Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (complete)

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (complete)

Post by BareB4U »

This is my first attempt at writing this kind of fiction. Feedback welcome. It’s not likely to be the most original story ever, but let’s see how it goes!


“You just want to perve at girls in their swimsuits!”
“Oh yeah? Like you’re not going to perve at boys in theirs!”
“Cameron! Hannah! Knock it off, you two! This is supposed to be a nice family afternoon.”
“Yes, Mum.”
“Yes, Mary.”

Mary sighed quietly and counted to ten under her breath. Cameron and Hannah had been on each other’s cases on and off, ever since she and her son had moved in with David and his daughter four years ago. It got worse when baby Chris arrived, and worse still worse as the kids had gotten bigger. Cam was 13 now and Hannie was 12. He could be a bit slow and dopey at times, while she was the more practical of the two, but otherwise they were very similar and that caused them to rub the other up the wrong way. Constantly.

Both had had growth spurts in the last year and teenage hormones were kicking in. They were tall and skinny and finding ways to express themselves. He had his blond hair in a messy Japanese Manga-like style these days, she had cut hers shoulder length and dyed it blue. But while their hairstyles were extravagant, both were shy about their bodies. He had taken to wearing baggy t-shirts and jeans, she was currently into modest long dresses.

Lately at home, they’d started an ongoing war to try to see the other naked, bursting into each other’s rooms and trying to pick the lock on the bathroom. So far, neither had succeeded. Just today, she’d caught her elder son trying to flip up Hannie’s dress and spy her underwear. She had half a mind to ask her husband to help her strip the pair of them to get it over with. They had respected their children’s wishes for privacy when they first moved in together, but now Mary thought that had been a mistake. A festering tension had been allowed to grow, and now it was close to bursting point. Growing up, neither she nor any of her own brothers and sisters had been indulged with any modesty from the rest of their family. They were closer for it and got along much better.

Sure, Cam and Hannie weren’t blood relatives, but she wanted them to act like they were all one family. She wished Hannie would start calling her “Mum” instead of “Mary”. She wished they would treat Chris like the little brother he was to them both, not some unwanted interloper, blurring the lines of the household division they wanted to maintain and Mary wanted so desperately to remove, belonging to neither one side nor the other.

Cameron also didn’t like how Hannah was able to see Chris naked regularly, even though he was much, much younger than Cameron himself, while there were no girls in the house who he himself could get to see. It wasn't fair. Hannah was a year younger than him but had a much better real life education of what the opposite sex looked like under their clothes, while he could only resort to the internet. He felt Chris was a traitor to their gender in this regard, even though the kid was far too young to care or to have any say in the matter.

David was at work that particular day, but the kids were off school for the holidays. They had both always loved swimming, and Chris was just starting to learn how to have fun in the water, so she decided it would be a good activity to get them all out of the house. It should be a nice time for the four of them. That is, if the two stepsiblings could stop antagonising each other for more than five minutes.

There was a leisure pool not far from their home that was a paradise for kids and teens. It had a large pool for swimming in, a shallow pool with waves that you could walk straight into like it was a beach, a giant slide which dropped into a plunge pool, a jacuzzi pool to sit and relax in, and more. It was amazing. And, as had been observed, if you were a horny adolescent, it was a great place to see hot members of the opposite sex dressed in only their swimwear.

(Actually, not just if you were a horny adolescent. This was an important attraction if you were a horny middle-aged mum too. Mary regretted that the place was usually filled mainly with kids and their mums, with a distressing lack of hot adult men in tight swimwear. She loved David dearly, but there was no harm in looking around, right? Even if there weren’t many men swimming, some of the older teen boys were yummy to look at, and there were always the dreamy lifeguards…)

Although it was always popular, they were take aback by how busy the pool was when they arrived. Lots of other people must’ve had the same idea. They could see from the entrance that the place was packed with kids and teens, either with or without their parents. The receptionist told them they were limiting everyone to a hour each, to manage the crowds. Cameron and Hannah both groaned, they had wanted to stay for longer than that.

The group walked past the pool entrance and headed into the changing village. This was a unisex setup common to modern pools, with rows and rows of individual cubicles, each with enough space for one or two people to change in privately. This area was equally busy, with people continuously walking in and out, either fully dressed or in their swimwear. Almost all the cubicles were taken.

