Gifted By Accident: A Christmas Special_ New Jan. 15

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Gifted By Accident: A Christmas Special_ New Dec 24

Post by tim409 »

TeenFan wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2024 5:25 pm No girls in video to witness this. Imagine they are in the audience.

This video shows Santa spanking a very elf like young male.
WARNING: naked guy getting spanked by Santa ... asgtbndr=1

The one getting spanked looks so much like Pepper it's crazy.
Listen to what the Santa says. He's such a good actor in this.
I love how we can see his balls swinging on each hit Too bad it was not Mrs. Santa doing it with several girls watching.
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Re: Gifted By Accident: A Christmas Special_ New Dec 24

Post by TeenFan »

Gifted By Accident
Chapter 13. Monkey Do Pepper See

Peper's face was blushing rosy red, and it looked as if Aaron was about to punch the elf right on the nose.

"UH OH" the elf says in his high pitched voice. A red bloody nose would have given the game away, and the three kids would know Pepper is not
a toy. Gwen swept in to save the day, as she grabbed her cousin by the penis. Hanging on with a vice-like grip, she pulled Aaron away from the

"Forget about it, Aaron. It's just a silly sex toy to make grownups laugh. Your sister and I aren't done with you."

Aaron looked annoyed, but he let himself be led by his erect penis. "Allright...let me go. I'll do whatever you want."

"I'll do whatever you want" turned out to be a whole set of humiliating things. Gwen gave Aaron several things to do. First he had to get on the
bed and bounce up and down while acting like a monkey. Scratching his head with one hand, jerking his dick with the other, Aaron went 'HOO HOO HOO' as he was made to replicate what his younger sister saw him do in that tree at the State Park.

Aaron had to do a long series of jumping jacks, his thick penis making loud smacks on each upward swing. The balls, which must be larger than
chestnuts roasting on an open fire, bounced this way and that way and they would have rolled away if they weren't locked up in a sack of skin.
When he was done, the erection Aaron had was stiffer, it stuck up a lot more than it was earlier. At times Aaron smiled sheepishly, though it was
obvious he would rather be doing something else. The smile disappeared when he was asked to pretend he was a dancer in The Nutcracker ballet.
Lifting his leg one way, raising the arm that way, then nearly falling down while attempting a pirouette, Aaron had to stop and catch his breath.

As Aaron took a short break, Pepper watched with great interest how that boy's penis was rock solid hard, but it kept moving all the time. It
twitched, it bobbed up and down, and with Pepper's many years of experience in building toys he could visually and with great accuracy
determine Aaron's penis was approximately Five and Three/Fourths inches, though Pepper has no idea if that is typical for a boy of Aaron's age.

Of course Pepper knew his own measurements. Pepper's penis sticks out at Six and One/Quarter inches. It may be on the slim side, but it
was longer than the human male's...though again more research is needed in knowing that Aaron is nowhere near fully grown.

Pepper realized he has no idea how old any of the human children are. These are the first kids he's seen in the flesh. And speaking of flesh,
Gwen just got her cousin to show off another large chunk of it. Aaron had to get back on the bed, this time facing away from the others. He
had to get down on his hands and knees, bending over with the butt sticking up much higher than his upper body. For some reason the two
girls were fascinated by the pink puckered up butthole. The older boy swished and swayed his butt side to side, and this sent his dangling
nuts crashing into his legs on both sides. Gwen and Cindy both laughed at and commented on how much Aaron's testicles hang down so much.
Gwen was very happy that the butt n balls were completely smooth and hairless.

"I once saw Uncle Randy moon me and my mom. He got totally pissed drunk at a swim party. He turned away from us and yanked down his
swimsuit. Bending over I saw it all hanging down between his legs. Uncle Randy's butt was hairy. Not pretty at all. Now Aaron's ass is so smooth
and even the balls. When he gets older you should make your brother get a bikini wax. Promise me you keep him smooth okay Cindy."

