The New Girl Isn't Shy *COMPLETE* (Chapter 17 - posted 2/19/25)
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The New Girl Isn't Shy *COMPLETE* (Chapter 17 - posted 2/19/25)
This is the first story I'm submitting here. Been a huge fan of things like 'Just One of the Guys' by Seuern and 'Kimmy' by Notapolitician, stories where girls get pressured slowly into a life of nudity, and happily accept them. So this will be a slower burn as my protagonist loses clothing gradually. But you can probably guess where the ultimate destination is. I'm guessing there will be about 10-12 chapters altogether, but we'll see where the story takes me.
All characters are over the age of 18.
-Day 1-
At St. Ellen's Academy, the finest college preparatory school in the state, the uniform policy had been strict until about fifteen years ago. That is when a pair of religious sisters had protested against the school's unspoken rule against hijabs. Rather than face a lawsuit and terrible publicity, the new unspoken rule was 'you must be in uniform, but ultimately your uniform is up to you'. Or as Ms. Pulaski, the history teacher would joke, “you can wear what you like as long as its in black”, noting the one code of uniformity left. There were polos, blouses, button-ups, and a handful of T-shirts. Students had pushed the uniform for years to allow shorter skirts, wild hairstyles, shirt sleeves, no sleeves, one senior boy had chosen to go an entire semester without shoes. It had been a scandal among the more conservative members of the faculty, but ultimately, as long as you stuck to a uniform, that was not breaking the rules.
Mina had no intention of testing the boundaries of the uniform policy when she transferred in to St. Ellen's. She wore a long skirt, past her knees, with white stockings underneath, and sleeves down to her wrists. Even her shoes were a shiny black leather with heels, precisely the written regulation. Her black hair was kept in a long ponytail, not a hair out of place. With her pale skin and the dark St. Ellen's colors, Mina looked very stuffy, but also just a bit goth. She was a smart girl, a good student, a rule-follower, but also had a reputation of being withdrawn and chilly at her old high school. Choosing books over friends, grades over romance. Her mother had noticed how lonely Mina seemed to be, and had always pushed her, as gently as she could, to get the girl to break out of her shell, to make friends.
Mina's mother was happy to not get bad reports back from school, but wished Mina would get detention at least once. It wasn't right for a teenager, even a legal adult now, to have skipped over a rebellious phase altogether. Rules were nice, but nobody wants a robot for a daughter.
As Mina was driven to school on her first day, her mother made a big show of dropping 'her baby' off at the curb. Mina's mother had to stand on her tippy toes to kiss Mina's face, smooching twice for effect. Mina was tall, six feet tall, the tallest girl in her old school and would be the tallest one here at St. Ellen's too, with a few extra inches from the high heels added as well. The height was clearly from her father's side since Mina's mother was ten inches shorter.
“Mom, you're embarrassing me!”, whined Mina.
“Oh, I know. But I want everybody to see how much I love you, Mina.”
“Do you have to do this at every school!”, Mina looked away, not making eye-contact. Avoiding the eyes of the laughing crowd of black-attired students around.
“Yes, I do. Now look at me.” Mina turned down to her mother. “No matter what, I don't want you to be embarrassed. Even if you had to go to class naked like in some nightmare, I'd want you to carry your chin high and be strong. Shame is just self-destruction, I read that on Facebook the other day. You are Mina, you are a good girl with a good heart, and you just need to be yourself. Don't let shame get in way of having fun or making friends or being yourself. Understand?”
“...Yes, mom”, said Mina, trying to turn away and go into the building, before getting pulled back.
“Okay, good”, then Mina was subjected to another hug and kiss. Mina's mother ignored the honking horns of other parents behind her in the school's traffic circle, trying to get their own kids to class before the bell.
Mina passed by several hooting faces and several boys and girls giving mocking kissing faces as she walked to her first homeroom. “Do you want another hug? How about a kiss?” called out on blonde girl in a black sweater and a very short skirt. Mina's face was red, but she did not turn or react, until she thought of her mother's advise.
Then Mina went right to the blonde girl and gave her a huge hug, picking her new classmate up off the ground for a moment to spin her around. “Yes, I do. The name's Mina, I'm new here.” The blonde girl was speechless. The mocking kids did not know to react as Mina walked away, feeling suddenly very sure of herself.
The rest of the day was Mina learning to adjust to her new surroundings and learning the map of St. Ellen's. A nice girl, but clearly more a teacher's pet than a social butterfly, Sophia, had led Mina around. Even though the new girl was a senior, she had chosen a full work load of classes and several electives in lieu of a study hall, to make sure her resume for college was sterling. She would have to take on some extra-curriculars too once she got settled.
The only real incident occurred during gym in the middle of the day. Mina had packed a full gym uniform, again, all regulation, all black. It was a little embarrassing to undress in a locker room around so many strangers. Mina thought about going to a toilet stall to change like she did in her old school, and even took a step forward towards it. The blonde girl from earlier, who Mina had learned was named Lucy, was staring the whole time.
In Mina's mind, Lucy was going to make fun of her for changing in the stall, or probably would make fun of her for changing out here. But then she remembered her mother's advice, not to be embarrassed. Whatever, they were all girls here. Mina was always a little shy of her body since she had a slender figure, small breasts, but she had worked hard this summer to get rid of what little gut she had. So Mina simply undressed to her bra and panties there with the other ladies to get ready for gym. Lucy made a comment about 'mosquito bites' but Mina chose to focus on herself. Really this was the pot calling the kettle black. It was not like Lucy had big boobs either.
The problem arose when Mina realized she was missing something in her gym bag. Her mother had forgotten to pack tennis shoes. Mina hesitated for a second, wondering what to do. She asked out loud “does anybody have a pair of shoes I can borrow?” but in the hustle of ladies changing, nobody heard her. Plus Mina had big feet for a girl, being so tall, would anybody be her size?
As far as Mina could see, she had two options: either go to gym in her heels and ruin them, maybe even twist her ankle in the process. Or just go bare foot. Her face turned red about the prospect of all the boys seeing her naked toes. But again, she thought of what her mother had said about shame. “It's just self-destruction”, maybe there was some wisdom on Facebook when the boomers weren't talking about ugly politics. She Mina put her toes down, wishing she had given her nails a more consistent purple color, and followed her classmates out to the yard.
Some girls giggled to themselves. Lucy elbowed her a bit and said “did you forget your shoes, you ogre?”.
Mina paused and said, “yes, I did” matter-of-factly and kept walking. The floor of the gym was cool to the touch, and Mina worried how dirty her feet were getting. But out in the yard, she liked the feeling of soil and grass on her skin. Everybody sat criss cross applesauce while the teacher came out to tell them what to do.
The gym teacher, Ms. White was going over the class's events, which was to play some lacrosse, boys on the left field, girls on the right. Mid-speech, she blew her whistle and pointed at Mina. “New girl, where are your shoes??”
Mina stood up, feeling very naked as the entire class was staring at her and her feet. “I left my sneakers at home, sorry.”
“You're out of uniform, new girl. You'll take a zero for today, go sit on the bleachers.” There was a bit of laughter all around.
“Oh no.”, Mina jogged up to the teacher, not wanting a bad mark so soon at her new school. She'd never had a bad mark in her life, in fact. “Isn't there any way I can play?”
Ms. White paused for a moment, thinking. “Our uniform policy is a little different here at St. Ellen's. We don't really advertise this, but we can be flexible for students' needs. If you tell me this is your uniform - your bare feet, then you can play. That's all I can do for you.”
Mina considered it. “Ummm... Sure, I'm in uniform, Ms. White.”
“Good, just watch out for stones in the grass. Don't cut yourself out there, I don't want to bring you to the nurse.” Mina felt very happy and jumped a bit as she jogged back to the other girls. Ms. White then blew her whistle, telling everybody to get ready for the games. It was a little strange running around with her bare feet, especially dodging a few sneakers aiming for her toes, but Mina did well at lacrosse. She even scored a goal on Lucy, who was playing defender. This was not how she predicted her first day at St. Ellen's going, but Mina felt it was going great. She really had never pushed herself physically besides the treadmill, but Mina was learning quickly she was pretty good at sports.
Her good mood lasted until they were back in the locker room. “Look at bottom of the ogre's feet, they're pitch black!”, that did not come from Lucy, but instead one of her friends, another blonde girl. Mina realized she'd need a shower, she was after all, very sweaty from running around for thirty minutes. In her old school she'd just change into her uniform with hot skin, and that seemed to be what most girls were doing. They'd all suffer and sweat until the end of the day. There were showers in the locker rooms in schools all her life but kids these days almost never used them, maybe the sports teams used them after games. Mina checked her phone and saw she had five minutes. She told Lucy's friend whose name she did not know yet, “well, if my feet are dirty, I'll take a quick shower then”, and began reaching down to rip off her gym T-shirt.
A few girls were staring, some turned away shyly, others just pretended nothing was happening. Mina just acted like nothing was strange as she pulled down her sweatpants and panties in one motion, standing naked, and stepping into the shower while tying her long ponytail up on top of her head so it wouldn't get wet. Her face was red hot from embarrassment, at least at first. A quick rinse was all she needed with just a touch of soap. Mina just needed to rinse the grime off.
Lucy, mostly undressed herself, was taken back and almost said something, but Mina interrupted, showing off everything as she turned to face her. “Can you tell Ms. Pulaski next period I'll be a couple minutes late? Thanks.”
Mina really wished she had shaved considering how many girls were seeing her naked. Though who could have guessed such a thing would happen, after all! She resolved she'd take care of that the moment she got home.
She turned the shower off, the water was freezing but Mina felt determined not to make a big deal of it, and despite the cold, she still felt very flushed. She stepped out, dripping, and realized, oh crap, she didn't have a towel! She was all alone in the locker room, dripping.