They wandered up and down, searching for available ones, anxious about how they were eating up their limited time in the pool. As they turned along another row, they passed two girls Cameron knew from his class at school, freshly changed and walking out towards the pool. Ellie and Mia were best friends, though he wished they weren’t. Cameron had had a bit of a crush on Ellie for years. He had a feeling she liked him too, but neither had done anything about it. He blamed Mia for that. Mia was loud, extroverted and had a mean streak when it came to boys. She intimidated Cameron and always seemed to be around whenever he wanted to talk to Ellie.

Both girls looked stunning in their bikinis, he thought. Ellie’s was the more modest of the two, but it was all relative. Her navy-blue tube top and hipster bottoms were the only fabric breaking up his view of her smooth, slender skin. They accentuated her recently developed breasts and the slight curve of her hips. The colour contrasted with her hazel eyes and long ginger hair, which was currently tied in a plait, pointing a straight line down her back and almost touching her waistband, drawing the eye down to her perfectly rounded rear.

Mia’s dark hair was in a pixie cut and obscured none of her own body. Her neon pink bikini didn’t obscure much either, consisting as it did of four triangles tied together with string. She was bigger and curvier than her friend. Her size, especially her large bosom, and the confidence with which she wore such a skimpy outfit made her seem even more intimidating to Cameron, but he couldn’t deny she looked damn hot in it too. He felt a stirring in his jeans as he turned to watch them go by…

Ellie giggled nervously as she saw him eyeing her. She knew she looked good and was enjoying that she’d caught his attention and he seemed to be thinking so too, but his gaze was very intense as he looked he up and down. She felt quite exposed in her bikini with him in his street clothes. They made eye contact. “C’mon, El,” Mia urged, tugging at her friend’s arm before she decided to start talking to their classmate. Ellie shrugged half apologetically to Cameron and told him, “See you in the pool,” as she let herself be dragged away.

The whole encounter was over in about ten seconds, but it was enough for Hannah to have noticed her stepbrother gawking at his two classmates and rolled her eyes. Partly she was jealous that both girls, being a year older, had more developed figures than she did. Her own breasts were only just starting to bud and even Ellie had a much more rounded chest than she did. However, her main thought was that it was so typical of Cameron to prove her right about being a perv almost from almost the moment they’d arrived.

Mary noticed her son ogling too, and smiled quietly to herself, amused. Her elder boy was indeed growing up. But enough daydreaming. She had finally spotted two empty cubicles not far apart (possibly the ones that had just been vacated by the two girls). She hastily swapped swimming kit between the plastic bags she’d brought with them and passed one to Hannie, shoving her and Cam and Hannie towards the nearest cubicle. “Quick, you two, get in here while Chris and I take that one over there.”

Both felt a sudden mix of excitement and outrage. Excitement at the thought of seeing their stepsibling naked at long last. Outrage at the thought of getting naked themselves with that kind of audience. Outrage won. “We can’t…” Hannah began, before Cameron shouted over her. “You can’t expect us to strip in front of each other! Why don’t I change with Chris and you change with Hannie?”

Young Chris looked appalled at this suggestion and hid behind Mary. “I want to change with you, Mummy! Don’t make me go with Cam-cam!” Mary consoled him, “Hush, don’t worry, darling.” She gave the elder two a hard stare. “There, that’s why. You’re always mean to Chris and I don’t trust you to help him nicely. And you may both be growing up, but neither of you has anything that brothers and sisters should need to hide.”

“We’re not brother and sister!” they both yelled in perfect unison, causing Chris to cry. Mary groaned in exasperation. “Now see what you’ve done. As far as I’m concerned, you are brother and sister, and you’d better start acting like it. We’re only allowed an hour in the pool and we’re wasting time. Now get in there and stop arguing.” Spotting someone else making a beeline for the second empty cubicle a short distance away, she quickly abandoned them and took Chris to claim it before they got there.

Chastened, Cameron and Hannah went into the cubicle she had picked for them, closed the door and slid the latch. Inside was a bench and not much else. They were familiar with the setup but had not had to share one before. Dividing panels reached most of the way to the floor and ceiling, providing the cubicle walls. These provided plenty of shelter from people in the surrounding cubicles but at the moment they were more concerned about the other person in there with them.

