Frank's Bus Dare Part 1

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Frank's Bus Dare Part 1

Post by Jeepman89 »

Frank's Bus Dare

I managed to get home from the pool without anyone seeing me and since my parents were in Europe for a month, I had the house to myself. It was summer and I didn't have a summer job so I had all the time in the world to do whatever I wanted. I have to admit I was addicted to doing these naked dares and the riskier the dare, the more exciting it was. I called Tyler to tell her I got home safe and sound and she laughed and sounded disappointed. She told me she was hoping that I got caught naked by a group of girls and laughed.

Tyler told me that the girls in her class were thrilled with the show I put on and couldn't believe it when they saw an older guy totally bare naked and the icing on the cake was when I spurt my cum all over the deck of the pool. She assured me that they wouldn't tell anyone and that the secret would be safe. When I asked how she was so sure they wouldn't tell on me, she said she promised them more shows with me at a later date. I wonder what she would expect me to do next for them. I was about to find out. Tyler told me she had a new dare in mind and it was definitely risky.

The next morning, Tyler called me with the details. We arranged for a new dare for 3 days. "Here's your dare, Frankie," she said. "I dare you to show up at the bus stop at Main and Oak St, northbound at 1pm. Wear an old t shirt and shorts. You don't need boxers. You can wear old flip flops if you have any or old running shoes you don't care about. I will be there with a few friends to meet you. I don't want to tell you too much now because I want you to be surprised. You have to do whatever we say. That's part of the dare. Do you agree?" I was intrigued with the dare and not knowing much about it, made it more exciting. I told her I would do the dare even though I had no idea what was going to happen.

The following Wednesday I woke up excited and ready for my dare. I had no idea what was in store for me and that made it more exhilarating. I took a shower and made sure my pubes were trimmed nicely in case I was going to end up naked during the dare. Who was I kidding? So far all my dares had me ending up naked with girls seeing me and in the last one I even ended up cumming for a group of really young girls at a pool. After a good lunch, I found a really old pair of shorts and an old t shirt as per instructions. I decided to wear an old pair of flip flops that were totally worn out. I decided against wearing a hat and sunglasses because Tyler didn't tell me I could. My face would be totally exposed no matter what happened during the day. Yikes.

I locked the door and hid the keys under the mat and gave myself 20 minutes to walk to the bus stop. I couldn't use my bike obviously in case we would be getting on that bus. I arrived at the bus stop at 12:55 and waited under the bus shelter. A few minutes later, Tyler arrived with 2 of her friends who she introduced as Alyssa and Jenny. I assumed they were 14 like Tyler. I think they were impressed that I was an older boy of 17 and would be hanging out with them for the day. They giggled a lot so I figured that Tyler had told them all about me and the dares. Alyssa was the first to talk to me and told me I was in for an exciting day, followed by the other 2 laughing loudly. "I heard about your dares, Frank." she said. "Jenny and I are sorry we missed your pool performance! Haha. We weren't gonna miss today's activities, that's for sure." Jenny added, "Is it true you got totally naked for Tyler's girls and actually came for them? Wow! You got big balls!!! Literally I heard. Haha"

I was blushing for sure but told them I agreed to do the dare and couldn't back out. "I agreed to do today's dare in fact and I don't even know what it's about." I said. They informed me that I was to find out soon enough. Tyler complimented me on my choice of clothing, bad as it was. For some reason it made her very happy. She explained that we were going to get on the bus and more would be explained as we went along. As the bus pulled into the stop, we got on with Tyler supplying the tickets for the 4 of us. The bus driver was a woman and there were maybe 4 other passengers on the bus- 2 men and 2 women. Apparently Tyler knew the bus driver by name and they exchanged greetings as we proceeded to the back of the bus.

We sat down with me beside Tyler and Alyssa and Jenny in the seat in front of us. "The bus driver is cool. She's a friend of my aunt Becky and this is her route. I chose this route and time because it's usually empty. I hope those people get off soon." As luck would have it, the 2 men got off at the next stop and the 2 women shortly after them. We had the bus to ourselves when it stopped to pick up more passengers. A loud chattering could be heard as a group of young girls entered the bus. During our ride I had noticed that Tyler had been on the phone giving instructions to someone. It was obvious that she had been talking to these girls when they all walked towards us to the back of the bus calling out Tyler's name. It was then I realized that some of them looked familiar.

