Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )

Post by tim409 »

The group of mostly women were so intrigued with watching the two males who were getting the treatment as they kept looking at this: ... X%2fhvc%3d

And one of the males was laying down to the girls could not stop looking at this: ... s_400.gifv

They did not notice that one of the males managed to keep his underwear on until on of the female guards went to yank them down and as she did, she made sure to keep his dick and balls close to his body so as the last bit of fiber was lowed from them his dick would flip back up like shown here. ... zgBUwWs%3d

Needlessly, every pair of eyes were on him and most of the girls laughed loudly as they saw that prick spring up with a wack as it hit is and they loved how they could see each nut as one nut tried to go on one side of the male's prick and the other one went went to the other side. One girl said out loud "anyone got a nut cracker?" The girls all laughed out loud and Johnny, the male that kept his undies on could have died from embarrassment as his face was redder than a fire engine.

Mitilda came up to him and flicked his dick a few times than flicked his balls and looked at the girl who asked about the nut cracker and said If we had one, I would love to crack these nuts as she held them up to show the audience and as she did so, she pulled them out from his body causing him to yelp like an injured puppy as he thought she would pull his nuts off. Of course, as we said, that could never happen as Dr. Showmore said no one would get harmed but even Dr. Showmore was smiling as he saw that happening to John. He also smiled even more when Mitilda got an much thicker electrode to insert into John's cock and said this may roast that weenier as she said but that will not be a problem since they only come on males as she gave a sinister chuckle. She than told a 10 year old girl to insert the rod as instructed.

Mitilda also told the rest of the girls chosen to insert the electrodes into the penises of the rest of the males and than suggested 15 minutes break for the ladies to take care of business and said if you need supplies (meaning pads or tampons) they would be in the ladies room as the males were left standing their naked.
Last edited by tim409 on Sat Jan 11, 2025 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Scared Stiff! The Ladies Room)

Post by tim409 »

While the girls and women were in the ladies room the mature women were changing their pads since the got all wet from their own secretions watching the naked males especially seeing the ones whose treatments were in progress with the way their dicks and balls kept vibrating. The younger girls were so excited they could not stop talking about just getting to see boys without their clothes on let alone getting to stick things in their peepees. One girl around 11 I think asked if she could her older brother's for a flower vase and one of the other girls suggested to make sure it was a rose but the older women all said NO, this is only for males who need treatment because of the way they mistreated girls and women.

Another girl asked why their thingy kept bouncing up and down. Linda said that the rod and the cord they put on the males were made of metal and it conducted electricity although a mild amount of it when the small machine it the two wires were plugged into was turned out it sent a jolt to the dick and balls and that is why they bounced. The girl than asked that if it was turned up higher, would they bounce more? Linda said we will see when we turn it up higher won't we? All the girls said to turn it up all the way. Since neither of the two males it was being used on ejackulate yet, Linda told the girls to expect that soon and told them all about what it was and how it happened. One girl said that her brother said that if I show him mine, he would show me his and when I asked him what he meant, he said take all m cloths off and he will take his off. When I did, he would not take his off. Some of the girls suggested her brother needed this treatment too and Linda said they could be doing it at school during girls gym classes soon and maybe he could be one of the first subjects. The girl than said I like it this way a lot better, we all get to see and touch naked boys and we do not need to let them see us and another girl added that we can feel all of their boy parts and they can't even touch us. It is nice being a girl.

Mitilda said it was time to get back and we had to do the rest of the males all at once so we do not have time to read what they all did to get this treatment but rest assured, they are pricks so they do deserve it. One of the women said that all males should get this treatment because all males are pricks. Rachel said there were still a few good men but lets go back now.

Once back in the room, the two males that were getting jolted looked worn out and but their cocks and nuts were still pulsating. Miltida said opps we "forgot" to turn the TENs off with little giggle and grin so everyone knew she forgot on purpose. The girls looked on the floor in front of the two males and noticed puddle of white stuff on the floor. Beth said but that is what came out of my brother's peepee. I thought he peed.

Soon the girls had the rods placed in the rest of the males penises and had them wired up to the TENs units. Rachel did say they needed time to state why they were getting treated and she said that Danny was trying to peek in the girls locker room and he did see a few girls in their bras and panties at which time his parents asked if it would be possible to have Danny go to school and be naked for a week during school. Rachel said she could arrange that for all six males and for them to have to walk to and from school naked if that is what the parents wanted. After a short discussion, all of the parents said Make it so, Rachel said that Billy tried to cop a feel of a couple of girls (his parents told Rachel to make him stand naked in the hall and let all the girls feel his bits to see how he likes it) George and David here were very insulting to several girls and said they were just stupid females. All of those girls are on the honor roll while these two pricks have D averages because they are too busy being Macho. Finally, Fred here exposed himself to a couple of girls and told them to "suck on this" His dad said that since he did that, it is only fitting that he go to school naked for two weeks.

