great idea!” both my mom and Mrs. Cradock said almost simultaneously.
“You can even check to be sure he isn’t wearing any tight-fitting clothes at the same time.” Mom added.
“But . . . You can’t be serious! I can do this myself. I won’t cheat. Please mom!”
“Why don’t you finish your bath and then dry off and come out to the living room. In the meantime, the rest of us will work out how this will happen and we will go from there. Sorry about interrupting your bath. Take as much time as you need to clean up. Just leave your clothes in here and come out as you are. Let’s go girls. We’ve got work to do.” With that they all left leaving me to wonder what in the heck just happened!
- Trundle
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Re: Mom Doesn't Get it
Absolutely LOVE this.
Please tell me we're getting a chapter 4??
I can't wait to see how Amy "monitors" the poor boy.
Please tell me we're getting a chapter 4??
I can't wait to see how Amy "monitors" the poor boy.
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Re: Mom Doesn't Get it
I hope he gets denied masterbation and ends up with multiple prostate milkings per day!
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Re: Mom Doesn't Get it
It's pure female solidarity. The head of the gang is the boy's mother. The one who benefits the most is Amy. She will use this opportunity ruthlessly until the end. Good luck to you Amy!
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Re: Mom Doesn't Get it
Fantastic work. I hope we get to see prolonged forced nudity while at home and for him to refuse to masturbate for them so they are "Forced" to make him orgasm themselves. If that happens this story will become my favorite of yours, without question, and easily my top 5 favorite stories of all time. 

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