5 young girls proceeded to greet us and Tyler was pleased to see them as were Alyssa and Jenny. I recognized some of them from Tyler's swim class even though they were dressed in t shirts and shorts. One of the girls addressed me. "Hi, Frank! remember us! We sure remember you. Right guys? Hahahahaha." The new girls all laughed and stared at me hoping to get a reaction. I must admit that I was embarrassed for some reason with all these girls having the better of me because of what they saw at the pool. Alyssa and Jenny were very curious to hear what the girls had to say and were all ears. Tyler just sat there and smiled. The 5 girls introduced themselves and Tyler insisted they give their ages with their names. They consisted of Beth (11), Carrie(10), Darlene (10), Marie(11) and Sandra (12). It was then that I realized how young these girls actually were and I had to accept that they had not only seen me totally bare naked but they saw me get jerked off and cum on the pool deck. As embarrassing as it was, I couldn't help getting that old funny feeling again as I noticed the stirring in my crotch and the semi boner that had developed in my shorts.

Beth was quite a talker and her excitement was obvious and answered any questions that Alyssa and Jenny had. "yup, it's all true. Frank was at our pool in a speedo and he ended up taking it off in front of us. We all saw his wiener and everything. WE saw his naked ass and even his balls. He was swimming and diving totally bare bum naked and he even walked around us touching us with his thingy. Hahaha. He didn't care that we saw it all. A big boy totally bare naked with us girls!" All the girls were laughing up a storm as she recounted the events at the pool and it looked like even the bus driver was listening in. "The best part was at the end when Tyler and Carly were rubbing his dick and it got big and hard and it shot the white stuff all over! Woohoo." All the girls erupted at hearing that and I just sat there not knowing what to say.

The bus stopped and 3 more passengers got on: an older girl of maybe 16 and 3 younger kids: a boy and 2 girls maybe 9 or 10 years old. They sat down in the middle of the bus and our journey continued. Once all the girls had calmed down, Tyler told them that my dare was about to begin. Like me, the new girls had no idea what the dare consisted of. We were all about to find out.
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Re: Frank's Bus Dare Part 1

Post by Themarble »

The setup was perfect. I love how Tyler is keeping Frank in the dark about his upcoming dare and now that more girls have got in its going to get interesting. Cant wait to read more.
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Re: Frank's Bus Dare Part 1

Post by Jeepman89 »

Thanks. What do you think will happen next?

I hope you post the next part of your story soon.
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Re: Frank's Bus Dare Part 1

Post by Themarble »

From what you have told me there a lot to expect so I cant wait to see how it unfolds.

Next part of my story should be coming really soon. I am actually writing it right now.

I also forgot to mention that I am glad you have posted again it has been a while and your stories are something people shouldnt skip out on.
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Re: Frank's Bus Dare Part 1

Post by Jeepman89 »

Thanks Marble. I appreciate the kind words. Part 2 is ready to go and I'll post it now.
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Frank's Bus Dare Part 2

Post by Jeepman89 »

Frank's Bus Dare (Part 2)

The bus stopped and 3 more passengers got on: an older girl of maybe 16 and 3 younger kids: a boy and 2 girls maybe 9 or 10 years old. They sat down in the middle of the bus and our journey continued. Once all the girls had calmed down, Tyler told them that my dare was about to begin. Like me, the new girls had no idea what the dare consisted of. We were all about to find out.

Tyler waited to get all the girls' attention before turning to me. "Frank, you have accepted the dare and can't back out. I'm glad you wore old clothes today in case something happens to them." she said. With that, all the girls laughed. I was very excited at this point to see what would happen. In my heart I think I knew what I would be told to do though. "What are you wearing, Frank?" she asked. "A t shirt, shorts, and flip flops," I replied. "Very good. How many of you girls like what Frank is wearing? she asked the others. Not one girl raised her hand. Tyler told me to stand up in the aisle facing them all. Tyler told me to hand her my flip flops which I did. She proceeded to hand them to Jenny who calmly threw them out the window of the bus. This caused all the girls to laugh and I just stood there with a puzzled look on my face. The girls were getting excited because I think they knew where this might lead. Every once in a while, the 16 year old girl and her 3 little friends turned to see what has happening at the back of the bus. It was obvious they did not know who the girls were or me for that matter. It was also obvious that the bus driver must have been in on the shenanigans because she just smiled and looked back every once in a while. She was a friend of Tyler after all.

