Vignettes of Californium, Part XIV -- The Slave Auction

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Vignettes of Californium, Part XIV -- The Slave Auction

Post by ogden_edsl »

The Girls’ Club of Californium was an organization that had been around for decades. It was now called the Girls’ and Boys’ Club of Californium, but girls composed at least 80% of membership. It was not a school club, but many club events were held at schools. So it was at Fairmont High School that a local chapter was holding a meeting after the school day. One of the topics raised during the meeting was ideas for a fund-raiser to help fund club activities. After several ideas were thrown about, one proved to be particularly popular with the attendees, which included Stephanie Harrell, who was in the freshman class at the school.

As soon as she got home that afternoon, she went to see her twin brother Tommy, who, as usual – and essentially as always when at home – was naked.

“We have the best idea for a fund-raiser ever!” she exclaimed, “and you boys are all the key to it!”

“How is that?” asked Tommy.

“We want to auction all you Fairmont High boys off as slaves! Just for a weekend. There’s a three-day weekend coming up, so for two nights. There will be rules, like you can’t be told to do anything illegal or unsafe. You being so well developed for a boy your age –” here she reached out and poked his penis, which at age fourteen was already the size of an average full-grown man’s – “I know you’ll fetch a great price! Please say you’ll do it!”

And in the end, he did.

When Stephanie and the other club members totaled up the number of volunteer slaves, they were delighted: ninety-two in all.

It was the day before the auction. All those who were helping to run the auction, as well as all of the high school boys who agreed to be auctioned off, were assembled for a pre-auction meeting at the school.

The woman who would serve as host and auctioneer addressed the boys. “The auction will start at 10:30 AM. We’ll start by bringing all of you up on stage so the bidders can see all of you at the same time. Since there isn’t enough room on stage to have you all up front, we’ll line you up in rows of ten. When we tell you to rotate, the row in front will move to the back and all other rows will move one row forward. That will give the audience a chance to get a good initial look at all of you. Then we will bring on ten of you at a time (except the last two groups will have eleven, assuming that you all show up tomorrow), and the bidders can all come up on stage to be able to give you good looking over – and a good touching-over if they wish; once a group inspection is completed, we’ll send nine of you off, then auction you one at a time. The winning bidder can stay and bid some more, so you won’t actually leave with her until she tells us that she’s done and is ready to check out, or the auction ends. We’ve had a computer assign each you a number randomly that will give your place in the sequence, so numbers 1-10 will be in the first group, number 1 will be auctioned first, then number 2, and so on. We also ask you to type something up for us to introduce you by tomorrow. All that we require from all of you in the intro is your first name. The rest is up to you – last name, age, grade, siblings are all optional to include. It could also include things like favorite subjects to study, or personal interests. We can also suggest saying what you like about CFNM, or mention some particularly memorable (hopefully in a good way) CNFM experience. What’s not to include is saying that you’ll do things that are against the rules – we want you all to stay safe. At 9:00 AM tomorrow, for any of you boys that think you need it, there will be a group of us at the open shower area” (This was formerly the shower area of the boys’ locker room, but of course that whole room had been made accessible to girls years earlier) “who will get you all cleaned up and looking your best for the auction.

When it’s your turn to be auctioned, we are going to bind your wrists together. It’s mainly for show. The binding isn’t that strong; a good yank will break it. Please refrain from doing so; let whoever wins you decide if and when to remove it.

Now come up and get your number, and enter your intro.”

Tommy’s was 36, so he would be in the fourth group. For his intro, he provided some basic background information, a couple of personal interests, and a sentence saying how he enjoyed having his sisters play with his naked body as well as his full approval of the difference in clothing standards that CFNM had wrought.

