Travis wrote: Embassing Education by Travis
When I was young my dad who was in the army was killed in Iraq. Mom lived with just me and my brother Sam for several years before she met Harry and fell in love with him when I was 15. Harry was also a widower, having lost his wife to some disease. Harry had two daughters Megan who was 14 and Lucy who was 9.
Mom and Harry spent two weeks on their honeymoon before everyone moved in together. I had met Megan and Lucy but had not gotten to know them before we moved into their house. The next day Sam who was 11 at the time and I were told mom and Harry had a meeting they had to go to that day and would be gone all day. As the oldest I expected to be put in charge but was shocked to hear mom say that 9 year old Lucy was in charge and everyone would have to do exactly what she told them without complaint or argument. Megan seemed very much ok with this arrangement but I argued that since I was the oldest it only made sense that I should be in charge. Mom told me that it was already decided and she would be in charge and we were expected to obey exactly no matter how odd her requests were. My attempts to change mom's mind were in vain.
Mom and Harry had just left when Lucy gave her first order. She told Sam and I to get naked. We were shocked and refused, but Lucy insisted and said that our mom had told us to obey her. Megan only smiled and agreed with Lucy. I quickly called mom on my cell as I knew she would side with me over this order which had to be wrong. Boy was I surprised when mom insisted that I obey Lucy as instructed. No amount of my trying to explain her order made any difference, only that I had to obey without question. She made it clear that if we didn't obey we would be punished.
I hung up dejected at the fact that mom must have lost her mind. Lucy again repeated her order that we get naked. Looking at each other we shrugged and finally gave in and took our clothes off. Lucy then explained that it was time for our education and she was going to teach us about our bodies. I laughed at her and asked what qualified her to teach us. She said it was a family tradition to have a family vacation with cousins and such out west where they learned all about boys and girls and as she had been there and we hadn't she would teach us so that we would be ready for the next vacation.
Sam and I just looked at each other and smirked. We were shocked though when Lucy and Megan then got naked themselves. We had never seen naked girls before and this really surprised us. Lucy was prepubescent and had no breasts or pubic hair. We could easily see her slit. Megan though had nicely formed breasts of about medium size. They were perky and kind of pointed, like a cone. She had light pubic hair which was full but not enough to really hide her slit.
Lucy then told us our lessons would start with the boys. She reached over and grabbed my cock to which I jumped and started to rebuke her, but Megan reminded me that I was to obey without question. I tried to relax though which was difficult considering a 9 year old girl was holding my cock. Lucy then told me it was called a penis to which I said, “duh, I know that” Lucy without flinching continued telling us that we should only used the proper names for body parts and not the slang words. She then continued describing each part of my cock, uh, penis and scrotum, also touching Sam’s penis explained the parts and differences as he was also prepubescent. Most of what she said I already knew, but damn, if she did have some things I didn’t know. She did explain about penises when they were soft versus hard. I guess I don’t have to say We were both quite hard with all of the touching. Lucy then explained about male ejaculation and surprised us by saying she was going to get us to ejaculate. I started to complain, but stopped myself when Megan reminded us of our orders.
Megan then produced some lubricant as Lucy and Megan began stroking Sam and I. They took turns going from one of us to another before we climaxed. I shot my load as Megan caught it with a dish. Sam climaxed but did not ejaculate to which Lucy explained that prepubescent boys did not cum. She then talked about sperm, what it was and such. She explained how boys lost their erection after ejaculating.
Next Lucy said it was time to talk about girls. She then began telling us about girl parts. First talking about breasts. She talked about their development and parts, like the areola, etc. We then had to touch both her and Megan. This part didn’t need them to order us again, after a brief hesitation we followed orders.
Next she started talking about the vagina, describing the parts and functions of each. We were required to touch each part as she went along, examining both her and Megan to compare the differences between a prepubescent and a post puberty anatomy. She then told us about what happens with girls when they get aroused through climax and we were required to finger them through climax. While Lucy didn’t, Megan did squirt a little as she climaxed and we were taught about girl orgasms and ejaculation.
We were then told that in their home, which was now ours that everyone was often nude and kids were expected to be nude pretty much all the time. It was also said to be ok for touching and if anyone had a question that they should ask freely.
