Trundle wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 2:53 am
I know you said you get a lot of your ideas for stories from movies, is that the case here?
No specific movie, though I did reference several in the story...they were not directly an inspiration.
There are many examples of something not living, or not actually existing, wanting to become human. David from "Artificial Intelligence",
and Pinnochio are two examples.
I like the old movies about Santa and the elves a lot, but they were made so long all looks so dated. An example of that movie
Modern concepts of elves, from LOTR to other fantasy types are very intriguing to me. They are sort of an idealized "Perfect" humanoid.
Here is an example of an ai generated teenage warrior Elf.
Someday I could write about such an Elf as this warrior.
For this Christmas story I wanted to create an Elf look that was basically identical to a regular human child of around 13 years old.
Gwen and Cindy both laughed when the Elf toy said, "UH OH" when his trousers slid down. It was such a perfect response, and so human like.
The red and white striped underpants look a lot like old fashioned Longjohns, except they are much tighter fitting, more like a teenager
wearing the pajamas bottoms of someone a year or two younger.
"Shoot...forgot to take his red shoes off," Gwen says, and she and Cindy both reach down to untie a shoe.
Gwen has to order Pepper to raise his right foot. First the right, then the left foot is raised to remove a shoe and get the green trousers yanked
down over the foot. For a moment the two girls admire the look of their Elf toy wearing only the tight underpants.
"He looks super cute doesn't he," Cindy says as she feels the thinness and softness of the material. "Is this made from cotton only? Is there a
tag in the back side?"
Aaron yanks on the back waistband. Looking down he tries to find something to read. " tag on here. But I can see it has a full
butt crack. It's like looking down another kid's pants."
Gwen is staring so intently at the elf, like she's found some previously unknown lifeform and needs to study everything about it. Aaron was
just about to yank the underpants down, when Gwen said to hold on just a minute.
"Come over here next to don't you think this thing looks real. I bet if I took a photo of it, nobody at school would think it was a toy.
I wonder how it was made?...why does it have a bulge like that?"
For nearly a minute the three kids sat or kneeled down in front of Pepper, as they gazed upon the amazing present that looks so unbelievably
real. Pepper looking real must be a reason why there is some hesitation in stripping off the last remaining article of clothing. If the elf
looked fake, like a plastic toy typically does, there would be no reason to hesitate, no reason to sit and marvel at it. Perhaps this was how
kids felt when certain Marvel and other comic book action figures were first made. How many kids sat for long periods of time staring at the first Superman action figure, or first Wonder Woman. On many of those the clothes were built onto the figurine and could not be easily stripped off.
On the old Aquaman action figures the colored leggings are part of the plastic leg and nothing can be taken off.
"Are you going to sit and stare at it all day?" Aaron asks. "Yank that off and let's find out where it hides its batteries."
Giggling like they feel some sense of being naughty, both Gwen and Cindy grab a leg of the striped underpants. "One...two...three..." the
two girls count and away the legging come down.
A collective gasp goes all around as each kid sees the complete set of penis and testicle pouch. The underpants lie at the ankles of the toy. The now naked elf is more real like than any of them could have suspected, even with that suspicious bulge at the front of the underpants.
"He has a freakin weenie," says Cindy-lou, and the youngest one places both hands over her mouth and nose.
"That's not all its got," Gwen adds, and she too is so amazed, nearly speechless. Gwen and the others become even more amazed when the
elf moves its hands in front of his boy like genitalia, like the toy was embarrassed at the exposure.
Pepper says, "I'm cold."
"What a program that thing has," Aaron seems most impressed with how the toy functions. "It reacts like losing his clothes makes him cold. I
can't wait to show my mom what this elf can do."
Gwen doesn't want to bring anybody else into this. "No way...not now. Let's learn some more about it. Now doesn't that look real to you? I
swear I've never seen a toy that is like it. I wonder if it can follow another set of instructions....Pepper, move your hands to the sides please."
The toy seems to know and understand lots of words. Even though the face of the toy no longer is happy looking, no longer has that goofy
smile, the elf moves the hands back to where they were at the sides. Stunned would be a good word for it, stunned and amazed the three kids
are. The elf has a full regular looking penis. It's not some bump that barely sticks out, a plastic bulge built into the crotch some male action figures have, such as the Ken doll. The penis sticks out without being part of a single mass combined with the balls section. The balls hang down
in what looks like a nut sack, attached but also separate from the penis. Everything moved when the elf took away the hands. The penis swung
back and forth before it stopped moving about, and even the ball sack swayed a little. A chorus of comments on the genitalia commences.
