The New Girl Isn't Shy *COMPLETE* (Chapter 17 - posted 2/19/25)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 6 - posted 1/6/25)

Post by BlueDragmire »

Day 6

Some person grabbed her shoulder and told her to wake up. Mina found herself on an unfamiliar couch under an old comforter covered in faded football logos. It smelled like an old dog. She was in a finished basement. The lights through the window slits were very bright and the shining on her face felt radioactive. No part of her wanted to be alive at that moment. The clock on the wall said it was 1 PM somehow. Sophia, who had not drank last night, rustled her awake. “Hey, Mina, my mom is here to pick me up. Do you want a ride home?”

Mina mumbled something that made no sense to either herself or Sophia. Sophia pulled off the blanket, and she realized Mina was still naked. Mina covered herself, more from cold than shame. “Oh god, you're still not dressed. Here, I'll go find you some clothes and let's get out of here.”

Instead, Lucy walked in, looking as sharp as ever, in a pink version of her St. Ellen's uniform, maybe even slightly fancier. She was all smiles. “Mina's dress is in the washing machine. She spilled beer over it when she decided to chugalug for the first time. She can stay here until it's done, then I'll drive her home.” Mina groaned. Lucy was very obscenely proud about owning an automobile at 18, a new EV vehicle too. It was all she ever talked about when she wasn't being a giant bitch. “In the meantime, my mother has made us brunch.”

Mina pulled herself up and said goodbye to Sophia, giving her a big hug. Sophia did not hug back, a little embarrassed about where her hands might fall. She was clearly worried for her friend but found herself being escorted out by Lucy. Mina fell back onto the couch and almost fell back asleep, before Lucy pulled her up, out of the limited safety of the smelly blanket. “Oh, just leave that behind. My mom already knows all about you..” So Mina, as naked as the day she was born in a stranger's house, went up to have a meal. She looked down at herself and saw her body was covered in imprints from the couch cushions. Her hair was probably pointing in a thousand directions.

An older taller adult version of Lucy was in the kitchen at the stove. “Oh, hi, Miiina”, Lucy's mom said in a singsong manner, looking her up and down. “Please take a seat, it's so nice to see my daughter making friends with such a... free-spirited girl.”

Mina was covering one arm over her chest and one arm over her privates, and had to ask, “Do you have anything I can wear?”

Lucy answered for her. “Oh, Mom, let's not make Mina dress up on our account.” She turned to her. “Feel free to be carefree as you like as long as you're our guest.”

Mina dropped her arms to her side, since apparently she was playing the part of a full nudist today. And she remembered her Mom's advice back on Monday, that shame was the mind-killer, or something along those lines. She was very hungover for the first time and probably not thinking straight. It was very bright in this kitchen, and she did not like the look of the light reflecting off the blonde hair or white skin in here of her hosts.

Lucy sat next to Mina, feeling like her stomach was flipping like the pancakes Lucy's Mom was making. She groaned a bit, from disgust and also her irritation that Lucy was so composed, seemingly immune to alcohol's latent effects. Two handsome boys with blond hair, looking like male preppy versions of Lucy and their mom, joined her for the meal. Lucy said, “Oh, Mina, these are my brothers, John and Arthur, you met them last night.”

“Hi”, said Mina, having no memory of that at all, none of the boys seemed very distinct her mind. She felt no more shame at this point.

“Quite a night”, said one of the boys, neither taking their eyes off Mina's bare nipples or belly button. Mina sat straighter in her chair out of instinct.

Mina struggled to make conversation. “Do any of you have my phone?”

“It's downstairs by the couch you slept on”, said Lucy's mom. “But please, dear, we keep phones away from the table. This is time we like to spend away from technology.”

Mina ate a pancake slowly, refusing butter or syrup. The thought of syrup made her feel sick. Her 'friend' seemed to notice, who poured extra on her plate and pushed it just slightly closer to Mina. Then Lucy happily drank some vodka and orange juice, apparently this was standard for brunch in the Westinghouse House, making sure to point the alcohol smell towards Mina, causing her to stand up. Lucy said happily, “bathroom is second door on the left”, knowing what was coming next. And Mina found out herself a minute later, vomiting once and dry-heaving a second time.

The Westinghouse ladies offered Mina a shower, which she could hardly refuse. She did feel better after some hot water and some ibuprofen pills. At least she could brush her hair back and let it hang somewhat neatly. But afterwards, she was only given a towel, no clothing. “Your dress said not to put in the dryer, so it's up on the line, it'll dry out in a few hours.”, said the mother. Meaning Mina was still trapped naked in her bully's house. She considered wrapping herself up in the towel for awhile, but Lucy was ready for that, unwrapping her and leading her to the living room.

Lucy's mom was all smiles and said, “It's so nice to play host.”

Her daughter said, “Hey, Mom, since I don't know when Mina will be back here. Let's take some pictures.”

Mina wanted to resist not really sure how to pose even when dressed up, really not sure about totally naked formal pictures. But Lucy was icy when she said “Oh, don't worry, I have much better pictures saved from last night.” So they stood together smiling, bare everything on one girl, and the other dressed up. One girl with hair done up, one girl with still wet hair hanging behind her.