That was until Sophia stepped out of a toilet stall. Sophia had a lot of curves, some might call her 'chubby' if they were feeling mean. Mina chided herself internally for thinking that word. Sophia was more ashamed of her body, or at least, less brave than Mina had been today. Unlike the other girls, Sophia's custom uniform included slacks, apparently afraid of a skirt.
Sophia looked at Mina totally bare and was shocked. “Whoa, oh my god, Mina, why are you n-naked?”, stumbling on the taboo.
“My feet were dirty so Lucy's friend told me to shower. So I took one. Hey do you have towel? I forgot it.” Mina felt water droplets rolling all over her, getting the floor soaked.
Sophia pulled out a purple hand towel from her bag. “Water was cold, huh?”
Mina looked down and realized her nipples were standing straight out. “Oh... umm, yeah.” The water was plenty warm, actually, Mina just could not account for her body's reaction otherwise.
Wiping water off herself, Mina thought how strange it was to be having a conversation while completely naked with a near-stranger. But it was a locker room, people got naked in locker rooms, why should this be taboo? Sophia started to ask while Mina pulled her panties back on. “So like... you don't mind being naked at all? What's going on here?”
Mina laughed, “Oh, I'm not a nudist. Just my mom told me to be less shy today, and I think it's working. And after all, we're both girls, nothing anybody hasn't seen!” She put on her bra and her black blouse, hoping that since the thick material was dark enough so her erect nipples would not show. Sitting down, she slipped on her long skirt, a very conservative shift from baring literally everything. She skipped the stockings, since she was in a hurry. Finally Mina put on her heels again, feeling the usual pressure at the ball of her foot.
Sophia was already nearly out of the locker room. “You coming?”
“Yeah, just these heels are uncomfortable. I'd almost rather go barefoot.” They both laughed at that. Mina was soon ready to go, clean and dressed, walking together with Sophia, feeling like she might have actually made a friend on her first day.
All characters are over the age of 18.
-Day 1-
At St. Ellen's Academy, the finest college preparatory school in the state, the uniform policy had been strict until about fifteen years ago. That is when a pair of religious sisters had protested against the school's unspoken rule against hijabs. Rather than face a lawsuit and terrible publicity, the new unspoken rule was 'you must be in uniform, but ultimately your uniform is up to you'. Or as Ms. Pulaski, the history teacher would joke, “you can wear what you like as long as its in black”, noting the one code of uniformity left. There were polos, blouses, button-ups, and a handful of T-shirts. Students had pushed the uniform for years to allow shorter skirts, wild hairstyles, shirt sleeves, no sleeves, one senior boy had chosen to go an entire semester without shoes. It had been a scandal among the more conservative members of the faculty, but ultimately, as long as you stuck to a uniform, that was not breaking the rules.
Mina had no intention of testing the boundaries of the uniform policy when she transferred in to St. Ellen's. She wore a long skirt, past her knees, with white stockings underneath, and sleeves down to her wrists. Even her shoes were a shiny black leather with heels, precisely the written regulation. Her black hair was kept in a long ponytail, not a hair out of place. With her pale skin and the dark St. Ellen's colors, Mina looked very stuffy, but also just a bit goth. She was a smart girl, a good student, a rule-follower, but also had a reputation of being withdrawn and chilly at her old high school. Choosing books over friends, grades over romance. Her mother had noticed how lonely Mina seemed to be, and had always pushed her, as gently as she could, to get the girl to break out of her shell, to make friends.
Mina's mother was happy to not get bad reports back from school, but wished Mina would get detention at least once. It wasn't right for a teenager, even a legal adult now, to have skipped over a rebellious phase altogether. Rules were nice, but nobody wants a robot for a daughter.
As Mina was driven to school on her first day, her mother made a big show of dropping 'her baby' off at the curb. Mina's mother had to stand on her tippy toes to kiss Mina's face, smooching twice for effect. Mina was tall, six feet tall, the tallest girl in her old school and would be the tallest one here at St. Ellen's too, with a few extra inches from the high heels added as well. The height was clearly from her father's side since Mina's mother was ten inches shorter.
“Mom, you're embarrassing me!”, whined Mina.
“Oh, I know. But I want everybody to see how much I love you, Mina.”
“Do you have to do this at every school!”, Mina looked away, not making eye-contact. Avoiding the eyes of the laughing crowd of black-attired students around.
“Yes, I do. Now look at me.” Mina turned down to her mother. “No matter what, I don't want you to be embarrassed. Even if you had to go to class naked like in some nightmare, I'd want you to carry your chin high and be strong. Shame is just self-destruction, I read that on Facebook the other day. You are Mina, you are a good girl with a good heart, and you just need to be yourself. Don't let shame get in way of having fun or making friends or being yourself. Understand?”
“...Yes, mom”, said Mina, trying to turn away and go into the building, before getting pulled back.
“Okay, good”, then Mina was subjected to another hug and kiss. Mina's mother ignored the honking horns of other parents behind her in the school's traffic circle, trying to get their own kids to class before the bell.
Mina passed by several hooting faces and several boys and girls giving mocking kissing faces as she walked to her first homeroom. “Do you want another hug? How about a kiss?” called out on blonde girl in a black sweater and a very short skirt. Mina's face was red, but she did not turn or react, until she thought of her mother's advise.
Then Mina went right to the blonde girl and gave her a huge hug, picking her new classmate up off the ground for a moment to spin her around. “Yes, I do. The name's Mina, I'm new here.” The blonde girl was speechless. The mocking kids did not know to react as Mina walked away, feeling suddenly very sure of herself.
The rest of the day was Mina learning to adjust to her new surroundings and learning the map of St. Ellen's. A nice girl, but clearly more a teacher's pet than a social butterfly, Sophia, had led Mina around. Even though the new girl was a senior, she had chosen a full work load of classes and several electives in lieu of a study hall, to make sure her resume for college was sterling. She would have to take on some extra-curriculars too once she got settled.
The only real incident occurred during gym in the middle of the day. Mina had packed a full gym uniform, again, all regulation, all black. It was a little embarrassing to undress in a locker room around so many strangers. Mina thought about going to a toilet stall to change like she did in her old school, and even took a step forward towards it. The blonde girl from earlier, who Mina had learned was named Lucy, was staring the whole time.
In Mina's mind, Lucy was going to make fun of her for changing in the stall, or probably would make fun of her for changing out here. But then she remembered her mother's advice, not to be embarrassed. Whatever, they were all girls here. Mina was always a little shy of her body since she had a slender figure, small breasts, but she had worked hard this summer to get rid of what little gut she had. So Mina simply undressed to her bra and panties there with the other ladies to get ready for gym. Lucy made a comment about 'mosquito bites' but Mina chose to focus on herself. Really this was the pot calling the kettle black. It was not like Lucy had big boobs either.
The problem arose when Mina realized she was missing something in her gym bag. Her mother had forgotten to pack tennis shoes. Mina hesitated for a second, wondering what to do. She asked out loud “does anybody have a pair of shoes I can borrow?” but in the hustle of ladies changing, nobody heard her. Plus Mina had big feet for a girl, being so tall, would anybody be her size?
As far as Mina could see, she had two options: either go to gym in her heels and ruin them, maybe even twist her ankle in the process. Or just go bare foot. Her face turned red about the prospect of all the boys seeing her naked toes. But again, she thought of what her mother had said about shame. “It's just self-destruction”, maybe there was some wisdom on Facebook when the boomers weren't talking about ugly politics. She Mina put her toes down, wishing she had given her nails a more consistent purple color, and followed her classmates out to the yard.
Some girls giggled to themselves. Lucy elbowed her a bit and said “did you forget your shoes, you ogre?”.
Mina paused and said, “yes, I did” matter-of-factly and kept walking. The floor of the gym was cool to the touch, and Mina worried how dirty her feet were getting. But out in the yard, she liked the feeling of soil and grass on her skin. Everybody sat criss cross applesauce while the teacher came out to tell them what to do.
The gym teacher, Ms. White was going over the class's events, which was to play some lacrosse, boys on the left field, girls on the right. Mid-speech, she blew her whistle and pointed at Mina. “New girl, where are your shoes??”
Mina stood up, feeling very naked as the entire class was staring at her and her feet. “I left my sneakers at home, sorry.”
“You're out of uniform, new girl. You'll take a zero for today, go sit on the bleachers.” There was a bit of laughter all around.
“Oh no.”, Mina jogged up to the teacher, not wanting a bad mark so soon at her new school. She'd never had a bad mark in her life, in fact. “Isn't there any way I can play?”
Ms. White paused for a moment, thinking. “Our uniform policy is a little different here at St. Ellen's. We don't really advertise this, but we can be flexible for students' needs. If you tell me this is your uniform - your bare feet, then you can play. That's all I can do for you.”
Mina considered it. “Ummm... Sure, I'm in uniform, Ms. White.”
“Good, just watch out for stones in the grass. Don't cut yourself out there, I don't want to bring you to the nurse.” Mina felt very happy and jumped a bit as she jogged back to the other girls. Ms. White then blew her whistle, telling everybody to get ready for the games. It was a little strange running around with her bare feet, especially dodging a few sneakers aiming for her toes, but Mina did well at lacrosse. She even scored a goal on Lucy, who was playing defender. This was not how she predicted her first day at St. Ellen's going, but Mina felt it was going great. She really had never pushed herself physically besides the treadmill, but Mina was learning quickly she was pretty good at sports.
Her good mood lasted until they were back in the locker room. “Look at bottom of the ogre's feet, they're pitch black!”, that did not come from Lucy, but instead one of her friends, another blonde girl. Mina realized she'd need a shower, she was after all, very sweaty from running around for thirty minutes. In her old school she'd just change into her uniform with hot skin, and that seemed to be what most girls were doing. They'd all suffer and sweat until the end of the day. There were showers in the locker rooms in schools all her life but kids these days almost never used them, maybe the sports teams used them after games. Mina checked her phone and saw she had five minutes. She told Lucy's friend whose name she did not know yet, “well, if my feet are dirty, I'll take a quick shower then”, and began reaching down to rip off her gym T-shirt.
