Heather Plays Hockey [Final Chaper Posted on 12/27/24] (trigger warning - underage nudity)
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Re: Heather Plays Hockey [Ch11 Posted on 12/20/24] (trigger warning - underage nudity)
I suppose that's the post nut clarity boosting their decision making statENFfanatic wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 3:06 pm So first of I love this story, and I don't know if this is even worth mentioning. But from what I remember your skills and fitness increase a lot in these years, and even facing people 1 year older than me meant I was getting 10x'ed in the scoreline, so hearing a team beat opponents who are 3 years older than them 3 times in a row took me out of the story for a bit there.

My real incidents:
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Heather Plays Hockey Ch12 (trigger warning - underage nudity)
Chapter 12 - High School League - The Fourth Period
The Huntington Huskies were doing better than most people expected, being a freshman-only team competing in the high school league for the first time in decades. They ended up on the top of their local subdivision and were moving up to the region subdivision games. With the league covering the entire state, that required more travel with some weekend trips. Luckily the coach had worked out the logistics previously so he booked a connected double-queen for the players each time. His motion sensors on the outside of the hallway doors ensued the team stayed in their rooms overnight.
The overnight trips always meant staying up a bit too late and eating junk food, but it was also a time where the team could just talk about things on their minds. It raised the intimacy between the teammates in an emotional way. Being 15 years old it also was another time, not in the showers, where they could all be naked or masturbate together. Being constantly horny was both a blessing and a curse at that age.
As the team kept racking up wins, with very few losses peppered in, it was on one of these weekend trips that Heather shocked her team and her coach. Heather was extremely aggressive for this game in a way they'd never seen her. She got a hard check from one of the other team's players, but that was common and she could handle it. At this game she retaliated on her next rotation on the ice and checked this guy so hard he must have seen stars. He was out the rest of the game and Heather earned her team a five minute penalty and she was not permitted to play the rest of the game.
All that occurred right at the end of the second period. In the locker room, instead of getting ready for the last period she got her gear off as the coach talked to the rest of the team about plays and strategy. The coach saw Heather get her clothes off out of the corner of his eye. As she got her panties down he saw her pull a pad out of the crotch and throw it in the trash as she went to shower, alone. The coach had a pretty good idea where Heather's aggression was coming from. At least he knew she wasn't losing her mind. The Huntington Huskies won narrowly after losing ground during the penalty time.
Heather was quiet that evening even once they were all in their hotel rooms. Jeremy said "Heather, are you ok? You don't seem like yourself." She grumbled "I'm fine. Just a bad day. I know I messed up and almost lost us the game. I probably need a sanction". The guys could tell she was not in a playful mood. Mikey spoke for all of them saying "I don't think we feel like that tonight Heather. Is there anything we can do to help?" She said "no. It's a girl problem". Henry said "there aren't girl problems here.....or boy problems....only team problems. If we can help we will". Heather said "I'm on my period, ok?. And if that isn't bad enough, when I'm on the ice my pad gets bunched up and feels.....the worst." The team knew Heather has been getting her period. There really are no secrets in the locker room. They have all seen each other go number one and number two. They have also seen Heather change her pad. It had begun normalizing female menstruation to these boys in a way almost no boys their age could understand.
She said "I guess I just lost my cool today." Jeremy joked "you almost killed that boy who is like twice your size. I heard he's going to be fine though". That got a small smile out of her. Doug said "have you tried tampons? They wouldn't bunch up probably." Heather said "I thought of that. I went through a whole box trying to figure out how to get them in properly. Wasted them all. Maybe they just don't work for me? Plus, I don't have any with me for tomorrow's game anyway. They are all back in a locker the coach stocked for me." Doug went to his bag and pulled out pads and tampons. He said "I started carrying them when you started getting your period. I think I could help you".
Heather's eyes welled up. She said "you....you carry those for....me?" She was beside herself. Doug was gay and would probably never have to deal with this his whole life but he thought to do this anyway. Doug said "I carry bandages for when these idiots bleed. I figured this was just an extension of that." Heather said "would you help me please?" Jeremy said "the rest of us can go in the other room Heather." She said "you all know I don't care about privacy with you guys." Mikey got a towel and put it on the bed. Heather shed her bottoms and laid on top of the towel. Doug opened a box of tampons and read the insert. Then he said "ready?" She nodded.