Lucy's mother left to do something. The younger version then said, “You know, I have more photos than that. Lots of memories.” Lucy happily pulled out her phone to flip through her favorites of the previous night. Mina had no real shame at all, it seemed. She had taken one with the brothers holding her up, legs spread completely, Mina's drunken face smiling as she held out two victory 'V' peace signs. Then there was a video of Mina licking Sophia's face, and another of them dancing together to a pop song. “So you're going to be a little more compliant at school, unless you want these pictures to go out.”

Mina started feeling new forms of sick. But she was not backing down. Shaking her head, she said, “I'm not going to be your servant or anything, share away. I have nothing to hide but a good time. I'll just let everybody know you're a creepy manipulative blackmailing bitch.”

This annoyed Lucy a lot, the plan again backfiring.

Mina then went on to ask something she had been curious about this whole time. “What are you after here, Lucy? You did not like me when I dressed, you don't like me when I'm naked. I'm down to play this game as far as you want, I'll stay for dinner at your McMansion bare-assed. We can go out to the fancy country club naked or whatever. But you won't beat me.”

Lucy actually perked up a bit. “You know, that's a great idea. We have time for maybe a quick back-nine, my family owns the country club. I'll tell Mom.”

Mina folded her arms, ready to go as far as this took her. “Golfing it is then! I've never done it before” The thrill of it all was making her head feel quite a bit worse. “But before we leave, I have another question.”

Lucy paused.

“I kissed somebody last night, I'm sure of it. And there's no photos in there. I know you and Laura were filming everything. If it had been your brothers, you'd definitely have shared it. If it was Sophia, I know you'd let me know. Even if it was Laura, you'd use that. So really that means...”

Lucy looked embarrassed, really embarrassed for the first time. “Yeah, I had a few drinks myself. It doesn't mean anything.”

Mina gestured down to her nude body, implying, 'you know, it does seem to mean something'.

That's when the doorbell rang. Mina suddenly felt a lot more shy, who was this person going to be walking in? She heard her mother's voice “Mina?!”

“Oh... hi... mom.”

“What happened to your dress??”

“It's um... drying on the line? How did you know I was still here?”

“Sophia called. She was worried. This is... all...”

Lucy interrupted, “Just fine! We love having Mina over. We were just talking about going golfing in fact.”

Mina decided to take the escape while she had it. “I think I'll take a rain check on that one. Mom seems to want me home prompto. Text me later.” She was two steps out the door, before instinct overtook her. She kissed Lucy on the cheek. “Call it a date.”

Mom then grabbed Mina's arm and crammed her into the car, the dress totally forgotten in Lucy's house. The panties and shoes were forgotten as well, though luckily Mina really was post-shoes in her life at this point.

Mina pretended to feel sicker than she was to try to avoid a long discussion home about drinking and about being more careful with her body. Mina sat naked during this entire lecture. She pretended to doze off, but her mother slapped her shoulder to wake her. And Mina had to suffer through it all.

Back at home, Mina walked straight to her room, unabashed, moving as quickly as she could past her father, who quickly covered his eyes. She could hear her parents talking. Back in her room and in her own bed, Mina went right to bed. She did not want to face either of her parents.

She stayed in bed the rest of the day, taking dinner in there when she was finally hungry. She had barely the energy to do anything except watch videos on her phone. At no point did she get dressed. And she found her hand finding its way between her legs several times. She tried not to think about the hot tub and Lucy's lips, but somehow her mind kept going back to the feeling of hot water, a loose bikini brushing up against her bare chest, and the bubbles tickling her backside.
Last edited by BlueDragmire on Sat Jan 11, 2025 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 6 - posted 1/6/25)

Post by jojo12026 »

Love Mina and her confidence backing down Lucy! I think Lucy is jealous of Mina and her attitude. Maybe Lucy wants the confidence that Mina has and can't show it.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 7 - posted 1/11/25)

Post by BlueDragmire »

Day 7

It was Sunday morning, and Mina felt alive again. She knew she needed a shower after lying naked under her covers all night, hopefully biting into her pillow meant that she had not been too loud... These blankets would probably need washing too. Everything felt sticky between her legs. Maybe some cold water would cool down that throbbing heat? Supposedly that worked for boys. Mina grabbed some clean clothes and considered putting them on. But how did dressing up just to undress in that bathroom make sense? Mina simply darted out of her room naked, hoping not to be seen.

And of course, she was. “Mina!”, her mother called out. “You're still undressed??”

Mina stood, arms to her sides, not covering. “Uh... yeah, I was getting a shower. Don't need to dress up for that, do I?”

“Are you still not feeling good?” Mom put her hand to Mina's forehead, checking for a fever.

She felt very hot, but not that way, Mina really wanted to avoid explaining that to her parent. “I'm just gonna wash up and then we can talk if you don't mind...”

Mina had half-closed the bathroom door when her mother asked another question. “No more pajamas, Mina?”

In truth, Mina had not made any big decision that she was going to be sleeping nude in the future. It had felt nice, she had to admit. Once again, it felt like the course of her life was pushing her towards a bold direction, another Rubicon to cross. “Guess not, Mom!”

The cold shower worked a bit, but eventually Mina found herself raising the temperature to warm, then hot, then near-scalding. This problem had to be worked out right now, turns out. She imagined another sleepover at Lucy's house, this time both girls sharing the couch for the night, both naked, without even a smelly blanket to cover them both. She held back a scream, knowing Mom was in the hall, but she had yelped, just a bit.

Feeling truly refreshed, maybe a bit reborn, Mina stepped out of the shower and looked at her clothing gathered on the toilet lid.