Cindy had been letting her cousin call all the shots, telling Aaron all the tasks to perform. The one request Cindy asked for was a shocker, one
hell of a doozy.

"Since we think Pepper is a sex toy, let's use him like one. That elf wanted one of us to lick your dick....I think we can flip that upside down.
Aaron, this is what I want you to do. I want you to lick the doll's dick."

Gwen rolls over on her side as she hees and haws like a donkey. Aaron got off the bed and the look on his face was total shock. He is shaking
his head. "Hell no. I'm not doing that."

"It's only a toy, made of some type of plastic. It's not real. Lick it and that's the last thing you have to do."

Aaron looks over at the elf, still standing where he was, still looking goofy and stupid with the red and white striped underpants crumpled up
around the ankles, the red and green hat still on his head. Pepper shows no signs of the erection drooping, still standing at full attention.

"Naw, I got a better idea. If that was bought from a sex shop I want to try something else. I'd rather fuck that doll than suck it's dick."
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Re: Gifted By Accident: A Christmas Special_ New Dec 24 and 25

Post by Jeepman89 »

Wow, this is getting very kinky! LOL
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Re: Gifted By Accident: A Christmas Special_ New Dec 24 and 25

Post by Trundle »

Oh my!

Things really heating up.

Surely Pepper will have to reveal he's not a toy now? Surely he won't let Aaron have his wicked way with him???
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Re: Gifted By Accident: A Christmas Special_ New Dec 24 and 25

Post by tim409 »

Trundle wrote: Thu Dec 26, 2024 1:50 am Oh my!

Things really heating up.

Surely Pepper will have to reveal he's not a toy now? Surely he won't let Aaron have his wicked way with him???
He could do it by jerking himself off and Aaron and the girls would know he is alive when he ejackulates.
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Re: Gifted By Accident: A Christmas Special_ New Dec 24 and 25

Post by TeenFan »

Gifted By Accident
Chapter 14. Too Close For Comfort

Pepper had always laughed whenever he saw the other elves doing naughty things with the humanoid toys. Seeing a Ken Doll stripped of its
little clothes bent over a kneeling down naked Barbie is always a funny sight. Never in his dancing sugarplum dreams did he imagine
he would be the one bent over with an aroused human male coming up behind him.

Maybe Aaron is just joking. Perhaps his preference of sticking his boy thing up the elf's back end was just bragging to impress the two girls.
Never in Pepper's occasional kinky daydreams did he imagine girls watching him being turned into another guy's sex toy.

Both Gwen and Cindy are laughing as Aaron comes up behind Pepper. The first thing Aaron does is slap the rear end several times, with each
slap the elf lets out a little "Oooh, oooh". Aaron rubs his hand on the back end of Pepper's body.

"This elf toy has a smooth butt, just like a girl's. Soft and cushie."

Gwen is not convinced by her cousin's macho act. "Ha ha. You never touched a girl's behind, has he Cindy?"

"Not that I know of Gwen."

Aaron rubs the end of his dick up against the cleavage of the ass cheeks. The girls get quiet as they move in a little closer. Is Aaron actually
going to go through with it?

"UH OH" Pepper says, as he feels something poking him in a most unusual place. He tries to move his feet forward, but they are locked up
with his underpants down at the ankles. Something incredibly crazy is happening, and there are two girls watching. They've been calling him
a sex bot, a boy toy, and now he's about to find out what that means. How can he get out of this?

"Hi, I'm Pepper Minstix. I don't play naughty reindeer games," which is what came to Pepper's mind, the image of a naked GI-Joe soldier humping
the back end of a tiny toy reindeer.

" don't play dirty games do you? Well...that's about to change," Aaron says.

Pepper has more to say, "I'm a good elf. I don't want to be on Santa's Naughty List."

The girls are still laughing. They are okay with this travesty of what is fun n games. Such treatment is undeserved, even for an unworthy elf.
If anything, talking out loud like this is causing a delay.