She was the center of attention, naked below the waist with her legs wide open. It didn't phase her a bit since it was her nine best friends watching. Doug held the applicator and used his other hand to spread Heather's labia. He touched the applicator to her. She said "isn't it more towards the front than that? That feels close to my butthole." Doug said "from what I can see and from what those pictures in the insert show, this is right. It is pretty close but it probably feels closer than it is." She nodded. Then he pushed the applicator inside her and released the tampon. Heather's eyes got wide. It was the first thing that had ever been inside her like this. She said "I....um...actually....I think this is right. It feels...comfortable. The times I tried, it didn't."
Her mood was instantly better. They joked around. Henry said "no offense Heather, but that string hanging out of you looks like a mouse tail". She giggled and said "I think so too! It's like I turned into a mousetrap". Henry took out the Polaroid camera and Heather posed, prominently showing her string. The picture went in the notebook not as a sanction, but more to celebrate Heather's first successful tampon. The caption was 'mouse trap' which confused the coach at first when he saw the addition to the notebook.
That was the day that the term 'mousetrapping' came to mean Heather was on her period. None of them, including Heather, considered it a pejorative term like being 'on the rag'. This was just another unique dynamic between Heather and her teammates. Heather had something none of her female peers had at this age, a lack of shame around her period. Before going to sleep she switched to a pad. She was terrified of toxic shock syndrome. In the morning before the coach let them out for breakfast, Heather tried putting a tampon in on her own, well, with Doug observing and coaching. She had it figured out. The game went really well and they went home from the weekend trips with a full slate of wins.
The Huntington Huskies were doing better than most people expected, being a freshman-only team competing in the high school league for the first time in decades. They ended up on the top of their local subdivision and were moving up to the region subdivision games. With the league covering the entire state, that required more travel with some weekend trips. Luckily the coach had worked out the logistics previously so he booked a connected double-queen for the players each time. His motion sensors on the outside of the hallway doors ensued the team stayed in their rooms overnight.
The overnight trips always meant staying up a bit too late and eating junk food, but it was also a time where the team could just talk about things on their minds. It raised the intimacy between the teammates in an emotional way. Being 15 years old it also was another time, not in the showers, where they could all be naked or masturbate together. Being constantly horny was both a blessing and a curse at that age.
As the team kept racking up wins, with very few losses peppered in, it was on one of these weekend trips that Heather shocked her team and her coach. Heather was extremely aggressive for this game in a way they'd never seen her. She got a hard check from one of the other team's players, but that was common and she could handle it. At this game she retaliated on her next rotation on the ice and checked this guy so hard he must have seen stars. He was out the rest of the game and Heather earned her team a five minute penalty and she was not permitted to play the rest of the game.
All that occurred right at the end of the second period. In the locker room, instead of getting ready for the last period she got her gear off as the coach talked to the rest of the team about plays and strategy. The coach saw Heather get her clothes off out of the corner of his eye. As she got her panties down he saw her pull a pad out of the crotch and throw it in the trash as she went to shower, alone. The coach had a pretty good idea where Heather's aggression was coming from. At least he knew she wasn't losing her mind. The Huntington Huskies won narrowly after losing ground during the penalty time.
Heather was quiet that evening even once they were all in their hotel rooms. Jeremy said "Heather, are you ok? You don't seem like yourself." She grumbled "I'm fine. Just a bad day. I know I messed up and almost lost us the game. I probably need a sanction". The guys could tell she was not in a playful mood. Mikey spoke for all of them saying "I don't think we feel like that tonight Heather. Is there anything we can do to help?" She said "no. It's a girl problem". Henry said "there aren't girl problems here.....or boy problems....only team problems. If we can help we will". Heather said "I'm on my period, ok?. And if that isn't bad enough, when I'm on the ice my pad gets bunched up and feels.....the worst." The team knew Heather has been getting her period. There really are no secrets in the locker room. They have all seen each other go number one and number two. They have also seen Heather change her pad. It had begun normalizing female menstruation to these boys in a way almost no boys their age could understand.
She said "I guess I just lost my cool today." Jeremy joked "you almost killed that boy who is like twice your size. I heard he's going to be fine though". That got a small smile out of her. Doug said "have you tried tampons? They wouldn't bunch up probably." Heather said "I thought of that. I went through a whole box trying to figure out how to get them in properly. Wasted them all. Maybe they just don't work for me? Plus, I don't have any with me for tomorrow's game anyway. They are all back in a locker the coach stocked for me." Doug went to his bag and pulled out pads and tampons. He said "I started carrying them when you started getting your period. I think I could help you".