It had been over a day since she had worn a thing, this was probably some kind of lifetime record for nudity. She felt a little deflated slipping on the panties. It all felt very tight. She pulled up some slacks and a T-shirt. She considered a bra, but it was just too much too soon. The bra felt like wearing handcuffs on her tits. Did those first few steps out of the bathroom feel funny? No, she was being silly. It was just clothing, you wore it as casually as you wore nothing.

Mina ate breakfast while chatting with her mother, who took the time to braid Mina's hair into two pigtails. It was nice to get everything back into an orderly place. After awhile, Mina felt like herself again, at least, the Mina she had imagined herself to be before she went to St. Ellen's. She had a whole day to study and get on top of homework, not fritter the time away. She declined a text invitation from Sophia to get lunch. Actually she was feeling a little embarrassed to see her friend again, after the way she had acted. Like some crazy nudist lesbian slut... Mina also ignored the little aches she was feeling. Good students had to stay focused.

That is until roughly 1 PM, when the doorbell rang. Mina answered it since her parents had left the house to do some shopping. Who was there but Lucy, with a very fake, obviously practiced grin. “Hi, I'm here todrop off the things some Nudist Ogre had left at my house, but I see only a clothed stranger is here. My mom thought I had been a little rude letting you leave without giving you your shoes, not that you'll need them. And your dress, fully cleaned.” Lucy handed article after article into Mina's hands. The dress was in a dry cleaner's bag, firmly ironed and straightened, which Mina felt was over the top. Lucy continued, “Oh and your panties, my brothers found them at the bottom of our pool. They almost kept your underwear, the perverts, until I intervened on your behalf.”

Mina wanted to have some great retort but felt a lack of spirit somehow. “Thank you, Lucy.”, was all she said.

“So... how has your day been going? Did your parents force you to rejoin the normal human race, Ogre?”

Mina felt a little annoyed at the implication her parents had forced her. “No, they were a little surprised yesterday, that's all. My Mom has supported me no matter what I've worn.”

Lucy chuckled. “Or not worn in your case. Which reminds me, are you busy this afternoon?”

“...Not particularly, I guess.”

“Okay, get in the car, we're going to the Country Club. You promised me a date. I'm bored today, I'm calling that card in now.”

Looking down, Mina was a little unsure how to respond. Was she dating her bully now? Was Lucy expecting her to undress? Mina simply followed, fully clothed, arms folded. Lucy looked her up and down, with a disappointed 'hmm'.

It was a short ride across town to the Country Club and neither young woman had much to say, there was a tension in the air, but also a lot of awkwardness. Lucy easily moved through the high class establishment, handing her keys off to a valet, casually ordering around the staff like she owned the place, which Mina supposed was appropriate since she kinda did. “I swear, Ogre, they get slower every time we're here. Daddy is too lax with them, I need to scare them a bit to keep them up to standards.” Mina noted that she was far from the only person Lucy Westinghouse liked to torture, one poor caddy girl seemed to be half in tears at the prospect of following around the boss's daughter before Lucy waved her off. They were going to be golfing alone, apparently.

At the first hole, Lucy gave a mighty swing and easily knocked the ball a great distance. Mina grabbed a club, not really sure which one she needed, and hit her own ball as hard as she could, which was only a few feet, having pulled up a great deal of dirt as well. Lucy broke into laughter. “Oh, you have no idea what you're doing do you? You're trying to drive with a putter! Have you ever played before?”

Mina had to reply, “No, my parents aren't members here.”

Lucy got very cocky. “You know, Mina, you've been nothing but a disappointment today. You can't golf, you've hardly said a word, Laura was right. I shouldn't waste my time thinking about you. You chickened out completely from the start.”

“Chickened out?”

“Yeah, you said yesterday you'd come here naked. Instead you're just following me around like a lost little gargantuan six-foot-tall puppy, you'd be hiding underneath my skirt if you could fit. I might as well just do a practice alone.”

Mina was deeply annoyed. Had she failed a challenge? Had she let embarrassment limit herself or who she could be? She started unbuttoning her blouse, angrily. “I'm not going to let you beat me, Lucy. This club is for rich assholes and I don't care what they think about me – or you for that matter.” Her clothing was flying off so fast, Mina was worried she might tear her pants. Before long, all she had was her shoes, and Mina stripped those off as well, standing naked in the middle of the midday Sun. “But before we continue, I need some more sunscreen. Seems there's more of me to cover all of a sudden.”

Lucy acted upset, but Mina knew this was part of their act together. “So finally the Ogre sheds that human disguise. You're making a mockery of this place. I need to ask you to leave. I'm calling security.”

“You do that, walk me through the front.” Mina was rubbing lotion on her breasts, making sure to point them forward at Lucy's face. She was taller than Lucy, but somehow without footwear, she felt like she had grown even taller. They stared each other down for a moment. Mina was not sure who started the kiss, but a moment later, her tongue was down Lucy's throat. Minutes later, Mina had grass impressions all over her back and butt and legs, which were feeling a little rubbery as she tried to stand up.

“That was intense.”, said Mina.

Lucy was picking clippings out of her hair and fixing her make-up. Her clothes had stayed on the entire time, and other than a few grass stains in her shirt, Lucy Westinghouse was quickly as perfect as she had always been. Nobody could have imagined the howling creature from a moment earlier. “Come on, we're walking out the front, like you said. I want everybody to see you as you are, a naked, grass and dirt covered beast.”, said Lucy.