With two sisters at home, Tommy had no need of the on-site shower brigade. One or the other, or both, always bathed him, and on the morning of the auction they took extra care with him. Both of them joined him in the shower – clad, as they always were for this, in their one-piece swimsuits that extended partially down the thigh. Stephanie washed Tommy’s front side, and Susanna his backside, and then when they were done they switched places and each did his other side as well to make extra sure that he was clean. After toweling themselves dry, they then toweled Tommy dry together before Susanna sat him down and got his hair neatly combed.

Their mother drove Tommy to the auction, both sisters coming along, both to see him get auctioned off and in hopes of snagging another boy for the weekend to take his place during his slave period. It was being held at the high school auditorium. Once they arrived, Tommy went backstage to join the other slaves-to-be. There was one no-show (it turned out that he was sick that morning), so it was a group of ninety-one naked boys who were assembled and ready to go on at 10:30.

There were a couple of men there – believed to be there just as drivers. Otherwise, the audience consisted entirely of women and girls.

At 10:30, the host/auctioneer began speaking. “Welcome to the Fairmont chapter of the Girls’ Club of Californium Slave Auction! We’ve got a large group of boys who have generously volunteered to be auctioned off, so I want to get started promptly.” She went through the rules for slave ownership, mentioning what Stephanie had said and some additional ones, such as no making any physical change to the slave’s appearance that couldn’t be quickly undone without his approval.

“In the interest of giving as many families as possible the opportunity to take at least one slave home today, we are limiting each family to two boys, except that if any boy doesn’t initially meet the minimum bid then you can bid on him at at least the minimum bid and he won’t count towards to the total if you win. If you get your two, you can stay and bid on more boys, but if you win another then you have to offer back one that you previously won, who will be offered to the next highest bidder; if she declines, then we will put him back up for re-bid. That’s provided that we get at least 75% of the original winning bid; otherwise, the original winner gets to keep him without counting towards the limit.

Once you are ready to leave, if you have slaves you will check out at that door “ – she pointed to a door in the far end from the stage – “and receive them there. You’ll have them for 48 hours from your check-out time. After that time is up, please take them home.

So now let’s bring on the boys! We have a whole stage-full of them!”

The ushers signaled the boys to come out on the stage, which they did to loud applause at the sight of ninety-one naked high school boys all on stage at one time. Once in their spot, the boys stood with their hands at their sides until the host said “OK, Rotate” every thirty seconds or so. Three rotations brought Tommy to the front, giving him a clear view of the audience and vice versa, whereupon Stephanie gave a whistle.

When all of the boys had taken their turn at the front of the stage, the host sent all but the first group of ten backstage to wait their turn. When the first slave came up for auction and the bidding quickly escalated, Stephanie turned to one of her fellow club members: “And just think, we have 90 more!”

While Tommy and the others waited, they milled about and some got to conversing. He heard about what had gone for those who had shown up at the open shower area. About 20 had done so. Each one got thoroughly showered down by two of the female club members all dressed in the skin-covering suits that they wore to swim classes, in a similar manner to what Tommy’s sisters had done with him . The two girls then toweled their boy down and then groomed him. For a few of them, it was their first time being bathed by girls.

Eventually, one of the ushers shouted, “Boys 31 to 40, get ready to go on stage!” Tommy was lined up sixth in the group. After a couple of minutes, he heard the host exclaim, “OK, let’s bring on boys 31 to 40!” The ushers sent the boys forward with a slap on their bare rumps. “OK, boys, line up in one row not quite at the front of the stage, and stand with your hands at your sides. Now we are going to have the prospective bidders who want to do so come up on stage and examine you more closely.”

Then a large number of the women and girls in the audience came up in single file and walked slowly past the row of boys. Some of them were content to just look at Tommy up and down. Many, however, women and girls alike, ran their hands over his naked body, not a few of them giving his buttocks a slapping and/or picking up and holding his genitals in their hands, which soon brought his penis to full erection, a state that he shared with most of the other boys on the stage by the time that the examination was done.