Heather's eyes welled up. She said "you....you carry those for....me?" She was beside herself. Doug was gay and would probably never have to deal with this his whole life but he thought to do this anyway. Doug said "I carry bandages for when these idiots bleed. I figured this was just an extension of that." Heather said "would you help me please?" Jeremy said "the rest of us can go in the other room Heather." She said "you all know I don't care about privacy with you guys." Mikey got a towel and put it on the bed. Heather shed her bottoms and laid on top of the towel. Doug opened a box of tampons and read the insert. Then he said "ready?" She nodded.
She was the center of attention, naked below the waist with her legs wide open. It didn't phase her a bit since it was her nine best friends watching. Doug held the applicator and used his other hand to spread Heather's labia. He touched the applicator to her. She said "isn't it more towards the front than that? That feels close to my butthole." Doug said "from what I can see and from what those pictures in the insert show, this is right. It is pretty close but it probably feels closer than it is." She nodded. Then he pushed the applicator inside her and released the tampon. Heather's eyes got wide. It was the first thing that had ever been inside her like this. She said "I....um...actually....I think this is right. It feels...comfortable. The times I tried, it didn't."
Her mood was instantly better. They joked around. Henry said "no offense Heather, but that string hanging out of you looks like a mouse tail". She giggled and said "I think so too! It's like I turned into a mousetrap". Henry took out the Polaroid camera and Heather posed, prominently showing her string. The picture went in the notebook not as a sanction, but more to celebrate Heather's first successful tampon. The caption was 'mouse trap' which confused the coach at first when he saw the addition to the notebook.
That was the day that the term 'mousetrapping' came to mean Heather was on her period. None of them, including Heather, considered it a pejorative term like being 'on the rag'. This was just another unique dynamic between Heather and her teammates. Heather had something none of her female peers had at this age, a lack of shame around her period. Before going to sleep she switched to a pad. She was terrified of toxic shock syndrome. In the morning before the coach let them out for breakfast, Heather tried putting a tampon in on her own, well, with Doug observing and coaching. She had it figured out. The game went really well and they went home from the weekend trips with a full slate of wins.
Re: Heather Plays Hockey [Ch12 Posted on 12/22/24] (trigger warning - underage nudity)
Mousetrapping their way to victory!
As for the boy that Heather dented, who body-checked Heather? Same guy that checked her hard? If he can't take the heat, he needs to stay off the ice! I'll bet he didn't know that he clobbered a girl--that she was the "number of the truck what ran me over."
If he has any recollection, he might remember trying to run over the smallest member of the Huntington Huskies. Will he remember to pick on someone his own size next time???? 

As for the boy that Heather dented, who body-checked Heather? Same guy that checked her hard? If he can't take the heat, he needs to stay off the ice! I'll bet he didn't know that he clobbered a girl--that she was the "number of the truck what ran me over."

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Re: Heather Plays Hockey [Ch12 Posted on 12/22/24] (trigger warning - underage nudity)
I am really enjoying this story. Can't wait for more.
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Heather Plays Hockey Ch13 (trigger warning - underage nudity)
(Merry Christmas everyone! ~h)
Chapter 13 - High School League - The Middle
They had a couple local games and practices over the next couple weeks before finding themselves at another hotel for a set of weekend games. The high school league was much more grueling than years prior in terms of travel. They found themselves doing homework on the bus most of the time. Luckily at least one person on the team was good in at least one subject so they worked together to help each other keep their grades up. One benefit of doing homework on the bus is that it meant they could relax at night at the hotel once the coach sealed them in their rooms.
This trip ended up being more exciting than their usual masturbation together. Doug had admitted he really wanted to try giving oral sex to a guy. Jeremy said "you know what, none of us have ever gotten head before. There can't be much of a difference between a girl mouth and a boy mouth. I'm sorry I'm not gay Doug, but you can try on me if you want". Doug said "really?" Jeremy said "yeah. Heather, would you mind if I wore a pair of your undies?" She said "uh...I didn't bring extras. Do you care if it's the one in that dirty clothes pile?" He said "doesn't bother me." Everyone watched him strip and pull on Heather's dirty rainbow striped panties. That immediately got him hard. He popped his erection out one of the leg holes. Doug got on his knees. For six to seven minutes they watch Doug blow Jeremy. None of the rest of them felt uncomfortable about it. In fact they were happy for Doug and didn't even have a question in their minds that Jeremy was anything other than straight like he'd said. Doug swallowed like a champ and was smiling bigger than Jeremy. Those two went and got into one of the beds in the other room. They looked worn out.
