The National Psychiatry Institute

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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NPI David's Treatment resumes.

Post by tim409 »

Warning: elector shocks to genital including penis mentioned

As the group goes back into the dayroom where David's treatment is taking place, they notice the female patients all around David and some of them have their hands on his cock. Just as they are about to shoo them out, Dr. Showmore and Gloria come in and Dr. Showmore thanked the female patients for keeping David hard and invites them to stay as there are more seats in the back of the room. He gives a quick explanation of what is happening. One of the patients said it was about time because she was gang raped in high school and that this treatment should be one on every male. She had more than one applauding her. Dr. Showmore said it it works as planned he was sure it would be done on many others and it can only happen to males anyway.

Beth went up to Dr. Showmore and whispered something in his ear to such he nodded several times in the affirmative. Beth went back to her seat and Dr. Showmore told the group we had an excellent suggestion regarding the TENs unit. Since it is our goal to empty the male of all his sperm, every last drop that an electrode be inserted in the penis (it was suggested one be on the penis which would cause an ejaculation by itself it it were kept on, we will do so. He left and came back with a small rod about a half foot long and clipped a lead to it and the other end was inserted in the second port of the TEN's unit. Dr. Showmore called a student nurse up and asked her if she had inserted a Foley Cath yet. When she said she did, he said than you have the honors of inserting this and he gave her the rod. She than took David's penis in one hand and squeezed the tip to cause the urethra to open more and she inserted the rod almost the full six inches into his penis. She than turned that channel of the TENs unit on and David's cock stated pulsating. Dr. Showmore told her to turn it all the way up which she gladly did and she looked to watch David squirm as his dick went up and down as the mostly all female staff looked on with huge smiles on the faces as the watched wide eyed as his cock looked like it was being jerked without anyone touching it. In reality, it would normally not be an unpleasant sensation but given he was brought to ejaculation a short time before, it was more that he was over stimulated and not actually in pain. A few moments later, David ejaculated again and again it was a rather massive amount of cum now laying on the floor in front of David.

Dr. Showmore said keep the TEN's unit on the highest setting and the results was that David's prick kept pulsating long after the last drop of sperm was released. All the females watching cheered while the males held their hands over their groins like they just got hit in their balls.

The nurses all noted that Dr. Showmore had an even bigger bulge in his pants, along with a wet spot right where the time of his manhood would be.

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NPI Treatment Contiunes

Post by tim409 »

Dr. Showmore tells the group that the cannot stop if this treatment it to be successful but it is obvious that David cannot go on in this state as males have the disadvantage of not being able to cum again for some time after they ejackulate. He added that it is just one more of many evidences that woman are superior to the male as women can have multiple orgasms one after the other and it is far more intense than that of the male since a male's orgasm consists of a few throbs of his cock and spitting out some fluid and he goes limp and cannot cum again for some time. Remember also, a solider salutes a superior officer and the male cock raises to attention and salutes a female. After sex, his cock goes limp like he is bowing to the superior vagina. So guys, like it or not, even our pricks know that the female is superior. The women loved hearing this but the males in the room were cringing once again. The women also noticed that Dr. Showmore's cock was showing more of its form in his pants. One of the student's whispered that from the size of the bulge, Dr. Showmore must be pretty well endowed. The nurse she said it too said it was too bad we could not do this treatment to Dr. Showmore.

Dr. Showmore said that in order to keep the treatment going, we needed to get David's dick hard again and we do have something to help with that, it is Alprostadil and we use it for ED, Erectile dysfunction or when one cannot get the cock to stand at attention even for a superior vagina. It is in injection given into the penis and I want a couple of nursing students to help do this. Vicky was one of those and Dr. Showmore requested her so she went up along with another, 19 y/o Cathy and boith went foward and Dr. Showmore explained that the normal doze of this injection was 10 mg but we will be given 20 mg to assure David has an erection for some time. Dr. Showmore looked at Vicky and told her that since this prick targeted her for his misogynistic behavior, she could do the honors of jabbing the prick's prick with the injection and he showed her right were to inject it. He told Cathy to swap the dick with alcohol. Gloria looked at David and told him he got his wish, Vicky was holding his dick but of course David, you will never see any of the ladies or girls here wearing less than we are now although you are naked and we all have felt your cock and balls so how is that for your macho thoughts now? (The female nurses all wear the typical uniform most hospitals now use which consist of a blouse that comes to their neck and does not allow any cleavage to show even when they bend over and it has to be loose enough so that even if the nurse was well endowed, her breast would not be evident. They also wear pants so none of the nurses would be wearing a short skirt. After all, the hospital did not want any male to get a free show even if he was naked and the nurse was handling his penis or testicles would we?)