As I waited for Tyler to continue, the 5 young girls were giddy with excitement and I prepared myself for the inevitable. Alyssa and Jenny were also waiting impatiently. "Now the shirt please Frank. It has to go. Take off the shirt now," she commanded. I proceeded to pull the shirt off and handed it to Tyler who gave it to one of the younger girls. She didn't waste any time and knew exactly what to do. "You don't need this shirt Frank so out it goes!" as she threw it out of an open window and onto the street as the bus continued to drive along. All the girls cheered which caught the attention of the other passengers and the bus driver who continued to smile at my predicament. She could see a 17 year old guy at the back of her bus wearing only shorts and didn't say a word. The older girl was also puzzled at the turn of events and her little friends just giggled.

Tyler looked pleased that everything was going according to plan and asked me to do a twirl to show my shorts from all angles. I did so and she just shook her head. "No, no. I just don't think those shorts are appropriate. What do you think, girls? " she asked. Of course all the girls echoed her sentiment that they were not good at all.
"Those shorts are awful."
"Look how old they are and worn out. "
"They are unacceptable!"
I couldn't help but notice that my cock was starting to tent out the shorts which I'm sure was not lost on the girls. I was truly excited at this point knowing that the dare was going to take a crazy turn. I'm on a bus with a bunch of girls and a few strangers wearing an old pair of shorts. This can't end well for me, I thought.

Tyler asked for Alyssa and Jenny's opinion and it was unanimous. "Unacceptable!" they both shouted. The younger girls chimed in as well.
"Those shorts must go!"
"Off with the shorts"
"He shouldn't be wearing those things on this nice bus"
"You should be embarrassed to be wearing those shorts"
"Take them off. Take them off"
I had everyone's attention now and the 16 year old passenger and her 3 mates were watching intently at this point. The driver continued to smile and glanced back now and again.

"You heard the girls, Frankie! The people have spoken! The shorts have to go, " Tyler announced. She then whispered something to little Beth who proceeded to come up to me and look me in the eye as she said, " Down with the shorts!" She grabbed the top of the shorts and pulled down hard and fast until they were pooled at my ankles. I was left totally bare naked for all intents and purposes. Beth bent down to retrieve the shorts that were now in the aisle in front of me. The eruption of laughter was deafening as all the girls stared at me in awe. Alyssa and Jenny were beside themselves and jumping up and down in their seats. The younger girls were just as wild with a few of them circling me in the aisle to get an even better look.
"Holy Shit!"
"Frank's naked again!"
"Look at his cock guys!"
"It's huge"
"OH my God, a naked man on the bus!"
"I like this better than at the pool, I think"
"Wooohooo....he's totally bare naked! Shame Shame!!!"
"You can see his balls now!"
There were too many comments to count as I stood there totally at their mercy. The attention I received from all the girls had the inevitable effect on my penis. I had a rock hard erection while all those girls were staring, laughing and taunting me in the middle of a bus in the middle of the day.
My balls were clearly visible to them as my cock stood a full mast and I think that made them laugh even more. I had passed the moment of no return and as in my other dares, I reached a point where I just go for it and try to enjoy it all. That's the exhibitionist in me coming out.

It was at that point when I realized I was putting on a show for more than just the three 14 year old girls and the young swimmers. The 16 year old girl was in total shock when she saw what had happened. She did not expect to get on a bus and see a totally bare naked 17 year old guy in the aisle at the back of the bus. She tried to cover the eyes of the 2 little girls she was with but failed miserably. The little boy was laughing his head off and couldn't believe what all these girls were seeing - a totally naked older guy and his dick in all its glory let alone his ass for everyone to see. The 2 little girls didn't waste any time and ran to the back of the bus to get a better look.
"Wow, mister, I can see your peepee."
"Look at his bum, Margerie"
"Why did they take all your clothes?"
The older girl grabbed her 2 charges by the hand and apologized to me while never taking her eyes off my cock. By now, the driver was laughing so much she had to make sure she had both hands on the wheel. She was definitely enjoying this too much. Obviously, Tyler had told her in advance that a dare would be happening on her bus and she didn't mind at all. She also didn't mind that the girls were way too young to be seeing a 17 year old guy bare naked let alone with a hardon. She must have been quite a liberal thinker.