“Why? Because that turns you on, you stuck-up bitch?”

“No, because I hate you.” That time Lucy gave Mina a peck on the lips.

Lucy marched them into the clubhouse, and a large crowd stared utterly shocked. Mina actually saw a few of her teachers sitting together having tea at the cafe, including Ms. Pulaski. God everybody was seeing! They would talk! What would they say tomorrow at school? She avoided their gaze. Lucy meanwhile, wanted to make a show of this. So she announced to everybody, “I found this nasty streaker befouling our golf course. I'm sorry to interrupt your Sunday.”

Mina stepped forward, “Lucy is a gracious host and invited me to golf with her however I wanted to dress. This felt the most comfortable.” It felt like they were on stage, playing some Shakespearean drama. One nude hero in vocal combat against a clothed villained.

The club steward politely but very firmly led both girls over to Lucy's car. Surely even Lucy would face consequences for this, Mina thought. Spoiled had to have a limit, right?

Back in the car together, they sat in silence as they left the gates of the country club. Then both girls burst out laughing. They compared notes on who seemed to be the most shocked, whose monocle had most popped. Lucy noted, “You know, our history teacher actually looked a bit jealous.”

Mina was dropped off back at her house in time for dinner. Lucy was offered a plate, but did not take one, explaining she had to be home. “My mother called me four times in a row, I'm not sure what she's so excited about, but I should probably take care of it.” Mina meanwhile took a seat, while her parents ate in difficult silence.

Their daughter had not bothered to get dressed at any point since the aborted golf game. “Why bother? I'll need a shower after this, and then I'm going to bed. Don't need clothes to sleep in anymore, so I'll just stay naked.”, Mina explained. She wondered how often she would be wearing clothes at home at all after this. She that she was rapidly losing access to clothing outside of school, and within school, her shrinking uniform was not covering all that much.

Mina did not mention to her parents that staying naked all evening had been Lucy's idea. But she did text her girlfriend (is that what they were now?) all about the look on their faces.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 7 - posted 1/11/25)

Post by rrh62 »

Love how comfortable Mina is with her nudity and how accepting of it are her parents and hopefully teachers, too. Also the relationship dynamics between her and Lucy, are developing quite nicely. This story has a great potential. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 7 - posted 1/11/25)

Post by Somebody »

Their dynamic together is hilarious! This is really unique writing and I love it.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 7 - posted 1/11/25)

Post by Dormouse »

I think this is what's called a toxic relationship.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 7 - posted 1/11/25)

Post by Dormouse »

I do hope there's more to come.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 8 - posted 1/19/25)

Post by BlueDragmire »

I've had a few things to take care of IRL, so probably these chapters will release bi-weekly at best.

Day 8

Mom was again greeted by the sight of her completely naked daughter for breakfast. Mina was cheerful, with a healthy blush on her cheeks. She jumped into the shower, leaving the bathroom door wide open, “What am I being shy about?” she asked as Mom sat quietly sipping from mug, still not entirely comfortable about this entire thing. Mom finished her coffee at the kitchen table, checking her phone every so often as she chatted with her husband about how best to proceed. But soon she got tired of Mina lollygagging.

“How are you not dressed yet?”, she barked, walking through an open bedroom door, seeing Mina still nude, on her bed, top side up, with her toes curled as she texted with that awful blonde girl. Mom had very strong opinions about Lucy Westinghouse, Dad had been even more out-spoken in bed last night as they had a hushed emergency parent meeting about their daughter's choice in attire, not wanting Mina to know how concerned they were.

Mina looked at her and looked down at her panties. It seemed to take her forever to finally stretch both of her long legs into the underwear. “No bra, again?”, Mom asked. Mina blinked twice and said “oh”, unbuttoning her blouse, baring her breasts again with no shame, and hesitantly putting on the item. She seemed more shy with the bra on, suddenly turning her back to her mother to re-button her blouse. She kept fidgeting, like her clothes had been laced with itching powder.

Mom was annoyed and had to be aggressive getting through some red lights to get the Murray girls to school/work on time. It was a very cold day, the unseasonably warm November they had been having finally seemed to back to normal. Mina's skinny thighs were covered in goosebumps and Mom offered her a blanket. “Why would I want that? I can't dress my legs anymore, I just need to get used to this, Mom.” Mom shook her head, wondering what kind of a monster she had unleashed just a week ago with her suggestion. “At least take this scarf, please, dear.” And Mina agreed to that, skipping off to St. Ellen's, as she exchanged flirting barbs with Lucy and Lucy's sidekick.

“Oh, Ogre, it's 40 degrees out. You're crazy to be freezing in this weather!”

“It's the best way to wake up! It's much healthier than coffee. Care to join me?”

Mom drove off, wondering how she'd chicken out of this bet she had made with Mina about going to work naked. It only seemed inevitable that Mina would lose what half of her clothing she had left.

Word had gotten out quickly about Mina's adventure at the country club. A few of her teachers seemed to look through her clothing, remembering to their shame how she looked without any of it. Mina was getting more and more looks from everybody, and worked on a bit of strut through the halls, feeling like a half-naked runway model, increasingly proud of the whispering, snickers, and long stares. Sophia cornered her at her locker at one point, “is it true?”

Mina laughed “I bet not, the way rumors work I bet there's already six different stories of what happened and who did what.”