A few girls were staring, some turned away shyly, others just pretended nothing was happening. Mina just acted like nothing was strange as she pulled down her sweatpants and panties in one motion, standing naked, and stepping into the shower while tying her long ponytail up on top of her head so it wouldn't get wet. Her face was red hot from embarrassment, at least at first. A quick rinse was all she needed with just a touch of soap. Mina just needed to rinse the grime off.
Lucy, mostly undressed herself, was taken back and almost said something, but Mina interrupted, showing off everything as she turned to face her. “Can you tell Ms. Pulaski next period I'll be a couple minutes late? Thanks.”
Mina really wished she had shaved considering how many girls were seeing her naked. Though who could have guessed such a thing would happen, after all! She resolved she'd take care of that the moment she got home.
She turned the shower off, the water was freezing but Mina felt determined not to make a big deal of it, and despite the cold, she still felt very flushed. She stepped out, dripping, and realized, oh crap, she didn't have a towel! She was all alone in the locker room, dripping.
That was until Sophia stepped out of a toilet stall. Sophia had a lot of curves, some might call her 'chubby' if they were feeling mean. Mina chided herself internally for thinking that word. Sophia was more ashamed of her body, or at least, less brave than Mina had been today. Unlike the other girls, Sophia's custom uniform included slacks, apparently afraid of a skirt.
Sophia looked at Mina totally bare and was shocked. “Whoa, oh my god, Mina, why are you n-naked?”, stumbling on the taboo.
“My feet were dirty so Lucy's friend told me to shower. So I took one. Hey do you have towel? I forgot it.” Mina felt water droplets rolling all over her, getting the floor soaked.
Sophia pulled out a purple hand towel from her bag. “Water was cold, huh?”
Mina looked down and realized her nipples were standing straight out. “Oh... umm, yeah.” The water was plenty warm, actually, Mina just could not account for her body's reaction otherwise.
Wiping water off herself, Mina thought how strange it was to be having a conversation while completely naked with a near-stranger. But it was a locker room, people got naked in locker rooms, why should this be taboo? Sophia started to ask while Mina pulled her panties back on. “So like... you don't mind being naked at all? What's going on here?”
Mina laughed, “Oh, I'm not a nudist. Just my mom told me to be less shy today, and I think it's working. And after all, we're both girls, nothing anybody hasn't seen!” She put on her bra and her black blouse, hoping that since the thick material was dark enough so her erect nipples would not show. Sitting down, she slipped on her long skirt, a very conservative shift from baring literally everything. She skipped the stockings, since she was in a hurry. Finally Mina put on her heels again, feeling the usual pressure at the ball of her foot.
Sophia was already nearly out of the locker room. “You coming?”
“Yeah, just these heels are uncomfortable. I'd almost rather go barefoot.” They both laughed at that. Mina was soon ready to go, clean and dressed, walking together with Sophia, feeling like she might have actually made a friend on her first day.
Last edited by BlueDragmire on Wed Feb 19, 2025 5:29 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 2 - posted 1/2/25)
Day 2
The next day Mina felt less nervous and less weird in St. Ellen's, she knew all her teacher's names and her full schedule. The teachers assumed it would take her days to catch up, but she was answering questions to show off to her calculus teacher. No matter how nice a high school it is, it's still a high school. A five paragraph English essay still only has five paragraphs, after all. She even got to sit next to Sophia at lunch, meeting a few other boys and girls at the table.
The only uniform difference this day was Mina skipped the stockings. Nobody could see them under her long skirt anyway and they were too warm for the humid weather today. And Mina liked the feeling of a lot of air on her skin, she had to admit.
At gym this time, Mina made sure she had her sneakers. No reason to repeat yesterday's exhibitionism. Lucy stared at her feet, “oh, you're not going barefoot this time?”
“Guess not”, said Mina, again, resolving to counter the bully with some matter-of-fact charm.
It all seemed normal enough until all the students were sitting on the bleachers. It was raining today, so gym would be indoors, and they'd be playing basketball. Ms. White blew her whistle when she saw Mina. “You're out of uniform, newbie.”
“Huh, what? These sneakers are exactly regulation.”
“Yeah, standard regulation. But you changed your uniform yesterday. You don't wear shoes in my class.”
“Well... I didn't think that was some permanent thing...”
“Unless you want a zero, shoes off.”
Lucy whispered something into her friend's ear, Laura was the sidekick's name, Mina had learned. She did not want anybody to think this was going to slow her down. Feet were just feet, everybody had them. It wasn't like she was going to class naked or anything. So Mina kicked off her sneakers and balled up her socks in them, leaving them by the bleachers. “I'm ready now! In uniform, Ms. White.”
It was basketball day, the smooth wooden floor was cold to the touch. But Mina played and played hard. In the old schools, she had mostly sat out of gym class and read a book on the bleachers. But moving was fun. Mina was getting better too running without shoes, giving her better footing than the girls slipping on the polished floor. She easily scored on Lucy again, who was too short and seemed 'too cool' to really put in a hustle. Even Sophia was playing well and making physical blocks. Mina was happy to get her friend to push herself.
“Too bad it wasn't shirts vs skins like the boys do, ogre!” “She's practically a man yourself with no chest anyway.”, came a snide remark from the usual corners.
“Do those two ever stop?”, Mina asked Sophia.
“Not since the sixth grade.”, said Sophia.
Mina showered again after gym, remembering a towel and remembering to be on time for history class. She was a little disappointed that Lucy did not comment on her fully-shaved privates, which were so neat and orderly they could have been part of the St. Ellen's written dress code. Nobody joined her in the shower, but Sophia did change outside the bathroom stall this time, only down to bra and panties, not full nudity like Mina. “After all, we're all girls, right?”, Sophia said, smiling.
They walked together to Ms. Pulaski's class and took their seats. The young brunette history teacher looked only a few years older than the girls she was teaching. She was mid-lecture about the Gilded Age, but several boys were openly ignoring her, one chatting up Lucy. Some other boys were paying attention, but the wrong kind, openly ogling their pretty teacher's shapely ass, which Lucy pointed out, snickering. Ms. Pulaski stopped mid-sentence about President Garfield (“no relation to the cartoon cat” in her bad joke), trying to regain control.
“Something you'd like to say to the class, Ms. Lucille Westinghouse?”, the teacher said, obviously annoyed.
Lucy was flustered for only a second. “Oh, no, I didn't want to say anything, I don't want to be a bother...”
Ms. Pulaski seemed doubtful of that. “Oh, I'm sure, Lucy, you'd never want to be the center of attention.”
Lucy went into the nicest, most perfect little student voice she could imagine. “Well... it's just that our new colleague, Mina Murray, is out of uniform. And I know she's new and all, but every student in St. Ellen's must be an example for us all, right?”
“Ms. Murray seems to be following the regulations exactly. She could be on an advertisement for the school, in fact.”
Lucy explained, “Oh, yes, she's exactly on-model. But her uniform isn't the exact model anymore. She chose to amend it last class. Her uniform now is to go barefoot. So those heels are breaking the rules.”
Ms. Pulaski was getting irritated this was eating up so much of her limited time to finish the lecture. “Is this true, Ms. Murray?”
Mina was already removing her heels, seeing the history teacher's impatience. “Yes, it is. I assumed that it was only for one class, one time, but I guess that's how things are now.”
Ms. Pulaski was going to say “Please, leave your footwear on, I'll talk to the dean about this matter.”, but seeing Mina so willing to strip off her shoes, and having already lost five minutes, she just went with it. “Okay, Ms. Murray, please leave your heels in my care, you can retrieve them at the end of the day.”
There were only a few more periods left, including lunch. Mina just went through the rest of the day with bare feet, now a bit more worried about where this was all going. Two days in and it seemed she had lost footwear privileges for the rest of the year. At the end of the day, Ms. Pulaski offered to bring it up to the dean, but Mina shook her head. “I made my bed, I'll follow the rules. Responsibility is one of the three words written in the school motto, after all.”
“Well, alright, Ms. Murray. They were very lovely heels. But your toes are nicely-painted at least.”
“Oh, I touched them up last night. I thought people might see again somehow. And my nails are the St. Ellen's color: black!”
Mina shared a laugh with her teacher and left, wondering what Wednesday would bring. She seemed to be making friends as quickly as she was losing clothing, maybe there was a connection?
The next day Mina felt less nervous and less weird in St. Ellen's, she knew all her teacher's names and her full schedule. The teachers assumed it would take her days to catch up, but she was answering questions to show off to her calculus teacher. No matter how nice a high school it is, it's still a high school. A five paragraph English essay still only has five paragraphs, after all. She even got to sit next to Sophia at lunch, meeting a few other boys and girls at the table.
The only uniform difference this day was Mina skipped the stockings. Nobody could see them under her long skirt anyway and they were too warm for the humid weather today. And Mina liked the feeling of a lot of air on her skin, she had to admit.
At gym this time, Mina made sure she had her sneakers. No reason to repeat yesterday's exhibitionism. Lucy stared at her feet, “oh, you're not going barefoot this time?”
“Guess not”, said Mina, again, resolving to counter the bully with some matter-of-fact charm.
It all seemed normal enough until all the students were sitting on the bleachers. It was raining today, so gym would be indoors, and they'd be playing basketball. Ms. White blew her whistle when she saw Mina. “You're out of uniform, newbie.”
“Huh, what? These sneakers are exactly regulation.”
“Yeah, standard regulation. But you changed your uniform yesterday. You don't wear shoes in my class.”
“Well... I didn't think that was some permanent thing...”
“Unless you want a zero, shoes off.”
Lucy whispered something into her friend's ear, Laura was the sidekick's name, Mina had learned. She did not want anybody to think this was going to slow her down. Feet were just feet, everybody had them. It wasn't like she was going to class naked or anything. So Mina kicked off her sneakers and balled up her socks in them, leaving them by the bleachers. “I'm ready now! In uniform, Ms. White.”