When mom got home she asked us how our lessons had gone. She then told us to get naked, as we had gotten dressed again as they pulled into the garage, not fully understanding what Megan and Lucy had told us. After the initial shock and embarrassment we learned to be ok naked. We were also told to move our stuff into the same bedroom with the girls as we would be all sharing the same room. We baulked at this but the girls seemed ok with it and went to help move our things. Rooming with the girls was in the beginning a real experience. Watching when Megan started her period really made us uncomfortable at first but Megan wasn’t bothered by us watching her put in her tampons, she even insisted that we watch and learn just un case we had daughters in the future and might have to teach them as their father had with her.
Travis wrote: Embarrassed Clean by Travis
About a week after our lesson we were getting ready to go somewhere. Megan had just gotten into the shower and as I had learned she was never quick in her showers started complaining about this. We inly had one bathroom in the house so I was stuck waiting. When I began complaining, mom looked at me in frustration, grabbed my arm and led me to the bathroom, opened the door, pulled the shower curtain back a little and shoved me in. I was shocked as she told me to get my shower with Megan. I started to back out but mom pushed me back in. The look she gave me told me the fight was over. She left and I was standing there with Megan, I was embarrassed, not sure why now as we’d already been naked around each other. I turned away so that I wouldn’t see her or she see me. It didn’t bother Megan and she just handed me the soap and said to scrub her back for her.
I hesitated but then started to soap her back. As I was doing this Lucy entered the shower too. I dropped the soap. Lucy without missing a beat bent over and picked it up and started soaping me. She was not the least embarrassed, although I was, as she soaped my entire body. Yes me penis got hard as she did that part. She then handed me back the soap and told me to soap her up. Megan said she was first though. I paused and then started to soap each of them up, first doing Megan and then Lucy. Megan scrubbed my hair as I was soaping Lucy. I was then instructed to help scrub Megan’s hair as she did Lucy’s.
It was a little tight for the three of us in there so rubbing up against each other was unavoidable. The hard on I got was also unavoidable. As we finished Megan commented on it and said that it wouldn’t be right to let me go without taking care of it. After all they didn’t want me to have to suffer a case of the blue balls. The two of them then soaped up my penis and they worked me to climax.
We were just finishing when Sam came in saying mom had ordered him to get in the shower too. Megan just smiled and told him to get in. I started to exit but Megan held me back saying I had to help too. Now it was tight with the four of us although not uncomfortably so. We all scrubbed Sam and each other again. Sam seemed to enjoy the attention and eagerly joined in. He got an erection from the get go and the girls also helped him with it. I was finally ready to make my exit, when Megan stopped me again. She told me that girls suffered a condition similar to blue balls and that it was only fair the two of us help them release as well. Sam willingly worked on Lucy as Megan had me finger her to orgasm. Once they were both satisfied we got out and toweled each other off. Family showers after that became the norm.
Travis wrote: Final Embarrassment by Travis
The last time I got really embarrassed was the time I was watching TV. Lucy and Megan were discussing some points about boys to which I was only half listening to. Apparently the discussion centered around oral stimulation. While not fully understanding what they were talking about, I was learning to kind of tune them out, I heard Megan say, “sheesh, it’s easier to just show you.” They then came over to where I was and Megan dropped down in front of me and grabbed my penis and began to suck on it.
While I was initially soft she soon got me hard as she worked me, pausing every few moments to give some advise to Lucy. I was shocked and at first tried to push her away and back off, but she without saying anything held me firm. After a few minutes she finally told me to stop trying to get away or she’d tell my mom I was not cooperating. She said it with such determination that I gave in and let her continue. After a few minutes she had Lucy take over while she coached her on the right way to do it. Initially it was a bit rough but Lucy was a quick learner and actually got good at it. I was soon getting worked up and could feel it getting ready to explode. Megan recognizing this started to tell Lucy about what to do should I cum, giving her the option to either, stop and spit any she got in her mouth out, continue but let it spill out or to swallow. Lucy decided to take it all in. She just kept going as I began to cum. Later she admitted to me that she wanted to try it to then decide in the future if she would do it or not.
As she finished they got up and without any further comment to me walked away continuing their discussion, leaving me there a bit shocked at my first blow job. Lucy had commented on my size and how it was a little difficult to work on to which Megan suggested trying Sam as he hadn’t yet developed. Sam gave no resistance as they did him. While he didn’t cum, he did have a smile as they finished.
This was probably the last time I got embarrassed around anyone
Embassing Education by Travis
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