“They're saying you and Lucy had sex at the golf course yesterday and everybody saw you. Then you walked out completely naked. I don't even want to tell you what stories are going around about Friday night.”, Sophia was nervous and Mina felt a bit of worry that she had gotten her friend involved in... whatever it was that was happening. This was getting out of control fast, and that frightened her. But also Mina did not want to stop.

“No, Soph, it isn't true.”

“Oh god...”, Sophia exhaled, presumably for the first time in an hour.

“We didn't have sex, I guess. I think. Technically no, sorta hard to define that when it is two girls... Maybe one of the more religious kids can help us on that.”

Sophia looked annoyed, Mina was not taking this seriously. “But, you know... 'Stuff' happened though?”

“Oh yeah, ...'Stuff' did." Mina mimicked Sophia's cadence. "You want details, Soph? Nobody saw us though. I also did walk out naked to prove a point.”

“My god! What is that matter with you? What point could you possibly be proving??”

Mina was not entirely sure how to answer that. What -had- been the point? It all made sense at the time, and was a lot more difficult to explain now. “I just didn't want any of those stuck-up people to think they were better than me. If they want to see, they can see all they want. I'm an open book." To demonstrate her point, Mina unbuttoned her blouse and threw it open for her friend, baring nothing nobody had not seen yet. Sophia laughed and cheered up a bit.

Sophia had more to say, but the bell rang and they had to jog to get to Physics, only being a minute late. The teacher gave them a dirty look and might have written them up, but upon seeing Mina, his courage seemed to fail him. He looked ashamed of himself, and could not stop coughing during the first five minutes of his lecture. Lucy stared at the poor teacher fumble to stay composed with her hands wrapped together below her chin, loving every second of this. Sophia thought her eyes were glowing with evil. Mina kept unbuttoning one of her middle buttons at the sight of Lucy's face, then re-buttoning it when she realized what she was doing.

As usual, everything always escalated at gym class. Over the busy weekend, Mina had forgotten entirely about Lucy's little conversation with Mrs. White. All the girls were heading to the locker room when they were stopped. Mrs. White announced that were not to dress in their gym uniforms, it was too cold out. No, it was time to put on their one-piece swimsuits, they were going to use St. Ellen's indoor pool this week.

Mina was stopped by Mrs. White as she walked into the locker room. “Look, Ms. Murray, I know you like to show off, but I won't be having lewdness in my class. You'll have a suit on or you won't need a St. Ellen's uniform any longer, you got me?”

Mina remarked “You... want me to go fully naked?”

“No, you smart aleck. You won't need a uniform because I'll see you're expelled. Then you can dress however you like far off my campus.”, Mrs. White had a viscous smile on her face.

Mina nodded, suddenly actually afraid. She went into the locker room and put on her one-piece, not bothering with a stall, her hiding behind a locker door, like many girls were doing. Lucy, arm-in-arm with Laura gloated, “oh you're not going to swim naked this time?”

“Guess not. Take it up with Mrs. White, can't wriggle out of it this time.”

Laura laughed, “I'm sure if you just lifted those straps you could wriggle out of that thing.” She emphasized her large chest, noting the difference with Mina's slender frame.

The pool area was very humid, feeling like a sauna. This was one of the oldest parts of St. Ellen's, built in the 1940s, and everybody had a sweat on while listening to Mrs. White's lecture. Mina noted a kind of general sigh of disappointment from the boys when they saw her walk in, dressed normally. They must have expected her to go fully naked. Lucy said to her, “God, they missed out. I bet our next pool party will be much more popular. You're always naked at my house, after all.”

“Friday night again, Lucy?”

“Absolutely”, and before Mina knew it they were sharing a kiss before Mrs. White blew her whistle.

“Oh for God's sake! Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Westinghouse, hands at your sides! Kids these days... Back in the day we just had to keep the boys and girls separated...” Several boys were looking a bit shy, adjusting their suits or sitting with their legs crossed. Mrs. White realized what was happening. “Oh get in the pool already, you all owe me twenty laps! And if I catch any funny stuff, I'll make it thirty!”

Mina had no idea how exhausting swimming could be, especially in a pool this big. St. Ellen's had an Olympic-sized pool, and her arms and legs felt like jelly after just ten. A few kids were reduced to doggie paddling or slow-walking part of the way. Sophia had to stop, fully gassed. Even Lucy and Laura seemed crushed by the workload. There was a lot of panting and exhaustion on the bench afterwards. “Boy, we really pissed her off, didn't we?”, said Sophia to Mina.

“Yeah, she's torturing us. And we have four more days of this?”

They walked back to the locker room. Sophia skipped the shower, considering the pool was heavily chlorinated. Mina nearly agreed with her, but then Lucy walked in, and stood expectantly. And Mina soon was scrubbing up under the water. “Chlorine makes your skin dry”, she justified.

“Any excuse to get naked, huh?”, said Laura.

Mina looked at Lucy instead. “I'm just being... practical.” While feeling nothing of the sort.

They had Ms. Pulaski's History class next, taught bottomless as always. Mina thought Ms. Pulaski's blouse looked smaller today, it barely hung over her underwear. She also was spending a lot of time with her backside to the classroom, reaching up for something on a high shelf for no reason so her blouse a pulled up, showing the small of her back, revealing an anime tattoo. Was she showing off? Mina got her answer when Lucy deliberately dropped her pen. “Can you get that, Ms. Pulaski?' and then the teacher bent over, backwards, ass out to her entire student body. Then she handed it back to Lucy, who was unusually speechless.