A few moments later, David had a full blown erection and Dr, Showmore said this time we will get an ejackulation without anyone touching him. Someone asked how? The answer was electrostimulation. Since we now have an electrode inside his penis, we will turn the TENs unit all the way up and as he did, the ladies could see David's penis moving and throbbing without anyone touching it. Dr. Showmore told the group that this does not actually hurt David as it is more like massaging your back but this does it from inside the penis. Let's watch and as Dr. Showmore does, the nurses notice that David's penis is not the only one that is throbbing.
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NPI David Cums again, and again.

Post by tim409 »

After a few moments, David is trying to moan and yell at the same time. He wants it to stop but he wants it to go on too. He is not sure how much more he can stand. It is like someone tickling you way past the point where it is fun but they still will not stop. The males in the audience are all looking down several of their faces are red with embarrassment as the ladies, including several young girls who are too young to watch an R movie are seeing and even feeling male genitals. They knew the nurses see nude males often but even the female patients are being allowed to watch this display. David is a student nurse, how will he be able to be assigned to this ward now that the female patients know what is dick looks like. How could he face the female staff knowing all of them had jerked him off at some point and all of them including a housekeeper and the unit clerks have felt his cock and balls. If he were not embarassed enough today, he sure would be when he saw them and looked them in the eye while their eyes go right to his groin. They said he was macho but he sure does not feel it now. In fact he is wishing he did not have a prick or nuts. Women did not have to worry about this so maybe Dr. Showmore is right, women are superior to those of us who have the misfortune to have a penis and balls hanging between our legs but then so does the doctor and even David could see that bulge in his pants and now wet spot on this pants. He and the nurses were all sure that the doctor would cum in his pants if this treatment went on. In fact everyone of the females, including the female patients had wet undies at this point. Even the Gina, the 13 year old who had not even started her period yet had wet underwear and she thought she pissed her panties but had talked to Beth, the nursing instructor who told her she was becoming a woman and the wet panties was a result of her not only seeing her first naked male but a result of felling his penis and testicles and seeing a male cum for the first time and now seeing his cock throb with the shocks his balls and cock are getting. Beth told Gina she did not even see a naked adult male until she was in nursing school but she was glad the candy strippers were getting see all of this now because she thought every girl should be able to see naked boys and even adult men at an early age.

Gina said it was great seeing all of this but she hoped that no girl would be exposed to males like David is being exposed to us. Beth said that she agreed and as a nursing instructor who often trains candy strippers, some as young as 12, she makes sure the girls can observe male catherizations from start to finish as she explains it tot he girls knowing the males are getting embarrassed that several young girls are watching someone stick a tube in their dicks. Beth also makes sure male students are not assigned to a female patient if she needs personal care. Beth told Gina she did not want male eyes seeing a woman's breast or genitals. Beth concluded that only females should see undressed women and girls but even young girls should see naked males. Beth told her that in the past, swim teams use to have the males swim naked while the girls wore swim suits and they had swim meets like this. She said her mom met her dad when she was at a swim meet and he came into the stands to thank for for attending as he was naked as the day he was born. Gin laughed as said he must have had a big dick for your mom to date him and she knew exactly how large it was before she went out with him.

They turned their attention back to David whose penis was throbbing even more and suddenly it spurted a large amount of baby makers a few feet away. Dr. Showmore smiled and said he would be right back as he left something in his office. After he left the room, several of the nurses said that David was not the only male that was going to spurt as they knew Dr. Showmore left to jerk off himself. Then again, most of the women were thinking they needed to take care of business too but actually, two of them already had an orgasm in their seat and a couple more were ready to do the same. Gloria, one of the nurses who did have her own orgasm thought it was one of the best she had in her life and all without anyone, even herself touching her vagina. It must be her seeing macho male having his cock and balls shocked and seeing his dick spurt like he has done several times by now. She thought it was too bad she could not turn up the TENs unit even more to shock that cock more.
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Re: NPI Treatment Contiunes

