Birthday Treatment_New January 29

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Birthday Treatment_New January 29

Post by TeenFan »

Birthday Treatment
Chapter 1. Ancestry Won't Go Away

Renato Ribisi di Bernardone is not a name one expects to find for an American who is a teenager growing up in Colorado. Renato is
obviously of Italian descent, though he only knows enough of the Italian language to not make a fool of himself ordering at a fancy restaurant and follow along with a Federico Fellini film. Growing up as a typical American living in the suburbs, Renato never cared for the cliches and
sometimes negative portrayals of Italians in Hollywood movies. He doesn't even look Italian, his ancestry coming from the northern part of the country where the majority of the population is as snowy white as the French and Germans who live just on the other side of the massive mountain range known as the Alps.

His name is way too long, and it doesn't have a cool flow to it the way Leonardo DiCaprio just rolls easily off the tongue, so for a number
of years he has been going by the name Reno. Reno is a nice, short but cool American name that fits with the image of the old west
and cowboy culture. Once he is grown up, Reno thinks he might officially change his last name from Bernardone to Bernard. At least he
would have a name easier for others to say, and the Saint Bernard dog is not a bad thing to have one's name associated with. Those wonderful
dogs many a time helped rescue lost skiers on the slopes of the mountains in Colorado as well as back in the old country.

Reno's grandmother, or nonna, called Italy the "Old Country". Grand-nonna, as the family members all called her, was born just after the big
bad war devastated Italy. When Reno was young he loved to listen to grand-nonna as she recalled how rough life was from the end of the war up
to around 1960. She then described how it became like an economic miracle, a new Rennaissance time as the country finally caught up with the
rest of the West in a modern 20th Century. Grand-nonna met and married an Italian-American who was in the US Army. She joined her husband in marriage and officially became a US citizen after he was re-located to the States, and that is how the Bernardone Family got started in America.

When Reno got to the age of being in his first year in High School, such tales of Italy no longer were so valued. All those stories are way back
in the past. It's all about the future now.

Many years after becoming an American, having left her relatives behind but not forgotten, nonna Bernardone passed away. Two bouts with
Covid stole a few years or maybe a decade off her life. Reno the grandson is fully Americanized and has no intentions of focusing on and other places to explore one's heritage. Being American is all he cares about. Those interesting stories his nonna told him were just that...stories about an age gone by. Or that is what Reno used to think, when suddenly things got interesting when nonna's sister came over for a visit from the "Old Country", to check on how the American branch of the family was faring. Reno got to meet some distant relatives both in distance in travel time and distance on the Family Tree.

Reno didn't hardly know anything about his Great-Aunt, besides what nonna could say about life in the 1950s and 60s. Seeing on old woman
walk down from the airplane terminal to the luggage claim with her son was expected. Seeing several grandchildren in tow was a most
unexpected development, as Reno's parents were not informed that three kids were coming as well. For Reno, the main surprise was seeing
the tall and stunning looking teenage girl in a tennis outfit, the rough and rugged looking teenage boy in soccer clothes, and the younger
boy who was dressed up in an expensive looking suit with coat, slacks, and tie like he's a little mobster from "The Godfather".

After greetings, and lots of kisses on both sides of the cheeks, Reno gets another dose of surprises when he is informed the Great-Aunt and
her son will be getting a room at a hotel, but the three grandchildren will be staying at his house.
Last edited by TeenFan on Wed Jan 29, 2025 5:59 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Birthday Treatment

Post by Jeepman89 »

This looks very promising.
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Re: Birthday Treatment

Post by TeenFan »

It will be my Birthday in two days. I'm only 21 by the way, but don't ask to see my birth certificate. I'll only show you a photo of a really studly
young dude like I do at all those dating sites.... oops, I'm getting to be too much like Pepper the Elf, talking too much. Scratch that. I don't
stalk hot college chicks online...never did, ha ha. There was only that one time, and she turned out to be a guy in drag....oops, there I go
again. Never mind.
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Re: Birthday Treatment

Post by TeenFan »

Birthday Treatment
Chapter 2. Eavesdropping Host

After the hurried greetings at the airport, Reno had to help get three sets of luggage into the trunk of the sedan. Fortunately the three Italian
kids packed lightly, only one small suitcase for each of them. It's in the middle of summer, and the weather is consistently warm even in the
Colorado Springs area. No need to pack bulkier winter clothing.

Fortunately, the three Italian kids speak English a lot better than Reno does Italian. As the introductions are being made, Reno can't help
himself, as he spends much of that time glancing at Vittoria's legs. She is the same height Reno is, making her around Five Foot Nine inches,
and her artistically shaped legs are incredibly long for a girl. Smooth, lightly tanned, with thick curved calve muscles that make Reno
wonder how strong her leg scissors would be if she were to wrestle him. Reno felt a twitch down in his shorts, annoying but not exactly
noticeable, not if it stays under control.