The demonstration had Heather feeling quite aroused. She had stripped off her clothes so she could go to town on herself with the Chapstick. That's when Greg, one of the more quiet and mild mannered boys on the team, said "hey Heather, I....I know you like to put things up.....there. You know....your....bottom". She said "yeah?" He said "I think I admitted before that I really wanted to try anal with a girl. I am a bit scared though. Would you mind if I.....trued puttung my finger up there?" She said "up.....my butt?" He nodded looking bashful. He had an interest in anything to do with the female anus and he didn't know why. Heather said "um....ok...sure....why not?"
Heather got on her hands and knees on the bed. The seven boys were also naked and now and stood around the bed. They touched Heather while touching themselves. They liked how her tits hung in this position. Heather couldn't help enjoying all the male attention. Greg then got on the bed with a little bottle of free hotel lotion. He greased his finger up. He said "ready Heather?" She nodded. He pushed his slippery finger tip into her bottom. She groaned but seemed happy about it. Greg was slow and gentle as he got his finger fully up Heather's ass. Greg let his hormonal instincts take over as the boys quietly cheered him on. They watched Heather getting finger fucked in the ass and could tell she was loving it. Greg stroked himself with his other hand. Heather held the buzzing Chapstick in her glistening pink slit like it was a hotdog in a bun. Henry remembered what Heather told them about her pubic hair. He reached under her and grabbed it. He pulled firmly. Heather had a bed shaking orgasm. As she did Greg also finished leaving his cum on her left calf. The other boys couldn't keep it together and they each jizzed into their free hand to save any of them from having to sleep in a cum puddle. If there was a reason teen boys and girls shouldn't room together, this was it. However, because of the team's special relationship none of this seemed all that abnormal. The entire team slept well.
They went home having lost only a single game all weekend. To all of them it felt like the story was just beginning. What Heather didn't share with her team, not even the coach, was that she knew this was the last year they would all play together. The story was actually coming to an end. Heather didn't want to ruin the rest of the season so she kept that knowledge to herself.
There was always a small stretch of time where there were no games or practices near Christmas and New Years so all the players and their families could focus on the holidays. This year the coach called Heather's parents unexpectedly before the break began. He let them know that he and Heather had been invited to the state capital to be part of a presentation to state lawmakers about youth sports. The topic would revolve around student athletes that play on mix-gendered teams. It was a great opportunity and could help legislation open up the accidental opportunity Heather had gotten to every school district. There could be lots more girls playing hockey in the future if the presentation goes well. There would also be a girl who plays on her school's all-male football team, a boy who plays on a girl's volleyball team, and a boy who wanted to play girl's softball team instead of the boy's baseball team, among others. Of course Heather's parents agreed to let her go with the Coach. They were so proud of her accomplishments. Her parents did use the opportunity to share the bittersweet news about next season. He decided to keep that to himself though.
On the day of the trip the coach arrived early at Heather's house. She was wearing a dress that had the Huntington Huskies color scheme. Her parents had obviously told her to wear a dress because Heather would never choose it for herself. It was a modest dress, but it did make her look adorable. He had a cup of coffee with her parents before saying "ok Mulqueany. Let's get on the road". The trip was several hours, but she had fun. The coach gave her complete control of the radio, which he regretted a couple hours in. He had never been into boy bands and her playlist didn't change his mind. They arrived at the capital and was given the VIP treatment my the staff. She met the other kids. She asked some get-to-know-you questions. She did figure out that the others all used separate locker rooms. She did not share that her team uses the same one. It ended up being less of a presentation and more of a casual Q&A with a group of lawmakers. They asked if any of them had bad experiences whether they thought mixed-gender teams were beneficial to them individually. All in all the lawmakers seemed to be leaning towards a gender inclusive legislation when it came to youth sports in the state.