Mina had to talk with her after class, since they had seen each other yesterday at the country club. “You seem... different today, Ms. Pulaski.”

“Ms. Murray, Mina, you know I saw you in your birthday suit yesterday. I work part time at that club, and you caused quite a stir. Do you have any idea how much bullshi-, I mean crap, I take there every weekend?" The teacher caught herself mid-curse with a student, correcting it. But she seemed to think twice about it the second time. "I take shit even from Ms. Westinghouse, who loves that a teacher is her employee. Nobody can stand up to her, not even her parents sometimes, except you.”

Mina shook her head. “I don't know if that's what we're doing anymore, it's kinda...”

“Weird? Sure, but you get under her skin, even if she has to play in control. She doesn't know what to do with you. Or me now. I might go to work naked next Saturday, see how they like that. Dare them to fire me considering the little heiress invited a nudist into the club.”

“W- would you teach naked?” Mina had to ask.

“I'll go as far as you go. We're tied together thanks to that meeting with the Dean, remember? He's pretty pissed himself about this. Can't say I hate it. The worst parents are complaining, and serves them right. Same jerks who tried to get our LGBT books banned from the library.”

This was all a lot to think about, Mina had thought this was just about some heat and thrills this morning. Now it almost felt... courageous? But it was time for her next class.

The day ended, and Lucy was waiting for Mina at the curb. “Call your mom, you're having dinner at my house. My mom would love you back.”

Mom was halfway to the Academy to get Mina and seemed unhappy about the development, but finally gave in. Mina jumped into Lucy's Telsa and soon they were riding back to the Westinghouse's. Lucy drove just outside the St. Ellen's gate and said, “Okay, strip, Ogre. You're naked at my place.” The drive to the Westinghouse's was so short, barely a minute, that Mina was still pulling her panties off and still had her bra on by the time they got to the driveway.

“Why do you bother driving at all? It must be a ten minute walk, if that.”

“Because I can, that's why. And you can't. Get that bra off.”

Mina complied, but felt like teasing Lucy. “So can I see your room this time? We can do a... study session together, in private.”

“No, you and I aren't like that. I don't like you, I just... use you sometimes.” Mina noted a very girly blush on her bully's face. Lucy suddenly changed her plans mid-step and Mina through another door. “Basement, Ogre. Lights stay off. And be quiet, I don't think my brothers are home. My parents won't be back until six. And I don't want you telling your big friend Sophia about this.”

Mina smiled, “I'm not shy about it.”

Lucy was displeased. “No, I guess you're not.” She sat on the couch for a minute, hesitating. "Goddammit", she muttered, and kissed her nude guest. Mina was annoyed that Lucy would not get undressed at all, she had to feel her through her clothes. But somehow, it all seemed to work. Both of them were holding back their panting by the time Lucy's mother found them an hour later.

Lucy's mother had seen it all before, but seemed more impressed by Mina today. “No wonder you're so free-spirited, Mina, you could be a model.” Mina gave Lucy's mother a series of poses, and including the runway walk she had been working on at school all day.

“Your turn, Lucy.”

Lucy did not join in, to her mother's disappointment. Mina dared Lucy's mother to give it a go, clothing or not, Mrs. Westinghouse was remarkably interested in the idea, before Lucy stopped her. They had dinner, with Lucy getting strangely quiet, as Mina happily told her life story to Lucy's intrigued brothers, who loved the slow burlesque show of it. They were nothing but polite, at least on the surface. Mina noted how weird it was that it seemed easier to talk to people while naked than otherwise. They were always just a bit off-guard, no matter how long she had been bare. It should have gotten normal at some point, but the look on Lucy's face meant it wasn't going to get boring anytime soon.

Lucy's mother made Mina a place in a guest bedroom. There was no offer of pajamas. Mina really hoped Lucy would visit and stayed up a bit late after finishing her homework. But Lucy never showed. Mina woke up an hour later, having passed out with the lights still on, a workbook still open. Mina pulled her body under the covers, suddenly feeling very sad. She resolved that next time if Lucy was not inviting her up to her room, she would just a get a ride home.

Before falling asleep a second time, Mina worried what she was going to wear to get to school tomorrow. But that was a problem to resolve next time, it all depended how far Lucy wanted this to go.
Last edited by BlueDragmire on Tue Feb 18, 2025 12:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 9 - posted 1/20/25)

Post by BlueDragmire »

Day 9

They had breakfast, which was a full spread of pancakes, fresh fruit, and muffins. Mina wondered why the heck they had gone to all this trouble, most of the food remained uneaten. Who even had time to do all this cooking on a work day? Mid-breakfast, Lucy's mother offered her a napkin. “You got maple syrup all over your chest, dear.”

“Ah thanks.” Mina said. Then came up with something clever. “If I were wearing a shirt, that would have been an awful stain!” Pointing out, of course, her complete nudity. Lucy's brothers took especial interest in Mina wiping syrup off her left nipple, and Lucy, who had not spoken all meal, made a grunt of displeasure.

Mina got as ready as she could for school, pulling on a backpack but having nothing else to wear. She had not been given new clothes, or her clothes from yesterday. She was waiting in the living room for a time, texting Lucy, when she heard a car start to leave.

She went up to Lucy's mother to ask what was going on. “She left without me?”

“Oh, how scatter-brained of her”, said Mrs. Westinghouse, coming up with a bad excuse. “Well, it isn't far, if you jog after her, you'll only be a minute behind.”