Mitilda said they were running out of time so turn on all the TENs units to high and when they did all of their cocks and balls started flopping and it looked like they were all doing the Greek Penis Dance. ... ?rdt=47612 but these guys did not start out with something on, they started out naked.
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Scared Stiff! (Fred gets a lesson he will not forget

Post by tim409 »

Warn this gets a bit rough on some nuts.

When Fred heard his dad say it was fitting for him to go to school naked Fred said "you can't do that, you can't make students be naked while at school". Rachel said we sure can and we do but I guess you have not gone to a swim meet recently. All the males are naked while the girls wear modest one piece swim suits and I have the women's coaches make sure they do not show any cleaveage or camel toes as we will not allow girls to be exposed but since you are MALE my friend, YOU can go naked and Rachel looked at his father and mother and she said "maybe we can make it THREE weeks His mother said why not four? Rachel turned to Fred and grabbed him by his balls and said to him that ironically people say grow a pair of balls as an indication of strength and courage but it is these BALLS that make males the weaker and inferior sex and with that she gave them a good hard squeeze with just enough twist that got Fred to yelp like a stuck pig. 7 Year old Cathy was standing next to Rachel and asked "Ms. Rachel, do balls really hurt that much when you do that or is he just pretending? Rachel looked at Cathy and said how about you do it and see but since you got small hands, maybe you need to use both hands or just squeeze one nut. Fred's mother told her to use BOTH hands and added, crush his nuts.

Rachel, Linda and Scarlet wondered what Fred did at home to get even his own mother to tell a girl to crush their son's nuts. Of course they would not let anyone go that far. They heard Fred whimpering say, stop stop oh it hurts and they looked and say not only was Cathy squeezing both of his balls she was twisting them too. Fred certainly did not look too happy but oddly enough, his hard on got even harder and is dick got a bit larger even as it kept vibrating more intensely. Fred's mother said out loud, "Fry his cock, Shock that cock some more. Scarlet, one of the social workers asked her why she was saying that about her own son. His father told Scarlet that Fred always talked back to his mom and said women are birth defect and one time he even grabber her vagina and said it was only good for one thing. Thankfully she was clothed at the time. No wonder she was so adamant in seeing her son punished as he certainly needed the macho knocked out of him. Linda asked of the TEN's unit could be turned up any higher.

Dr. Showmore heard what happened and he said he had some news for this prick. Instead of females being a birth defect, research shows something far different. Dr. Showmore said that research shows that everyone starts off female but at 3 or 4 weeks something goes horribly wrong and when it does, a male is the result so it is really us MALES that are the birth defect. For the research to say something goes HORRIBLY WRONG for us to become male shows that women are superior to any of us that have cock and a pair of nuts.

(remember this is FICTION and none of it is true)

Rachel conferred with the rest of the staff and said that with his parents permission, Fred would leave his house, walk to school and go on any field trips totally naked for the rest of the term and he would have a sign on him saying "chauvinistic prick with an arrow pointing down to his exposed prick. Fred said you can't do that. Rachel said We can't? Anymore trouble out of you and we will have a girl lead you around school with a leash, and the leash will be around your balls A good hard yank will keep you in line and the girls who hold the leash will be on the discus team for track and field.

All the girls said I am glad I don't have balls almost in unison.

Rachel also reminded everyone that as far as having a male or two go to all classes naked, to remember that since the change in the swim meet uniforms and that being girls in modest one piece swim suit and even having a girls coach check each girl out before they left the girls locker room (which males were banned from entering) as said before, girls were allowed to go into the boys locker room as they do for swim meets anyway so any girl regardless of age is able to see naked males easily so what we are about to do will not shock anyone but remember, it is no longer a man's world as we are taking over. There were cheers all over and even some of the males were cheering.
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Scared Stiff! Shower Time

Post by tim409 »

After each male had the full sessions of treatments as evident when they had completely dry ejaculations which two girls looked carefully at their meatus when they were cumming and reported not a drop of cum was seen, they knew their balls were drained dry Dr. Showmore stated that he thought this program would be very successful with taking the macho out of macho males.