Cindy: "I can't believe it. Pepper looks like a real boy."
Gwen: "That thing sticks out...and I saw it move."
Aaron: "Never seen a doll with a dick before."
Gwen: "Can that be a patch of pubic hair. It's sort of sparse."
Cindy: "That is the ON/OFF switch? I don't know what I was grabbing when I squeezed it down there. Is it the dick that does the trick?"
"I'm gonna check that butt for the battery compartment," and Aaron got back to his feet. He walks around the elf, checks closely the butt area.
He even pulls the cheeks apart. "Oh man...this is so weird. The rear end pulls apart like everything is made of skin and it squeezed like a real
butt. Holy Crap...there's an ass hole in here. It's all puckered and tight. I can't get my finger in there."
Pepper saying "Uh Oh" as his trousers are lowered is such a funny idea
Oh my, he's now fully naked and getting his asshole interfered with. Cannot wait to see where this goes. Wonder if they think his Penis is battery powered if it comes to life so to speak?
Gifted By Accident
Chapter 9. Pepper's Perspective
"Uh Oh" was all Pepper could think to say when he felt his green trousers sliding down his legs. That Gwen girl had been giving him orders,
making him put his arms up, then put the arms down, raise the leg, lower the leg, each command getting him closer to getting naked. Pepper
wanted to shout out something to make her stop. But he's a toy, simple as that, and to keep up the pretense all he can do is obey the commands.
Piece by piece the clothes came off. The outer shirt gone. The undershirt gone. Then the humans temporarily stopped the stripping, but picked
up on the touching. They felt all over his upper body for the so-called hidden battery compartment. Pepper didn't tell them he didn't run
on batteries. He also didn't say he did not need no little power packs to make him move and talk. Keeping his mouth shut, Pepper prayed to
the good holiday spirits that the human children would grow tired of looking at him with so much focus and attention. Did the younger girl
really have to twist the nipples? That girl has an older brother. Why doesn't she play with Aaron's nipples. He's a big strong boy who should
have much nicer nipples to twist and tease.
Pepper could feel a scream building up inside of him when the Gwen girl unsnapped the pants and lowered the zipper. Using sheer willpower he
stayed in mechanical toy mode, hiding his horror and dismay when the trousers began to slide down. "Uh Oh" was all he could say, in a way
suggesting that pants falling down is not supposed to happen. Why is this happening?!
Again there was a short delay, as the three humans stopped to stare at him. Jumping Jack-N-The-Box why do they look at him like that? 'Do they
find me ugly? One of them said my ears were big', Pepper wonders as he tries to not make direct eye contact with them.
"Are you going to stare at it all day?" the Aaron boy asks, and Pepper is glad he said it. "Yank that off and let's find out where it hides its batteries",
and Pepper is not so glad that even the male of the group wants to see him stripped completely. Nothing in Pepper's limited research on humans
said young males looked at other males that way. More research should have been done, but Pepper was so busy making toys for these human monsters. The two girls look so eager to get the clothes off. Could there be some other motive besides finding out where Pepper gets powered
Pepper wanted to squeal when the two girls worked together to yank the striped underpants down. He wanted to cry but his throat choked up.
His pants are off, the undies down at his ankles and there is only one thing that a toy could say that makes sense in this situation.
"I'm cold."
Pepper's suggested comment about temperature is ignored. For some reason the three humans stare at the lower section, seeming to focus
their attention like laser beams on his exposed Elf parts, leaning closer and staring at the penis like it was some sort of exotically flavored peppermint stick. What seems to be the problem?
The Cindy girls says he looks like a boy.
The Aaron boy says dolls aren't supposed to have dicks.
The Gwen girl points and says something about pubic hair.
And finally, the Cindy girls thinks the penis is the magic ON/OFF switch....OH how in the Twelve Days of Christmas could she have thought that.
Pepper shivers and tingles all over. He feels his face getting hot. How can that be when he should be feeling colder?
Aaron gets up, saying he's going to check for the battery compartment. The boy, who stands about two inches taller than Pepper, comes around
the backside. Suddenly the butt cheeks of Pepper's rear end are grabbed and spread apart. Something pokes him, tries to force its way inside.
Pepper squeezes his butt tighter, activates his muscles that are in the area on a place even Elves don't talk about.
"I can't get my finger in there," Aaron says. So that is what he's doing, looking for a way up in there to see if there is a battery compartment.
How silly can he be? However, this poking around the asshole is making Pepper squirm, making his temperature feel even warmer. It's the feeling
of humiliation and shame, something Pepper is quite familiar with considering how many times he's screwed up some toy making project.