Mina had already left the house when she realized how tough it was to run barefoot on asphalt, especially on a very cold day. And she also realized she was still completely naked besides the backpack. She slowed down for a moment, considering her options, but also she would be late if she did not hustle. So she ran as quickly as she could, past lots of houses, past a few cars driving on the street, past some of her classmates who seemed stunned to see long black hair, a full backpack, and a pale bare ass racing in front of them. Mina kept running all the way past the school gates, past the circus of cars dropping off kids, at this point so full of adrenaline she did not care how much her feet ached or how hard her nipples were or what everybody could see.

Finally she caught Lucy's car in the parking lot, and flagged her “friend” down, knocking on the window. Lucy was in there, with Laura, the two of them smoking, violating one of St. Ellen's rules.

“Hey, you smoke now?”, Mina asked, ignoring the stares. She had not tasted tobacco on Lucy's lips previously, and wondered what that would be like.

“Ogre, Lucy doesn't need to explain anything to you. Plus, you're naked. You got a lot more to explain.”, said Laura, annoyed, there was something in her voice. Mina realized at that moment that Laura had been crushing on Lucy this entire time, and she felt a bit like a homewrecker.

Mina reached down to under the front seat and found her panties from yesterday. It was not the cleanest option, but it was the only one she had. “Does this answer your question?.” Mina found herself dressing quickly, and angrily. Her blouse was wrinkled from laying on a car seat all night, not carefully hung up. She could not find her bra. Dressing in front of them felt like a reverse strip tease.

Lucy replied, “I knew you'd run here naked.”

“And you made me by stranding me at your house. Wasn't this your big joke on me?”, Mina said. Usually there would be more of a back and forth barbing, but Lucy really seemed like she was not into it today.

“Do whatever you like.”, Lucy huffed and walked away, with Laura right next to her, standing between the two like a bodyguard. Mina followed, a pace behind, wearing only two items of clothing and feeling very conspicuous. Nobody said anything, there was a lot of tension, unresolved. Mina was disappointed neither of them commented on her nipples, which were hard as diamonds and clearly stood through her blouse. What good was being so vulgar if your bully was not down for games?

At lunch, Mina gave the odd news to Sophia, who seemed irritated to have to talk about Lucy again. “Yeah, she has moods sometimes. You know, she dates boys, you're the first girl she's ever been into.”

“I bet Laura just hates that, doesn't she?”, said Mina, proud of herself for pulling off a conversion, even if she didn't admit that Lucy had been basically her first relationship too. There had been a boy back in sixth grade Mina had kissed once but it had meant nothing. Mina had not even realized she liked girls until the last week, if that's what this was.

Mina felt like she had made everybody about herself, so asked Sophia a question. “Do you like boys, Soph? Or are you another one in love with the school bitch like Laura?”

“I miss Lucy, but not that way. She used to be nicer until I think she realized how rich she actually was and how life had no consequences for her. And to answer your question I like boys, Mina.” They discussed crushes, several male names that Mina had not bothered to learn. Mina really felt none of the options given were good enough for Sophia, all too skinny or too goofy. But maybe she just did not like guys that way at all? Mina had not given it much thought.

It was time for gym class, and Mina was already unbuttoning her blouse before she even stepped into the locker room. She felt like such a mess in these day-old clothes and actually felt more like she was in a 'Mina uniform' completely nude. Still, she had to wear the swimsuit so Mrs. White did not explode on her.

Today was water polo, a kind of volley ball played in the pool. Mrs. White again split the class into two camps, 'boys with a few girls' and just 'girls', like they had done with baseball the week earlier. Mina volunteered to play with the boys, bringing Sophia with her, and two other girls. Things were going to be a normal day of exercise. But then Lucy suddenly seemed more like her old evil self.

“You know, Mrs. White, the Ogre is gonna be a boy today, so shouldn't she dress the part?”

Mina felt again like they were back in the country club, some kind of two-part act. Them daring each other to go further and weirder. “Oh yeah, you said I had to wear a one-piece suit, trunks are a one-piece. I'll get changed if somebody has a spare.” Mrs. White was apoplectic, meaning Mina absolutely had to do this. Sophia grabbed Mina's arm to stop her, but Mina hugged her friend and kept on walking. “Look how angry Mrs. White is, I need to see the look on her face.”

Mrs. White was still arguing but Sophia quoted some regulation in the school code, meaning Mina was free to do this.

Kevin was the only boy skinny enough to be close to Mina's size, and had a spare suit. Mina followed him into the boys' locker room, winking at Mrs. White as she did so to prove her total lack of caring. She undressed in front of him, causing Kevin to cover his eyes. "Kevin, it's just a body, relax, besides, I don't think I like boys.", said Mina. Kevin was unsure how to respond. Soon enough, she was back at the pool, totally topless, but still in regulation.

Everybody was staring, and Mina put an arm on one hip, blowing kisses with the other hand. At least her pig tails hung down in front, kinda covering her breasts. Why was this such a big deal? It was just a chest after all, some of the heavier boys had boobs too, nobody cared.

One thing Kevin had been too shy to explain was how the string ties worked, so Mina was constantly fighting with the swim shorts to stay up. Just how did boys wear this stuff? Plus there was netting that felt very uncomfortable. Mina got into the game, feeling aggressive and competitive as she did with all things, she had to win. However, it really was not much of a game, mostly everybody was messing around, just bouncing the volley-looking ball in every direction. It was during a serve that Mina realized the shorts had slipped past her knees and had bundled at her feet. She could do down and pull them up, but then people would realize she was mostly naked. So instead, she just wacked the ball, resolving to dress herself quickly afterwards.