By now I was in full exhibitionist mode and proceeded to flaunt my nakedness on the bus. I was flexing and posing and thrusting my hard cock out for all to see and I didn't care at all. Alyssa and Jenny were in total shock that I was acting this way. Tyler told me to high five everyone on the bus to show how happy I was to be naked with them. I went from girl to girl giving them all a high five and swinging my hard cock each time. Even the boy was a good sport about it and the bus driver just continued to drive and smile. A couple of the younger girls then grabbed me from behind before another of their friends grabbed me by the cock. She proceeded to pull me along the aisle from the back to the front and back again so everyone got a good look at what she was doing. Her little hands made my cock look so huge which made all of us laugh our heads off. It was at this time that the 16 year old girl asked if she could have a feel and Tyler told her there was no need to ask and anyone could just go for it since it was all part of the dare. She proceeded to grab my cock and with her 2 little charges beside her, she started rubbing it up and down. I was in heaven to say the least.

I was totally bare naked on a bus in front of a large number of girls and with a hard on and with the approval of a woman who was in charge of the bus. I began to wonder whether she was actually avoiding picking up any passengers. Imagine the shock of anyone entering such a bus in the middle of the day and the spectacle they would witness. The older girl let her 2 little friends grab my cock and they did so together mimicking the motions that they saw her do. I didn't care at this point who was handling me. I knew that it felt good. The boy had no interest in joining them, thank God.

Alyssa, Tyler , and Jenny then took over and walked me to the back of the bus. With all the younger girls watching intently, the 3 of them took turns rubbing my hard cock up and down. It was a tag team to see who would make me cum I think. I had no inhibitions at this point and just let it happen. At one point some of the younger girls were massaging my ass as the 3 older girls continue to jack me off. I was at the point of no return as the 3 of them worked their magic. At one point all 3 had their hands on my cock and were working together jerking me up and down, up and down. They continued to rub harder and harder until it was just Tyler who had a hold of my throbbing cock. The girls began to chant : "Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot! " as everyone joined in including the bus driver. That was all it took as Tyler was moving her hand as fast as she could waiting for the inevitable. I exploded like a rocket in spurts of cum like I never have before as all the girls gasped in awe. The spurts landed on the floor of the aisle with some girls jumping up and down and others just looking on in amazement. After the last drops of cum left my swollen cock, the girls all applauded and hooted their approval.

I was wasted for sure but still excited about what had happened. After a few seconds the enormity of what I had done hit me hard. I turned to go back to my seat at he back of the bus with all the girls following and chatting up a storm. As I regained my composure, I started to think. I am still naked on a bus. What happens next?

(More to come (cum) in part 3)
Last edited by Jeepman89 on Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Frank's Bus Dare Part 1

Post by Themarble »

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Frank's Bus Dare Part 3

Post by Jeepman89 »

Frank's Bus Dare Part 3

I was wasted for sure but still excited about what had happened. After a few seconds the enormity of what I had done hit me hard. I turned to go back to my seat at the back of the bus with all the girls following and chatting up a storm. As I regained my composure, I started to think. I am still naked on a bus. What happens next?

Now that I had completed my dare, I wondered how I would get out of the situation I had myself in. We were all sitting in our seats with all the girls chatting away about what they had all witnessed and shooting me looks while laughing heartily. They did not hesitate to comment:
"Wow, that was so cool."
"Oh my God, that stuff shot out of his thingy!"
"Best day ever!"
"I can't believe he did that on a bus!"
"Wasn't he embarrassed?"
"His weiner got so big, eh?"
Tyler then took something out of her bag. It was my shorts. It was then I recalled that they hadn't thrown my shorts out the window. I assumed she was going to give them back to me but I was dead wrong. She handed them to one of the younger girls who proceeded to use them to clean up the mess I had made on the aisle floor. So much for my shorts. Did she expect me to put those shorts on now? No, she didn't actually. As the bus continued on its merry way, the girl simply threw them out the window. It was then that reality hit me again and realized that I was totally bare naked on a bus with all these silly girls. Why do I do these dares? And yet it didn't take me long to imagine how this day would progress and what other embarrassment awaited me.