It was basketball day, the smooth wooden floor was cold to the touch. But Mina played and played hard. In the old schools, she had mostly sat out of gym class and read a book on the bleachers. But moving was fun. Mina was getting better too running without shoes, giving her better footing than the girls slipping on the polished floor. She easily scored on Lucy again, who was too short and seemed 'too cool' to really put in a hustle. Even Sophia was playing well and making physical blocks. Mina was happy to get her friend to push herself.
“Too bad it wasn't shirts vs skins like the boys do, ogre!” “She's practically a man yourself with no chest anyway.”, came a snide remark from the usual corners.
“Do those two ever stop?”, Mina asked Sophia.
“Not since the sixth grade.”, said Sophia.
Mina showered again after gym, remembering a towel and remembering to be on time for history class. She was a little disappointed that Lucy did not comment on her fully-shaved privates, which were so neat and orderly they could have been part of the St. Ellen's written dress code. Nobody joined her in the shower, but Sophia did change outside the bathroom stall this time, only down to bra and panties, not full nudity like Mina. “After all, we're all girls, right?”, Sophia said, smiling.
They walked together to Ms. Pulaski's class and took their seats. The young brunette history teacher looked only a few years older than the girls she was teaching. She was mid-lecture about the Gilded Age, but several boys were openly ignoring her, one chatting up Lucy. Some other boys were paying attention, but the wrong kind, openly ogling their pretty teacher's shapely ass, which Lucy pointed out, snickering. Ms. Pulaski stopped mid-sentence about President Garfield (“no relation to the cartoon cat” in her bad joke), trying to regain control.
“Something you'd like to say to the class, Ms. Lucille Westinghouse?”, the teacher said, obviously annoyed.
Lucy was flustered for only a second. “Oh, no, I didn't want to say anything, I don't want to be a bother...”
Ms. Pulaski seemed doubtful of that. “Oh, I'm sure, Lucy, you'd never want to be the center of attention.”
Lucy went into the nicest, most perfect little student voice she could imagine. “Well... it's just that our new colleague, Mina Murray, is out of uniform. And I know she's new and all, but every student in St. Ellen's must be an example for us all, right?”
“Ms. Murray seems to be following the regulations exactly. She could be on an advertisement for the school, in fact.”
Lucy explained, “Oh, yes, she's exactly on-model. But her uniform isn't the exact model anymore. She chose to amend it last class. Her uniform now is to go barefoot. So those heels are breaking the rules.”
Ms. Pulaski was getting irritated this was eating up so much of her limited time to finish the lecture. “Is this true, Ms. Murray?”
Mina was already removing her heels, seeing the history teacher's impatience. “Yes, it is. I assumed that it was only for one class, one time, but I guess that's how things are now.”
Ms. Pulaski was going to say “Please, leave your footwear on, I'll talk to the dean about this matter.”, but seeing Mina so willing to strip off her shoes, and having already lost five minutes, she just went with it. “Okay, Ms. Murray, please leave your heels in my care, you can retrieve them at the end of the day.”
There were only a few more periods left, including lunch. Mina just went through the rest of the day with bare feet, now a bit more worried about where this was all going. Two days in and it seemed she had lost footwear privileges for the rest of the year. At the end of the day, Ms. Pulaski offered to bring it up to the dean, but Mina shook her head. “I made my bed, I'll follow the rules. Responsibility is one of the three words written in the school motto, after all.”
“Well, alright, Ms. Murray. They were very lovely heels. But your toes are nicely-painted at least.”
“Oh, I touched them up last night. I thought people might see again somehow. And my nails are the St. Ellen's color: black!”
Mina shared a laugh with her teacher and left, wondering what Wednesday would bring. She seemed to be making friends as quickly as she was losing clothing, maybe there was a connection?
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 2 - posted 1/2/25)
nice original (I think?) idea for slowly stripping her
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 2 - posted 1/2/25)
Day 3
Mom drove Mina to school again. In the car, she noticed her daughter was not wearing shoes. “How did you forget your shoes again? It's unlike you to make any mistake once, let alone twice.”
“No, mom, I just don't wear shoes at school anymore. This is my uniform now.”
“The school isn't letting you wear shoes? That's really weird.”
“No, I just made a choice after all. It solved a problem on Monday and now I'm not letting it bother me. My bare feet look great and I should not be ashamed of a little skin.”
Mom seemed very happy at that. “Oh, you're taking my advice! Maybe more literally than I meant it, but I'm glad to see you opening up. Just... you know, maybe stop short of full nudity.”
“Mom, I'm not going naked!” Mina was sure it would not come to that, but in her gut, felt a little worried about the trajectory her life seemed to be taking.
“If they make you go to school naked, I'll go to work in my birthday suit too. We Murray women will stick together!”, said Mom proudly, unbuttoning several buttons before Mina stopped her, both faces bright red.
The day progressed as usual, with Mina now fully in the swing of all her new classes, only with bare feet. But then came along fourth period gym again, with Mina feeling a bit of internal worry.
St. Ellen's had started as a girl's only school a hundred years ago, but had started letting boys in back in the Eighties. Still, the ratio of students was more than three-to-one girls to boys, which had not worried Mina when applying. She was interested in colleges, not finding a boyfriend just this minute. Some rumors still floated about the place being full of lesbians, back from when that was a dirty word. But again, Mina was more interested in academia than love. This meant that the boys' side of gym class was always smaller.
Most games could be put together with just a handful of guys, but today, Ms. White wanted everybody to play baseball thanks to surprisingly warm weather. St Ellen's had the space for two baseball diamonds, so the girls all gathered on the left. Mina realized she'd definitely have to shower if she was going to walk out on the plain dirt in her feet.
Ms. White blew her whistle to get attention. “Sorry, girls, some of the boys are out sick, so they only have fourteen over there, not enough for two teams, and there's too many girls here.” She pointed out some girls semi-randomly. “Laura go play catcher, and umm... Olivia, Sarah, go play outfield, and oh... New Girl, get over there, you're outfield too.”
Mina did not really know any of them besides Laura, Lucy's sidekick. They walked together, all quiet and nervous, the boys might get competitive and even if baseball was not the most physical sport, and St. Ellen's not the most athletics-focused institution, it would be tough to play with them. Laura did her best Lucy impression and commented, “You know, Mina, if you're going to be one of the boys, you're out of uniform, that bra totally doesn't match.”
Mina fired back, “Yeah, but that would apply for you too. I'll take it off if you will.” She reached back miming unclipping, before Laura backed down.
“Okay, truce, no!”
The game started with the first inning going immediately poorly. Olivia and Sarah both did not want to run too quickly in the outfield, so any hit was certain to be a run. Before 'the bottom of the first', a term Mina knew thanks to Kalvin, a nerdy boy, explaining the proper lingo, the all-boys team were winning five to nothing.
Mina's side took their turning batting. The game did not get any closer. One boy took the bat and hit a ball that Mina thought was going to be a home run, before Kalvin talked her down. “No, that's just a just pop fly, easy out.” And indeed it was.
Next up was Mina. She really had not played any baseball at all, and needed Kalvin to show her how to hold the bat in any useful way. Two pitches went right past her head, slow ones too. The cocky pitcher got lazy and felt like this was a certain out. That's when his third pitch went by, and Mina closed her eyes and swung as hard as she could. She felt the bat hit the ball, and there was a cracking sound.
She paused, unsure of what to do. Not even wanting to look. Kalvin yelled out “Mina, run!” So Mina ran, leaving girly footprints along the base path. She got to first and saw Kalvin was motioning 'keep going' so she did. That's when she saw that they had grabbed the ball and were going to get it to second base. With a lot of instinct and having seen a few movies about baseball, Mina remembered that baseball players sometimes had to slide to get safe. So she skidding downward into base, feeling the dirt all along her back.
“Out!” yelled a boy as he tagged. “Cool slide, but she wasn't even close.”, said another.
“Oh crap”, said Mina, when she realized her slide had ended a full foot away from the diamond.
She limped back to home, rubbing her butt, which hurt. Her sweatpants were caked with dirt. She stopped for a second making an “eep” noise when she realized it was worse than that, there was a tear all across her left cheek, dangerously close to the elastic band that held it in place. She kept walking, hoping nobody would notice.
Laura took the bat next and actually got a hit and made it to first base, safe. She seemed far too proud of herself and Mina felt disgusted. Kalvin muttered “that could have been a triple if she tried harder...” and he walked to the bat. Despite his baseball knowledge, Kalvin was the worst batter yet, and swung at everything too late, striking out.
Mina jogged to her spot in the outfield and felt the tear getting worse. Should she go tell Ms. White and leave? No, she was going to get a hit and make it to base this time, no way she would let one of Lucy's minions out-shine her. It was noticeable now, since out of the girls, Sarah, said “umm... Mina, your pants...”, but Mina shook her off, not wanting anybody else to see. She untucked her T-shirt, hoping that would cover it up more.
Instead, that only gave more slack to her loosening pants, and next ball that sailed Mina's way, she was sure she could catch. Instead while chasing after it, her damaged pants fell to her feet, causing her to prat-fall right to the ground. Everybody laughed, and Mina felt like the biggest loser, a half-naked clown, as the score rose from five to nothing to six to nothing. Mina held her loose pants up with her hands for another ten minutes until mercifully, they got the third out, now down ten to nothing. She stood like a statue for two innings, hoping gym class would be over soon. “Nice panties!”, said Laura. “Lucy will love to hear about this one!”
The school clock told her that there were only a few minutes left of gym when Mina took her spot at the plate. She could not hold up her pants and the bat at the same time, so tried batting with one hand, causing everybody to laugh. “Enough!”, she muttered, letting her pants fall to the ground so she could bat properly. She then kicked them away off to the side, and knelt down in batting position.
The catcher said, “um... your pants...”