Reno got to know the names and some of the interests of his unexpected guests on the drive from the airport. The tall girl turns out to be the
same age as Reno, both of them being fifteen years old. Her name is Vittoria, and her hair is the color of caramel, a mix of light brown with red. Vittoria's eyes are even lighter brown, like a buttercream filling in a chocolate. Reno found himself smitten immediately by her lovely features
and sweet sounding voice and that voice did say she wanted to go pro as a tennis professional. The older teen is Lorenzo, and he is sixteen years
old. Lorenzo has more of a strong and stocky body where his sister is lithe and graceful. The older boy's hair is a darker brown and his skin tone is also a couple shades darker than the sister. All Lorenzo wants to talk about is where the best places to ski are, even though there won't be any activity in that department until the snows set in around October. The youngest one is Ciro, and he is skinny as a rail, and his interesting choice of stylish suits is limited to the one suit he has on. The rest of his clothes are typical shorts and shirts and swimsuits. Swimming and diving is what
floats Ciro's boat. Ciro must use a lot of sunscreen, as his skin is lily white with hair that looks like he stole the shade from a sunflower. Ciro is
twelve years old, and his blue eyes are something he immediately pointed out to Reno and the other relatives, saying "I got the only blue eyes in
the family."

During the ride to the house from the airport, Reno is in the back seat with Lorenzo on one side of him and Vittoria on the other. He is wearing
casual type shorts that have a button up fly. With three people on the seat, Reno's right leg presses against the tanned and muscular leg of Vittoria
and the left leg presses against Lorenzo's even more tanned thigh. As the car moves and turns their legs make occasional soft touches. It is arousing to say the least. Being in contact with just about any girl would cause some level of excitement, and this Vittoria is no regular girl.

The first thing Reno's distant cousins do at his house caught him by surprise. Once their suitcases were piled on top of the bed in Reno's
bedroom, the three of them all trotted off to go into the bathroom...together. Reno had never seen teenage boys and girls go into a bathroom
as a group. Sure he's seen groups of girls go into a bathroom, cause that is where girls do their gossiping and dirty deeds planning. When more
than one boy steps into a bathroom it is coincidental that both of them had to pee at the same time. To see two boys and a girl step into the
same bathroom was quite a shock.

'Maybe they are talking about me', Reno thinks to himself. 'Maybe they think my house is a dump'.

Reno stepped up to the closed bathroom door to put an ear to it. Sure enough, the three of them are speaking in Italian, and with it being
muffled by the closed door, Reno can't get much out of what he hears. Reno is again caught by surprise when he hears two separate loud piss
tinkles into the toilet. It's the sound of a boy urinating, two times, and that must mean these Italian kids are comfortable enough with their
sister to pee in front of her.

Reno couldn't imagine such a thing, to pull out one's penis and pee in front of a girl. Even if it is a sister it would seem weird. But still, it
would be kinky and erotic. Suddenly a mental image entered Reno's brain. He imagined himself opening the bathroom door and walking in.
In this vision it is only Vittoria in the bathroom, and she is standing in front of the sink as she does her makeup. She is looking into the mirror
when he walks in, but Vittoria follows Reno with her eyes as he walks behind her.

"I need to pee so bad. You don't mind do you?"

Vittoria only shakes her head "NO".

Reno lifts the top cover and seat of the toilet. His mom insisted the seat and lid stay down when not in use. The water in the bowl is a light
bluish color. Soon it will turn green when the yellow urine adds to the mix of colors. In this daydream, Reno is wearing no zipper shorts, so he
must pull the front down way low to let everything hang out into the open. He lowers it enough that even his balls are nearly all the way visible
to anyone interested in looking.

Vittoria is interested. She turns her body and she glances downward. "Sono impressionato"

Reno knows the meaning of the words: "I am impressed".

For the first time Reno makes the cross language connection of "impressionato" with the English word impression. Reno, with his dick
whipped out is making a big impression with his Second Cousin, Third Cousin, or whatever cousin Vittoria happens to be.

"You know...not every American is brave enough to pee in front of a girl." Reno says in his vision, as the flow rumbles and tinkles loudly in the
bowl. Vittoria doesn't say anything else; she merely gazes longingly and lovingly upon Reno's passion tool. Italians are among the most passionate people in Europe. When they like something they go for it, embracing it totally. That is something Reno learned from his grand-nonna. Italians
are lovers to the max. She said it was no coincidence that Shakespear set his Romeo and Juliette play in an Italian town.

As the last ounces of pee come out, Vittoria turns even more toward him, and reaching down she places her fingers upon the top and bottom
parts of his fairly impressive piece of equipment. "If you don't mind I'll shake it for you."

Of course Reno doesn't mind, and as the penis gets the last drops shaken off, it suddenly thickens and begins to stand up.

"Ti adoro" Vittoria says using her sexy and most sultry whispery voice. "Ti adoro, Romeo."