"Hey look. I think the elf is blushing."
It was Gwen who said that. The girl comes closer and she looks Pepper right in the face, touches his cheek. "Is it programmed to blush when
it gets touched? What happens if I touch it here?"
Pepper sucks in his breath when the girl grabs his penis. Gwen grabs it, then she starts squeezing. She tugs on it a little, but mostly she squeezes. Cindy laughs, which is a sweet sounding laugh, but it becomes a terrible sound when combined with this particular action. Aaron comes
around to take a look.
"Wow...I was wondering what you were going to do with it. I bet you play with guy's wieners all the time. Sneak into the boy's room and jerk
em off, right?"
Pepper wishes he were a toy, a toy with a self turn off switch. He'd turn himself off and become lifeless and no fun anymore. Those kids are
having too much fun at his expense.
"I want to squeeze it," Cindy asks for her turn. Then getting that turn she grabs it with both little hands. It can take two hands now, as it
has suddenly gotten bigger.
Looking downward, Pepper can see he's grown an erection. The younger girl lets go and the penis pops up higher. Laughing like a loony bird,
the girl grabs the end of Pepper's penis and pulling down on it she lets it go again. The penis swings upwards rapidly, making a smack on the
"That thing can make a hardon? Holy Rock-n rolly that's crazy," Aaron says, sounding stunned. "A toy that has a dick that can get hard. I want
to take this thing to school. Imagine...setting it loose in the girl's bathroom. Is there an air pump in there that inflates it up? They'll freak out
when they see this elf walking toward them with a huge hardon sticking up."
"Pepper's penis is bigger than Aaron's is, ha ha," Cindy shouts out.
The room gets quiet after Cindy finishes laughing. The two girls are staring at Aaron, and Pepper turns his head to look at the male kid. For
some reason Aaron looks stunned, he looks sort of pale, sort of caught off guard. He doesn't know what to say.
"Is it true? Does this toy have a larger dick than superstar athlete Aaron Wallendorf, the sports stud?" Gwen says this while talking in a peculiar
way, sounding sarcastic and cunning.
"Of course I'm bigger than this toy dick," Aaron says, trying to sound confident but not succeeding.
"Then prove it to us big brother," Cindy says, and she too has this peculiar glint in her eye, a devious smile with the lips.
At first Pepper was aghast that anyone would call him a toy dick, then he figured out what those two girls want. They both want to see Aaron's
piss wizzer to compare it to his. Pepper had been avoiding looking right at any of the humans, but this is intriguing...this would go a long way
in doing research on humans, to see what a human boy has hidden down in his pants. Do they look just like Elves?
Gifted By Accident
Chapter 10. Dastardly Deed With a Dick
Twas the morning of Christmas, and all through the house
the only thing stirring was an elf's penis and balls pouch.
The young elf was hung, very surprising to all,
and the three kids who saw it were totally in awe.
A change had come over the bedroom. For the longest time, way too long for Pepper Minstix to be comfortable with, the three human children
gawked at and fondled the genitals of the elf in toy disguise. Pepper's penis had popped up, was sticking up at a very high angle. Strange
feelings and sensations flowed freely throughout Pepper's body. He was familiar with having an erection, and yes he was sort of familiar with
what can be done with it, mainly rubbing and tugging on it. But why other elves, or people did it was still a mystery. What was it all for?
Why was Santa jerking on himself that day when Pepper got caught peeping in on Santa looking at videos on the computer?
A change had most definitely come over the bedroom. The two girls, Gwen and Cindy, were both advancing upon the boy in the room. Aaron
was slowly backing away while shaking his head. His face had gotten a little pale. For some reason Aaron didn't like the idea of getting naked in front of the girls. Ever since he first came down the stairs to open presents he's only been wearing the shorts he went to bed wearing. Aaron
backs away as the girls stalk him around the room. All Pepper can do is watch, remaining motionless as his penis continues to stick out, the underpants still around the ankles.
"No way am I going to do that...keep away from me...this is all ridiculous...I'll tell you what my measurement is. You can believe me."
Like two young lionesses moving in on a young buck deer, they closed in and made ready to pounce.
"I'm going to tell Gwen what you did after swimming at the park last summer," Cindy tells her brother. "I caught him doing something naughty.
I'm surprised Santa Clause gave him any presents this year."
"What was it? What did Aaron do?" Gwen naturally wants to know.
Aaron is again vigorously shaking his head. "Nooo...don't tell her."
Cindy is giggling, almost snorting like a pig. She has to catch her breath. "My brother did something crazy at that state park. It's so disgusting.
You're not going to believe it..."