“I don't care! Clothes or no clothes, I'm hitting that ball and shutting Laura up!”, Mina was too angry to think.
The pitcher was clearly distracted by Mina's long bare legs. He threw a ball three feet over her head that the catcher had to scurry over to grab. His next pitch was so low it hit the dirt five feet short of home plate. Finally he took a breath and focused and threw something Mina could actually hit, which Mina knew was her chance. She smacked the hell out of it, keeping her eyes open, and she felt like she hit it hard. Before the boys even got the ball in play, Mina was rounding third base, running as fast as she could. And then Kalvin called out, “Mina, slide!”, which she did, perfectly this time, covering her T-shirt in dirt. She was absolutely filthy but the score was ten to one, not a blow-out.
She did not want to think about the damage to her panties. Her legs had dirt lines up and down them. There was even dirt caked into in her ponytail. Mina also felt like her bra might have come detached as well. But still, she leapt up and down in victory, just as the bell rang, telling everybody gym class was over, time to get changed.
Mina was too much in a hurry to put her sweatpants back on, so walked proudly in what was left of her clothing, to the locker room to shower. Lucy was horrified by what she saw, Mina half-naked, in more shades of brown than black now, and smiling ear to ear. Sophia too was a little shocked, until Mina said happily, “Did you hear? I scored a run!”
“What about your pants?”, Sophia asked. “Did the boys see your... panties?” That last word was a whisper. Said panties were already on the ground, as Mina stripped quickly and proudly.
“Oh, probably, whatever. They have porn at home and must have seen worse. But I hit the ball really hard!” Mina tore off her shirt and felt her bra flutter downwards, it had completely ripped in the back. Worse, her panties were full of dirt too, that was going to be a long story to explain to Mom. After a very long shower, with shampoo as it was absolutely necessary, Mina got dressed, at least as much as she could.
She was totally without underwear, no bra or panties since both were ruined. Plus, her hair was soaked since she had to wash it, the best she could do was let it hang out, wet. No tight teacher's pet with a ponytail, Mina looked like a barbarian. She was a complete mess for history class, and was late. At least her skirt was so long nobody would ever see. As for her nipples well, Ms. Pulaski took her aside after the class and said “You should dress more properly, I could see your nubs poking out for half the class.”
“I'm not in trouble, am I?”
“No, you're my only student who actually listens and cares to learn about the Spoils System. I'm on your side, Mina.”
No other teacher dared comment, and Mina ended her third day at St. Ellen's. Still feeling excited about the big hit. Well, she was pretty sure it was the baseball that her heart racing, right? For the rest of the day, her nipples never did quite calm down.
Mom drove Mina to school again. In the car, she noticed her daughter was not wearing shoes. “How did you forget your shoes again? It's unlike you to make any mistake once, let alone twice.”
“No, mom, I just don't wear shoes at school anymore. This is my uniform now.”
“The school isn't letting you wear shoes? That's really weird.”
“No, I just made a choice after all. It solved a problem on Monday and now I'm not letting it bother me. My bare feet look great and I should not be ashamed of a little skin.”
Mom seemed very happy at that. “Oh, you're taking my advice! Maybe more literally than I meant it, but I'm glad to see you opening up. Just... you know, maybe stop short of full nudity.”
“Mom, I'm not going naked!” Mina was sure it would not come to that, but in her gut, felt a little worried about the trajectory her life seemed to be taking.
“If they make you go to school naked, I'll go to work in my birthday suit too. We Murray women will stick together!”, said Mom proudly, unbuttoning several buttons before Mina stopped her, both faces bright red.
The day progressed as usual, with Mina now fully in the swing of all her new classes, only with bare feet. But then came along fourth period gym again, with Mina feeling a bit of internal worry.
St. Ellen's had started as a girl's only school a hundred years ago, but had started letting boys in back in the Eighties. Still, the ratio of students was more than three-to-one girls to boys, which had not worried Mina when applying. She was interested in colleges, not finding a boyfriend just this minute. Some rumors still floated about the place being full of lesbians, back from when that was a dirty word. But again, Mina was more interested in academia than love. This meant that the boys' side of gym class was always smaller.
Most games could be put together with just a handful of guys, but today, Ms. White wanted everybody to play baseball thanks to surprisingly warm weather. St Ellen's had the space for two baseball diamonds, so the girls all gathered on the left. Mina realized she'd definitely have to shower if she was going to walk out on the plain dirt in her feet.
Ms. White blew her whistle to get attention. “Sorry, girls, some of the boys are out sick, so they only have fourteen over there, not enough for two teams, and there's too many girls here.” She pointed out some girls semi-randomly. “Laura go play catcher, and umm... Olivia, Sarah, go play outfield, and oh... New Girl, get over there, you're outfield too.”
Mina did not really know any of them besides Laura, Lucy's sidekick. They walked together, all quiet and nervous, the boys might get competitive and even if baseball was not the most physical sport, and St. Ellen's not the most athletics-focused institution, it would be tough to play with them. Laura did her best Lucy impression and commented, “You know, Mina, if you're going to be one of the boys, you're out of uniform, that bra totally doesn't match.”
Mina fired back, “Yeah, but that would apply for you too. I'll take it off if you will.” She reached back miming unclipping, before Laura backed down.
“Okay, truce, no!”
The game started with the first inning going immediately poorly. Olivia and Sarah both did not want to run too quickly in the outfield, so any hit was certain to be a run. Before 'the bottom of the first', a term Mina knew thanks to Kalvin, a nerdy boy, explaining the proper lingo, the all-boys team were winning five to nothing.
Mina's side took their turning batting. The game did not get any closer. One boy took the bat and hit a ball that Mina thought was going to be a home run, before Kalvin talked her down. “No, that's just a just pop fly, easy out.” And indeed it was.
Next up was Mina. She really had not played any baseball at all, and needed Kalvin to show her how to hold the bat in any useful way. Two pitches went right past her head, slow ones too. The cocky pitcher got lazy and felt like this was a certain out. That's when his third pitch went by, and Mina closed her eyes and swung as hard as she could. She felt the bat hit the ball, and there was a cracking sound.
She paused, unsure of what to do. Not even wanting to look. Kalvin yelled out “Mina, run!” So Mina ran, leaving girly footprints along the base path. She got to first and saw Kalvin was motioning 'keep going' so she did. That's when she saw that they had grabbed the ball and were going to get it to second base. With a lot of instinct and having seen a few movies about baseball, Mina remembered that baseball players sometimes had to slide to get safe. So she skidding downward into base, feeling the dirt all along her back.
“Out!” yelled a boy as he tagged. “Cool slide, but she wasn't even close.”, said another.
“Oh crap”, said Mina, when she realized her slide had ended a full foot away from the diamond.
She limped back to home, rubbing her butt, which hurt. Her sweatpants were caked with dirt. She stopped for a second making an “eep” noise when she realized it was worse than that, there was a tear all across her left cheek, dangerously close to the elastic band that held it in place. She kept walking, hoping nobody would notice.
Laura took the bat next and actually got a hit and made it to first base, safe. She seemed far too proud of herself and Mina felt disgusted. Kalvin muttered “that could have been a triple if she tried harder...” and he walked to the bat. Despite his baseball knowledge, Kalvin was the worst batter yet, and swung at everything too late, striking out.
Mina jogged to her spot in the outfield and felt the tear getting worse. Should she go tell Ms. White and leave? No, she was going to get a hit and make it to base this time, no way she would let one of Lucy's minions out-shine her. It was noticeable now, since out of the girls, Sarah, said “umm... Mina, your pants...”, but Mina shook her off, not wanting anybody else to see. She untucked her T-shirt, hoping that would cover it up more.
Instead, that only gave more slack to her loosening pants, and next ball that sailed Mina's way, she was sure she could catch. Instead while chasing after it, her damaged pants fell to her feet, causing her to prat-fall right to the ground. Everybody laughed, and Mina felt like the biggest loser, a half-naked clown, as the score rose from five to nothing to six to nothing. Mina held her loose pants up with her hands for another ten minutes until mercifully, they got the third out, now down ten to nothing. She stood like a statue for two innings, hoping gym class would be over soon. “Nice panties!”, said Laura. “Lucy will love to hear about this one!”
The school clock told her that there were only a few minutes left of gym when Mina took her spot at the plate. She could not hold up her pants and the bat at the same time, so tried batting with one hand, causing everybody to laugh. “Enough!”, she muttered, letting her pants fall to the ground so she could bat properly. She then kicked them away off to the side, and knelt down in batting position.
The catcher said, “um... your pants...”
“I don't care! Clothes or no clothes, I'm hitting that ball and shutting Laura up!”, Mina was too angry to think.
The pitcher was clearly distracted by Mina's long bare legs. He threw a ball three feet over her head that the catcher had to scurry over to grab. His next pitch was so low it hit the dirt five feet short of home plate. Finally he took a breath and focused and threw something Mina could actually hit, which Mina knew was her chance. She smacked the hell out of it, keeping her eyes open, and she felt like she hit it hard. Before the boys even got the ball in play, Mina was rounding third base, running as fast as she could. And then Kalvin called out, “Mina, slide!”, which she did, perfectly this time, covering her T-shirt in dirt. She was absolutely filthy but the score was ten to one, not a blow-out.
She did not want to think about the damage to her panties. Her legs had dirt lines up and down them. There was even dirt caked into in her ponytail. Mina also felt like her bra might have come detached as well. But still, she leapt up and down in victory, just as the bell rang, telling everybody gym class was over, time to get changed.
Mina was too much in a hurry to put her sweatpants back on, so walked proudly in what was left of her clothing, to the locker room to shower. Lucy was horrified by what she saw, Mina half-naked, in more shades of brown than black now, and smiling ear to ear. Sophia too was a little shocked, until Mina said happily, “Did you hear? I scored a run!”
“What about your pants?”, Sophia asked. “Did the boys see your... panties?” That last word was a whisper. Said panties were already on the ground, as Mina stripped quickly and proudly.