After the events at the capital, Heather and the coach grabbed a quick slice of pizza for dinner then went to the hotel. He got them checked into both rooms. As they got to their floor and Heather was going to go into her room across the hall from his she said "coach, I don't really want to stay in a hotel room by myself. I've never done it and....maybe I'm just a scaredy cat...but it makes me nervous. Could I just....stay in your room?" He said "uh....that would be a bit unorthodox." She said "unorthodox was basically what we talked about with those law people. That doesn't mean bad. Come on coach, please?" He said "ok. If that's what you want." He opened his room and she ran in and dove onto the single king size bed. He got inside and the next thing he knew she was unzipping her dress saying "I need out of this thing. Can you believe my parents made me wear a dress?"
An instant later that dress was flying across the room onto the floor. Heather had on a plain white bra and lime green low-rise bikinis. Heather had expanded her underwear collection since her first shopping trip over the off season. He'd seen her in these style, thongs, boyshorts, and cheekies. The low-rise were his favorite though because a hint of her bush peeked out the top. Heather said "do you need the bathroom coach? I want to grab a shower." He said "no. I shower in the morning. Go ahead". Without any hesitation she undid her bra and slid her panties down adding them to the pile with her discarded dress. Then she pranced off to the bathroom. He sat on the edge of the bed and picked up her panties and held them. It had been a wild ride coaching her these past years.
She came out 20 minutes later wrapped in a towel. She looked serious. She said "coach, I have been trying to figure out how to tell you something. It's kind of bad news". He said "no bad news allowed tonight. Save that for the morning, ok? Get you pjs on. We should try to get on the road early tomorrow." She said "ok". He went and used the bathroom and returned wearing as tee shirt and basketball shorts. He got into bed where Heather was already lazying, texting her mom a goodnight. As he lifted the covers he said "hey, you don't have pajamas on. You don't have anything on Heather. She giggled and said "I know". He laid down and she immediately snuggled against him. His hand went to her bare bottom. She said "the whole team has touched me....like....everywhere. Why haven't you coach? If you couldn't already tell, I don't mind. I like it." He said "I've seen you all in the showers and heard stories of what goes on in the hotel rooms at night. Don't you think it's different if it's boys your age or me. I'm a few years older than your dad".
In each of their minds they knew their time together was short. They would probably never have an opportunity like this. Neither of them spoke of this even if it weighed heavy on them. Heather said "that doesn't matter coach. Please?" He rolled her onto her back and pulled the covers off. His hand moved to her breasts. He said "I remember when you joined the team. You were as flat as any of the boys. I have really enjoyed watching you grow. Your little nipples were so puffy when you started to sprout. Then you got a training bra. Now, I think these are the perfect size". Heather was smiling ear to ear. She whispered "thanks coach".
His hand moved down her toned stomach. Heather opened her legs as his hand approached. He explored the shape of her mound with his fingertips. He spread her labia apart slightly. He said "I've never seen a girl pinker than you. I could never admit it, but this is my favorite color. I am glad that cheap little Chapstick vibrator finally allowed you to get orgasms. I think they are important for boys and girls your age. It was fun to see you before puberty when you were smooth and puffy down here, but I was secretly glad when you grew your...what did you call it?....your big-girl hair? I like that you don't shave it. It's looks too good on you....and...." He grabs a fist full of her intimate hair and she gasps and moans simultaneously. He continues his thought saying "and it makes a great handle". Heather is biting her bottom lip in obvious arousal.
He uses his 'handle' to pull Heather to the end of the bed. She has to bend her legs to keep her feet on the very edge. He said "and I know this is an important spot for you", as he touches her little puckered anus. Then he goes to his bag and pulls something out. It's a bottle of lube and a medium sized, ribbed, buttplug. It had a yellow jewel on the end. He said "a new gift for you". Heather's eyes are big. She said "for up my....?" He said "I'll show you". He lubes it up and teases her hole. He said "grab your knees and pull your legs back". She did. As she did he started pushing the plug up her butt, rib by rib. She moaned and was visibly grooling. He leaned in and licked her slit. That was the last clear thought Heather had.
The rest was clouded by hormones and endorphins. The coach took his time slowly working the plug in and out of her as he licked her pussy. She had three or four orgasms that left her quivering and screaming into a pillow. When he felt like she was completely exhausted he removed the plug and got her some water. He cuddled her as she fought her exhaustion. She said softly "you....are....the best coach.....ever. Tonight was amazing....I'll never forget you". He kissed her cheek and she drifted off to sleep.