The 16 year old girl got up with her 3 charges and turned to us and said," Wow, that was insane. I still can't believe you let those girls do that to you! And we got to see it all. I have some explaining to do with these 3, that's for sure." All the while, the 3 kids were giggling away and staring at me. My penis was still visible to them as they pointed to it laughing amongst themselves. "This our stop," she continued. "Thanks for everything!" When the bus stopped, they got off still laughing away. All the girls in the bus exploded in laughter as well, all at my expense.

I smiled too thinking about all that had happened on this dare and the shame left me. I think I was ready for more based on the stirrings in my cock. The exhibitionist in me was back. During the stop, the bus driver informed us that our stop was coming up in a minute. Apparently, it was at this point that passengers would be starting to increase in number and it wouldn't be a good idea to stay on the bus any longer. Tyler thanked her profusely and the driver simply said, "It was my pleasure and Frank's too, I noticed! Haha." It was later explained to me by Tyler that the driver was into cfnm and loved being a participant in this adventure. She also drove by a few stops apparently to avoid taking on adult passengers. I hope she didn't lose her job over it.

The driver then announced our stop as Woodland Park. Everyone got up gathering up their things. I had nothing to gather up of course. I didn't have a stitch on and I was barefoot as well. The girls were all giddy with excitement as we made our way to the exit. The driver and Tyler exchanged goodbyes as all the girls surrounded me. Despite having cummed 20 minutes earlier, my cock was getting hard again with all these girls around me. I was curious at to where we would go now once we left the bus and me wearing nothing but my birthday suit.

As we got off the bus, 3 teen girls were waiting to get on. When they saw this group of younger girls and me getting off the bus, their curiosity was piqued. Instructed by Tyler, the girls did their best to shield me from view in case some killjoy adults put a stop to their fun. It must have been quite a site with me being taller than them. They could see that I wasn't wearing a shirt. The puzzled looks on their faces told the story. Our group waited at the bus stop as the 3 teens boarded the bus but still looking at us at the same time through the windows. Once seated, they continued staring at us, wondering what was going on with this older teen boy and a group of 8 younger girls.

Just as the bus was about to leave the stop, Tyler yelled, “Now!” The girls then moved aside giving the 3 teens a good look at what they had missed earlier : a totally bare naked 17 year old guy surrounded by all these younger girls. The look on the teens' faces was priceless. You could hear the laughing and hooting as the bus started to slowly move on. I'm sure they were in shock and wondered what was going on and how a naked guy got off a bus surrounded by a bunch of girls and some not looking more than 10 years old. I have to admit I thought it was funny as well. All the girls waved at the bus while some were pointing at me and my cock to be more specific. With mouths opened, the teens and the bus disappeared from site.

“I think those girls really liked you, Frank!”
“Hey guys, Frank's weiner is fat again!”
“You like girls seeing you bare naked, Frank?”
“Older girls love seeing his dick for sure.”
“I like seeing it too and I'm 10. Hahahaha”
“We all do!”
I listened to all the comments and smiled as I thrust out my hard cock to their squealing. “Ok, girls,” I said. “I have no clothes on so I'm at your mercy. What happens next?” Luckily there was nobody at the stop and the street that led to Woodland Park appeared deserted. Tyler chose this time for that very reason : a lack of adults to get in the way of their fun. She went on to tell us that Carly and Cammie would be waiting at the park for us so it was time to go.

We all proceeded to head down the street that led to the park. The feeling of being totally bare naked and barefoot in public in the middle of the day can be exhilirating but doing it surrounded by a group of enthusiastic girls makes it even more exciting. At this point I didn't care who saw me and the girls could see it in my face and to be quite frank, in my cock which was now at full mast as we walked along. The girls didn't seem to care about hiding me at all as we walked. Some were ahead of me and some were behind me as they chatted away as young girls do especially in a group. Whenever a car would go by, they would run towards me and surround me as per Tyler's instructions. I noticed that although some girls had their cellphones with them, nobody took any pictures on the bus. Tyler explained that the bus driver insisted on that and wanted no evidence of what had taken place on her bus. She didn't want to lose her job despite taking such a big chance allowing the dare to take place.

