Bad day for a run

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Jeepman89 »

The washing of James by the girls and women was amazing!
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Jeepman89 wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:13 am The washing of James by the girls and women was amazing!
Seemed appropriate that the ones who painted him should be the ones who washed him.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run.


After his day as a nude statue ended life again went back to normal for the most part for James although Lisa and Kristen let people know about what they thought was his naked twin and he got a fair amount of ribbing over that fortunately for James Melissa was the only one who had photographic evidence of him as the naked Eros well the group of teens did as well but James was confident they wouldn't show up at his workplace and Melissa continued to keep that day and the pic she had of him secret. Melissa had even eased up on her messing with him though she did pretend she was going to show their coworkers pictures from the exhibit before letting them know taking pictures of the models was not looked favorable on and few if any did it.
Several weeks later Melissa joined James in the breakroom and asked him want to see something wild? Yeah, what you got he replied you know I take a yoga class well we have had a lady show up and was handing out this flyer which she handed to James it read server needed for New Year's Eve party
hours 8-12, 1am latest pay $500.00 plus males only apply. Dam James said that's a lot of money for just a few hours work I wonder why they are willing to pay that much so do I Melissa told him I think they might be having trouble finding someone who doesn't have plans if they weren't saying males only apply, I would consider it I have a lot of Christmas expenses this year. I know what you mean James told her so do I. You know I'm almost tempted to call the number and check it out James said why not do it Melissa said if they really need someone this bad you might be able to get more money if you do, we could split it really James replied hey I did show you the flyer consider it a finder's fee fair enough James agreed.

James called the number on the flyer and a meeting was arranged he would be meeting with a woman named Lois after work James arrived at the address on the flyer and was welcomed inside Lois thanked him for responding telling him the hadn't had many responses and time was running out for them to find someone. James asked her why they were only asking for males to apply Lois told him this was a ladies night party that most of the women attending were divorced and not really ready to get back into dating or the club scene and having a guy as the server would still give them fun with one but with no pressure for something more. This made a degree of sense to James he asked what he would be doing for the party Lois told him serving food and drinks and maybe giving the ladies some fun and entertainment. For James this all seemed reasonable, and he asked about the pay for the night and wondered if they could start a little higher Lois knowing they were short on time and the fact James looked perfect for the job told him they would go up another $100.00 and might add bonus at the end of the night depending on how well night went.
With these details taken care of James and Lois agreed to the deal and Lois told him they would provide his uniform for the night when he got. home James called Melissa and told her the news she was amazed and thrilled that they upped the money and there might even be more she told James this could really help both of them with their holiday finances a lot James told her he couldn't agree more. James told Melissa as this will be party do you want to come? Melissa told him I don't have any plans for the night sounds like it could be fun with that everything was set now it was just waiting for New Year's Eve.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by tim409 »

Vader wrote: Thu Dec 26, 2024 12:08 am Merry Christmas. ... YTSOplAA&s
They are all dressed perfectly for any party.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run


The days leading up to New Years Eve were uneventful for James's standard work stuff when New Years Eve came the company let the employees off early to get ready for their night James told Melissa that Lois asked him to arrive about 45 minutes before eight so he could change, and she could familiarize him with layout and getting food and drinks to the ladies. James told her when he told Lois about her attending, she balked at that at first as the party was only supposed to be for divorced women but decided it would be alright since he was going to be taking care of the ladies for the night Melissa told James she was going to get there about 15 minutes early to check everything out before the rest of the women arrived.
James made it to the location and was greeted by Lois, she invited him in and gave him the tour of the center and the layout of the tables for bringing the drinks and food and maybe providing them some fun James did really give any thought to what fun he might provide he figured it would likely be some flirting Lois told him we have a little less than half an hour before guest start arriving so you should probably get changed.

James accompanied Lois to an office in the back she handed him a small bag and pointed him to a side room and told him he could change in there at that moment things began to click for James before he even looked at what was in the bag he knew it would be his so-called uniform why they would pay so much and the fun he might be providing. James finally took the contents out of the bag and his fears were confirmed this was what he saw. ... v5sVIwHA&s.
The small white thong also had a matching bow tie really you want me to wear just this James asked. Of course, Lois told him it's a New Years party for divorced women wanting a night of fun, you out there wearing this will give them that now if you don't want to wear this and stay dressed as you are you can just know the pay drops a lot $100.00 to $125.00 tops it's your call.

