The National Psychiatry Institute

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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NOI Dr. Showmore's balls are drained dry

Post by tim409 »

As Dr. Showmore's TEN's was turned up the girls were fascinated to watch his genitals. Even the older nurses came up to him to watch his genitals a they did this, all without being touched. ... s_400.gifv

Each one of them thought about several males they wanted to do this too. David already had recovered enough to say it was not painful in a real sense but it was more like if you were getting tickled way too much, it was sensory overload and it was focused on both my cock and my balls. Gloria sked him what about now. David said that his balls do ache some from being drained so quickly but overall, he said he thought this treatment would work especially if it was done by young girls and in front of a lot more females. It does show us males that we are not the kingpin. but he does think the real macho males would need several treatments over just day or two.

Gloria said it was a good report but now Dr. Showmore was really showing how much his cock could move with just a little help from a TEN's unit and suddenly after just a few seconds on the high setting, his cock looked like a volcano as it spurted cum a few feet away to everyone's cheers and applauds. None of the many women and girls watching could take their eyes off Dr. Showmore as he showed ALL and he showed what he never showed any of the females here today but he was loving all of them being able to see it today and he thought that he would certainly write this up as a very good treatment plan for macho males.

The women turned to focus on the other naked males in the room and Gloria told them that these men would not get the full treatment but we would stop at their second ejaculation although the good doctor will have his balls pumped dry. As his cock and balls were still moving on their own (with the help of a mild electric jolt every few seconds) some of the women and a couple of the younger girls had to go the the ladies room for new pads as the ones they were wearing got saturated watching the doctor's genitals When they were in the ladies room, one of the techs from supply said she never thought she would see something like this and be able to a naked male get this treatment all with the sanction of the NPI and the hospital. Gloria asked her if she thought it should be done to every misogynistic macho male just like you saw here? Both of the supply techs and the others in the room said absolutely.

After another half hour, the treatments were discontinued and the males were released out of any restraint and all of them stood before all the ladies in the room, all still naked with their hands behind their back for a question and answer period.

Beth asked Dr. Showmore that since he had this treatment himself if he would still recommend it for other males. Dr. Showmore said he still thought it would be a great treatment for any and every misogynistic macho male who thought that males were superior to females.

Gloria asked the same question to everyone that was naked which would include every male in the room and it would exclude any female since the females were all modestly dressed.

When asked if the TEN's unit would be enough stimulation, all the males said no, that stimulation would still be needed by several women or girls and to be more to the point, the females would jerk the guys off. Dr. Showmore also added that it would help of the females and the younger the better would squeeze the balls hard enough and long enough to show that it is our nuts that make us the weaker sex.

To conclude, Dr. Showmore would write a report and asked those present to write a brief report from their point of view on the effectiveness of this treatment and if it should be done in prisons including juvenile detention centers and even schools. He also added that what they all saw here stays here and privacy laws dictate that it does.

To conclude, all the females went to thank the males for showing them how effective this new plan was and of course, the males were all still naked.
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Re: The National Psychiatry Institute

Post by dewey2 »

hope to hear more mabe at the clinic male will just have to stay nake just incase.
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Re: The National Psychiatry Institute

Post by tim409 »

dewey2 wrote: Sun Dec 29, 2024 11:55 pm hope to hear more mabe at the clinic male will just have to stay nake just incase.
Dr. Showmore will show more in "Scarred Stiff" viewtopic.php?t=4540
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Re: The National Psychiatry Institute

Post by tim409 »

If you enjoyed this story, Dr. Showmore shows more in Scared Stiff! (Grant School invited to see a new Treatment

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WORLD NEWS NETWORK Annouces new treatment for macho males

Post by tim409 »

World News Network (the same network that reported on the swimming program at Central School system where they approved of the boys and young men on the swim team to have to swim sans swim wear (for the slow learners, this means naked) while the girls and young women on the team wore modest one piece swim suits and this dress code included at swim meets with a few hundred spectators, mostly young girls. WWN was allowed to cover a semi final meet and actually show the male genitals including close ups of some other semi's and some of the male swimmers equipment was not semi, it was full fledged hard ands sticking up and the WWN viewers at home got to see it ALL on TV. (A female co anchor corrected the speaker and said well they did not see it ALL, as thankfully they could not show ANY private parts of any female so they only saw ALL of the MALES.