"I adore you", that is what she said, and to Reno it is as if the beautiful and athletic Vittoria is falling in love with him as she is now rapidly
stroking him.

The bathroom door opens and Ciro steps out. "Really cool bathroom. That is a big mirror. It goes all across the wall. Everybody can see you
urinate from every angle. Ha ha."

Everyone else steps out of the bathroom, and fortunately none of them can see the erection in Reno's shorts, though Ciro did look
down at the hands held in front of the crotch to hide the bulging impression. Ciro grinned, probably thinking that Reno also had to pee in an
urgent fashion. When Vittoria, Lorenzo, and Ciro went down the hallway toward the kitchen, Reno stepped into the bathroom to make the
appearance of needing to pee look authentic. What he really needed to do was wack off...but there wasn't enough time for that.

Reno is amazed at himself. He just met this girl only an hour earlier, and already he is having daydreams and erections about her. 'Jeez...what
is wrong with me?' Reno says to himself as he pulls out his hard dick. At least emptying the bladder will relieve some of the pressure. Hopefully
the wait for it to soften down won't be too long.
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Re: Birthday Treatment_New January 20

Post by TeenFan »

Birthday Treatment
Chapter 3. A Changing is Gonna Come

The next few days were a whirlwind of activities. There was a visit to nonna Bernardone's gravesite. There was a visit to the Arts District where
the Great-Aunt Loretta thought the Hippy-Culture influenced paintings were bizarre, to walking around the largest shopping mall in Colorado
Springs. Uncle Dante thought it was "Overkill" to have so much space devoted to a giant building for clothes or gaming stores. "There should
be a stage for live music next to the food court", the uncle said, and he was flabbergasted to find out that beer and wine can't be sold on the
premises. The third day was spent checking out Pike's Peak, the most well known mountain in Colorado. The uncle wasn't much impressed,
saying "That is not an inspiring peak. Now Monte Bianco is not only the tallest mountain in Italy, but it's the tallest mountain in Europe at
4,800 meters. It's 500 meters taller than Pike's Peak."

For Reno, the three days were filled with moments too dull to remember and exciting ones he would never forget, and none of these moments
were centered around gravesites or mountains. However, the shopping mall proved to be quite interesting. The four teenagers got to walk
around the mall by themselves for the most part. Vittoria seemed especially keen on browsing through the Frederick's of Hollywood lingerie

Reno had never been inside a lingerie store before. His parents waked right on by it whenever they shopped at the mall. Reno would stand
just outside the door, or gaze longingly at the scantily clad mannequin women in the window. He didn't dare go inside, not by himself.

In the lingerie store, most of the merchandise is for the ladies. The place does have some colorful boxers and briefs, and other such
items for the guys, but the best stuff is devoted to showing off the curves and assets found on the body of a woman with a slim body. Vittoria
has such a wonderfully slim and athletic body and Reno thought and actually said out loud, "I think Vittoria should try some of these on, and
model them for us," as he held up a small satin red pair of shiny panties. Red and Pink are the predominant colors among the merchandise.

"Match that with this," Lorenzo says, as he holds up a tiny white lace bra that is practically see through.

Vittoria laughs and the sound of it is heartening and soothing in its cadence. When that girl laughs it's music to Reno's ears. The girl's next
words cut through like a knife.

"I'll wear that, my dear brother. But I get to choose something for each of you to put on. And yes, you have to step out here to show me...
right here where everyone can see you. Are you brave enough my brothers? Are you brave enough dear cousin Reno?"

Each of us said we would be willing to try something on. Vittoria went first. She takes the panties and bra, disappears into a changing
cubicle. Only the lower portion of the leg is visible to those sitting on chairs in the lobby, only those gorgeous and perfectly shaped calves
can be seen from Reno's vantage point. A moment later the cubicle door swings open and out walks Vittoria and her body is stunning. The
breasts have barely any coverage, and what there is covered can be partly seen, the material is more like several thickness of a stocking.

Reno felt a stirring down below when he sees the darkened shapes of Vittoria's nipples through the sheer material of the bra. He can tell the
nipples are more impressive by how they rise up to fine points like a mountain peak rather than width. The flatness of her tummy is like a vast plain that lies before the twin peaks, like how the great plains of the eastern half of Colorado meet the mountains half on the western side. The hips on the girl are not very wide. Her legs and hips show how the elite athlete body for a female is more straight than on regular girls.

Vittoria stepped out into the open of the lobby, and she walked over to stand in front of the three chairs where the boys sit. She enchanted
them with her spin around and sway the body moves. Reno sits silently, mesmerised as Vittoria's two brothers clap and vocally show their
appreciation of the show. The butt is barely covered at all, the curves more rounded and firm than Reno could have guessed or imagined.
All that running around on the tennis court has turned Vittoria's fifteen year old body into a divine. It was so much like watching
a stripper show, without the stripping part or the pole. The music that played over the ceiling speakers is a nice 80s pop song that Vittoria
could dance along to.