James had no wish to go out in front of a group of divorced women dressed in this thong, but he really did need the money to cover Christmas expenses as did Melissa, so he headed into the side room and removed his clothes and pulled the thong on and then the bow tie he looked at himself in the mirror feeling ridiculous and dreading the night of embarrassment and humiliation he was sure was going to come in some degree tonight. James also noticed that the thong was mesh type material and that even in its flaccid state his penis was still visible to a degree, and it would be even more so as his cock became erect, he looked at the clock in the room and knew there was no time to change his mind. He braced himself opened the door and headed back into Lois office instead of seeing Lois he came face to face with Melissa her jaw dropped when she saw him dam, she blurted out when Lois told me you were putting on your uniform, I never expected this, but it looks good on you James only thought the embarrassment and humiliation begins.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by tim409 »

He still would be over dressed wearing that outfit. Since the party is for women and lots of them will be attending, the bow tie is OK but the throng has got to go.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

tim409 wrote: Thu Dec 26, 2024 8:07 pm He still would be over dressed wearing that outfit. Since the party is for women and lots of them will be attending, the bow tie is OK but the throng has got to go.
Before the party wraps there is a possibility it will be.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by tim409 »

Will the ladies be able to bring their daughters with them?
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run.


Melissa might not have expected to see James dressed as he was when he came in but that didn't stop her from looking him up and down as she slowly circled him nor did the smile that appeared on her face when she saw him disappear all things that did not go unnoticed by James. Even though Melissa had seen him totally naked before and been a key part of making him up as a nude statue for Andrea's art exhibit somehow her seeing him like this made him more aware of how little he had on and gave him a sense of embarrassment he was surprised to be feeling to break the silence James asked how many are out there? Melissa told him only me when I came back here but Lois told me she was expecting about 25 so why this she asked pointing to his thong and bow tie? James explained as this is for divorced women he is not only supposed to be the server but provide them some fun and being dressed like this is going to be part of it he then told her he could have stayed dressed as he was when he arrived if he wanted to, but the pay would drop to a $125.00 dollars tops.
Wow Melissa said shocked at what the drop in pay would have been and kind of impressed James would do this to get money they both could use it was now when Lois entered and told James's women were starting to arrive and there would be 26 including her and Melissa and when everyone arrived she would welcome then introduce him as their server for the evening and start the festivities. James waited in the office as Melissa went out to mingle with the arrivals and Lois to welcome them James paced around for about ten minutes when Melissa stuck her head in and told him everyone is here, and Lois is about to welcome them and announce you it's showtime she said as she gave him a quick wink.
James stood at the door with it slightly ajar so he could her Lois as she finished her welcome speech Lois, told the group I would like to introduce you to our server for the night he will provide you with food and drinks and any fun you might want to have please welcome James with that James braced himself and walked out in his near naked state.

As Lois was finishing her introduction and James readied himself to go out in front of this group his penis began to stiffen and by the time he walked out he had a pretty noticeable erection. When the women saw him, the reactions varied some were surprised others a little embarrassed and tried to look away and of course others were enthusiastic in their response James noticed Melissa near the front and as he walked by her, she gave him a quick wolf whistle which got a round of laughter from the group. As James began his serving duties, he could feel the eyes of every woman in their checking him out some were shy about it just giving a quick glance other's much more direct as their eyes roamed up and down his body often pausing at his ass, cock or both there was this and the usual occasional slap or pinch on his ass and once or twice an attempted grabbing of his penis and balls by the more daring of the women. While this was no longer new to James it was still getting his penis harder and with the mesh type material of the thong getting stretched the women were getting a clearer view of his cock and balls.
The stretching out of his thong along with consumption of drinks was making the women much less inhibited and now they were running their hands all over his body which in turn increased James's arousal as the night wore on and music started playing many of the women pulled him onto the floor to dance with them most would grab his ass and pull him against them and grind their body against him sometimes so intensely he was worried they might bring to orgasm other times two or three would dance around him at once and attempt to pull his thong off insisting it was time for the full Monty a couple of times nearly succeeding. The night had started off somewhat tame for James's relativity speaking but the closer it got to midnight the wilder the women were and the more embarrassing it was getting for James and at this point he just wanted midnight to get here.