“Oh, probably, whatever. They have porn at home and must have seen worse. But I hit the ball really hard!” Mina tore off her shirt and felt her bra flutter downwards, it had completely ripped in the back. Worse, her panties were full of dirt too, that was going to be a long story to explain to Mom. After a very long shower, with shampoo as it was absolutely necessary, Mina got dressed, at least as much as she could.
She was totally without underwear, no bra or panties since both were ruined. Plus, her hair was soaked since she had to wash it, the best she could do was let it hang out, wet. No tight teacher's pet with a ponytail, Mina looked like a barbarian. She was a complete mess for history class, and was late. At least her skirt was so long nobody would ever see. As for her nipples well, Ms. Pulaski took her aside after the class and said “You should dress more properly, I could see your nubs poking out for half the class.”
“I'm not in trouble, am I?”
“No, you're my only student who actually listens and cares to learn about the Spoils System. I'm on your side, Mina.”
No other teacher dared comment, and Mina ended her third day at St. Ellen's. Still feeling excited about the big hit. Well, she was pretty sure it was the baseball that her heart racing, right? For the rest of the day, her nipples never did quite calm down.
Last edited by BlueDragmire on Sun Jan 05, 2025 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 3 - posted 1/3/25)
I liked it a lot!
Side note, is it just me, or is Pulaski a fairly common teachers name in stories, given I've never met someone who actually has that surname
Side note, is it just me, or is Pulaski a fairly common teachers name in stories, given I've never met someone who actually has that surname

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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 3 - posted 1/3/25)
Oh I just named her after a bridge near where I grew up. Also, history teacher, historical General Pulaski. I try not to worry too much about names, I started doing Dracula characters and then gave up.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 3 - posted 1/3/25)
Day 4
At homeroom the next day, a call came from the dean's office. “Mina Murray, please report to the Dean's Office”. Mina shrugged at what this could be about, but had some good guesses.
She plodded to the Office, looking down at her feet to be sure her toenails were painted perfectly. She did not want even one detail less than excellent for a meeting with the Dean. Underdressed was one thing, but sloppy, that was not the Mina she wanted to present. The Dean was middle-aged man, balding with glasses and a kind face. Standing in the office was Ms. White, the gym teacher, and surprisingly, Ms. Pulaski, Mina's history teacher, and Mina's favorite teacher so far. The women had more worried faces than the Dean.
“We're here to discuss your uniform, Ms. Murray”, said the Dean. “Specifically your... let's say, alternations to the style. There have been complaints from several students.” Mina could guess which ones.
Ms. White seemed particularly upset. “She went bottomless in my class yesterday, I never got a chance to chew her out for it because I was busy elsewhere. But it was completely unacceptable. Every boy saw her... underwear.” Ms. White's face was a heavy frown, bring wrinkles to her face and making her look older than she was.
Mina wanted to blurt out, “I'm sorry, I just got caught up in the game was all!”. But before she could speak out, Ms. Pulaski spoke in her defense.
“Ms. Murray is a very bright student who seems to want to do her best in all classes. She's had nothing but excellent rapport with all her teachers and most students save a few, and she's been very flexible and practical in solving problems to keep participating. I don't think any of this merits punishment.”
The Dean seemed to quietly agree. “No, this all does seem somewhat out of proportion. However, there are uniform standards we must abide by. Ms. Murray was out of uniform in gym yesterday, and while I do not think this merits any detention, she should get a warning. And Ms. White requested she be given a zero for the class yesterday, which I feel is adequately light punishment. If she simply accepts this mark, Ms. Murray may return to our school tomorrow dressed head to toe, let's forget this barefoot business as well.”
Mina interrupted. “No, I don't want a bad mark in gym or any class!” She chewed her lip for a moment, feeling this was all some test or dare she dare not back down from. “You say uniforms can be customized, so I counter: I was not out of uniform in gym, I'm out of uniform now.” She grabbed the zipper on her skirt and pulled it down, letting it pool at her feet. “This is my uniform, by formal request. I wear no shoes, no pants.”
There was a moment of stunned silence as Mina picked up her skirt and folded it up properly. Ms. White was disgusted, and the dean was speechless as well. He spoke first, “We can be very lax with our uniform standards but there must be standards.”
Ms. White joined in, “We can't have a student just run around half-naked to avoid a bad mark. I suggest Mina here...” (Mina mentally noted this was the first time Ms. White had ever bothered to remember her name.) “ suspended rest of the day until she recognizes what a violation this is of St. Ellen's conduct.”
Mina again spoke up. “I am sticking to a standard of conduct. I'll dress this way from here on out. I'm not embarrassed and nobody should be embarrassed for me.”
“But every boy can see your panties!”
“Then I'll remove those too.” Mina reached down, fully prepared to go that far.
The Dean waved, fearful of how out of control this was getting.
Ms. Pulaski stepped in. “Mina is right. Our rules are clear that students can set their uniform standard as long as it is standard. I'll back her completely. In fact...” Even Mina was shocked by what came next. Ms. Pulaski unzipped her own skirt and took off her flats, leaving her legs bare besides pantyhose. “...I join her in her uniform choice. I was a student here not that long ago, the same rules apply for us in faculty as they do for the student body.”
The Dean took off his glasses, and looked like he had a terrible headache. “Please, let us stop here. Ms. Pulaski, you've made your point, Mina may dress as she pleases. Can you please redress yourself?”
The history teacher looked down and seemed to really want to get dressed. But she shook her head no. “No, I stand by my student. We are in this together now.” And so, two pairs of long legs left the Dean's office, while Ms. White stuck behind, shouting something inaudible after the door had been closed.
Mina left for her first period science class ten minutes late, fielding a million questions about how much more skin she was showing. But she also had a note explaining her tardiness and attire. She felt very exposed now with her clothing down to just a shirt, bra, and panties, but hey, she still had everything covered, right? At least she kept her panties on, that was a close call. Plus, more boys seemed excited by the rumors that the “hot babe” Ms. Pulaski was going around half-naked.
Gym class came and went, largely without incident. It was volleyball day and Mina played tough, this time against Sophia, with whom she had a friendly sports rivalry now. It was close, but Sophia's team won. Ms. White was clearly not pleased to see Mina in just a T-shirt and panties, but had no way of punishing her. She seemed to be calculating something though. Mina saw Laura, Lucy, and Ms. White talking together, in whispers, and felt a chill go down her spine. Or maybe that was the goosebumps on her naked thighs.
After class, Mina took her usual shower, surprisingly joined by Sophia this time, who was not afraid to be totally naked in the locker room. “I really broke a sweat this time!”, said Sophia.
“Yeah, you played hard. I almost had you until Lucy whiffed that spike.”
Lucy overheard. “You, naked ogre, don't talk about me. I'm here for colleges, not whacking a ball or like you, studying to be a stripper.”
Mina, retorted. “You know, stripping class, that's a good idea. I should bring it up with Ms. White. Pole dancing is wonderful exercise I hear.”
Sophia, pointing out her own slightly flabby middle laughed along. “Yeah, it's great for your core muscles. I think it would be fun!”
Mina found redressing went that much faster with one less piece of clothing to wear.
History class was interesting, since none of the boys heard a single thing Ms. Pulaski said. At some point during the day she had shed her pantyhose, leaving her naked under her long blouse. Mina felt somehow weirdly reassured she had a partner in this... whatever she was doing. Proving nobody could humiliate her.
To Mina's immense shock, after school, Lucy came up to her and said. “Hey, Mina!”
“Oh, you're calling me by my name now? Not 'Ogre' or 'stripper' or whatever?”
Lucy tried to look a little sheepish, but Mina still was suspicious of the act. “Laura talked to me, she thinks we all got off on the wrong foot. I've been a bit of a bully and honestly, this is getting weird.” Pointing out Lucy's bare legs. “How about you come over to my house tomorrow night? We can have a little Friday night welcoming party and rethink things.”
“It is a little weird, even I'll admit that.”, said Mina. “I'm less embarrassed about it than you are, though.”
“So are you coming?”
“Sure, but only if you invite Sophia too. Maybe we can all be friends.”
Lucy said one final thing, “Also, dress however you please. I know you don't care what people see, and maybe I need to be less... judgmental of it.”
For a second, Mina actually believed her. They hugged and Mina went off into her mother's waiting car, having to give the long story as to why she was going to be skirt-less for the rest of the semester. Her Mom replied “At this rate, you'll be as naked as the day you were born by Monday. Are you sure you don't want me to step in?”
“No, Mom, I'm handling it. Also, remember our bet. If I have to go nude, so do you. No backing down!”
At homeroom the next day, a call came from the dean's office. “Mina Murray, please report to the Dean's Office”. Mina shrugged at what this could be about, but had some good guesses.
She plodded to the Office, looking down at her feet to be sure her toenails were painted perfectly. She did not want even one detail less than excellent for a meeting with the Dean. Underdressed was one thing, but sloppy, that was not the Mina she wanted to present. The Dean was middle-aged man, balding with glasses and a kind face. Standing in the office was Ms. White, the gym teacher, and surprisingly, Ms. Pulaski, Mina's history teacher, and Mina's favorite teacher so far. The women had more worried faces than the Dean.
“We're here to discuss your uniform, Ms. Murray”, said the Dean. “Specifically your... let's say, alternations to the style. There have been complaints from several students.” Mina could guess which ones.
Ms. White seemed particularly upset. “She went bottomless in my class yesterday, I never got a chance to chew her out for it because I was busy elsewhere. But it was completely unacceptable. Every boy saw her... underwear.” Ms. White's face was a heavy frown, bring wrinkles to her face and making her look older than she was.
Mina wanted to blurt out, “I'm sorry, I just got caught up in the game was all!”. But before she could speak out, Ms. Pulaski spoke in her defense.