Other men in the store quickly noticed the young teenager showing most of her wares which were on display but not for sale. If Vittoria
was on sale, she would most likely have fetched a fine price paid for by one of those older men. Even the other women in the store stopped
to watch. Still dancing while walking, Vittoria backed away from the chairs. Once in the dressing cubicle again, the sight of lower legs all there
is to see as the girl got dressed.

"That was a great performance," Reno says, when Vittoria reemerged back in her original clothes which were another tennis style outfit.

Vittoria smiles and does a cute curtsy, then she gets to business. After telling the three boys to keep their eyes closed, Vittoria steps over to the MEN section and she goes through it. It didn't take long for her to make her choices. Coming back to the waiting area where the boys sit, Vittoria keeps the items hidden behind her back. However, she did yank something off a Women's section rack. Reno knows these things because he
kept his eyes open just a teeny bit.

"Okay...I got the things for you guys to wear."

"What if the other guys get scared and they won't do it?" Lorenzo asks, pointing at both Ciro and Reno.

"You first Ciro. Get undressed completely. Pass your clothes under the door to me. Only then will I give you the item. You'll have to come
out and show us. You won't get your clothes back until you do."

Ciro enters the cubicle, and a minute later the clothing exchange is done. Reno can't see what it was that got passed underneath the door.
Vittoria comes back to the waiting area, sits down with her younger brother's clothes in her arms.

When the twelve year old exited the cubicle, the boy has on cute white boxers that have red kissy lips all over them. Ciro does his walk to
the chairs, spins around, wiggles his hips. With Ciro being so young, and thin, the boxers barely stayed on him. Ciro had to keep one hand on the waistband to keep them from falling down. Everyone including the customers and staff laugh at the mostly innocent sight. Ciro gets his clothes
and he returns to the cubicle.

" go next."

Same thing happens again, an exchange of clothes. When the older brother comes out, he is wearing a small women's bathrobe. It's so short
on him all of the leg is bare. The pink robe is held down in the front by Lorenzo to keep anything from showing underneath. When he turned
around to present his backside to the seated audience, Vittoria grabs the back bottom of the robe. She lifts up on it, revealing a much whiter
shade of pale full moon. Lorenzo pulls away, but not before a round of applause goes up from a group of ladies gathered nearby. The grown
men have moved on, but the modeling show of young dudes is attracting the attention of others.

After the return of Lorenzo from changing, there is only one more model to go. "Okay, Reno. Step in there and give me your clothes."
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Re: Birthday Treatment_New January 21

Post by Trundle »

Can't wait for this impromptu fashion show from Reno.

I'm sure nothing will go wrong and he won't get embarrassed... :D
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Re: Birthday Treatment_New January 21

Post by TeenFan »

Birthday Treatment
Chapter 4. A Change is Gonna Come, part Two

Reno normally didn't care much for shopping, not even at the mall. His fashion sense is basically blue jeans and t-shirts when it is warm, blue
jeans and long sleeve plaid style or western shirts in the winter. Most of the stores in the large mall in Colorado Springs he'd never stepped
foot into, and definitely not a women's focused store such as Frederick's of Hollywood.

Shopping for clothes with his distant cousins from Italy was turning out to be loads of fun. Reno already had a bit of a crush on Vittoria, and
seeing her clad only in a tiny white lace bra, paired with silky red panties, and he found shopping for clothes to be the best entertainment in
town. Seeing the tall, tennis bodied Vittoria showing so much skin was quite the turn on. Seeing her perky tits and dark, raised up nippies barely
concealed by a thin layer of lace was mesmerizing, and totally erection inducing.

Seeing young Ciro wearing a red lips kisses boxers was humorous, and seeing the older Lorenzo get his butt exposed while wearing a short short
girl's bath robe was a total riot. Even other customers in the store clapped and cheered when Vittoria lifted up the back of the robe.

Then it was Reno's turn.

"Okay Reno, step in there and give me your clothes."

Reno stands up, and he confidently walks past Vittoria. He steps into the changing cubicle, and slowly he lets the door close. The door has a
lock bolt, and Reno immediately slides the bolt into the slot. He's not going to take the chance that door might swing wide open just as he gets
out of his clothes. Looking down, one thing that concerned him is the size of the gap under the door. Maybe a foot and a half of open space
there is between the door and the floor. Anyone could come along, get down on their knees, then peer underneath the door. Reno will have to
be quick about changing...except he has nothing to change into. He won't get his article of clothing until after he passes his clothes underneath
the door to Vittoria, all of them.

Off go the shoes and socks. Off goes the shirt and jeans he has on. Standing in boxers, Reno gets a fit of shivers running through him. Maybe
he feels the cool airconditioned air coming from the vent overhead. Maybe the idea of walking out into the lobby, wearing whatever it is that
gets handed to him, and knowing that whatever it is will be embarrassing, maybe fear is making him shiver.