As the clock got closer to midnight James managed to keep the women somewhat under control, they continued to slap his ass and grab and squeeze his cock and balls but had not been able to pull his thong off though they had got the bow tie which hardly concerned him about five minutes till midnight Lois asked for everyone's attention and asked James to join her on the small stage James had no idea what this was about but at least it got him away from the rowdy women. When James got there, he noticed a couple of women who had helped set things up earlier, but he had not seen since the two women took him to a spot near Lois and she asked him to raise his arms above his head James didn't like the sound of that and asked why as he looked out at the crowd all the women including Melissa had confused looks Lois smiled and said to help with the countdown to midnight. Suddenly without warning the two women on either side of James grabbed an arm and pulled them securing in a restraint hanging down from a beam he had never even seen each wrist was pulled tight and secured with Velcro it was not painful, but he could not get out of it either nor was there any slack in it and he was helpless to stop whatever came next.
Lois told the ladies as you know in Times Square, they have the ball that comes down for the final ten seconds to bring in the new year we couldn't afford something like that, but we do have a pretty nice alternative James was floored as it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was about to come down and off the women cheered as they realized the thong they had been trying to get off him for a fair part of the night was coming off. There was a TV mounted to a wall which Lois now turned on and put on the Times square coverage and told them their countdown would start at the same time which was now under a minute as the clock hit 30 seconds James desperately tried to free his hands, but it was no use the cheering from the women got louder the women on either side of him began sliding their hands down his chest and abs as the ten seconds started at five then began pulling the thong down starting to expose his penis and as the countdown hit zero it was pulled all the way down and off.

The women went wild with cheers and applause at seeing James not only naked, but his hands still secured so he couldn't cover up some of the comments were we defiantly got the better ball drop, you mean balls another corrected her not everything dropped another added as this was going on James humiliation was at a point it had not been at all night. Lois now spoke tradition is you ring in the new year with a kiss and James is available for that but if you want to ring it in with something else you can none of them turned that down some settled for the kiss others squeezed his balls and stroked his penis James was surprised to see the last woman to take advantage of his current situation was Melissa while she was far from hammered it was clear she had a few drinks tonight. She ran her hands slowly down his chest and abs and then reached between his legs and took hold of his balls gripping them much tighter than anyone else had after fondling and squeezing them for a few moments she took hold of his cock and began stroking him clearly enjoying the power and control she had she now put her other hand behind James's neck and planted an intense kiss on him as she continued to stroke his penis. James was overwhelmed by this he thought after the kiss she would release his cock which was now harder than it had been all night but instead she moved to the side of him and started to caress and squeeze his ass as she continued to work his penis. All of this action plus the rest of the group watching had James's speeding towards orgasm Melissa was sure he was close as well and tightened her grip and increased her tempo and about a minute or so later she felt his butt cheeks tighten and he shot his load much to the delight of the rest of the women.
Melissa released her grip on James's cock and whispered in his ear happy new year as she released his wrist James really didn't know what to do and just stood there Lois told the group this seemed like a good place to call it a night as she doubted anything would top that with that the women began making their way-out thanking James for a very enjoyable evening. James went to the back to get dressed as he was just finishing up Lois came in and told him that the party went so well, she was adding another $200 .00 dollars to it making it $800.00 for the night James thanked her for that thinking to himself it's the least you could do. As James headed back out, he found Melissa waiting and she looked a little embarrassed and James asked why did you come up there and do all that stuff? She told him I really don't know maybe it was the booze or seeing what the other women were doing or a combination but whatever it was it brought out a wild side in me tonight at the very least it will be a memorable New Year's Eve no argument there James said he told her Lois was pleased with how things went and told her how much the pay went up Melissa was impressed I guess she knows a good thing when she sees it.
After they headed back home James made his New Years resolution to not get into anymore naked displays around groups of women when Melissa arrived home, she had another video of James to add to her collection this one the countdown of his thong coming down and off and while it was not a resolution or something she would try and trick him into she certainty wouldn't mind if James ended up in some more naked situations next year but if he didn't she had some nice pics and videos to enjoy.
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