Now that we were off the bus, those rules didn't apply any longer. Alyssa and Jenny seemed to be the official photographers as they took pics of me and the girls as we walked along and I'm sure some selfies with me in the background. The more interesting pics involved me being pulled along the street by my hard cock by a few of the younger girls while others were smacking or rubbing my ass. I defy any guy to not have a huge erection when that is happening to you on a street in broad daylight wearing absolutely nothing in the presence of dressed girls intent on humiliating you for their enjoyment.

As we were approaching the park, a mother pushing a baby carriage and walking with a small girl came towards us. When I saw them, I expected the girls to immediately cover me but they didn't act quickly enough. The mother looked at us and me in particular in total shock as she stopped in her tracks. I immediately covered my junk with both my hands as I stood there like a naked fool. I figured I would be in big trouble and starting thinking about an excuse I could come up with. The mother's reaction was a surprise to us all. She began to laugh hysterically as her young daughter stared at me in disbelief. She looked to be around 8 years old and the mother possibly in her mid 30's. “Oh my! Girls, who do we have here?” she asked. “I don't know what to say. I'm in shock.” I just stood there with my head down as Tyler explained that it was a dare I had to do for some fraternity thing. “Frank has to walk around bare naked with a group of girls and that's us. We just got off a bus in fact where he first got naked for us.” “You mean this guy is actually bare ass naked on the street right now?” the mother asked. I guess because I was hiding my dick and balls, she assumed that I was possibly wearing a thong of some kind. “Oh yes, he is!” a few girls replied. “He's usually not this shy. Show the nice lady what you're hiding, Frank.” Tyler said. I was reluctant to expose myself especially in front of her young daughter but it looked like she was insisting so that's exactly what I did with the help of a few of the girls. 2 girls pulled my hands away allowing my cock and balls to be seen by the stranger and her daughter. I still had a semi hard boner for the newcomers to see.

“Oh wow, mommy, that boy is not wearing any clothes. I can see his peepee and everything!” said the young girl. “Yes, dear, that's right.” the mother replied. “He is definitely naked. Don't be afraid to look. He wants us to see. Isn't that right, girls?” All the girls nodded in agreement as Beth, the boldest of the young girls grabbed the daughter's hand and pulled her toward me giving her a tour of my naked body as they circled around me. Beth even placed her hand on my ass as the young girl giggled. Beth pointed to my cock saying, “This is his wiener! He likes it when we touch it!” she added as all the girls laughed aloud including the mother. Realizing that the newcomers were not offended, I began to relax and smiled as they continued to stare at me. The mother then addressed me personally saying that although this was highly irregular, it made her day and her daughter didn't seem to mind either. When she asked Tyler where they were taking me in this condition, she explained that they were meeting friends at the park and that they should get going. “Sounds like fun. Wish I could join you girls. I don't have fun like that anymore, that's for sure. I envy you. I don't envy you though, young man. You are stark naked on a street in front of a group of girls and some look almost as young as my daughter. Haha. Good luck! Bye Girls. Have fun! ” With that the mother pushed her carriage as the young daughter said goodbye to all the girls but not before she came over to me and poked my cock which was rock hard again. The mother would have a lot of explaining to do when they got home.

We pushed on and the girls were no longer protecting me from being seen as I walked naked on the street. At one point a car went by and nobody seemed to care. I turned my back to the car and I'm sure the passengers got a good luck at my naked ass. The car didn't stop so there was no danger as we reached the entrance to the park. It was then that Carly and Cammie came into view as they ran towards us. “Oh my God!” Carly said. “You have him bare naked already and on the street and everything. You'll have to fill us in on the bus trip later.” Cammie greeted her friends and came over to me and stared at my cock before saying, “I like what you're not wearing, Franko! It's the same outfit you wore at the pool! Woohoo. How do you feel being out in the open totally bare naked when anyone can see you especially us girls?” she asked. Feeling very confident at this point, I said, “I feel good actually. I don't need clothes anyway. I have nothing to hide anymore.” With that, the 10 year Cammie grabbed my hard cock and pulled me along as we continued through the park pathway with all the other young girls laughing in unison and the older 3 just shaking their heads. She added that she liked when my cock was hard because it made it easier to pull. She then told the others to watch as she started rubbing my cock up and down as she imitated what she saw Carly and Tyler do to me at the pool. I just allowed it to happen and fully expected to blow my load right there on the pathway before Tyler told Cammie to stop. She explained that they had to save that for later since I had already cum on the bus. My cock was rock hard and I knew I wouldn't be holding out much longer.