Once the entire line had filed past, Tommy and all of the other boys in his group of ten except the first were sent back offstage again until it was their turn to be auctioned off. After #35 was called, a girl came up to him and told him to hold out his hands. She pulled out a thin piece of rope and bound his hands together. When Tommy’s number was called and he was sent onstage by himself (to loud cheers from his sisters, among others), the host announced his first name, read off the intro he had entered the previous day, and called for bids. Tommy was pleased to hear a spirited competition for him. When the host gaveled down a winning bid, he was escorted to the winner, a woman of about forty with her two daughters, both distinctly younger than he was. Some time later, they won a second boy as well. “I don’t think we need to stay any longer,” said the woman. “Let’s go.” The group headed to the check-out door. One of the girls at the door recorded the boys’ numbers, collected the total payment, and gave the group an expiration time.

For the next 48 hours, Tommy would be a slave to a twelve-year-old girl and a nine-year-old girl.

To be continued
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part XIV -- The Slave Auction

Post by TeenFan »

ogden_edsl wrote: "You being so well developed for a boy your age," here she reached out and poked his penis, which at age fourteen was
already the size of an average full-grown man's. "I know you'll fetch a great price! Please say you'll do it."

It's good for young males to learn the importance of a good "work ethic". And it's all for charity.

I like this Part XIV. I hope there are plenty of sub-chapters.
More than Tommy's work weekend could be described here, as there would be a variety of jobs needing to be done that require constant
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part XIV -- The Slave Auction

Post by Jeepman89 »

"For the next 48 hours, Tommy would be a slave to a twelve-year-old girl and a nine-year-old girl." Can't wait to see how this turns out for Tommy!
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part XIV -- The Slave Auction

Post by ogden_edsl »

The group headed for their car. Tommy was carrying the one piece of “baggage” that he would need for his time there, which he was handed at the checkout table: his toothbrush.

The other boy’s name was Garrett. He was one year older than Tommy. Despite that, Tommy had, as everyone was able to plainly see, a bigger penis.

Both being of ages that were too young to have known or remembered a time before CFNM, both girls were dressed similarly to Cassandra Langford: three clothing layers, including long-sleeved shirt and pants that left only their hands exposed below the neck, as well as plenty of jewelry including tiaras in their hair, creating a striking contrast to the boys’ total nudity.

The girls both wanted to sit next to a boy. In a five-seat sedan, that meant one boy would be placed in the middle of the back seat, and the other would sit in the front passenger seat. The woman and the girls agreed that halfway home, she would pull over, and have the two boys switch places.

When they arrived at the car, the woman said “Okay, boys, we know your names. I’m Mrs. Donovan. This girl’s name is Abby (indicating the older girl) and the other is Alice. But remember, you boys are slaves. You are not to address them just by their names while you are with us. You must always precede it with “Mistress” or “Master”, or just use those titles by themselves if it’s clear which of my girls you’re addressing.

Now girls, I have a question for you. Do you each want to own one of the boys by yourself, or will the two of you share them both?”

The two girls quietly conversed with each other for a brief time. “We’ll share,” said Abby.

Tommy was first to be in the front passenger seat, so Garrett started out in the back between the two girls. Tommy could see in the periphery of his vision that the girls were engaged in fondling Garrett’s naked body.

As Mrs. Donovan started the car and the drive home, she said “You know, you boys have already been slaves. To your penises. We females are not slaves to our vaginas like that. I’m going to ask the two of you some questions, and since you are slaves, you must answer them all, and fully truthfully.”

“First, do you masturb-, oh, I suppose you know it better as, do you jerk off every day?”

“Yes, just about” replied Tommy. Garrett agreed.

“How long since you went a whole day without ever jerking off?”

“It has,” admitted Tommy, “been a long time.”

“Ever do it more than once a day?”

“Yes, sometimes” agreed both boys.

“I heard that you both have sisters,” said Mrs. Donovan. Garrett had one sister, who was a year younger than Tommy and Stephanie, and like Tommy had no brothers. “Do they ever watch you jerk off?”