Post by kooouz »

tim409 wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 1:32 pm
Dr. Showmore [...] added that it is just one more of many evidences that woman are superior to the male as women can have multiple orgasms one after the other and it is far more intense than that of the male since a male's orgasm consists of a few throbs of his cock and spitting out some fluid and he goes limp and cannot cum again for some time. Remember also, a solider salutes a superior officer and the male cock raises to attention and salutes a female. After sex, his cock goes limp like he is bowing to the superior vagina. So guys, like it or not, even our pricks know that the female is superior. The women loved hearing this but the males in the room were cringing once again. The women also noticed that Dr. Showmore's cock was showing more of its form in his pants. One of the student's whispered that from the size of the bulge, Dr. Showmore must be pretty well endowed. The nurse she said it too said it was too bad we could not do this treatment to Dr. Showmore.
All the females seeing what happened to Mr.Macho and listening those words of Dr.Showmore about female superiority sure felt so empowered.
So, why let that pervert male (Dr.Showmore) be in charge of that project?
I think that some of those female are thinking to put the pervert Dr.Showmore in his place and run it by themself, without males telling them what to do (being male inferior, how dare they give orders to them?)
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Re: NPI Treatment Contiunes

Post by tim409 »

All the females seeing what happened to Mr.Macho and listening those words of Dr.Showmore about female superiority sure felt so empowered.
So, why let that pervert male (Dr.Showmore) be in charge of that project?
I think that some of those female are thinking to put the pervert Dr.Showmore in his place and run it by themself, without males telling them what to do (being male inferior, how dare they give orders to them?)

Perhaps the ladies and girls do not mind since the treatment is and only will be done on males...naked males at that. The older women love that young girls can take part in this too. Perhaps the doctor is not a misgonist since he enjoys exposing males to all the females since he cannot expose himself but I love your suggestion for the ladies to take over and perhaps give this treatment to Dr. Showmore so he can show them a lot more.

I do hope you and others are enjoying it and we do welcome comments and suggestions.
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Re: The National Psychiatry Institute

Post by tim409 »

While Dr. Showmore was away taking care of business, the women were talking about how wet they were and how glad they were wearing tampons or pads. However, Gina heard one of the girl say that Dr. Showmore should have to have this treatment too. Several of the nurses all said they agreed.

Meanwhile David was still there, and still naked with the TEN's unit still on with the result that his penis was still throbbing as it was jolted at regular interviews and one of the candy strippers noticed he was still having an ejaculation although it was only a small amount, perhaps a teaspoon size.

The nurses were talking about how they could justify doing this treatment on Dr. Showmore and were surprised when several of the males in the room all agree that it should happen. Beth asked them why they wanted to see the doctor have this treatment and one of them said "so he can SHOW MORE. She asked does it not bother you that all of us women and even young girls have gotten to see everything that is male about the males? They have not only seen a naked male but have seen him ejackulate a few times. One of them said it did not bother him and if they wanted he could drop his pants so they could jerk him off too . All the males in the room said they would do it too. Beth went on and asked the males does it not bother them that the women and girls would see all of them naked while we will not expose any of our private areas to you? They all said no not if we get to come and have one of you do it to us. One of the female students said it sounded like a plan BUT not only do the males not see us exposed, but none of you will touch us even though we are all touching your cocks and your balls

Don, one of the males in the room asked Yea but Dr. Showmore will be back soon so how would we do this? (the ladies noticed a bulge in all of the males and knew that they were all excited over David's treatment and they are willing to do it too. She heard one of the students tell another that these males are stupid enough to let a female do almost anything to them as long as they get their rocks off, meanwhile several of the females had orgasms just by watching David's treatment

Gina said if everyone was in agreement, she had an ideal of how to get Dr. Showmore to go along with it. The women were all in on it as they thought that if this worked, they would see every male in the room naked but they would need quick break as the pads the women were wearing were already wet with their juices flowing and if this ideal were to really happen, the needed dry pads before it began. Beth noticed the bulge in the males were moving and she knew their cocks were already throbbing with them thinking the women and girls will soon be jerking at their naked cocks.
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NPI, Dr Showmore is about to SHOW MORE.