Instead, her feet slipped out of the shorts and that was that, Mina was nude, surrounded by topless boys. It was just a little thing, one item of clothing, but Mina felt like a huge step had been taken, very suddenly. It actually frightened her to go this far, she needed to find the shorts. She swam under water looking for the borrowed suit. But in the scuffle of bodies moving, the bathing suit had been washed away, who knows where? Mina shook her head and stood tall, breasts above water level, rest of her at least somewhat covered by the water. She decided whatever was going to happen, would happen.

Several boys definitely noticed and stopped paying attention to the game. Whispers were floating around and soon enough, the polo game had died down, with everybody, even the girls, staring. Mrs. White's whistle blew.

“Mrs. Murray?? You've been a smartass with my rules before, but now you've clearly broken them. Out of the pool, right now. Out!”

Mina complied, climbing up the ladder, knowing this would moon every boy below. She was soaking wet and dripping and kept her arms at her sides. “The suit sorta... fell off.”, she explained.

“A likely story, you little tramp. You're coming with me, straight to the Dean's office.” Mrs. White grabbed Mina's still wet arm and practically dragged her out of the pool area.

“You want me to go see the Dean like this?”, Mina asked, gesturing at herself.

“The whole school saw you run in naked earlier today, you're suddenly shy?”, said Mrs. White. Mina made sure to look for Lucy who was biting her lip as she stared. They marched past some doors and were out of the athletics portion of the school, with a sudden influx of very cold air versus the dank humidity of the pool. Mina walked forward, knowing she was dripping all over the hallway. She might have wanted to dry off a bit at least.

The hallways were largely empty since gym classes coincided with study halls or lunch times, depending on schedule. Still, there were several students milling around and several teachers. There was a lot of shock on their faces, as a naked girl was led forward by a furious Mrs. White, too angry to realize her white shirt was now half-wet itself from where she was pushing Mina forward.

The secretary gasped as Mrs. White led Mina past her into the dean's office. The dean had been mid-phone conversation and blurted out “oh my word!” and hung up quickly with whoever it was on the other line. “Ms. Murray? Mrs. White?? What is the meaning of this??”

Mina grinned, feeling somehow like she had the advantage. She sat down in a comfy chair, uncaring that she would be leaving wet impressions in the fabric. She suppressed a shiver. “You ask her, I never got a chance to get dressed.”

“Ms. Murray stripped naked in the middle of my class. After lewdly dressing in a male uniform due to a technicality. She has made a mockery of this institution and our rules.”

“Hey, all I had was a wardrobe malfunction. I was not planning on seeing the dean naked today – not that it embarrasses me.” Mina crossed and uncrossed her legs, to the dean's obvious discomfort.

The dean needed to take some kind of control of situation. “Mrs. White, you get this girl dressed and back into class. We will have a meeting about this immediately tomorrow morning, 7 AM sharp, I want this girl's mother here, we'll talk like civilized men and women. Have you lost your mind? She's soaking wet!”

“I bet she loves it”, said Mrs. White. “She and that Lucy Westinghouse, both playing some sick nudist game.”

“Whatever it is, we cannot talk like... like this! Get her out of here!”, the dean was flustered and spat his words. So Mina and Mrs. White walked back to the other side of school, Mrs. White now no longer pushing and shoving. Mina put her hands behind her head and walked unabashed, posture forward.

“That didn't go as you planned it, did it?”, said Mina, wiggling her butt as she walked so Mrs. White could see. She had mostly drip-dried, besides her hair being soaked.

“Enjoy your final classes, you naked slut.”, said Mrs. White, growling under breath.

“Should I get dressed for them, or is this my new uniform? That seems to be how things work here, after all.”

“Don't be a brat.”, said Mrs. White, now very unsure of herself. Worried about what she had unleashed.

Mina did put on her panties and blouse for the remaining classes, but only half-buttoned the blouse, showing a lot of cleavage, maybe even nipples from the right angle. Nobody commented, since they had seen all that and more by now. Lucy was all smiles between classes, “So how did the dean treat you, Ogre? Is this your final day here?”

“Nope, tomorrow might be though, Lucy! I gotta meet with him in the morning, bright and early.”

Lucy seemed a little upset at that, but maybe also pleased. “Well... Ogre, it's been... interesting.”

“You won't call? I thought we had a pool date on Friday.”

“After you're expelled, I'll never think about you again, Mina Murray.”, said Lucy, for the first time calling Mina by her name.

Mina reached over and pecked Lucy on the lips. “You don't expect me to believe that, do you?”

Mom's car picked Mina up from school, and Mina stayed clothed for all of two minutes after she got home. Undressing right in the living room. “Oh mom, we have to meet the dean tomorrow morning, I forgot to mention.”, she said.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 9 - posted 1/20/25)

Post by SixPathsKeyblader »

Mina has become an exhibitionist monster that doesn't make good decisions at all. She seems to be too caught up with "proving points" to everyone, and she has created more trouble for herself than necessary. The loss of her shoes was a genuine accident, but the loss of her pants, her time spent with Lucy, and even this naked jaunt through school were all unnecessary troubles that she brought upon herself with poor decision making.
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