In the morning they did not get on the road early. Heather slept almost until check-out time. When she woke she was in the best mood ever and had no regrets. She got out of bed and hugged the coach. He put his hands on her bare butt. Then he whispered "ok Mulqueany. You have ten minutes to be dressed and ready to go". She whispered "yes coach". She went to let him go but felt herself suddenly stuck...by his hand grabbing her pubes. She giggled. He said "ok. Now you can go". As she turned he gave her ass a pat.
She ran the radio on the ride home again, but kept the volume low. It was a trip neither of them would forget. Partly that was because of the night before but also because Heather told him that her dad got an amazing job, but it's on the other side of the country. She'd be moving away after the season was over. They talked about their favorite memories over years. They both teared up several times. He'd miss her and she'd miss him. He was happy for her new opportunities though. He said "I hope they have a hockey team where you are going. See you at practice Mulqueany."
Chapter 13 - High School League - The Middle
They had a couple local games and practices over the next couple weeks before finding themselves at another hotel for a set of weekend games. The high school league was much more grueling than years prior in terms of travel. They found themselves doing homework on the bus most of the time. Luckily at least one person on the team was good in at least one subject so they worked together to help each other keep their grades up. One benefit of doing homework on the bus is that it meant they could relax at night at the hotel once the coach sealed them in their rooms.
This trip ended up being more exciting than their usual masturbation together. Doug had admitted he really wanted to try giving oral sex to a guy. Jeremy said "you know what, none of us have ever gotten head before. There can't be much of a difference between a girl mouth and a boy mouth. I'm sorry I'm not gay Doug, but you can try on me if you want". Doug said "really?" Jeremy said "yeah. Heather, would you mind if I wore a pair of your undies?" She said "uh...I didn't bring extras. Do you care if it's the one in that dirty clothes pile?" He said "doesn't bother me." Everyone watched him strip and pull on Heather's dirty rainbow striped panties. That immediately got him hard. He popped his erection out one of the leg holes. Doug got on his knees. For six to seven minutes they watch Doug blow Jeremy. None of the rest of them felt uncomfortable about it. In fact they were happy for Doug and didn't even have a question in their minds that Jeremy was anything other than straight like he'd said. Doug swallowed like a champ and was smiling bigger than Jeremy. Those two went and got into one of the beds in the other room. They looked worn out.
The demonstration had Heather feeling quite aroused. She had stripped off her clothes so she could go to town on herself with the Chapstick. That's when Greg, one of the more quiet and mild mannered boys on the team, said "hey Heather, I....I know you like to put things up.....there. You know....your....bottom". She said "yeah?" He said "I think I admitted before that I really wanted to try anal with a girl. I am a bit scared though. Would you mind if I.....trued puttung my finger up there?" She said "up.....my butt?" He nodded looking bashful. He had an interest in anything to do with the female anus and he didn't know why. Heather said "um....ok...sure....why not?"
Heather got on her hands and knees on the bed. The seven boys were also naked and now and stood around the bed. They touched Heather while touching themselves. They liked how her tits hung in this position. Heather couldn't help enjoying all the male attention. Greg then got on the bed with a little bottle of free hotel lotion. He greased his finger up. He said "ready Heather?" She nodded. He pushed his slippery finger tip into her bottom. She groaned but seemed happy about it. Greg was slow and gentle as he got his finger fully up Heather's ass. Greg let his hormonal instincts take over as the boys quietly cheered him on. They watched Heather getting finger fucked in the ass and could tell she was loving it. Greg stroked himself with his other hand. Heather held the buzzing Chapstick in her glistening pink slit like it was a hotdog in a bun. Henry remembered what Heather told them about her pubic hair. He reached under her and grabbed it. He pulled firmly. Heather had a bed shaking orgasm. As she did Greg also finished leaving his cum on her left calf. The other boys couldn't keep it together and they each jizzed into their free hand to save any of them from having to sleep in a cum puddle. If there was a reason teen boys and girls shouldn't room together, this was it. However, because of the team's special relationship none of this seemed all that abnormal. The entire team slept well.
They went home having lost only a single game all weekend. To all of them it felt like the story was just beginning. What Heather didn't share with her team, not even the coach, was that she knew this was the last year they would all play together. The story was actually coming to an end. Heather didn't want to ruin the rest of the season so she kept that knowledge to herself.