There is a shaking and shoving at the bedroom door. Somebody is trying to get into the room.

"Hey, the door is blocked. Why is the door blocked?"

The voice is that of Aunt Millie. She's trying to get into the room "Hey...what's up with this?"

Instant chaos erupts in Gwen's bedroom. Cindy runs back and forth. Gwen spins in a circle, then she kneels down in front of the elf toy.
Yanking up the underpants she barely gets the front waistband over the toy's laughably large erection. There's no time to put on the trousers.
Finding her own bath robe lying on a chair nearby, she grabs the robe and places it over Pepper's shoulders. Aaron also runs around the room,
desperately searching for his shorts. Despite his best efforts, the shorts cannot be found. With his mom forcing her way into the room, with
not a moment to spare, Aaron dives onto Gwen's bed and he gets his lower half under the sheets. Lying on his back his raises his arms to plump
up the pillow and he does his best to look comfortable.

Nobody is comfortable as the door is shoved inward, the lower section finally breaking over the sock barrier.

"Why is this door blocked like this. What are you kids up to?"

These are the normal questions a grownup asks, and the kids give typical answers.

"Nothing is going on."
"We're not doing anything."
"I'm not up to nothing," Aaron says as he notices there is something sticking up forming a tent under the sheet, quickly adjusts things to
try to hide the lump pushing upward.

Aunt Millie steps across the room. "I know you guys are doing something. Those socks shoved under the door didn't get there by accident.
But since everyone is in one piece and there's no screaming and cussing...I guess it don't matter." Aunt Millie gives her younger child a hug,
then she sits down on the side of the bed. "You look comfy Aaron. Enjoying your visit with your cousin?"

"Sure, sure, everything is great."

Aaron's mom places a hand on her son's stomach. "You know what we haven't done in a while...a massage. Gwen, did you know I used to practice
on Aaron all the time. When I was taking classes to earn the massage therapist certification I practiced on Aaron nearly every day. Every
procedure for physiotherapy I applied to him. Effleurage method, kneading, vibration technique, even tapping massage and hot stones...I used
him to practice everything. How he moaned and groaned most of the time. Well how about I give you a Christmas morning rubdown as a
bonus present."

Aunt Millie places her hands, palms flat, on her son's chest. With one palm on each pectoral muscle, she presses downward and moves the
hands up and down then around in a circle. Gwen sits down on the other side of the bed, and she is totally fascinated. Seeing a boy get his
chest muscles worked on is so cool and sort of kinky, even with a mom doing it.

Aaron looks not at all pleased at this, but he does his best to look happy. He smiles but be keeps glancing downward where that bulge is popping
back up again. The motions and shifting of the sheet allow for his hardon to push upward, not be held down like it was before. Cindy notices
it right away and she stifles a laugh.

"He does have nice muscles," Gwen says with her eyes sparkling. This must be such a treat for her, an extra gift.

"Aaron would complain and I'd make him lie there for an hour as I practiced all the various techniques for the class. I think he actually enjoyed
it, except maybe for the pelvic floor manipulation with the electrical stimulation. I almost laughed when he squirmed and grimaced. This was
last year when Aaron was twelve. Ha ha...he was - -" and Aunt Millie looks down the bed to see what appears to be a large lump pushing up under
the covers. Aaron's mom chuckles and shakes her head. "Maybe you liked this more than I thought you did."

Getting up to her feet, Aunt Millie smiles as she squeezes the cheeks on her son's face. Then straightening up and stepping toward the door she
says, "I still need some things done downstairs. I need you to help Gwen set the dining room table and get the Ice Chests down from the top
pantry shelf. There's gonna be some leftovers that can go with us on our trip to the ice-skating rink."

Aunt Millie stops at the door, and turning around sees Aaron hasn't made a move.

"Come on now. Get out of Gwen's bed and get moving."