"Come on Reno. What's taking so long?"

Dang it, that voice sounded so close. Of course it did, she is standing just outside the door. She won't leave until this exchange is done.

Feeling one more tremble in his body, Reno slides the boxers down his legs. Gathering up all the clothes he passes them underneath the door.
For several seconds nothing happens. It is long enough that Reno begins to panic. What if Vittoria doesn't give him anything to put on? What
can he do if she walks away with his clothes, leaving him naked inside the changing cubicle? Would his three cousins leave the store, leaving
him behind to deal with the store clerks when somebody demands use of the changing room?

A hand comes through the gap under the door, holds a small item of some kind. The first thing Reno sees is the color red. Taking the
item from Vittoria's hand, Reno holds it up. What he sees makes his heart sink. It's some kind of thong. All there is in the front side is a pocket
of material connected by a strap on the top. There are no leg straps. ... ccf13.jpeg

Reno can't believe his eyes. The thing in his hand would be a funny joke if he wasn't already naked inside this cubicle. The material is so
much nothing it hardly has any weight. Holding it up, Reno can see right through it. It's some sort of thong, red in color, and it looks like
a net.

"No fucking way. A fish-net thong. I'm not going out there wearing this."

Reno was talking to himself, but the cousin beyond the door heard him, as she replies, "You want your clothes back you must put that on.
Model it for me and my brothers and you get your clothes back."
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Re: Birthday Treatment_New January 23

Post by TeenFan »

Birthday Treatment
Chapter 5. Male Model

If Reno's genitals were a floppy fish, he would know what it's like to be caught in a net. The way too skimpy red thong felt like a rope as it slid up
the thighs. As he tucked his junk into the pocket he was immediately concerned by how much he poked outward. The fishnet pattern of
fibrous strands did little to hide the penis and scrotum. French fries in a dunking basket have about as much coverage.

It actually took some time to gather his courage before Reno could bring himself to put the grotesque thong on. Not being a showoff on anything concerning his body, displaying his goods for the cousins to see was scary. Reno isn't ashamed of his body. He's basically a regular, normal looking
guy. But you would never find him walking around his own house wearing only underwear. Reno stuck to basic boring board shorts when he went swimming, shorts that only exposed the leg from the knees on down.

Walking out into the waiting area of the Frederick's of Hollywood store in the most horrifying choice he could have been handed, it's a nightmare.
This is possibly worse than walking out there while wearing a jock strap. A jock would leave the ass exposed more, mainly the crack of the ass,
but the penis and balls would be concealed behind solid white cotton material.

There is a mirror inside the dressing cubicle, and in it Reno can see himself from head to toe. One glance was enough for him to regret making
the deal with Vittoria. She really set him up, even though it was his idea to get his cousin to model those red silky panties. Reno started it, his cousin one-upped him, raised the stakes, and like a fish he fell for it hook, line and sinker. There is one terrible truth remaining, that he isn't getting his clothes back until the thong is modeled out in the waiting area.

Sliding the bolt, Reno opens the cubicle door. Peering toward the chairs, Vittoria, Lorenzo, and Ciro sit there patiently. Seeing those three
smiling faces was expected. Seeing four or five other ladies standing next to the chairs, with two more having taken the last of the chairs...that
was not expected. As Reno was changing every customer in the area decided to stop their shopping to gather together to watch the last part of
the show. Something good is going on, a onetime only display of cute teens wearing some of the sexy products the store offers, and the women eagerly await the third and final male model to appear. Just as in typical fashion shows, the best is saved for last.

Reno knows he must get this over and done quickly. More people are stopping at the glass front windows to peer inside the store. Two young
female clerks also lurk nearby.

"Move fast. Get it over with," Reno says as he steps out into the bright lights and way too open space of the waiting area. Vittoria and some of
the other ladies clap their hands, or raise their hands over their heads. The music system has been playing hit songs from the 80s. The song
changes to David Bowie's "Let's Dance." As the familiar beat get the gathering crowd revved up to a higher feverish pitch, Reno can hear the
words from David Bowie.

"Let's Dance...Put on your red shoes and dance the blues."

Reno doesn't have red shoes on, but thong can easily be inserted in its place, and Reno is definitely feeling blue.

"Sway through the crowd to an empty space," goes the song. In the open space in front of the chairs, Reno is encouraged to twirl his body around, to shimmy and shake his booty. Hoots and whistles accompany his twists and turns. It feels so alien and weird, knowing so many people are
staring at you with lust in their eyes. Reno tries not to look at their faces...but he can't help himself. He looks at the women...and they like
what they see. They really love it! "That's a hot young thing. I'll buy him if he's for sale," one of the women shouts to a store clerk.

Somehow something totally inexplicable happens. Reno feels himself getting hard. It happens quickly, as the mesh material is not designed
to hold anything in.

"Wow. He is circonciso," Lorenzo says, and Reno might not have caught the meaning of the word, but Cousin Lorenzo was pointing right at the crotch.