Post by tim409 »

The female staff, students and candy strippers all went to the ladies room to get new pads or tampons and the older women helped a couple of young girls to apply the pads since two of them had never had to use them before and as they did, they explained why they got so wet as they believed the peed their panties. They did not connect seeing a male naked and being able to actually touch his genitals and feel it get hard in their hands with the feeling they had in their own genitals. The nurse said they did not want to explain this when the males were around as this was too personal for males to hear. Gina asked if it was personal for them to be naked in front of us nd or us to touch them. Beth explained that in a way it was but because they were males, they did not need modesty like we do. Just look at those four male nursing students. they are ready to get naked for us just to get their rocks off, they do not care that we will see them naked and will be handling their penises and testicles while they will not see or touch us. That is why we call the head of their cock their little brain because males do not use their big brain as often as the one in their prick. Now we have to get back.

When they got back to the dayroom where David was still naked and the TENs unit still activated with several female patients and about six male patients looking on, one of the males said they could do that treatment on him anytime. He was told to be careful what he wished for because David looked totally exhausted yet his dick was still rock hard and still throbbing because of the TEN's unit.

The ladies were all back in their seats as Dr. Showmore entered the room and one of the nurses asked "Did you get your business taking care of? (as she and the other women looked at his groin and did not see a tent any longer.

He notice the patients and told them they could stay but they had to go to the back of the room. He than looked at David and said that the TENs unit should be turned off and the electrode taken out. As soon as it was, his dick went limp but still was dripping some cum off the tip of it.

Gloria addressed Dr. Showmore and asked him if he agreed that if a male was showing signs of sexual tension, they should get this treatment? Dr. Showmore said yes they should. Gloria than asked should it be done right away? The answer was Yes of course. Who do you have in mind that needs this? Gloria said well first the four male students because of their remarks to the women while you were gone.

Dr. Showmore told them to come to the front and to strip naked. They acted surprised since they did not think anyone would really do it but their dicks were still standing tall and now they were all leaking precum so they all went to the front and slowly stripped to their shorts. Gloria said that the doctor said to get NAKED so a moment later, there were five very exposed penises in the room and the ladies loved it.

Gloria said there was on more male who showed signs of sexual tension. Dr. Showmore said that male must come forward and strip NAKED now. Who was iot. Gloria said it was YOU Dr. Showmore so show us all more now....GET NAKED NOW!

Some of the nurse checking out David ... ImgRaw&r=0
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NPI Two young girls deliver supplies to the group

Post by tim409 »

Dr. Showmore instantly got hard when Gloria told him to get naked now. When David's treatment first got started, he wished that it were him because he always wanted to show the nurses more than he could get away with but he did not want to seem too willing to show more so he cried out "But I am the doctor and you can't do it to me. Gloria knew his feelings about female superiority since she had often talked to him about it and she fully agreed with it so she replied back "yes you are the doctor but your are also MALE. You may be my superior regarding this job but you are a male and I am a woman so overall I am your superior and she noticed the budge in his pants show she grabbed the budge and said beside, THIS shows you are a typical MALE and your thinking with THIS now. All the women cheered as well as did most of the males. (she wanted to reinforce that the fact males had a penis and testicles thus a major reason why they think with their dick and not with the head on top of their shoulders. Dr. Showmore soon was showing more when he stripped off all his cloths and now stood naked in front of the women and young girls.

Now the women could see and compare SIX NAKED MALES. as they were all next to each other. One thing they noticed is that there were five penises standing tall and one that was limp. The limp cock belonged to David and this whole treatment for David had taken two hours and he was naked for the viewing pleasure of the ladies all that time and he was erect the entire time too thanks to the TEN's unit and Gloria had already called central supply to have five more TEN's units sent up. Two girls, one 14 and the other 15 both volunteers for the summer delivered them to the unit and was told to take them to the dayroom. When they entered, their jaws dropped to the floor and their eyes looked like the eyes on an owl as their hands covered their mouths when they saw the six very naked males. Gloria told them to come on in and she quickly explained what was going on. David was waking up now and still had the TEN's inserted so she took the control and turned it on to the highest setting and David's penis came to life and was fully erect and throbbing within seconds. The girls could not take their eyes off from his penis as it was the first time ether of them had seen an adult male naked but they loved what they were seeing. Gloria did remind them that what went on here stayed here and there could be felony charges if anyone present in the room disclosed what was going on due to privacy laws. Both girls asked if they could stay for a while and both noticed that not only were the naked male's genitals stirring, but they had some of their own new feelings between their legs and both were very thankful that it was the males who were naked and not even one female was exposed.