“Ms. Murray is a very bright student who seems to want to do her best in all classes. She's had nothing but excellent rapport with all her teachers and most students save a few, and she's been very flexible and practical in solving problems to keep participating. I don't think any of this merits punishment.”
The Dean seemed to quietly agree. “No, this all does seem somewhat out of proportion. However, there are uniform standards we must abide by. Ms. Murray was out of uniform in gym yesterday, and while I do not think this merits any detention, she should get a warning. And Ms. White requested she be given a zero for the class yesterday, which I feel is adequately light punishment. If she simply accepts this mark, Ms. Murray may return to our school tomorrow dressed head to toe, let's forget this barefoot business as well.”
Mina interrupted. “No, I don't want a bad mark in gym or any class!” She chewed her lip for a moment, feeling this was all some test or dare she dare not back down from. “You say uniforms can be customized, so I counter: I was not out of uniform in gym, I'm out of uniform now.” She grabbed the zipper on her skirt and pulled it down, letting it pool at her feet. “This is my uniform, by formal request. I wear no shoes, no pants.”
There was a moment of stunned silence as Mina picked up her skirt and folded it up properly. Ms. White was disgusted, and the dean was speechless as well. He spoke first, “We can be very lax with our uniform standards but there must be standards.”
Ms. White joined in, “We can't have a student just run around half-naked to avoid a bad mark. I suggest Mina here...” (Mina mentally noted this was the first time Ms. White had ever bothered to remember her name.) “ suspended rest of the day until she recognizes what a violation this is of St. Ellen's conduct.”
Mina again spoke up. “I am sticking to a standard of conduct. I'll dress this way from here on out. I'm not embarrassed and nobody should be embarrassed for me.”
“But every boy can see your panties!”
“Then I'll remove those too.” Mina reached down, fully prepared to go that far.
The Dean waved, fearful of how out of control this was getting.
Ms. Pulaski stepped in. “Mina is right. Our rules are clear that students can set their uniform standard as long as it is standard. I'll back her completely. In fact...” Even Mina was shocked by what came next. Ms. Pulaski unzipped her own skirt and took off her flats, leaving her legs bare besides pantyhose. “...I join her in her uniform choice. I was a student here not that long ago, the same rules apply for us in faculty as they do for the student body.”
The Dean took off his glasses, and looked like he had a terrible headache. “Please, let us stop here. Ms. Pulaski, you've made your point, Mina may dress as she pleases. Can you please redress yourself?”
The history teacher looked down and seemed to really want to get dressed. But she shook her head no. “No, I stand by my student. We are in this together now.” And so, two pairs of long legs left the Dean's office, while Ms. White stuck behind, shouting something inaudible after the door had been closed.
Mina left for her first period science class ten minutes late, fielding a million questions about how much more skin she was showing. But she also had a note explaining her tardiness and attire. She felt very exposed now with her clothing down to just a shirt, bra, and panties, but hey, she still had everything covered, right? At least she kept her panties on, that was a close call. Plus, more boys seemed excited by the rumors that the “hot babe” Ms. Pulaski was going around half-naked.
Gym class came and went, largely without incident. It was volleyball day and Mina played tough, this time against Sophia, with whom she had a friendly sports rivalry now. It was close, but Sophia's team won. Ms. White was clearly not pleased to see Mina in just a T-shirt and panties, but had no way of punishing her. She seemed to be calculating something though. Mina saw Laura, Lucy, and Ms. White talking together, in whispers, and felt a chill go down her spine. Or maybe that was the goosebumps on her naked thighs.
After class, Mina took her usual shower, surprisingly joined by Sophia this time, who was not afraid to be totally naked in the locker room. “I really broke a sweat this time!”, said Sophia.
“Yeah, you played hard. I almost had you until Lucy whiffed that spike.”
Lucy overheard. “You, naked ogre, don't talk about me. I'm here for colleges, not whacking a ball or like you, studying to be a stripper.”
Mina, retorted. “You know, stripping class, that's a good idea. I should bring it up with Ms. White. Pole dancing is wonderful exercise I hear.”
Sophia, pointing out her own slightly flabby middle laughed along. “Yeah, it's great for your core muscles. I think it would be fun!”
Mina found redressing went that much faster with one less piece of clothing to wear.
History class was interesting, since none of the boys heard a single thing Ms. Pulaski said. At some point during the day she had shed her pantyhose, leaving her naked under her long blouse. Mina felt somehow weirdly reassured she had a partner in this... whatever she was doing. Proving nobody could humiliate her.
To Mina's immense shock, after school, Lucy came up to her and said. “Hey, Mina!”
“Oh, you're calling me by my name now? Not 'Ogre' or 'stripper' or whatever?”
Lucy tried to look a little sheepish, but Mina still was suspicious of the act. “Laura talked to me, she thinks we all got off on the wrong foot. I've been a bit of a bully and honestly, this is getting weird.” Pointing out Lucy's bare legs. “How about you come over to my house tomorrow night? We can have a little Friday night welcoming party and rethink things.”
“It is a little weird, even I'll admit that.”, said Mina. “I'm less embarrassed about it than you are, though.”
“So are you coming?”
“Sure, but only if you invite Sophia too. Maybe we can all be friends.”
Lucy said one final thing, “Also, dress however you please. I know you don't care what people see, and maybe I need to be less... judgmental of it.”
For a second, Mina actually believed her. They hugged and Mina went off into her mother's waiting car, having to give the long story as to why she was going to be skirt-less for the rest of the semester. Her Mom replied “At this rate, you'll be as naked as the day you were born by Monday. Are you sure you don't want me to step in?”
“No, Mom, I'm handling it. Also, remember our bet. If I have to go nude, so do you. No backing down!”
Last edited by BlueDragmire on Tue Feb 18, 2025 12:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 4 - posted 1/4/25)
Note: Thanks for pointing out my small grammar flubs, I'm a terrible self-editor. Also, five chapters deep, finally in some ENF territory now.
Day 5
School passed largely without incident the next day. Mina realized she was going to need to buy a whole new set of panties from now on. A boy yesterday had said something about 'granny panties' and yeah, if she was showing off, she'd need sexier options. She did have some pairs of black underwear and that at least matched the St. Ellen's color scheme. Still, for the first time since she switched schools and decided to be less shy, Mina was ending the day wearing as much clothing as she started.
So much for Mom's total nudity timeline.
Sophia was overjoyed at the invitation Mina had gotten her. They talked about it during lunch. Turns out Sophia and Lucy had been classmates since kindergarten and had been friends once upon a time. “She got really bitchy in middle school, she took puberty badly, I think. Plus Laura transferred in and Laura always brought out the worst in her.”, said Sophia.
“Huh, this truce was all Laura's idea.”
Sophia looked down, “You think this is some kind of trap?”
“A trap to what? Humiliate me? I don't think there's anything they could do that I wouldn't do myself.”
“Hm, you do show a lot of skin already... Just um... this is going to sound weird but-”
“But what?”
“I can't believe I'm saying this, not something you expect to need to tell a friend, but let's come fully dressed?”
“Sure, we'll dress up! I'm running out of excuses to look nice, turns out.”
Everybody was expected to meet at Lucy's house at 8 PM. Lucy's instructions had no dress code. Sophia would come early to Mina's house first where they'd get prepared. Mom even assisted with make-up, since both girls had really not had much social dates prior to this. There was a nice dress of Mom's with spaghetti straps that fit Mina well, they were both close-enough sizes. It just came down to Mom's knees and showed a lot of thigh on Mina due to the height difference. Sophia stuck to pants and a blouse, but got her hair done. Mina could not find a bra that would not be seen through the straps, so she just went without one.
The school rumor was that Lucy's parents were 'cool' and the best parties were at the Westinghouse's place. Mom had to comment, “I really am proud of you, Mina. Just strip off some clothing and look, you've made friends with fellow students, teachers, even bitchy girls. Please have fun.”
Mina and Sophia both resolved to have great times, nerves be damned. Tricks be damned.
Mom dropped the girls off at the front gate of the Westinghouse family, Lucy's parents clearly had money since she had a front gate. Her house was just a few blocks away from St. Ellen's in fact, in a very rich part of town. Mina and Sophia walked up to the front gate and rang the doorbell, hearing a lot of familiar voices of other students, even some boys.
To their shock, Lucy answered the door in long T-shirt and naked legs. “Oh good, you've arrived. And you're wearing clothing!”
“Sure, we wanted to look nice. Why aren't you wearing pants?”, Mina asked.
“Oh, there's a good reason for that. But hey, maybe I'm going a little native? You'll see.”
The two guests were led to a living room full of drinks. Several boys from school were already there, clearly trying to flirt with Laura, who was dressed similarly in a T-shirt several sizes too big, with quite a bit of cleavage showing. Laura looked over and said “oh, Mina and Sophia are here! Have a shot!”
Sophia and Mina both exchanged looks, neither had drank before. Sophia said, “A shot of what?”
“Vodka”, answered a tall boy.
Mina had been so courageous this week, she simply took one and drank it all in one gulp. It hurt like heck, and she started coughing immediately. “Oh god.”
Everybody was laughing, and Mina felt silly. Luckily a boy explained, “No, Mina, we're supposed to do it together. Here, have another.” This time they slapped the shot glasses together and said “cheers”. A blond boy was nice enough to offer Mina some water to help her burning throat.
And soon enough, Mina was two shots in and feeling very flush, Sophia politely refused to drink, but the good spirits in the room seemed to be reaching her anyway.
That's when Laura pulled off her shirt and revealed a red bikini and, Mina had to admit, an impressive chest. Wars were fought over boobs like these, she thought. Laura called out, “Okay, pool time!”
“Wait, this is a pool party?”, asked Sophia.
“Isn't it a bit cold for swimming, it's November?”, followed-up Mina.
“Yeah, we have a heated pool, so you can swim in freezing temperatures if you want. There's a hot tub too.”, said Lucy, the host.
Mina was a bit chillier when she said. “You never told us to pack a bathing suit.”