“Yes,” agreed both boys.

“Do your sisters ever jerk off?”

“I don’t know,” both boys answered.

“Have they seen you jerk off?”

“Yes, many times.”

“My sisters and I all sleep in the same bedroom,” said Tommy. “That gives them plenty of opportunity for them to see me do it.”

“But even though you all sleep in the same bedroom, you still have no idea if either of your sisters has ever done it.”


“And, do either you ever have a desire to have sex with a girl just from seeing what she looks like?”

“Yes,” both answered.

“Many girls?”


“Well, I promise you, no girl is going to want to have sex with you just from looking at you. Even though you go around totally naked. She needs to love you first.”

Here Mrs. Donovan pulled over and stopped the car, and had the two boys change places. No sooner had Tommy sat down between the girls when their hands went to work on his naked body. With all of the genital-grabbing they did, it didn’t take long for him to erect.

At the family’s house, they found the girls’ father there. Like essentially all males in Californium at that point, he was naked all the time while at home. Being the only male in the household and the father of two girls young enough to be in the “CFNM generation”, his body had repeatedly been a target of their attention, especially after Cassandra’s proposal that daughters stake a claim of ownership of their father’s body reached their eyes. Still, any such ownership they had would be secondary to their mother’s. Now they had two boys, both older than themselves, for their very own, for that weekend anyway.

“I’ll leave you all together now,” Mrs. Donovan said to them. “I’ll let you girls decide if and when to take their wrist bindings off.” To the two boys, she said “I’m sure that you won’t be told to do anything that violates a rule; if you think you are, you can tell them so. If they still insist, come see me. You’ll share our meals, but as slaves you don’t get to eat until we’re done.”

With that she departed, and the girls led the boys to Abby’s bedroom.

“I say let’s keep the bindings on – except when we need them off,” said Abby to her sister. “I think I will be able to untie and re-tie them.”

“When will we need them off?”

“Like right now, for what I have in mind. Let’s see if I can untie them.” After a few minutes of work on Tommy’s, she succeeded. Then she did likewise with Garrett’s. “Now here’s our first command for you two: stand apart, and do jumping jacks until I tell you to stop.”

As the two boys proceeded to carry out the command, both sisters giggled in delight at the sight of their penises swinging wildly about with each hop off of the floor. Tommy’s erection, which had subsided since their arrival at the house, almost immediately began to return, and Garrett began to erect just as quickly. As their penises stiffened, their swinging became more straight up-and-down, swinging straight downward between their legs, then flew upward until pointing almost straight up when they smacked against their navels, the motion pulling their scrotums partway up as well.

For several minutes the boys had to continue, the count going over a hundred, their breaths becoming more rapid, their bodies beginning to glisten with sweat, their penises now totally erect. Finally, Abby gave the order to stop. She went and got towels for each of them to dry themselves off.

In fact, virtually all of the slaves would be ordered to do jumping jacks, or just to jump repeatedly without moving their arms, at least once during their period of slavery. One girl enjoyed seeing them so much that she ordered her slave to do thousands of them.

After the boys were rested for a while and their breathing back to normal, Abby told them both to get down on all fours. She climbed up on Garrett’s back, and Alice did likewise on Tommy. Then with a smack of her palm on Garrett’s bare butt, Abby yelled “Giddyap!” The boys walked around the room on all fours as the girls, riding on them, whooped and hollered. Abby smacked Garrett’s butt several times more, and Alice followed suit on Tommy. Abby’s gaze was mostly on Tommy’s penis as it hung down from his body.

After the girls had had their fill of that, Abby decided to have them just stand at attention for a while. She told both boys to put their hands behind their backs, took the rope strands and this time bound each boy’s wrists behind his back.

After a while, Abby turned to Alice. “You know, I really liked slapping Garrett on his butt. I think I would like to more of that. On both boys.” She went out and got a couple of paddles. Then telling the boys to stand in the middle of room, this time instead of fully removing their wrist bindings she just loosened them enough to allow them to remove one hand and bring their hands around in front of them. She then re-tied the bindings.