The pair slumped on the bench side-by-side, Hannah with the plastic bag of swimming kit to the right of her and Cameron on her left. “So, how’s this gonna work?” he asked her tentatively, as they began taking off their socks and shoes.

“Well,” Hannah reasoned, “I don’t want you to see me naked, and you don’t want me seeing you naked either, right?”

“Right, and we could get in a fight about that where I uncover you and you try to uncover me, but Mum’s right too. We’re wasting time. So… truce?”

The implication that he would uncover her while she could only try to uncover him was not lost on Hannah. It irritated her, but she let it slide. “Truce.” She tucked her socks inside her shoes and set them on the floor. Cameron had already done the same. She sat up and suggested, “Maybe we could take turns? One of us changes while one waits outside, then we swap?”

Cameron quickly pulled his t-shirt off over his head and off his arms. “Okay, I’m already halfway changed, so you go out first. I wanna get in the pool quick.”

“I wanna get in the pool quick too, doofus. It should always be ladies first. Why don’t YOU wait outside?”

“I can’t go out half undressed! There are people out there. I’ll look weird!”

“You always look weird. Okay, fine, we’ll change together and just agree to keep to our own space.” She thought back to his attempts to look up her dress earlier that day. “No grabbing anything and no trying to see anything,” she added, feeling it was important to lay down clear terms.

“Works for me,” her stepbrother agreed, passing over his t-shirt for her to put in the bag. She took it from him. “Pass me a towel and my shorts so we can get this over with, would you?” He hugged his arms around himself. Being bare-chested in such tight quarters with a fully clothed Hannah made him feel a little vulnerable, whatever their agreement. He’d be just as bare-chested in the pool, of course, but this was slightly different.

She rummaged in the bag, paying proper attention to it and its contents for the first time. “Er, Cam…”

“What?” he demanded impatiently.

“There aren’t any towels here. Just our costumes.” She turned back to him and held up a pair of baggy red swimming shorts in one hand and her own black one-piece swimsuit the other. “I thought it felt light when your Mum gave it to me.”

“Damn it.” He snatched the shorts from her hand. “So we’re back to arguing about taking turns and losing more time?”

“Actually no.” A wicked glint appeared in Hannah’s eye, which Cameron didn’t like the look of. “I don’t feel like taking turns. It occurs to me I can get changed easily under this dress even without a towel. While you, my dear stepbrother, don’t have any similar cover. Advantage: me. So I’ve changed my mind. No truce.”

Cameron gulped.
Last edited by BareB4U on Sun Feb 23, 2025 8:26 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool

Post by Jeepman89 »

Brilliant start to a very promising scenario. Since it's in the ENM section, I'm assuming it will involve Cam being naked for girls to see? Hopefully I'm right.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool

Post by TeenFan »

I like how this is starting.

I also like this section:
BareB4U wrote: ...some of the older teen boys were yummy to look at, and there were always the dreamy lifeguards.

I hope that leads to something in this story as well... or perhaps a spinoff.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool

Post by Supermario17 »

Great start! Keep it up.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool

Post by BareB4U »

Jeepman89 wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2025 2:57 pm Brilliant start to a very promising scenario. Since it's in the ENM section, I'm assuming it will involve Cam being naked for girls to see? Hopefully I'm right.
Thanks! It's in the right section. :D I might need to apologise to purists. There’s some embarrassment on the way for a few characters, but I don’t think I’m giving away too much by saying Cam is destined to bear (bare?) the brunt of it. ;)
TeenFan wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2025 3:34 pm I like how this is starting.

I also like this section:
BareB4U wrote: ...some of the older teen boys were yummy to look at, and there were always the dreamy lifeguards.

I hope that leads to something in this story as well... or perhaps a spinoff.
Honestly, I hadn’t even intended to write that line! But I’m finding Mary a joy to write, and she’s demanding I let her have some fun. So maybe. :lol:
Supermario17 wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2025 4:00 pm Great start! Keep it up.
Thanks, part 2 coming up imminently! :)
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool

Post by BareB4U »


Hannah got up from the bench and set her swimsuit down in its place. Cameron was sitting there bewildered, looking like he didn’t know what to do. She decided to take the initiative and start changing while he figured it out. Taking care not to lift the hem of her dress too far, she reached one arm up underneath it so she could take her knickers off while maintaining her cover.