Indeed, Reno is in fact circumcised, and this is only too obvious when his hardon stretches outward, pushing the fish netting forward and slightly
upward. The holes in the net expand under the strain, the holes showing just how big a head Reno has on his otherwise normal length dick.
With the unfortunate circumstance of getting a hardon at the worst possible moment, Reno puts an end to his dance. Covering himself as
best he can, Reno reaches out the other hand toward Vittoria.

"Give me my clothes."

Vittoria looks down at herself, then she looks up.

"What clothes? I thought they belonged to the store. I put them back on the shelf or on a rack. They are around here somewhere."

Reno looks at his cousin, wonders how she could be so wicked. Put the clothes back somewhere? Frantically, with haste and hopefully not too
much waste, Reno sprints toward the first rack of clothes in front of him. Must find his clothes. He can't cover up anymore, not if he wants to
quickly sort through the rows of kinky and scanty women's articles.

"That's not fair," Reno shouts as he runs toward a row of shelves on a nearby wall. He notices the number of people coming into the store has
increased, as well as some kids in tow with their parents.

"What kind of a store is this?" some irate dad wants to know, but nobody else seems bothered in the slightest to see a 99 percent naked teenage
boy run around the front area of the store like he's being chased by a giant chicken on a scavenger hunt.

Finally, Reno finds his clothes. Well, most of them. He can't locate his socks and really...he doesn't care about that. He never found his boxers
either. But once he has shirt and jeans and both shoes, Reno races back to the changing cubicle.

On the way back home, all three cousins kept laughing over and over, and kept saying cryptic things about underwear, bare asses, and other
phrases that neither of the parents could figure out a meaning to. Reno was the only one not to say a word during the entire drive back to his
house. Vittoria got him good. She really did. Is there any way he can get some revenge?
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Re: Birthday Treatment_New January 24

Post by TeenFan »

Birthday Treatment
Chapter 6. Improper Showering

Reno wanted to get some payback on each of his cousins, but especially on Vittoria. He found out it would be difficult to humiliate the younger
one, Ciro. Only a couple hours after the shopping mall fiasco, something happened to prove the twelve year old was impervious to embarrassment.

Reno's mom and dad have memberships to a local fitness center. Mrs. Bernardone wanted to show off just how large and impressive the
HARD BODIES facility is, with row after row of workout machines, as well as indoor rooms for handball, basketball, and swimming. The elderly
aunt was most impressed, and even the hard to please Uncle Dante said the variety of equipment was nice, but where was the football (meaning
soccer) practice field. The uncle shook his head in disgust when told there is no soccer practice field. However, Uncle Dante perked up when
the suggestion arose to have all four adults in the party get a massage.

The massages are part of the monthly membership fees, but are an extra charge for guests. The four kids will have to find a way to entertain
themselves while the grownups get a massage treatment.

"No problem. We can all go down to the swimming pool. There are lanes for lap swimming, and there is a kid's section with a nice big slide. I'll
keep an eye on them," Reno said, relishing the moment to be the boss of the kid's group.

Stopping at the fitness center was planned in advance, so the kids were told to be prepared with swimsuits and towels. Down at the locker
rooms, the three boys went into the men's side, and Vittoria went by herself through the women's door.

As Reno and his two male cousins got undressed, Lorenzo paused for a moment to read the rules on a metal sign by the door to the swimming
pool. The first line said: Lifeguard has full authority to remove patrons from pool area. The second line read: Everyone must shower before
entering the pool. As the older Lorenzo read the rules, the younger Ciro suddenly needed to use the bathroom, and he took off to the toilets.

Ciro must have been doing a number two, as he was gone for more than a few minutes. In the meantime, Reno and Lorenzo took a shower. Reno couldn't help but notice how muscular Lorenzo's legs are, as well as the dark hair on the older boy's legs, armpits and his crotch was heavily
forested in comparison to Reno's much less dense patch of pubes. Lorenzo, who is obviously NOT circumcised, said the water needed to be hotter, that it did not compare to the massaging jet stream that came out of showers at the Football practice facilities in northern Italy. Why were these Italian relatives so hard to please?

Reno and Lorenzo stuffed their clothes into a single locker, and then Ciro comes running up. The younger one whips off his briefs undies, tosses
that and everything else into the locker. Ciro is about to put his swimsuit on when the brother stops him.

"The rules say you have to take a shower before getting into the pool."

Reno and Lorenzo are ready to walk out into the pool area, but Reno does not want to leave Ciro by himself in the locker room. Reno points
to the door to the indoor pool area, saying "There is a shower out there you can use. It's just to the right, next to the kiddie pool."

Without putting on his swimsuit, Ciro is the first to go through the door.

Reno expected to see Ciro dash back inside, since he had forgotten to put his suit on first. But as he and Lorenzo exited the locker room, they
could see Ciro, without his swimsuit or his towel, has parked himself under the shower that is right out in the open. Without a care in the world,
without being concerned at all that he is naked in public, Ciro has the hot water turned on and is happily rinsing himself off.