“Do you want paddle one of them?” Abby asked Alice. When Alice nodded affirmatively, Abby handed her one of the paddles.

“Now,” Abby said to the boys, “understand, this is not punishment for anything. We are doing this because you are our slaves, because we want to, and maybe most importantly as another demonstration that boys and girls are not to be treated the same. With girls this is not even legal any more.” A law had been passed the year before banning any corporal punishment for girls, even at home, although it was only a formality since doing so had been considered unthinkable for some time.

Standing behind Tommy, Abby raised the paddle and brought it down firmly on his bare butt, and Alice similarly whacked Garrett’s. Ten, twenty, thirty times. Abby didn’t want to really hurt them too much, but she did want them to feel at least a little pain; only that way would it really matter that the boys were being paddled and the girls were not. Tommy did, in fact, feel some pain from the impact. Since Alice was smaller, Garrett did not feel it as much. After the count reached thirty, the two girls switched places and now it was Garrett’s turn to feel it more.

Soon afterward, it was time for dinner. The boys were made to act as waiters, setting the table and serving the food to all four of the Donovans. Then they stood behind the girls, their hands behind their backs, while the family ate. When they were done, the boys had to clear the table, wash items and place items in the dishwasher. Only then were they allowed to have their own dinner.

That evening, back in Abby’s room, the girls had another game. The girls started out by grabbing and fondling the boys’ penises until they were fully hard and erect. The girls then placed the boys diagonally across from each other and facing opposite directions so that their penises were almost side by side. “Now remember, don’t hold it too tight,” Abby said to Alice as she took hold of Tommy’s penis in one hand, her index finger resting on top of it and her thumb underneath. Alice took hold of Garrett’s penis in the same fashion.

“En garde,” said Abby.

Every day for years now, Tommy’s penis had been touched – indeed, grabbed – by one or both of his sisters, usually repeatedly -- there was plenty of that just in their bathing him. (By contrast, he could not recall even having seen either of their midriffs.) On top of that were many times that other girls had done likewise. Like whenever Susanna had female friends over to their house, being in the age group that believed that girls should have unfettered access to male bodies, at some point they would go play with his body. Or like the beach trip when those girls had played a penis-batting game with his body; later they had gone back to the beach, just his own family this time. His 11-year-old sister Susanna had spent most of the time there playing with Tommy’s and their father’s erections. Some of the time Stephanie or another girl Susanna’s age had joined in. And in the end, Tommy had ejaculated again right on the beach, although this time just a single jet of sperm shot out from his penis before he was able to hold the rest in until that night.

But no boy had ever touched his penis, nor had he touched another boy’s. Until now. But not with their hands –- following dinner, those had been re-bound behind their backs.

The girls were playing a sort of dueling-penises game, each one using her two fingers on her boy’s penis to use it to try to hit the other boy’s and knock it out from her sister’s hold; doing so “scored”, with a bonus for knocking it out far enough to hit the boy’s body. After a “hit”, the girls watched the dislodged penis swing back and forth until it stopped; then the game would resume. If either penis began to sag, the girls would wrap their hands around it and begin rubbing until it was fully erect again.

When this game was over, the girls decided just to read until bedtime. They had the boys stand at attention while they did so, except for allowing them to use their one piece of baggage. When it was time for bed, Tommy was sent off to join Alice in her room, although he had to wait outside while she changed clothes. While Alice slept in her bed, in her pajamas and under bedcovers, Tommy was placed on the floor to one side, with padding below him but naked and uncovered otherwise.

To be continued
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part XIV -- The Slave Auction

Post by Jeepman89 »

Loving this.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part XIV -- The Slave Auction

Post by TeenFan »

Those two naked slave boys are not getting much work done.

I liked the boy "fight" game. Looking forward to the next chapter.
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