Lucy put on an extremely fake nice girl act, dropping the charade by going full sarcasm. “Oh, I just assumed you wouldn't need a bathing suit. You're both such a free spirits after all.”
Sophia looked very angry and a little hurt. “Mina, let's call your Mom to pick us up, I knew this was a trick.”
Mina held her back. “No, I'm here to have fun. And she's going to smell the alcohol on my breath. Follow me.”
“Mina, no. This is a bad idea.”
“Yeah, it's definitely a bad idea.”, Mina said, smiling. She kicked off her footwear and stomped right past Lucy to the pool in the backyard. There was a cooler of beer out in the lawn, and Mina popped open a can and chugged one. It tasted terrible and sour, but Mina felt like she needed the courage. Some beer spilled on her dress, but that was not going to matter soon.
Laura had already dove in and was prepared to mock. “Oh look who is joining us, the nudists! Are you going to swim naked, Ogre?”
“No! Gonna leave my underwear on!”, called Mina back, angrily unzipping herself and tearing off her clothing. She dove in, wearing just panties.
Lucy tried to stop her. “Wait no, you can't just-!” but was already too late. Sophia was a little stunned, holding her friend's dress.
“Oh, Lucy, you were right, this water is lovely. Sophia, come in!”
Sophia grinned and pulled off her dress, but chose to keep on her bra and panties. Soon two mostly-naked girls were in the pool, getting all the attention from the guys. Lucy was fuming. She was only wearing a one-piece after all, she might as well have been a nun compared to Mina.
It was a long night. In spite of themselves, Lucy and Laura ended up having some fun too. Laura and Sophia had bigger tits and they got more attention. Sure, you could see right through the underwear, but at least she was wearing something. Lucy felt a little jealous of Sophia's curves. Here she was bearing it all and Sophia's cleavage could get the boys more interested, some part of it felt unfair.
Mina pulled herself out of the pool at one point to go to the bathroom and made it all the way to a towel before she realized her panties had slipped off in water. She was totally naked, but too drunk to really make sense of it. Some of the boys cheered. “Oh damn, she took it all off!”
She called back, “Sure did!” It was the only thing that made sense to do.
Mina ended up calling her Mom and telling her she was going to be spending the night. She was drunk for the first time and tried to keep her voice sounding steady. Mom seemed to know what was going on. The night sorta became a blur. There were a lot of photographs which Mina happily posed for. They all went inside to watch a movie and Mina stayed nude, not sure what happened to her clothes. Sophia had gotten dressed again, minus her underwear. Plus, there was some vague memory of something happening in a hot tub.
It was the first time she had ever kissed somebody, and Mina was only half-awake for it. She was not sure who it was, or if it had happened at all. Mina puked right by the hot tub afterwards, feeling very silly and unable to stand up. It all seemed like a dream. Then everything went all black.
Day 5
School passed largely without incident the next day. Mina realized she was going to need to buy a whole new set of panties from now on. A boy yesterday had said something about 'granny panties' and yeah, if she was showing off, she'd need sexier options. She did have some pairs of black underwear and that at least matched the St. Ellen's color scheme. Still, for the first time since she switched schools and decided to be less shy, Mina was ending the day wearing as much clothing as she started.
So much for Mom's total nudity timeline.
Sophia was overjoyed at the invitation Mina had gotten her. They talked about it during lunch. Turns out Sophia and Lucy had been classmates since kindergarten and had been friends once upon a time. “She got really bitchy in middle school, she took puberty badly, I think. Plus Laura transferred in and Laura always brought out the worst in her.”, said Sophia.
“Huh, this truce was all Laura's idea.”
Sophia looked down, “You think this is some kind of trap?”
“A trap to what? Humiliate me? I don't think there's anything they could do that I wouldn't do myself.”
“Hm, you do show a lot of skin already... Just um... this is going to sound weird but-”
“But what?”
“I can't believe I'm saying this, not something you expect to need to tell a friend, but let's come fully dressed?”
“Sure, we'll dress up! I'm running out of excuses to look nice, turns out.”
Everybody was expected to meet at Lucy's house at 8 PM. Lucy's instructions had no dress code. Sophia would come early to Mina's house first where they'd get prepared. Mom even assisted with make-up, since both girls had really not had much social dates prior to this. There was a nice dress of Mom's with spaghetti straps that fit Mina well, they were both close-enough sizes. It just came down to Mom's knees and showed a lot of thigh on Mina due to the height difference. Sophia stuck to pants and a blouse, but got her hair done. Mina could not find a bra that would not be seen through the straps, so she just went without one.
The school rumor was that Lucy's parents were 'cool' and the best parties were at the Westinghouse's place. Mom had to comment, “I really am proud of you, Mina. Just strip off some clothing and look, you've made friends with fellow students, teachers, even bitchy girls. Please have fun.”
Mina and Sophia both resolved to have great times, nerves be damned. Tricks be damned.
Mom dropped the girls off at the front gate of the Westinghouse family, Lucy's parents clearly had money since she had a front gate. Her house was just a few blocks away from St. Ellen's in fact, in a very rich part of town. Mina and Sophia walked up to the front gate and rang the doorbell, hearing a lot of familiar voices of other students, even some boys.
To their shock, Lucy answered the door in long T-shirt and naked legs. “Oh good, you've arrived. And you're wearing clothing!”
“Sure, we wanted to look nice. Why aren't you wearing pants?”, Mina asked.
“Oh, there's a good reason for that. But hey, maybe I'm going a little native? You'll see.”
The two guests were led to a living room full of drinks. Several boys from school were already there, clearly trying to flirt with Laura, who was dressed similarly in a T-shirt several sizes too big, with quite a bit of cleavage showing. Laura looked over and said “oh, Mina and Sophia are here! Have a shot!”
Sophia and Mina both exchanged looks, neither had drank before. Sophia said, “A shot of what?”
“Vodka”, answered a tall boy.
Mina had been so courageous this week, she simply took one and drank it all in one gulp. It hurt like heck, and she started coughing immediately. “Oh god.”
Everybody was laughing, and Mina felt silly. Luckily a boy explained, “No, Mina, we're supposed to do it together. Here, have another.” This time they slapped the shot glasses together and said “cheers”. A blond boy was nice enough to offer Mina some water to help her burning throat.
And soon enough, Mina was two shots in and feeling very flush, Sophia politely refused to drink, but the good spirits in the room seemed to be reaching her anyway.
That's when Laura pulled off her shirt and revealed a red bikini and, Mina had to admit, an impressive chest. Wars were fought over boobs like these, she thought. Laura called out, “Okay, pool time!”
“Wait, this is a pool party?”, asked Sophia.
“Isn't it a bit cold for swimming, it's November?”, followed-up Mina.
“Yeah, we have a heated pool, so you can swim in freezing temperatures if you want. There's a hot tub too.”, said Lucy, the host.
Mina was a bit chillier when she said. “You never told us to pack a bathing suit.”
Lucy put on an extremely fake nice girl act, dropping the charade by going full sarcasm. “Oh, I just assumed you wouldn't need a bathing suit. You're both such a free spirits after all.”
Sophia looked very angry and a little hurt. “Mina, let's call your Mom to pick us up, I knew this was a trick.”
Mina held her back. “No, I'm here to have fun. And she's going to smell the alcohol on my breath. Follow me.”
“Mina, no. This is a bad idea.”
“Yeah, it's definitely a bad idea.”, Mina said, smiling. She kicked off her footwear and stomped right past Lucy to the pool in the backyard. There was a cooler of beer out in the lawn, and Mina popped open a can and chugged one. It tasted terrible and sour, but Mina felt like she needed the courage. Some beer spilled on her dress, but that was not going to matter soon.
Laura had already dove in and was prepared to mock. “Oh look who is joining us, the nudists! Are you going to swim naked, Ogre?”
“No! Gonna leave my underwear on!”, called Mina back, angrily unzipping herself and tearing off her clothing. She dove in, wearing just panties.
Lucy tried to stop her. “Wait no, you can't just-!” but was already too late. Sophia was a little stunned, holding her friend's dress.
“Oh, Lucy, you were right, this water is lovely. Sophia, come in!”
Sophia grinned and pulled off her dress, but chose to keep on her bra and panties. Soon two mostly-naked girls were in the pool, getting all the attention from the guys. Lucy was fuming. She was only wearing a one-piece after all, she might as well have been a nun compared to Mina.
It was a long night. In spite of themselves, Lucy and Laura ended up having some fun too. Laura and Sophia had bigger tits and they got more attention. Sure, you could see right through the underwear, but at least she was wearing something. Lucy felt a little jealous of Sophia's curves. Here she was bearing it all and Sophia's cleavage could get the boys more interested, some part of it felt unfair.
Mina pulled herself out of the pool at one point to go to the bathroom and made it all the way to a towel before she realized her panties had slipped off in water. She was totally naked, but too drunk to really make sense of it. Some of the boys cheered. “Oh damn, she took it all off!”
She called back, “Sure did!” It was the only thing that made sense to do.
Mina ended up calling her Mom and telling her she was going to be spending the night. She was drunk for the first time and tried to keep her voice sounding steady. Mom seemed to know what was going on. The night sorta became a blur. There were a lot of photographs which Mina happily posed for. They all went inside to watch a movie and Mina stayed nude, not sure what happened to her clothes. Sophia had gotten dressed again, minus her underwear. Plus, there was some vague memory of something happening in a hot tub.
It was the first time she had ever kissed somebody, and Mina was only half-awake for it. She was not sure who it was, or if it had happened at all. Mina puked right by the hot tub afterwards, feeling very silly and unable to stand up. It all seemed like a dream. Then everything went all black.
Last edited by BlueDragmire on Tue Feb 18, 2025 2:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
- barelin
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Re: The New Girl Isn't Shy (Chapter 5 - posted 1/5/25)
Keep writing and you will get better at it. Looking for the next chapter.
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