As we were approaching a picnic table about a hundred yards away,I saw that a small tent had been put up and deduced that Carly and Cammie were responsible for it. Right at that moment, the sound of oncoming bicycles made us all stop on the path. 4 bikes screetched to a halt when their path was blocked by a group of 10 girls and me. 4 teen girls got off their bikes and appeared to be frozen in time with their mouths wide open. “Oh my God, Ty, you weren't kidding!” one of the girls said. “This dude is completely naked! He's not even covering up or anything. We can see everything! I figured you were lying about having a naked guy with you. How old is he? Holy shit. You know we can see your dick, dude?” This elicited much laughter from the whole group as I stood there with a healthy semi hardon for them to see. Tyler welcomed her friend whose name was Melanie and her 3 friends who she didn't know. Melanie was a classmate of Tyler and aged 14 like Tyler. The other 3 looked to be around the same age. They seemed to be in more shock than Melanie was and it took a while before they were introduced to all the girls and to me.

The new girls awoke from their stupor and began bombarding everyone with questions.
“Oh my God! How old is he?”
“Why is he naked?”
“Where are his clothes?”
“How did you get him to get stark naked?”
“Why is he not covering up his thing?”
“Isn't he embarrassed that he's out here bare ass naked?”
“Wow, some of you girls are really young! How old is everyone? He's bloody bare naked!!!”
“Those girls are seeing his weiner. Shit we're seeing his weiner and yup, the balls too! Crazy!”
“Hey dude, you know we can all see your dick, right? Shit, it's big too! Oh my God!”

One of the 10 year old girls named Darlene stepped up and gave a run down of names and ages and the newcomers couldn't help but laugh out loud. When she got to me she said, “That's Frank and he's 17 and he's bare naked!!!! Hahahahahaha.” That comment made everyone laugh more of course. Darlene then poked my penis with her finger and announced, “This is his ding dong!” The laughter was uproarious as she continued the tour of my body for these newcomers. “These are his balls! Turn around please Franko! This is his bum. As you can see he 's not wearing any clothes. Can you tell? Haha.” All this attention had the desired effect as I stood there with an enormous erection which was not lost on the new girls. “Holy shit, dude!” said Melanie. “ Your dick is huge! Aren't you embarrassed that we can all see you like this? We're 14 and that's bad enough but these kids are like 10 or 11.” I was about to answer her when Tyler decided to speak for me. She explained everything. She went over how we first met and all the dares since then including today's bus adventure. They found it especially funny that my clothes were thrown out the window of the bus and I was left with absolutely nothing to wear.

The 4 teens admitted that they had never seen a naked boy before let alone a 17 year old. They obviously had heard about erections but had never seen one in person. That all changed for these girls just as it did for all the other girls in the short time that they had cross paths with me. “My friends would never believe me if I told them about this.” said Melanie. That's when Tyler offered a solution. “You have your cell with you?” she asked. “Oh my God! Really? He won't mind?” Melanie replied. They were talking as if I wasn't there but I let them continue. They parked their bicycles beside the tent and Tyler grabbed Melanie's cellphone. She explained that she wanted individual photos with me and the 4 friends as well as a few group shots with the whole gang. “I wanna make sure you get his face in all the pictures as well as other stuff. Haha. I want my friends to see this guy with the younger girls too. They'll just die when they see the pics.”

I must admit I showed off during the photo session and my cock responded accordingly which was very much appreciated by Melanie and her friends. She reviewed the pics from her phone and promised to share them with Tyler. We all walked over to the picnic table and sat down. Some of the girls walked over to the washroom which was close by and others took out some snacks and drinks to share with everyone. I excused myself to go to the washroom. It would probably be the only time I would get a bit of privacy. I was wrong.