Rachel asked Mitida if it were possible to give these males a shower before leaving on the bus to go back to the school and Mitida said that would not be a problem since they had a very large shower area with not only shower heads but hand held shower wands too but she said there could be a dozen 16 and 17 year old inmates taking showers now too but we have matrons to keep them in line. Rachel said she would have two girls for each male to go in with them to make sure they are clean ALL OVER and as she said that, she looked right at their genitals. She then asked to have girls that had not taken part in the treatment and preferably those who had never seen a naked male before now. She got more than enough girls to volunteer for the task and she could not decide which 4 of them to say no to so she said they could all assist the nude males to shower.

They all went to the shower room, 4 matrons, Rachel, Linda and Scarlet, 20 girls ages 10-12 and eight naked males all being led to the shower room with a girl holding their dicks. None of the males gave any resistance to having a young girl lead them around by their dick and all were very complaint with the girls saying yes madam or no madam when asked questions even though some were 4 or 5 years older than the girl. When the school staff heard that, they knew the treatment was working..

I do want tot take a moment to say that Scarlet did ask a couple of the male guards what he thought about this treatment and about such young girls seeing naked males and if it bothered them them to have so many females see other males naked. Both of them agreed it did not bother them one bit as they were use to having women see the males nude. Out of 40 staff, 34 were women and they all saw males nude often. Scarlet stated that she understood that male guards were not allowed to see nude females in the girls dentation center at all while all the ladies saw naked males all the time here, do you see that as a double standard? One of the men said no way is it a double standard. The girls center has what, 20 inmates and few of them get violent while we have about 200 males here, many who do get violent. Plus having females see them naked so often does help them behave better and it shows that it is true that NAKED MALES DO BEHAVE BETTER WHNE WITH CLOTHED FEMALES. We all think that if a school is having problems with males being abusive to women, make all the males attend classes in the nude but at the same time, make all the girls dress more modestly. Most of the time the males here are dressed but we would not object to keeping them nude all the time even when they have visitors. It would help keep them in line for sure Scarlet thanked them for their frank answers and said she agrees with having the males nude at school and they would find out for sure when Fred was naked at school for a few weeks.

The group from Grant entered the shower room and saw it was quite large. There were six inmates taking showers along with two female matrons, each holding a rod of some sort. The inmates turned to face the girls from Grant as they entered and a couple of them held their cocks and looked at the young girls and said "did you come for some of this as they wiggled their cock at them. The matrons gave a stern warn and told them you know what will happen if you don't, but one of the inmates started jerking his dick back and forth when the matron touched his balls with the rod she was holding and he yelped loudly as he grabbed his nuts and bent halfway to the floor. All the girls watch wide eyed and asked why he was yelling like that. One of the matrons with the Grant group said that the rod was like a cattle prod but not as powerful since they did not really want roasted nuts (the girls that understood what she said giggled as did the adult women) but it sure got their attention. All the inmates then turned to face away from the girls as none of the others wanted to get their nuts zapped.

The Grant males were lined up under the shower heads and one of the matrons said the water temp could be adjusted to full cold or to 106 degrees as she noted that a temp of 110 degrees would cause scalding but even at 106 degrees, it would feel like your skin is burning so if you use the wand at 106 degrees, have the girls wear these thermal gloves to protect their hands, we would not want any girls to be hurt would we? Rachel asked again, you mean 106 degrees will cause no actual harm to any part of the body? The answer was that no it would not. Rachel turned to Scarlet and Linda with a devious idea. She told the girls to each take a shower wand, put on the thermal gloves and turn the temp up to 106 degree sand turn the water on and focus the flow to the highest pressure the wand would go after making sure it was not too high a pressure for the area it would be used on and it was not so she told the girls to aim it at their balls but to do it with Dr. Showmore first just to make sure it was not too much pressure. Dr. Showmore after a moment of getting his balls washed said it was OK and to use it on all the other males. All the girls noticed that all the dicks were getting hard again and asked why they were getting hard again. Dr. Showmore said the hot water was increasing the flow of blood into their pricks thus causing them to get erect again.

After a few moments of using the wands, the girls were told to soap up the males and to wash them ALL over. Each girl than made sure they did and each one rubbed it all over a pair of balls and a stiff cock but no matter how much they rubbed the dicks nothing will come out even though three of them had dry ejaculations. Everyone in the room really enjoyed themselves, well everyone that did not have balls did at least.

When the showers were over and everyone was dry Rachel said it was time to leave and thanked Mitilda and the staff for all they did, Mitilda said it was their pleasure and said she was sure every lady did get a lot of pleasure with a wink which the adult women knew she meant that the mature woman (sexually mature that is) had several orgasms themselves but the also knew a couple of the male guards also had one because of the wet spot on the front of their pants which they tried but could not hide. Rachel said she remembered that Dr. Showmore even said it was not uncommon for males who just observe other males getting this treatment in front of a lot of females do have an ejaculation themselves without touching themselves.