Within moments of Ciro getting into that shower, all the kids and several moms in the kiddie pool see the naked kid. With laughter or open
mouths these kids crowded up against the wall of the kiddie pool nearest the shower. Ciro must have known these people are there, however
he did not seem to care. He must have wondered what the fuss was about, as the boys and girls in the kiddie pool laughed and pointed. Ciro
looks over at the group and all he does is wave a hand.

Reno laughs when he sees this, and he smacks Lorenzo on the shoulder. "American don't walk around naked at swimming pools. He might get
kicked out by the lifeguard."

"You want me to take his suit to him?" Lorenzo asks.

"No...let's just wait this out. See what happens."

For another thirty seconds Ciro gets everything wet, even uses his hands to rub the crotch, much to the delight and cheers of the very young
children watching. Seeing a boy of Ciro's age naked like that must be a first for just about everybody. The moms with small children could
say something, could shout to Ciro that naked showering is not allowed, but none of the moms say anything. Ciro doesn't have any pubic hair,
though his dick is long enough to sway back and forth with his body's movements. His butt and hips are nearly the same tan color as his legs
and chest. From a distance his tight ball sack in not easily visible. The puberty monster hasn't gotten its grips into Ciro's body to any great
extent yet.

Finally, a lifeguard noticed something is amiss, and this male lifeguard blows a whistle. Of course this gets even more people to look in
the direction of the outside shower.

"Hey kid. Get into the locker room or put your swimsuit on!"

Lorenzo holds up his brother's swimsuit. Reno, the older brother, and everyone watching has a good chuckle as Ciro walks over to retrieve his
swimsuit. Putting it on, it finally dawns on the kid that nekkid showering is against the rules, even when a shower is required.

"I guess I did something wrong," Ciro say, but he hardly looks ashamed.

Vittoria then walks up, having seen the final moments of her little brother's naked display. When told Ciro had run off and showered without
asking for more instructions, Vittoria laughed and said, "Ciro doesn't mind being naked. He usually swims without a suit when we rent a boat for
fishing trips in the Adriatic."

As Reno and the cousins get into lap lanes for swimming, Reno wonders what could he do. The young one can't be humiliated so easily. 'Wow...
Ciro embarrassed himself, yet he isn't ashamed at all. I'll have to focus on Vittoria. There must be a way to humiliate her. But what could
that be?'
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Re: Birthday Treatment_New January 25

Post by TeenFan »

Birthday Treatment
Chapter 7. Penis Curiosity

After swimming in the lap pool at the HARD BODIES fitness center, Reno and his two distant cousins did a rinse off in the locker room shower.
Ciro's lack of embarrassment in being naked in a public setting was funny to witness. Ciro's lack of discretion in asking questions proved to be
more problematic.

All three boys are using the same column shower that has five nozzles. As Reno does his rinse off, he notices Ciro is doing a great deal of
staring at him. Reno tries to ignore the younger boy, and he closes his eyes, tips the head back into the shower stream.

"Did it hurt when you got your penis cut?"

Reno opens his eyes, and looking toward Ciro he asks, "What do you mean by cut?"

Ciro stares at Reno's dripping dick. "When you got foreskin sliced off. Did it hurt?"

Reno looks over at Lorenzo. The older cousin only smiles as he shakes his head. Apparently, Ciro has shown such boldness in asking questions
at other occasions and Lorenzo is merely amused by it.

Lorenzo chuckles, then says, "Go can tell him. He asks questions all the time."

Reno is not exactly comfortable talking about this subject. Few boys probably are. "Well, I was too young to remember. Maybe you already
know this, my dad was in the military. He was born on a military base in Texas. My dad is circumcised. When I was a baby I got mine cut. I was
also born at a military hospital. It's just something that is automatically done I guess."

"It looks funny...seeing your big dickhead like that. Did you ever get sunburned on it. I burned my penis once. I spent too much time on deck
the last time we went fishing. I hurt when I had to put my shorts back on."

Dang...that kid ain't embarrassed by nothing. Telling a story about getting a sunburned dick. Reno would never tell anything to anybody like
that. Maybe twelve year olds are just naturally honest about such things, and definitely more curious than older boys seem to be.

* * * * *

For Reno, the question of the penis has been on his mind. The Italian relatives were picked up at the airport on Sunday. Reno has been sharing
his bedroom with the two boys. Lorenzo uses a cot that is placed up against a wall. Reno has been sharing the bed with the smaller Ciro. The
first night Reno went to bed wearing a t-shirt and athletic shorts over his boxers. Ciro stripped off everything, and he jumped into bed in only
tight fitting briefs. On the second night Reno kept the shorts on, but ditched the shirt. On the third night he ditched the shorts and shirt, going
to bed in only the boxers. Over time he's been getting used to having another boy in the bed with him. Fortunately, the little guy didn't snore,
which could not be said for the cousin sleeping on the cot in the corner.