As I entered the washroom I heard voices. The 5 youngest girls laughed as they entered the men's facilities. “Girls, you can't be in here. This is the men's washroom.” Beth laughed and said, “So what. Nobody else is here and we already seen everything of you. We wanna watch you pee now. Do it!” She didn't ask me. She ordered me to show them how I pee. Luckily nobody else was around and the park seemed fairly empty at this time. I knew they would not leave me alone so I bit the bullet and walked over to the urinal. I had to wait for my dick to soften up in order to pee. It had been hard for most of the day so this was no easy task. Eventually I started to pee while 5 faces were watching me from both sides of me. They watched with interest as I completed urinating and shook the last drops off the end of my penis. “Wow, that was so cool!” “Amazing!” “Sweet” they said. I was surprised that they would find that interesting but then again, I don't know much about 10 or 11 year old girls. As I turned to go to a sink to wash my hands, I was stopped by Beth who directed me to the shower area. “You need a shower, Franko!” At that moment, Tyler walked in and handed out a few towels and told them to make it snappy. She also handed her a bottle of shower soap. “Make it fast, girls. I will watch out for anyone coming but you're on your own if you get caught. Hurry.” The 5 girls then proceeded to take off their t shirts and shorts and kicked off their socks and shoes and revealed their one piece bathing suits they wore during the pool dare. I hoped that there were no males in the park that needed to use the washroom at this time.

The shower was not very large but they managed to push me in and all squeeze in to the stall. This was a first for me and I'm sure for the girls as well. These girls were there not to shower but to wash me. As soon as the water gushed out of the shower head, their hands were all over me. Everywhere but especially my ass, balls and my cock. They soaped up their hands and went to town. I have to say that it was amazing. There wasn't a part of me that wasn't scrubbed, massaged, or groped. I had a rocket of a hardon and they were working as a team to get me off. Had Tyler given them instructions, I wondered. In any case, I went with the flow and allowed them to work their magic. As the soap was rinsed off my body, all 5 girls had their hands on my throbbing cock. Copying what they had seen earlier on, they rubbed and rubbed, pumping my cock up and down. They were taking turns and some working together but all I knew is that I was in ecstacy. As I was about to explode, Beth insisted on finishing me off. The others girls just watched as Beth pumped and rubbed until I could hold on no longer. I groaned as an explosion of cum thrust out of my engorged cock and hit the wall of the stall. Another 2 spurts followed soon after until I finished. I washed off the rest of the cum that was dripping from my cock as Beth turned off the shower. “Hurry!” she said as all the girls grabbed a towel and ran out of the washroom with Tyler laughing her head off. I'm pretty sure she watched some of the show based on her reaction.

I ran out after them but no towel was offered to me. I was naked and dripping wet, running on the grass headed towards the picnic table. The 4 bicycle girls greeted me as I approached and Melanie had a towel in her hands. “C'mon, dude, you're all wet and, uh, bare naked. Let me dry you.” She began using the towel to dry me but concentrated on my groin area. “You are a silly boy. Getting all bare naked for girls like that.” The other girls were all laughing no doubt because of what Beth had told them about the shower. “You actually let little girls jerk you off! Shame. Shame. Hahahaha.”
After completing the drying process, Melanie threw the towel to one of her friends, leaving me totally bare naked once again. “I can get used to this, dude.” she said. Tyler invited me to walk over to the picnic table and handed me a coke. There were snacks on the table and I helped myself. I was tired and hungry and was glad to have a rest after all that had happened on this day. The day was not over, however. I looked around and thought, here I am, completely bare naked, at a park in broad daylight with 14 girls.......and it wasn't a dream.

(to be continued)
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Re: Frank's Bus Dare Part 1

Post by Themarble »

I just love how Tyler is pushing Frank to his limits and how he is enjoying being completely nude outside. They all know how to jerk him off. Just how is he supposed to get home when he is all nude?? Its going to be pretty HARD.
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Re: Frank's Bus Dare Part 1

Post by Jeepman89 »

Tyler is definitely in charge but Frank gets himself into these situations. Imagine having to get on a bus, get naked, and get jerked off , get off a bus naked, walk through streets naked to a park, get seen naked by more girls and get jerked off by 1o-11 year old girls when you're 17. Dream come true or nightmare. The fact that he is far from home and without clothes has Frank very excited. What do you think will happen to him next and how will he get home?
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