Rachel said it was time for everyone to get on the bus but the males said we need to get dressed first Rachel told them all that they will go back to school just the way they were now...NAKED and the girls all cheered.
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )

Post by Jeepman89 »

The young girls are having the time of their lives.
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )

Post by tim409 »

Jeepman89 wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 4:27 pm The young girls are having the time of their lives.
So nice to see the males are learning their place to the girls and that is below them as they learn that girls are their superiors
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Scared Stiff! Back to School

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All the kids were lined up to get on the bus but the males still naked were lined up by the door, half on one side and the other half on the other side facing each other and the girls went by them to get on the bus. Each girl reached out to touch the dick and balls of each naked male as they went by them. None of the males complained or at least they did not dare to., Only time would tell how long this drain the balls dry treatment will last to knock the macho out of them Rachel wondered if it actually did any good as she wondered if it was draining their nuts or was it being naked in front of so many young girls? She knew that studies have shown that even those male pricks behaved better when they were naked with clothed females so could it just be their nudity that caused this change of behavior She even wondered if them seeing a fully dressed matron zap a pair of balls for the owner of those balls grabbing his cock and asking the girls if they wanted some of that cock. Maybe they thought that would be the next part of the treatment and she thought she would love to be able to do that to any prick at Grant but she knew she could not get approval for that. She was glad she was able to get them to go along with male nudity which she was able to do with the firm promise that no female would every be exposed to the males in any way shape or manor.

The female staff all concered that one group would love to have this treatment go nation wide with the males getting this treatment while a few dozen young girls and women look on and that is the makers of tampons and sanitary pads. She knew that she and others soaked a couple of them each and several of the women had multiple orgasms watching the naked males cocks throb and their balls bouncing all over but she knew that none of them could let the males know how much they enjoyed it. In fact just one of the women's orgasms would have been more powerful than several the males had and the only reason their cocks throbbed more than a few times after they came was because of the TENS unit that kept them throbbing until their balls were dry. It was a secret among all women about all of this. She also knew that a few of the girls had their first orgasm while watching this but the staff did tell them this was a possibility. While they gave a great sex education to the girls regarding the male genitals in front of the males and using the naked penises and testicles to do so, they never taught sex education about females in any detail other then to show those diagrams that left the boys with more questions that answers since the diagrams do not show what the female genitals look like and needless to say, certainly not what they felt like but they did tell the girls all of this away from male eyes and ears so the girls were prepared for their first orgasm and they knew why they would be needing the sanitary pads but they were told not to let on so none of the males knew what these girls were experiencing but the female adults would discuss it when they were all alone .

The bus was pulling up to the school and when they looked out, the entire student body was outside to greet them. if a girl had never seen a naked male the sure would today as the students made a long row with girls on one side and boys on the other. It was embarrassing enough for the naked males to have the girls there but all the boys would see them come off the bus and go down the row of students stark naked was too much.

The girls were cheering as were many of the boys. The nude males were told that if a girl wanted to grab their cock or balls or even both they were to let them. Each of them replied "yes madam we will let them"

Many of the boys in the welcoming lineup held their heads down and blushed knowing all the girls in school will now know what they looked like underneath their cloths too. Other boys pointed at any dick that was extra large or extra small and told the girls to look at that while telling them that guy does not have a dick or telling the girls look at that horse size cock. The students did know they could use any term they wanted for a penis or for testicle but they all know that if a male used any inappropriate term for a girl's private parts, he would soon be looking like these naked males but all they knew was that it was a new treatment for males who disrespected women or girls None of these students knew the details.

Rachel still did not know if it was the treatment or just the male being naked but she would do her best that it needed BOTH to knock the macho out of a macho male as she was so looking forward to being able to do these treatments here at Grant school, perhaps in the school auditorium the presence of the entire student body. She would order more sanitary pads and tampons just to be ready as she knew the girls and female staff would need them and she was hoping it would be sooner than later. Her pad was getting damp just thinking about it.