This is now Wednesday night, and it's been the longest stretch of time without jerking off that Reno can remember. Going on four days is
an eternity for any normal horny as hell American boy. Fifteen year old teens are not designed to last that long. Reno is going bat shit crazy,
as he's been having erection issues all the time. It's like his dick is dismayed that it has been ignored for so long.

The time on the digital clock reads 2:22. He's been staring at the clock for almost an hour, hoping that staring at the clock will become so
boring that he'd pass out and drift off to sleep...but no such luck. His dick would get sort of soft, then it would get juiced back up and return
to full stiffness. If only he was alone in this room, he could do what needs to be done.

"Maybe I can just do it?" Reno whispers out loud, and he turns his head to look at the darkened form of Ciro lying next to him. That kid doesn't
snore, but he sure does roll back and forth a lot and kick his legs from time to time. On the second night of getting a knee in the thigh or a
kick to the shin, Reno had considered going to his closet to fetch a necktie to tie Ciro's ankles together.

Ciro hasn't moved at all during the past hour. This will be as good a time as any. Reno reaches down his arm as he curls up his body. Slowly
he removes the boxers. Reaching out from the sheet Reno drops the boxers to the floor. The upper light blanket gets pushed down to around
his knees, and it's only the thin sheet covering him up.

Must be prepared...Reno reaches for the tissue box on the end table next to the clock radio. Pulling out three or four Kleenex sheets, these are
tucked under the edge of the pillow. Everything is set, and Reno stretches out his body full length and he reaches down with the left arm to
grab the persistently throbbing dick. Ciro is lying on his right side, so using the right arm might cause too much motion. The dick is immediately
receptive to the touch of Reno's left hand, which is not his number one jerking hand. The dick twitches in appreciation of the grasping fingers
and the gentle squeeze they apply. Reno strokes himself, his mind getting caught up in the types of fantasies he goes into....

Reno is a boy scout, and he and several other boys are on a mixed campout with a girl's troop. The girls were so cute in their small bikini
swimsuits, as Reno and some other boys got to be the lifeguards at the swimming dock. Later the girls only wore the bikinis to the late night
campfire. Reno and one other boy is there. Somebody had to make and feed wood into the fire to keep those girls from getting chilled
by the night air. The firelight flickers, making the pretty girls look even more dazzling to look at. Tight bare tummies with flickering shadows
from the flames. The girls laugh and giggle. Then it gets later at night and it's time for the girls to go to bed. But the fire is still lit. The fire
cannot be left unattended, that is the first rule of being a responsible fire watcher.

There are only three ways for a fire to go out. One is to pour a bucket of water on it. Second is to wait for the fire to die out on its own.
The third one is to piss on the fire, something boy scouts everywhere have done for ages....but the girls want to go to bed now, and there is
no bucket and the water sources are too far away.

"You have to pee on the fire. Us girls can't do it. You have to do it," says one of the teeny bikini clad girls says.

Reno and his scout buddy, Brian, stand up. As the girls gleefully watch, each boy unzips the zipper of his scout shorts. The other boy has his
dick out first, but the girls are more impressed with what Reno pulls out. The several girls lean closer, the flames making their faces turn red/orange, makes their eyes glow. Reno can feel himself getting harder and longer the moment his pee starts to flow. The fire hisses and steam pours out from the hot burning wood.

"I love scouting," one of the girls says. "I'd be so scared out here without you boys to watch us."
"I like to watch boys play with it," says another.

Reno furiously strokes his dick. He switches over to the right hand, and he continues to jerk as the fantasy takes hold of him. In his mind he
can see himself reaching full size as the pee fizzles out, and since he's already hard there is no need to stop, and he begins to stroke himself
as the girl scouts watch in amazed wonderment.

"Oh...oh...oh" Reno says in his fantasy.
"Oh...oh...oh" Reno also says in reality.

The hard hand jerks are shaking the bed, but Reno doesn't notice that. What he does notice is when there is a sudden shift on the other side
of the bed. Ciro lifts his head up, and rolling over the younger boy places a hand on Reno's right shoulder.

"You doing...what is it called...a jerk on?"

Reno stops his jerking.

'Shit...I woke the little fucker up', Reno thinks to himself. "Ummm....I'm not jerking off. I just had a bad itch. I was scratching myself. Go
back to sleep."

Ciro is not turned away so easily. "I know you jerking with it. Don't lie to me."

That got Reno, a request to NOT be a liar. Since a Boy Scout doesn't lie, then he must tell the truth. " got me. I was doing it. It's
called jerking off, not on."

Ciro sits up all the way. He grabs the sheet and begins to pull it down. "So cool. You show me, right? I want to see you do a masturbate.
My brother won't let me watch. I tried but he won't let me. You show me, okay?"
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