There was always a small stretch of time where there were no games or practices near Christmas and New Years so all the players and their families could focus on the holidays. This year the coach called Heather's parents unexpectedly before the break began. He let them know that he and Heather had been invited to the state capital to be part of a presentation to state lawmakers about youth sports. The topic would revolve around student athletes that play on mix-gendered teams. It was a great opportunity and could help legislation open up the accidental opportunity Heather had gotten to every school district. There could be lots more girls playing hockey in the future if the presentation goes well. There would also be a girl who plays on her school's all-male football team, a boy who plays on a girl's volleyball team, and a boy who wanted to play girl's softball team instead of the boy's baseball team, among others. Of course Heather's parents agreed to let her go with the Coach. They were so proud of her accomplishments. Her parents did use the opportunity to share the bittersweet news about next season. He decided to keep that to himself though.
On the day of the trip the coach arrived early at Heather's house. She was wearing a dress that had the Huntington Huskies color scheme. Her parents had obviously told her to wear a dress because Heather would never choose it for herself. It was a modest dress, but it did make her look adorable. He had a cup of coffee with her parents before saying "ok Mulqueany. Let's get on the road". The trip was several hours, but she had fun. The coach gave her complete control of the radio, which he regretted a couple hours in. He had never been into boy bands and her playlist didn't change his mind. They arrived at the capital and was given the VIP treatment my the staff. She met the other kids. She asked some get-to-know-you questions. She did figure out that the others all used separate locker rooms. She did not share that her team uses the same one. It ended up being less of a presentation and more of a casual Q&A with a group of lawmakers. They asked if any of them had bad experiences whether they thought mixed-gender teams were beneficial to them individually. All in all the lawmakers seemed to be leaning towards a gender inclusive legislation when it came to youth sports in the state.
After the events at the capital, Heather and the coach grabbed a quick slice of pizza for dinner then went to the hotel. He got them checked into both rooms. As they got to their floor and Heather was going to go into her room across the hall from his she said "coach, I don't really want to stay in a hotel room by myself. I've never done it and....maybe I'm just a scaredy cat...but it makes me nervous. Could I just....stay in your room?" He said "uh....that would be a bit unorthodox." She said "unorthodox was basically what we talked about with those law people. That doesn't mean bad. Come on coach, please?" He said "ok. If that's what you want." He opened his room and she ran in and dove onto the single king size bed. He got inside and the next thing he knew she was unzipping her dress saying "I need out of this thing. Can you believe my parents made me wear a dress?"
An instant later that dress was flying across the room onto the floor. Heather had on a plain white bra and lime green low-rise bikinis. Heather had expanded her underwear collection since her first shopping trip over the off season. He'd seen her in these style, thongs, boyshorts, and cheekies. The low-rise were his favorite though because a hint of her bush peeked out the top. Heather said "do you need the bathroom coach? I want to grab a shower." He said "no. I shower in the morning. Go ahead". Without any hesitation she undid her bra and slid her panties down adding them to the pile with her discarded dress. Then she pranced off to the bathroom. He sat on the edge of the bed and picked up her panties and held them. It had been a wild ride coaching her these past years.
She came out 20 minutes later wrapped in a towel. She looked serious. She said "coach, I have been trying to figure out how to tell you something. It's kind of bad news". He said "no bad news allowed tonight. Save that for the morning, ok? Get you pjs on. We should try to get on the road early tomorrow." She said "ok". He went and used the bathroom and returned wearing as tee shirt and basketball shorts. He got into bed where Heather was already lazying, texting her mom a goodnight. As he lifted the covers he said "hey, you don't have pajamas on. You don't have anything on Heather. She giggled and said "I know". He laid down and she immediately snuggled against him. His hand went to her bare bottom. She said "the whole team has touched me....like....everywhere. Why haven't you coach? If you couldn't already tell, I don't mind. I like it." He said "I've seen you all in the showers and heard stories of what goes on in the hotel rooms at night. Don't you think it's different if it's boys your age or me. I'm a few years older than your dad".
In each of their minds they knew their time together was short. They would probably never have an opportunity like this. Neither of them spoke of this even if it weighed heavy on them. Heather said "that doesn't matter coach. Please?" He rolled her onto her back and pulled the covers off. His hand moved to her breasts. He said "I remember when you joined the team. You were as flat as any of the boys. I have really enjoyed watching you grow. Your little nipples were so puffy when you started to sprout. Then you got a training bra. Now, I think these are the perfect size". Heather was smiling ear to ear. She whispered "thanks coach".