Cameron was holding his swim shorts in his lap, taking stock of his resources. He had the shorts, and he had the jeans and underwear he was wearing. All he had to do was switch between them without Hannie seeing anything. He had a turquoise band around his wrist too, which they’d all been given in reception to indicate their time slot in the water, but that was no help.

He could do this. The shorts were quite large. He could hold them in front of him as a shield while he eased off his jeans and underwear in the same way Hannah was doing with her dress and knickers. Then he could swap his shorts for his jeans and use them as a new shield while he got the shorts on. No problem.

Something was bothering him though, something he’d forgotten. Before he could remember what it was, he became distracted by Hannah’s dress rising up her thighs at the side of his vision, as she grabbed her knickers to begin their descent. She noticed him looking at her. “Quit staring and get your kit off already,” she told him, working them down her legs and off her feet.

But Cameron was transfixed by the appearance of such an intimate garment. It wasn’t much to look at, but he hadn’t ever seen Hannie's underwear before. She always made sure of that, keeping her laundry in her bedroom just as he did with his. Her knickers were white and plain with a small pink bow attached.

Cameron sniggered. “Nice little girl undies, Han!” causing her to blush. She'd know he was going to see them but felt embarrassed by his comment nonetheless. She quickly put them into the bag on her right-hand side, so they were out of his sight. He grinned at her discomfort.

Then another thought entered his mind, a hungrier one. Hannie now had nothing on below the waist under her dress. If he were to pull it up, he wouldn’t merely see her girly undies, like he had tried to do that morning. He would see the secret girly parts those undies usually contained. No, he mustn’t! She would surely retaliate, and he had to get changed too. It was tempting (so VERY tempting) but it wasn’t worth the risk.

Cameron decided he’d better get on with what he had to do here instead. He unfastened his belt and the top button of his jeans. Holding his shorts up to block Hannie's view, in case she was watching, he undid the zip. And stopped. He was suddenly reminded of what was bothering him and it was the underwear he’d put on that morning.

They weren’t any of his boxers, which were all in the laundry. He had been forced to wear some of the only clean underwear he had available. It was far more revealing than the style he preferred. He wouldn’t normally be seen dead in it, but he’d figured at the time that it hardly mattered. No one would know. But now they might. He did his zip back up again. This was going to take more care than he’d first envisaged, if he was to avoid Hannie discovering a quite embarrassing secret.

Right now, she was concentrating on keeping her own secrets. She felt very unprotected without any fabric between her legs. She picked up her swimsuit, anxious to put it on so she would feel more secure in front of Cam. She lifted it out in front of her and, keeping her knees low, stepped one foot into it.

Sensing an opportunity that may never come again slipping away from him, temptation finally proved too much for Cameron. No longer caring about any possible future consequences for his own modesty, and while Hannah's hands were busy with her swimsuit, he leaned over. He grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it sharply upwards, leaning down further to take a peek at what was underneath. Hannah shrieked.

She wasn’t the only one. A short distance away, Mary was going through the similar motion of stepping into her own swimsuit when she heard a different girl from Hannah shriek from the cubicle that was next to her, and a woman’s voice exclaim, “Oh my!”

Mary turned her head and saw the cause, which was obvious. Her younger son was crouched on the floor, peering under the gap between the base of the partition and the ground. Chris had supposed to have been keeping himself to himself. Mary had changed him into his trunks (much better suited for swimming in than those silly knee-length shorts Cam insisted on wearing) and armbands and told him to wait while she changed too. He must’ve gotten bored and decided to explore his surroundings.

She quickly dropped her swimsuit and grabbed hold of him around the waist. “Christopher! You mustn’t do that. Other people are in there.” She lifted him and set him upright on his feet. “Sorry!” she shouted through the partition. “Just keep your boy under control,” came the angry answer from the other woman. “We’re naked in here.” Mary rolled her eyes. The silly woman was overreacting. Chris was only little and hadn’t meant anything by it.

He looked up at his mother curiously. “Why’s it matter if they’re nakey?” he asked. Well exactly, Mary thought, it doesn’t. But instead she told him, “People don’t usually like to be naked around other people, dear. That’s why we wear swimming costumes and why we have these cubicles to change in. That was naughty of you just now. You must leave people alone when they're changing.”