When the grownup went past Pepper she didn't pay him any attention. Fortunately, the elf's erection had done a movement of its own, having
gone down to a smaller size and wasn't sticking out like it was. All of Aunt Millie's focus is on why her son isn't getting out of bed.

Seeing this as a good opportunity to embarrass her brother, Cindy grabs the bottom of the bedsheet. With a yank she pulls it all the way down
her brother's legs. For a moment Aaron is completely exposed, all of him with his penis swelled up to full length and thickness, which gets a
quick gasp response from Aunt Millie. Aaron reaches down to cover himself, but way too late to keep everyone from seeing it.

"Why are you naked in that bed? Where are your shorts? Get over here when I ask you what's up. I don't care if you are bare-assed naked.
You are the one that did it to yourself, then hiding under the covers. What were you going to do, flash the girls when they least expected it?
Now find your shorts and get downstairs."

The two girls giggle and grin as Aaron slips out of bed, a hand over his hardon. He couldn't get everything covered up, not with one hand.
Searching the room again he finally finds his athletic shorts. Aaron suffers one more round of indignity as he has to slip the shorts on while
everyone watches, with a near total glimpse gotten by everyone. Aunt Millie follows behind as the three kids leave the bedroom to go
downstairs. The aunt's voice can be heard even after the group departs and is no longer seen from the bedroom.

"I should have marched you into the kitchen naked. You are thirteen, but not too old for an old fashioned butt whoopin and naked time out in
the corner."

Finally, the voices fade away and all is quiet. For now...who knows for how long, Pepper is left alone in the bedroom.
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Re: Gifted By Accident: A Christmas Special_ New Dec 27

Post by tim409 »

Gwen is not convinced by her cousin's macho act. "Ha ha. You never touched a girl's behind, has he Cindy?"

"Not that I know of Gwen."

I love how Aaron has never seen a naked girl but the girls sure have seen him naked plus they have felt him too but did we ever see how old the girls were

It seems odd that she did not ask why he was naked in Gwen's bed and she should have known he was out of bed naked before she came in so she should have asked the girls if they ever exposed themselves to Aaron.

I love the way the boys went trying to get dressed when the aunt was coming in but she found out Aaron was naked anyway. She should have made him stay naked and told the girls they could invite their girlfriends over since he liked to expose himself.

I still want to see the elf ejaculate for the girls and have them get Aaron to do the same, with their assistance of course.
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Re: Gifted By Accident: A Christmas Special_ New Dec 27

Post by Trundle »

Another great update!

I wish Aaron had been marched downstairs naked to be honest, he's a lucky lad he was able to put underwear on.

I wonder if he'll be allowed to keep wearing it for much longer though?
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Re: Gifted By Accident: A Christmas Special_ New Dec 27

Post by TeenFan »

tim409 wrote: Fri Dec 27, 2024 8:23 pm

I love how Aaron has never seen a naked girl but the girls sure have seen him naked plus they have felt him too but did we ever see how old the girls were
Gwen is twelve years old, and Cindy is eleven.
I needed to have at least one who is young enough to still be totally excited by Christmas morning, and have a belief in Santa.
At 13 years old Aaron is the "Older and wiser" one who knows there is no Santa Claus. Will they be finding out that Santa's Elves really do
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Re: Gifted By Accident: A Christmas Special_ New Dec 27

Post by tim409 »

Gwen is twelve years old, and Cindy is eleven.
I needed to have at least one who is young enough to still be totally excited by Christmas morning, and have a belief in Santa.
At 13 years old Aaron is the "Older and wiser" one who knows there is no Santa Claus. Will they be finding out that Santa's Elves really do

Good ages for the girls and often they have never seen a mature penis at those ages so I always loved the look on their face when they saw their first one and for them to see everything a penis can do, all without taking their clothes off and I love it when they can touch the male but they can not touch the girls.

I do think the best way for the girls to know Pepper is real is to see him ejackulate. They already know he can get hard so let the girls jerk him off.
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