His hand moved down her toned stomach. Heather opened her legs as his hand approached. He explored the shape of her mound with his fingertips. He spread her labia apart slightly. He said "I've never seen a girl pinker than you. I could never admit it, but this is my favorite color. I am glad that cheap little Chapstick vibrator finally allowed you to get orgasms. I think they are important for boys and girls your age. It was fun to see you before puberty when you were smooth and puffy down here, but I was secretly glad when you grew your...what did you call it?....your big-girl hair? I like that you don't shave it. It's looks too good on you....and...." He grabs a fist full of her intimate hair and she gasps and moans simultaneously. He continues his thought saying "and it makes a great handle". Heather is biting her bottom lip in obvious arousal.
He uses his 'handle' to pull Heather to the end of the bed. She has to bend her legs to keep her feet on the very edge. He said "and I know this is an important spot for you", as he touches her little puckered anus. Then he goes to his bag and pulls something out. It's a bottle of lube and a medium sized, ribbed, buttplug. It had a yellow jewel on the end. He said "a new gift for you". Heather's eyes are big. She said "for up my....?" He said "I'll show you". He lubes it up and teases her hole. He said "grab your knees and pull your legs back". She did. As she did he started pushing the plug up her butt, rib by rib. She moaned and was visibly grooling. He leaned in and licked her slit. That was the last clear thought Heather had.
The rest was clouded by hormones and endorphins. The coach took his time slowly working the plug in and out of her as he licked her pussy. She had three or four orgasms that left her quivering and screaming into a pillow. When he felt like she was completely exhausted he removed the plug and got her some water. He cuddled her as she fought her exhaustion. She said softly "you....are....the best coach.....ever. Tonight was amazing....I'll never forget you". He kissed her cheek and she drifted off to sleep.
In the morning they did not get on the road early. Heather slept almost until check-out time. When she woke she was in the best mood ever and had no regrets. She got out of bed and hugged the coach. He put his hands on her bare butt. Then he whispered "ok Mulqueany. You have ten minutes to be dressed and ready to go". She whispered "yes coach". She went to let him go but felt herself suddenly stuck...by his hand grabbing her pubes. She giggled. He said "ok. Now you can go". As she turned he gave her ass a pat.
She ran the radio on the ride home again, but kept the volume low. It was a trip neither of them would forget. Partly that was because of the night before but also because Heather told him that her dad got an amazing job, but it's on the other side of the country. She'd be moving away after the season was over. They talked about their favorite memories over years. They both teared up several times. He'd miss her and she'd miss him. He was happy for her new opportunities though. He said "I hope they have a hockey team where you are going. See you at practice Mulqueany."
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Re: Heather Plays Hockey [Ch13 Posted on 12/24/24] (trigger warning - underage nudity)
Boy Ohhhh Boy... that is quite a large can of worms you opened up on this last chapter. Maybe a Pandora's Box would be more accurate.
I was glad to see situations in Hotel rooms during road trips happened in both chapters after I suggested "Across State travel and hotel stays."
Maybe it was planned that way all along.
I was glad to see situations in Hotel rooms during road trips happened in both chapters after I suggested "Across State travel and hotel stays."
Maybe it was planned that way all along.
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Re: Heather Plays Hockey [Ch13 Posted on 12/24/24] (trigger warning - underage nudity)
I wonder what's going to happen to the Huskies now without Heather.
Re: Heather Plays Hockey [Ch13 Posted on 12/24/24] (trigger warning - underage nudity)
What did I miss?
"They went home having lost only a single game all weekend. To all of them it felt like the story was just beginning. What Heather didn't share with her team, not even the coach, was that she knew this was the last year they would all play together. The story was actually coming to an end. Heather didn't want to ruin the rest of the season so she kept that knowledge to herself."
When did Heather learn that she was no longer going to play ice hockey with her team and why is that so? I'll need to stay tuned for the rest of the story--if it wasn't already presented and I just missed it.
"They went home having lost only a single game all weekend. To all of them it felt like the story was just beginning. What Heather didn't share with her team, not even the coach, was that she knew this was the last year they would all play together. The story was actually coming to an end. Heather didn't want to ruin the rest of the season so she kept that knowledge to herself."
When did Heather learn that she was no longer going to play ice hockey with her team and why is that so? I'll need to stay tuned for the rest of the story--if it wasn't already presented and I just missed it.
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