Chris considered it. “But that mummy and girl were nakey together. And YOU’RE nakey with me.” He was completely unfazed by his mother’s nudity. It was the most normal thing in the world to him. As it should be, she reasoned. He was far too young to be worried about concepts like prudishness and being ashamed of your body. She shrugged. “Well, it doesn’t matter so much when it’s people in your own family. It’s different when it’s other people.”

He was at an age when every answer leads to another question. “So why didn’t Cam-cam and Hannie want to be nakey?” Mary had to think for a moment about how to answer that one, decided to steer away from the subject. “They’d just had a silly fight, dear. If they weren’t fighting, it wouldn’t matter. They are silly, aren’t they?”

It wasn’t quite a lie, and the boy seemed satisfied by it. He giggled at their silliness for fighting. Mary chuckled too, for different reasons. She wondered how the two subjects of their conversation were getting on. Even though Mary had had only a moment to sort out the items between their separate kit bags, it was no accident that she’d left the two of them without any towels. They didn’t need them BEFORE swimming after all.

She could be wicked sometimes, Mary knew that. Obviously, Cam and Hannie would both want towels to hide behind while they changed. She had chosen to give them no such luxury. Let them see each other naked, realise it wasn’t such a big deal, and get it all out of their system. A public changing room, away from her, was better than any situation she might engineer at home. There they might both scream bloody murder. Here they just had to get on with it. Hopefully it might bring them closer together.

If that was what Mary hoped for, it wasn’t working out so far. Hannah was absolutely furious with her stepbrother. “Get off me!” she shouted, causing everyone in the surrounding cubicles to wonder what was happening. She pulled the bottom of her dress down as hard as she could and shoved Cameron’s head away.

Her quick reactions had stopped him in the nick of time. It had been far too close a call. Cam had lifted the hem of her long dress almost all the way to the top of her thighs. Any higher and he would’ve actually seen her vulva! The prospect horrified Hannah. Such a thing was unthinkable. She quickly pulled her swimsuit up under her dress before he had a chance to try it again. The top half of the suit would have to remain bunched around her waist for now, but the important thing was her most private area was securely covered.

Cameron dismissed her anger with a laugh. “Hey, you’re the one who said no truce. I only wanted to see if you have a hairless little girl slit to go with your little girl undies. You don't need to worry, I didn’t see anything anyway. More’s the pity.”

Disgusted with him, she said nothing more and concentrated on her next job, unfastening her bra from inside her dress. Knowing that he was pushing his luck, Cameron reasoned he had better get on with his own changing while she was occupied. He draped his shorts carefully so they covered both his front and the hip on the side Hannie could see. Then he unzipped his jeans for a second time, lifted his bottom slightly from the bench, and slid them carefully down his legs and off his feet.

Hannah eyed his legs. About time he started undressing, she thought, but he was too well-covered to see anything interesting to her. She removed her bra and moved to add it to the bag of clothes. She thought she was safe while Cam was busy with his own clothing, but it seemed he was incorrigible. He recklessly jumped forward again and grabbed the bra out of her hands. He turned it over, fascinated by the foreign white object with its pair of cups and all its straps holding them together. Heedless of his own precarious underwear situation, he left his shorts draped casually over his lap.

“Give it back!” she hissed. He laughed again, delighted by a newfound revelation. “It’s padded! I knew you had small tits, Han, but I guess you don’t have any at all. You really are an underdeveloped little girl, aren’t you?” She snatched the undergarment back from him, fuming. “Oh, come on, don’t get mad,” he told her.

Hannie wasn’t getting mad, she was getting even. She threw her training bra into the bag where Cam’s t-shirt and her knickers had already gone. He hadn’t given her any warning of that second little stunt and she wouldn’t give him any warning either. She turned to face him again and immediately snatched the shorts right out of his lap before he renewed his hold on them.

She laughed as hard as he had done once she saw what he’d been hiding. She couldn’t believe it, Cam was wearing a tight-fitting pair of briefs! They were bright green and extremely childish-looking. In fact, they looked just like some of the pairs Chris owned. Better still, they did little to conceal the package lurking inside. There was that strange lump boys had down there, and she was seeing it on Cam for the very first time. This was more than he'd managed to see on her.