Pepper listens to the story Cindy tells about a day when her brother did a very ungentlemanly thing, and he could hardly believe it. If what she
said is true, then human boys are very very wicked indeed, and why are the elves working so hard to reward them with toys?
* * * * *
"This happened at the state park in Lousiana. It was the one where Aaron has to go around the park wearing that speedo swimsuit mom got
for him. At first he tried to hide the front of the suit, keeping his hands in front of himself. But after a while he got used to it. He started
to show off in it, getting close to other girls and getting up close to their faces. It's like he was trying to prove how studly he is.
When we were at the beach he had me put suntan lotion all over him. I did his chest and stomach, then the legs. There were these older
girls sitting on towels nearby. Aaron kept looking their way. The girls were looking at me rubbing the stuff on his thighs, and they were
whispering to each other, glancing at us over and over. I could see why the teenagers were looking. My brother got this huge bulge sticking
out as he was lying there. Not even trying to hide it. I'm thinking, " big does it get?".
Then the two of us went into the water. It's not the ocean, there are no waves. People are sitting in the water with just their head and
shoulders sticking out. Aaron was running into the water, then running out again. I wasn't sure what he's up to. As he walks out from chest
deep water to the beach I noticed something is wrong with his swimsuit. The string is hanging out. The speedo was loosened up, barely
hanging on. As he got closer to those same teenage girls who watched us earlier, his suit was showing some of his butt crack in back. The
front was much lower too. Aaron's suit was poking out the front so much those girls' jaws dropped and they started laughing but trying not to
laugh. I snuck up behind him. I grabbed the back of the suit and started pulling down. Aaron caught it just in time before the suit went down
his legs. One girl reminded Aaron to use the stupid tie string.
Aaron interrupts, "I wasn't trying to flash those girls, really I wasn't."
"You were just sticking your bulge in their face. Well, later those girls went to a more secluded place. There were some flat rocks just
past the beach. A big tree hangs over those rocks, but the sun was low and the sun still shined on those rocks. Three of those teenage girls
lay out on the rocks. Lying on their frontside, each of them took off their tops so they could get a good tan with no lines. Aaron followed
those girls. He stayed behind them, then when they started sunning themselves he went to the tree and climbed it. I had no idea why he
climbed that tree, but when I saw those three girls lying down with their tops off...I could guess he wanted to get a closer look, maybe hoping
they'd roll over and show their titties.
I got closer, but I didn't say anything to those girls. Looking up into the tree I saw Aaron doing something weird. I saw one of his arms moving
a lot. I couldn't tell for sure, but it looked like his speedo was down his legs. I was so tempted to shout 'What are you doing up there?'
A couple minutes later one of the girls shrieked and said some bad words. She was saying something about a bird shitting on her. Another girl
looked over and said there was a bunch of white goop on that girl's back. That is the word she used, white goop. But I know it wasn't bird poop
that came down on her from that tree. I saw my brother's face just before I saw the goop coming down from where he was standing on the
tree branch. His arm was moving like a blur, jerking his dick. He was staring down at those girls and white goop is cuming down on top of them."
Gwen blurts out her shocked response, "What?...Aaron jacked off when he was above them in the tree?...Jeepers Creepers. What a creep."
Cindy continues, "That girl that got splattered...she sat up, and as another used a towel to wipe the slimy stuff off Aaron got a look at
her tits from above. Aaron starts jumping up and down in the tree. He's making loud monkey sounds, 'Hoooh Hoooh Hoooh'. I could see his
dick is still hard and bouncing up and down. The three girls shriek. Picking up the towels and bikini tops they run away. Aaron climbed down the tree and the two of us got into the water to swim back toward the beach. I never told anyone this until now."
* * * * *
Pepper is semi-confused by the story. He can't really grasp why three teenage girls would take their bikini tops off. He is perplexed as to
why Aaron would be up in a tree playing with his penis. What is this goop Cindy keeps mentioning? Whatever this is all about, it has Aaron
blushing like crazy. The boy looks very vulnerable, where before he strutted around in his tight athletic shorts and nothing else on. Now he
looks shy, bashful, and defeated.
Cindy has her older brother in a tight spot. "And I'm going to tell this story to mom and to Gwen's mom too...unless you show us what you showed those girls at the park. We both pledge complete silence. All you have to do is take your shorts off. Get naked so the two of us can see how you compare to Pepper the elf over there. See, he isn't bashful. Pepper proudly lets his dick stick up for everyone to look at."
"And touch," Gwen adds. "We get to look and touch."
Last edited by TeenFan on Sun Dec 22, 2024 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.