Anyway, enough of that, WWN just got word that the NPI has a new treatment for what is called MACHO MALES. males who think that just because they have a penis and testicles they can rule over girls and women and treat them like dirt. (the female anchor said well that should apply to almost everyone that has testicles swinging between their legs. including you often Henry. Henry blushed a bit at that as he was guilty of that behavior often and he said Well Vicky I think you will love this new treatment.

Vicky said well what is it?

Henry said that when they have at least four and up to ten males that need this treatment, they would have them stripped naked with at least 20 and up to 50 girls watching the whole thing. They prefer having young girls as it embarrasses the naked males more than older girls. Henry goes on to say that research shows that naked males behave better when in the presences of clothed girls. Vicky said "Oh I love that research but go on!/

Henry said that having girls nude would work just the opposite and cause both girls and boys to misbehave more especially the boys. Already males make up about 90% of the prison population so this treatment should reduce that number by getting them to behave better before they get into that type of trouble. Vicky asked "so all it takes is to have the males naked? Henry responded "well no. Dr. Showmore, the doctor that discovered this treatment has had it done on himself several times to show that it is save.

Vicky asked what does it entail then? Henry did caution the listening audience that it was about to get quite graphic as we will be showing some of it in action. First Dr. Showmore said it was excessive testosterone that cause the misbehaving. so to put it like he did, the treatment in intended to drain the male of all testosterone. Vicky asked how do they do that? thinking it has to be masterbating the male and do not most males do that themselves quite often? Henry said that they insert a rod into the penis and and a cord around the testicles and attached to a TENs unit which will act like to simulate being jerked off but far more intense and in fact (now those who are watching, this will be very graphic) but it looks like this when they get to the higher settings on the TENs What you are about to see is a penis and testicles moving without being touched and pulsating up and down with the TENs unit sending the surges into the penis. ... s_400.gifv

The research so far shows that even very macho, misogynistic males mellow out greatly with this and it needs to be done in the presence of a lot of young girls or it will not be as effective. The girls also need to be involved in the actual treatment to be fully effective.

To conclude, the NPI has gotten approval to test this treatment in middle and high schools juvenile detention centers and prisons. Since some of these places do not have a lot of young girls handy, they are asking for parents of girls ages 8 to 16 to sign their daughters up to take part in this treatment and to be aware that the males will be naked but they will be restrained. The staff will teach the girls how to insert the rods and how to use the TENs and this is all important for young girls to do since it shows these macho pricks that girls are superior to them and they can control them

Good report Henry and if it works so well, maybe we can demonstrate the entire treatment to the audience on YOU Henry.

Henry said it would be OK as long as it is you inserting the electrode. Vicky said that is exactly why you need this treatment Henry but this is Vicky signing off for WNN.
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Questions for you

Post by tim409 »

Henry said it would be OK as long as it is Vicky inserting the electrode to which Vicky said that is exactly why Henry need this treatment

The question for those reading this,

Should Henry get his wish and be given the Showmore treatment?

Should Vicky be the one doing it?

When and where should it be done?

if the answer is yes should it be done on prime time T or late hours and with our without pixilating the genitals or should it be in private?

Will they need to have girls present ?
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Re: The National Psychiatry Institute

Post by Vader »

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Re: The National Psychiatry Institute

Post by tim409 »

Vader wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 5:53 pm ... 1_250.gifv
Day in the clinic.
I love the image as it shows several girls who are modestly dressed enjoying watch a naked male get shocked cock. Good find. It be a pretty good indication of how much the young girls enjoyed watching several naked males get the showmore treatment.
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