Oh, one last thing we need to say, remember what we were told about Fred and how he treated his own mother? Well the staff decided that while he was attending school naked, he would be on a LEASH and that leash would be around his nuts and a couple of girls would be holding that leash at all times. If he needed to use the rest room, the girls would go in with him. They would go everywhere he goes and other girls would take over every hour. If he misbehaved, the girls were told to give the leash a good HARD YANK.
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Scared Stiff! Back at School

Post by tim409 »

Needless to say, Fred was the talk of the school and certainly the center of attention. Rachel, Scarlet and Linda had discussed this with Fred's parents and both were whole heartedly in agreement with the treatment and now this. His mom asked Linda privately if she was a bad mom "as she watched her son's treatment because she had two orgasms while watching her sons umm ahhh his coc ahhh penis throbbing and his ball umm testicles bouncing around Scarlet told her of course not because just like a hard on it normal for a male, it is normal for a woman to have reactions like that to see a male with his cock and balls moving around like that. She said she had several herself. His parents were invited to the school to see this next phase of his punishment and they were watching their son on CCTV. His mom asked what is that thing the girls are holding and where does it go? Linda said it was something like a dog leash but this one goes around his nuts. We chose girls a few years younger then him to show that girls can control any male and that their own testicles make that possible. In fact the school will be posting this sign in every girls room. Males can never enter a girls room although girls can go in boys rooms and in their locker room even if the boys are showering ... ImgDetMain

Notice we have two girls holding a leash and if the male it is attached to tries anything funny the girls have been told to give it a good yank. Fred's father said that they should each follow it up with a kick to his balls for what he did to his mum. Scarlet said the girls are being taught that in gym class but only to do it when they are being attacked and we do show how it is done with videos of naked males having it done. We would love to be able to use actual males who are convicted of sexual assault on women or girls in gym class and we are trying to get approval to do that in all schools as it would help keep girls safe. Both his parents said that was a great idea and Fred's father said all the boys should see them do it so it will teach the girls they are valuable and it will teach the boys to keep their cocks in their pants. Scarlet let out a laugh thinking that will be hard to do since a lot of the males at this school will not be wearing pants, or anything else so they could not keep their dick in their pants and in fact, they are not allowed to even cover their dick with anything, it is to be kept on display at all times. lol.
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Scared Stiff! Girls in Charge

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Fred's face was constantly red with embarrassment as he was being led around by two girls each with a leash attached to his testicles. Most of the other boys laughed and said those girls got you by the nuts don't they. Anytime a boys said that to Fred, the girls has a big grin on their face and they each gave a gentle tug on the leash as if to show what they could do if they wanted to....or if Fred misbehaved in any way.

It was bad enough to be naked and have a leash around your testicles but to have girls a few years younger than you to be doing it? Fred thought that he still has never seen a real naked woman although he did sneak a look at some adult magazines that has pictures of them but every girl in the school has seen several totally naked boys and many have even man handled our dick and balls or should I say girl handled our cocks all without us being able touch or see them. One of Fred's friends asked him how long would he have to be led around by these girls and Fred said "these stupid girls will have to do this for the rest of the week. The girls heard that "stupid" part so they looked at each other with a glint in their eyes and each girl gave the leash a good hard yank which screeched Fred's balls out to the max causing Fred to start to fall down but the leash was held tight resulting in keeping Fred from hitting the floor because he was being held up by his own balls. He quickly got up and one of the girls went up to him and cupped his testicles her her small hand and she said "what's the matter Fred? your ballsies wallises hurt? She then gave them a quick squeeze to show him that the girls did have him by his balls.

The two girls had to use the rest room so they found two other girls to hold the leash since males could not go into the girls restrooms or the girls lockers. The two new girls were happy to take over controlling this naked male and while the two main girls were in the rest room, the two relief girls took advantage and were looking closely at the parts of the human body they did not have and they were feeling every part of those parts causing Fred's dick to start growing for the first time since the Showmore treatment. The girls loved it and the more they touched his dick the more it grew, the more it grew, the more they touched it. The girls came out of the rest room and looked at the hard up raised cock and said "Well Fred must certainly have enjoyed you girl taking control of his balls. Everyone around laughed, everyone except Fred.

A little later, Fred said he had to use the bathroom so the girls took him into the boys rest room when a boy using a urinal saw them and said you girls can't come in her, it is the boys rest room and you can see us. Another boy laughed and told that boy "What difference does it make Dude, Look at them, they got that boy by his naked balls and you are worried they may see you take wiz? He went on and said Where have you been dude, every girl in the school that was not absent have seen a half dozen naked boys yesterday.

The boy who was caught peeing asked "When are we going to see the girls naked" He was told by the girls and the other boys NEVER and the boy also added that it was no longer a man's world, the girls are taking over and all the proof you need is right there, as he pointed to the naked male with a leash around his nuts controled by two young girls.

The two girls looked at the boy who asked when would the boys see a naked girl and told him "Be careful, we may suggest you to get the Showmore treatment!
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )

Post by Jeepman89 »

They definitely don't want that treatment! LOL
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