Her stepbrother yelped, and bent over double to cover himself, burying both hands in his crotch for extra protection. He felt suddenly exposed. “Not so funny now, is it?” She threw back his own words from a minute earlier, mocking him. “Nice little boy undies, Cam! Did your mummy buy them for you?”

“Shut up, you know she did.” Red-faced and still hunched over, he reached for the jeans piled on the floor at his feet, to use as cover instead of his shorts. But Hannie was quicker than him once again. She picked them up before he could get to them. Then she dropped them securely in the bag with the other clothes. The bag which was safely on the other side of her from her now semi-nude cubicle buddy.

“Give those back!” he cried, hands still buried in his lap, echoing her demand from a moment before. “Not a chance,” she replied. “You can’t keep your hands off my stuff. Why should I keep mine off yours?” She still had possession of his swim shorts too, and mused about holding onto them unless he handed over those tight little briefs first. Then he would be left with nothing but a coloured wristband and his own bare body.

But Cameron was determined to get his swimming costume back. He stood up and leaned across to grab it from Hannah. He kept one hand cupped over his bulge as he did so. He really didn’t want her to get any better look at THAT than she’d already had. She had already seen too much. There was nothing he could do to keep the rest of his embarrassingly childish briefs hidden, but the damage on that front had already been done anyway.

Even with only one arm free, he was too strong for her to fend off entirely. She giggled at the sight of him fighting her in only his tight green underpants, but relinquished control of the shorts. He looked so much scrawnier than when he was in the baggy clothes he normally wore, although he had some muscles, to be fair, as he had just proved.

Cameron glared daggers at her. It wasn’t fair, he thought. This was so much worse than what he had done to Hannah. When he had seen both pieces of her underwear, they were already off her body and she was covered by her dress. (This reasoning conveniently overlooked how he’d tried to lift that dress to see a lot more.) He was still WEARING his underwear.

Holding his shorts in front of himself again, he continued fighting her, now trying to get control of the bag which held his jeans. Hannah couldn’t fight as hard as him, but she could fight smarter. Rather than try to hold him away from the bag, she dived for his shorts again. He jumped, giving up on the bag and holding them tighter. “That’s the first intelligent thing you’ve done,” she complimented him. “You’ll leave the bag alone, unless you want to lose those again.”

They stood silently facing each other, a stand-off while they both paused for breath and Cameron re-evaluated the situation. There was nothing else for it. Still glowering at Hannah, he pulled down his briefs behind his shorts. He felt the indoor air around his bottom as he uncovered it, and felt his genitals flop loose against the fabric of his shorts as they were freed from the tight confines of his briefs. He pushed his underwear further down his legs until he felt no further resistance from them, then let go. They pooled on the floor around his feet.

Hannah watched him quietly, not moving a muscle, but waiting, hoping to see what was behind those shorts. He was fully naked now. After all those attempts to catch him at home, she finally had him completely bare before her.
Last edited by BareB4U on Thu Jan 09, 2025 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 2 - 08 Jan)

Post by Robert Brooks »

Loving this, Bare! This is my kinda story :D
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 2 - 08 Jan)

Post by Supermario17 »

Another great chapter!
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 2 - 08 Jan)

Post by TeenFan »

The story is great, but this second chapter was a bit difficult to follow at times.
There are numerous uses of HE and SHE, but it's not always immediately obvious who each HE or She is. I had to read some parts more
than once. Using names in the first sentence of each new paragraph would help clarify things for me.

If you want more Feedback I would be happy to contact by PM.

BareB4U wrote: I might need to apologize to purists.

No apology necessary, not for me.
I am a member of the "Equal Opportunity Nudity Club".
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Re: Sharing a Changing Cubicle at the Pool (Part 2 - 08 Jan)

Post by BareB4U »

TeenFan wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2025 12:16 pm The story is great, but this second chapter was a bit difficult to follow at times.
There are numerous uses of HE and SHE, but it's not always immediately obvious who each HE or She is. I had to read some parts more
than once. Using names in the first sentence of each new paragraph would help clarify things for me.
Thanks, that's useful feedback. I'd thought I might get away with it in a scene with only one "he" character and one "she" character, but I'll go back and edit a few names in like you suggest. :)
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