Gloria getting Dr. Showmore ready for his treatment ... ImgRaw&r=0
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NPI Dr Showmore Gets a Shocked Cock

Post by tim409 »

Again this is fiction and it does include electrode stimulation to male cocks

Gloria told the group that since all the males in the room were now naked, just as males should be, the women will be in control, just as women should be in control over males. They wanted to keep us naked and in the kitchen and now they are the ones who are naked :D

Now to show these males that even girls are superior to adult males, I have an idea. She looked at the two new girls who brought up the TENs if they would like to insert the electrodes after finding out the 14 y/o was Cindy and the 15 y.o was Cathy May. Cindy asked where do we put them? Gloria said the electrodes go inside their penis so the penis will be stimulated to cause and erection and to have the male ejaculate. We have five naked males here so you can each do on and the treatment can begin. Gloria noticed that Dr. Showmore was showing a lot more with a raging hard on that was already throbbing and the lack of protests from him indicated that he was accepting and wanting this done on him. But she wondered how he would face everyone after this was over. Well that is his worry not ours so let's have some fun.

She instructed 14 y/o Cindy to take the electrode (a copper rod about 8 inches long and just short of a 1/4" in diameters) and take hold of Dr. Showmore's dick pull back the foreskin to expose the glans and squeeze the tip so that the meatus opens up the urethra or the pee hole. She is to than insert the electrode until it meets resistance and attach the wire to the rod and plug it into the TEN;s unit. Cindy had no problem doing this but she was sort of reluctant to take hold of his cock as she had never seen one let alone hold one but she was loving every moment of this now. She was glad that only the males were nude.

Meanwhile Cathy May was to put the electrode in Ralph but she said she was having a problem. When asked what the problem was, she said she did not know where is dick was. It looked like this (and this was erect) ... o2_400.jpg

When Ralph heard Cathy say she could not find his dick, he turned redder than the Chinese flag, holding his head down in shame but hey, there was on good thing, he could see the floor easily enough because his cock did not block the view.

(Cindy had no problem finding this one on Dr. Showmore ... ImgRaw&r=0

Gloria said that there was no way to insert an 8 inch rod into a 1 in cock so we will improvise but he does need to have his little pee pee simulated too.

The other males were average sized so the girls inserted the rods about 6 inches. When they were connecting the wires to the terminals, Beth who had been instructing the younger girls on how to insert the rods (but also telling them to feel the balls of the males so the girls were able to feel both the cocks and balls also noticed something. One of the six TENs units that were there was TWICE as powerful as the other five. When Beth said they would have to be careful to use only half the power, Gloria had a better ideal, they would use it on Dr. Showmore's 8 inch prick and they would go up in power until that unit was at full power but they certainly did not want to roast his nuts or weenie for real. Would they?? The ladies all noticed that weenie leaped like it was waiting to be zapped at full power, typical MALE they all thought.

When the women and girls had all the males cocks wired, Gloria again explained that this treatment was soon to be done on males in any place where toxic males were a problem including high schools and possibly middle schools and girls and women watching and even doing the treatments was a very important part of the treatment so if done in a high school, all the girls in the school would be able to watch or even take part in the treatment to show the males that even young girls are able to control adult males as they should. Do you agree Dr. Showmore? He stated that he strongly agreed with everything said he has the balls to prove it, turn that thing on and shock my cock. 13 y/o Gina took the control and turned it on with the setting at half strength but Dr. Showmore's cock throbbed intensely as the electrical charge pulsated on and off a few dozen times a moment. At half strength, he could feel his balls vibrating too and he thought that he could not wait until it was a full power.

As Gina was doing this, the other girls were shocking the cocks of all the other males except David until Gloria told one of the girls to turn David's TENs on too and when she did, David's prick jumped to life and was fully erect and pulsating too.

There where huge grins and smiles on all the women and girls faces and a few of the girls who were sexually abused all thought that this should happen to ALL the MALES who abuse women and girls everywhere but with the TEN's units being 10 times as strong. They were all glad they had fresh pads or Tampons on but they sure were going to have a great time with their husband or boyfriends that night.
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Re: The National Psychiatry Institute

Post by tim409 »

Just so you all know what the TEN's unit was for and what it looked like when it was on the high setting, this is what it looked like, all without anyone doing anything to cause it That is with the setting at the highest level but the one Dr. Showmore has is twice as strong so I do wonder what his dick and nuts will look like at that setting? Should we find out? ... s_400.gifv

Should we find out what a higher setting would do? (it will not cause actual pain or cause any damage)
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